HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-03-20, Page 8The Best Wins
That is .any this is the most
popular Barber Shop in town.
Baer, th?ng is sanitary and you
can enjoy a haft cut here.
Commercial Barber Shop,C4
Miss Annie G, Govenlock, Graduate
Teacher'e Oourse Godowaky Methods,
suadian Academy of Music Toronto
ro-open her classes in piano, Organ
d Theory on September 3rd.
Pupils will be prepared for Canadian
edemy and Toronto Conservatory
ItM in St
Studio Not t .
Phone 103
tt u®uewn�•-otl�as �.ntlo�uL9
t,"t a.+•+•Yf laW �an��tl4�tl4••�mtlt�.�..n{}
Mr. Dan. Manley had the misfor-
tune last Friday to fall on the is and
break his leg. About two years ego
he had the sante leg broken and
since then he never had the proper nee
of .i t,
The many friends of Mr Martin Mur
'ray are sorry to learn that his health
is not improving as rapidly es was ex-
Mr, Michael ,lohustou is laid up
with a sore finger,
Making Maple syrup has begun, but
the season promises not to be a good
one as there ie not much frost in the
An entertainment will be held in the
church bele on Monday, March 24 any
George A Speer, elocutionist and soloist
of London. assisted by good local talent
will furnish the programme under the
anipieve oh the 11. N. 0. class,
Mrs. O'Connell has re -opened vineries
in Piano and Singing.
Pupils prepared for the London teen-
John Street.
Rue ti eak.
Oa a'ltc ee »hiclr. The ur a .nniel l
bas reel v - 1 tastrnetiota, ley
en'. lin Mtuti Lin LVE Lot 47. ala\ t :d Line I
tulle rootr ''i at au on tI 3>,el,ii"+
March 2aria .a.: ;;.ilnd•• . ti 3 oilow-
r„ 1 a, ac s }rata it Tt"wtt eelved
S young cows ,alt, o, iu_ii yein:;'
sows 'bit, in May; r+ f,. -sew eews, trued
graseors; el cheers radial - years;
heifers i ei,ag two years; 6 heifers
Esta one 3..elvir mare ;g -ut :veer;
1 mare rising .Sven years; l i s milt z
!singthree years; 2 yonog Yerkshire
sews, ilvaraotee; Any suer tal.teeented
to he in'calf fool proving net to be, and
cash or note will be rnfnuded. Terms
—;:yah or approved joint notee. three
six or nine months, bearing six per
cent per annum -
GEORGE HOLLAND, proprietor
THOS. GUNDRY, auctioneer,
Miss \l. A. fioggsrch has purchased
ahouae in Hensel! and intends moving
there with her nese,
Miss Lillian Russet of Avontun, has
been the guest of ear grandmother,
Mrs. H. Currie, Sr: during the past
Rev. Mr, Ritchie's many friends are
pleased to ass hint able to take his ser-
vicf•e once More.
lira 0, Waiter iine.lerwemut a critical
op4.rar.cit in trio heepitei recently,
11ta. itouatt and Mrs, parse a e in
De reit to iuldet;;o treatment. They
were accomp r,ni iii by :i?tae Ada Itou,stt.
;e: ase ry yell in the IvOtnrt•
ro.,iii i f •t Ai:drewe eats, -tub on St.
Patriukas Dot,
Firs Geurge Castle and daughter
tiline Dl and, have returned after ,epend•
nig some time in Detroit,
Wind has been received of the death
of Mrs. D wiel Wilson, a former resid-
f ent of Hayfieh+, Mrs. Wilson he
been residing at Watrons, Sash, for the
last twenty years, Her husband died
'about six years ago and she is survived
Auction Sale by her only son Charles,
Unreserved auction sale of Farm
Stook, Implements and household
furniture, Wm, and George Gould
will sell by public auction at Lot eo
Maitland Con., Goderiph Township,
Huron Road, on Friday March .iet'
commencing at 12.30 o'clock sharp. --
Horses- 2 draft =area 10 and i r years
old; r elyde mare 6 years old, in foal;
I shire mare 5 years old; 1 elyde horse
6 years old; I Halton Hero mare 3
years old; x;shire colt g months old,
Cattle—lOxeows, Shorthorn and Ayr -
shires; 1 oow 7 years old due March
30th; r cow 6 years old due March
aist; x sow six years old due March 18,
1 oow 6 years old due April 24th; 1
cow 5 years old, I cow 4 years, 1 cow 4
years due April 22, r cow 4 years due
in June, a oow due sn August, oow 3
due in April, 24 steers and heifers,one
two and three years, Berkshire and
Yorkshire sow with litters, Yorkshire
sow due April 8 store hogs: 10 ewes,
100 hens, seed drill, hay loader, hay
rake and tedder, disk, spring tooth
oultvator, corn cultivator, scaler,
kinder, mower. roller, sleighs, sulky
plow, gang plow, 2 Fleury plows, wag-
on fanning mill, gas engine, crusher, I
cutting box, scales, cutter, pulper de-
mocrat, incubator, evaporator, chairs,
tables, beds, carpets, milk sane, hay
and oats, 2 sets double harness, new
spraymoter, share in corn binder and
clipping mephine, grain bags end other
atti.eiea, Forms.- Hay and oats cash,
All sums of $10 and under cash, Over
that amount 7 mouths on' approved
joint notes, 6 per cent per annum off
for cash, Everything sold as the
Dwnere are giving no foaming,
Wm. and Geo, Gould, Thos Gundry
Props, Aust.
No one need to endure the agony of
corns with Holloway's Corn Cure at
head to"remove thew.
Wo regret to report the death, on
Tnesdey of last week of Thomas E
Heard of Thessalon, Mr. Heard was
formerly a resident here and was a bro.
her of Mr, Wm. Heard and Mrs, Geo,
Castle of this village. Mn, Heard was
in poor health for some time before his
Mr. Richard Shaddick intends mov-
ow.ing to the farm west of the village
which he recently purchased,
Mr, John Johnston has bought a
farm near Summer Hill arid intends to
move there soon,
Miss 1, Robertson, of London, has
been a visitor here during the past week
She was also visiting at Walkerburn.
Mr, Fred Johnston was home for a
day last week,
Mr. John Scott has purchased a play
Mrs. Sturdy spent a few days reoent-
ly in Auburn,
Mr. Robert Clark, C. McGregor and
0. Ludor were Goderiob visitors last
Mr, James Shuell of Brussels spent
a few days recently as the guest of his
sister, Mrs, H, Colgongh.l
Mies Maggie Louisonany friends are
pleased to note her improvement in
Mr, George Glenn wits is retiring
from hie farm near BrnoeSeld hart tak.
en up hie new home in Hensel!,
Mr end Mrs, Neleou Reichert of
Merlin are visitors at the home of the
former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs, William Welsh of Tor-
onto ere.visitora here for a short time.
Misses Mary and Tana'Mathesou of
tioderich were visitors in the village
during the past week
air, Thomas Pearl is improving in
health after haviegauhlered a stroke of
paralysis recently,
Mr, George Jackson has purchased
the farm of Mr. Jas, 'Tappe, just south
of Hensall.
Mrs, R, Livingstone :spent a few day,
in Staffs with relatives.
Mr. Stanley Wintertnute who has
spank the winter at the parsonage re-
turned recently to St. Thomas.
Mr, Will Patrick is at present down
with the tin,
Mr. WVin Sadler had the misfortune
to have one of hie legs broken while
loading loge one day recently,
'1'ite regular meeting of the Women's
Institute will he held in the town hall
on Wednesday ,,larch 26th. Every
body comae.
A Corrector of Pulmonary Troubles—
Many testimonials could be presented
showing the great efficacy of Dr, Thom
as' aleletrie Oil in curing disorders o
the respiratory procassee, but the best
testimonial is experience and the Oil is
recommended to all who suffer from
these disorders with the certainty that
they will find relief. It will allay in-
flammation in the bronchial tubes as
no other preparation can:
Be Prepared
The war has taught us the importance
of preparedness.
Sickness may overtake you without warning —
are you prepared?
Open a savingsaccount to -day and possess the
assurance of your ability to meet all emergencies,
Thursday March 20
Hirannesio soannsintenntarinainiettn ant a0gnneinnKetein eirn6:fQii
sin+., ., _,.- 'si C3£41s'.
Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for five cups
Sold only in sealed packages
300 subscribers for Ladies Home .lou
real at $2; Saturday Evening Post at
$2.50 or Country Gentleman at $1.75
for March and Statesman: 2,00 per
your. Mrs violet McLeod,
Gnderich St
As a vermifuge there is nothing so
potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
minator and it can be given to the
most delicate child without fear of in-
jury to time constitution.
Ladies Shoes
Sizes 2+
Melee's Shoes
Sizes 6
Watch Windows
FL R. e T '
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 5r
'HIS is an important hour for Canada. The
nation is entering on a new era. It is passing
from war to peace. Let us start this new era right.
There are thousands of soldiers returning from over-
seas. The Government is doing all in its power to
get these men back to civil life.
It is giving a War Service Gratuity—more than
any other nation—to keep the soldier going till he
gets a job.
It gives him a pension—where his usefulness is
impaired by his service.
It teaches a man a- new trade when his service
unfits him for his former trade.
It gives him free medical treatment when ill-
ness recurs, and supplies free artificial limbs and
surgical appliances.
It is bringing back to Canada at the public
expense the soldiers' dependents now overseas.
But the Government, how-
ever willing, cannot provide
the personal touch needed in
this work of repatriation.
That must be given by the
people themselves.
The men who went from
these parts to fight in Fland-
ers deserve a real welcome
home—the best we can give.
In most towns committees
of citizens have already been
organized to meet the soldiers
and their dependents at the
station, to provide hot meals,
supply automobiles, afford
temporary accommodation
when necessary, •
In addition, :many other
towns are organizing social
gatherings to give public wel-
come to returned men after
they have been home a
fe•av days.
After he has rested, the
soldiermust be provided with
an opportunity • for employ-
inent. In towns of 10,000
population, Public Employ-
ment Offices have been estab-
lished to help soldiers, as well
as •war -workers, • secure good.
jobs quickly. Where these
exist, citizens should co-oper-
ate. W11ei'etllev do not exist,
the citizens themselves should
help put the soldier in touch.
with employment.
* * *
The fighting job is done. It
has cost many a heart -burn
ing. But it has been well
done. The least we can do
is to show our appreciation
in no uncertain manner.
Don't let the welcome die
away with the cheers.
The Repatriate:r n Conarnittee
PRI rriN(z
Counter Cheek Books
Letter Beads
Menu Cards
Loose ;Leaf Ledger
Forms etc.
1'rngramm es
Calling Cards
Memorial Cards
Bill Heads
Wedding cards
Note Heade
Neatly and promptly
The biggest utnen, in
the cou>inty -have found
that the easiest way to
spell success is to
pose the,1 newspaper
did not x ublish the
news. how would the
pe:s-pie know what is
happening ? if you
don't publi h your
Store News how will
the people know :about
your goods? You ,can
never sell the gtods
people do not know
you have.
Advertising is telling
about your stock. The
firm that advertises
gets ahead, every time,
of the firm that does
not advertise. Shop=
worn and ouut=ofwdate
stock is the penalty
merchants pay for not
"Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes execs.
sive acid in stomach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
distress at once.
Time itl In five minutes all stom-
ach distress, due to acidity, will go.
No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or
belching of gas or eructations of undi-
gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache. C1
Pape'e Diapepein_ is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet-
ener in the whole world, and besides it
is harmless, OPut an end to stomach
distress at ones by gettingea large fifty -
cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from ,any
drug store, You realize in five minutes
how needless it is to suffer from indi-
gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis-
order caused by fermentation due 'to
excessive acids in stomach. e.
Miller's Worm Powders hot only
maim the infantile system untenable
fer worms, but by their action on tire
stomach, liver and bowels they correct
Such troubles as Pack of appetite. bil-
iousness and other internal disorders
that the ,vorme create Children
thrive upon them and no matter what
condition their worm -infested stomach
may in, they will show improvement
as BOOP as the treatment begins,
For Salo
One Chioiroii Coop for saie,
Se Apply to Mre. A, Geoige,
Delicious "Fruit Laxative"' can't harm
tender little Stomach„Uvesi
and Bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother l If'
coated, your little one stomach, liver•
runt bowels peed cleansing at once,.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever.
ishi stomach sour, breath bad; has sore
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California •Syrup of
Digs,” and in a few hours all the foul, .
constipated, -waste, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of its little
bowels without griping, and you have a
well, playful child again. Ask your
iruggist for a bottle of "California
Syrup of Figs," which contains full
direetione for babiee, dhaildrep of all a ale,
'ins} t'ga'. SresaW pe.