HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-03-20, Page 6'USE OF AIRCRAFT FOR WAR PURPOSES I HACKED SOLDIER - 'SUB OUTRAGES ,!EA' ON, TiUN ABOLISHED BY PEACE CONNOTE PRISONERSTo DEATH Supreme War Council Decides `.that Dirigibles and Airplanes Shall No Longer Be Used Except For Commercial Purposes Aeronautic Commission to be Sent to Germany. A despatch from ' Paris says: - The aerial terms of the German dis- armament as adopted by the Supreme War .Council provide that airplanes and dirigiblesshall no longer be used for military purposes. The Council concluded that it was not feasible to prohibit airplanes for commercial' uses. The drafting committee was directed to make clear the distinction excepting commercial airplanes in the terms incorporated in the peace terms. All forms of military airplanes are barred to Germany, the only excep- tion being the temporary use until October 1 of 100 hydro -airplanes and, 1,000 men in gathering mines in the North Sea. The Havas Agency says: "Ger- many mast deliver all airplanes to the allies and must prohibit the con-. struction of other airplanes until the conclusion of peace, the Supreme War Council decided. The terms do not decide tate future fate of the air- planes whish may either be destroy- ed or divided among the allies. The British and American; delegates brought up the question of a distinc- tion beween commercial aerial navi- gation, which will be authorized fax Germany after conclusion of peace under certain guarantees and mile- tary aerial navigation which will bo prohibited. 1 "The Council decided to send an aeronautic commission to Germany to investigate the question of .com- niercial aerial navigation. Deputy Aubigny, of the French Chamber, will be chairman." Markets of theWorld Lard -Pure, tierces, 27 to 27%c; Breadstuffs. Toronto, Iv1arch 18, -Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern 32.241; No. 2 Northern, 32.2138 • No. 3 Northern, $2.1738; No. 4 whea, 32.111!, in store Fort William. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 72T4c; No. 3 C.W., 67%c; extra No. 1 feed, 67%c; No. 1 feed, 651/sc; No. 2 feed, 62%c, in store, Port William. Manitoba barley -No. 3 C.W., 9134e; No, 4 C.W., 86c; rejected, 79%c; feed, 78%c, in store Fort Will ream. American corn -No. 8 yellow, $1.62; No. 4 yellow, $1.59, track To -I route, prompt shipment. Ontario oats -No. 2 white, 62 to: 640; No. 3 white, 60 to 62c, according! to freights outside. Ontario wheat -No. 1 winter, per car lot, $2.14 to $2.22; No. 2, do., 32.11 to 32.19; No. 3, do-, 32.07 to $2.15 f.o.b., shipping points, accord- ing to freights. Ontario wheat -No. 1 Spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2, do., $2.06 to 32.14; No. 8 do., 32.02 to 52.10 f.o.b., ship- ping points, according to freights. Peas --no, 2, 81.75, according to, freights outside, Barley -Malting, 87 to 92e, nomin al. Buckwheat No. 2, S5c, nominal. Rye -No. 2, $1.37, nominal. Iilanitoba flour -Government stan- dard, 310.75 to 311.00, Toronto, Ontario flour -Government stan- dard, 39.55 to 39.75 in bags, Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment. 1 Etilifeed-Car lots, delivered Mon - trent freights, bags included. Bran, $1025 tier ton, shorts, 342.25 per ton; geed deed flour, $3,25 to 33.50 pert bag. ll-ty--No. 1, 320 to $21 per ton; mixed, 318 to 319 per ton, track To-; rorto. Straw -Car lcts,$10 per ton. tubs, 27% to 28c; plebs, 27% to 2911Ic; prints 2814 to 29c. Compound, tierces, 25% to 25%c; tubs, 25% to 26%c; pails, 26 to 261„; prints, 27% to 27%'t. Montreal Markets. Montreal, March 18. -Oats -Extra No. 1 feed, 7815c. Flour -New stan- dard grade, $11.10 to 311.20. Rolled oats -Bags, 90 lbs., $3.90 to $4.00.. Bran, 340.26. Shorts, $42.25. Mouillie, $64.00. }Tay --No. 2, per ton, car lots, 323,00. Cheese, finest easterns, 25 to 25c. Butter, choicest creamery, 54 , to 55c. Eggs, selected, 39e; No. 1 stock, 88c, Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 31.75. Dressed hogs, abattoir killed, 325.00 to 325.50. Lard, pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 28 to 2934c. Country Produce -Wholesale. Butter --Dairy, tubs and rolls, 36. to 335; prints, 40 to 41c. Creamery, fresh made solids, 40 to 50c; prints, 50 to 52c. Eggs --New laid, 35 to 36c. Dru sed poultry -Chickens, 26 to '4c; rooster;, 25c; fowl, 27 to 30e; ducklings, 320; turkeys, 45e; squabs, doz., 34.50; geese, 250. Live poultry Roostere, 20e; fowl 28 to 32c; ducklings, lb., 35c; turkeys, 30e; chickens, 28c; geese 18c. C'heose-Now, large, 28 to 281Yc; twins, 2814 to 29c; triplets, 29 to 291ic; Stilton, 2911., to 30e; old, large, 29 to 2938o; twin, 2016 to 30c. Wholesalers are selling to the retail trade at the following prices: Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 46 to 480; creamery, solids, 52 to 53e; prints, 52 to 54e. Margarine -32 to 34c, Dressed poultry -Chickens, 35 to 40c; roosters, 28 to 30c• fowl, 32 to 35a; turkeys, 45 to 50c; ducklings, ib., 35 to 38c; squabs, doz., 35.50; geese, 27 to 29c. Potatoes-Ontarios, f.o.b. track Toronto, car lots, 31.10. Beans - Canadian, hand-picked, bushel, 33.50 to $4.00; primes, $2.755 to 33.25. Imported hand-picked, Bur- ma or Indian, 3325; Limas, 14c. -Honey-Extracted clover; 5 lb. tins 26 to 27c lb.; 10 lb. tins, 25 to 26c; 60 lb. tins, 24 to 25e; buckwheat, 00 lb. tin, 19 to 20c, Comb: 16 on, $4.50 to $5.00 doz.; 12 oz., 33.50 to $4.00 doz. Maple products -Syrup, per gallon, $2.25 to 39.35; sugar, lb., 27 to 28c. Provisions -Wholesale. Smoked meats -Hams, medium, 36 to 38c• do., heavy, 30 to 32e; cooked, 49 to 51c; rolls, 81 to 32c; breakfast bacon, 41 to 45c; back, plain, 44 to 45 boneless, 50 to 52s. Cured meats --.Long clear bacon, 28 to 29c; clear bellies, 27 to 28c. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, March 18. -Choice heavy export steers, $15.50 to $17; do, good, $14 to 315; choice butcher steers, 313 to 313.2; butchers' cattle, choice, 312,50 to 313.25; do., good, $11 to 312; do, common, $9.25 to 39.75; bulls, choice, 310.50 to $11.50; do, medium, $8.75 to 39; do, rough bulls, 37.50 to 38; butchers' cows, choice, 310.75 to 312; do, good, $9.50 to $10; do, medium, $8.50 to 38.75; do, common, 37,50 to 38; stockers, 38 ,to 310.50; feeders, 310.50 to 512: canners and clutters, 35.50 to $6; milkers, good to choice, 390 to 3150; do, com. and med. 365 to 375; springers, 390 to $150; light ewes, $11 to 312.50; yearlings, $12 to 313; spring lambs, 316 to 318; calves, good to choice, 316.50 to 819; hogz, fed and watered, 319; do, off cars, 319.25; do, f.o.b., 318.25. Montreal, March 18 -Choice select hogs, 313 per 100 pounds off cars. Choice steers, 312 to $14 per 100 pds; poorer quality, $7.50 to 38 per 100 pounds. Butchers' bulls and cows, 310 to 311.50; canners, 35 to 35.50. Sheep, $8 to 310.50. Lambs, 315.50 per 100 pounds. NAVAL EDUCES IN COMMAND British Control the Situation in the Caspian Sea. Naval forces under British com- mand now dominate the situation in the Caspian Sea, according to official information secured by Reuters, Ltd. For some months past there have been naval forces on this sea, the of- ficial account states. They were originally sent to prevent the Bolshe- vists from controlling the situation. This naval force seized certain armed steamships, which now are manned by Russian crews, which marched up by land from Mesopotamia with a British force as a nucleus. These steamers are commanded by British naval officers. The original Russian flotilla in the Caspian, it As added, consisted of two gunboats, two dispatch vessels and three steamers. These also have just been taken over by the British -Rus- sian naval forces. British troops have been operating on both banks of the Caspian, in the Caucasus and in Turkestan, Tunnel Under Bening Strait Canada to London by Rail A despatch from London says: - The Daily Graphic, in publishing further details of the Channel tunnel scheme, says it includes the construc- tion of a tunnel from the Asiatic side under Berring Strait, where there is already a railway to Cape Prince of Wales, near Dawson City, Alaska, which would enable a pas- senger to make a through railway journey from London to Canada, the United States and 'South America, Berlin Women Armed With Knives Commis Outrages Dal'- ing Last Days at f it ..i ;IN'ar. A. despatch from London s<1) A Rotterdam despat e to the Deily Nows say.: "Telegraphing late koe night, the'13erlin cortege: tient of the Nieuwe Rctterd ii she ('errant o,:- ,ables one, io cute h gi;otpc sof the de. moralization and umterial de:+tritction imlierlia during the last tett days of the civil' war. There, many women, armed with knives, hacked to death soldiers who had been made prisoners. while other, prisoners, haviuit been stripped and placed in the piddle of open spaces, were made living tar- gets for missies of ell sorts, inc:lnditig hand grenades. Tho material des- truction is enormous and reminds the correspondent of what he saw in the battle area on the western front, where towns were reduced .to little more than jagged skeltous 'of walls. Mines have been exploded In the streets of Berlin, adding to the des- truction. Amid this, turmoil which has made everybody extremely ner- vous, even semi -hysterical, one sees mothers of families clartiug deeperate- ly out of doorways in the endleavor to reedit places where food can be obi tained. Luxemburg to Form Alliance With Franco and Belgium A despatch from Paris says: -Trite commission appointed by the Gov- ernment of Luxemburg to study economic problems resulting from the war has decided upon an econ- omic alliance with Belgium and France, despatches received here say. This alliance would control an output of 55,000,000 tons of steel annually and will put an end to German mono- poly in continental Europe. • BRITISH HAVE 902,000 IN OCCUPATION ARMIES • A despatch from London says: - Tho Government announced in the House of Commons that the total strength of effective and non -effec- tive British troops in the armies of occupation in all theatres of the war amounts to 902,000 men, incluling officers. The strength of the British army in France, Belgium and Ger- many, including Dominion troops, on February 15, was 1,324,106. It was stated that 197,000 German prisoners are being fed by the British Com- missary Department. TO ALLOW GERMANS VERY SMALL FLEET A despatch from London says: - The Paris correspondent of the Lon- don Chronicle says the allies have agreed to limit the German fleet to six battleships, five cruisers, twelve 80D ton destroyers, and 26 smaller destroyers. Enemy. to Blame for Lack of Vessels to Distribute Food. Control of the German ships is a necessary condition to the fee rl lig of" the German people and the Ger- . - ntans have maio that ea -teatime de- clerez the T" eetin sicr U tretro in, ,aseussitlg the break iu the shipping n-egctiat ore at Sen. "Again awl apaiu c' u < the Leet two years," the pose.. 1., "it has lie^n •oird;cd cut to them that the deatri.ctien or to -t: i art teanage by their rid hie: ;, :mem ,.l.t • warfare would proc;eer t site ition in which itmight . . �,. ,rt toe.ilr o ep- > ., t!•'t,4T; ..i iJ los• r1 ( :tela ' hetre:f with ibe feed and rate a't ., t : 1', snfeh 'she would noel then the war meted, This is the erten ere{t:tori nemesis of 'ruth- ia: a a.lemirine warfare.' "Tf the; Allies are unable from lack of tonnage to utend :sufficient coal end iGO d to their friends, the rye of Ger- man tonnage will enable them to do justice to their friends and itt the same time provide for their enemies, but we are obliged to tell the Ger- mans that this is the only way and if it seems harsh and repugnant they have themselves to thank fax it." The stand taken by the German representatives eat Spa in refusing to deliver German nterchaiit ships is commented upon by the newspapers as an attempt to blackmail the Al- lies, says a Paris despatch. The newspapers eay that the incident mast be regarded very calmly. The Homme Libre, the organ of Premier Clemenceau, says that such attempts at resistance will prove fu- tile, Premier Lloyd George having demonstrated that the Allied' govern- ments will be still more exacting than the miitary experts in regard to disarmament." The Matin says: -"Germany for- gets too easily that she is vanquish- ed. The sole result of th,fs incident will be that the revectualiing of Ger- many will now depend on the accept- ance by Germany of all conditions of the new armistice." _ b - FRENCH GENERAL TO ASSIST COMMANDER OF POLISH ARMY A despatch from Paris says: - Major -General Henrys, of the French army, has been sent to Poland by the Supreme War Council as military aide to General Pilsudski, the com- mander -in -thief of the Polish army. General Henrys was in immediate command of the French troops in the victorious Macedonian offensive of lost September. The decision to send General Henrys to Poland was reach- ed by the Council after it had heard a statement by 15. Carton Do Wiart, who recently returned from Warsaw, Haig Turns Over Command Of Rhine Army to Robertson A despatch from London says: - Field Marshal Sir Douglas T•Iaig has been appointed to succeed Gen. Sir; William R. Robertson as Commander' -in-Chief of the Monte Forces. Gen.. Robertson is to be Commander- in -I Chief of the Army of the Rhine. HUNS TO BE HOR ED RSAI.iL Signatories to the Peace Confer- en 'tt Not Marred to Enter Paris. A despatch from Iris Wheel the • m e of o tut. f:r the si£'ipt� l i., the price treaty arrive:, it •is eerier - steal, Germany's repress t,ttems will be housed in ono of thep alaces cit Vt reelIt , and will not be permitted to miter Part-, a:a the Frcneh Gov- ernmettt tines not care to undertake to ettoi?1 ptoeeetion to Germans in Paris, While the German elenatorics-will not actually be prisoners, and mast ret be treated as such, public sym- pathy against Germany s oo high in Paris that the French Government is unwilling to rink unpleasant dents which might occur were the official German representath'es to appear publicly, _r GREECE AND ITALY SEEKING CREDIT LOANS FROM CANADA A despatch from Paris says:- Greece and Italy have joined the list of European nations that are' negotia- ting with Canada for credit in loans which woeld be employed itt the pur- chase of supplies of manufactured goods in Canada. France and Rou- mania have already signed contracts involving credits of 325,000,000 each, and discussions with Belgium regard- ing a similar loan have been pro- cooiljng for some time. The negotiations with Greece and Italy are still in their infancy and the amount of the credits desired by these nations has not yet been stated. It is believed, however, that Greece will be in a position to pay cash for most of. the things site needs and would re- quire only a small credit. ,'sem..-- Canadian Red Cross Asuist Starving Prisoners in Siberia A despatch :from Vladivostok says: -The desperate condition of enemy prisoners and returned Rus- sian prisoners in Siberia is now oc- cupying the attention of the British and Canadian authorities and pro- posals are now under consideration by which the Canadian Red Cross would assume charge of the situation. Five carloads of supplies have al- ready been shipped for the paisoners, but immense operations are neces- sary to relieve 200,000 enemy prison- ers and 800,000 returning Russians. The British Red Cross unit in Siberia has been demobilized and the Canadians are carrying on the work: NO IMPOST ON CANADIAN WOOD A despatch from London says: -- It is officially announced that all raw' materiels are now exempted from the operation of the imports ban, in- cluding all kinds of wood and timber, hewn, sawn, planed and dressed. A British Competitor for the Cross -Atlantic Flight The Kennedy -Dawson biplane specially built to compete for "The Daily Mail" 210,000 Atlantic Flight Prize. Above, a sketch of the machine in flight; below, the interior arrangements, showing the pilot house, crew's quarters, storage accommodation, and the entrance in the tail. Ita ZsT - X MT cwt- X33 Alt tar ME7M NZ WORK K OF FIRING DISMARCFn MEN - GERMAN'? BEGUN RETUR O COORS Large Stores: Accumulated in Rolland to be Reil.n :tel-- • Payment i5r, Coal. A doemetoli from i,encten-- rttr revirnt:llin;; of Got'iitany ltegine th' wool: , eordr tg to roli b' ra- narts from 1Mill rtl •Sect i:trui,tteid 01 to td tuffs which l: r o been >a uti there since the sterile of February will now be rela:; c i, :ttie,,nen e:, - porters bees,, hoes co -o ier<ttiat; with I the itc•,:ee Cm.imleeem in the her; ten day n in gc Itieg wheat teed meat ..c r o..., tee .:itl:rntic. The Chicago puckers arranged for big meae ahipmente, ctr3 these are ready to he released the instant word comes from Brussels. They will be despatched to prearranged distribut- ing points within Certntime Several American exporters, after martin„ investigations of their own, re- ported that food conditions in Ger- many and Austria wore now at the lowest point and that starvation•con- ditions were already apparent. This is particularly true in the remoter parts. By the latter part of Marsh the whole of the enemy cotmtrles will re- ceive supplies, and these will continue to go forward until the next harvest. In Loddon there is belief that condi- tions In Germany are exaggerated and many believe these roports are facili- tated by the Government of Germany, which is anxious to impress the allies with their desperate plight and talus force revirtualling on easy terms. rhe British Covernment, however, obtained reliable reports, and the real contrition is known to be bad. Both Great Britain and F.ance object to the payment far food in German goods and prefer to have coal, and this will be supplied in suillelent quantities to meet immediate needs. I•Iitherto the Ebert Government ha's balked over the terms of payment', and particularly over the question of giving up ships. But thore can be no sham now. Either food must be supplied or the country turned over to the terrorists, and they I.,tow it, --- WATER TURNEDINTO~ NEW NIAGARA MAIN. A despatch from Niagara FaIls, Out„ says -Water was turned on Friday into the new 13 -foot wooden water main constructed throreh Victoria Park to give 50,000 additional horse- power to the Ontario Hydro Commis- sion. which will remedy all power short..t';o for the present. 11 is ex- pected one machine at the Ontario Power plant will bo in operation from the new pipe on Monday. DIES FOR ATTACK ON CLEMENCEAU .A despatch from Paris says: - Emile Cottiu. the anarchist who re- cently made an attempt upon the life of Premier Georges Clemenceeu, was on Friday sentenced to death by the court-martial which was trying him. The verdict of the court -inertial was unanimous. FIX RELIEF BASES IN EASTERN AREAS. A despatch from Washington says: -Official advices on Friday from Con- stantinople said the committee for relief in the Near East had established bases in Asia . Minor at Trebizoud, Erevan, Ifarptit and .Alexandretta, from which food and clothing were being supplied to Armenians, Greeks and other sufferers. AMERICAN SOLDIERS 1I'IARRY FRENCH GIRLS A despatch from Paris says:- Within the past year 6,000 Ameri- cans in France have married French women, according to The Petit Jour- nal. The brides for the most part, says the newspaper, were country girls or employes of town establish- ments. "Let not the blessings we receive daily from God make us not to value or not to praise Him because they are common."-Izaak Walton. The dairy _business of Alberta for 1918 has been valued at 327,500,000. The creamery butter output was well over 9,000,000 pounds, representing a selling value of 34,000,000 at the creameries. ( al t� / Ifr'ri,/r g �'� AM'400D 9f 40Li, . 00 1 / G4 T MORNSN UP EARLY IN THE Mq•J144%- MOckrose so YOU'LL w- HAVE MORE :f /� `.� �� TLOAF O := THA1SVER' UNKIND- ` Wee, I'M JUST CR AiY I TO 00 SOMETHW4 / I KelOW YO CRAZ`l 1307 1 UIDN'T Tea tele `l0 .N ' a WH`l-I'M ld AN WhlA7 13 'In FATI-1Ei4, NOW issm-(5- LOUR 1 ATHE IYI' Dark' :•s r+� ' ,. i, tt i it 1Y :.IL "t. a .,-, H' rtY �o-�.�Iri�.fe 1 ` ira���'- �i',',._��i�. M'r';'x =>P•-•`z-- illr r,rp. OIGiN.TFIIg� %,. WANTEDU N'I �r� WOi�tLD- � l.'' `a . ( trJ 'i;i� sift✓ 4,.. _ - ,9i'"=2,- ;:1 '• tr - /x -.... \1' au. 84 t) I t; rt - - i' Wl: [-�f - `. wr [�, `sa' ,. Ii �-3t rice ott�.• . r-=----,i '# ` et TO 407Q 'test'i .r n �OUDON`i i'' iI - 1' WORK- i. (r _ .'4• ,- ., 7• '' ri-4cy.� �S 1111. 1t� .,� d� t�`?; T ,•,'� yy,t�' II r e'.i it ^II.I1. II :`¢-.- •, o.' P 'bili tea "37 �fr31A�s��t"',. i -�; ` I I 1d` c ',r fl Ip Y '..,0 40 ' $� «moo +•��� ,,�.'y ..fit? ,-i4.ir�:'J xl Mica tfr :a .:i2,ii:ir;�' I: r• ` fid .... 1�'+ -• J i ` r 3t �� a.i11 4 -UNHAPPYKHAKI-MISS AP GUT OF 1cNA,,I i+nlss COMPANIONSHIP OP ARMY, Lane Wm Derma Oifcred is One of G the Chief itreettilves-Lack of Jc,bo mallei :ori Others. Thunconil : of the i.t•Itish army lyric. recently became so war woary that they cheat ✓ tbreatened mutiny unless they were r o;t:t iii e ht,tpttl. have turn. cd „about fare a::d ❑00 vo .•nt.ceriag far 'Me; sec atm✓, accorcllog- to the military anlhoritiro of Croat Britain, who assert utast they are sati..fiocl that there will be little iilfliceity iu seem.. ing the 500,000 men whir will do Great Britain's share in safeguarding the peace the Allies have won, 'P1iecauses said to have sent the iuen flocking back to the colors aro the unexpectedly large war bonne of- fered to Wren who "take on" and the Route industrial situation. The Bret factor has been of prime importance it the case of boys from eighteen to twenty-one who have been two or 'more years already in the army and who have no trade to fall hack upon in civilian life. in the new army they will be fed, clothed and sheltered, and draw a minimum of about $5 a week as pocket money. They have quickly awakened to the realization that there is no such prospect awaiting them cm a return to "civvies." Prefer Army to Civil Llfo. Tho industrial upheaval plays the main part in the decision of the older been. Irl the first resit for demobilize- tion no man was permitted to go who had not a definite offer of employ- ment. The government did all in its power to malco certain that such of- fers were bona dere, but in spite of every precaution thousands of men got their release on bogus papers. These mon soon found themselves in an unenviable position. They could not get work and they faced soma very uncomfortable inquiries if they ale plied for the out -of -work ray provided for those who are idle through no fault of their own. The recruiting sergeant was an oaty road out of their troubles, and that astute individual. Who draws a bonus for each recruit, was not blind to his oppertunitlos- A third factor of minor but Peal iui- portanee is the ftict tlt:it numbers of men who have been hone on liberal leave shtce the armistice wan signed have discovered that they are not nearly so happy out of khaki as they imagined they would be. They frank- ly admit they miss the companionship of the army, the lack of responsibility and the easy hours. Now that the war is over the army itt resting an its laurels, and in the greet camps around England "work" itt confined to ono hour's parade a day, with football games. paper chase and other sports to fill in the remainder of the time. That ie a considerable contrast to eight or nine hours of monotonous toil in a shop or factory. The army authoritios,have not so far made public any llgures on re- cruiting, but some indication is offer- ed by the experience of two battalions in one of the largest camps in the south of England. In ono unit, where all the men had seen service overseas, more than 200 re-enlisted in less than two weeks. In the other, au "A4" bat- talion, made tip of boys under mili- tary age, more than 300 took the with in the same period, a large number for the regulation period of twelve years, Overheard. The question of smuggling by aero- planes will require careful cousidera- tion.-Mr. Handley Page. Life is an art that cannot be taught, just as death is an accident that can- not be avoided. -Barry Pain. It 15 only bad metal that is no bet- ter when it is hammered, and the hanunering of the last four or five years has made us better if we are good metal. --Mr. Lloyd George, The terns of peace must be such that every intelligent German must recognize that his is a beaten nation, and that his people are a misled people. -The Bishop of Oxford. The most extortionate and the most grinding of all the capitalists of Scot. land and of England was a king and a gentleman compared to the German working man. -Mr, 11. B, Cunningham° Graham. I wonder if any great commander, or any man evho has done work of such stupendous national value, has ever managed to keep so entirely out of the limelight as Sir Douglas 1:Iaig? -Lord Knutsford. • Hiccoughs and Ypres. A certain clergyman who passed much time in' Prance and England during the war, picked up this „'tory: Queen Mary was visiting' wounded soldiers in a hospital in London. She stopped beside the bed of one Tommy Atkins and asked him in what battle he was wounded.-* "At Wypers," said he. "Ypres," said the Queen, "I was struck down just as Wo were nearin' Wypers,' said the soldier. "Ypres," said the Queen. ° "I lay on the grouted until I saw oomiin out of Wype)ts"- "Ypres,(" said the Queen. "What did the Queen say to you?" asked a companion a few hours later. "She didn't say much," replied tate soldier, " 'Er Majesty 'ad th' le - coughs."