HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-03-06, Page 8,___•.......6t1F„emEssytkimmkgkitane.smonesor VICTORY BONDS The highest class of security and a patriotic investment. If obliged to sell, the holder should secure the proper price. Our Managers will be glad to assist towards this end without charge. ISE DOMINION BANK v. 123 ',Www-wimmtamt519.w.v.vk Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea --the same every time Sold only in sealed packages TOE SEAVOlitill NEWS fa II gorrxmo 11. MI esms WI .0... II =MI a The Best Wins 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 That is why this is the most pop(akr Barber Shop in town. Every thing is sanitary and Jou can enjoy a hair cuthere. Commercial Barber Shop,Cdth W. ROBINSON Prop USICAL Miss Annie G. Goveulook, Graduate Teacher'a Course Godowsky Methods, enadian Aoademy of Music Toronto re -open her classes in piano, Organ 4 Theory on September Srd. Pupils will be prepared for Canadian ademy slid Toronto Conservatory aminations Studio North Main St, Phone 103 MUSIC Mrs. O'Connell has re -opened classes in Piano and Singing. Pupils prepared for the London Ceti- eervatory. MRS. O'CONNELL, John Street, tiearing OF F:1.111: 'or.st 1ianionnizi as. :fumes eees /1.0.:41;01 Vat :t 13..1'11(li^;';... I I,. 190. t,"., n/Fp. the w- ig 11rieirro so in-,sso! flair -.. my, Havro rising le vette., ,itai. a chart horss iyeaas oi. 1 ti years ,iitaf tiaiy rise.g v• ars 1 draft alias: yea,. Staffa Lancia Corp, Harry Leslie was given e warm reception at a dinner and social evening when about thirty friends were present at the home of hie viater, Mrs, Wm itaweett. We regret to hare to report the death of George Canfield, who died in the Stratford Hospital after a serione illness, Miss Dorothy Hutchisou was a visitor last week at the home of Mr. Wm Saddler, Mrs Edward Drake of Seaforth was here recently visiting friends. Mrs Roy Lawson is at present visit- ing in this !entity. We aro glad to see Rel'. Mr Love around again after boing laid up for great part of the whiter, Miss Alma Dalton wad a guest of Miss Agnes Hothan last week. Mrs Robert Barr (formerly bliss Agnea Worden of S'ailli)of McLennan, Algoma, hae had an unusually large share of miefortune, Her son was kill- ed in France in August while a few weeks ago her husband died rather unexpectedly. Last Monday word was received that her daur,hter, Hay, had died of the flu, Much sympathy ie felt here for Mrs, Barr, Mies Isabel Scott of Goderich was e visitor at the home of her father Mr, ,1 Scott, Roxboro. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth odist Church held a successful block social on Monday evening at the par. sonar, Mies Glenn of Weida Charles Tondo. to. Canatlati Hair Feshaida store. will by. .11 Tuesday, Murch 11 th, Hotel, with e full eine oi 1/6tcw' it )y.0 ere mit sarasfitai with the apipeare/ice or low: hair CC.E.HILII Miss Glenn who as at, mithority on Hair iodividuei Had styles, free denr./et-fiatiei.e. :f7e. ,•!, g4/2130 et:'rtioi itt Iteelt.ttattr. Mauch 27•1,. tio9 to 1.1E1E3'1111U fin 1. stos.is ii•aintia 2 yelvas :1•1 Ma snit alvos 11ra. 1) 1,100winoll vaded tia•dua yni•vo .. rising eee eeee tOt,emt hem. • Matt''i freeriie in eifiatterd on Smide...:. henfeniews— 04 1 1,11k. cr,4711../t..4t, f.(1./ t,./ 'soda...mos had. .1 very HU. eli"g-e plow, , • Nevi / ow. ciu.inei fenfei-e ie./ stud: taaragsat hoti, gra iots. tva,r/.1 •to nat., Ta;a lihr I 4 by -ad rope, af / sattlatal orioDoisv clean. barrow, loonta.tv of timothy bay and some secol potatoes, 2 i of &mid's harness not. IL.,Ory new, neonyelree whillietreev, oheine, shovels, hove. and othor articles. Salo at 011,3 o'clock T -'-ms, ito and under cash; over Mat ioout 10 month!: ciedit on jeint notee. t disetauht of 4 per cent oft 'for smelt on amonne.,. P(Antnes, cosh, .1AltIES .1,18tie.,n,101; if Eislfly KEW' LER, Pr:Anil:4-er, Saviiieild Mr. F. P. Merrier hold tut Auction Sale of maim IStook and luiplemonts and is moving back to E.:al/WM, We are glad to report that, Niro. (Iwo. Castle 11 improving in Detroit where she hilae ui.dergone 00 operation. • Wt.. of Loudon is Una guest cf l'.'asa Maud MoUregor, Mro. ito;h.,-.1-3vorset has bson 10 Brae tford • • A very auticessful box 80e1ai <VIA. 'geld ha bit town hell ott Tan,sday ovous big in ;eat oi"frattity tIltirne iiunday Mohoolt • Mr, and Mrs. Pollmdl of Landow, have bosh the gu,steolc' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ilpackman. • There is a great scarcity ef letto store, Some of the inerchar.ts and fisherman have difficulty in securing • ;enough. ' Miller's Worm Powders can do no in - Jury to the most delicate child Any ohild, intent or in the ovate of adole- ; fiance, who is infested with worms can take this preparation without a qualm of the stomach, and will find it a sure relief and a full protection from these destructive pests, which are reeponsible for much eickneee and great suffering to egions of httle ones. 0f1.44i1,11 tri . . iss N. oi Beechwood Flynn to -•r-, Those aro Li few oases of scarlet fever here, mild form: :qr. -I. Ryan of London spent Sun- day wet: ins wife. E.,ondeshoro Mr. Gerona, mid lia Geddes of lieigreve are visitors at Mr. Dab Ged- des, their uncle. N. tlavie and Miss Lily have re- turek.,1 home The Misses Young of Loyal are gueas• at the homy of Mr. 'rhos. Hunks Itig of the lath Con, Me, . T Beinsolou is paying a aluoit visit to her oot, Howard itt Myth Ude TiMM. Millar has plenty of coal, rho cold hoed not: tst,ublo to. St. Dary'o 10 it pr.-...-iat staying wL it her parents ftlsby, Mrs. fibason it visiting her daughter Y.fg,rst:11. H. latiniug is trnirroVhig ti serious illness PtevVra, tqau.dfl00% of London as the guost of his grandpszente Mr. land Mrs. Brun& ly Sr, Mr, Wm Armstrong in visiting at Fordwich, It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throe t At the first symptoms of sore throat, which presages ulceration and inflam- mation, take a spoonful of Dr, Thomas' Baleotrie Oil. Add a little sugar to it to make it palatable. It will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceration and swelling that are so painful Those who are periodically subject to quinsy have thus made themselves im- mune to attack, • Heiman Mise C.'\'. Smith has sold her pro- perty to Mr, T. W. Palmer aud hae bought a dwelling from John (ioulter, William Hidlehrand has secured the residence owed by Misr: Spill, The Famers' Oluh Met Thesday even- ing and bad a very saceeeeful gether- ing, A areall supply of ice was seoured during the cold spell last week. T. G. Robinson of Toronto is algemst atithe home of her parents, Mr sld. Mrs. W, R, Reynolds. Last Suubay was eelebrated as Men's Day in the Methodist Ohnroh, when two interesting were'preaohed Miss Amy Sammie bas secured a pos- ition in a new -inetitution for the blind in Toronto, Miss Hattie McQueen is visiting in Waterloo. Mr, J. Dielmon has returned from Blyth where he has spent the last two mouths, Mee Miller Edwards has been visit- ing friends in Lucian, ftlgi Mr J W Befl has returned to Harris. burg Met week. 1 St Paill`s Church held a successful tnumert in the Town Hall last Friday night, Mr Thomas Pearat is in very serious condition due to a paralytic stroke, Carmel Presbyterian Ohara will hold Anniversary services ou March 10. Holloway's Corn Ouse takes the corn ont by the roots. Try it and prove it, 0 11 Wanted 300 subscribers for Ladies Home .fon real et $2; Saturday Evening Post at $2,eil or Country Gentleman at $1.75 for March. Mrs Violet McLeod' Coderich S To have the children sonud and healthy is the first care of a zuothee' They cannot be healthy it troubled with worms, Dee Mother Graves, Worm Exterminator. ',9„) (71 .17°47 . , 4 7.1 v ; , 1, istiU hour for Canada. Fie -41' nation is on a new era. It is pat -9,9; to 11,,t u tart this new era r:?..:.,ht„ li-e are:Itty,.o“1,.• ;et:irning front over - FI' e Co, all in its ptr to 111;r1 Li iVa/,','-eir* rvice atuity—n than any other naii,L.n---to the soldier going till he gcs a job. It gives him a peathm----where his useuluess is impaired by his scevice. It teachcs a man ti trade when his service unfits him for his former trade. It gives him frt treatmavt when ill- ness recurs, and suppries free artificial 1imb and surgical appliaelces. It is bringing back to Canada at the publ;c expense the soldiers' ei,pc)ideiiirs now overseas. t!,.e Goverwni,o, how- ever willing, c11,nnet the personal louch it -,,dei in this work of That 1111.1.6t, OVeo by the people themselves. The men whit wolf from these :; to fp1i in Fla oft- ersVO 11 p11 welNque home- best v,e cait give. In most towns committees of eitizens have ilieridy been to n wet he soldiers. and oscine depeneon is att he Station, to provide hot nit -itis, autOincbilal, afFerd Lemporary accow modat ion wi-,en necessary. In addition, many other towns are organizing social gatherings to give public wel- come to returned men after they have been home a few day. The t .'til 1(' he has rest,d, 1 he soldier most ho provided SVI 1t an opportunity for gull in towns or to.,,r;fi pop ula tion, }'uLlie Mena, 01ICeS MIN(' hot liq!ied to help as war-win'1,:V1:1, So4•1!/-4. tyit7d .101)S these exi4, .i- IUC. Where 1 Le, than 1'1' t, tilt) r1tjiizeas l lenwcd t'01; shoUld help pilt lhe. soldier. in with employment. • * * * The fighting job is tiolle. 11 has cost many 1 ng. lila it has la:1n , done. The least we ezp, do is to show our appreciation in no uncertain manner. Don't let the welcome clic away with the cheers. triation CoMMittee OTTAWA rhureday March 6 . ... • • • • • ' ••• • intossossmorsirmemw ATP: A SPECIALS Ladies Shoes Sizes 2+ Men's Shoes Sizes 6 Watch Windows ,406, tar ors "The Home of Good Shoes" Phone 57 Seaforth jJ PID.W.At „„ IMIIMIIIILIMIeaSSMZIMEM.616122456ZIAIII/ZIISMII/MIRMICIC=IMMILINgong,==sop ertisi PRINruiN( Counter Cli-ft limiks Letter 11 tode Post:4-s Envelopes Menu Cards Loose Leaf Ixtiget. ForniS etc,. Statements Frogramme,: Dodgers Calling Cards Memorial (lard, Bill 'leads Wedding (lards Note Ilettil; Nearly and promptly done riP lap° 4 '; The biggest meta in the country have Found that tile easiest way to spell success hs to ADVERTISE. Zup= pose the newspaper did not 133bh t'oe news. hour wv,:ittFd tie. hat lIs happening ? n y6u ...Ttku•o% yzur l.i&bli'c t'5tt,4IW WtH the people know a'ciorat your g•:_)0._:;es? YO'iti can never seFil the peopie EP.1) 11 -now yi.qa have. Aclive:31-ifiA is teHing abona your Sittniii. The. firni that advertil-aes gets ahead every time, eY Voe, Final that does nog: advrti'se, worn and outzoil=date Mock Es the penalty merchants pay for not advenising. N EY. t SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Tape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress et once. Time it! In five minutes all atom ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No. indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul brvath or headache. Papr's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is hannlase, „Put an end to stomach distress at once, by getting a large fifty - sent ease of Pape' s Diapeysin from any drug store. You realize hi five minutes how needless it is to stiffer from indis gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach die, order caused by fermentation due to excessive acids in stomach. A, htna No' longer Dr-+sded, lhe dread of renewed attacks from asthma has no hold 1 pen those who have lea, n el to rely upon Dr. J D. :Epilog's As-. thine Remedy. So oaf A do they feel that complete reliance is placed on thio true specific with the certainty that it will always do all that its makes claim, lf you have not yat bare ed, how safe you are mth this preparation at hand get it today and know for yoerself. 5 For Salo rA Happy Thoug4 -Range and $ small II ,tIttir 111;4 thlk 0111IIWardwith glass top M 116. FRED .0A00ABETS" WORK Walla YOU swap For Sick Headache, ,Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver end Bowele.^.. Take Casoarets tonight, Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Ile dr aches come from. a torpid liver and :logged 'bowels, which cause your stom- ach to become filled with undigested food, whioh sours and ferments Oke gar- bage in a swill barrel. That's the first itep to untold misery—indigestion, foul lases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and museathig. A. Oasearet to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out b y morning. They work while you sleep -- a 10 -cent box from your druggist 101.1 "'leP y974 Pope me kr %glow. 55 6 14,