HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-03-06, Page 7AN INTREPID
How Two Station Y Torpedo Beats
Sank One Austrian Battleship
and Disabled Another.
When in December, 1913, tho It-
alians learned that their ancient en-
emy, Austria, was about to send two
batleships from the harbor 'of Trieete
to bombard the coast of Italy, Lieut.
Com. Rizno, with two torpedo
cut eight wire cables that obstructed
his passage, slipped hobo the harbor
during a thick fog, sank the battle-
" ship Wien, disabled another, and got:
away safely notwithstanding the fact
the the enemy picked up the torpedo.
boats by searchlight and sent a con-
centrated fire after them.
Later, when under the cover of
darkness two Austrian dreadnaughts
moved out of the harbor of Pole, con-
voyed by a fleet of ten destroyers, in
search of a safer refuge, Rizzlo, now
promoted to be commander, appeared
suddenly in the midst of the convoy
with two torpedo boats and sank the
Szent Istvan. The other torpedo 'boat
badly crippled another enemy ship,
and in spite of , the fire of the con-
verging flotilla, both of the Italian
raiders got safely away.
Especially interesting is the young
commander's own modest account of
his remarkable exploit, as it was
given to an Associated Press corres-
I was on patrol duty as usual off
Lite Dalmatian coast, near Selve, be-
tween the islands of Asinello and
Premuda. I had just finished my
patrol, and, as it would soon be day-
light, had turned for my base, when,
about ten miles away, I saw a great
enveloping ciutof smoke. It
like a blot through the early
Attacked a Warship.
I thought at first that it was some
boat that load discovered me and was
giving chase. I determined that the
safest course was to turn back and get
it before it got me. After turning
back I said to my two crews of ten
men to each boat:
"Fellows, the Italiian scout boats
have been waiting for two years, and
the whole Italian navy has been'try-
ing to destroy the Austrian ships for
three years. Are you willing to risk
all on a chance of obtaining glory and
the country's gratitude?"
To a man they answered "Yes."
We were speeding back with our
motors muffled when, to my amaze-
s merit, I discovered two battleships sur-
rounded by mine or ten destroyers. I
assigned the second battleship to the
other motor boat, while I took the
I slipped inside the line of des-
troyers between the third and fourth
of these craft. It was not noticed
in the light fog. The water was
smooth, and my torpedoes got off
nicely. My first, with a five -hundred
pound charge, struck the first dread-
naught between the two funnels,
while the second struck her just aft
the second funnel. As the torpedo
exploded I saw the mighty ship trans
ble; two great fountains of water
rose high in the air, and black smoke
welled up from the rents in her side.
Then I ran for it, escaping between
the second and third destroyers in the
line. I was discovered by the fourth
destroyer, which gave chase at a dis-
tance of one hundred and fifty yards
and began firing on me. I was too
close, however, to be lilt. Then I
dropped a depth -charge bomb such as
is generally used agaiinst submarines.
Fortunately for us, it exploded
under the destroyer, I saw her leap
into the air, 'then turn sharply and
then stop, permitting us to escape.
The other destroyers were busy try-
ing to save the lives of the sailors
on the dreadnaught.
CIAO Chewing Tbb ,cco
is appreciated by both
of Canada's war units
—those who fought in
Flanders and those who
served at home.
it' is also enjoyed by
'civilians of all classes
throughout Canada and
is recognized as being
:ai;": std k.?Air, `_S9 F.l'�`8 a�,tkA' ttaCt$Ai r.• 'M&& IRMA; ,?l':..;teaf`irF r3 `x,''asts
i 1
Also Route From London to Con-
- stantinople via Brussels.
A scheme has been put forward for
what has been termed an inter -Allied
run from Bordeaux to
railwayto r �
dessa via Lyons, Turin, Milan, Venice,
Trieste, Fiume, Agram,, Belgrade and
Bucharest. Its primary object is the•
development of communications with
Italy and so far as the traffic from
Bordeaux and the south of France is.
concerned, it certainly would seem to
meet the requirements of the situa-
On the other hand, traffic with
England, the North of France, and
Belgium is not favored by the scheme,
especially in regard to Trieste, • The
suggestion has heretofore been made
by Professor Gerlier; of Liege Uni-
veeeity,'.that a route through Switzer-
land and Italy should Ibe adopted,
avoiding German territory altogeth-
er, but linking. up London; Ostend,
Brussels, Basel,- Zurich. Nish; Sofia,
'Adrianople' and Constantinople, With
the completion of the Bagdad railway
this "•would 'ilius pralnote a through
route to the Persia;r Gull,
The' projegt•' necessitebes ti 'len-mile
tunnel, .in Switzerland and the linking
up of two exizting•_railssseye.in•that
country. .Other links,; tot Ile - built are
those betwee .,&legal' and Vahof:annl
Serajevo and Nish; ' .O:ti' advantage of
this route-ia; the faeilityaof access to
Trieste arid 'Venice Irons Basal,'
Splendid in Spirit, in 'Valor and in
Fighting Qualities; Says English-
men Serving With C.E.F.
The Sphere, one of London's fam-
ous illustrated weeklies, publishes an
elaborate record of• the Canadian
Expeditionary Force. Itis called
"From Valeartier to Vaieneiepnes."
A record of the glories of Canada's
civilian Army." It is written as a
tribute from an Englislunen serving
with the C.E.F. Some quotations are
here made from it:
The great Dominion lived spacious-
ly apart, secure in her immensity, and
immune from the entanglements of
European strife. The hour of war
struck without warning.
And when war canoe to England,
the Englishman 'looked questioningly
at his brothers beyond the seas. In
the past there had been no little flag -
wagging and more than enough talk
that "blood was thicker than water,"
But now? Now that England had
need of her sons beyond the seas,
would they answer her call? So
far as Canada went there was no
need to call. With unerring instinct,
the Domini'on'realized that this was
a fight of right against might—of
autocracy against democracy. With
spontaneous unity, the people of Can-
ada'arose and threw all they had into
the Motherland's lap.
The first of their gifts, apart from
their love and their loyalty and
their whole -hearted aid, was a `full
division equipped and armed for the
field—a gift bestowed by cable, On
October 14, just over two months
later, the first contingent, 33,000
strong, landed on the shores of Eng-
Even so, Canada's declaration bloat
she would raise half a million men,
was accepted wills reserve. But in
101.8 that great pledge was on the
eve of fulfilment. Upwards of 400,-
000 Canadians had come over seas,
while 70,000 more were in the train-
ing camps in Canada. And the glory
of the' Dominion's civilian soldiers
who have fought in France and
Flanders is deathless; if the price
they have paid for it is high very
high. Over 65,000 of them sleep in
alien soil, 200,000 of them are
casualties. As to the manner in
whirls they have fought, the record
of ten thousand decorations, includ-
ing fifty V.C.'s is witness that they
have fought well.
Ypres to Gambrel.
But, when at last they arrived in
Flanders in the nick of time to be
Lbw Man o
Your Ms, ors
You know of soTne,but
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tis b..:..
ecrut anji`
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coffee'ai ree with
Next bloc awakaeful-
til 11t,.fe1"0u$lle :,
ad -v.
follow 5 tea or coffee
i o&cum
Think of
flung into the breach at Ypres, they
were thankful for the wisdom which
had made them the complete soldiers
they then were. They Were _:'new
troops" and ullblooded; yet for four
days, acquitting themselves like vet,
Brans, they bore the brunt of perhaps
the most sanguinary !rattle .of the
war, and withstood the seemingly
endless onslaughts of the outnumber-
Ing . hordes of Huns. ':
A month later came li eatubert,
when there was bitter fighting in the
initial stages of 'the Ambers., Ridge
offensive. In June, at Givenchy,
they continued that offensive from
the south, suffering heavy losses. In
September the Canadian artillery lent
a bland in the famous battle of Loos.
In April, 1916, they fought the tem-
ble and inconclusive battle for the
possession of mine craters before St.
Eloi. In rune they played their part
at Sanctuary Wood, when the Ger-
mans made their third attempt to
"break through." In September they
won a great victory on the Somme
and at Courcele'tte, while a month
later they took Regina Trench after
-some of the bloodiest fighting of the
Rested and reorganized, the Cana-
dian Corps won the Vimy Ridge in
April of 1917. It was a position
which the enemy had always regarded
as impregnable. ' In July came the
tornadic and triumphant attack on
Hill 70, and in October and November
the four bitter battles which finally
won for the Canadians the possession
of Passchendaele. This year, in three
months of glory, the Canadians won,
too, Amiens, Arras, and Gambrel.
For the Canadians, Cambrai will
live beside Ypres in the 'greatest de-
fensive fight they have ever fought;
Cambrai their nno.st splendid and vie=
torious offensive.
After all this desperate strife, after
ding-dong battle by day and night for
months, the Canadians, still unwear-
ied, still advancing, captured 'Valens
Three Months of Glory.
Three months of glory, indeed, and
in two months alone, from August 8
to October 2, the Canadian Corps cap-
tured 26,630 prisoners, 501 guns,
3,000 machine guns and mortars, and
recovered 96 villages and 109 square
Miles of beleaguered France. During
the period alone the corps engaged 47
enemy division's, of which- 40 were
fully and seven partially engaged.
From the first the Canadians were
"shock troops." And the marvel is
how these purely civilian soldiers,
men with no military traditions, ad-
apted themselves to the complex me-
l thesis of modern warfare. General
Currie, their leader in the field was
himself a Canadian business man be-
fore the war; to -day he is recognized
as one of the most able corps com-
manders in the British Army.
Again, apart from their capacity
for leadership in the field and a gen-
Activity in the World's Steel Trade
Should Create a Demand.
Australia is 'second in importance
among British territories producing
tungsten ores. In Queensland many
of the principal mines have quite re-
cently -'been acquired, by one of the
largest' of tiro concerns which have es.
tungsten reduction plants in
Great Britain since the war, and the
event appears to promise a new era of
progress for this branch of seining in
Queensland. Wolf ram is mined in New
South Wales and Victoria, while im-
portant quantities of scheelite, an-
other ore of tungsten, are obtained in
New Zealand and in Tasmania.
Wolfram is also obtained as a by-pro-
duct of the Cornish tin industry and
has received special attention during
the lest. four years. Canada has be-
come a producer chiefly of scheelite,
mined in Plalifax county, Nova Sco-
tia, and deposits are also known in
It is difficult to foresee the future of
tungsten, but it is worth while to
examine the considerations which
would lead one to form an opinion. It
would be optimistic to expect a con-
tinuance of the eager demand and
handsome prices realized at times dur-
ing the last four years. If a general
commercial depression and a fall in
the world's demand for steel were to
take place tungsten would suffer as
would many other commodities. On
the other hand, activity in the world's
steel trade should support the position
of tungsten. Its popularity among the
steel makers as a steel hardener would
seem to be established for the pre-
sent. The possibility may also be
borne in mind that the results of
scientific research, which has been
continuously conducted during the
war, may lead to new uses for the
metal. Tungsten proved to be a
dominating factor in military power
a§soon as it was recognized that
modern war must be waged with
shells by the million and with guns by
thousands. Its individual power in
times of peace may prove equally
A Phrase Frequently Occurring in
Treaties Afterwards Broken.
One spot seems to have been over-
looked in the search for the thing that
might have prevented -the present war.
The makers of most of the place
treaties bloat have taken their place in
history most certainly have done their
duty in this direction. In fact, a glance
over the first article of most of these
treaties brings more than a smile to
the lips of the reader; They read like
a joke.
Short" and to the point is the first
article of the Russo-Turkish. Treaty of
Constantinople,: of 1879, "Peace and
friendship shall henceforth exist be-
im for stern and brilliant fighting, tween the two empires."
tirather branches of modem
war. The Canadian system u light same sentiment in many more words.
If sprung at the right time they would
cause a laughs. Article one here reads,
"There shall be, from the date of the
their gift of adaptability made them The Treaty of Vienna of 1366, signed
masers n ] by Italy and Austria, presented the
railways was a signal triumph over
the motor in bringing up supplies or
in following up' a push.
The quantity of timber required by exchange of the ratifications of the
the armies was enormous. The present treaty, peace and friendship
Canadian troojia brought the art of
to p , and the Can
dian Forestry Corps supplied timber
not only to their owncorpe
s, but to
the `armies of the British, the Bel-
gians and the French. One million
tons of timber, equivalent to 455,000,-
000 feet board measure, was their re-
cord for the first eight months of this
year. In the summer of 1918, too,
great forest fires broke out behind the
i France Tice •French unable
lines tr
to cope with them, called in the Cana -
diens. Miles of roaring furnaces were
extinguished and the thanks of the
French Government was the Forestry
Corps' reward.
Nor, should one forget the Canadian
Corps Salvage Company. It saved
material to the value of nearly $20;-
Such, in brief, is the proud record
of the Canadians. But their spirit
and their purpose are ,presider still.
Two of- the greatest poems in the.
English language. Were written by
chums competing against each other
in friendly rivalry. They undertook
to work at these poems for 'six
months and then compare results.
Keats went to the Isle of Wight and
wrote "Endyznions".and Sheiley''went
be a small resort on the Themes and:
Wrote "The Revolt of Isia'm," years otci.
between His
Majesty the King uf Italyai
and His Majesty
j YEmperor of Aus-
tria, their heirs and successors, their
states and their respective subjects in
These":scraps of paper" seem to re-
peat the words of a forerunner, The
Treaty of Zurich of 185.9 between Aus-
tria and France seems almost a copy
of others. It states that there shall be
future peace and friendship between
"their respective states and subjects
forever." In 1913, following the Bal-
ktllt War, the. Treaty of London was
signed by Turkey on one side and by
Greece. Bulgaria, Serbia and Monte
negro on the other. This states that
there shall be peace and friendship
"between their heirs and successors,
their respective states and subjects in
perpetuity The Treaty of Bucharest,
of 1913 between Bulgaria on one side
and Roumania, Greece,: Serbia and
Montenegro on the other, Is more -
modest, simply saying that, "there shall
be peace and amity o 'y "'s between
their heirs and successors."'
The Treaty of Frankfort between
France and Germany of,1871 omits all
mention of future peace, as does that
signed at the end of the Spanish.
American 'War,
Thomas A.' Edison is seventy-two
.+ter ------.-
The•, Latest II
ep Alger
A sports dress 'teat is attractive.
and equally comfortable. The sleeves •
are long and pleated and the skirt is
in one piece. McCall Pattern No. 8706,
Misses' and Girls' Middy Dress. In
7 sizes, 8 to 20 years, Price 25 cents.
Simple frock of combination mat-
erials which is suitable for afternoon
wear. McCall Pattern No. 8666,
Misses' Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20
years. Price, 25 cents,
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To-
ronto, Dept. W.
Everybody Accommodated.
Tommy (just off train, with con-
siderable luggage)—"Gabby, how
much is it for hie to Latchford?"
Cabby—"Two shillings, ,sir,"
Tommy—"How much for my lug-
Cabby—"Free, sir."
Tommy—"Take the luggage, I'll
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited.
Gentlemen,—My daughter, 13 yrs.
old, was thrown from a sleigh and in-
jured her elbow so badly it remained
stiff and very painful for three years.
Four bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT
completely cured her and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Yours truly,
J. B. LIVh1SQ1:1'E,
St. Joseph, P. O., 18th Aug., 1900,
When a Cough is Equal to 3 Eggs.
If. you cough once every fifteen
minutes for ten hours; u-
sa s the Popu-
lar Science Monthly, you expend ener-
gy equivalent to 250,units of heat.
which is equivalent to the nourishment
contained in three eggs' or two glasses
of milk. At a normalrate we expel
air from the chest at the rate of four
feet per second, but in violent cough-
ing we expel it at the rate of 300 feet
a second, Thus a persistent coughs
not only weakens the constitution but
it is a direct cause of emaciation,
Minard's Liniment Relie- ves Neuralgia,
When Courage Failed.
The family was having guests to
dinner, and six-year-old Edward had
his supper alone and was sent to bed
somewhat earlier than usual, The ap-
petizing aroma of roast turkey, in
which: he had not shared, reached him
as he lay awake pondering over his
hard fate, and he decided to descend
to the dining, room and claim his
-Bat when Sather, beholding the small
figure at the door, demanded eternise
"Well, sir, what do you want?" Ed-
ward's courage fell, and he answered.
apologetically, "I just carne to see if
you would lend me a Mone when you're
through with it"i.
, ]ID. L
ISSUE 10—'19 -
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
Try this yourself then pass
It along to others.
1 - _ It works!
O---o—o—o—o—o— 0 -o--o—o—o:-w--p
Ouch I ? 1 ?'d' I This kind of rough
talk will be heard less here in town if
people troubled with corns will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn `tops soreness
at once, and soon the corn dries up
and lifts right off without pain.
Pie says freezone is an ether eom-
pound which dries immediately and
never inflames or even irritates the
surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of freezone will cost very
little at any drug store, but is suffi-
cient to remove every hard or soft
corn or callus from one's feet. Millions
of American_woinen will welcome this
announcement since the inauguration:
of the high heels.
Diet for a Cold.
When a cold first starts physicians
usually advise a light laxative diet,
consisting chiefly of het lemonade or
brangeade, broths or gruels, with
crisp toast, baked potatoes, mild
stayed fruits and vegetables. After.
this for a few days, until the cold
seems to be broken, it is well to eat
an ordinary diet with plenty of fruit
and vegetables. To aid the body in
recovering eat meals which give more
fuel value than usual.
Minard's Liniment Cures Suras, Etc.
The Wrench.
The dentist was taking a day off
and having a joy -ride in his car,
which he had just released from its
wartime internment.
"Far from the maddening crowd"
it broke down, and, with his thoughts
busy with other things, the dentist
got out and got under. Then, as he
fixed his tool to an offending nut, he
"Now this is going to hurt just a
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents,
Men said, "Ilow Is it that be holds
His listeners with such loyal zest?
He has no eloquence, no art,
No wisdom, greater than the rest."
"Ah, fools," quoth one, "and see you
That greater gifts are his to bring?
Strength and compassion, courage,
And love for every living thing."
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Customer (in snusic-seller's)—"I
want a espy of the `Stolen Rope.' "
Assistant—"I am afraid I don't know
of such a song." Customer—"Why,
it goes. turn tuns-tunipty-turn." As-
sistant—"Oh, you mean the 'Lost
Chord.' " Customer—"Ah; that's it!"
A small bottle destroys dandruff
and doubles beauty of
your hair.
Within ten minutes after an, appli-
cation of Danderlue yon•ean not find a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will please you most will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine
and downy at first—yes—but really
new hair -growing all over the scalp
A little Dandenlne immediately doub-
les the beauty of your. hair. No dif-
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth ' with
Danderine and carefully draw' it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The. effect is amaz-
ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an incomparable lustre,
softness, and luxuriance..
Get a small bottle
of Knowlton
Danderine from any drugstore or toilet
counter for a few cents and prove that
your hair is as pretty and soft as an
—that it has been neglected or injured
by careless treatment—that's all—,'you
surely can have beautiful hair and lots
of it if you will' just try a little
a: -
Reduces Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore.
ness from Bruises or Strains;
stop's Spavin Lameness, allays pain.
Does not blister, remove the hair op
lay up the horse. $2. $0 a bottle'
at druggists or deliveted.. Book 1 It free.,
ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind—an
antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts wounds,
strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It
heals and soothes,. $1.25 a bottle at drug-
gists or postpaid, Will tell you more if you
write, '
1U;t.YOUsa P.tl.F.a516tyimsss%l,l ,,stantraalcao.
asasarbls anti' SlibrIba dr' ars sttdc is Cmiii,l
Th2aCI ER we17TSID
T]toAUIi77R WA.NTrooIYD�l —4'S', ONCE
.11. -for Separate (,dNo. 4, Sandwich.
'Weo,t; sales OuO; one,„elite to tes;oh
French Aptly to llaavtes' Marentette,
Sec.-Taeas„ R. R, No, 1'Wlnttser. Ont.
rote ssLu
811010A.011 WILL BUY, F',0,33, AT
Dolts,. 25 Cows, mostly 114:4Grade ktolsteins, freshening In good sea --
son, from three to eight. years old. right
every -Way, Cash with 'order. Reference,
Merchants' Bank, Delta. .5, 0. Eyre,
Chantry, Ontario Leeds, Co. .
V and lob printing plant in Eastern
Ontario, Insutantle carried $1.600, Will
:eo for '51,200 on quick eaie, Bol! 82..
Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd.. Toronto.
New Ontario. Owner going to
France. Will sell $2,090. Worth double
that amount Apply .0, SL, els Wilson
Publishing Co., Limited, Toronto.
l/interna! end external. curedwith-
out painbyour hometreatment, Write
us before too late. Dr. Belhnan Medical
Co.. Limited, Coilingwoal. Ont
r 'gp'rioea, RiverdaleOGarage 6tiRubbei
Co., Gerrard end Hamilton Ste.. Toronto,
and 728 Dorohester,St,,West, Montreal.
and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time, good pay, work sent any dis-
tance,- charges paid. 'Send stamp for
particulars.' ' National Manufacturing
Company. Mon i treat.
Just Missed Perfection.
When Mrs. Langtry was at the
Summit of her beauty and fame, she
met at a dinner an African Icing who
was visiting London. She did her
best to please the dusky monarch and
evidently succeeded, for he said to
her as they parted: "Ah, madam, if
heaven had only made you black and
fat, you would be irresistible."
Minardrs Liniment for sale everywhere,
The Swallow. :..
Up -skim, down -dart,
Over hill and into hollow,
Ever seeming in his gleaming
Coat of blue to say to you:
Follow! Follow! Follow! Follow!
That's the swallow.
A Dyspepsia Cure
M. D. advises : "Persons who
s suffer from severe indigestion
• end constipation can cure them-
: selves by taking fifteen to
thirty drops of Extract of Roots
+ after each meal and at bedtime.
``o® This remedy is known as Mother s
��eStelgel's Cerntive Syrup lie the drug
•J trade." Get rho genuine. Sea •
C:j and $1.00 Bottles. 1 i::
Oev eee•ee+e++oe+e.ee+e5
or wets Lyman -Knox Is., Ala ntroal, P,Q. Price 60c,,
RememUer the 1121555 as II might no, be seen ae.fa
Go after it with Sloan's
Liniment before it gets
Apply a little, don't rub, let it pene-
trate, and—good-by twinge! Same for
external aches, pains, strains, stiffness
of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises
Instant relief without mussiness or
soiled clothing. Reliable --the biggest
selling liniment year after year. Eco-
nomical byreason of enormous. sales;
Keep a big bottle ready at all times..
Made in Canada. Ask your druggist
for Sloan's Liniment.
Ire axwellSuf ered
Years With Pimples
Healed by Cutieura
"I suffered forcare with w b pimples
and blackheads on my face. The lat-
ter one could hardly y get a
pin point between, and the
former itched and burned see
that I could tear my fiesh.to
pieces. I could not sleep at
night,,, and my face was just
a mass of eruptions.
"I decided to give Cuticura Soap
and Ointment a trial, and after using
two cakes of Cuticurs Soap and two
boxes of Cuticuru Ointment I was
completely healed." (Signed) R. B.
Maxwell, tipper Sackville, N. 5.,
August 10, 1917.
You may think that because Cuti-
cure does such wonderful work, in
soothing and heating severe itching
add burning eczemas it is not adapted
to the gentle uses of the toilet. On the
contrary, that is just where it is most
effective in preventing these • serious
skin trodbles.
l"or Free Sample Eaeh by Mail tids
dress post -card: "CYaticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
a as �.9 N
s IFis • r p r leuig° '....
its fietI'e in tire' treatment of one as of the. other for
.,' Drwrrior1 L:p, pi.rl . EYE, INFLUENZA, 1301714.11 er'CQLD:'
The stallion in the ,itnd, the .horse in the field or on the
Cid.- , road, and the he'hy colt are all protected from dteeaseby
an occasional dose,
•'F•aJ '°.COLS ;vont,:drna' in t. ,.. ,/. ..
f' C POIIN MEDICAL. 07,VI taf•NY, .Goebel', iitelans, U.S.A.