HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-03-06, Page 5rl c t .r Thursday March 6 �? r WIMP Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager Wa Ji Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. .J, Walker, holder' of gov- erment Diploma and License Day or Night oal:s receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night r8 CENTRAL ai2dde STRATFORD. ONT. Is recognized as one of the mast reliable:Comnier'cial Schools in Can- ada, The instructors are experion- sod and the Courses are up.to-date, Graduates are placed in ',without. and they uteet with success. Students may enter at any time, WRiTil1 A'l'ONCE FOR FREE CATALOG CIE 0. srincipaal Qidvi "i5'�F UP OF FM" TO O I �TIP� R'E'F} CHILD L !McLaehian, Dottaions "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels, r gook at the tongue, mother! If eaatr'd, your little one's stomach, liver cad bowels t•'"d dooming at o nee. When peevish, cross,'listless, doesn't li sleep, eat or net naturally, or is fever- ish, etomaell sour, breath bad: has sore throat, diurrhtra, full of cold, give a teas -Teufel of 'California Syrup Of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a von, playful eliild again. Ask your `l ttggist for a bottle of "California ilyrup of Piga," whish eontaine full direction fat tithe", children of all ages end fur grown-ups. A. r• tit FOR STILE eRE ? Frtuue Howie, i to,g,11S and pantry summer kitehett and cellar, -lard and soft water, Electric lights, large vc rendah. Stehle Ial xi 2‘ hen:home, 0 7' . Apply at thea, News Oflico dor Sale HOLM and half acre of laud in 'the village of .Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre. Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell, property, Good com- fortable !tense, good sited, good well end cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raapberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro party with no breaks nu front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation. This is a nice property fur a retired farmer and the'taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. .4.01511. REMOVAL (Having removed my Barber Shop to the store next to the Ex- press office 1 will be a better position than ever to serve my patrons. ,lei, Leonard Bolton Jl HIM RAI NIII Bonds for side bearing interest from 6 to 7 p, c. —half yearly If you have atny unemploy- ed funis now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. lin ex- pense to investor. All information cheerfully given. J ON ANk Bond and Debenture B oker Wein ,Street, ,!Seaforth Phone 91 a CREAM WANTED Send your Cream to us and receive top prices. We are running o ur plant he year through and can handle your fedi supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice eachmouth and weigh sample and tout earth eau of cream ear- fi ally, dor motto is °` Honestyto • our /introits" Patrons are requested to re urn all all• caul when not in nee, .3 attar au I13ntterntillr al cr. hand n.1 for at market aria•», The Seaforth Creamery Co. sh;A frrR'PH &IAItKIi.'I' Good Milling 1'heat.. .,........ $2.11 Bran nor -ton. ;t ,uir3 Shorts per ton .."..,. . ,.,..,...41 Flour. .......... ......ii.7t1 Butter, ,,.-- 43_..44 Bogs to, farmers .............:...r7.tlp Wood Wood—Soft Maple, Elm, Ash, t2 inch $4 00. Hard Maple and .Beech 1.3 inch $6 00 per cord. Orders taken at the office or by John Abell. WNI, AMFNT, Local Agent Wanted for 'l the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES Thousands of Orchard trees need replacing , War G:irr.ien.' t;;ill for small fruit trees, Asparagus,- ,; l tr,tgti:9, i211U- barb plants : !c T'he demand for Ornamental stock 111 towns 't'irl villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissio :s, Exper- ience not necessary. STONE & WELL[NGTON (Established [83;) TORONTO. ON'I', pu....-eo.�.ne— ea. `ung®novas C ogto�aa. a...map.....:aq=o The High Cost of Living —Economy, is the word to -day. Make your old. garments dq instsadof purchasing net?. ones. Have them ,dry cleaned and pressed, Dry cleaning when properly done lengthens the life of garments, preserves their fresh new appearutrce and ao3s as a'liainfectant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death clue to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals, My Wardrobe, Goderich St,, Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. Mr, r, 8. Garden is moving into the apurlmer to above his store recently vacated by Mr, N. A, Willoughby, Mt', Walker Hart of Stratford spent Sunday et his home hero, Mr Robert Laird of the School of Solanoe Toronto was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr, Robert Govenlook North Main St. Pte McArthur arrived home on Sat ur'day from overseas, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday tno'nieg, Rev, D. McLean of Egmoedville officiated at the preparatory service on Friday evening. ' Mrs M C Hodgins of Detroit is visit- ing her sister in-law Mrs H Gibson, Miss Evelyn Craig has returned from a visit to St Thomas Mr A L Smillie son of Mr and Mrs R W Smillie was welcomed home on Thursday from overseas Mr. Sydney Deem has returned to his old position in the J. Maclavish store, Lieut .Jones of Toronto is visiting her brother Mr. R. M. Jones Goderich St. Mr, G. 0, Morse of Flint, Mich. is here at present. Miss Lulu Doherty leaves on Thurs- day for Toronto where she wilt trait, for a rlrtree, .THE SEAFORTH NEWS Mrs, Win, Goveulock was in Toron- to last week attending the Rod dross Convention, Mr, A. Close has resigned as leader of the citizens band, Pte, Robert Smith returned from overseas on Saturday. Ho was former. ly linesman for the Tuckeremitir Tele- phone Co. Mr, George Grigg, who has been ill for some time, died on Tuesday even ing. We will have fuller notice next week. Mr. Walter MoBeth of Stanley who has been for sometime in the 'West is visiting friends in this locality. Mr: and Mrs. Aedrery Archibald `cud family ofTuckeremith moved into their new home on Saturday, Mrs. T. G. Scott has returned from visiting friends in London, tar:Joseph lloggarth has told his residence on Main St. ligmonrlvillc to Mrs. MoCloy. Mr. Peter Kerr of Toronto apeut Sunday at the home of his brother Mr, James Kerr, Rev. A, L. 0, Clarke recto' of At. George's Church, Goderich has been appointed by Bishop Williams, rural+ Dean of the County of Huron. A basket 'ball eclietlule bad been drawn up among the boys' clubs of the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyter- ian churches in Goderich. A series of games are to be played among these clubs. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoggarth on the Bayfield road, has been sadly bereaved by the death of their second son, Thomas Frank, aged nine years. He suffered an attack of influenza about dlu'istmee time but re- covered and returned to school, Short ly before his death Ito was again strickl erolnai'ty en. 15c Warm 111 ,,I0111.511.72M011001510000110000=manne.."0610110.62.1001100111101.90.10110iFir..= ST A\ Comfortable Thursday Friday and Saturday J.ck "lc ,,ford and Louise r' uff jesty T t`.un r ea —A Paramount Picture— One of the hest comedy dramas ever shown at this theatre or any nth i»rtheatre. Also - The Mystery Ship Monday Tuesday St Wednesday Ch e! es Ray Ii 1S w WTI Home Town Music By = Electric Orchestra = 8.15 P. M. ST HAND 'Phe lmlr r ties of Women's x lit rt ,s. - A Set t,•n, of ra ts,.';. 'r'; it;r41, te the tvoraen of rural Unite, i, y Mfrs: J, ('. (Ireig is visiting her mot-- proveti WC tits ,t nil':, .1 r I,„'u arrin! . her in Goderich. • Iy so the itiFt of two, is the Mr, and Mm, Ernest Murray and 'laughter intend leaving this week for heir hoose to Regina. l'he Latiipe of the Altar Society of in. ,Jernes L'hurch gave a very success- ful euchre party hi the `eprtlate School on Thursday evening. The illustrated lecture given in Car- negie Library by Dr. Bennett of St. Thomas, an ox•presiclout of the Ontario Horticultural Society was one of the beat given here in years on the s;rhject Pito attendance wee somewhat inter- fered with by the very wet evening Dr, Bennett is an entlluaieet on flowers anis an authority who always conveys inform stun. Mr._.lobrt Pinkney,was severely kick. ed, by a horse, in the face on Tuesday, brooking fllfittg hiH nine. • Mit's, Wm. Murray and Mies Murray hive been laid up for several weeks with indneuza. Mr. Wm. Bristow is spending the week in Hamilton and Brampton. Mrs, Wm James and flintily left on Friday for Kitoherier, The pastor's theme in the Methodist Church, next Sunday morning will be "Prayer and the Reign of the Law ” Ire the evening he will speak on "Our Ditty in the Present Prohibition Crisis, Bad weather did not prevent a line attendance of the Epworth League on Tuesday night, The pastor spoke on "oonseoratieu" Mies Miller • toad the lesson and Miss Both Willis gavo a very elfeutivc rendering of Gem, Matheson's `U, Love 'Phan Will Not Let iilot , s Mr, George Walker is moving to the farm ho recently purchased from Mor. E Cee. Mies Lvtnima Higgins and Miss lfa:ie. 'litre Show were the guests of adiep No•- rna Jeffrey. Mr, and Mrs. MlnEwou and Mr, and !iliaa Carling of Mensal! were h,t:re for the riat,ce, Dr. Bennett of St. Thomas is the gu"et of Mir, and Mrs .4i'm Ilartry, A auocesefnl block Social was held at the home of Mrs. Bristow on Thmrscl, y evening node,' the auspices of the it d- iee' riid of the Methodist •Chnreh, Pte. J. Adelina arrived home or, Mon day from overseas, Mrs. A, Liugenfelder of Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs, 0. B, Alex- ander, Mrs, R, Johnstone and Mrs. it, Rix of Buffalo are visitors at the home of Mrs, A, Barton, 1t-omtn latititui, n.:r 1 9tt+s• or. nl r' t,i a i r>, aro • ,r. 1 r -r• c u.t:r in ti rr n ,rc. 'rbr'y t+ord t ir':tn no i'''' t1, no mullet a Etat 1 r , ,?,' ,ni ;•Uen may he, a (•:tunn l flintily!, which, stn. Clint n•;; of ul1-r<,n':;i service to lnr- mauity, Since the war I r n Red .1..rots and o het patriotic Wink hits, of eatu'sr tt rn t u .t ton al to ti 1. Tho arloviatini. of ,ar cr ne pecullcriy somal. , wel r., fur nt 1 is hi'' ii i' lu-alt;' tI l;' ,•orf, The ,;real d; urc;,1 bS Ihi, for certain folds Foch a hoof, pork, wheat ind ,,,roar bre onus". tin' hrivaewif' til. tbnht;e her methods of ore -nit days. talw tutiet now learn to substitute and to eliminate -var. lout; Iorms ' a:ue 1 cr: •haltlu lords Must be lofty, !ride it tt d not only til_ stiritnr t itoi also in winter. Those ul'us! l e .--.-vt.,,l tht•tatt,I, proper storapr, e-nrmhiu;; to drying. I • e `'n,•1r sttlij»Vt a riLi-Ltli`.=i'+ in:a5' he' rUn ,!used at theno. 1:,0» An r'pr'I ,itnnoilsi, alar nt 3 '. ,..•ti I"ml omit the Department iu -:r' ill i rr tter or a practical de to ,'tratt rn to a cis the house if;,, t 1, iniad :r a may club together aur; do then' canning at one centre Willi 01,e lire if they so shoos», rind in udditirnt to th work accomplisher) may he a so- ciable time together.The children in therural districts must not be forgetlen. They must he prepared for the great respottsi. Willies which are too soots to fall upon them. The'r education must nut be neglected. They must not be handicapped by physical Imperfec- tions, Subjects ol'inlportance to the child must be discussed and means adopted to improve conditions. The medical Inspection of rural schools and the clinics held through the Wo- men's Institute are' doing much to improve conditions. The girls also nrn».l attention We are apt to forget this girls in our anxiety for the boys Their lives anti their prospects for the future are be- ing affected by this Tar, Hence op- portunities for,it ,1111,1y,for a,ruusement, for devricn'l p i !elver, f'i lire frill, rune'. AhirrY of these omnoeiu to ii, ' i',l through the in Surely Wiib .! +u.'Ii vial importance as t ;t n. nlicneil all tneetin it,. ,aria We W enhi• c d tans of .r,; to tiro irnper`; „!' , r • on ;,u meeting, held rimem;; Ja t.tr r. the d"r, rt t.e testi -nt rn •.ttletidanee, , I :, ; h t r formation on .,11 , t, o anon to the ro. .n cIalist on 0-‘' jeets, .._ G. A. I ,;earo, ,t r;,t ., dent Women':. l ' t'tntr , Don't Wt•ito Poetry. "Don't write poetry unless you can't help it," says the St. Louis Globe -Dem, ocrat. .And often when you think you can't help it 'ils well to consult a doctor.— 'Poledo Blade, Peat Bogs. Peat' Is a vegetable formation, some- times of a spongy character (when re- cent) and again of a kind approximat hug in composition to wood, while In someinstances, at the bottom of bogs, fit approaches lignite and even coaL MIr. Francis R. Hamilton, formerly of Cromarty died last week at his ]tome in Exeter at the age of 72 years. Be was it resident of this vicinity ninth about six years when he mover! to Ex. eter. A number of cldldren and his widow survive. A play wee given last Friday evening by a number of our young per'ple and Miss Ftoius it, the tows, hell, Stail's, and proved a great success, Mrs. ti, Hamilton of Galt is spend- ing a fon, weeks with friends in this neighborhood. Miss Bella Campbell of Seaforth was a vislto• here last week, Rev. R. McKay of Alvivaton preach ed here last week, Mir, Albert Hamilton's son lied the Iniefor'ttlile to sustain a fractured arm from a Idol; by n cow, He is here from the West, DEATHS. PRY'_ E—lu Seaforth, on Friday, Feb - racy 28th, rgt'q, Thomas Pryoe, aged 61 year and 5 months. GRIGU-in Seaforth, March 4, George Grigg, aged 76 years, MARRIAGES. MCNXCHOL—DOIC-4.t the manse McKillop on Feb, 26, by Rev, D, Carswell Mr J Chu McNichol of Blytlr to Miss lsabelia, daughter of kir and Mrs S. Doig of McKillop. St. Patrick's ray Taa Thu ladies' •,f the Methodist flinlrcit will servo toe in the !easement of their Uhttrch from 4 to 7 p. nt, in the rflr-r mem of March 17, Everyone Welcome. Adnrd:.einui In emits, GY.OfiSSY ill'. PULL F'HOM DANA IlrJl t,: GIrlsl Try Ill Halr gets soft fluffy aa,: beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine, If you earn for heavy hair that guts• Lena with beauty and is radiant vvit' life; has an incomparable softness is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just ono application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it Mune. diately dissolverevery particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strengthand its very life, and, if not overcome it produces a fever- ishness and itching of the soalp; the !lair roots famish, loosen and die, then the hair falls out. fest. Surely get a anail.,lrottle of Knowlton'a Danderine from any drug store &ad just trJ' It, IOc GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN SAYS LEMON JUICE WITH LEMON JUICE r WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. I Girls: Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Your grocer has the lemons. and any drug store or tcadet conuter will supply you with three miner's of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the jilts.• of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. Title makes a quarter pint of tine very best Iemon ekin whitener and eomlrlc•:;ion beautifier known. Massage thus fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the fare, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, fan, sallowneas, redness and ; roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes, Yeah It is barmy es, and tate beautiful result still surprise you. Squeeze the juice of two Lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the hest freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at eery, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Message this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, aims and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, sofa and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. Don't fail to see I �.' pot e r� ":1ti Ery bealidg -hUerestI g ag nking e r i �7`OUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. , Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1A Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager Wa Ji Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. .J, Walker, holder' of gov- erment Diploma and License Day or Night oal:s receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night r8 CENTRAL ai2dde STRATFORD. ONT. Is recognized as one of the mast reliable:Comnier'cial Schools in Can- ada, The instructors are experion- sod and the Courses are up.to-date, Graduates are placed in ',without. and they uteet with success. Students may enter at any time, WRiTil1 A'l'ONCE FOR FREE CATALOG CIE 0. srincipaal Qidvi "i5'�F UP OF FM" TO O I �TIP� R'E'F} CHILD L !McLaehian, Dottaions "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels, r gook at the tongue, mother! If eaatr'd, your little one's stomach, liver cad bowels t•'"d dooming at o nee. When peevish, cross,'listless, doesn't li sleep, eat or net naturally, or is fever- ish, etomaell sour, breath bad: has sore throat, diurrhtra, full of cold, give a teas -Teufel of 'California Syrup Of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a von, playful eliild again. Ask your `l ttggist for a bottle of "California ilyrup of Piga," whish eontaine full direction fat tithe", children of all ages end fur grown-ups. A. r• tit FOR STILE eRE ? Frtuue Howie, i to,g,11S and pantry summer kitehett and cellar, -lard and soft water, Electric lights, large vc rendah. Stehle Ial xi 2‘ hen:home, 0 7' . Apply at thea, News Oflico dor Sale HOLM and half acre of laud in 'the village of .Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre. Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell, property, Good com- fortable !tense, good sited, good well end cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raapberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro party with no breaks nu front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation. This is a nice property fur a retired farmer and the'taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. .4.01511. REMOVAL (Having removed my Barber Shop to the store next to the Ex- press office 1 will be a better position than ever to serve my patrons. ,lei, Leonard Bolton Jl HIM RAI NIII Bonds for side bearing interest from 6 to 7 p, c. —half yearly If you have atny unemploy- ed funis now is the time to buy some of these. Choice securities. lin ex- pense to investor. All information cheerfully given. J ON ANk Bond and Debenture B oker Wein ,Street, ,!Seaforth Phone 91 a CREAM WANTED Send your Cream to us and receive top prices. We are running o ur plant he year through and can handle your fedi supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice eachmouth and weigh sample and tout earth eau of cream ear- fi ally, dor motto is °` Honestyto • our /introits" Patrons are requested to re urn all all• caul when not in nee, .3 attar au I13ntterntillr al cr. hand n.1 for at market aria•», The Seaforth Creamery Co. sh;A frrR'PH &IAItKIi.'I' Good Milling 1'heat.. .,........ $2.11 Bran nor -ton. ;t ,uir3 Shorts per ton .."..,. . ,.,..,...41 Flour. .......... ......ii.7t1 Butter, ,,.-- 43_..44 Bogs to, farmers .............:...r7.tlp Wood Wood—Soft Maple, Elm, Ash, t2 inch $4 00. Hard Maple and .Beech 1.3 inch $6 00 per cord. Orders taken at the office or by John Abell. WNI, AMFNT, Local Agent Wanted for 'l the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES Thousands of Orchard trees need replacing , War G:irr.ien.' t;;ill for small fruit trees, Asparagus,- ,; l tr,tgti:9, i211U- barb plants : !c T'he demand for Ornamental stock 111 towns 't'irl villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissio :s, Exper- ience not necessary. STONE & WELL[NGTON (Established [83;) TORONTO. ON'I', pu....-eo.�.ne— ea. `ung®novas C ogto�aa. a...map.....:aq=o The High Cost of Living —Economy, is the word to -day. Make your old. garments dq instsadof purchasing net?. ones. Have them ,dry cleaned and pressed, Dry cleaning when properly done lengthens the life of garments, preserves their fresh new appearutrce and ao3s as a'liainfectant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death clue to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals, My Wardrobe, Goderich St,, Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. Mr, r, 8. Garden is moving into the apurlmer to above his store recently vacated by Mr, N. A, Willoughby, Mt', Walker Hart of Stratford spent Sunday et his home hero, Mr Robert Laird of the School of Solanoe Toronto was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr, Robert Govenlook North Main St. Pte McArthur arrived home on Sat ur'day from overseas, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday tno'nieg, Rev, D. McLean of Egmoedville officiated at the preparatory service on Friday evening. ' Mrs M C Hodgins of Detroit is visit- ing her sister in-law Mrs H Gibson, Miss Evelyn Craig has returned from a visit to St Thomas Mr A L Smillie son of Mr and Mrs R W Smillie was welcomed home on Thursday from overseas Mr. Sydney Deem has returned to his old position in the J. Maclavish store, Lieut .Jones of Toronto is visiting her brother Mr. R. M. Jones Goderich St. Mr, G. 0, Morse of Flint, Mich. is here at present. Miss Lulu Doherty leaves on Thurs- day for Toronto where she wilt trait, for a rlrtree, .THE SEAFORTH NEWS Mrs, Win, Goveulock was in Toron- to last week attending the Rod dross Convention, Mr, A. Close has resigned as leader of the citizens band, Pte, Robert Smith returned from overseas on Saturday. Ho was former. ly linesman for the Tuckeremitir Tele- phone Co. Mr, George Grigg, who has been ill for some time, died on Tuesday even ing. We will have fuller notice next week. Mr. Walter MoBeth of Stanley who has been for sometime in the 'West is visiting friends in this locality. Mr: and Mrs. Aedrery Archibald `cud family ofTuckeremith moved into their new home on Saturday, Mrs. T. G. Scott has returned from visiting friends in London, tar:Joseph lloggarth has told his residence on Main St. ligmonrlvillc to Mrs. MoCloy. Mr. Peter Kerr of Toronto apeut Sunday at the home of his brother Mr, James Kerr, Rev. A, L. 0, Clarke recto' of At. George's Church, Goderich has been appointed by Bishop Williams, rural+ Dean of the County of Huron. A basket 'ball eclietlule bad been drawn up among the boys' clubs of the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyter- ian churches in Goderich. A series of games are to be played among these clubs. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoggarth on the Bayfield road, has been sadly bereaved by the death of their second son, Thomas Frank, aged nine years. He suffered an attack of influenza about dlu'istmee time but re- covered and returned to school, Short ly before his death Ito was again strickl erolnai'ty en. 15c Warm 111 ,,I0111.511.72M011001510000110000=manne.."0610110.62.1001100111101.90.10110iFir..= ST A\ Comfortable Thursday Friday and Saturday J.ck "lc ,,ford and Louise r' uff jesty T t`.un r ea —A Paramount Picture— One of the hest comedy dramas ever shown at this theatre or any nth i»rtheatre. Also - The Mystery Ship Monday Tuesday St Wednesday Ch e! es Ray Ii 1S w WTI Home Town Music By = Electric Orchestra = 8.15 P. M. ST HAND 'Phe lmlr r ties of Women's x lit rt ,s. - A Set t,•n, of ra ts,.';. 'r'; it;r41, te the tvoraen of rural Unite, i, y Mfrs: J, ('. (Ireig is visiting her mot-- proveti WC tits ,t nil':, .1 r I,„'u arrin! . her in Goderich. • Iy so the itiFt of two, is the Mr, and Mm, Ernest Murray and 'laughter intend leaving this week for heir hoose to Regina. l'he Latiipe of the Altar Society of in. ,Jernes L'hurch gave a very success- ful euchre party hi the `eprtlate School on Thursday evening. The illustrated lecture given in Car- negie Library by Dr. Bennett of St. Thomas, an ox•presiclout of the Ontario Horticultural Society was one of the beat given here in years on the s;rhject Pito attendance wee somewhat inter- fered with by the very wet evening Dr, Bennett is an entlluaieet on flowers anis an authority who always conveys inform stun. Mr._.lobrt Pinkney,was severely kick. ed, by a horse, in the face on Tuesday, brooking fllfittg hiH nine. • Mit's, Wm. Murray and Mies Murray hive been laid up for several weeks with indneuza. Mr. Wm. Bristow is spending the week in Hamilton and Brampton. Mrs, Wm James and flintily left on Friday for Kitoherier, The pastor's theme in the Methodist Church, next Sunday morning will be "Prayer and the Reign of the Law ” Ire the evening he will speak on "Our Ditty in the Present Prohibition Crisis, Bad weather did not prevent a line attendance of the Epworth League on Tuesday night, The pastor spoke on "oonseoratieu" Mies Miller • toad the lesson and Miss Both Willis gavo a very elfeutivc rendering of Gem, Matheson's `U, Love 'Phan Will Not Let iilot , s Mr, George Walker is moving to the farm ho recently purchased from Mor. E Cee. Mies Lvtnima Higgins and Miss lfa:ie. 'litre Show were the guests of adiep No•- rna Jeffrey. Mr, and Mrs. MlnEwou and Mr, and !iliaa Carling of Mensal! were h,t:re for the riat,ce, Dr. Bennett of St. Thomas is the gu"et of Mir, and Mrs .4i'm Ilartry, A auocesefnl block Social was held at the home of Mrs. Bristow on Thmrscl, y evening node,' the auspices of the it d- iee' riid of the Methodist •Chnreh, Pte. J. Adelina arrived home or, Mon day from overseas, Mrs. A, Liugenfelder of Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs, 0. B, Alex- ander, Mrs, R, Johnstone and Mrs. it, Rix of Buffalo are visitors at the home of Mrs, A, Barton, 1t-omtn latititui, n.:r 1 9tt+s• or. nl r' t,i a i r>, aro • ,r. 1 r -r• c u.t:r in ti rr n ,rc. 'rbr'y t+ord t ir':tn no i'''' t1, no mullet a Etat 1 r , ,?,' ,ni ;•Uen may he, a (•:tunn l flintily!, which, stn. Clint n•;; of ul1-r<,n':;i service to lnr- mauity, Since the war I r n Red .1..rots and o het patriotic Wink hits, of eatu'sr tt rn t u .t ton al to ti 1. Tho arloviatini. of ,ar cr ne pecullcriy somal. , wel r., fur nt 1 is hi'' ii i' lu-alt;' tI l;' ,•orf, The ,;real d; urc;,1 bS Ihi, for certain folds Foch a hoof, pork, wheat ind ,,,roar bre onus". tin' hrivaewif' til. tbnht;e her methods of ore -nit days. talw tutiet now learn to substitute and to eliminate -var. lout; Iorms ' a:ue 1 cr: •haltlu lords Must be lofty, !ride it tt d not only til_ stiritnr t itoi also in winter. Those ul'us! l e .--.-vt.,,l tht•tatt,I, proper storapr, e-nrmhiu;; to drying. I • e `'n,•1r sttlij»Vt a riLi-Ltli`.=i'+ in:a5' he' rUn ,!used at theno. 1:,0» An r'pr'I ,itnnoilsi, alar nt 3 '. ,..•ti I"ml omit the Department iu -:r' ill i rr tter or a practical de to ,'tratt rn to a cis the house if;,, t 1, iniad :r a may club together aur; do then' canning at one centre Willi 01,e lire if they so shoos», rind in udditirnt to th work accomplisher) may he a so- ciable time together.The children in therural districts must not be forgetlen. They must he prepared for the great respottsi. Willies which are too soots to fall upon them. The'r education must nut be neglected. They must not be handicapped by physical Imperfec- tions, Subjects ol'inlportance to the child must be discussed and means adopted to improve conditions. The medical Inspection of rural schools and the clinics held through the Wo- men's Institute are' doing much to improve conditions. The girls also nrn».l attention We are apt to forget this girls in our anxiety for the boys Their lives anti their prospects for the future are be- ing affected by this Tar, Hence op- portunities for,it ,1111,1y,for a,ruusement, for devricn'l p i !elver, f'i lire frill, rune'. AhirrY of these omnoeiu to ii, ' i',l through the in Surely Wiib .! +u.'Ii vial importance as t ;t n. nlicneil all tneetin it,. ,aria We W enhi• c d tans of .r,; to tiro irnper`; „!' , r • on ;,u meeting, held rimem;; Ja t.tr r. the d"r, rt t.e testi -nt rn •.ttletidanee, , I :, ; h t r formation on .,11 , t, o anon to the ro. .n cIalist on 0-‘' jeets, .._ G. A. I ,;earo, ,t r;,t ., dent Women':. l ' t'tntr , Don't Wt•ito Poetry. "Don't write poetry unless you can't help it," says the St. Louis Globe -Dem, ocrat. .And often when you think you can't help it 'ils well to consult a doctor.— 'Poledo Blade, Peat Bogs. Peat' Is a vegetable formation, some- times of a spongy character (when re- cent) and again of a kind approximat hug in composition to wood, while In someinstances, at the bottom of bogs, fit approaches lignite and even coaL MIr. Francis R. Hamilton, formerly of Cromarty died last week at his ]tome in Exeter at the age of 72 years. Be was it resident of this vicinity ninth about six years when he mover! to Ex. eter. A number of cldldren and his widow survive. A play wee given last Friday evening by a number of our young per'ple and Miss Ftoius it, the tows, hell, Stail's, and proved a great success, Mrs. ti, Hamilton of Galt is spend- ing a fon, weeks with friends in this neighborhood. Miss Bella Campbell of Seaforth was a vislto• here last week, Rev. R. McKay of Alvivaton preach ed here last week, Mir, Albert Hamilton's son lied the Iniefor'ttlile to sustain a fractured arm from a Idol; by n cow, He is here from the West, DEATHS. PRY'_ E—lu Seaforth, on Friday, Feb - racy 28th, rgt'q, Thomas Pryoe, aged 61 year and 5 months. GRIGU-in Seaforth, March 4, George Grigg, aged 76 years, MARRIAGES. MCNXCHOL—DOIC-4.t the manse McKillop on Feb, 26, by Rev, D, Carswell Mr J Chu McNichol of Blytlr to Miss lsabelia, daughter of kir and Mrs S. Doig of McKillop. St. Patrick's ray Taa Thu ladies' •,f the Methodist flinlrcit will servo toe in the !easement of their Uhttrch from 4 to 7 p. nt, in the rflr-r mem of March 17, Everyone Welcome. Adnrd:.einui In emits, GY.OfiSSY ill'. PULL F'HOM DANA IlrJl t,: GIrlsl Try Ill Halr gets soft fluffy aa,: beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine, If you earn for heavy hair that guts• Lena with beauty and is radiant vvit' life; has an incomparable softness is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just ono application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it Mune. diately dissolverevery particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strengthand its very life, and, if not overcome it produces a fever- ishness and itching of the soalp; the !lair roots famish, loosen and die, then the hair falls out. fest. Surely get a anail.,lrottle of Knowlton'a Danderine from any drug store &ad just trJ' It, IOc GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN SAYS LEMON JUICE WITH LEMON JUICE r WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. I Girls: Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Your grocer has the lemons. and any drug store or tcadet conuter will supply you with three miner's of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the jilts.• of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. Title makes a quarter pint of tine very best Iemon ekin whitener and eomlrlc•:;ion beautifier known. Massage thus fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the fare, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, fan, sallowneas, redness and ; roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes, Yeah It is barmy es, and tate beautiful result still surprise you. Squeeze the juice of two Lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the hest freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at eery, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Message this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, aims and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, sofa and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. Don't fail to see I �.' pot e r� ":1ti Ery bealidg -hUerestI g ag