HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-03-06, Page 4PROFESSiMIL C VP1 SAE1)111.#1. ilVt. 13. 110d$, 1.4tyctuluty and btu coop wnicatis Of Lona 1dOspital, letn•lon, England. Vseiti attention to diselieen of Rye, Ear, Nose Amp_ 6 and rekiellee 0011111,1 DPII1111011 pang. 'Vino Phew, No. 5, nssidonee Phone No, Ida 3 BP rinOWlyi tiegforth 0 Mee and r s deneee. Goderich Rtrdet. eSM 0I the Meth oast Otrunal, 10101151 151 • COeuty 01 mune Tetifeheue tao, re. seirrr thiYmeln”! IX/▪ flargeoim, Dode.rielt 4n -est worosii,, Ni•ntlo• phureh. ItigOTIgrad ratio V II:torts and Ann Al Me', 4154 Welber cif Ontario CaIlees ut Phyri•iatt. eud Burgeons. Coroner fin County' hf II•tral.. • Paoltar, honor gradtuti, nom gold Medellin. Trio it Medical ('1115.M Maher of College el SySillg.116 old buraeoln• Onlart 0E0. 111)11,19mae, Ust• sytinr Sponelisy ▪ 15 Women's und Children, direte•••0 id Ilhenntaiie troubles. acute o • arm ,t ety, liar, Eye, I•iusc and Thros1.15511 11 re• moved without theiyalfe, I ',insane, len °glee vl sboOi Drys- ete, esarce, s m •••• Fliday 8, • .1. nts.e...14141.1*..... TIIfrti.A1FOKTMI DEM41, I iS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST, 4 SEAFORTH, ONT• Platter 4 EVenIng.57 Or. F. L R. Forster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Grad ea te iD Medi elate, 1.:Divirsity of Toronto Late Assintent New troll Dpl.thel- tole and Aural Institute, Mi. -tooth lits Eye, and 1.1014191, Simere Throat Hos pitals, London England. .At the Queen's Hotel, tieeforth, third viroa nesiley each mouth from 1 1 is in, to Sp. m. It3 Waterloo Street, $outli, Stratford. Photo, 2117 Stream d . Marriage Licenses Ingt,v,:gm and optician, des: IMO Insurance An Pica censidering Insurance, Life or Accident! rivet' are, o tioncire will get our rates. J. D. 1.11Ne24L,BY, Genera) Agent for London Life Insurance Coo 1 nd Impcsial Guarantee and Accident Insantace Co,, Santorth, Ont. - • - fames Watson. bienbraf 1.11, et, inseratteyi Aont., arVi Main •-• ••1 • eas, SUBSCRIPTION oes oeues pet year, strictly 11515155a 1505 if nut paid In 5 Ivisos sos L1.011at and a halt yvni cherged, Vetted States 1 155015, ext a• .1.51, Wit*. sule.,eiers cheange their addres notice should be $,esatus Immediately, giving 500(5100 will roller a favor by notifying us ! both the old and the new address. Sab- ot any inegularitY of Reading Nottas—No ,eading notice, adverteeng se r entertainment or matter by which 1510505 01 to be made bY 0015 Person or cause will he inserted in Tim Naive With011t 5145050. The prise for the 'met- , lion of hotelacra announcements is TEN re:its per 555111 line each Inserdo.to patties !laving nn contract tor disrlar advertising. aed FIVE cents per line each insertion to Mose baying display contracts, and for chinch, society and entertainmetat readln$ nottms. Card of Thanks 5 to 9 lines. SO cents THE SEAFORTH NEWS BUY YOU SEED RIGHT Be Sure the Clover and Grass Seed is Pure. Why lOyery learnter .9110111d Wive Spray Calendar—Dow to Get 11 and Use Sprayng Done at Right Thee13.1Ifeetive. (Contributed by Ontario Department or ed ranee. Agri c ul tu re, 'Caron to.) ItOCESS or failure depends tc a large extent upon the olitlity of the seed sown. No man can afford to use low-grade clover or grass seed. The risk of seeding down the farm with noxious weed seeds is too great. High-grade Clovet. and grass seed le freer from weed seeds and produces more healthy. vigorous plants per pound them dors low-grade seecl. Impure soed is dem at any pries'. Pure :seed Is the pur- chaser's right and 110 should insist on having it, In the purchase of dover and graze seed the following quail:tee should be looked for: - 1. Freedotn from weed seeds. es- pecially those weed seeds covered by the Seed Control Act. The weed see& can be properly seen only by spread- ing out the sample of clover or grass seed on a clean while sheet of paper and looking carefully over it with the aid of a tripod magnifier or hand lens. No farmer should be without a lens of some kind. Everyone who has to purchase seed should endeavor to become familiar with the common weed seeds and know the standards of purity required by the Seed Con- trol Act for the various grades of clover and grass seed. 2. Freedom from dirt, grit, broken straw and other inert matter. A great many samples of clover and grass seed contain far too large a percentage of such inert matter. Those buying such seed are pay Mg a 'nigh price per pound for dirt. 3, Good sire and color. A good sample of seed of any kind should be large, plump, bright. and have the characteristic color well developed. Plumpness, brightness and gond color are usually indicative nf high germin- ative eamterty. 4. High germinative eapacitY- Good clover or gr.,SA $!..34.1 of any kind should have a lash germinative ca- pacity. This canna( be aeeurat»ly judged by an examination of the seed and can. bo ea -it -ermined only by 0 germination ieet, l'areliasere of seed can have ;Friel: teats eiano for them bY sending their eeeit to the race of the Seed Conitniseion,r, Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. Farmers are reminded Him the De- paerranot of Botanyi1 the Onterzo format- ee will beat suit hie son end Agrieultural Coll, ee is at their ser - n it le Sever 1 combi ti f mixed Judicial. Logrtl, Official and GoVarn- alone Pipettes—Ten mute pet nue for first Int•eetion sral Ave cents per line for each autism:cue ,nsertion. Yearly ‘rds—Professional Cards, not eaceeding one inch, will be Inserted for SS CO oer ,••••r, payable strictly In AdYlnee otttploy trertislna—Rato furnished on apt:Meat:oh, " Adverthemetlys ordered for Insertion, wthatil forbid. and those sent without written littardetions will appear uotll ritten order, are received for their dis• continuance Lettere to rho Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but at a guarantee of good faith. The publieber accepts no rewrote- sibIllty whatever for the statements made in such COralneldchelOnli. Letters on reli- gious topics rdll not be published at ail =cent sts paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter is tea cents per Mat. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR MID PUBLISHEFt .,I.M......seahmehtev.40.044mitaleeuestiMPe.mumwommif • THE :-,1cPAI:A...•1)P Mit1101 b'' (i 31'55 51111? 51 .1.04 ,,,z,„,..„70 Prof,),-,ety rect. . F. Winthrop • 0,e ;Yes, • ,Nri.•••,:: !•11 • eVauS r.73'.11.111y., 531, r • •'; oh 0, 0 loll (0 fe‘ 15 •••,r •c• 'r••• . 000 000aciD 0 0 0 0 9e. io‘ .-2.'(.64^".4'4FrIP'?..1.),V • ..F.4.) Aconte. yr et SJ1 Vat t :1'••••••••• 3 p5000v(IIet 15. *. Jarsioath. 1(001500 b.; err and lobo Parties desire». e`n •11,71,111,C al other husk:v.4! will i.e Pira ettym!Cd ' Scni• notelleation to any of the tdrane •ciii•ty• 4, 451 4'-'.' to their recombine Derto9S-0.,. re 1,, la ,,f 1:1,i, 'i h, 1 eti '• ti, ',., ii. ) ' 5. PAIN. IltaTEP NIAN 84taszb Pfies EU illttiVt *en LINDIEM 1,15- i1735 • 0050015097' 6703.-- 5(1 Dike). teem did weft to 9, of the semi-lit:51s without yingin gaiter!. it lads 110- ' 401'initted of it, defeat by 5-,.,i1 .0 • )e Evere Farmer Should Slave Spray Calendar. Before giving, the ro.iatine why every farmer ehould have a eerily calendar let us strite what a spray calendar ia. 11 le the gathering 10' 5.04(101,' into a 411114511 space—usuallY just one sheet in. page—of all the necessary knowledge for the control of Me varione ineeets and diseases that attack our fruit trees and bush fruits; so that instead of having to search half a • dozen bulletins the farmer can obtain the required in- formation almost at a glance. & spray calendar is therefore a handy refer- ence sheet on the control of Insect pests and plant. diseases, Every farmer should have a spray calendar for the following reasons : - 1. Because it will save him time in finding the necessary information on the control of insects and plant diseatiee. 2. Becautie the information given in the spray ealentiar is more reti- ,,,e able than he can obtain rein hie ''`ing 8°1aier8 550 neighbors or :my other source. 11 10 ' 5 • eivilial, eleiest as the best information that can be oh - rained anywhere, Crops Rotations For Eastern Canada. Profitable yielde of field erops tutu be scoured in the future only by the adop tiau.attd persistentioe of suitable crop methods.. There are many factors which tionsbiued, tieed to hultienue imp 3(01(10 and the eost of prodectotiee hut the prime influenee slituuleting immediate crop returne end ,in esteb. Malting for the h stability 111 crop yields is tile practice of crop rot- ation under mixed termites conditions. Thie term denotee a combination of different Classes of orops w1.1cla grown in suoh order that the precoaltug 'Otte prepares the land for or other wise aids the erop following, l'he essentials or a good rotation in - chide 10510 05 riorn, ere» 'and 1153' grow geewn in the erder canted duratien or eycle of the retatien May be reit- ied tis suit particular eonddions. Store. 0111, it soy be advissbie whore con- ditions werreut cotinine two or more rotations 00 the one farm. There are innumerable combinations of different classes of ()rope which will prove saris - der ally oireemstauces it is absolutely factory when applied. jediciously, necessany, in order to obtain oven med- ium crops, to apply at least the prinoi. pies already indicated as easentials in all good crop rotations, working of these priuoiples may be explained by the accompanying practial illustrat- ion, Seel' Grope as corn, roots and potatoes require abundant supplies of food from the soil for stem, letfi and root growth. This may be most pro- fitably and practically furuished by clover or other eod ploughed down or by applioatioes of barnyard mauure, I The cereals snob as wheat, oats and barley require less of the readily avail- able food sad generally do best follow I ing hoed crops for whioh manure was applied or after a leguminous crept such as peas and clover Soil, too well prepared produces satisfactory yields of cereal®' The area semi to cereals, seeded to clovers and gmsses will supply excellent bay -clops the fol- lowing year or two yeors, and of the letter turned down and immured fits the ;end for corn or i once more, general phut of prccedure er orop rotation may be modilietl by each vice 131 all t e tor the testing of 5)99,1 ag IC, purity. In eubmitting •ferruing (imp retatione are in eperatien samples for mildly too send ai IPIP3 1 throughout the Experimental Farm one pound of 1 eoarser grains, one syetem in Eiteteru Canada. oetiiiie , I U. 0 ounee of alfali,5, or rod elover, and half an aume, of aliakr or timothy. of which is contained the circular A. full report on samples will be fur- iitnuber 9. Copies of this cireular ere nished. Sample,: of seed. should be carefully packed and address.ed with available free ou application to the postage prepaid to the Botanical De- Field Husbandry Division, pertinent, Ontariti Agrleultural Guolph.—.Prof. J. E. Howitt, The pregress made in the work car - 0. A. College, Guelph. rid on to date has led to the concha 1.1.,117,) 0 714 to sitIglo day ii,e -4*1 roait..1 1110(197 14:14015 775.4 1 (1.1, 0,0010 iantir-itkir dAld very fl,.- e- 0093 and robine are 1515051- ' 11; hut 1, le are still busy with the .1-e. h ,r • Beth Dominion and Provincial fic.usen me in 00155109, again, arid the 011:14" rmeetly metger is doitig thirty hours 19 imitations day work. WS aro qUittl prepared to sad see the eta; ling heading across scene of ee the 5 th4 mortiieg papers 15st Sir Robert hums Barden hav resigned to rue a$ the of first l'r• s dent ',l the Milted Staten, Minard's ' Liiihnent 117.' riiLL 4'ii '1747 3. 130e.atnio tittray calehdar will - !''' " 11541!!, aughl. r„,11 (31 present coetly reisiakee to 14151111 Of Melditrny ti• • • ,. • a21.1 .ST 5.- 15 .5,y 11,40 4, .110 (Ito f ay calendar , , dit n lien to 11101 ti.r tiii- 40 r A fvreiit A yy 1,1 4,15,t, „idly 8. 111 IT, C-4.60 Ot .4. . tio t!,.. 65,1111 ta 17.414 01.5- -(5,. 74"4ttl.4t ..4tet, it. Dwelt laialmaNStneanlanEallelle Thursday March 6 varsecamastl•MMielpaMM441.0 Special Offer for Farmers I am buying all kinds of !•,,, and F 1 have a great stock of second-hand Water pipes and shaftings for sale, J. N ft lin Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House Ion that the following characterieties re desirable under alaitst 010,3' coudi 1 - ions in mixed farming rotatiene: (151011) 5,ili1 $110,11t1 ha gentled doitit with lover, even though it be used on. ly as a fertilizer. Grass slid clover Heediiigs 811011111 Llt, heavy. Increased crepe of hay and j. rare failure of a catch baste justified I this praotice. Hoed (imps elsoutd form a large 'WO. portion of every rotation, An attempt to farm a small area without a hoed orop was not sucousalul. Weeds would 001 readily be kept in check. No field should be left in hay for more than two years. The records show that the second ()rep almost el. 5ay0 costs more than the first per ton and that stumeeding °rope are very. liable to be grown ut a loss. 'lanyard manure should be applied frequently in comparativbly small Ennui tit 5» than at long intervals in large (me)4ti ties, HURON NEWS el S 0-0 sei IT. it. (-1. powcr. Seaforilil HEWS A D VERT1SNIEN FS will supply the required energy Wane - 84 eve41100gs127 , • , ;;1.! 1 1 1.'1911 1:72'•0., ' 31) 11:4, i!:1 4.0.7 11 111 , e1,.t11: , ill` trIdn itt• O 5 : 5,7 51 i'1'II1l115 Sr, r, nt, in d has ee I.ed utel the will be ee. seed by Iteid Peligebefi'er eutl e tem of 'Morrie has porch's: - 14 d the in of J ernes 11. Kerney on the 3rd line 1,, that township, Afr, tied Mrs Keteey and their daughter will remove to Brussels, An old reeident of Stephen town- ship, passed away on Mereh 18th in the person of George Lawson at the age of 85 years. itoee is a goo,i 4:•:1'ei 7.11 5'1., 125 11 nI Allies Leen, ,tyryy 'it,•1•11,•:, 11 ir, sh 11 0 G. ideertia.).1.1045 cni.Oitylar 51.i0,es ly 11. th,::t5,54.,5 4.11' 11.1%4 tures to tin, 4'1 cit., 144, 041 '0 111e 1,• ,114.5: tt 00 14Iu..g mixture (vouni ('1 .14 of and ionactimeri *51115... /DJ or fruit; too t),9)51) 41 Ion-, 415 1111(00,1 to einitrid the yeti, 51, 4405:Luse ,,vera 1 51*1a30 tures, e.g., Bet..e:;, 4,1(01(1( 0, 1$.(01 be blItifin at home. Tito bete17 caleadar tells how to nmize itesee. 7. Becttuee by foiluwing the direc- tions given in the bpi calendar, f almost perfectly elean Dent and much more of it can be obtalued. Always ask for the latest spray calendar, since they are revised from time to Glue, and new and better methods added in place of , the old as Soon as they have been sufficiently tested. Hew can spray calendars .be ob- tained? Send a postcard to the De- partment of Agriculture, with a re- quest for one, Write your name and address clearly.—L. Cooler, 0, A. Gallego, Q.seloh. 1,1 r '55‘,'t:i do, 'Zurich 500e5. all iit•I's 11 00 Ley (Nub rite 1'. sI *1 f4 kale 1.5, 84,111107) 14 11' 101 the hi 9.0i11.1 by it Scorn of 5-3, The of the 130)1..7 WOVE, LU laip L111'- 111011 the tiltil! 10,11i711. All old rreident of Grey Towitship passed eye ly on Friday morning of last w.,olt in the portion 011l0590 140L0001111 - aged 71 years. He was born In Ireland and atone to Canada as a smell boy, He came to Grey townehip over fotty yearn ago, His wile who -predeceased him last February, was Miss Rebecca Earls of Howick Township, The New Hamburg Junior Hockey team defeated Mitchell in a game on Friday evening last by a scam of 7 to 3 WAR-SAVINdS STAMPS ARE SOLD W5(2REvElt 5011 SEE THIS Sitn .45.4<humMhz. limensow0 ....*••••=aawmarrearinwromi Build a 5O Bond A Plan For Investors— Big and Little 1.051,Trfdal Dosiltionoffatein Wyr.SavinSs firtifkile A War -Savings Certificate, provided free of charge with your first War -Savings Stamp, has spaces for 10 War -Savings Stamps. A War -Savings Certificate with a W-S.S. in each space is a Dominion of Canada "bond" for the payment of $50 on January 1st, 1924. .And you invest less than $41 to secure it—paying as it proves convenient to you. War -Savings Stamps cost $4.02 in fkgaych, $4.03 in April end $4,04 it: Fill up I Tin Card 116 Thrift Sterilise each). TI,rift ` Slumps rvun, 110 Nut a 01,ert card repteseitts:4 when ; ill a War-Sirty;ngs 8 2 14' - fie - "10a..Catala Oa. . ,a4m..¢.S.oSer3.-anaLsa•axa- ..+Ttngsa,Cwz.cacl imieeeRaMtaaMe waa.aCaaaaaaaaala Ga.- ar-,...Marenaa-aaCalaaa.a. tooe•ata.ai2nala.navatta. anaat.aa=Sataaaaa...a,a6 AT ALL MONEY -ORDER POST OFF ICES, BANNS, ETC. CHURCH NEWS „ fide, kW (1(01 5043 1 free of charge, 155' Op I 11 regarinueuteetinite where an ameission fee is eharged. • The rate for suon being fire nein. pot count 11110 SFRTH41314/3 Rein ES S(. 5 J es I:111'3:1me , lts' et.. Pettier F, Goetz Pe P, Early Mass 8,00, High Mass 10.30, Snotlay &hoot 2.80 p, in, Vespers and Benediction of the Bless. ed 8aorament17' p. 011 5• • •,tte".1411l'al:.:,,- M. I IN 1 0 '":1 C„, ; -TAX AC ;C::: • PP9.,7C.,- n•pi,riai• Its 0117 I • . tv • ••, iinetarried 11 or e.ido.) er 1•••., «1 ItAttr rh-Teinival •.7'111 eit i•1,11 ne YtalS 114e.. ..1.1 IA ' eu 1511s rteei, va 1 Or 1.11 ,A; h.! ,11 -1••••d41a0 te!n••• VAS reeeived or earnte '4 0 412,510 y • o: 1:•)rrii 1011 Li)),t tool( onc'e ie.s1131 exec, i• • 75.3,0130, dy,e,na, 11,0 lis .y1 ra. 15 1)k.. FORMS TO FILLED IN \ND FILM. Ti fly int adder cariners 00,1 i'•••yielynys TlA f and re.71 ISv •••Yt n•••• •0 ; • 'ItI. Die) 15 Tr • , e •••••••••tre d inti•1 • • ." 11 .711, r, 15:4%; 1.%-t By • 1,, :II 111, ,)I )i) or er .1,-- ei efecie rtr •'111' 1 ,,,5, 50I11,:, 51,510 11" •L, !,i ..••••• ..T1 r.0011 tet110I1ut,i ti 11 titi • ii• • • ••• I • TS r••• • • , • , •••••t7•anie5. aionti 1,11,1 F',11 It .• 1,•5 211 ' • 111' 1 1 iT1 I •. •••• !L..; • • , t'l •••,. St. Thomas' .Rev, 7, H. Brown, Rector, Sunday serOoes 11 am and 7 'pan. Sunday echoo 1 2,30 p. tu. Niemen's Anglican Dilissionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 pan. Chi ld rou'ribranela Haterday 2 p.m. nteroessiou aervicen eveey Thurscley, .0 p.m, A weltiotoe twine supper was Reseed by (ho congregations of the churches in Brescia to the returued soldiers last Tuesday evening. A regular program fullowed the stepper. Mr. 11 owe el 8105011 has purchased the Post Office andestore al Henfryn train Miss Prager and has taken charge of the hueinesse .A. Public Library is to be opened in Daehwood. About a hundred mews books have been ordered for the Lib- rary, Pletisaiit Purgative.— Per feelers's Vegetehlo Pills are so uompound( (1 he to overate on heal the stinneoll and the bowels, so that they not along the whole eilineetary anti excretory passage, They lire not drastic in their work; but mildly purgative, and the pleasure of talcing them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they produces, Coins pounded only of vegeteble substances the ouretive qualities of whioli were fully tested, they afford relief without ()hence of injury, Methodist Rev, Id. D. Dloyer, pastor —SUNDAY F011001 at 1(1111(1 15,51. Priblig eervioe 11 a.re, and 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting P111114,1,1 y 8, pan . Salvation ?Only Lioat. P. W. Leight Sunday services—Holiness 11 a. in. Prelim 3 p.m.—Salvation 7 day School 4 p. na,—Wedneaday- -Public meeting All are welcome, Eigniondville, Presbyterian Rev. 8 McLean pastor.. Sunday ser- vices 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bible Masa 3 pan, Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m. Y,P 71,5 Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p.m, Woman's Miesion- ary Society Sril Wednesdafiti the moil% at '2.30 pan Ladies' Aid inee,s im- mediately aftor, First Presbyterian Gov, le. 11, Leo -kin ,. Pastor. 811111107 services 11 a.m. and 7 p mundey school 2.3ii p.m, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Wennin's Mies- : bonny 55. ole 'Ow tirot Ttioall•iy in each mouth at ((9111 Barbara Kirkman Min- ato» Hand tird Tuesday t it) the month at 7.30 p.m, Si:110(4Mo Miseien Hand every 2nd Monday :19 4 . 11511019. Pr4ehyterian it is-, 1) C 1rew,111 pastor timidity sort -Mee Duffs' ehareli 11 a 01 Sunday 1,4.001 ('9 1 m Prayer meeting Wed - meshy 01 p,(0 weioena Missionary Soeioty last Friday in 01101 Month at WintlINy Vridubyttrian Sunday 17.:10 pins Sunday School 1 Via :xi Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p. . 1, f' 1 air Wed. Ouristaituo Mlit1100/SE E6V. E Saw) rr. t•are 01, Sunday SOYViOli Su p.m '11971175 Peo/do's Lea- 5r5i1,3 1 I tt 4:1':!“).!•I'A ary first P t r •••.-sry* mouth a 30 a 1,1, • • 1.• I I tot ihni•Elday -.111 Gooch 1 Itirft 8.1 p.m semencric=onsecteaccemaatictocese,c,tawasimemplawas sssassamerassamtssunesessassmeassursssa "For the Blood Is the Life." 1WHEN YOU ARE 1, SUFFERING 4545M any dl60000 0190 60 Impure blood 019014 458 Ecceorta. Scrofula, acyrryy, Boa 1 Loita, Abseioanoo, %Acorn, Glandular Swelling% Be i la, Pimple°. Soroo of ahy kind'Plioe.Blood Polumullthournatiem, Oout,ote,,, don't waste your time 1414money ! OU lotions and oioneents which cannot get below the 500(5100 01 1110 01110. Mitt you'll/ant 5 a medicine 1,110.t Will thOrOUghly free the blood or the noisonani muter whim alone is the tree i eat Se 11 all your hulLeritT. Clarke'. Blued Mixture is just 03,5 mddicatul. 11101tnposed of imp °diem, which quickly expel Sum the , likeel all impurities, Cryan whatever cause •I', arising, and hy rendering 11 clean and pere, 0,10 511 relied OIL CO eI30401 ii 146111•14•011! :. I r4.1isan.b. 11/106,00ti.ik. , ,. .4, wide:ion sah1rnilliti ., _, -,,,, reend rade. r.,:e. A (her SO years' sums. r Pleasant fa I the, Clialtt's 4,,,z2=5,1 -N, BietiOd RiATIttar0 Sok, by 01 Chnoliat and tro,.0 ¶ 053151513(1 ALL SKIN 84 !ROOD DISEASES. The A 111,110 ineetnig ol ,he 11 erth 131151)5, Tolepliene C01)115ail 5, WKS bald on Prides( *15tertmon 10 Wingham. The Company has ;just closed a successful 30ar. During the year 19I8 62 new telephones WOrb installed having epen1 nearly 82000 151 extension during the petit year it was cleolded to poy 910 div- idend this year. It' ',..'0, 4 t 0, is •1 44.