HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-03-06, Page 3.Ng By. agronomist. Thio Department Is ror the use of our farm readers who want the advice 'ef an expert on any question regarding soil, seed, crops, etc. If yofar'questlon is of sufricientgeneral Interest It will be answered through this column, if Stamped and addressed envelope is ,enclosed with your letter, a compiet' •gns'wer will be mailed to you, Addree9 Agranoinisi:, care of Wilton Pehllehlnp, Co., Ltd;, 78' Adelaide St. W., Toronto.. Subscriber: "Is it profitable to use a phosphate fortilizeir with '18% available phosphaate at $37.00 a ton when wheat le' $1.00 per bushel and oats 50e per bushel, on land that al- ready appear`+ to give an abundance of straw?" Answer: The question you have asked displays what appeals to me as a most sensible attitude on the .ler' tilizer question. After• all, the use of fertilizer does not depend upon senti- ment or custom or any other thing than upon the question., you have asked, ``Will it pay?" I ould give you abundance of examples of farm tests which show very clearly that fertilizers pay,. but I choose rather the records of long-time ,experiments carried on by officials employed by the Government and responsible to the people. The record of the 20 -yea>; experi- ment conducted at Ohio Experiment Station ,shows the following yields in whole numbers for wheat and oats ob- tained where no plant food was added and where a complete fertilizer was 'added. They are as follows:. Average yields obtained over 20 years, at 'the :Ohio Experiment Sta- tion. Wheat—Without additional plant food, 10 bus. per were; with acid phos- p'hate, 18 'bus. per core; with com- plete fertilizer, 24 bus. per acre. Oats—Without additional plant food, 30 bus, per acre; with acid phos- phete,, 89 has, per acre; with com- plete fertilizer, 45 bus, per acre. Now an to your question:—There is a - gain of 8 bus• of wheat per acre from. an application of a little less than 200 lbs. of acid phosphate or, at the prices you give, a gain of $8 for an investment of approximately X3.70 ---acid phosphate paid! There is a further gain of 6 bus. per acre of wheat by tho application of nitrogen and potash in fertilizer applied to the wheat crop, or a gain of 14 bus. from the use of complete fertilizer. It• is not uncommon.to find such a gain from the application of 200 pounds of complete fertilizer to the acre. This being the case, you will see that such an increase would . even pay for fertilizer at $140 a ton. Now ae to oats, records show a gate of 9 bus, of oats per acre fro the use of acid phosphates or, at your prices for oats, assuming that 200 pounds of acid phosphate was added per acre (which is over double what was actually added ,in this case), an • investment of $3.20 makes a return of $4.50, or a little over 21 per cent. on the money invested. The addition of compete fertilizer to the oats made a gain of 15 bushels per acre, or $7,50 on your valuation of oats. This would pay for 200 pounds per. acre of complete fertilizer at $75 a ton. Let it be noted, of course, that I do not recommend the use of com- plete fertilizer costing $140 per ton for wheat or $75 for oats. I am simply quoting these figures to show the actual money returns from the use of the' material. To corroborate the findings of Ohio I quote the returns of two other Sta- tions, Purdue Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Indian -a, as an average of 12 years test obtains the following yields: Wheat --Without fertilizer, 10 ,bus.; with acid phosphate, 15 bus., gain 5 bus.; with complete fertilizer, 19 bus., ° gain 9 bus. Corn --Without fertilizer, 37 bus.: with acid phosphate, 43 bus., gain 0 bus.; with complete fertilizer, 53 bus„ gain 16 bus. - The Dominion Experimental Farms quote in their -report of the Division of Chemistry, 1910, the average yields ° Obtained from potatoes at 5 expert- C mental farms distributed over the Do- t minion ars follows: Potatoes. Bus. per acre Without plant food 75 With acid phosphate 103 With complete fertilizer 120 15 tons manure per acre 131 71A'. tons manure plus 'complete fertilizer 200 On the basis of our figuring above you ecen readily estimate the returns as obtained at the -Indiana Station and from the pominion Experimental Farms, all of which show that fertil- izers Prope):ly used arc a paying in- vestment. • Now T notice in your questiony ou hay that the land gives an abundance. of straw, Records show that the farmers ;in your ,vicinity ',mein - lain a concirlereble number of live -stock, hence, nsndoubtedd3, they return a fairly large amountofman- ure to the soil. In addition to this, records chow that you grow consider- able clover bay, 'aoth of -Which things tend to increase the kind of plant. food--•nitregTen or ammonia—which sautes straw growth. The probabil- ity is thatyour land is short of phos - phonic acid and. that you actually oh - then too much straw. If this is the carie, the addition of acid phosphate to the manure and the use of fertil- izers high in acid phosphate will be an exceedingly paying proposition for you. I dealt with the-duestion of . the use. 'of fertilizers alone lin what was 'said above. I wish only to quote the results of .three experiment eta_ tions where the problem of supple meeting the manure with -acid phos- phate has been carefully investigated - The results obtained are as follows:. Ohio Experiment Station. "Covering a period of 13 years the average increased production from soil treated with stall mehure and acid phosphate over yard manure was:—Corn, 15.27 anus.; wheat, 0.18 bus.; hay, 1,840 pounds." Pennsylvania Experiment Station. "By the addition of acid phosphate to manure at a cost of $5.95, the gain over untreated manure was $23.74." Indiana Experiment Station. "The addition of 200 pounds of acid phosphate to a six-ton application of nnanure per acre per rotation of corn, wheat, and clover has produced addle -Lionel crop increases valued at $14.98 end $21.44 respectively." C. W.—What is the best fertilizer for a garden plot? 2. Is sweet clover profitable for pasture or is it best cut for hay? Answer—For a garden fertilizer it is well to keep in mind that you wish to apply plant food which will cause rapid substantial growth of garden crops. The rapidity of growth and firmness of it have a great deal to do with the tenderness and flavor of the vegetables, hence fairly high grade fertilizers are in all cases most satisfactory. For general purposes I would recommend a fertilizer carry- ing3b to per cent. ammonia, 6 to 8 per cent, phosphoric acid and 4 to 6 per cent, potash. When applying this make a total application of about 50 to 75 pounds to a piece of ground measuring 25 x 40 feet. It is a good practice to make two applications, ap- plying 31 of this amount on the stir - face of the garden when it is dug or plowed, working this in as the gar- den is harrowed and raked. When the crops.• are growing scatter a sprinkl- ing of fertilizer up between the rows each time before you cultivate, This acts as a continual feeding to the crop with all its desirable results. 2. Sweet clover is looked open as a very valuable crop for supplying nitrogen and humus in building up poor soils. It can be made into good hay if the crop. is cut while it is green and succulent. If you allow it to become woody, the fibrous material. s not palatable to the stock, nor is t nutritious. As to sweet clover for pasture, I have not observed instances where it has been used successfull9'a: Livestock have to learn to oat the crop since the oil which the sweet clover plants bear seems to be dis- asteful if any other green crop as btaina'ble. I would depend on sweet lover either for hay or green crop o turn under. H. H.—What is the best mixture for a permanent pasture? Answer—For permanent pasture the following mixture is good: Com - Mon red clover, .0 pounds; alsilte, 2 pounds; white clover•, 3 pounds; tim- othy, 4 pounds; meadow fescue, 3 pounds, per acre, Enquirer—I have a two -acre field. which I would like to sow with some kind of seed which would make pas- ture for cows about the last of June. Is there any kind, if so what kind, and how much per acre? Field is an orchard. Answer—For quick summer pas- tures I believe you cannot do better than to plant a mixture of oats, wheat and common red clover. Use a bushel of wheat, putting in a couple of pounds of common red clover to the acre. This will seem fairly thick seeding, but it gives a good stand, which if: kept pastured down, provides good pasturage. vtB eS Fe ithh2zers For Profit Write fee Free Bulletin .Ohl torio Fer i1izers Limited Toronto Crop Rotations. Profitable yields of field crops in the near future can be assured only by the adoption and persistent prac- tice of suitable crop methods. There are many factors, which combined, t tend to influence crop yields and the cost of production, but the prime factor in stimulating immediate in- creased crop returns and en establish- a Ing, for the,futuroa: stability ,in crop e i�,t^,aC� tctm eTaHE Rennie Catalogue for he 1919 is brttnfud of infortn.et- tiota and Suggestions on the ggrowing ofw flo ea s and tables. Bea ttifuiiy iliac tl-ated in colors, thief catalogtli is truly valuable as a. gardening guide, It shows you the practical re- sults obtained by planti.ig test- ed seeds, and it proves to you 1 the best kind of seeds to buy. Use tlaeRenniiecatalogue as a Read' Reference Matte your selection of seede•f em it -- then go to your dealer raid have him fill the order. If he cannot supply yen with all you require write us direct. To safeguard our customers Si! Renate' } Seeds are tested at our trial ground. This insures that buyers of Beanie's Stich gat nothing but the very test. ' if you haven't received a cagy -of noir 1919 Catalogue, write for one to -day. T lC?q�� COMPANY WILLIAM LIMITED Dy.p KING AND MARKET STS. - - - TORONTO ALSO AT MONTRE AI. WINNIPEG VAN COVVER ot�+a"'•t; seal.:LMS' ee Canada's Best Poultry Fenesisg The shut-in and shut -out Fencing—a poultry fence strong enough to withstand rho combined weight of two big horse,. And (bat without a top or bottom board either. Our lock °s the occret of its strength -7a real protection to large fowls and little chicks too, If you are interested in such fencing. write us. Ask foruur literature. we also manufacture farm fence and ornamental fenc- ing sod gates. Deafer: near!, evrnoteherr. Leve arms+ wanted in round-Endtarifa'''. TFIE BANWEtd.•HOXIE WIRE FENCE CO., LTD. Wianipne, htaa. ,Hanlilten.Ont... �,a r ext paz ,71' . }wj » 3r ,, i v'"F �• to ii yields is the practice of crop rotation under mixed farming conditions. This term denotes a combination of dif- ferent classes of props which are grown in such order that the preced- ing ' one re ' p pares the land for or otherwise aids the crop following. The essentials of a good rotation include roots or corn, grain and hay grown in the order nanied. The dura- tion or cycle of the rotation may be varied to suit particular conditions, Moreover, it may be advisable where conditions warrant to combine two or more rotations on the one farm, There are innumerable combinations of different classes of crops which will prove satisfactory when applied judiciously. Under any 'circumstances it is absolutely necessary, in order to obtain even medium crops, to apply at least the prlincibles already indi- cated as essentials in all good crop rotations. The working of these principles may be explained by the accompanying practical illustration, Snobcrops as corn, roots and pota- toes require abundant supplies of food from the soil to stem, leaf and root growth. This may be most profitably and practically furnished by clover or other sod ploughed down or 'by applications of barnyard man- ure. The cereals such as wheat, oats. and barley require less of the readily available food and generally do best following hoed crops for which man- ure is applied or after leguminous crops such as peas or clover. Sod. too, well prepared, pro- duces satisfactory yields of cereals. The area sown to cereals, seeded to clovers and grasses, will supply ex- cellent hay crops the following year or two. The -sod of the latter turned clown and manured fits the land for corn or roots once snore. Such general plan of procedure or crop rotation may -be modified 'by each farmer as will best suit his soil and needs. Several combinations of 'mix- ed farming crop rotations are in op- eration throughout the Experimental Farm System in Eastern Canada, an outline of which is :contained in the circular No. 9. Copies of this cir- cular are available free on application to the Field Husbandry Division. The progress made in the work carried on to date has led to the con- clusion that the following chaafteter- istics are desirable under almost any conditions in mixed farming rota- tions: Grain fields should be seeded down with clover, even though it be used only as a fertilizer. Grass amid clover seedings should be heavy. Increased craps of hay and rare failure, of a catch- have justified his practice. Hoed brops should form a large proportion of every rotation. An ate tempt to farm a smell area without hoed crop was not successful. Weeds cold not readily be kept in check. I No field should be left in hay more than two years. The records show that the second crop almost always costs more than the first per ton, and that succeeding crops are very liable to be grown at a loss. Barnyard manure should be applied frequently in comparatively small quantities rather than at long inter- vals it Iarge quantities. tut It Judging the profits of the flock by the size of the feed bill is not a fair way to determine just what is made or lost in keeping fowls. Never in the history of poultry culture did table eggs and table fowls command the prices they diel during 1918—and never was feed so high. Those who "put the herr in the led- ger" last year, crediting her with every egg laid (whether sold or used in the family), with the manure sold, and with the market value of her car- cass, were surprised to learn that, de- spite the high cost of feed, the liens rounded out a profit. It is practical to keep three books -- a cash book, a ledger and a day book. Some prefer a diary instead of a day book. In the diary they may record not only the transactions, but also the daily happenings on the place, such as experiences, visitor's, rem- edies tried for cases of sickness etc. The cash book, as its name implies, will show the amounts paid and re- ceived daily. The ledger records running accounts, the amounts due and amounts owed. To make the led- ger even more interesting, an account can be opened with each flock, or, with each breed kept, showing the value of the eggs laid, the manure the flock yielded, end the sale of the carcasses. Approximately the most of feed far each flock can be given, so that ,It can be shown whether that flock is com- posed of money-makers, or whether it is not worth keeping. This is snore complex than keeping one set of books for the whole flock. Begin right now to adopt a system. It is the only way to know whether the fowls are really paying or losing. When .you start spring work, take it easy for a few days. Nothing hits a horse so hard as •to be compelled to pitch right in after a winter of idleness. Many as good animal has been 'ruined during 'the first few days of the spring rush. Quit the work before the sun is lost. If you don't, sooner or later this practice of working in the dark will impair 'both you and your horses. Pull off the harness, letting the horses take only a little water. Feed thein the remaining third of the grain ration -and half of -the day's hay al- ows,nee. GOOD ' ' x . ..QUESTION ''BOX By Audrew F Or. Ciutler'will answer ail signed question is of; general. interest It will if not, it will be answered personally closed. Dr. Curr(rr will not prescribe Address Dr. Andrew F. Currier, care St. West, Toronto. . Currier, M.D. letters.pertaining to Health. If your be enswered through'hese columns; If stamped, addressed envelope Is en - for Individual cases` or make diagnosis. of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide Diphtheria. 'Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease, caused by a germ which doc- tors call the Klebs -Loeffler Imams. The incubation period' is -four (lake. The sure -sign of diphtheria ie a dirty yellow or gray patch, or membrane which forms on the tonsils and in the throat, sometimes in the nose. This membrane ,does not appear 'at first, however, 'being preceded for two or threte days by a dull red color in the throat, painful -mellowing., swelling' of the glands' in the neck, chilly atedl feverish sensations, and nausea, The breath;'becomes offensive, the appetite. is lost, the''heart beats rapidly and there are liable to be complications. affecting the kidneys, the lungs andi the nervous system. The diphtheria germ grows on the/ walls of the mouth and, upper air I passages; and there they forst the: poison (the toxin), which is absorbed by the way of the lymph and blood1 channels, thus producing the serious constitutional symptoms mentioned. 1 The germs pass from person to. per-, son by direct contact of infected/ hands or lips; also, in coughing or; even speaking vigorously, small par-, tides of. moisture or spit or even; fragments of the virulent false mem-I brane (all germ -soaked) are dis-' charged by the patient to the great; jeopardy of other people. If there is an epidemic in the neighborhood, or a case in the family or in the house, be sure to have and I to use only .your own glass, cups, epoone, towels, handkerchiefs mad so on; and exercise unusual cleanliness especially as to the hands and to all objects' placed in the mouth. You can he immunized against. cliphtheitia, so that yeti will not ``catch" it, by euliutitting to prompt injection of diphtheria 'antitoxin—that is, with- in twenty-four hours of exposure -to the infection, This yobr doctor or your health board will do for you. - Never neglect a sore throat. When there are ease;, about, take - no chances.' Have a doctor take a cul- ture from your bythis means throat; in most cases, ile eau' tell whether you are coming down with diphtheria or not. Q°iestione and Aliso ens. Miss 5. R. --I have severe cramps in my limbs; sometimes they last for a long time, and if they ere in both limbs at the same time, they cause extreme agony. What is the cause of this? I. baro also somite heart trouble. Answer—Cramps.itt the leg are due to muscular exertion, alcoholism, liver ailment, gout,'diabetes or hysteria. Neuritis may in your case be a cause. Your letter gives me no clue tie which of these ailments yeti cramps may be due, Mrs. M. N: --Can an injury or les- ion in the body or any of the organs he located and its nature determined by an X -Ray examination? Answer—In most cases, yes. Food Control Corner An Inexpensive Maple Evaporator. For a bush of 300 or 400 trees a good practical evaporating plant can be produced for about $31. Such a pan would require: 8 sheets of tin 3 x 10 2 men 5 hours crimping Assembling E, t $10.00 7.50 6.00 e ra iron 2.50 Total 31.00 The pan should be corrugated on the bottom and divided with parti- tions to give a zig-zag course to the sap. It should be set absolutely level so as to maintain a uniform depth - of sap. A. good rule is to allow ten square feet of boiling surface for every 100 trees tapped. In addition, a stove and bride arch are required milli the necessary length of stove pipe•' For reducing syrup to sugar an ad- ditional evaporator is necessary. This is a simple pan, 2 to 2i11 feet wide, from 3 to 0 feet long and about one foot deep. The metal is preferably of heavy tin, but never of sheet iron. This pan sets over an arch or fire box and has convenient handles for lifting it off the fire. All maple sugar malting utensils should now be got out and cleaned, even though they were well washed, dried and .stocked away at the end of last season. The dust which has collected during the year would help to spoil the first, run of sap. 'Utensils which have 'becme rusty should 'be discarded for this season. They can be painted, but if painted on the in- side they should not be used until next season -as the fresh paint would taint the sap. The best buckets are of tin. Galvanized iron pails should never be used, as they discolor the sap, and being coated with poisonous metal zinc and lead, they are objec- tionable. Wooden buckets tend to die - 'color and sour the sap and are diffi- cult to clean. Large pails are, better than small, because sap is not so likely to overflow. Two gallon pails should be used for trees farthest away at least. Coven's are coming more generally into use for the sap pails and are a great improvement as they keep out falling leaves, bark and other impurities. The covers should allow an air space for ventilation so as to prevent the sap from souring. When the season has advanced and the days are warm fermentation is likely to take place, causing the sap to sour, and clime to accumulate about the spouts, buckets and tanks. It is wise then to draw the spout,, make a new hole a few inches from the old one and scald and thoroughly wash all utensils in -hot water. ' - A double cloth strainer should ibe stretched over -the tank used for haul- ing sap to the sugar house. This cloth should be thoroughly cleansed after each gathering, It is also well to strain the sap in the 'sense way when putting it into the storage vat, which should be put on the coolest side of the'sugar house. The storage tank should not 'be too big because if too much sap is stored in the tank it will not 'be handled promptly enough by the evaporator and it is likely to turn sour. Denmark has no mountains. I'J Tit Is summer ,iiie, - ni AB the horses after supper, then turn them into a corral or pasture, and they will add -tie finishing touches to the work of currying and bruelting. During the winter fill the manger full of slightly moist hay at night, give them a comfortable straw :bed, and eon- tented, healthy animals will result, afikeik Watch 'the hoofs of your ewes. Keep dirt and manure from between the claws, This attention may save a valuable ewe. When an old sheep does not eat well or thrive on what she does eat, it may be something wrong with her f teeth, Look at them and remove any d that are loose. il Wool buyers flo not like fleeces that are loaded with hay -seed and short bits of hay stems. They want wool,. not sticks and trash. That is one f reason why sheep should have a clean c place to lie down. Rams in winter should be provided with dry, light, well -ventilated guar- t tors and plenty of room to exercise.' They should not be -kept too fat. f Feed them as cheaply as possible, keeping in mind their thrift and ° health. Alfalfa or clover hay and t two pounds -of ensilage a day are g sufficient, except for thin or young n rams; they need about a half pound d of grain in the ration daily. Take things easy when driving sheep, just as in driving hogs. Sheep t `naturally follow their leader, and the s I leader isn't hard to handle. When m turning corners at cross -loads, a clod e or pebble thrown so to fall in the s road the eheep are not to take, will f usually guide them ,into the right s road-, if the pebble falls just about the d Putting Your' Mind On It. Those who bays made their way in the world -(and this does not mean merely the success that rests on. monetary appraisals) are those maw have said "This one thing I do" and twat' 11 -ed ,. Dl er ulty Lely are one hay ere va- Ying sot sees be in: u oil ver ng ew. for 'on tee - or ow of eel con to em, a the c_ Iie oot Tie' ay ell is it, mo of a d, ty se 0211 L re n- ot are em 0 n- ot it s n- owt. y a y e e e r e 0 have acted in conformity with l pithy creed. They have not able a ,scattering aim and a diversity occupation- to diffuse arid` dilute en gy. They have acquired the fact of putting their minds so complet on the task in hand that they oblivious to distracting impres'si and .extraneous importupiities, TI do not fly off at -a tangent from ih work for a short recess or along , cation when a warm 'breath of ep stirs from the woodland. They do r yield to that vagrant .gypsy mad in the blood—though i,t weak!' much more fun. to go titan to rema A great captain of. -business lies way of talking just to you when y meet him. Ile is not looking .o your shoulder to the next in the to line of appointees for an intorvi He seems to have no thought hut, your presence and this moment. Y leave him; flattered by.that deferen It only occurs to you when the do has closed behind you that someh the great man you came to see g through the interview and dismiss you with celerity equaling the co esy. That i.e because the man of lam and pressing affairs has learned crowd, much into a `narrow spa even a'b a practiced traveler packs trunk. He knows how, to ``fill unforgiving minute wills sixty se onds' worth of distance run." saves time, breath, strength, f pounds of energy, vital electricity: relaxes when he can—though he en not require a book or a doctor to t him how to do it. Putting one's mind on a matter more than giving one's hand to more than going through the tions. The laborer is not worthy a 'better hire who does not bring thinking brain 'tie his task- The el old saying runs that there is plan of room at the top—merely ocean the crowds down there at the bort are content to go plugging and pet egging along he the same day-afte ay, dead -and -alive routine of the u humined drudgery, Those who mon he ladder from the lower rungs those who keep their wits about tie or use upon the instant; those wh an without notice mobilize their i tellectual powers; those who -do n spend so long a time adjusting the Making -caps that the occasion ha whizzed past while they still co usedly debated, The prizes after the dust and h f life's race go to those who brin o their work a radioactive intell mice, an alert perception, dulled b o selfish indulgence, impaired by n eleterious habit. They shut in the problem, the shut out the fretful turmoil in orde o consider and solve it. They ar oldie`s immune to shell -shock. In tit idst of uproar they can deliberat alrnly to a sage conclusion. Impul ire brilliancy may be a little scorn ul of their sedateness andtee' d tied lownese, but when they have don there is nothing to undo. There is n amage to repair. There is no los motion to make up. That is because the executent hand was directed by an informant and not a dormant Mind, time the first sheep reaches the turn. A whistle accompanying the fall of the stone will help. When driving into a car, the sheep will gd more readily if one of the animals is caught and carried into the par where the others can see it. We have found that cows having water available at all times will yield mote milk than where the supply is restricted. SPRINE1 MUSKRATS We pay the best price for Spring Muskrats Send any Furs you have. You are assured of satisfaction In price and treatment. ABBEY FUR COMPANY 310 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Que. In business for 30 years Reference: Bank of Hochelaga, St Henry. SPRING NIUSKR S In Big Demand Highest Prices Assured by Sending to Brasier Compan'y' 84 FRONT ST. EAST TORONTO Established 16'57 Send a Trial Lot Results Will Please You 5' SLACK SEASON FOR PACKERS. British Columbia Salmon Canners Not Successful With Low Grades, Cannery operations in British Col- umbia this year are expected to be much more limited than when patriot- ism propelled the canning of every edible variety of fish. Only the most necessary equipment is being install- ed or replaced and only in a few in- stances are canneries putting in any new boats or gear. The difficulty in marketing the lower grades of fish canned during the war has suede the canners wary of stock- ing any this year, with the result that only the most marketable salmon will. be put into cans during the 1919 sea- son. At the present time the prospects are that only three or four canneries will be in operation on the Fraser River, as the old fishing grounds have become depleted. In the north, however, many of the plants will be running to capacity on sockeyes and pinks if the fish, are plentiful. Although operating costs on tin-plate supplies will be considerably reduced this year, net and gear expenses will be higher. It Is regarded as almost a certainty that the Allied food board will not be in the market for all the sockeyes and pinks this year and the operators are endeavoring to work bade into the pre- war channels by re-establishing their old markets. In some instances this is not proving difi'acalt, but in others the wholesalers report the market al- ready coveted by some substitute that is finding favor. "As long as you don't love any- body much, your character its like a •wrinter, nrt. nde agarden gloss sinhade, and oaneotviherueis is cover r over with straw, and all of then( are dreeditilly pinched and sickly. Then love Comes by and it is summer and your ggarden rejoices and; blossoms dike (Tie rise, without your 'botherin;r about it a$ all.".-'oElileli Tltorneyero. r4 Fowles'.