HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-02-27, Page 5a 4 , Thursday February 27 dealasar Banking Service 'YrOUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN' BANK OF COMMERCE lA 0, MULLEN, Manager - ®cess o>�,� We . J. Walker Undertaker and Embalmer WV..1. Walker, holder of ger_ ermnent Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " r8 I CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. is rocoguiz•ni co elle of the most relinnle;eomntercial Schools in Can. 1ads, The instructors are experien- ped and the Cotteelrog a "' Itie,to-(late, tlradnatee are placed in positions and they meet with sooeess. students may enter at any time, III re Al t/Nt11S Putt FAIN,-• tl ! 'il) r%. McLachian, h >1•:u�.tfi9ncli�gj ' DANDRUFF, �T ire r; 1 e �: J.. � :GI. 1�iR' 1•I Ci ,9 m .�,-1'.11? ... IC your Hake'! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itchinq soaip. OFF DAN! b�attk I Berle t and arrap •y' s , of,•(.tee ulcu't a n I_ 1 .w,ta is •105 0 L ;e;t , , i tit tb'otr ti nf. r +af (.sit nett,- ;,, mit";tl'nrti50 t! 'i'he e is tacit it robs the litesin. sin. 1,1 it as de/Tic i.: ofi. a, fid its very , HX :le lustre, it tit:lit:t'll tti 4'..SLaish- *,'; 1tetaltai' !ci5,. '! • if and ata d c it t r,lip whit,r,etiedied r<, 1,,or ux,fn to, "n to , t e 71 Ii 1 e d!It!'li WL''i ort( ' �l: ncl ata tn.l. ,:1} save!, tar noir. rtvltnu c ' le'itli• ed el t, .: ,a anis, e1,, tifaiklet+...t1r ryl, XR . Apply at Mier New -i Othee li u 140_i_Ol'i �1t1iifl I Rood 81111 11711 .ite(!a vmlisr Ica , Mrs. h B. 'butt and Airs .1, H 11'loyer, of Ltu,la, nite we -eek. ei visit crit r:, t slab, who h,..4 ,.ren t,+.;,ut, lots t i,ha 3101.11',1/ ', ., Creon Al f4,w,la loft n•, al_ p tris tr:r sou Poled;, - - ` 'ulifeetsttt i. A, ,unilt�• ht Halifax .tit t:; I, ron;o s? a etc: 9 std ttriIor a tri, horn,', i, fi9i,sn 'la sae -1714"1.'" ,t ' !1 from ti.y to era oda In i)cil t ley tllitlit!t',, a t•<:{i,' - -' - tt't. nl iri,,;tls arc .ice 1 a bail !<H SIt.AFCIRRT}.3 NEWS rer'""� ""�®� "'""'a-'+ Mt Wellington Fee of Zurich has �! CITo`f�svn Topics bought a house on James Street. iT......,.................................._, ,�q ,e. 9® �" ,...., ®.�.r�.. a Iticoat iss L, of JohMisnatuneeLuln of DoGoderiohin bgwas Doherty •' 00 MAY i,+r.�lla®1 um®mteee�a'u t3 g The nigh Cost of Living-11Tonomy is the word to -day. Make your old garments do instead of purchasing new ones Have them dry cleaned and premed, Dry cleaning when properly done lengthens the life of garments, preserves their fresh new appearance and acts as a disinfectant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes, sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals. My Wardrobe, Godet'ioh St„ vveaforta"" opp, Queen's Hotel, Mrs Wm, MoLeod of lt1anitowaning is visiting her daughter, hire, W, E• Southgate, Mr. anti _Mrs. McGowan of Jatr4.55 St. have moved to Stratford, Mr. Ellie McLean array; how) front overseas on Saturday. .s Father (oaf-• homy tla„- , e. is still confined to itis _.ough i loess, Mr, Robert Bell left n few da 's- c g For Kansas City. 1 miss (>r. -„e Roes received a made Mr R. Archibald of McKillop is moll last +� .. „eek fer the best essay written at the Collegiate on Victory Bonds Mrs 4V, J bowler. of Bettie spent last week at the home of her sister, MI's •®� Thomas McElroy. For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville, The property s situated on Centre Street, ohne the Presbyterian Church and is know as the Purcell property. Good com fortable honee, good shed, good we and cement cistern, All kinds of fru trees, strawberries, raspberries an currant hushes, This is a corner pr party with no breaks on front, and th and is in a good state of cultivation This is a nice property for a retire farmer and the taxes are light, Ro particulars apply on the premises or t John Rankin, Seaforth, to n 11 it e a r 0 REMOVAL flaying removed my Barber Shop to the store next to the Ex_. press office will be a better position than ever to serve my in Hamilton on her way to thio milli shit oh last l l Pte. Fred Taylor has been compelled to go bank to Guelph hospital after coming home last year and being die- oharged., Axa Mr, A. Hazen was able to return to his classes in the Collegiate -on Mon. day, An important meeting of the Farm ere' Club will be held in the Separate School Hall on Wednesday evening next, The monthly business meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Carnegie Library on Thursday after noon, March 8th at 4 o'clock, At St. Thomas' Church last Sunday a special service cointnenorative of Sir Wilfrid Laurier was held and in the evening a memorial to the late Geo, Jackson. Miss Mary Modeland lies returned from Toronto, i ill fi !lift- the te6Icieitat 'illi i'eoefltfy �t pttreltased from Mt', A, Wilson, • Iia Messrs W. E. Southgate, C Stewart, and C, Bethune have returned front attending a bonspoil fit Often Sound, Mr. Wm, James spent Suuday;;witlt his family, Mr, .Jae Cowan has returned Prem Sarnia. • Mr. Craig of Toronto assumed charge of the organ in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. The many friends of Mr, R. Beattie are glad to know that he is recovering. Miss A. Govenlook ep`ent;�enndey in Goderich with her sister. Nursing sisters Harriet and Ann Wileon who have been here with their parents are returning to New Yorlr,thie week. Mr. Harold Best of hIoosejaw was a visitor at the home of Ur ,William Gillespie, Mies Madge Stewart is in Toronto attending the millinery openings, t Mr B 1Jmbaoh is spending a Mise Helen $cable of ltamiltou is a days in Fergus guest at the house of her./ brother Att Mies Lulu Lobb of Henaall sa "The Holy City” most tpoeptehly A'I(se Annie Gordon is visiting fra L,ls Jthe evening eervioe of the l4iethedi t Sunday, sat Warm STIAND Comfortable Thursday Friday and Saturday Funniest Picture Ever Screened SEE 2100 POUND BEAR PieT WILLIAM FOX iPR6i;51�`NTS r y• .44,, G�17ALSII JACK SPULOc,KBy George Horace Lorimer Adapted from the Saturday Evening Post Story in Five Arta Directed by Carl l'Iarbaugla = Also - 'he Mystery Ship - Music By - Electric Orchestra = 8.15 P. NI. STRAND Scenario by Ralph Spence ion fete i Mret Derraneeintends moving into __ E the house which she purchased from {MKS! —� w _, WHITEN YOUR SKIN W, J. (i ° saints. c patrons. Leonard Bolton �➢0111i R k Ng Ponds for sale bearing interest frim to 7 p. c, --'half yearly I f y911 ll we any unemploy- ed films now is the tilee tt buy Som._, of rift St:', 1.,Ido;c st. curitit.g. Flu t;tc- to IflvCSfrtx 111 tlh d11l:ttttlitjwi •:ll%l9fll[aV''}" at et, L fiery openings in Toronto, The i pworth League tneeting Dr, F. S. Bennett, President of tit. I 'Thomas Horticultural Society and ex Pros, of Ont. Society willlnetnrn in the Carnegie Library ot, 't'needay Mat oh 4, at 8,p, in, He trill ill'tatrote With lantern efewo, flower beds, parks etc. :111 members of Horticultural Society are requested to attend. Admission fruo, Mr. N, A, Willoughby, wY who was manager of the Nowa before e;rlietinn.l ons ;sought the lngersnit (itratiiela and As a reedit of, the every woman it utoved his fancily there on Tuesday, the oougvogotiou canvass over Su new During the fire years in Seaford) Mr. moinhers have been added to the roll Willonghhy and family have made of the Woman's Missionary rte.Aeety lea in any friends who wish him enemies in the Presbyterian t'lutrclt, his now venture. iLIN (d)t` liewligati_f1 cttii Fork!, Mr, (Dr,) Lynch, Manley 1 Mr, Leo McKay was here from Tuesday evening wasi tinder the ens apices of the tlitizsnship t',omtnittee, hod ,85r. F. Holtnsto:id gave a very entertaining arid instructive address nu "The .indicia( 'System of t'sua,aa, Next Snadsy morning It' -v. Mr, Flt or will begin It series of ii erre Ins on ti, subj--et of prayer. His first ill: nit I NH'.Theis iiiiira1' h tei '>urch,ta-,i Mr will be "Dues Prayer (Iiia . , fn,". 1'ar (, at ) o It .n'y faun for the• aura of , !tit'; f3it•i' Mr. and Mrs it A1, .!ones ❑'s„ �, cti ir; to t •tarn !ravel -this ad from St. '1'laoolsa, t at:ssl n's ca'olt hufurt• lie..alt•eee elf, „os,,, hcueKit rin eat Monday eu hneita.rs, He sold his hotted and hart. to 31r. P. 81cLaughlin wIto intends to moll„ it ehnrtly onto his premises, Rumour (arts it that Ale, 8rmidget has purchase tli' l f -aria, of Mink Idyli,, ll i stat s!wt e•t, i n,'.Gnrth fig Phren .,1 ,s ».,��,• ,,. f t s rue .-...... .s:.:m.«u w,c..5� -—.v.+war.W,•,..w.+.. t 1, 4 ,il 1 S A(.,1Cn U &mitt, is a t'iN,: int," t.ht, ft"in?a, it,, essi,. t„ I 11'ua, Hills was a ln,gat • ' v:.,,te ' tv Llh:mei ci, Mrs, s (t Oi t is he.ire piein.tffef aI q p a e l trip e,eielI^, i I;AI' r iia1 a i ..t th It ct E r .1 :• i tr ,y Ye Ito', , .nl, j"r' letµ - n It 1 ,l Joh(visa.' ,';cenily ar tri lana,, et 1�1'r . e 7 ., t0 A ,i.!,101:01•1; _ ' ,, oG1 ti d, d h Ll 3 ' ie.."4 ,. UI'li el tt`e� ! 1 1 hull, e.te rsto to t(, 'r 17 tion 7'7Oki,/S1L1111!S 11 iJUIN .-�_ 4 sale- tlrr•,ana tt 1:3.4 ;tit, 0 0 ate mtn,uil y'+ it' ti, 'anal, nigh! can h n ll,, ^I )l and furnish yon with c,na. (r,, a tt,+nth std '''Hl, r,1t' 10 O c t er,t '.., a can of cream t n ea r• tt'mottor il,lnt o rt to spur 0-4r44111 b Plaila anti a',etlia.nttai to T To all wir ills when not in wee. I at,,,. tn'Buttermilk al - rmt hand f:-Ifoie at minket prices, The Seaford! Creamery Co. SEA PORT!•! MARKET tined Wheat........,...... $9:11 .r fifaitwtor arum..,. Shorts per ton............ Fleur... Stitt134 car, ,.,;..,,, 43-44 3. a li ttpi to, Fttrnter.s „ .... r 7,00 Wood Wend -Soft Maple, Elm, Ash, 12 '(nab $4 00. Hard Maple • and Beech l; itch $5,00 per cord, Orders taken. at the pitied or by,John Abell . cal I ga, iu IU Wanted for the "Old Reli bbl;:'1 l'ONTfUI_L NURSERIES Illousatads of Orchard trt:es neer! replacing War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants ate,The demand for Qrnarneutai stock in towns and villages i6 large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal cornmissios Exper- ience not necessary. STONE Se WELLINGTON l o: .....,..:a.. .... , n:, a I.15. Nl• . r 3 Ut t i 1t ar 14, at' :'.l sa : "•1' .1 emends ,ran 1018 Toe., ed or saris a 1:: lel L In whirs t' -'a'. Mee, 1.. - ,1 1in I e' '<I1?ILJT+1.3 lit N' 1'1 i 1.•I, i rih s hnnf',rmers and cane -lie, 0l joie t 'n 'tm t,4, to, t nd n -lgta :• T4. ,'' c • clay tr i LI1- nattier_'c. ill ctr yr• i ll' e storen: paidnen,: nnisc, iti;adnma, rentnn,:rlIt n , et:- I T5. 1 1 •' t s n Fania.5 7 �n'_inttonh mai tc It, 4n ofa tri '. ,en 1 ta:! '.-china.., rat' ut -c In , rsdu it;l0i + i ,o tnrn-ol , rr;usa C:a tt'ruros m !ht; •, n tl IJ: P31TION t .'t l5 mu.t It i i - --n be a.',ti 1 r. car, and Ae,,isiytat Inspect, a,, "i'cina It l - 1nt fht. I c inti::ar I l be i 1 .nun!, , i a catling centres, a ost'ige ll t he prepaid on 1, tt tri and other documents'fonvnrde.' y mail to insure , of Taxation • - Acllresses of luspeciors of T !inn, tor this DisL•riol::- LONDON DISTRICT, Inspector- of. Taxation;. Assistant Ins edict. da ,i I t meet Pe1;lit 1i. (1-'' la 0 t•ilh I.,/ lull a0 lit l a i t 'lig „lite In, tv , t l-, t chili," ofe,.' 1 to F,,:,riil 4 hail} e -t,e t I rl't ilial iiiaisiesioa. I.t t l 7.,i, la ai t„ i1 she in n � is tar :511 rt'Itr o ' ' ae all , 1 m tial>sre ansl 1 e ,re: r €trim ,::; tern cordially invited tet th ladies wit , you - G, n• attend tiring G D. C, IIAIiN, DOK.1RT, I Ptosdcl Fil t, .hick Lary I; it YVl0 CiiiL® TS. O nriS , .._'le FEVERISH, CONST/PAT:.” Look, Motheef If tongue is co Giacomo little bowels with "O7il- �; fornia Syrup of Figs." WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your ,grocer hoe the lemons and. attf 1 drug store or toilet counter will supply 1 you with three ottnu•a of orolt.trd white for a few cents. tyueere the joie-• of two freak lemons info a bottle, then put in Hui orchard while end sitalie well. This ontliee gttart,r pini; of tile very bt i imm"ta skin tehiter.r and eornplexion beautifier known. Massage f i. t s fra- grant, er'amy lotion daily into the face-, neck; arms and hand„ and just nen in>r,• freckles tan .allon'n ,-u, redness artel roughness dielppiar an': liens . mnatL, Oft and clear than skin b''catnc'i, Vest It is harmless., and the beautiful result 'nil/ surprise , ou, 1 SAYS LEMON JUICE _„_ WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion! to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the ,juice of two lemons int* a bottle eoptnfn?ng three ounces of orchard white. altako well, and you have a quarter pint of the heat freckle and ten 'cation, and complexion beautifier. at ery, very email cost. Your grocer has the ]'mons and any drag store or toilet counter will supply Hires ooann's of orchard whit. for a. fete renis. Massage this sweetly fra,•ratrf, lotion into the f.'Ue., nevi:, !t'nl ot;d hands each day mind ane hen friPlars vial flcmiahes dirappear.and how s.dnar, -eon; mi,1 white the akin becomes. Yea: y +a harmless, sc:�r-cps was sIl 3 '`choice and at'e t ;.. Nit n -: became 4,. iAc'3,t.,t3 t � 1i 011i� be' la ahem i' y, N ti al ,lel and,inemil ,t.II• Il Ice. 1,, "n1 e Ii 't 1t r. up, ytl„'• a .a, • Mothers can rest easy after giir »' j 'California :syrup of Figs,” because ir, e few (tours all the clogged -lap war 1 i sour bile and food ond- moves out ofdie bowels, and yogi have I 1 well, playful child again. Sick ehildreac needn't be coaxed to ,',aloe this harmless' "fruit laxative.' Millions of mothers keep it handy he 'ruse .•they known its aetion'on .thea stom. el liver and bowels is prompt; and at, 'a 1,,. Next Mon. Tues. ori. li ta,*11' O f ° !est iecalth l l,l� l !t Cke, t. i.nm ncottr..