HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-02-27, Page 4THE SEAFORTI-i NEWS PROFESS•R1'AL cft111 MEDICAL lit SI.� HUGH 'COSS, Il [ ti �• IIL I o Physician mei l m n 1."1r' v co loft! 0110 undo c 0 diseases L e, i r, and. g semi attention to diseases of P•,y Bar, Nose dJii{i TDlmnt, Attlee ram residence behind Dominion mrk, 7995! PhoneNu. s, ueakIovao Phone No. 1011 gar, F, .1 lin ROWS Senforth Otlit -Dude s Sdoaene tioOOnIoh Street, moat el I. Meth t Chord), tioroner for- Cou uli. ,. nitron lophone No, 4(3, vine. newt 1 1. st \GI t1.: I'o I ',+ and S.0 Sur •e s s t, u a t udalleh ueu opt [ .tetho• Churton E.u[ntth, SSCOTT, graduate Victoria en; tea1'1 .r, and { member of Ontario College of !Myst i.e.,and ,Surgeons. Coroner for Manny of 11,400; bfkt%ar, honor 4rudtu le L -101 t, l:ersltv, gold medalist Tomo. ti du t Codes., Number o College ti Fysiviane [tall San a utterly. reR,. UEC, 11FdLI0hlAti U laoyth , eolatist 3n W011011'3 000 t hdtrru's •i „es and Stbe0mdlietroubles, Acute a'0 11,0,0..•disord era, Isar, Bye, Nose and Throat 0 tin dd re- moved without tltelted° Ions•'nnt5„ free, Royal dorm 215e1Sar, a 10u.s. to d p.-0 :Friday d a.sa, to ,[pm Or. Ft JI H. Foster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Gcadnate iii Medicine, Ureiver"ity of .Yeronto. Late Aesisteut .Now York t,pllthal- -'lmio and Aural :Institute, Meets -field's , Nye and Golden Spare Throat $os• pitela, Loudon England, At the ,'Queetee Hotel, Sonforti•. thiel Wed slesday iii each mouth from 11 it in. to Sp. re, 133 Waterloo Street, South, 'Stratford. ;Phone 2u; Stratford. be Joan Marriage licenses F. ['Ahed tirinn, wBaeeIem and op• ?crib Insurance Act $era eaaolderiag Insurance. Life or Accident? 31you ars, a postcard will get our rates, 1). H1i51OHi.EY. Gen arai Agent for London Lila Insurance Co, Id Imperial Guarantee and Accident. Insurance Co, Seaforth, Ont. James Watson General Fire,141e,ar'.t.:f 11 !.'.surdnee Agent, end dealer i2v:010 .,ghtuas, .Main ritreet 4,1 t, rtil, THE t iFite iqslueg sit P1'trp,e,e -5: I%.:.! . r-- as t Qe I too, 0 t, rt i S F '4IC1,1 J„• ttabta, '.s- , oast, i,: i r 100C..I3011 Jea Ie.rre, Una Chet »r a•3lE t 1 r and •l'oitt! o anima desi' a• buslaeoe oft aratlea to ,ror of her re'mo,.1 ae • •iitrIV 'rPrisi13EeNrs `ivin sifppiy the t required e energy iill'one - 014 evenln5sd27 I SI i i In OIntrOWN [ONOV ISISSUED EVERY T!IURSDAY E From the Office MAIN 5T. SEAF`ORTH, ONT• Phone 04 Evening 137 SUBSCRIPTION One dollar per year, strictly Inn 0d va Dee 11 hot paid on advance, one dollar . -and.. e hall will be charged. United States papers, flit3 cents extra, atrlCklS advance. .111 When subscribers cbaange their address notice should be @eutuo Immediately, giving both the old and the new address. Sub• scriber* will corner a favor by notifying u s of any Irregularity of delivery. Reading Notices—No eeading notice, advertising any cnterralament or matter by which money Ia to bemade by any person or cause will be Ineerted in Tae Nsws without charge. The price for the laser. tion of business announcements Is TEN cents per count line each nreertlo:, to parties having no contract for dlspl*Y advertising, and FIVE cents per Une each insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices, Card of Thanks 5 to 9 linea, 50 cents. Judlolni, Legal, Official and Govern- Ient Notices—Ten cents per tine for first nsertion and five cents per line for each eubseeue•. Insertion, Yearly Dards—profeedlonnl Cards,.not exceeding One Inch. will be insetted for $5.00 Der year, por.nble strictly in advance Display advertleIng•-'Rales furnished on application, "Advertisements nxf0etiuwnadth sent wthot written instruction will appear until titian orders are received for their dia. continuance. Letters to eh., Editor must be accom- panied by the welter's own signature, not or publication, but an a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all. except as paid advertising, plainly marked as ouch. The rote for such matter be ten cents per line. J. F, SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER BUY Noo-77--imrso 7-7 0 0 C C O ill Winghain. Wingha'm could be used ae a distributing centre for many of the surrounding places, Booboo Graham of the Graham, Rodeo Clinton, was sentenced to the Goderieh jail for thirty days at bard labor ft was shown in court that Gra- ham was a frequent violator of the Oen ado Temperature Act, -Mr. J, W. Fraser, manager of the, Western Canada Flour Mills Co in Goderi ch has resigned his position and is suooeeded by Mr; R. .5, Megaw, din Fraser is taking a position in the sales department in the Company., Mr, M Durnin of Lnoknow has pur- chased from the Wm, Wheatley Estate what is well known as the Jas. Fair farm near Clinton at the price of $11,soo. Ueo Holland of the Bayfield road just south of Clinton haspurohas. rod the farm known as the MoMordie property at Kippen and will move there ill the spring, leaving this two sons in charge of the farm in Oedemata town ship which ho purchased a few years age, Last week while the two young sons of Mr, Isaac Carter of Clinton were attempting to cut wood, one of the yonugstere had the misfortune to have the toes on one foot completely severed with the axe, The death occurred last week:at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Buuniford of Mr. George Wood, at the age of 70 years. Be has been visiting daughter since December and was ill Mit a short time. Toronto Letter Lear News.— According to my promise two weeks t en ago 1 1:ow refer to Socialism and the ail views expressetk by Bolshevists ha this al he fair caipitel of Ontario, About th inouth sip the police fo1',,o wont enl1,0 en aitit thelt '111tru<,e' I, 1,6 rliltiluritfee E,f su a t 9u' ul,d11 s' .1 rti.. j'136:15,41 ,,' 1'11' l I i^.:1 i .,UIS ! ti to crowd [.0 i❑ 1, erl,Iti11 r t „e Y 1n)k`o Thursday February 2y Soldiers' Land Settlement Of Huron County ' This committee to whom it was en- trusted to`oelleot data :and to investig- ate to what extent the' Goveruruon would assist the returned soldiers of Furor, to settle down in civil life, met in Clinton on the 20th inst. The oommittee wascomposed of Warden a den Oam bell p Chairman Laporte Ex•Wardens Livingston and Goveuloolt amid Councillors Ford, Beavers, Petty Saunders Young arid Moffat. County officers Holman and Lane were also in attendaloe, By request, Mr. A Murray Allan, of Stratford, representing the Department of Soldiersi Vocational Training Work was present and gave a very inTeresting and instructive talk on the work being carried on by the Government in re- establishing returned soldiers ill their former occupations, mid fitting the the disabled ones fur useful and profit- able employment in every sphere of life Instances were cited of the good work where soldiers, returning to all intents and purposes tetelly, disabled) were 150!p earning good wages iii factories, etc, His work was intended to make the returning men useful citizens but also to make them feel independent of charity, or any resemblance of it, and to restore their self confidence. Young men, who, when enlisting had not corn Plated their education or trades, were taken in hand and assisted liberally to do so. Surveys of factories and other places of employment were being made to assist those looking for employment or wishing to learn trades, Any return ed soldier, wishing any information of this nature, should drop a card giving' his name, regimental number, date of discharge and place of discharge to A, Murray Allan, Iudustrial Survey officer Stratford, and his case will receive immediate ettentiQtl, The clerk presented such correspond ee and iuformatiou as he had gained d the oototnitte discussed very fully I the phases of the question so far as e Soldiers' Laud Settlement 00115100 s developed. rile legislation so fal'1 antra -Is in furmatiou mud nothing is } Wed }'at, But tca,ves ,.lid c, d 0113 t1311u Mutation at mike •ra of 1111`}Jt 1115 Mute,t get at U, t•.•, 1'ii„ following rt„ 'Ii therasalCL's, v 1 n,i nth t., ,old 5 ti il i ilk 6 K I g to the ellen-de°al of some 4, �r n 1 ds4':v6t G11 „f t,wt. 7011.{tli,r,'. gq P 6„ y 7 'tof the beiee: _1111. ;P{�}lnrt'ree 'Ill iia!• ..1,I, y;1 .lilt' `B alts t.E:�r d: r: s h tt �\ 11 11 •:, ,j i ;• .Yt rltf tin, n 1 britt of Mr, to `'Tillery The yoking oonpie will ter{ i it. Ailsa Craig. Bir. Remy W:.iperetas-cold hie farm of Elle acres en tin Lrnr o'i 111.0•, Fltsy tt,wrlsii to :til l;hrle do,rl, of Stauley t:o[vnahip, Tit., print• WAS $[2.Jou 1dr, 'Lint gets po 0eseion in March. The marriage too'r place i1 ibis M0t1E• 0,liet parsonage in Myth on Feb, cath of Mies Violet Plunkett to Ullesteir: McPhee, both of West Wawanceb, Mr. J. G. IBmigh has leased the Commercial hotel In Blyth ane has purchased P d the grocery and confection- ery business and will take possession in March, He has lead the Oommeroial' for many years. The Board of Trade of Winghatn is making an attempt to secure the Hydro r"' 1.101 1 0 +Sty 1 1I. It. ,, b, el r: ii...iatri}F1o13 t JIr 1.: „;f- 1' ,in '.1:4itn r t I r s t t Ir 4 t chi ial•„ail; ,-' d'ri!, II,101,1 mien'$' u' hl e IC capitalist alist w•d 11,1100', d ratan are odiing in luxury It'.tl l"-ir:o and comfort }In I d a 1i' fa 0131. ee11 'ill that no cats a that trill 111 a,ftltl0 3s, 111111 ace •,do},ted I, } r, t 1 IIs, t.,, 1O tt 11 1,u.1.111.1110 iiNG Idol 1011 III . 11' cr.nhtl r +}.elk lx Islet, Ill1 it tit lt':, d1,1 ai, illy Special. Offer for Farmers I am buying all kinds of Junk and Fowl I have a great stock of second-hand Water pipes and shaftings for sale. shaftings Ni.ftoh Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House ' F NINIIIIItUYAtootlo OiOrN ,I ,RST SERIES (1919) COST DURING —1919— JAN.$4.00 FEB. 3 4.01 MAR.$ 4.02 APR. $ 4.03 MAY $ 4.04 JUNE 4.0 JULY, AUG. Buy ►{ VV Where You SeeThis A9 : ,,fit `���{�r �•>��'.'a l . t�z!`� �;�z �i Yi �ji �y k 44442,11 a'Tp�y�apYt-5>= Y_Aa:i :umtYtEtCpjllgltJlillt ;f 6�t P, . t1F: •y vel. •OF! cash tl - . A4" (jn r tar'd. l '443 :: "... ^Y 61ra el;.' pnL. p �. ist ri ay i. altikici'-.g; cf. Ca +r� '1 ltmu t 1 1;;;;;elle t 4phh i t'? list 'I butt of the r d,.a . far i1 attetnl,t. atnatl. 1 Calle attentiol ,:., a 1, 1 ,bin u Farming hen f It basic 104.17/ , lour t nn try, ani th w idh a I 1 !it 71,••y wont dive sop } , what 1H korl ±'e ,;f t 1 h 11001: lit :actin !l. le,' Duni inlet it of a 1t i, ti t} I J ,t Iy ) o I.1 1 u,.: e1,11 r t i ,. i 1 ,1•r [ IY' tl'I111 lrl:-t— •,•I'2601 ._ ,111 lli�lt,r, 1 iirtn 3,011,,.,1.11 uir,C, I7' 1 0130,10, WW1.: -.',I. got , +lt 101.11111111 however in 111 k',; .: m o' a t • al d iu,}„-riniief city x416 hero URIC'. 110 all (11 El kept eu the bo rlh a set whether they go by the tiamt, of Socialists, Bolshevists, A,nar Mists or I. ,. W, In passing th, red triangle the other day v, hit14 ie a great building fur the- acoomuludotfcn end comfort of no turned soldiers, there: were about fifteen boys on the sidewalk in front ol- the building and fully ten of them were gray haired laud two of then, ere white us a streak of lint Oe the old say. log goes, Poor fellows what they must have suffered and endured over Fourier. No t watt r e W oat fl kindness we shute them we can never fully repay them, Parliament opens to morrow and my next tetter will be in regard to legie Iation past and present Boers, J, T. T, at to prri S T S 111t+t l lam"..-eC. �.., hat herb- which ueadr` tr =` •", _ --t a: N,F 1 11'4 =!' ; „...,tee C:..u2 v . +a'c+om .e r, x,'d and criminal � E 5 10";!...; t fttll 4`, 1114. tt 1114• 1 , n,•t' f 01111 it L 10 fit!” It 1t L Sgen. f d. l e l Liu I l 14,0 t o 1 iii n 'I<a l i '•3+ , ' t t e a f I I.iuua 1, „,G I • 0 l ,:r tt, t'10 1.. 0 I. I it if 1/ J 1,1,' 1 I ., , r, ; w , .,,�:t 4. 1 :.. f ,., i;li 1'I "1.0'0 IL1.'1 •P, 11051 I ti'. h its b _ '.11 1 S:'. .,.y 1 , 1 �I I 1l If.. r. it ell' I1. ir l ...'1 '.. ,-0. i1 .1 :ia, 1 - 1 e lit.!• - .:.f ..,„ • .. 1111 i, I:1 I' , , , 000, ,.n1 01 „11 ,.'„[:1' 1x1:: F1031,,,. -., ... It �'I tt..-, ,.1 ,-' 11, ,.,i 11 , .1 ,.; •'i R 0: Alt is t.a ni;nit4, ..1; 1' 1,1.1.11:'” I1 1 I1 , 51 ,,,, ,• r 1.1I II 7 r. 1 1,l;e 1 ,.. t -i-- o...+ 11101 5 • 41 • dl,n l _1• lL 014.1 it n,pp,irl e011: 111E n t,eilr,r r an. be to their' dealt of with our and our tht•ril. I rotten do eminent r'r.taeuin 1helo Messrs. euloclt, o ''Clint reunlcipa look out speediest tet } regarding they may inn remind oo00patio Inunity, means to the peopl no In Jr o sat •,t..1:'1 _1 t t' h 1' 1: 1,01 1 v,r,ni , e 1 t' ,e Ott 1 our 1,ra1 boy e 11,1 iU 1 Y I 111 1 .01511 5000101twit - °-',1101lace and hi amen3 atuotrnln, nod no pledg•, oto to the furthering of any whereby these E florin for et mid t un th,,, part I rt of unl' IstirOie anus Itn.ogniz'oh,not only according merits but that they will he th in a manner, commensurate ;ippieciatlou of their heroism ability to deal generously with lit we are of opinion that 111,00 n should be given by mar gov s to devising schemes for the g of our bole on the farms, }}owing resolution, moved by Young, of Colborne, and Gov F McKillop was also adopted:. the reeves at.d council -of each lily be regneeted to act as a committee to - collect in tete' waypossible os b &all nrti' Olt ' pp las our returning soldiers that be assisted so far as, possible ngtheir format; na positions or nein the civil life of the corn and to take all rteoeesary carry out the wishes of e regarding the repatriation • 1, rt of our county boys,” 'ti 14 Alin I. tFPf,liga�;'i ttl! THBRE 11 f,^ .11..: . 1 iI o CHURCH NEWS t 1I I r.1 his Read are I I f s e of ah • ogar ding meetinge where an admission foe la ()Barged The rate for "-.e110i1 !n Ova end bo c u g PO oa at lino SlliT•9PORTII-1 sliliC1ReHRS St. James' ' St. James' f)li u•oh: Rev. Father E. F, Goetz P,•P, Early Mate 8,00, High Mass 103.0, Snudny School .e.80 p. I13- Ves Vespers and d .Benediction of the Bless. oss• etl'Sacramentl7' p. rn St. Thomas' Rev. T, H. Brown, Rector; Sunday serlcee 11 our and 7 p.m. Sunday eobooI 2;30 p. no, Women's Anglican Missionary -Association, Tuesday 2,30 porn. Clti}drou'ebl•anch lietnrday 2 p.m. mllercession services every Thursday, .0 p.m, Methodist Rev, FI. D, Meyer, pastor —SUNDAY &ohool at 10:00 a,m, Public service 11 a,m, and 7 p.m. Prayer Meetng Thuratta y 8, p.m , Salvation 1trmj' Lieut. F. W. .Leight Sunday services_ -Holiness 11 a, in. Praiee ,l p.m.—Salvation 7 p.m.—Sun day School 4 p. m,—Wedneaday-- Public meeting All are welcome, Rgmondville, Presbyterian Rev. S McLean pastor,lsunday ser. vices 11 a,m. and 7 p m', Bible class 3 p.m Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. on. Y.P M.S Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p In, Women's Mieeion- ary Society 3rd Wednesday lo the mouth L'Sd poll Lichee' Aid inee.e ire- ! mediately after, First Presbyterian Rev, h'. H. Larlrtu,.Ynator. Sunday surlicea I I a.m. anti 7 ;, In. Sunday school 2.00to 1n 1 . I tayt r tueettng, t htugtlns 7 •Lot }, td 1 ,,Ile n'r, Miss— y l' at tie'I h' i ) tt V11,1111,11 to t•1•111311I11't -h::1 1111:4 11::11.31.: Niel:litttlt Mrs.. 'lion «P:tie! Sit.! 'Tiro -"1.13 - in ti:r+ Sunlit . th at I r alt, p ,li' -111, Ito. 5Ii •cion Itato 1 ..t; 0.:rif , ,.i.,e -[s .t . 1' 1, lit•. 41c.. f'sVel) rrnbs'r�rfan .1'L'• i) •,.a I„eter. Sunday 2 0, I1 311 ,'hnralt 11 a to l u;ttlny wit, ,1 1.1 't ni Ptayer rne.„t' 1r,;; 41'e11 - t e v I, ' ei l,,m: W011.10121i4 Mnsaionar y 8410i,.to last F'ti,1ay ,+1 a,'6aii 1111111th at €'l 'n'I:3, l L 4, i>i ti r, { If' f .°t. \11.,:',T' ', ,p r5,:-,.. n .til t a.DQfi jCdL,r." 7'1I v:111maho you loot ycat9 yl,n,ll•tl z 0 Iulp.ove your health Light a as a, feather tine 1ti I, t tont t 1:1b1 t • ,�^� 0 u� onr cull tear y t.tt:,r n structure, t t,u. tttt• IC 'l'his display is for i day only Thursday February 27th - . I Appointments can lie arranged at residence if desired '1 et fa. xirieihhi ai v rat ,b "wrfl�n tiinuartl• ••f 11,E l r tiro tJ'11e;'1}11 101 :Pic Coif'.=-" tlae� Fri n C1pltyyet,, ,.fir l.� iii dol+'t u0t11k �1lA d.r0. talc ttreJ 100 to ty, ' It x. r r. 11 n E: t is f} ' •,d 1 I P 9 t28 ,1 V14t1UI t t a r i t a'¢ 'r .04rYlOrr t Y 1I3 < ut c 1 tv, J I 1 tl, Il,I r tilt.: itrooy Mat t,I oil lit 1.1 1 .- r1 t ,111,11 i 1' (rat; "' It y ar, 1,4t1,ttait.t,io, 1 Mord ' , her 'lit its h,pasri t. 1.14411 1.'44l,,er 11 , 7 the i I II Il rl 11,�I re errirriao.,it turn andp ro, 0::,0,11,..1 I t elf+,•, t a inning Care, 1 r t un:: MVO.r , Mo. 13 }Cars' Pleasant to take, Clarke pater e I8 YO CHARGE', FOR :i )Tr:llllpiyi' QTION THE DOI ENWEND ,COMPANY OF TORONTO L,IMI1'ED 1-Iead Office; —103-I0S YON.QJ sr. 00e, 601 or Chem t;tand 1111 ALL SI(9td e& 131000 DISEASES, Win'rami-.:x._m-anti,-,v;.a.�.5•,.ac"' a.,�'. Asthma Viotime,-.'pbe man man subject to de moa J asthma is indeed a victim. tern. Wlnst can be Moro terrifying fl than to suddenly he seized with par.. I oxyoms of.ohohing which semi to fairly threat -hen the existence of life Perm such a condition Dr, J. D itself, ogg'e Asthma Re Kell Remedy has brought malty to completely restored, health and happiness; It is known and pr's - ed in every section of this broad land, k Brei 1pads ad 4C lien r 1111.4 ,e ri" ll1^'iit D Nat!. s1.p11 #err it S r t 4 lin • 144,. 5,st i,1 d 111p . to Wt, Il 1 ,,,'4 11 me all Inter 'r :l for at fbe SL±', (broil Mil Oats . Sal I 4 a itianbilel 5borts,pet Flour,,.;,, Satter,.,. Fdgs lI a P to, 7v P N Wood—Sof Moll $4 00, 13 in0h $5', 00 .at,.t11• attics o