HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-02-27, Page 2Markets of -the World Docom. and med. 65 00 75 00 Sprungers• 00 00 140 00 Light ewes 9 00 10 00 Yearlings , 12 00 12 50 Breadstuffe. Spring Meals 14 00 15 50 Torente, Feb. 25:- Calve, goodto eboice 15 50 17 '15 Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, Hogs, fed and $2.24%; No. 2 Northern, $2.2114; No, watered .... . 17 50 18 00 3 Northern, 12.17%; •No, 4 wheat, Do, off cars , 17 75 18 25 in etoe Feet William. Do, f.o.b. . • 16 50 17 00 lilenitoba, ovt-No 2 C.W., 70%e; Montreal, Fb 25--Cholce select No. 3 CLW., 6.2dee; extra No. 1 feed, hogs, 117,50 to $18.00 per 100 pounds tedeee; No. 1 £o1, 60%e; No. 2 feed, weighed off ears. Choice steers, $11 00%e, iii store For Willicon. to $1.2.75; good steers'$5.00 to $11,00; eneeieee inteky-No, 3 0W. 5S%; beteliees' bulls, $8.50 to $10,50; others No, 4 OM, 78eeci rejected, 70%e; $5.50; hatcher& cows, $9,00 to 111.00; feed, 70%c, in etore Fort William Poorer Prices, $0.00 to $9.00; canners American eaen -No, as yellow, aud cutters, 15.00 to $6.00. Mille -fed $1•50; No. 4 yeltow, $1.47, prompt calves, $10.00 to $16.00. Sheep, $9.00 ehipment. •e1e,00: lambs, $13,00 to $15.00. Ontario oats -No. 2 white, 58 to 61e; No. 5 white, 57 to C0e, aceordiug FRANCE LOST 45 SHIPS to freights outside. Ontario wheat --No. 1. Whaeie Per Four Dreadnoughts and Five Gillis - ear lot, $2,14 to 12.22; No. 2 dc., $2.11 to $2.19; No, 3 do., 12.07 to $2•15, ers Antoug 110,000 -Ton Naval Loss. e.o.b., shipping points, according to A. full list or Prete& naval losses freights.I in the war, WiliCh hes been published, 1 Ontario -wheat,-No. 1 Spring,4; $2.N09; inelude four battleships, the Beuvet, • Sufrren, Gaidois and Denton; foue 3 do., $2,02 to 12.10, f.o.b., I r IP peenta according to Ireighte. amed eruisere, the Loon Gambetta, tteher arid D. elletit Peas• -No. 2, 11.75 to 11.80, accord-, ..4-„tlioneei• Chaelier• EIrS, and on ,1 ft oftlik,01,the, Chateaureeault. There were, beside, fourteen destroyere, eight torpedo boats and foartan submarines lost, One of the submarines, the Dude, was refloated he• the enemy, bat wes ,telitiirtil Story Comeuenas Bear - mg to freights outmde. Beeley --Malting, 75e. to 80e. ma:- Bueltveheat-No. 2, 95e nonlinal. Rye -No. 2, $1.25, nominal. Manitoba liour--Govomment stane weesameeeree "eleeetee eee-We een 'atiosithasigait01111111110 In the Far North -Canadian and American railway men replacing a p•ece of track and a bridge south of Archangell, Russia, which had been destroyed by the Bolsheviks. CANADA'S SHARE IN ANNING NAVY deed, $10.85 to $11.10,.Toronto, , subeequently recovered. The Minor • Ontario flour -War eletalitY• $""'-ei shipe whieh were sunk were five in begs. Toronto mid Montreal , . . - • • ' • auxiliary elite se.rs, four gunboats, prompt Shipment ', ' • Millfeed-Car lots, -delivered Mon.eseventy-two sobiee,•ine chasers, one trete; freights, nap ineholee. Bram, eloop and sever: small craft. •'• 140.25 per ton; eliorte, $42.25 per ton; The lees, in tenneee was 110,000, • good feed flour, $3.20 to 13.50 per egad:lei 5e0,000 tons for Englaini, '10, - bag. - 000 tore: fer hely. eal 17,500 tons for .Hay -Nee. 1, 820 to $21 Per tea; i the United Seatese ... • . mixed, $18 to 4;19 per ton, teed; To i • ing and Conduct of Over 4,000 Canadians. despatch ;Irani Halifax say: - Canada's greed but little known part in manning the navy for proLeetion of her own shores was uncovered a little bit hero be- Admiral W. Oswald Story, who is in cornmend of the CANADA ADDS WEATHER COLD IN NORTH RUSSIA But Health of Canadians is Good _ , and Winter Sports Serve as a Diversion. A despatch from London says: - From the latest arrivals from. the Merman coast it is learned that the Allied troops olf tho North Russian expeditionary force are in good'health conditions and the military settled - ties are doing everything' to alleviate the discomforts of the extreme cold, combined with the Arctic 24ehmir night. The temperature was nearly 40 degrees below zero in January, and only three to fear hours of daylight during the month at Port Murmansk, which is 200 meee within the Arctic circle. The troope are mostly aecommo- dated with weed -lined log haericaclee or collapsible buts, fitted with eleep- PAT FROM SUNSET COAST PRINCESS • WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLII leereg ARE DOING. GRELIS BATTALION Colonel -in -Chief Inspected Men Progress of the Great West TWA and Fixed Wreath to Colora,, in a Few Pointed A. despatch from London says:•-• Princess Patricia ed! Connaught 'bade Paragraph/. ! ftazieoeiteloIton,clai'nriatice4to blether 5onsustubl,la:; The appointment of a paid secre- which ;11:21:K her name and of ivetich tary-treasurer has been decided upoon She is the Colonel -in -01W, by the comrades of the Great War The battalion, which only arrived at Victoria. in England from Belgium a fortnight Mr. II. Charlsworth, of 'Victoria, ago, was impeded by the Princess has been appointed the new president at the Canadian camp of Bramshott, of the British Columbia Teachers' near Liphook. Me men bad with vederuticu. them the colors which the Prineess • worked with her awn hands and pre- The order of the British Empire embed to them when they let ot_ has been conferred on Capt. W. II. Lettiee, of. Victoria. He went over - la f • Franco and which they mete 1 f a ..•••• ••••••• eicel through many ongagentenee. The seas with the 47th Botta iori rex Iva. , Vaneoriver three years ago. Men were in fighting kit anti looked extremelY sanest on earade. A company known as the Canadian After hasped:mg and addressing Siberian Expkwation and Develop - Ing bunks and Ituseme stoves. Von- the Men, the Princess feted teethe merit Co,, Limited, has received its ous entertainments eve frequently colors, which were preeenteet to her charter in Vancouver. TO SHIPBUILDING ffis..4.1h)deze d. Winter :FiOrtotsing espa7:aZy. 1i noetiO. ineribed: "To the La.,1).(11?:0(4T,Tvet,1),It:11,15',11'efd (Judged in. There are comparatively Prineees deatriete's Canadian Light enea end meningitis at Vancouver' few elves of frostbite owing to the Infantry from the Coionel-ineOhief, in eecognition a their berate SerirltteZ 191S Output of Vessels Greater -,ea-v suPP c Than Any Previous Year., The North Ressine allied troops are garrisonieg lle0 miles of the Mur - A despatch from Loedon says:- man railway. Supplies for outposts Lloytr.s anneal summary of mercantile ave despatched from the reilhead, shiehuildine threerehout tho world in sernethnes 200 miles distant, by rein - in the groat war, 191,1-18." The battalion marched peel; As Coe- onelein-Chief to the inspiring skirl of -t';("rtai if4 oripeinatea treeeh raids. credited with having firs .• the bagpipes. It is noteworthy that - - The medical health ellarer in the the eolore presented the Prineesewiere of the allied and neutral countries fee hy the women folk. Two of the latter the only ones carried in }lotion by Britieh 'troops in ihiS To'ili'. - that schools be kept eloe,ed owing to Point Grey distriet has requeeted 1918 shows that the meeeartile output deer el -edges, -March are often driven figure hi e never previously been ap-• enEant co-odue.t in repelling enemy amc vl we A u A DI A DI • the. epidemic of influenee. • • A shipment of three co:deeds of that yet•r watt 5,447444 tone.. • 'This have reedeed the MIR:Mt Media for e_____n_e,,______ ronto. Noeth Atlertie equedron oe the Beet- proaehed, It is more than Oil per raids on fan'. '.011 O. - A DM 'al Minn - - beef cattle, forwarded from Vernon General Hospital. Lieuteneant Harold Owen, son of Major the Rev. C. (1. Owen, of Vie- ohaed is stationed at Halifax. cent. higher than the eutper for 191e. Mermaid, is an ice -free port, but tea Vemeouver, malted to the shipper " - • Steele-ea...Iota-el° to $11 per ton, Some 20 U-Ront Commandere . - • th 1 r.rier itt -the the forces at Arcleangel Are Mll- e 1.00011., N , SgOT cue Iota . 1 Ala Lieutennet A. G. Imlate, Vancottv?.-r. Council and the Board of Trade to To Be fried on Murder Charge.. The oceasion wes dilute)! by the tety which included Germany ana Aestria- pletely eut elf from the outside world Country Produec-Wholesae. A ch • e le me Landon Petter- Dairy, tubs mt. rolls, zla 10 it,tuter's .says leeree that elm earn- from the \Vattern province, Accord, - the party .of visiting newepapermen c -` • ' • - • • • • tl e tvo luded from the present eennlation. ccmmunmetton betwee • 0. Third °facer and Two Splendid results beteg secured 118e• prints, 40 to 41e, Creemery, freeh meteion whiell is enquiring Into Ger- hat te the enthusiastic teetimony of e e Three hundred an 1 one vesels of foreee commanded by Oen. Ironsidothe G cet Near Veteran's Asse- t us gram old see og, more oar* • , I • ' d t' 1000 Le-..e,le0 tone, w ere larine. ed t las„,on y poeet e n Wounded. , elation in the ohlammg et poeitions made eelide, 5lee. prime, Gee. man eueinarine exeees has now euffie h ; 1 ' -1 e-'11 i winter tima_hy • °them seriou„!3; Eggs -New laid, 43 te 44o. dent evidenee io eoneiet some twenty t-ok pert in this work. • a Upited Kingdom.. Met is 58;1 'T el ' 1 •i; Dreesed poultry--eSprzug 011cl:erre., German el...len:Jr:lie eemmanders near - • - 1 • • te'e• ee• f menthe of the Year. Inter- cf. the ILAA.Y., has returned Mame. .„03. ac °plane. ajor ernes eeac ..e • . A cit.:patch from pays: fee returned men at leateteueer, tons below the vecord of 1013, but it' ten is attached to Gen. eleynartre 26 to 82.- rooeters, 25e; fowl, 27 tel et. eeein „t peeeee.t, .tre “I regret Yee aid not come here' „et„eie • Kurt Elsner, the Dere:rem Premier is 185,223 tons mare than in 1917, and . headquarter,: ae an a: "%ISO C.11 . orporal C. II, Pi:V:01`,,, of Vt311- rind kilkd on Fr. • eetw,.,e, woo aceidentally killed in 1dav by. e• eels Ines, eee; areceys. e;, Ger, .e, - s. - 7oft,Se5 tons mere than in 1016. I equipment, while a special To:eta of wee ehcet 30 d t 40 I ' " sooner," said the Admiral, "and see 11'4'nei Fero after four )7e•I!S' service, Ial Glint Are-tY: as . mu..c... et en eta •• NN'aat Caanda's nava •wine; -wee On • 1.1 ... 1 anyeeere nertieul•ve beve bad. Outside thee United Kingdom there Canadian. officers and 11.111.WITIMIS- • i'•,= eel 11, 'Li, were launched 1,565 merchant ves-; sioned offieers, all experienced in 1\1%,•,',firrti,,:hi,„:t...°02-Ti-'icrie The deportation of 'alien enemiee Live poultry -Roosters. 20e; fo,vi," ' :' " " „ this coast we have had over 100 24 to to• Z.ltle; duckling's, llr/e: c-1* ' ' ' :"' - eels of the navy operating, manned by 35c; spring eilleiceent. e5e: gouse, 18e. sq12,1S, tb)Z., geese, e5e. .etween 4 000 tend o 000 Canadians.- sele 4.009.324.tons. These figurre Klendyke conditiens, is attached to • e cam, red la the 'miner- • • • e heal uncathaeusly proposed by Reuter atheees. and the oninion is ex- - . the Dinned dbeio»ites" Aeesciation. Cheese• --New, large, 26 to 2Siee; presael tent their sin -render aml The eervice these men have genclered • 13 • ' ION . r f r He inetructoes Agetic compared with 1917, and are 2,098,05 life. Teems of husky dogs have also t eiresee, and dee"). nen.... . . 29 to 2ille..; twee ealle to ealee c. ' mmistiee ' - ; " ;" enme, u tons higher than in 1913. The United; been speohallY sent from Canada fee eliots teed from lebied .b.e., his head. Vnn';'°°•;e1•• Potatoes-Onterne-f.o.e. te. eat T States japan and Canada. were res-; tranelloet work, tlioltgb the local rein. Elener'i body wee cerried into the Funds ate: beieg soli:died Trent lee, 29eeet; Stilt -on. tleale to etle; ole. leree, latraal.1 elleeei el,,,,e e` eeeeet. itt ,tbi; to Coned:11ms been great They have bad to man small ship. and live ronto, ear ene. ed in any wee. They have borne ponsible for 92 per cent. of the total' deer, winch roam m heres atm .0 Feeeign iiiinIstey, ehere It hoe ir, lle, !noes mon el. Venendeer to build tee life to which they weee not aceuetome 0-, twins, 23ee to 29c; teiplete. '20 to trial. nossnee ev as neva. tr' " output abroad. . new industriee. Beane -e 6,,en . eenene.: Allies Mt•st Reel:lea Germany these hardships cheerfully, and their Lepp country, are chiellY visea for Porter's !oage. . bushel. eeeire• pi•linese;.$1.0e.1 Says. Beitieh :elission conduct throughout has •been irre- Some cifeer :hrojilt4 til eat •• I Th!: Royal 'Area ere e•i Imported. lee, i-rieltese Buirne or In-; proaehable. I regret we have to part. C-4---CADA'S. E:VID3IT • and- no .ce . • • • dian $4.00- Lireale. 15e. • ye:gee:cite teno ..eseeetel the. "elver in the tear fotel.e. this purpose. 11 I' eu-' el- • - • 4 • • to en Polito are to be etatione 1 at Yee 28 to 29e lite 10-1e. tine, 27 to 2e.;,;:tean-,..- cr;I:ent, m.o.:rein; to the repert that you could have let the people of A despatch from Paris seays:-I TO THE WAR . .- , , , first seaden ef the Leedeig wee meet- The Vancouver prey 1,y-lew leis I A dale...tell eigen Parie eayee--The as we will. dernebilize 00 Monday. I ARRIVES IN TIME i /mews - -HoneyeeEeteeetea eleven 5-111. tms eeed fee reel. ttennie Cermeny Is regret you dad not come eareer. so CONTRIBUTION --"-tweetIti: just ma le by a i. 011 of fourteen Br caneh kuow the stfieridiel service There has been snme IvPPrein'n''in'al - . ed. Hardly b:el to., p,..,reeititee ce:o. been 1...iplre.10. and jiteeye, ere le•gelly 60-1b. tie, 10 to eTte. Comb: 16-07„, , / lest the Canadian exhibits for the e Le despatch from Delhi says: -In - meneed When ilerr A ::, B.:.iV:V :111 • PiAllillted ilt Wain:IV:T. • • • Koo. doz. a Ge,,mgrv• ro-enov -r-r the purpose - -e-4.- time, but the ship containing them.. L, t' d fair would not arrive in; °Peningh 1 • f rd the 'Viceroy sited the Legielative Council, ' ""-• . . Loi Minie'ee of the Intel -lee, wee ellen Owing to the evereeeeeding of N'ell- ," et• • • •••• • 1 eel-, a ' er --- oe'on eeetem • 60-1b. tins, tei to thilece h 7 h The t. . 450 Maple predeete-Syrup. per g30 to allon,. of eerelneilr.g 0 :7:voted official in- was 111111‘u'citinigg tioo'1.1.2lrit,•..-'sc...e.1‘...i.lee‘I'C',1f. (ta0a1c1Its'-'da!'ye In; been' i';re,le.;."•el, ildeeei '13 •"•- 0 o o 9 ''' 5..t.'10.,-eie'ted vatious alert- ti so have rendered." $2.26 to ee.35; :eager, lle. 27 to 2Se. ' vestigation of the sitratele. The BRITISH GET 5,000 GUNS docked at Havre en Sundae-, and they; eweitiete that India's contribution to the Allies - !officers dedere• that the country is. BY GERMAN SURRENDER evill be carded to the fair ground by; ewes 91,000,000 sterling worth of. Kurt Eisner, the ileverielt Premier. to 1, and from 1 to 6. Auer NI woL,,,La the left. eine, Ie veal a great shod: to a !urge f t " With the o main, of the; . 900.00.0 •tons of railway deeP- 1 f ilwa track. 299 and Deputy 0,c1 wale leileni mad lee eirele of. friers:le at Velegereer to beer other officiate e,e-ce fit..••••4',.:1; of tee death of 'Lieut. -Col. Il. Rod, o • lf C (h.. ' • do Ctwere • The shots were fired frern the pide of peceroonia, at St. John, N.B. lie gellery, mid causal a -p4nik, 411n•2.11,1; Liquid air is to he one oft the the deputies. thief eteenialities tinned out in a -• by the militery. - The Diet building le helug no:' ele,1 nee; indoetry to Ile- ad:Oakes:id m There ie. reported to letve been a Veminever very shortly. 25eY to 25ele; tells, 25% to atitie; i A de:spat-1h from Lendon ee'es• ma a '" ' German Prionners or War Will Not Be litepairieted Naar ley l'f Vance:aver Mead during 1918. . - stende• inereeee in the alining 111 1,10. 27%„. Up to February 14 the G.ermans• the representatives of the allies, at ing him, A despatch front Peri t eee •.: - - Cl•retvers are oppesing nay irerenee In Repreeentaivee or the B.C. Freit pails. 26 to 2,3e-ec; prints, 2Tel . to; ,„ . ,_ -I P ) ... 1 Important discoveries of fuel oil have motives, 4,065; motertrucks, 1,220. Oilicial ;announcement was merle that took to be the local pressman sketch- ; shire's estates at Chesterfield, Derby- had surrendered to the British 126,- tbeir meeVng at the Qual D'Orsay on After the ceremony he went up •to Mathias Erzberger, head of tee e. eeine.s 'ales. •• • ' shire *where eeplorrtion ha- been car- 826 freight ears. • Friday. decided that the tallies should the man, and said: man Armistice Cororniseion. has beer) Ille. lam Beelmen bee been eleethe :been made on the Due of Devon- • . -_- Montreal Markets. Prorisions-Wholeeate. ; !iring on its eenital as recrares eood -- , , e Smoked •Ineate-Heins, medium, 351supolies. and teat either famine or A despatch from London says: -On fair, on March 1, the ex 1 1 e -Ifb•t- will'; ' ' • to 38e; doe hoary, 20 to 32e: cooked, , Beishevismeneeneney both -will en- • beliale of the Government it has been be in position, ana there will be in at-11ocomptives, 5,800 vehicles, 42,000;000 1 articles of military clothing, 1,250,- 49 to 51e; reels. 31 to 32e; breakfast; eue before the next harven- if outside announced in the House of Commons, tendanee representatives of Canadian • 000 combatants and non-combatants, bacon, .11 to .17,e; beeks, plain, 44 to I help is net C---7-21•.::-reng., The 1.1:,.(1 in answer to o cluestieri> that the fole industries and enterprises who are i a....:.........r.a....• b " • t arrive 45e; boneiees, 50 to e2e. teen. fate is esteanaliv nreere lowing equipmene of the Getman Cured' Ineate--I•enel elem. bacon, 28: --,e_____. .----4.....- -, aemies had been surrendered to the to 20e; dear eellies, 27 to 2S.e. • PADEIZEWsKr ..9, GOVER.N'MENT ' Lard --Pere. ticeees, 27 to 2.7ees; I mot OIL FIELDS British up to February 9: • tubs, 273.e to 2ee• pans. 27ile to 231.t• ; DISCOVERED IN DERBYSHIRE Heavy gams, 2,500; field guns 1 • 1 e 1 A despatch from Paris says :- A Model. The newly elected el.?. was opening a bazaar at eludton. He was in the middle of what he considered a most telling speech when he noticed one he wounded. RECOGNIZED BY ALLIES prints, 28ie to 2tii. Compound tierces, • - 2,500; machine guns, 25,000; trend; me, .on on a. lai•ge scale and under reeognize the Pdish Government, "I-er-believe-0001-aw-you were informed by the AniQt1 War Couneil president of the Karoleepe Fere:ere' " i offienal sereation. The supeliee ere I. NIQUE GIFT TO PRINCESS headed be- Ignace Jan Paderewski. sketching me -what? Isn't that so?" that at pre5ent there tan be no (lie Institute fee the. ono:ling ;:eur, Montreal, Feb. 25. -Oats. extra No.' • i ' ' ' . ' b . eanieed as vast. Experts are con- • ' - - PATRICIA FROM REGIMENT ee- "Er -yea" said Inc presentee. mission of the repatriat'on of GeraL.in owio, to 8 ,r,„,„1, oal,r,;.1; of ilfitio . 1 feed, 77lec. Flour. new standerd grade, $11.10 th $11.20. Rolled oats, 1 -.3 ' bags 90 lbs„ $4.15. leran. $40.25. "What-er-nowspaper do you re. prisoners of war, exeept woundad men, three seltools Lathier, Shorts, S44 to $45. $64- vincal that several other dell oil HOSTILITIES WITH POLAND butter, choicest creamery, 51lie to 5311 oil in England 'than in the whole State Presented Princess Petjeict with a A despatch from Baste says: -An the sketch -book. "I deslgn comic post- a Viet:1,y Bond for storm. Ilay, No, 2 per ton. car lots us. fields are in the eauntry. A despateh from London says:- SUSPENDED BY GERMANY present?" asked the conceited ALle men or men who are serieellY ill. .1:ave been clotted for eeeerel W'1.'. Cheese, filiest Easterns, 24' to 25e; • An authority says there is more The Princess Pat's Reeiment ha.ve "No newspaper," said the man with The Sumas Coeueil e menlie.e 1 with th convention ro- 6 The poisons left in the system by the , veme,eti beni„ eereine. 1 1 t of • • • le e selected 500 No 1. stock I f Penns Ivenia statuette of a soldier wearieg the °finial statement from Berlin says: cards." Health of the Heir. Carl A, Neseen, of Aldergrme, MS,eggs,r Y dressed hogs, abattoir kiiled, badges of the Pats, and holding in 47c; potatoes per bag, ear lots, 51.75t, lard. mire. wood. pails. 20 lbs. net, 251- his hand a book. in which are in - $24i2 ALLIED VICTORY IN to 29o. Mr1131.11c TERRITORY scribed the mimes of all who have servd with the regiment. Live Stock Markets, Toronto, FO, 25. - Choice heavy export steers $16 00 Do, good 14 50 Choke butcher steers 12 50 Butchers' cattle choice ......, 12 00 Do, good 10 50 Do, common 8 50 Bulls, choice - 10 50 Do, medium las8 75 Do, rough bulls 7 50 Butehee cOWS, &Oka 10 25 Do, good 9 25 Do, medium 8 25 Do, common 7 25 Stockers 8 00 Feeders 10 50 Canners and cutters 5 50 Milkers, good to choice . . . 90 00 A despatch from London says: - The Allied forces, in suecessful opera- tions, carried out with courage anti ;I dash, have edema:tied to Segoja, 60 $17 60 /5 0 nules south of Soroko, on the Mur- es 00 , man rsi:way, according to an undated effietal report received here on Fri - 12 50 day night. The Belsheviki lost 50 11 25 men killed and 50 wouuded, anti the 9 00 Allies captured much material. 1100 9 00 8 00 GERMAN PROPOSES 11 00 NATIONAL MOURNING 9 50 8 50 A despatch from Weimar says: - 12 into the National Asseanbly, and one 10 tt50 ing 7 75 Telegrams of protest against the sign - of the new armietiee are pouring 7 00 from Beelin demands that a period of /40 00 national mourning be ordered. eeeeteee!ret -"erre._ "1111111ww- amersencomorc, Conforming N e influenza seen to have meet 0 t Teen- for over o . longing the armistice, hostilities with When sauces are set away, put a hair with many of the patleuts. Poland were suspended on the morn- few bits of butter on top. This pre- remedy is, -first. ,bulld at, the health, ing of February 17." • vents the forming of a &use , --_-_-_-_-___ moonalelle Complete School Set ---24 Pieces FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS. This cretnt contalost 1 BoglIsh Sohcc,1 Case 1 Japanese Pencil Box O special Drawing Pencil 1 Compass 1 Itubber-Upped Lead Pencils 3 lietal-cased Lead Pencils 1 Pen Holder 3 Pen Points 1. Box Crayons (20 colors) 1 L'reser 1 Box Paints 1 Paint Brush 3 Patriotic Blotters 2 Packages Union Jack ii'lag Stickers so that you can put the ling on your school books, letters, etc, We will give you this whole 94-plece 500001 Outfit free of all charge it You win sell Suet 90 packages of our lovely embossed Si. Patrick and Baster Poet Cards at 10 cents a De:CIGARS (6 lovely oarde in each package). Sent.l de your name ane we will send you the cards to sell. When sold send Us the money and we will send you the whole outfit Addreas: HOMER -WARREN CO., Dept 53, Toronto and first, last and all the timemas- sage the scalp twice it day, if pcH:11)1e, The hair should be washed frequently. too, even though a great deal of hair comes out at each washing. It is im- possible to restoro the hair without keeping the scalp dean. The rubbing of the scalp during the shampoo and the hot and cold water are very bene- ficial, too. At least five minutes' mas- sage night and morning Is requirea, Place the thumbs firmly against the Side of the heed to got a firm hold, and then move the scalp back and forward so that it is loose, and you produce that "aglow"; feeling. A good tonic to use at night is made Of forty-five grains of resorciu, one ounce of gly. cerins and enough of diluted alcohol to fill a sheounce bottle. A druggist wili put this up for you. Faithfulness to this treatment is very necessary. •MR41€49-selltt YOU ATTEND A, szvrtidc, 'TtlantABOV 0.1 R.£4,Afttes, To vA.Kule, DowN ALL *He. TELEGRA. POLE. IN 'rovitle ObTher t bPO,L vvilit BeAtYr-f of V•11?" _4 4 ., .' CUR "rowe4^ hi . • V" -1n SP.Y.SellTH 1:30Wl• &The PIM .1 tiNvo, ENCtitti IB011tbLE AT Home,. BY GOLLY. SHY. 1..001t11•1' AT imE• -11C72E" 31E1,4%-ar 31Z3E1t2LaZ SAN - 51`iiTIA •11.4, ,NT THAT DiZETihr • tVER:1 PoVr THtt, TOWN 'otiOULD toe ro• • INDIeN SUGAR AND COTTON New Methods of Ftefbing Sugar Will 'metre Large Export Trade Sugar making is one el" Jedia's meet ancient industries, lett tete lt'o of three-fourths of the sugar value of the cane lry use ef 501111(1.00 maen- inery and the muddy eletreeter of the product, because religious pre- judices prohibit the ten of animal charcoal for refilling, have confined India's sugar to lotal eeneumptioe, says the World Outlook. With nearly three million acres tattler eaze, pro - clueing considerably raere than a third of the world's 1th1, Inein neve,r- thele.ss exports no sugar. On the contrary, in addition tf) her own stet- pendous production, she spends 525,- 000,000 for stager :annually. With new methods of relining, there is now a steady development of cen- tralized plants, and soon India ---the aboriginal home of the cane -wee doubtless take a place as a sugar ex- porting land commemsurate with the size of her cane crop. During the last official year the cloth woven from India's home crown cotton andl home-spen yarn wield have belted the world forty times around. Yet this amazing aliment gave only a scant five yords.,per pee - son, and this in a country -where the climate makes cotton cloth the one usable material for Most of tbe peo• ple. India alseady has 114,000 looms, more than half of which are in the Bombay Presidency olone. }Laminas of thousands -of hand looms of homo workers aro as yet ramountecl. The cotton mills employ nearly 300,000, mid the cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing mills more than a third AS mealy additional workers, The present stens is pushing sative industry into a naw development, 01