HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-02-20, Page 7BREAKDOWN, OF ire S�q, WAS APPARENT LONG BEFORE THE ARMISTICE, Morale Crumbled More Quickly Than lir Any Other Section of Military Enterprise. Long before the war came to its eud• den end, there wee plenty of evidence• that the German air service wan going !r. '� j^�y^. to pieces, as mucic through the faulty oonitt;nietiou of their machines and lark of material, and much of it heel, e4 tfaat—es the difficulty of maintain., ing un o2iolont personnel. 1t would seem, from information that T have been ablo to obtain from the best pos- sible,source, that morale 1t the Ster- nal/Cam er-ntau air service began to crumble.. Horeb moro rapidly than their army [neral generally, after the first appeal w�t pUot'c for an armistice. This was perhaps natural, having regard to two impar tent factors. First there was the dead- ly influence in aerial work of any shortage or deterioration in equip- ment and raw materials of construc- tion, and, secondly, there was the fact' that in an air service the standar;. of morale required for successful work This straight -hanging .ir'ess -has ie exceptionally High, because so very Picea. from under the yoke, and e muck depends upon individual tattle- canvortible collar. McCall Pattern tivo, outside the observation of super!- Vice 8726, Misses' Drs'•: i. In 4 sizes, or authority. 14 to 20 years. Price, 2'�i cents. Trans - Several German prisoners interro- fer Design No. 912. Price, 15 cents. gated on ono day gave interesting evi- deuce on various points about the German air service. The losses due to bad landings, for example, were des- cribed as very heavy, especially in training centres, A mechanic who was at the Second Pursuit Flight School for six months during 1918 stated that in ten weeks 248 crashed machines were sent to Germany from this school only, and that during the six months he was there the average number of crashes per day was eight. Shortage of Pilots. Some four months ago there was a dangerous shortage in Germaing of ealate for .scout nrnchhhes;- and pilots were compulsorily transferred to. pur- suit flights from other types of units, or if coming Froin trainiugsquadrons were not allowed to go to two seaters. In this connection it may be:,uoted that pilots -formerly always volunteer- ed for scout units. Tho situation is said to have arisen from the fact that reports of enormous casualties in pursuit flights had been circulating in the German air service, whereas previously they had been con- sidered very "safe" units, and had even been dubbed "life insurance conn '6Z'4s' BRAND 'D With u pleasing grace this model panics." drapes itself at either .side in a .sort There was also a marked shortage of of pleated fulness. McCall Pattern certain types of machines. With re- No. 8750, Ladies' Waist. In 7 sizes, gai'd to personnel, an attempt was 34 to '46 bust. No. 8895, Ladies' Four - made to meet the shortage by compui- :Piece Skirt. In 6 sizes, 22 to 32 waist. sorily transferring Zeppelin mechanics Price, 20 cents each. to the aeroplane service for training These patterns may be obtained and employment as piipts. from your least McCall dealer, or The shortage of petrol, already re- from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To - ported by prisoners in reconnaissance Tanto, Dept. W. and battle flights, had also been felt in pursuit units. Pursuit flights In the Park at Home of Evangeline Sixth German Army were allowed to The home of Evangeline at Grand fly forto hour only every other day, Pre, N. S., immortalized by Long - and pilots were not permitted to carry fellow's poem of that name, has been out independent patrols, To .sunt up, there was shortage or= purchased by the Canadian Pacific machines, men and petrol. while the Railway and will be maintained as continuanceof bad landings, especial. a public park. A statue of Evan- ly at training centres, „suggests that geline, which was being sculptured, competent pilots were growing fewer by Louis Phillipe Hebert at the time and that training was quite inadequate. of his death, will be •colnpleted by These conditions will inevitably affect his son and placed in the park. Germany's post-war status in aero- nauties as ponlpared with that of the Entente nations, which eater peaeo time aviation at the zenith of their war time strength and efficiency, MODEL VILLAGE IN LONDON :British Government Intends' to Build One in Capital. What is the type of house that the Britfish Government regards as ideal? According to 'official details of the Local Government Board's housing 'scheme, which is now pub- lished, the following are the princi- pal requirements suggested :— 12 houses per acre in urban areiis. 8 in rural districts. Maximum of sun in living and working rooms. Minimum of sun for larders and stores." Comfortable living room, 3 bed- 'rooms, washhouse and bathroom or bath. Standarized, essential fittings, such as doors, windows, ranges, dews baths g , , bolts, locks, door handles, ete. .A good garden. In view of the paesen't famine in houses, the official announcement that a model, :village is to be erected in London is particularly timely. This village, the exact site of which is not specified, will embrace all the, essen- tials mentioned above. The work of erecting the first houses will, it t is ex- pected, be. coanmenceed ahncet im- mediately, and developed as fast as the schemes are approved. When a woman sweeps she should' stand erect, with her head up and her mouth closed. Justice is merciful0,vhen there are, extenuating circumstances, but when there are none justice must be stern. --Lord, •Reading. One teaspoonfiull of salt to one qua., of water is ethe proportion for 'tlhe water in which cereals are' to he; The Canada Food 'Beard is calling for greater production Of maple sugar. Well, it will pay. The hottest fire is made frosn char- coal, as the latter is virtuallly pure carbon. r sa inse cid®'f -166:41'6b ;tee Try the email, e ford den .a gs..: i f tie' Ith •:01A ' 0110 reaaots 6000 �C:F. PU. id 111l1St£atl'77s` ext011Oht, fable beiaelr'a a with -its - 400446; c 446, the dgl, ftav/ rand'the: 1'e.401ts: of i:'he dente will appeal - o you.Thaf's wh9 so much Posturm is sold nowadalss AN AMERICAN 'TELLS STOR'Yl'Q1 FEARFUL BRUTALITY A Prisoner in Turkey, Horribly 14lufi- rated--•ifr Waz Sleureed To 'W'itee s Many Atfocildes Many have beet tho tales,cx gger- ate'd or without fouttdatten, which lie e passed' from tnouth to mouth, and even found thele way into print, o2 {prisoners of war who have been sen home' with faces disfigured by brlinds of the German eagle, snakes slid other horrible ob7 c ts. Many of these stories could net be traced by the! authorities and were attributed to heated imaginations. A-correpon- deni; of Lloyd's Weekly, however., hat disdovered a very bad case of Hun sihvegery, which sufficiently testifies to .tris method of mutilation by brand- ing;or tattooing, being no -exaggera- tiory, Following up the clew given to him, this correspondent found the man he was. after. His name is Roughton and he lives In a miserable, slum near Waterloo, hating to go out in day- light. On his forehead was a dis- figurement, says this English writer, "that seems almost anbelievablo in these days of so-called civilization. Brand Covers Entire Forehead "The than's head is covered with short stubby gray hair, and his na- turally fine forehead gives plenty of room for a sinister sign that stretches from temple to temple and from the arch of each eyebrow to the edge of the scalp. It is a heavily tattooed design of a huge crablike creature which he afterward told.. me is called 'The Spider of Death' or the scorpion. "In some horrible frenzy of imag- ination this creature, which had been. pricked. with red, • white and green. inks upon his forehead, has been given, three bodies. ,-One.lies over:the other and each outline: is clearly visible. It shows,. first the shield of Bulgaria, above thatthe military drum of Ger- many,, and- superimposed upon these, the .fez, the star and the crescent of Turkey. On either side stretch eight human booted legs, 'while. from the middle, or head of this horror, hangs a ring showing that the man branded thus is the property of the Turks for through more torture and then one 1 SUNLIGHT•TO ORDER setts' den ..•+tut k utld l• the dzl'ectien of u • Giat,lae f . i • '*' .i Gerinei • of ice'rMita In .:. - i "�e g� FOAPIEy `li •. •a upon mer" Exiiortnhents • With!via yW� I AO1C, 3!g7f p 4aotggpl L wild the,.m n spioteihie foo'ehead'wi'til°. nritTif / yo IR pt1i1E'f, FleettrcityBeipg bra reward Rsfd" iiroe„ DothwelL 19 fV9Crti IP:tF19t 111F►C Tiiaide in Great BrItatrr. ant a'ttit+'lisle sezi'tY"r6.a 3 •� i a°i'e�•�.ky eaL a:. ' If you ask me of the Bulgars, the I BY`Aegreed ilial is- lieedrr,iiiig=n7aa'ter - i " ' 't'-, Turks; or, the' Getene le,Whiel 'are the �° °'' of the seasohLight ' 1-aiR3iii, N(CK, 1MpI NMI03a:T9' F HTi" _ 1 e e Fps fEy P'i'p99� .End,, F, Fp re, and electricity. �1•..eeed; excellent butdings. looapof : .. '' di �, C�.�� i li at i ld.) 0 e beinS; Pressed into his service, and '.. and epi1,;..410 ��aci•ey':'- ph t';cae ` "�hata led horst, I will tell you that there r„ + artti�p • tiocJll,ig igen a tris» any of thethree. ; lie can already force on plant -growth exchange, F, L. Smith, Brantford, ont,`' They're a1 ,like, except in color. The Try tliiSl iZtfur' Itch' • e,seiv' , so snpidly that he tan beat the cretin- ``� i RLL •> Q riPY�t2ii;4.i1>aytls04pv`la l• blonde behstsr tzntl`''the blrle'1 beetnts,' : ,, aPYr cry process of Natuxe by many weeks: o and Job printing plant 1n Edatern. they have no hearts and their mauls glossy' and abundant lo. I surpnoo,;goj' ie •.51+50ort-l'11 Onetnrl,ho'd is to treat aced, heft,+e` ao ;or` »,pier ons+oiniFeaV '+ami a 'i do -not cicist, at. Ote:e. planting it with email doses of ,high, lyfison ublish#nR Sc..Ltd Toronto, ]liade'Git incl in Harem I .a& r r,•- --,,-r 41 , � - tension electricity.. In 1910 a trial was ?t;'7[7C anneal' NEWSPAPER BOR SALM To be possessed of a heard of heavy, made of the method near Burnham- .tr�raY cin New Ontario. Owner eping to "By anSG by o er. there iit'Tu 'l:ey, 'beautiful balm : soft, lust_qus, fluffy, Wilt, sell l2,0.00. ,Worth double Y P d that, my phy- wavy and fico from dandruff is mere- on -Crouch, in Essek. Sluing wheat is' that: amount' A.pply'3 1t, 0lo,1,ivJ corn rn captors realize g Publishing Co., Limited, Toronto. 1 „zeal etreligfh was' beyon&the ordha lY a;matter of using a little DarlderWe. usually 0001D in March or April. .On It is"ee'ay arid' inexP ary and ? ,has twined Ayer to a Niche Pensite"to'have "this occasion, the wheat, of which the > gcfi,icAlvxo >i who boup,l t my betty' for The seriifee, , nlao,.sofL hall'and 10ts of it. Just get the seed had been treated -by thi's a'Ne4 , TUMOns, LTJMPS ET O.,, was put to work pulling a plough— : a eniall bottle of Ii nowlton's pan- s eclat C 1 I ( P process, was: not sown until. nr real and external, cured with stores opo men it— cents -a all drug , cut ppain by our home treatment Write oxen wore rctirre in, these' days'; it stores repgnunend it --:apply ta,'little s . July 19th. It wee up ,in five -days, and us blafore too late. Dr. Hellman Medical was in December, 1917—aid I dragged dihected'and within ten mi utea thele on S'el1iatember 16th Was !n ear: It was Co,, I,lmltee. Collingwood, ant this plough across the land, and when will. he an ap5'earan8e'Of abundance; reaped`'Itwelve weeks from the tune it RDllss WANTED TO 'BO PLAIN I didn't cover •enou.gh green& or the freshness, fluffiness and an meet» ran-; _ ana light sewtnx at home, whoto .or }k war'sown, whereas the Ordinary time spore time, good pay, work. sent any adios! that I made were crooked, I able; gioss•.nn'dr;lustre, and' try se You for wh t tnnce„ rt stings ztiti "onal.' will ori cannot•. icl a trace of land- ea to ,mature .in Fangli}nd ha .._.,._..,-.si ps. ..-Se_tiQ.._stanrp.xpr was beaten with'a leather cat -o' nine` rt,ff or falling haF pet ypur real sur- eighteen weeks. tails that had nail at the end of each prise will be after about five weeks'' Another method of forcing crops is thong. use, when you will see new.l;air—line to run a current of electricity' through Then the great potentate for whom and downy `at'first-eyes—but i new hair—s 3 really ovedhead wires. In this way the I v'prl;ed ,seethed to realize that he grouting -nut all over your I yield of oats and beans has been near - was wasting- good material in rough, only sieve10,grower, destroyer the I ly doubled. Experiments tried last unskilled labor, and after many weary of I year in Lincluden Mains Farm in punishments he laced me (with this dandruffeveand cure for itchy scalp and t Pitnever fails to: atop Falling hair at Dumfriesshire, were particularly sue - badge of shame upon my brow and the price . of 5,000 marks upon my head should I try to escape) as the guar- dian of his harem. "Among the many women slaves in small strand at a time. `Your hair will this place there was a young Arabian be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a who had been stolen and sold to the few moments—a delightful surprise man who was our master. She was awaits everyone who tries this. unhappy to the verge of madness, and the horrors through which she TO PERPETUATE FOREST CROP. went on many occasions nearly drove me out of nay mind. I witnessed Conservative Estimates Made For things done to women that are past Forests of British Columbia. belief, and I was helpless, a branded prisoner with a price upon his head. By methods that are too lona to tell you, this Arabian and myself plotted and planned together and succeeded: in escaping. Finally we managed to get in touch with British troops' ---a_ DEPTH CHARGE USED IN 1914 British Navy Has Many War. Inven- tions to its' Credit The development of the .depth charge metlm'd of defence 'against` submar- ines, which. had a great. deal to' do with the lessening of the submarine menace, was the work .of the British navy. The 'actual, circumstances are declared.. to have been as follows: "The commander-in-chief!' of the Grand Fleet recommended in 1914 the formation of a depth charge eternity,de- fense, and experiments and invests- Famous as "Strong Mane' gations,were made, The Vernon Ex- erimetal School.toolt'the matter in "'Yes, that is what I have to show hand and the submarine attack coni-' for my share in the great war,' said mittee of 'tha Admiralty ultimately the branded man. 'I have seen a lot recomfhended• the• adoption o ';a design in my life. I was born fifty-seven which was virtually the sank a5 that years ago 'in Chicago and I guess use'd'throuliout.the'"war:'There'eveie' there are a good many men there 'yet improvements from time to time, but who remember the name of Roughton, the British navy adopted and devel- famous for feats of strength and phy- oped the depth charge method of de- sical endurance right through from fense two years ago. Maine to California. - "The British navy also led the way; My life hp's been one of adventure: in the use and development of the' I have been a "strong man and an weapon and in the fitting out of spec - acrobat in circusses. I have circled fal vessels for its extensive employ - the world' with a herd of Eeltimo ment, The invention of the 'thrower' dogs—I guess there. ain't much in and other devices in connection with the wild adventure line that I haven't the use of mines was purely British'' done. I have been mixed up in Bri- ,t, tisk wars for the last.twenty years— DISEASE GERMS ISOLATED in the Soudan, the Boer war and now this greatest war of all time. — "Way back in 1918 I think there British Army Doctors Trace Causes must have been some sort of idea go- of Typhoid and Influenza ing round the military beads of na The virus of trench fever and that of tions that sooner or later there was influenza and 'of some forms of ne- to be a big bust tip. Just about phritis have been isolated and iden- that time—April 27, 1.913 to be exact tified, according to a report submit- -General Sherman, knowing my roc- ted to the director general of the army ord, gave me a letter +n Mr. Tumulty, medical service in France by a number President Wilson's 1 Lary at the of army medical officers, who have White House, recomnee,ding me as an been investigating the causes of these interpreter. diseases. The report, which is pre- - Enlisted Early in the War liminary .\to one promised soon, 10 "Here, you can see the letter," and, signed by Major General Sir John with a bent and scarred forefinger, Rose Bradford, consulting physician Roughton underlined the words of a, with British expeditionary forces in letter from the General, saying: ' France; Captain Dashford and Cap - "Mr. A. Roughton possesses anus- tain Wilson, and is printed in the nal qualification as ani interpreter. He British Medical Journal. gives lee to understand that he speaks According to this ofneial statement, twelve languages with facility." the virus in each case has been proved "Well, anyhow that was in 1913, to be a minute globular cell, varying and then came '14 and with it awar.' in size and behaviour in s the three Me and• war was old acquaintances, types of disease. Hrvestigations and we just had to get together, so I I which have been conducted have re- joined up •with a regiment of royal suited, it is believed, in the isolation that was beingrecruited engineers u ted in of the.germs of mumps, measles and the States, and over 1 come to the typhus, the causes of which have fighting front. hitherto been:obscure and the bacilli People have asked me why, if I of which have never before been iso - had to be a soldier, I,njoined the Bri- latera tish army. Well, what would you have me do? Theywouldn't take ems in the United States' outfit. I was too old, and, anyhow, I wasn't going to wait until President Wilson gave the word 'Go!' So over I came, and with the sappers I laid mines- and built bridges and put down barbed' wire in France for a spell. Was Decorated at Mous 0'-•'" --"—o—" o '-"-•�-+ `'I was at Mons, and I got the rib- Let folks stop on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, bon right"here,"and he produced a for:corns will never again send` electric little blurred ribbon. "But I never sparks of pain through you, according wear it. After I'd finished with the to this Cincinnati authority, Seebnd Army in France I was moa&od Ile says that a few drops of -a drug dnaar0'2 Liniment Corea aiont5e to Salonica and then to Mesopotamia, called freezone, applied directly upon p ' a -fonder, aching' corn,' instantly re- Almost as many of the people of antl'thats where I got naught lieges soreness, and soon the entire Canada died of tuberculosis during .It was 'while I was doing seine corn, root and all, lifts right out. the four years of war as there were twork !with barbed "wire " one night - Thie drag IS a sticky ether cOm= Canadian soldiers killed in battle dor- alone ;out under the stars in that 'tiles- pound, but dries at once and simply ing the same period.' shrivels of t d ne in.sed ' Theygotme,l bntthat it Ito k tlssu ve rupirrit ting the the corn osur surrounut ding Use halt of raw potato for clean_ a lot of them to do it, and I account- 1t' is claimed that a 'quarter of an ing knives. Dip, the cut Bide of the ed for a fair number before I was ounce of freezone obtained at any drug' Potato ante brick dust or any clean bound and tortured and smashed into store will cost very little but Is sum- ing powder and rub the blade. It will unconsciousness. cient to remove every hard or soft corn oleanse the :knives quickly 'and give "I was put to work, and I tried to or callus from one's testi Cut this out, them a Nigh polish, escape, and I was caught and ,put especially if you are a woman reader - who wears high heels. ISSUE' No. EIGHT Prices fast year far maple sugax and maple syrup were the highest ever' known. Gcosl sugar sold at 2.6 cents.a pound, syrup from $2,25" to` is high as $3:00 a ,gald!on ,There' hely not been much ed'gn of decline this once. -' cess£ul. A third method is to use year so far.' In 7.911 the price "of If you want to prove how pretty and artificial light, either electric or, bet- maple sugar ranged from five 'to'ten soft your hair really is, moisten a clot], ter still, acetylene. Plants are thus coats a pound only, to the farmer. with. a little Dandorine and carefully I made to grow by night as well by draw it through your hair—taking one , e day. Cabbages and lettuce are easily-.rainarevs Liniment anzeei Ga.ra•et an cows forced in this way, but other plants -, such as carrots, seem to resent it. Flowers bloom earlier under arts- cial light, and are more brilliant. —0- o u o SUFFERING CATS! GIVE TRIS MAGI TI -IE GOLD MEDAL To maintain the forest capital intact the annual cut must not exceed the annual growth. In British Columbia it is very much less than the amount which could be out without endanger- ing the productive capacity of the forest. British Columbia Includes so. large an area and contains so many different site classes that it is difficult to make anything more 'than a rough estimate of its -growth. Niemeyer, the probable loss,from fires: must be con- sidered.; Again, where natural regen- eration is depended upon for refores- tation, all degrees of restocking occur; fully restocked areas are the exception rather than the rule. Also, a certain percentage of the are forested with merchantable stand contains mature anrEbveiniature timber where the de- oay approximately offsets the incre- ment. - Selected areas on the coast -"that were fully restocked have been found to produce. an annual increment of 1,000 board feet per acre In forty years growth. Obviously, this flgure is much too high for a general average, even for the ooast where the rate is ex- 7Siaaxa's Liniment. Cures colas. tee. ceedingly high as compared with the interior. Taking the foregoing lac- What Great Britai alone was to the tors into consideration, it has been world before the war, Great Britain assumed that the average annual in-' and the United States together must crement might be estimated at 100 be to 'the world of the future. -Mr. board feet per acre, over approximate- Mark Sullivan. ly 50,000,000 acres of comparatively accessible timber -land, under reason- MONEY ORDERS. ably effective protection from fire. This assumption will give 6,000,000,000 Buy your cwt -of -town supplies O with board feet as the total average an Dominion Express :Money orders. nual increment for British Columbia, Flare .Dollars costs them cents. anandcc nsegquentl without tly, this m ount endangeringd The smallest-ro- d de pool has its the present forest capital. This 18 ap- water from heaven, and its gleam from the sue, and can hold the stars proximately five times the actual cut. The results of the investigations un- in its bosomy as well as "rho great dertaken by the Commission of Con- ocean. servation show that there is 95,580,000 acres capable of producing merchant- The Allies fought to save the world able timber, but a large part of this as certainly as if they were striving area is-conunercially ,inaccessible at to save, the,planot.from being consum- the present time. With the develop- ed by a comet. G. K. Chesterton. ment of transportation linos, large areas, especially in the interior, will Mapd'e trees on unti•iled land In become more accessible. On the Canada could be made to produce; all whole, therefore, the estimate of 6,000, the sugar Canada Tames. 000,000 feet is considered conservative, Pdhnara'a Liniment Curers Destempsr. Por Spanish Influenza The Liniment that Cures All Ailments— OR HOMY REFUNDED, ASit ANY Ofetim(ST. ar,write Lyman Knox Co,; hi'antreal, P.Q. Pries Ca. Re 4e,ner the name es It miehr net be ,een etnin,: STOPS mamma= from.aEone Spavin, Ring Bone, MINA.• -r D'S i x' Splint: Cui'b;Jide'Bonci or similar i; troubles and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good re. sults are lasttdi%- D'oee not ghats or remove the hair and horse can . be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with 1 'n each bottle tells how. g2.50,a board A Beautiful Princess. ,delivered. Her& Boer:9Riree,' Princess Patricia is one of the moot ' ABSORBINE, JB the r.itiaeptic liniment for mankind, reduces Pa:eeal Swellings, En. beautiful Royal Princesses in Europe, : lerggd Glands Wens, Bruises,VaricoeeVeinse tali and fair, very simple and uuaffect- . beak Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you ed in her manner, and a great favorite more ii you ignite. 91.25 a botetc at dealers wherever she goes. She is one of the e' d'11ve,ed neenur1,0 Hoare for tco a:: ate., moat versatile members' of the Royal , Vi' F.TbuNS. P. D. 1,..51 baei me tlty.,t;onveal.ceoe rasar°'uc sari i ttsrblue,Jr,: rte made to. Canadci Family, and besides being a painter of merit she is a noted . sportswoman— proficient in tennis, hockey, golf and DARTING PIERCING riding. Site is 'very fond of skating [n rtt d rata PA/NS, and +ski -Ing, in which she was able to'SCIATIC yp ®/y II p�` indulge to the full when in Canada SCfIA H A with her father when the Duke of Connaught was Governor-General,' THEA. Or LD'iRELIABLE—'Fry It 'Iril'NAn.D'9 LINIMENT CO., Ltd. Yarmouth, N,8• { HUN MINE SANK "HAMPSHIRE." Admiral Jeilicoe's Book Reveals Bri- tish Unpreparedness In 1914. A hook written by Admiral Viscount Jellicoe, the former commander of the British Grand Fleet, and jest publish- ed, gives the cause of the sinking of the " British cruiser Hampshire, on which Lord Kitchener lost his life. Admiral Jellicoe explains that the Hampshire struck a German moored' mine, which had bean laid by sub- marine. The book contains revelations of British unpreparedness at the begin- ning of the war, The Grand Fleet had to run out of harbor several times because sulunarines were reported in- side. Admiral Jellicoe says he avoided night action with his big ships off Jut- land because the British searchlights and the controls were defective, . He recommends a greater superiority of all classes of vessels than in 1914. "Anyone—a fool or an iddiot—can be exclusive, It ebmes east.. It takes a dage nature tura to universal."— e� - satl. be vnf Ralph Waldo Trine, There is an . eager export market for Canadian maple Products .in. the States where there, has :been: a• great decline in the home pro'ducti'on, Eng- land and. France are also. enquiring for our maple sugar,, ®•c1s9�a./<9.49yp®•et,,S•an big $$ Cause of V Early Old. Age The celebrated Dr. Mfchenhoff, an autlro,ity on early old' age, f. says that it is "'caused by poisons 0generated irk the intestine:" Wttenyouratonrachdiitestsfoicl properly `it lin absorbed without t'ormingpoisonous matter. Poi V sono,bring on early old age and premature death. 15 to30dropa it of "Ser cl's Syrup" after m' 9eel's makes ea our digestion n soup d To a5 Cp k� i�l iia Give way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan's. Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve - inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quitlmess' of relief, the positive results, the cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment melee it universally preferred. Made in Canada. ' ,r ,.$12d' Ocr• GOc,' '0 HON' $kill ;NOW ,Mit One Cake Soap and Two Boxes Ointments Terrible itching on Back cf' neck. After three weeks got flaky and "be- came sore. Was red and scratching caused sleepless nights. Cot Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Itching not' so bad after .using than. Nora healed - From signed statement of Mrs, 1.4711.Bern Quigley, Windsor, Z' .'S'. If Cuticura aid ho • enore•tfsttn 000slfa and h lecse as ra• si ee ' 1tG fin `� 1 a and tri ., > b g bene#nge, bringing speedy comfort to tortured, disfigured men,'Wohlien and children it would be entitle& to the highest praise. ISut it dace more. By using the Soap exclusivela. for toilet purposes, allowing g no other soap -to toucbyourskirt. youpilin nlanyaaslee' m vee p t these distressing ex eriencee: Per, Free Semple EsedP drdss postcard: ' Catleuire, De t.;4, Boston, U S. A,' Sold eyerywhero IN EVERY STABLE poines Distemper Couu �eund �n Ileus laPensirbre t•es 50 niuis , its 0 and iniso- tions diseases among horses and mules, Its success as a proventiVd Find• aura 'Ebr•;,D15llynmpliln; r2iBLT3>ONZA. PINK EYE, OOUGIIS and, :coLpp erg mere than twenty-, •, nye- years 10"the highest tribute to it,' merit aO a medicine. 7t 1skuees,indaa.orsed bythebeet, horsemen, and liye.otock. men in• A Ettyjt p�ef£our druggist. . SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen,Indiana, U.S.A. STOPS THE+ PAIN -,AND !A011"8,,QUJGIUL` ' : ' c.t n i,e, 11 tls threat, swot neuralgia, ears ns, lame b'9�k 'jee are,cutear- b. relieved Hirt shPaisni term]ints and ata 5t hilar tsOitbles are,gaesxs. relieved by Hirs0•s Pain Exterminator It has been sold ford/ years, tt''�� and should be in every Household-' hash. hundred '» sea, - t.-b� 1 All dealers or writs en HIRST REMEDY CO., Hamilton Canada BOTTLE r.r w..,xt:;c+:ac �M+.. ;.,' , ti ta• . 141,aaaa3.cr ,x-'s...scvr+