The Seaforth News, 1919-02-13, Page 5Thursday February ankin<: e rvice OUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and. efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE l„ Soaatoac to .. 3Bra]2c_t.' :1. Cl, MULLEN, Manager ai953691/11:,,,tma,19,a 11 Jr Walker U dorIg lr and Edo am' •.5 , .. I I ..,r, ladder of gw- E tat I) plasma .and Lie:atlas, 1 n' 90'nt,ots - tI Pun ,:7 ,51 for Sale House and half acre of land in - the village of hgmonelville. The property is aitnated nn Centre Street, close to 1 the I'reial,3-teriau Church and is known as tie, 1'crcell property, (rood com- fortable halloo, food shed, good well and commit eastern, stern, all-kinels of fruit trees, sty a..herrios, raspberries and currant Mistime:- 'This is a corner pea pert.: :muni ant breaks on front, cud the• and ofin a gond :tate of - cults ation. This is ,a nun property for a retired ,sora t ,1 the t:ax e are light. Fob. air - ole• arta!; on the promises, so , ce w ,I r n 't,..,�a ,t 1 17tra Sick Ccnstip _ion iethouloraina Sour fates+asci➢, Lail f3reati {tendy Cathai tic. Na, odds hew bad "our lire', m.i,,F t,orrele; how tonsil your Lead tales. l,e w ,eiserable yin aro from a on. t l,a tion, indigestion biliotsl aced alstas. ei':aslt bowels- c a I'v:lyn '. tar of• with Osiscarets. 'I l . , hamiontiaellately cleans^ :an l regulate 11,.' .t, inti, ,t. ,•nate tI. oar, ferment ,,. teal:nal a.,,t a 5._: a:G,e the exc, -o , . f.l m ..e Prow asai t.rry off the poison .a'.' ele. A le-, , drn,t• st will k;.lr • .i, i,:sod hon':. cictin: atotri,i,.i. , ..' olaca fro tc„ ratba. `t" . .,•., -e i,. ii 311 SALE 421PIERIP Frame Clouse, 7 rooms and pantry easeuter kitchen and cellar; Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large ve- randah. Stable 16i xliz' lien "house 9 Apply at thea News Office THE i.AI�Ci�"i'.fi Nf uu--:welew�tiu —»e K= wantrww „®„w.,,am,.ma:xn.,ow::®a, Kkl e The High Cost of Living—Economy is the word to -day. - Make your old garments do.inetead of purchasing new ones, Have them dry cleaned and presued, Dry cleaning when properly done lengthens the life of garment's, preserves their frceh new appearance and acts as a disinfectant, Unsanitary veering apparel often causes sickness end death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals, ay Wardrobe, Gloderieh St„ Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel, Mrs James Lockart and Mrs Scott of Sarnia visited Mrs A D Sutherland last tv Miss Everett is visiting friends in Detroit, Plea jos Kelly and Hassel Colborne arrived home on Tuesday from the front Mr. Thos. Hays the capable Secret- ary.trrasurer of the McKillop Insitr once Company is also continuing the Food Production work for 1;110, He has the distinction of having; hruken the r;,00rd iu early ehiokens as .,,, of his llama brought out a hatch ma t', of the rugal eat days! this wook,.stat .ail thrifty, How's that:' Mina'Viol"t Parks who .,_a 11. visit t' at the hone of Mr, and Mrs A. Wii n has returned to D,nutville Hina ,tdith Naai,lin arena., :seta - with h, per „rats Mr. ,and 15,aa, I C .EASE IS Repairing and, R:!;;ewistg grnken Eign'pmenl is 'Finn, Handy . hints for gsamilririg MwthIn' cry, Harness, .. O'e4ass , sled . Ail OtliCls 13reahabko' 6'arn 16i�►tipt mens—If Work is Done Ilioor< Spring Ansi] Many Valuable Hours Will Be &ate at a Time When Delay Staffer Chsettetesest gross. (Contributed by Untag, isepaa•taeraxt of Agriculture, ltsronto.) EIE: time fat' a s ateaaatis overhauling of ale lard equipment is at keesii. Re- pairing at hese means save ing In two ways—a sewing of tense and a saving of time. Before attempting to take a tuna. chine apart it is well to thoroughly look over It to gain a dear idea of the general arrangement and Imoatievt of the parts Mal"&inea with fan parts or pinto whew, reiartiess ars quite obvious, de not require to be marked, but m shines whose parts a are mtmefnus coal a:nalfa.r in size aad '1 in apps trottr should be given iia• Dna-five isn't id:tiller tea ram being put em adjoining tarts res =arks tray ha' r•a•tar f , .,ti r, ,.,d to +@e' -! vices so: , . , or leite 1il,anipad at.a •,f tla,• part:: `';tuts flirt its sassi' 1 ! ;•aa t et in the 'tr< n broken IOn; ;: , sip in a f ,ll :t - , ,tgnr .,e.li.l >n r f, IL,. ry last t.:i 'i. ' . a: 5 - ;,f, rt lai,a ha li 'Si,,',, La' a r , s /CI:I r + , A fa ['i i,„ I d y fa. n ll. ,1 tr M..: !l�� Y'it -a r.•ay .. ... 1 . y! . tt111.• _• it't'I Ai %Si`S1aiI I1N tiouds for !alar bearing interest from o to 7 p. c. --half yearly If y-;,tl have any unemploy- ed finds now is the time to buy some of these, Cihoice securities. No eC ,pause tan i)iveStor. All , information cheerfully given. JOHpa RAMO - Bond and Debenture Broker Main ;Street, ISesforth Phone ag l a r. CREAM WANTED Send.yeur Cream to ass anti tatsive ter 1r'• We•r rut -wing I4e$, a e p lolrrf• tan: ha year through add can handle your foil supply and furnish you with cava. %Ve pay twice each month ai!ld weight bumplcaand t:st.euia, cam uJ:or„ton ear-- fully, (me motto is ” llosHat) tc cute patron a " patrons at , r lit:sated to ra' ern all our trans wlaaan not in mss. 3 sttai• an I Buttermilk al _ 411 harrtl off for at market panics. The Seaforth Creamery Co was+. s a t.,.t i'a,. t+:3 lull h'1' Hood as lii'.r '•t'laaal ,........ . $9.11 Oat 75 lit let 1 00 firer, pct' I. s ... ...... ... ... ;Ii.0t1 4hnrte per tan 131tttcr ...,,,.,, . 43--44 Hogs to, _fartatcra...,..... .. . r5 00 Wood Wood -Soft Maple, Elm, Ash, t2 inoh'$4 OS Hated Ulaaplo and Beech l3 inch $5 00 per cord, Orders taken at the ofiioo or by ,John Abell, what,'A0']ENT,,. Local Agent Wanted fruold +urai6Fdl, ass:, ,,f at'. Hee:. Lsrtxbi:ll I -al his Is /IT l,roi:, .t 'n, '. al• di,. while arslassg,gatting, . Mr, s'', 1) Stewart and rho -solder 'ai St, P:ou e' ill;esu, ate that guest, of Stewart's mother, halra:. Alex. tita,waart. Miss Mabel Plni saoy npeltt the wool. end in Stratford. Many friends will be pleased to learn that titers is a slight improvemt'nt in Mr. Hugh MoDermid'a oonalitiona, 'dies•les-ale li:,natala,ll spent 'Sunday with glees Francis printers Mrs, E, 1'mbarla was called to 1_'4•r. alta on a NIutlday o'rlatg to the Hine,aa of her mother, At a Instating of the Prost)) teriam Chtarch atougrrgatinn for the pun pone 01. selecting an organist Mt. Craig ura,. elected by a large majority at a salary of $700, Mr. A. Dodds was alepuiuted treasurer in the place of Mr. J. 119, ;Nilson who cosigned. Mr Joseph .Dorranee of Saskatohew n is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Grace Stephens was called home from Detroit last Wednesday by the oarions illness of her mother. Earl Bell is in Guelph thio week, Mr. A. Doble of Toronto spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Bright Mr A Wilson left last week For New' York, hair, W. R. Cole of Winnipeg spent e few clays in town. for the "Old Reliable" FONT H11,1., NURSERIES Mrs. MoNairantd family ofaBinssele ware gneete at the hemp of ➢l r, and Mre, Ms,lvin McPhee. i llousalds of Orchard trees need replacing. Ma'. Earl Johnstone has retnaated to .lir, E. Chilton den has returned flow War (r tsLens'c,all fur :;catsup Toronto. fruit trees, Aa arap'us, Rho•- Mies ohmic, n Strlit.rra). tuna tato h,irb plants etc. 't'he demand for Ornamental .tock in t'yayna arid viiia[ s s Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissions, Exper. ;etre not necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON -(Established t837) TORONTO. ONT, guest of Miss ltatsio MoMiobael, Mrs Il. I3inoa ,snug no, 1 •+ •I'saint Idaho are visitnre at th'• 1;ana of, 'airs 1`, lii.'imith. Yies., lItaniliilaaitit; and sots of Detroit ere viaitiog her mgthar, Mrs. S, Wal- laea A. sots of Mr. J. Smith had the mis- fortune to fall soot break Isis collar hone Thomas Brown has sold his house to Mr. Andrew Archibald at'I'atokersln'ath Mr. A, 7', Clopper of Clinton preached in the Presbyterian ohuruh Sunday mor uieg and at night in thu Methodist.' .• :I 4': sail it of t': al to It t r , :al i Str nail na':'1 -tyvino ilr.. '•nit iti I f' ?, rd o‘-,. f a Eingrt : ud a t1 I alh. t• ell's l [rat the r.aistv,ail the, rialit hand, t. it •al is. II" t•. .sad rub more wan. flute.. t a na.. elle uu earls end, draw the thread through the eye for about two irla'ha^ Bend back the points of tll'' thread and twist them well into itis' porgy of the thread (Fig. la). Pierce a hog in the work with a straight awl and cart i needle into the Thule alt.wing lilt. ILsa'r;Iti halfway IIsrough (1''i,;. In). Moro, another hole and pans; at neardle through for two or throe 1r,nhcn. Thrnutsh the sauce hole draw t„a hr r lua•udle. With a thread in ,`:atilt nand null them both quite light. la,apeat, Keep Stitches straight and uniform in length (Fig, le). For Joining two pliable sur ;area together in etnet'guucy there is, per- haps, nothing so handy, so strong and so neat as a rivet. An assort- ment of rivets should be kept on hand, both of soft iron tinned and of solid copper (Figs, 2, 3, 4). The split end clincher rivets are suitable for leather or stout woven material, as saddle girths and head halters; iron or copper flat head washer rivets may be used for leather, cloth, this metal and for even thin strips of wood (Fig. 5). The wagon Is an important factor in the daisy routine work of the farm, and should be kept in good running order, but it requires spe- cial consideration and experience to profitably repair the wheels, for un- less the proper leper and "gather” is given to the spindle, and the axle set the. right way, it will result in a hard running wagon, the wheel grinding on the collar or nut instead of playing easily between thou,. Thr farmer, however, clan attend so loose spokes, tires ane hub Mande, eneckud hubs, etc. .',iter t 110Witsg the brok- en parts anal Lialiseninc, tto, ices a el loose skeins, clan's this wagon ihae'- mighly, tail the tl e''t.s Stitt, an ts„ good filler anal eta tile 'whole a utast of paint. This alit pr.. a>ate the woos; and pra:vent sit li Ik,, , A brehrat slaaft or to,t(u „tat h,, cattt:t, t ,t spliced w'itlt hoot, troll .l. ait,aa.n ill Fig 7. The iron can ea.atly u' ua•>.ar round close by ussttg cr r end llrat. and thou pulling it oys.sr with one hand and tapping it wills a hammer at the same time. Assntue a broken rail ai a gate, hay or stock rack, The old bar or daolwnis sawnL oafs !h),eawmn a btjoudtottrtot lhe in sketch 8a. A short -piece of new stun is then driven Into the mortice in the head (D) and cut of the right length; the two arethen nailed to- gether as shown at Psi in part plan,. If broken at A (Fig 8) the splicing may be•,made as shown in sketch by wrapping hoop iron round it, or by nailing on each side strong strips of hardwood as at D (Frig. 8). One of the first. places for a gate to get rotten is at the Junction of brace and bar or back caused by wet lodging there. The only way to fix this is, as shown at O (Fig. 8) by nailing strip of hardwood firmly to brace as low down as bottom rail will allow.—Prof. John Evans, O. A. College, Guelph. a' Warm fAN Ci 'portable ' `htr,9day Friday and Saturday The Charles Re- By Bert Lennon Directed by Victor Sellertainger Photographed icy Chester Lyons Supervision of Thomas H 'race A Parni.ount . Picture This is the kind of piefure we are proud to show. We like to show pietau'r we lana you will lasersmnmenal t,, your friends. That's the kind nr at picture this its. ,,. t : + a'i'l i , , al TI,r :asst tt - C R I - I 1:- 1 Ir' i -1 c.,11 [ ll, t'. Sir an.'. •>�ytha-e..hl a''a Opt, zr+ss':..� Oiiotcn i' un tura- ?n 1r t, ui;ratutn tr 4i n, uta )'nor good tot'ta,, , for 1 si.oesialer gaits one of my most , ruutining Teas, Though only a yr,ung 111151,, }n iw i..'t. "nly promising, stn, h. I":•atly aaltir.-sl Sinrc. I nlutlalaua d t, 01 ro ,,,i b:s5 tauten utvarsla ties 37 ilit,u a ll' all f,•a• urtica a>.irtai fi„• ,.f s ,,iutimgusetaad kind I abet m;,f I .• hr taad,•r 11, get over, Is, 1•'•n•a' .i ' ; ir, t rJc , a p1 seats', +,'hurl. ai , n r :,alis' e,u a which $ac is metla•. (9e ass pri110(,.d to a I'haplaim after lain arrival its Eor- 'laanul. Aa yet I do not knew alma: he will conte back, but probably it will not be thee this month, From a let to: re- ceived trete him at Us', end of Decent bee from Frauoe or Belgium, he was, I gather, ontheway back to England. Again Cougratulatit g yet', Relieve me yours faithfully, David Huron. Capt. (Hera) S E. McKegoey, who haw been on overseas service for. the p:awt two years, and received tate an- tl"alneenlen t Christmas t on tma Day n I that to had heels awarded the Military Medal, has boon appointed rector of the Aug- lioua, t.ilintch.•Olintotl, the announee- utent le 1115shins by Rtshop of Huron, Moodily, t.iapt. McKegney, who i:, a g: actuates of Flacon I'ollel:e, eat'I rias. :t •Ime incumbent of St Davide (slatreh I:naardon, has many friends in. that city and throughout the tiigceso. I • going overei,as hu w.as rt e a.; „ . , ,, • y (thineh, hrauticiti. I I, ATI appa'ialtnr. 'at I.' -I, he unlisted ti ' 5 ! ais-a:, s ,',arty 15,0A:05011. ial as, l'ta II ,.oakshutt It, :1,1 !so ,Sas 5ransferra.cl to the, rt,-tpla.l auric,'. Flo is returning to Canada in a fares weeks to take up his ait,ties in Clinton succeeding lieu, .1, A. Itobitrscn, who taking at speeisl e,.,ua:r ori ecaclnlegy in Toronto waivernar, � a- 1'Irs, MoKega,7, who ai;b her little d oighrer, has. been makaa.g lair Lorna in Belfast, Ireland, while her husband has been oil active, as rewriting to Oen. ads Copt, IVfcKegney is aur Irishman by birth, r'vhy suffer from corns when they can be pafulesely rooted out by using Hol- luwa)'s Corn Cure. Also he Mystery Ship - and . - A oll edy a `f "h : t. End Wed, t.; .Pn n Flat tls n rig:. ;sal .f,,, t asaaili„r...rt En t. slat: len, n: ..ti - -atar,'sa.'a 2n't 5111 agars'': as r au ,g l I 1 ' 1 y f' white Ili a illus i alt ? re fl t w5 la f aprautt ' al:a alts ;e .. tat tits l ria, arms.ani 11.1;0 i a each day and "•n hoar f rr a•I:jas, oral -asai „s g hi. -:7saishe di -appals and Icor; clear, atfl a'iin'.un, !'scat anal vakii.. the slain hecema s, Yee: It /91 l:a.rmlesc. is 1s' SpecJai' Charles Richmman's Romance of the Great War ver T fe.a!11,s�3t st-f7"'S. (leo. produced duce' t};: azr Acts Net Mon. ad• 'Wada.