HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-02-13, Page 3I . I I I . � � ­ I I I .., I I I I I I I I 11 I, I ,_ �`11111 . I—. I I . � � I I .1 & ­ � I . I :� I ., 11 I . � 1. .1 I � I I I ­ 1, I .1 � I . . I � f � I . � I � I I , I 11 , I I �k 1�11, - I . .11 '. i� � � I I I . I I . � I I I I . � � . . I � ` , . 1� I . ,I , � � I . I I I .-i. . I . 1. .. I I I I � I I I I , � . . I � ____ - - I , . 1� . _ , , . ___ __ ---.-- I __ — ___ --.,-- ________ ______.____, -, , � , I . I - �� 1 1, I 1. - � - � _ � I . . I. 1. I I .1 ­ I I � I � ­­­ I I ­ I — ( er—F, ­- 41111, - - � ,.­ -,-. I I . � , I . " ... " , I � ,,, 6"i.i­ "I'Sil.­ � _ - - - ��%,� ---;, ;W. j'' ­­ -.----- 1'�0--o--Q_o_`o-_"_ I I 11 ) ,,;. I.W."', i, � � I I �,A �- . nl�-t -.Mmbimow, " . , � . _�.� � I � OV oura1.e-%rl1,a,b,1.0 *1.,O:O.: IM Is 11=V and 11.Mr%%11&1ze .C11.-I1;1.1l1l 1, , I I . I � Olt , I 11 , 7 �111 ..it . 6d. is ,:p.0 . 0, ,�, ,� 0 1411, in `V, ;In 1PELEM . ,�,,�., 1. I I . . � � , 1". �_ 11 11.4.1117 ­ ,. . 111P I -____0_` " - PR 110W'ki ,�AVE LAE . , , , A, J , 0 P I I I IN_ - * I �""11 . I ; � �viouoly I 'j, 5 5 rtt ,kw!r .W� tt "O. -N11103, � Y-_ -,' ­ , " o ­1s --0--. . I ., ­­ Q I INNA-11-11- al_-,Sk.&_�;�;i�.--02` , , , - ' -1 i - a k4 74 0 1. I—. BY., t�4,&�, , I. I 1, I " #I 3 "�,L.V,Qnwro ­Pasl� 41�11111,1: I 0. d 0 800 ZI ", � 'I . ., . . , ,, - I , I .1 i � a' 19, 't.rq � , .1 ­ '71 I � . I 11 In ev to liship the - will' . . tVt,',Ujb,,6'.g,ar T il I .O.nte, . 09 - �P,�,-�e=­­_ " dry w 1 o 40 'fU `j ,�,11 .. - , m I I I I be r 1717 , 4"-_�� W-5HELEN rAW 11 I I found onp,or more faxTua�,W4i � . I I I I pj�l 0 .,�.,yieiide� � l,,,�� � �w ; F, �2 �K , ;: , , re" .__el I __111 I . ��, //___ - . .1 � , I I . 016 -, � . �nl� '*,Irlfis oonlool 01, d powcvfully a .. I i , 1� , - . Ploy Ilesa litboi t1fan lna,JW:!&�-tho � I of .0 ' , a ,,g,salpl , , "Y . �q� q'A' �aU -ji N . �� sso . . �.�. Ile M I 4'�i­ �' _­ ""'" Z . ' ars'l. l� ,� ,11,r, E I we � P 11 " L 4 g I I ! �" I , one 6V�cu 8Rd1t&$ft"l?rlX0 CbmPie'l On'U'ret"at'., ,ppe.i, to n - 1. 11 .. .10.1 � I — lie one � FUR I STE � 7— " ". � ­ � I/ , , �m ,aal.10na 1,01'.., delay your ,- �qf " Wtueh pef aoN'and�fhoim ,piw,,,- maft. .1 I- I I � 'I t,� ww � i .. . i'Ialler ,farm$)' -yet, � . � , V1116re D% ',0,V. , lllbn, ­tha oontont arLd,rwin, a Cash Prize, and I I I � . � thoy,prodi�01, .y=o �v . " ,.".2 ? Buy ilow, entin Prize, and �` � �. , , , , ere -ro'-1two vutth­farms new��m , . I �, W. "..".. -­ 0 tio. autqp�ael . � I , , Th, . . 11 0 Grimm Manufaoturl ho Company, �8 Wel'Iftigtan'bt., Montreal, Que. . ...." . .11 , ­­, I � '- y , . r . � r .1 k I _. .. I - home, *ila f'. aiaye;�411��-��, ni 61" "'m � I � ,le It " or tY on it I subjects pertaining 'to soils � anji crops. ,..,! I 't . , ,o;,,�61715 ,., I , � I -'- - _ Mot)-iors a In III � 4x6j;; Kit a r a �:of%,a I I *gas are terdlally Invited 6 W'� he to thl" studylingth-a mi"pg4ment�cftliern.itij4.n , I ,;;;�'.! 2 ; I I I I � . .. . ______===__ ' =====,Z� 44-Partment. dMit4l.3 -enJy wlll� be publiabod with each-gdost-lon, and Its an—Ir from ,all the lite , rature on ,XTU�rW� ,Msrt, I _­ . ­­ ..... � :7_"__,, _--1 -_-71 N ter; 'Ile knew 11�'WsUi Warileir becatutse -it I'll a meanis or. Igag!Ill,ciation, but full name and iiaofeits rrfU$t bdrgivem lw�Oarlo agement I have tre d I I , �v in 4 .... &;�:";-!;-.�4;: . I � lood, insi-y'e'rs 'w"ifil appearin this column lh,'tji� order n �:�11 C I -*as .,)a edd and 6�111. ' Ile I whic I I loaged be '"Iter. Write on one aid*' of paper only, AnoWers. wVill -bo 6�01&d d'IOQGI 47' � � r r one latts IUC . It they are received. When ,writing .Is n tion ... I I , r I ea -g- � Opq. An_p ,this 4i ly ;'$. `��, - ::::: I � , I puTV; 131vckbaT* Dow's riat,�_ but ,he *111117ed and addreuded tinvolopeAs enclosed. ' y a�iculw&r, cqMpjJ§,A ,r. As space is limited it Vie w men i I Pape is adv.j$ .1 ,� , ,Address all PorfeaponcIsinca for this diiipartment to Mrs. Holen La,m. 2n about 200 acres, and is opergtSd,,a14$ � ,!!. _O� _ � I . ,mediate reply I& necessary that a stamped, and addressed ,U� . , � I . . was afliallid -&it Bilachborry inigh't `00041ne Ave, Toronto' L : r I ly * the ,owner said, hia tWIboys,,-.,.Wbo r . .� I letivelo ,V., � " I nIake a ndlee itibat wodid Waken Mah- . r .. � . I are thirte" ,and ,'hft ' " ,3h � I blip, be� enclosed'with the que.tion, when the answer ;­ . . � will 0 nailed direct. , � or Bow; and ,she would sa:y, "Little I 1, 11 _ �. . . otri . &E�A ,�al�a �6 1 � . dl� � . 1 7V' _ , I Anxious Mother wrtites, ,,I am ter- will drive away youT fears. Besides, NO extra'61P AS 'hixed "at- any r Sefta" � r - . I I , I ­ .. - , . . Bear, ,go,to sleapIll . bevaum my two gir�js, lif the Th . -1 ,­ I . I ih . a I fo,115e . 6Vdr,WOr)d6ff) , , The Business of P uiming.-I. 4. To carry off exaretiionsf!�Qa,pluli *III Litt'lo' Bear Saw- on Candlemas r r r0r-Istricken BUN d,augh� 'ji allould nutstary ey Z,Avar 00. . or . . ­ I �or ' r . Farming is a 'CaMpDSlitill busdriess. 11fe, - . . . . Out of bed crept Little Rear saftilly, eleven and thi,rteen, .already talk with farming, they can ,,,,,I be�r usefill, badly rushed, either. I . . , I 11 ­ ­ , Day. : wrapped hlimseM-In a.,bitainioet and about ,whou It was once aodked upon as the 6�. r To -give turgIdilty to pliant oe& . � , 17 0 . , we,leave (thedarytil. All ,splendid women, mn they not, ? The, 11*5t strilving thing About this e 9 Bar n Candleifitit, Da7, as the went out to play with. the ch-'Eldren; my people have been farmers and &I-1 , Dorolthlsa,:-If you will, send a brW faxili'is­tba'�,Njay -Jt!ds,fi&-Jd ou.t., , IN* � :silnlylekol callings, and this it ap- The awwnt of water r6qiiired-by ", Ted sun rose ,to Slitinte on the but bhors were no childrau ,In q 11 . ' , - ight. my husband's. How ,panA majo my , descriol inentionitig bt 1014*1193, ;are tkC"'""ItraTiyL � loca-0 I - , , �,ati Of your � faxin, I Peaxed to be ,when all that was nee- crops 11's-'Maliy-06nistant. ll�airlouo lia- an , owy world, the Ground Hog went The analent fvresi d. 1. I &., I . . r r 0 ,.g lisaitilrea,' I and -the fieds lam Iind. eas. Itr 7 j" 41 'erlsau was to tile agoverritnent clailm vestigator � t looked whlte and ,ehilaren 0he, fqxmjng?,i,! . ome -1tha, atitatail , & i aco;; . s differ eltightly In -figures for , walkin the anc0ent foxest. I-16 Strange. Huge pliTile ,boughs were We ciart never make anyone. love shall ti'y t6 fivil. ra-stlitablc-name. �Per. blis f-rcra the farm Y'�iad.. :Tbat ...Ave." r . : long, .an,. L Ql�o I . * , ,�t ,;�,p of L & ,�liig w -4, prove erable itim, I :11or I -and, to Smythe acted indifferently they obtain. The wvomv of several -kkilcod along.eflaw4ly unitil he revelled ww3ghed ,down ivilth snow, ictieles b hilig,. dear frientil , If you and haps th, r qonslil -e VaIng back and .and to reap a bountiful harvest. How- Investigations Are.,as,, foql,(Yws:- 16he ,cave where the Three Boars and or3ratal dlear, outside the cave, and 'it r your' husband show, a gentilit(l and to lber 4'LlAt' fl`gh �pver, the days 0-1 dheepland and vir � t: - ' VaIlly. Farm, forth and in working ,the 1666. Small : r . � . .1 - Amount Of Water required by crops. G6,,lsin B1,,idberr.V Bear weirs GlcleP- with bitterly cold, Libithe Beni, wailk- enthWaiiebir ilove otf tfaxmr� gi, Wh d �� Acres, Homsstiiad tat up time �,n tuining, ar=-*d.,. . I 17 r , 4 ,you ea&fj�j , rge ligo fieldia I . .gm fortillityure -gone forever and the One awe 46 treog lgbte�g off asppro- .,.I th. . eld on, 9,001t"Inig at the troe and Sheik- have given your &tblie girI4, the, first .Pride, Mount N -61m, Golden,Har*o The irext, In t1iting, 101­�ha �11,da 1. tiane is here when Canadian faraning, %limately 600 lbans,wltbar ino-neelouaten. ink III peop in," said. ithe old iing theisinow from his fe;rm�s he Step- bait start toward fouavirijX4, tin , " : , I 'mustliecome more and more intensive One acre jgraq� prabAbly 401'v" Pff Ground Hog -to his shal I dow. Hie amew Red,. HefeiltatsRhiewereinawoold ftyatatelis. perhaps -it yrjffbe� b yo= " wiTy Farm, . Meadows, Ruriiainl� diveroffication of crops. Thits distri. I , 500 VD 706 tons water.' Ws shadow was,-tira�Qing &1Qn1g,'*h1jh that he had ii, . I . Rpit"to. rook, � Helairt"Is Delight, Plum Grove, butes, labar ,over a large portion of _ � I - if farming as a business is to rahk . ev.eT ,00011 'before; end say iiohliag. before them" � lit'ilicating , � plerowi Surqty,�Zep6, Ciodar I-alvii, .the 7ear. Rotation has d'.11im Wi. I .� 'with other lines at manufacture. Water given off 'per pound of dry Mile. because -by that time the imn. was ouddenly he was lonely, so lonely that Your I 1 �. I , " . There are various factors which matbor. I 1 13 . hiWeig-JAUM. .__.118Z%k01b;aW_3=VZI. .1f,d.�,aleaigi�a7,to,-rdF,ui4,.:� , . ;Ni+, - This'nift7hQ but 4�pasf.­,,' 1'1;alridlol$,'F4ii-V-I#W,'7E44*At- ,' - vantiEuglea %am those rekting,direatly tO,Vib,_,a,k,e1 � in& cligiUsh On thle, dth , , , , , R. G. asks for a recipe. for trying to QabOr-SW;)ft,&, but night now 'arimite from the outside and deter- Average. ides, , , , too, thak. Wits-down,Jr, 4*J2g*% ft$4 ...A*_h,_ tuTneg +q_4;5 . , eb� - wj� d, I I I* for buldy, canefulli to have the Itih ldren out bed taiHow to use for, Shortening, Inine the ,success oT ,the farmer's ef- Wheat ...................... 292 -Ibis. if , a . " . . aTre more fiitia�.stiiiil in EaVing I'A 'forts. -thii"'guicin-ines" &.1 Ciffindle-rear1w; thi - - , � The man who most 6early B"Tey ...................... 435 Ihs. theire wig be six weeks more of Win- ih F firsd time, and -there saw stione- fte�,iIia� - Pleai.'ure map as :i�ioi as -th , Bod ..alia should,"be � bat ,In:. Small Rotation savet tabor, too, in a way , " 1, e, Mistsadizies these coribr,02-ing Miteteirs Oats ....................... 541 lbs- ter. .� I ing black just belitind him tharb­mov- walk 314e ,of TIarm Iffe, An4 150','qh ildeces and - � A . tried ,out like leatf 11-aird. It, not commonly canside "A f . red. rith � res, . ed- ,when he moved. Litt8d Asir ".. them auo �� and, ihe� pieasike'aii& in Is better if cooked in a double boiler I use of" mainirle and ,other sources Of *and bialiances them in -the -order of Corn ....................... 252 Ibis. "I Vausil; isitep solitlity," SaiDd the old 6 frightened itha* 'he bogah'to run. all woTkI Do you ,know rods secret ith about a pint of water added I humus it izneln the ftA in fine titith, " their relsifive, 1�mpovtanoe, is the man Glover ...................... 344 Icbs, Gmound�klog, 'Test I Tmileart my frle,nd6 0 _wiii �1' *whomaikes best weturnson his money. Beans .. i .................. 238 lbs. t . go looked over bb shoulder and Sa(W YatieSsIv . ,, soonq", � �08? If the, fisrot haA been In' ,while cooking. , When Ull-­the, fat 11-3 I --allow and dark. -Sulch scitil warres �, that .the Muck filling was running, too, your X,amlly long,, tell 14p',Iittt6 ,girta 'i,-ook4'Ai%r �ppur Zff in to .It, c quicker heir -so, poor in , Some of tilia fiaotors we business Peas ... ................ 384 lbs -pbelt, A- and di,lea - t . ii !�', . 'management, weather ,eanditions,lpotataes :: .................... 423 lbs: 1 So the old Ground Hog slLeppoil and so -he ran fisateir than ever until sborlo& of the d�`.44y:s so,that'lbhd� liow it'to co,61, then pierce ,the fat humus, 'and ft'holds moplettizo ,better I eoftI7, Pepped into -the save and list- MW feel. breeding, diftitse and insect control. I The -.,star in the ,aodl r1ses filolth the � 'a MitfUl r tba b'_twain ' d pour in dry thrice. It do -as 7)()t Weak tip 4� � .)!�a heard- the fillendly voice of ths Old t1i.6ir ,which has hardened, on to,p an 11 ened. Huge rather Bear was Bound Ground Hog cialfing: YDIZUK days and the det,vs .that ate off the water. Suet should be Soften- into iach liomps and clads. Thus Canadian farmers are business - permanently damp soil' by clinging aaleep =dr6n(yAn,g loud Filiffiew-Bear tiothem Teat, too, I>y making 'ed if it is to be used -for Whur(lening -by it is A,ady to work earilier in the � I men' According to the 1911 census, from paribide to paxtiole of solu, ris- snores thaitsouildeld Kke Ker -T, kol "Littale Bear, that's your t4hadow! gone - the farm iinveAment in land,, Wild- ing through the spaces that we noted k-karr, loal Mother Beier wn asleep You silly �,orovjture, 11hall; ft youx them feg. it As ,their home'and their adding 4iffier saino. faid:',oir .ct Small I Spring, sooner after wet sji&�s, and ings and farm equipment'in Canada 1when we spoke of the size of the "!I and ,,O,j,,a loud, Mjdd,,,�Sj shadawl" Penn, Give tlitem. . each. a little bank quantAty­Df-aM7­Of &a Corn ofts or makest a better seed bel with, less ' zed -Bear boqlc and- start tb totalled over 3�4_ billion doli'lays,, whille kerivell. This water which (itifts from But Litt!,o Bear aid nCt sLep run- ,r out with ,their veget" W- a jazi the. miarket, Allmat I warZ , That may mean a week or I , res that sounded litive I,`urr, purw! own deposits. t them iinito 'the -fawth pourlil'ofleaf lard to'sveu- more of time saved and Vallied on a . I if we add .to this the value. of -crops the water table or the pernianettibly Fulr-T, purrl Little Bear -was asileop ning untill be reached the enticanics to Bo�,,, and, WAS' AgTiculhitrat Clubs., thres4o�rffill,* Poland alstiatis a-900dimaderabe-4tized. form every spring. and live stool, on the favirm, it adds damp ,area of the soil, is .the water ,too, but he was not snoring; he ;;!; his cave; then Ire turned round and Give �hera a qalf to rai" or &-tokens proportion, and one cup of oil to every � -another billion of vlaluation. These -which carried the disso-lved planitfood. i ""a ,� one One of;!e most valuable itlys I ever ' � farm valuations have , increased It does not enthely1fill the space, but breathing soft Litble-Bear breathe looked. Sure enough, the black thing or even a colt. Amd do not Worryl three of meated suet j-ho-uld give very Vat onf& onormoul;I17. In Oribatrio faiming Alilowts of consideirable circulation Of Ithat Sounded Kke Wee, hum! Wee, wat 710411111119 buit (111119 shoklawl Cultivate a. hsIpy confidence wh-ldh iwood -results. in g the owner of this -farm � I . . ­ _. - _. - . � i ert tallats over one hundred MT. The old Ground Hog ismiltad- and a isibbIV fellow, 'but he Vale ISO cold d 1g,ye cow. .— ,about," he Said. ..Sounds Simple., equipm hum! Wee, huml Little Bear 11mighed at h2mlsolf -.eor I gave me. "Fruish whot you axe � million dollians, WhMiii stock anit, crops; Water is stored up in the -soil bylbacked ,his Shadow away from the slitivery that he was g1lad to oudoldlis r One day cshe got Out Of the I doelsitt it? But.just try it out. Lota � approach a varti-4 of -over four hun- deep fal-T plowing and the addittion of 40,j yard and wondered into a field Of of men who ]have a couple of,weedy � dred raillion. Such an Ii,tivesitment is pP.. .t matter, , ,eb as leave, and because lie was willbing down. iin,his -bed agaIiin and- to think ,r,n ,grain. - -Scme-lioya set a dog onto hor fields of earn or potatoes will 1�glve an su, second crop I 'backward ht stapped on a twig. The itbatil; his adventure. And as lie vas , i la,rge. If the Canadian farmer is to clover, grass, grain stubble, etc. When - Few farmers rwize"'the Im4 es and it was two ,days before she came one a lick," then rush -to the other, and - back to her milk. She was so omcit- .hack to the r,,atL Hiping, Or may - ply Stirred in the qu- stmfighliava7 Little Bear ,vIroke, sait; up thiliking he fell asielop, tand'ba' of regularity lu-i%edin -and ivilking - prove -his success as u business man, the Sell is dee .twig broke with -a loud crack, and thin'laing and smiling and smiling and i lie must look to the most effective use'tumn it is in shape to catch and holds,l d on- . . in bed and rubbedlils eyes. He was other nap -that was six weelas along- Xthe dairy cow. They -do not malize ad and nervous that somehow une'an- be early harvesting, comes, On, and � of capiotal. It is for this vary reason rannimun, of autumn, V,.ntor and g1jaid,thrit: he had wakened im. the win- Wee, hum! Wee, huntl Wee, buml how easily diaturlbei&tha cow ,reallify is, 1, seliously her muselea darktractod In they have neither field cleanad, but that an increasing amount Of stu,d3r spring Tain and onaw. In viciv of It was oalled to my'attlention several such a wa7 that the milk would not must leave them buffi. � must be ,giLver, ,be thingq :fundamental the great amount of water which is . years uVo inthis way; we ware milk- ruin down. Just Itry doing is thorough job M to largest production. � required, by growing crops it is very - __ I a.- sacred figures, of those days, in ing one afternoon when a strittige dog This perhaps can -be appreelatedi youtgo. If you don'tget over 2.1-1 oif I I Land Is the baSis ofthings agrictil-'j,pipartalab tImt the practical farmial . E gy1pt, Canaan, Babylon, and else- cliased one of our bilra exts through more T(sadily when one underetands it, whall; yea On Vat over witIll <10 more � - tumal. Ontario has become one of the 98ould give careful attention -to con - I - N%4iexe, were representabions of the the stable and under some of this the ipecultar- structure of the udder.i. I . . in good than all- of it huff done.. But Oat -productive areas of the Donihi- I Serration of Soil Waters. suit, niaon and store, statues of men cows. The caw that ,the ,%vmiter was Above the teat is a small milk catibern I, you, will actually cover Imori ground. ion. Its Soils are receiving more I The breaking a tile soil surface by - - . - and beasts and fishes. -All those are milking shut off hex milk the moment holding about halif a Pint, and above; I speak from the experience. of both and more Study, so 'Uhat this prilduc­ ploTdug, disking or harrowing, pre- . - . forbidden to Israel. als -or ducts, Which "A jealous GNh" The reason g. . the dog ran through the stable. The t1 -at are little can methods. for iven hired man remarked ant .the ,cow he dilvide and sub -61 -vide, and at every YAvity may be continued und in-creas- I vents the xt*�sa of moir,ture to the -sur- - the obsm-vanza -Of -this law is that leing,was holding uph4r milk. division -there is what iscalled aphinc- By figuring shead, ,a man will find I ed. Now, Soil is the Product of dWn-: fare of tile soil and the qIraste of Valu- INTERNANIONAL LESSON Jehovah will have no rival in the love was mi"' � many ways of Saving labor. One I tegrating rook ,and decaying plant able Soil. molstupe. Sometimes soils . I FEBRUARY 16. of His peoplo. He will not share How aid thosecowz4o it? They cer- ter muscles, The cow has a certain matter. This va.rious ,soils are attlli- are too open, hence Sam-- treatment that -love with -another god. tainly held up their milillt:, and did not control, over these muscles. Wlien year we bad a field to marturo to butablia to the intermittent action of that -i%,f,11 compact the a il. - ., . . I Which It was very unhandy to haill a and ,press — . The law puts enlpha.sits ,upon the give down tigain for some time after anything occurs out of the ordinary 1 loads. We side-steppod a act of 41 the forces which have led to the together its particles is desiltrabile- Lesson VII . just judgment 'of God, who'has so the dog' had gone Out, When 'the she closes 'those muscles and shuts off. work by hauling earn oatto that fielld . ' breaking down of rook. For instance, This is accomplished -by rolling As -The Ten Commandments ordained the course of hunian -life palf it; taken away from the cow she her milk -not all of it but someof it. the great northern p=,I; of Ontario isla �rule roilling of title Soil shout'Til noot -E.�oduz 20: 1-17. Golden that children ere Involvell in and suf- Nvill frequently hold up her mIlk. In Now, when we abuse a cow, or jag I and leedi'tig it to hogs in self-f"ders. largely underlaid by rook of vol- be d ' ally on elmy when. the Text, Luke 10: 27. far the penalty ,of the ��,It Of their these cases -it IS not unact of i&elrbut to feed, ,or fail to milk her, or in anv Th sell -leaders ware mLOV,ed around, .one, espeof . 1 d the hogs did a good job spre,ad- is wet. When a fUeld is Tailed in 'and an unottinsmous; ition, it 9]i1e oanic onigin, in fact, rock of the Sail. I . fabhers, and that the rewards effect upon the nexv- way disturb her nervous condi . 1. "N'Ad, God Spakke." God spealfo:benofits of goodness reach out to tons system. does something to her which causes Ing the marture. # very Oldest. formation, while that of , meet ce,ses %a rolling should, be fol- with the voices of nature (Psalms 19,"llhousands" flowing Irom. the lives Self -feeders wiltf be fouiid a big help I the soubb and western ha& of ldhe wing, so as to an , an t on a if � a of His years ago the writer had a her to unconsciously hold up -her milk � TTO� i lowed by ,a light harro Of the" ao love God, and keep His Several in sobottig the ,labor problem ,on most Nince is largely formed of rook N*ich S11l;r the immediate sul"filea and ,pre. as (J a . 15: 9), it ofts Oommandiments. beautiful Jersey helfer which had re- or a psait; of it. And that is the Tea- ' Ims been ground down by the action , Vent the escape of nialsture. SRO a evil ate in In el's 1 7. The Third Comintand . son for kindness and care slid regul. every holg farm. If you give 1111D hD9 ment an- oently calved and was doing finely- access to the right feeds, ate will bal- of ,wind end waves and deposited by Uwe, is descAbe as a ake a it- joins reverence and stincerity in using We were so pletafta with her that we , %nagement of (To be coidinueds.) ten by O& See ag ... * 18: 1 - aTity in the care and m,L ence his own ration as well as it can , the waters of ,the -great lake illhall; ---------1.------=, an the name of Got]. It i -s not swearing too,k her to tile viliago for u farnily, cows, must have covered this a -nee. Valri- . 31: 18, and c . re 0 - 1: I and 11, that is forbidden, but taking God's . -_ .. be -done for lithil, and save the work ous rocks gave rift to SOMS of vartious P or I- 21. inalne ,'in vain," Qist is frivolously, I � of handPling it. Hogging down own types, which differ in chemical com- '0^�' , , 2. "I Am The Lord Thy God," In falsely, or Insincerely. Compare '— The fligh,lest Price ,I- another labor-savilig f-acid'Ing me- -, thad that should be more widely em - position, size of soil kernel, Color, §00,frdzyf,�_�, , * I I . (�_i_,� I 1, i " the original Hebrew the words are Psalm 24: 4. The commandment tial weight, etc. The faTmer classifies I Jehovah thy God." Compare Deut,,i not broken when, in, a m otter of as,-!. THE TRZAPPER. loyed. It may -sound like a aVd,t- Seven yonais ago I " SIN FURS I'll' stwtOct witil four 5: 6, and, verse by verse, the Ten:Ous imparbauco, as before judge, or as praritice, but results blare prov- these rocks " sandy, oh,7, limestone single comb White Leghorn 1111,110ts I 1 vothil RAW ' 0aminamilments as they are -repeated Jtrry, 'One IIII&es God to vibness bv un � to us, no matter what quantAty. Wo i ed that -it is more e0tinaIrli.cAl. from loam, muck or post. If Send is In and U 01>01cerel. At different times in that -cha,pter. This was the funda- oath that lie speaks or -will, WaK the — evidence it to ealled Sandy loam, on since then I have sent to reliable, : mental fact for I-Sruel as 'it 'is for 'Lis. truth, yet the ideal of speech is - _. - - pay the highost price, also ezilreles the viewpoint of vrolit than ht'Sldng , .or stock- and eggs, getting , God AS the fountiltin ')load of all ,law ad our Lora Jesus -7.- - ohar."es. I'a'S ,got ' the other hand If 'blay predominates it breeders If .0 I 11 by I out all of the crop and fee(fil 11-9 by ay loam Tile J111- more interested -tell the time. pin,ll.y Ttuct W.I. justbm Apart from our -faith that 0 , assured hand. 01 CoUrft it I to be doue, is classified as elil Clrrls,t:�,Z, , z: a ma.les ­ �, Try once and you are of li�udres that . r portent point is the Size of ithe soil I decided to traplitest, which to my in 111miand obedience to Him, no law simple word , be -good ii .- I satisfaction. 1 right. I in every . ca So Mal'ing un- I ­ , � kernel. Dr, Hall, SormbarY Of the mdud is the only way. I trapnested a would have permanent or binding Ise, as V000d ,',is, and I One hip, way to save a great deal . . , , : 33-37). 0 ; of labor is ,to ta,ke care that nothing III lye va,ju,. -called "law of hu- necessary, his Outh (matt. 5 , , ,�`11 J r OMPANY hem manity" has its supreme San 8-1 9 , �10 at. Paul W. Montreal, P.q. is lost throughnegled - -mli-sneol; Board of. Agriculture, as' -are the -pen of forty, and, all, but four of + The so -9m.r, R ABBEY FUR 0 - went over 150 eggs each, eig(hib— authority )in I-1hu. Prominence, to this, foature .of ancient . tt,fere000z 13"n.k of 31ochalaga, OL tiabo Which labor has gone. Disease, British Association in. 1910, that bobs lotion a -ad I. ThelaW 'of the Sabbatlt gives , Moved that, outside of the lime con- reached the 200 mairk, one jalid. 269, 8. a I I.. g t Hebrew ,worship over every Other ­ A 41" Elanvy, fire, ligiltiving, rate, mice, Predatory .,_ Ils-ball nobkeepa"Y f quire that Israel shall worship atain I , I tent of the Sol-], ,the size of the sodl another 246. or a Th r Commandment re- form or cp of that worSi . - ,:!!Z::��r��4 �r� . . particiias had morre to do wilbit. the breeding that do not lay at least 200 Jebovah alone, "Thou Shalt have There ,were other holy days, but this ' ' :_ - _Lnau!!1_16811=2!��_ animitzs, VeAmIlin, and fike things, de- forhility of the soil than ,%.a actual eggs, l rione other gods," Other nations "I was to have highest importance. Two Good Methods of Trapping stroy the result of days of wotric On composition of the pafti&6a. M. reason giLven for its obsprvIance Muskrat. Send YOUr Many farms every year. The result We My'stock is keptin a house 10 x 12 � about ilham bad' some one' some here is draw� from the Story of the is the same as hiring a :man 'be do Shall see reasons for his statement as rest, made of clapboard siding, paint� many� god$- Israel must have but Q. At tills ,foot of slidellor TIMS is gell- sontelbling Uiab yields no Ta -fit. the wom-k Progresses. ed Avilite. The inslide, at title house is one. This law is ibhe forerunneri and creation of the -world in Gen, i. i_ Ultimately be 8, -but in Devit. 3. 14-15 it is the slmple� eraHly the best plus to take muskrat. Forethought ,is as great n lv�or Size of space, between VaTtlelies. covered vilblipaper -and- sheathed with ,comes the jaw, of Israel,s humau. reason 11that thy manservant Traps should be ,Placed in shallow siaver as any ,of the necessary equip- puoe monotliksm. Of the same, sort, RAW Sandy ...................... 82.499'o malbehed pine. In On's end is U NN4n- In Dout. 6: 4, 6, is the command, aand thy maidservaut 2nay rest as well water and the baft hung u1bouf five Loam ....................... 34.4904 dow 2 x 8 feet, and ffiero axe ,two "Hear, 0 Israel- the Lord our God ' a thou-" It 'Will Ialwa7s be found inches Above -the ,trap. A weed or sees the need or the danger that Is Heavy loam ................ 44. 150/o openings in front 8 X 4 feet, covered one Lord,; and 'I 'a by those who think deeply ,that the p;i:eoe of brulsh on which is,placed a -ahead, and provides (for the One aid thou sha"t love the divine and human. reasons are not out Clo:7 and loam ................ 47.10% with w1wo mesh and cloth curtains, Lord thy 'God with'all thine heart, of baritiony. - few draps of ffie ,best muskrat bait m=U RS ,m,e,m,, we. b,u,y 'o'twbelrumt Tphur`palo' v w1t 01017 ....................... 48.000/9 ,the latlieT to be &t down, at night or and with all thy soul, The referenice here to do; 4t,sbould be :Fastened Secure- 1� - nat glar wrong ,sNmliovaid that more of rat 1hL," Copipare Ean" With all thy God's work of creaution patuts to the NY'%' . Fine clay ................... 52..000/o on stormy days. It has double doors, - ­ xodL 23: 13; 34: TO � The size Of the soil space (which is a floor which Is also double, with 14, Deut. 6! 14; 7: 4; 8: 19-20, and profound truth,, that rest, as well as ly so that tit will -not float VMW 'On . us would be well off dl our foresight the-' result at the size of the soll paper between, and ibis makes a very many other passage$. .labor, is a law of Gocys, universe. the current. A Sheltered place is lebe 1, vms as good, as our hindsight. Pritcbk* 12-17. Honor to parents, -the sacred. beat for sattingthip trap; it this can- helps to make it so. �� loernel,) datermitics the movement af wwnt house. My birds never freeze 4-6. .The Second Commandment is ness of human life and of ,marriage,, not be found, a break at w I water in the ouill. Water is so iin- their.oarnibs, although the . tat adolatry, or the worship Of and t3io rights of Rroperty, are en. t 1 she b ODd -or I . 428 ­­:­ kentpecsItUrG age"n' _ j a at es uld emadednovdartopro- St. Pa. I St. images Tile "graven Image" will -S joined dit, the Fifth, Sixth Seventh and tect Ith West I I portant In :SaIrmling because the Plant faills as low as 25 degrees below at made o' ' e trap and bait. . , f carTed wood, aomet,imes over. I MON'rREAL F cedin Poultry. I cannot titice tip Solid trawtoidal, but .*lea. Eighth Commandments. The ninth Ailtibiter mathad which umny tTap- - I 9 . -ain Ail laid willisheets of brasis orgWId, or of forbids false vAitness, and the tenth ee rn ft I I must obt ,Its nutilliment (Out- I use Shavings -and sbmw tLor litter, stone. Among the i1magest of deity,' covetousness. I pors have foundito be very suecesslul seing manufacturers and not buyinir to re. W-Ilen I' ding eD to Paul 7 it' I slide ok (Arbon 311oxIlde, which It takes which is cTeaned out as soon as Itgota. __ ­_ its tDbuild a moundof mad'and Stance .ei, we,tways ao,wo,h, lake,l tivedina and shmild not be forgotte n that When in %rough the leavest,) in liquld, forin. Alrby. The dropplugs are cleared -'------"' -'----' --- ­ ------------------ ------ --- in Shallow water, set the trap at ,the thCWtShC3tMI%d;etPTI903- QUICk""I'U'"' using the whole grain:EuvIs -can read,. r,or g6thiiihation the seed requ�res every morning. I have found that augmented by 260/v, while the value bottom of' the mound und'ar the wa.- No V '.. list issued but we quarantee to i17 Obtain a full nical with -very little d you, skin- -6PatatO --U showed an In- ter, and then sprinlie a. few drops of or reject our after. 60 exercise, This is detrinnental to egg inoisiture, lions, and- li,ir. If any, one skailliness. pays. The, Food Board Says bf this export busiiies% r hol I you .C..Pt �, Of threse 15tiodbors is removed the seed I scatter cracked corn,vtheat, 'Oats, crease of 713% Owhig to higher prices selected musirrat 'WE On top ��asizs= . � of the sam, po:odaction biav,much as birds, are apt 74jil not Verminate. Or ,In other or a good, commercial Scratch -feed, in received for .the produot, The United mound. The mound sbould always lye __!� ---- ­ --- to become too fat. It is much bet- , words 0 your soil is too dry,, fteile; the litter at night, enough for itheii, Chairman Thomson Of the Canada States is a good customer for our a,littie,albove the wator i�n order that 1, - . . ter to have the oorn cracked ,Land adat- '00 � I � 11 7glif.11'you pliant will not germinate. supper andlilrealdast, so .that [as soon r' d Board is call'Ing for the greatest insple produets, while England and the balit viH remainotilt. The trap . I .... - - tei,od in +lie .,litter so that the flock I Ee the soil is water-loggelt, and ail! as the birds axe off the l000st in the possible produeVion ,of Maple 8UVw France, whon tradeconditions �t:Te ad- Should be staked firmly in deep ivateT will have to work for it. Oats when � its Shut out, seetill will, He doomank In morning they have something to keep and maple syrup -this ,comAng ,syring, justed, wd-K- also prove -good custom- so- that the muskrat w3l ditrown ,Itself 3 fed ,whole -an not eagerly eaten un- . � it Until . III the scil beets up beyond them Iousy. About 8.30 o'clock they Farmers wfith maple -groves might era, a-$ Canh-diion soldiers have intra- in its struggle to get away after be- Us's , " .1 less prepared in some way. A now �, .. . � fed spiriouted oubs, all that 'ibey WONIPTeParetotapanumisual number duced mapl�e sugar �into those coiln� ill I ZBK.8,1 r 42 degmees F. 'the seells Of most ft7n are , g caUg,qit, 2 h cat on.Stal "L,iberty", originated at edhe crops will not begin growth. In order -will &ean up in about ten =I -nates; at" of trees. In the opinion of those in triest -and ,,a lbasto f�,r it has been in. Musl�r.at shou,ld be C,ts-d pelt eide a Gentoitl Experrimanital Farm, and now seed to Proceed 11.80 a wel; mash, consisting of mesa,, siness there will be a anglIptit _ - . . for the germinated the export but ed out and ell superfluous meet and fat - I being introduced into publie use, I with growth and reproduce, there w1hoat bwan, beef Scrap and 0, ,little PrOfit'abl"' market for maple 97VUP Whow it is considered that our neit scraped off thoroughly bef,are shilp- 0 , threshes ,out free fi,om hull, land lias mupt be added to ithe above, plant- ichaTcoal and salt. I keep d,ry ninsli, and maple Sugar. Indication also debt has 111i7m,easivd, by c#er a bilflion pitig, The tall should be cul; off as Dawa- a ' ' therefore a specil-al vs,lue in poultry food and. strulighb, These are the o"ber-sholl, beef sorap and gr1b be- Paints to a favorable season as ,the ,dollars allies the war,orr �"00%p, every it its; absolute;17 worthless, and need- I lesding. I fundamental Taquirements of c -P fare thum aX the Ville. winter has-been m6ld and there is dollar -Of exPart talade Canada can de- locsly adds, to the vhippltlg� ,%tre,iglit, - These ,lioints are brought out in a � I growth, lye it a flowers, frulit, valin The drinking fountains we washed plenty of mol.Aure tin the ground to V01OP iS needed, Mho re,atlji,_L�tmenb Skins should bo d,i.d in . coal shady � rerfi'libzerrs .,� re,ently issued bvIletin No. 91 of the raots Or other crops. every day and the water changed insurea good run of ftp. . of 01"T Ariances ArIl of our tmrdla bat- plae,D, not exposed to ithe.surt, When __ 'f- Iliominjon Experimental Famms,, and I For Profit . . I . ,� ,# A,$ we, said, water Is allil4raport=t. twice a day. Last year, although, weather candi- andes reqWre tlhf, utmost utilization tha 4din is Ary enough to ,hold its I ., . obtainable froa,n the Pubiloatlan3 It servea in plant growth In fi- _____41__ tiono ,were not &vo-bille owing -be the of our agricultural a%efturcez and the shape it is rea-Ity to AlP. . I y-y"Hilefor.Frov Dutletin - -' I Branch of the Depurtment of Ae- ".., � - i - ways: One man with three ,large dva,ft prolonged and steady ooa!d and the mitI suga,r and svru�p eran, although — culture at Ottawa, wb6di dealts fully . holpoes ostri do -as much faim'-work as ___J01____ Function of Goill water. 8 All tacit of bright wArnt. days until com- comparatively anwell up to the present. , . . I Ontario Ferfl1kcIrS - NNith poultry feeds and feeding. It � ly 11 i 1. To supply the living ,plant wilih two Men with four am :1-1'11`rses� . I para,bivel-y late in the season ,be start thile, may ,be greatly inerzaved IF The dronDingS 1`111M U10 cattle will � ­."', - .. takes tip the balanced ratton, gmin - hydrogen and OXYMU. of 013X inipl'oved mitchinery re,1111TOS ihe anp running, the produettan o' formars rea-lize th� opportuniv, libarclit ,the ir,as,hiro niore if they ,are , s�l . � � . rm its �y 0,11 .1 ,: q��J 1-,y­pi'�liucts� green foodq, ,imintal I an *,.van, Steady di,aft be j�rfo , I s,�;v,e,,ad Or ,,broken tip 'with a � ­0�t6 � T. I'll t llp"I'lle- " I I.. TC .1 Or nnd -� .,a, ,altditeltg I1w0VW "I il to ses oaarlot niftole sugar aii& maple syrup allowed rivalte ,the efr -t. ,o tile toethi apt well - I �r -� - 2, To convey planHood from ocil I best work,_and lit,�M hor- , .oi I oo it har.1- xv willi � ".� ft!,. ilneraill food dor .----,.------. '. " 11 , ­. I'll .."."44, � � -e V,,�, -feed plunt . I parxOrm tl'p. ,work widi oasie and a otinsi able increase. over , 1917. 1 asolant This -prevents ,the -grass Trroerr .l.", I .. �. ,:.;�o, ..: � . � I t.1 curillx�rie and u. ,se in the - , , � I .i, .. �-,i; � -�_,. ,� i-- , � 11"Im t�-,rkeiv% �6ineA lovd. I , . . ,_ . a, To riegaliabe temperature Londi_ . .1 Custc-ras DepRiAtnent flwlwai v'Awl Only a notber rnn lti�k %:in nrif lr:e' ,..I *,vb.,,d,_, �oming li "I - _ � J� - _ , , , .�6, � ­ . pr TArieso. ,io matter h -,r,, fn:bbru � I -; . � , , , __o_ 4. om " I "I . .- i ' boing 101lod outnn ,. I , . . . . . __Q J , 11� I . I 11" m�y bw�. . that tillo expert of map',e, all-glar was!'orft M the same 1'lrr."�. - .- � `_� I i, . lions of, the sail. . . W I lv.�h�re the droj-T�n�,-:.4 1,:-i la;n. .""'..'�.'. !�;IJ ��"C_p .. � I I . I I I A I I I I . . I � I I - . ­.. I I I I � I. . I ­ I . , T . . . . I . � . I . � 1, � I � . . � . � � . I . I .: I . . . I � � I . I . . L . I - I I I I I . I � I I : . , . I � . . I I . I �� , 11 I . . I � I I I ., . . � I 11 , � I I . I , � I I . . � I I . . ,% I � I I, . . I � I ..:,.� � , � � I . � -1 ., .1 I I . . I I I � . . 11 . . I . . ., . I . I � . . . ; I . ,. I I . I : I . Z I � , L' I r 11 , I.. . : : �-�,., I . ­ � . L . . . . I I I i�,� .1 - I I . . �. � , Ll�i­ � ­ , 11:� :., �� ­ � � - . _­ ��,,�,L_ .� � . . I �, , .11,:L I � " �, 'I . __ . ___ , . . I I , . 1-1111 � -11 -111 . ­ - L �­­' .':­­� '':I' . "I 'j:�. I, L- .11 I 1. ­�: :, , . .1 I.." I . .1'.1.11 ­­ I � . L " , , _�_� � I . I I 11,