HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-02-13, Page 1ASOdailiSMONSIPtiBM Now Series Vol. i.7 No. ; Nem SEAT. MARBLEANDORAMT NEWS. Canadian Granite. Since the itrportation of Eur- opean granite has been re- stricted, our CANADIAN GRANITES are being devel- oped at an amazing rate, and are: equal in color and texture to any imported granite; The Seaforth Monumental Works handles the best grades W .E, elKapmat:,Prop' ym s �9 WA. i'CI1 FOR 010. 0i0 SPECIAL :ia1•L OF CAN DIES. ON - SATURDAY. Mixh:lCreams All kindx, of -Nil!. Talfics C 25c -it 1b. 25e .a Ib. It's a Treat everybody, young and old, appreciate. The delightful, uuu• t li flavoring, the rich quality and absolute purity of Our A onfectioaaery : realms why you should. Patronize ze 'us - • When yore. want t tinily that ;tour ft'ient1'' ;i• the talhr i can safel,• {{\\ IV c-SieRAA Cordon to -Create A Modern tidies Will start dt'09oe 0'1 01.z 'Ph ift WiII 1 mipS Her Anelent Splendor. Announcement of h1: '2112(01112 of Sir ttobert Bet-,h•,sit <a rm rr1 tail' British representatives en the 1t,1nFur.. encs Colnmitte e to ih-ternlil:rr tali, bon: diaries of a now Ureo,e ha•a h,s❑ 111.12,1 His Colleague will ire Sir Byre ..;<i•a• or tie permausllt ei,ofr -If 1.;10 fare; m 0fllie. FrauJu 1(1ly .cud elm, t iite•I. States will wlan :a9paint (11'•, loltn,,ar,nt, ,ativoa o ch, 'rhe committee is to strut work Bit mm100 Premlol V01117,1,101; will repeat the 110a which he mask. 1) -:lore the human Conference and inatsh,ti fu its support evidenoa that Yireeece. bas 11 right to the anlirgsd •1•lrritories to which she laysclaim. The new Greece; as ontlirisd.by Prem lir V,emiz.lms, Will om':t•ace all the shore of, the Aegean Sea, 'except that on both T&19 ONT'tRIO, THURSDAY, 1+E" RCZ RY l3 45)19 Council Meeting Seatorth Man Chosen Wm,Hartry to Lead Hortieulturists After a most suoceseful convention, the Ontario Horticultural Association ft, Tdcotrta c<itlipleted its unnua}'session with the election of officers for the en. suing year. The following will com- pose the executive;—President, Wil} - am Hurti•y, Seaforth; Jet vioeptssid- nt, 0, H N Baker, Lindsay; aud vice president, Miss Mary . Yates, Port OL colt; secretary 'and editor, J. Leckie •Wiieo0, Toronto; C, A Hessen, St Cathariues;houary director, T D. Doak: Bray, Toronto; directors, J kI Ross, George J Overeud, oeillia; Rev W. McKay, Weston; W. 0 Burgoyne, St Catharines; J Magee, Hanover; George 11 Ryerson, Brantford; 8 F. Wood, Loudon and Johu Glaseforcl, Chatham; auditors, W D Evans, aucl W T Gra• hem, both of Toronto; representative to Toronto Exhibition, P. Mitohsll, also of Toronto. $eeforthisprond to recognize Mr Hartr•y as President of the Provincial Horticultural Society. He has always manifested ii sincere interest in the of tluwers hi' the coinniuuity and is not only a Successful grower of flowers: him. self but anxious to intoreet.others, Elia gladiolii'havo won provincial recugni- • deo as premise da:'era in Ontario. He was Praaiduut.ur,11 this your iii $oerot- ury of the local society-. • Caro dc.selt,r ml the, fuilee 1t 1.,gemcnt us in our work, and ie very highly op. predated, I have much pleasure in e dosing of Nola! reoeipt. Yours very truly, - ($gd,) B. S. Machines Hon. Recording See. Special Iornto News Toronto, kb, 10th, 1919, With the permission of the News I will mention a few matters which I have observed in the Queen City since coming ihere three mouths ago, For the last 8 or I0 weeks returned soldiers by the thousand have beep coming nearly every day, Many of theca have a leg or au area germ and q' number in it de- cline from gas and otter causes. They are usually met by Mayor Church who extends to them ' a hearty weleonhe• Church is 0 good Ivan and the gond alone are great, A Dumber of young soldiers have br•onght back wives, brides picked up in England with a few Froueh and Belgian girls and :some from oilier -countries. These get a warm welcome tram the wempi, atCtet 155 of the city who are still active along Patriotic tines, There are so many ladies' societies engaged in making the soldier and his dependants life mere pleasant that' 1 wit' not attempt to enumerate theta. These talte•a loading place in every good work outside of Patriotism. ' The Salvation Anal drive fur a quarte;' of ; 'ttiiliioh4' dailarri fie Toronto has beds <i real sicmarti nt,atly The l`nu0 1i ins, all. Monday even. sail members pi1l.eilt. - Griere—Beattie•—'1'bat the rt p< it of the Finance ('orumittee by etc,, pttd, and smounting to $831 78, Geldi,;g-Aborn al1-111 at the afoul Board be paid $tsar • Goj/iiug-.--Abetrhart — That 'Beattie, t rie+ve, Barber and the clerk be delegates to Highway Conventiuu held en'lnesday in 8 00fordl. Grieve—Beattie—thatthe mayor oto• ours the necessary medals for tetulnc ed soldiers from .1• F. Daly. Golding -_Aberhait-'i hat a date be • arrenged water, the council may meet, the different t..gaidzsitions intt:rest- ed in to soldier's memorial., Golding -..heti ,r- '1l •.t the it{gineer of the w s tmi wuri a it,' paid $7u per mend,. - Parke—Barber-Mat the stent', sal- ary he raised $loo ter 1310, Golding-0eriier---'that the renstable's salary bo 10ure:ae011 $75 'for 1913 Batbd.r—lin Zhu—'that a lice flag be purchased for .be town half Persistent Asthru:a. A most slistrces hit; characteristic of tide tiebl,r t itr,a disease, is the pereistenci with whtctt reeurriug attacks COM, to sap away the strength and Leave the sinters r in a State uF alnuist Conti 111 :11 ex1iu;lrtl011 No wiser pre eantiolI 1:111 be taller than that of keeping tat h eel :a wooly of 1)r J 1i, Kellogg's Asthma . tbetiu.clz•, faianns lie the n,,tt pot +ua<x tnedy tor: a,r<Ia1.•atang tits :lista. :ri•a- ti;r t<.nder $30,000 alms:, than •t}esit tele• ht:vu,g bran; t<a:. tier As toy is �'"""'", •�• "'- -- `•.� -=-"-""'�. 'Vint hre-tInes_ ting ,,r 1911 ,<,itegiate Y.luret was hellion Frtd.ay when Joh., titc'laviolt wan 0::11 t e 0).4161'111.o'. VI .. . 01,1,11.1 0111., 0.141' 11,,.111-ipl:eii. tad be - ;',1•01y-IL0tHitte11 r, 11. fa'd.i',.;, ,lI'' • t.'•• hail tilt, now (,.,10----t.1,l;tt,;, -‘1i•. Ii 1 ::•• 1 V.I. t; x‘,..1.,. (.I tt ,1: c, l Il ••m 3, ie' t sh , 3 -iii.„ ill- Lotit.1 s. ua gid., rrut '0" $l.,i u to tb, ii a:. 2., aides of the Dardanelles. 1;rsece asks for the southern part of Albania, for territory on the :V0(401:11 n,,w Held by Bulgaria, for Tbraite l; for es the lines 02 00.a-Lalitita, fiista strip,.If Asia.. 1111onr• wii'r'. I; ill giro ieht• fr'<rri tags ori rare tion et i:.tui' ,t, ,111.11.1011 Smyrna 1,041, un 1 , t«:, It :,c•.,., ewh,Ild'. i ,., �1 , , .:�i�rC 0f Moly aims; the `rl a 4e1'1'it1.j it, Asir ,.,,: auti 10 1el:,ud of i;ypins, whish JF(ti b i ,,Pion, oo t ro Lair ?,• t 0••00.,• 111 TOO; as a I'ewarti for .311 to 1, • w.tr, 1,111 01, « p0 1, e,away fink 1+011 rrl. Bid, it, etli 0110 territory clafnued Brest '11";,ulatlan itLt:de1n111aten, l�cl�i� 1'c�i :a •0.0.03, .nlel,g 1 `: tl 04' -11 �• ,10. . I1Ill nC<.. r.'i.+n,ia' 1:1 ,.• 1.01'. „il of 11.11111 11!1., tit::.,„«1 ,t1t',rht c ,::f rl. .,!h r 1',,:1:11 et 11 ,,,1E rtr s.ed :t1 , .:,11 fel l; 1•: it 4111 1.,1 a <. , . t 0011, i0 1110 rect,rr41 (l:+1,U1 Ail 011 , Enmity 1 ;uta moo tip; •frau: the tiot.11 0,1tiee•„ C:aiea Pt.eul1, tial. .. s;ltsrl:. in. '-.,ride's <.-- sof .curls slay stents when she ,ot.•k ill, The batii iv hive the qui patlly of all t 1 t' -lair «:ua•irow, Mrs. Thos. Stephens A well known citizen of Seaforth passed away in the poison of Christina McKiunev,wrfe of Mr. Thomas Step- hens of the Queens, 8118 Walt born in Cinchona township near Brampton 211 1843, For same time she hae been in poor health. but pneumonia was the cause of death. There were twelve children of whom six survive, Thomas J. at home, John H. in Detroit; James H in the Soo, Mrs, J. F. Rogers of Toronto and Misses Birdie anti Grace at home, The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon to the Egmoudville cemetery, being conducted by Dr, Larkin, '1'ha,worme that infest children from el (o o' 1' lh rth.re1 i two tulde those 'that hod lodgme rtt in the stomaolr and 'those that ,ern touted 111 the intestines, 'rhe Cott: r nre the most destructive, us they oliog to the walls of the iutea`tli es and if not iuterthr<yl with work havoc there' Miller's Worm Powders dislodge both kinds and while expelling themfrom the system serve to repair the damage they have ouused, hanks Jan. 0200, 1918 A. J. Origg, Eeq Registrar, Clinton, Ont Dour ,'air: I hog to acknowledge with many shanks the receipt of your latter of the 1801 111st_ to our Hon,%l:reasthrer, e1:• olMang cheque for $037 36, which you state is the amount of remuneration of your Deputy sod Assistant Registrars District 10 which they of South Duren, have assigned as a donation to the Red ;Creta Society,_ �,,... 1 am requested to 001105y the cordial thanks of our Executive to all Hoed oonterned for their generous and self- sacrificing action on behalf of the Red Cross, This Very generous oontribu- tiou will he of material assistance to 0 01,11 tt - wt Jt n,. .. `1 ;.11 ;,tarts;: q in rt :ignite, latatteti.r'1 tee, tt a' . (1 0i"'..y t,.",Il 0/14.,, 1091010 1i1 •}t I? 200.2 1E1 :.t 1'1: § ,.'. 1 1:••,,,s ,..K va ii 1t ra: I 1 r. 1i°:c. : „ ti,,' i{, i. 11:11010e:.' lit, i1, 1,01 li izo hrt,p Branch :hiss 1, i'. 1t'u•g 11 31i'e. It, 0. V n1:gtlnnui fells. Chats Aberhart It;,gs Biota Concert Receipts Monthly Contributions Foes • 110 73 5t, Total $1292 28 EXPENDITURES Mrs, A, E. Cooper (comforts for returned men in Hospital) 20 00 Stewart Bros. - 4 21 J, F. Snowdon b 00 McLean Bros, 2 30 R. H, Pock 6 00 Canino Bros: Opera House 10 oo baxophoue Sextette 140 oe Total Balance on Bund 13192 3i $999 37 $1132 28 Mol(illop—Lawrance Co. Tho annual selecting of the 1118 ;111 Llsnr11eo 1101119,1 113 wa5 hold in , lea' forth r'rid"rr aft„nuee. -1'!01, Seerot re,011 t}IU 11:13Twial re port showing a very good year. `I'ue retiring directors were rt,selected, also the same utl}eon; with s so 1121 F. T1eIneeted a solicitor, NIGH -=Tu Tuctceremith on Feb, 921, 'Dennis A, Nigh aged 21 years. DALE—In Tnckersmllh on Pahl..lith. I Wm 1, Dale aged 7o 0 ,, 1n'�.s ,. • $1.50 per year Take hi the irony Side Famous lecture. which. has been given over 5000 times by Lou v e l:F:> c mp hustinor us Philospher The tk rei Concert of the Lyceu r t Course under the Auspices of the RED CRISS SS SOC}7ETY Ii P he held hi Canino )era 9 f; '. s 1 ,T� tr7 F:1dy iiwiiry KI � .�- Plan opens at Alerha1'f's Drug Store FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7th - p7q,..,ce2sx,44 utPG'•.3 GS Etw rg lf, ss,sl; ^Iv_; Tig ny1 dress Aara.aE,'lL s 9 LP coanI ni, 1911,' lEag, so as go take ad= vantage of present low costs, and glity yourself plenty of time to get the dresses made.- SERGES WORSTEDS GABARDINES S $i to 4.50 yd 75c to $3 yd $1,75 to 4.50 yd SUITINGS 1,',101-I1tiR7 LKS 1 50 to 3.50 yd 1.50 to 2 250 yd 5oc to 3 SILK GEORGETTE SII EPE SILLl, LSREPE 22 PEI E °�1 ails. 1'1I iJN as pi.enaaad ata l;rotoo apathy 121' 4.1 drawls 4f sod Vu1I range r.t Ipli 0f' 11 Q L1 .w y" Lit 0 G'L D I/ i! r r C it.e''b1, taa')i44f31; °. car a1 11211 t bi r y SEAFORTII dN 5to.re iCditorial THE CLOUDS ARE CLEAI1INI; AWAY The War Clouds are passing away. The sun is shining brightly. We are returning to peace time ,conditions. Many of '1s are finding it hard 213 readjust outselvea after the terrific strain of the last four years - But all of us must put our shoulders to the wheel for our own personal good and the good of the Dominion 8"t150.0 this rest}• ju0tlshtcut shall he ,gotten over lust lis I0i. kl_t .9 9-,852115 aura ,fit icy zf i vine he, itun,ntf.; 03.0 This stove is ile.,ptil;, by try- ing it, serve you b t,trt' Agents kr STANDARD PATTERNS The Bes''2