HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-01-30, Page 10. . .
niameeresememetement Mem. Stemmateneene
The Best Wins
7 hot is whp this is the most
popular Barber Shop in town.
Boer thIng is sanitarp and pou
eon enjoy a haft cuthere.
Oommercial Bather Shop,C4th
W. li'01311VSON
Miss Annie 0, Govenlock, Graduate
Teacher's Course Godowoky Methodo,
sna,dian Academy of Mulder Toronto
re -open kor Waimea in piano, Organ
. d Theory on floptember 8rd.
Pupils will im prepared for Ossuadian
adenay and Toronto Conservatory
Studio North Main St,
Phone 103
.0 I
Mos, O'Connell him re -opened Wessel
in Piano and Singing.
Pupils prepared for the London Ottn-
John Street,
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the MeKiPep
Mutual Fire Insurauce Company will
be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on
Friday Feb. 7t1', 1919 at twu P. M.
The business of the meeting will be to
receive the Animal statement and
Auditora, report. The alerting of three
directors and two e editors end other
bilailiess which might be celiebiered of
benat for the Compeny, The retiring
directora ere .1 Mee te, 11:eve, dentin;
Evans and .1011(1 Berimmees who are
i,g ilo for Meatier.
Pres Sec,
TiltirSdely jaimiary 30
Well Cured and Properly Made
Cement Tile Equal to Clay.
Mrs James Carter still keeps poorly
jr. and Mrs, James Harris and
daughter have returned from Preston.
Mr, and 1Y1rs, Thomas Clark of eitn•
shine visited relativeo.
Hogs are going clown in pries though
meat ie as dear as ever. There are
many kinds of hogs, Eh!
Mr Price shipped a oar of cattle to
Toronto last week,
Etlooh Clark, who for the past four
years has had oharge of rural mail
route No. 4, will relinquish bin duties
on April 1st. Thos. Mose of MoKillop
will take over the route and has pur
chased a house from Humphries Bros,
next to the Bank of Commerce, Mr.
Mose has just recovered from an ill-
ness ot typhoid fever,
Mies Margaree Humphries left re -
°putty to visit friends and relatives in
Toronto, Hamilton and severe1 pointa
in New York State.
Several from here attended the Na-
tant of the late Miss Mabel Hayeroft
of Brunets.
Win, Stewart of McKillop has been
sereral months with a serious attack of
blood -poisoning in one of hie legs. It
is hoped that he will soon be coniplete-
ly recovered.
Pte, Ed. Byan, 8011 of Thomas Ryan,
who enlisted with the 1610 Battalion,
has returned home and every One is
glad to me him safely buck again`,
John Shortreed was elected trustee
at the annual meeting of the the
School Board, Feiner Bennett ism
appointed. caretaker.
The school has opened again after
being closed on aecoant ef the flu
Much sorrow is felt here at the death
of a pioneer, of the vihiege, John Sad-
ler sr. who passed away at the age et
77 years About ssIon EttoUtliS ago 11.
onff.reti a stroke of paralysis and roam
recovered Berri in Pickering he
came to Stains" while young arid worked
ao a oarmanter. Fie built a seivrnO1
winch he rano until aome years ago
, His wrdow, Isabel Barbour, suevives.
aim 2 sous, Wm, and Robert and ti
ndeshoro daughters, Mrs. Trick of Vancouver,
and Mrs, El:manual ot Mitchell, One
brother. Win. of Hamilton and aerator
enuu.: ongragataotlal
of Item, Preebyterian Chinch washeld
ie ,1.-o nient with e. fairly Lime° attend
meee, New officers were eleuted said
the tepeete of the various cornmitteen
11 onnetnes rienved that the chimer
we, hi ee, mace/sent linen/eat 0.10,1) )i11
Whey. tea taasineee wee aoreeieted,
fre,J1.11011.,8 were served mei the rest ot
roe r Was Spent seas:bit-,
1 neecial meeting of the £ted Oros
710 081. et the home ei Moe nireitles
to :Jew ;el en* Heeler Miedeee, Th,„
to 4, mei it ed ,r Methiiig for these
,nifortrit ar yr .be S.rniete
gladly oi,e gariL, o w roi Cly to soar
12.tetto 7.110 to interested in the marl,
'Ara. • In.; Yotreg and danghter. Mies.
ce Va. 10'7. 77 V. 011 from 11,5rfold •n. 86=
1):1! 7,11a. Vetzne was guile 11
srri is corminerahlr tenter yew,
Mrs Jas. Harbaru of Hibbert tied a
sister in Pickering ourvive.
The Farmers' Institute was poetime-
ed by the fin.
'Ir. Wee, Sedler and his sou Eti of
Hamilton was here last week.
Mae. 'nary Drown has passed tool
age of en ;tears, She Was (11 11
be deny etettlers of blibbert.
A108 7111(11111 -71 Ili 01. ey has gene to it
Vernet, eitaioney lies a position ie
renoi: e at present,
- 1,11'oriner et Wieeteasie men ti
oe iriezeis iime week,
Pendergest him retureed .0
Novice and tiangliter 0101-81:! to chioa
1.111 to week and will otionpy the
eenee meeides• vacsited by dere, 1.00 101:
h omen)' held 17, very
etrooesetel giantism nee last week in the
Mise Mae Lyon has returned home
from o • Mit with reintives 111Exeter,
The 801:81005 1(1 the Methodist Church
V 1v held in the beserneut tiutil the
mat oFeb. in eerier 1:0 0011001:10 fuel,
ele, Tins, itlamperee is aroued again,
Mrs, Harry Leos, :e visiting her dame
Lee, ear-e;A leersleire, of Exeter.
Or. R. Shaddiok Wad reoently 1 Vier
itor 111 Holtaesville,
Mr, Fred Johnston of Ingersoll was
home over Sunday,
,Organized agriculture has reoeived
the unetinted and loyal support of the
Weekly Sum Toronto, during the Wen
ty-eight yeare of its existence. It is
today giviug generons and hearty sup-
, port to every movement oaloulated to
further the interests of those engaged
in marioulture, Those farmers who
wish to keep in touch with -the great
°inoperative movement among agrioul-
turioto in Ontario, should read it every
veek, The women of the farm will be
particularly interested in the Woman's
page, specially written for The gilt% hy
woman tiring on a ferns.
Mr. in thrightroll of the Sturenail
18111 Patiettiog relieving.
Louie Howard of Detroit has her 1, ti
rimier with frieuris.
MisS <Aldan:We and MIS. Margaret
Areastiterig are lir Hamilton at presew
01i 1. 005.3n3Sn was operated ,.n
foi appendicitis and 18 (101119 leen. Mr
lnielielson of Leacknow is taking bo 1
elessre, .1 (11105t011 and Stepliensen
Went to London for their discharge
frora military duty,
ecil Vfllsy is now finite well mode
after a long Mimes.
The local Orange Lodge soot a letter
ef sondolenote to Mr, and Niro Join
Dale on the death of their sou.
Tho fasyal Searlet Chapter of Eltem.
lay held their annual meeting on the
s 4th and elected °facer%
Horse for Sale
For sale,a good big driving male
standing 16 haat+, soured. Apply to
The Nene Offiee
Strangles, an Infectious Disease 44
Colts Slay Be Controlled -- The
Cause, Symptoms and 'ilreattnent
of This Serious Dettease.
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Toronto.)
0 make conerete the satis-
factorily many things must
be taken into consideration.
In the first place it is very
necessary that the nuenufactuter have
experience in the making of concrete
tile; besides, it is essential to have
good strong machinery, a good qual-
ity of sand and gravel, or °reeled
rock, iirst-clase cement, material and
cement thorougkly inixed, and a kiln
where the the may be steam cured.
Only strong, heavy and durable
machinery ,hod lee used. With
respect to material a good Aggregate
would be one part material, which
would pass through a twenty -mesh
sieve, and two parts, which would
range from the previous size men-
tioned up to one-quarter inch atone.
Only good sharp material should be
used — one in which there is clay
should, be avoided. If this cannot be
procured a sand weakens metabine
will have to be added to the equip-
ment of the plant.
Where a great many tile manufac-
turers make a mistake in the making
of concrete tile is in the fact that
they use too "leen" a mixture, that
is not enough cement to the material.
The proper mixture for first-class
tile is one part cement to 2% parte
of crushed material, and in no case
should the mix be more loan than
one to three of a total aggregate,
sufficient water being added to the
mixture to make a gum consistency.
When the tile are completed they
should be places in kilns where they
may be steam cered and left there
for a period of not less than 48
The kiln should be about six feet
in height and oi a width sufficient to
allow the required manner of trucks
on whioh time tile have boon placed
to rest during the curing process.
The tile should be plaeed in the
kiln not more than 1 1/2 hailers after
it has been manufactured and kept
there for 48 hours during the
steaming process. After it has been
cured it might be removed from the
kiln and piled in the yard, and
should have at least two weeks hard-
ening before being again disturbed.
Before the product of any tile plant
is offered for sale samples should be
tested either at the plant or sent to
the Drainage Department at the
0. A. C., Guelph, to be tested to see
if it is of the proper strength.—W. lt,
Scott, B.S.A., 0. A. College, Guelph.
Strangles --Its Cause and Cure.
Strangles, commonly called "Colt
Distemper," ie an infectious, febrile,
erruptive disease peeuliser to horse,
eapecially to melte or quite young
borses, but tense. of all ages are li-
able to muter, mee attack does not
render an =harti tinateue frora a
second, but there are few cases in
which an animal suffers the second
The disemee appmsrs In twu forms,
known as (a) Inviter Strangles,
(b) trregular Streegles, often called
"Bastard Stritneles." As with all
contagious or imeetious diseases it
is caused by a seccilic virus which
communicable from animal to ani-
mal by contact Or eurroundinge, may
be carried from a diseased to a
healthy animal on the bands or
clothes of the attendant, on pails,
rorks, harness, clothing, atm and It
is poesible it may be carried consider-
able dietonees in the elm
Symptoma — When the absceases
form in the space between the terms
of the lower Jaw (called the maxil-
lary speno) the general health is
often so little affected that nothing
wrong is suspected went the abscesses
break, but in most came there is a
dullness, more or teas 1011s of appe,
fit,., increase of leraperenure, nasal
disehargo, at first watery, but soon
beroming purulent. (sough, often dif-
fieulty 01 swallooing, A. tumor or
hunters can be felt, and generally
seen in the neighborhood of the head,
usually in the space already referred
to in the throat or higher up, Just
posterior to the lower now. In severe
eases the patient becomes unable to
ewrhlow, the cough becomes very
Painful and breathing more or less
labored and difileult; and he usually
stands will his nose protrnded, tee-
ing a supply of fresh air if at liberty,
Treatment—In mild eases good
care and comfortable quarters are al]
that is needed, other than Bushing
out the cavities of Dm abscesses three
times daily with a 111:0 Per Dent. Win-
ton of one of the coal tar antimepties
or carbolic acid, in more acute eases
in addition to the above it is good
practice to steam the nostrils occa-
sionally by holding the patient's head
in steam ezeapbag from a pot of boil
ing water, to which has been added
a. little carbolic aril. Feed and water
out of a high manger, as he swallows
with greater ease when head Is ele-
vated. Give the patient two to four
drams of hyposulpente of soda (ac-
cording to size) Clime times daily,
Keep hot poultices to the throat,
lance abscesses as soon as ready and
treat as above. Feed on soft, easily
swallowed and easily digested food.
If he wont eat keep up We strength
by giving new Milk and raw eggs
with an oz. of sweet spirits of nitre
several times daily. Do not attempt
to drench'him, Give the powders out
of a spool, placing them well back
on the tongue. Give the liquids with
a e -oz. syringe. If there be danger
of suffocation, and the amateur can-
not relieve it, a veterinarian should
be sent for promptly. In cases of irrie
gular strangles the same treatment, •
lees the local attention to the form- '
ing abecesses is all that an amateur, ,
and, after all, that a veterinarian can
Regular deposits of small amounts will
often accomplish more than infrequent
deposits of larger amounts.
The regilletr saver finds inspiration in watching
his balance grow.
interest allowed at 3% per annum added to the
principal half yearly.
We are glad tti say that Jae, Howe
Jr. who has beets 111 with p1100010010 18
now on the *lend,
Mr. 11, Rogers of Seaforth has been
visiting friends here,
Miss Mary Nloliellar of Brussels i
slow recovering rapidly at her hom
from a severe attaek of pneumonia.
ellen Ashe-Evereat was inLotolon
last week,
Mr 31,7, Merrier has sold his gen-
eral stock to Mini M. Reid an has
moved to his farm raieutly bonght.
Mrs. Weir of London is a guest of
Kra, Tippet
Mr, Ohns. Team and bride arrived
bere from Port Stanley and are now
iu IC. Moorelan's cottage. We wieli
them joy,
Mrs, John Medd is not recovering ea
fast as her friends hoped,
The Indio meet mice a week and
BOW for the Belgians,
Geo, Clark 18 111 Toronto taking les -
eons In music
Mr. and Mrs, E. Clark went to Eg-
MoudVille haat week to attend the feu.
eral of their brotheminelaw, Mrs. R,
Oartiochan who was brought from the
west for buriel,
Pills That Have Beriefited Th011a-
ands,—Known far and near as a sure
remedy in the treatment of indigestion
and all derangements of the stomach,
liver and kidneys, Parmelee's Veget
able Pills have brought relief to theme
ands when other specifies have failed.
Innumerable testinaoniale can ha pro
duced to establish the truth of the
assertion. Once tried they will be
forma imparter to all other pine in the
treatment of ailments for which .they
are prescribed,
Keep Then Smiling
The "Welcome " sign Mill heroes 1,: 77 tne deer . of the
Salvation Army Hostel. Hele neern -O.: lone11 there: While
our aohlier.s Have need of the neeMsee eemielinees 71, xell 1(0
hadily-1)0emr shut the .doorte thi: !" lap them
The Salvation Aron, respenhefor ..a nrnion Dollars for Hee
boy:, nho won the victory. TOls m nee firm; time -the Seine -
tion Arrey has made a general enema1 fer its Work. We urge
you now, for the stake of tlic salenere, end as 0 VITAL factor
m the solution of Crairelans Recoottrecticen problems, with
the liointeeeinheg of her boys, to git•e end to gin liberally!
Our men in Irliaki may not all be Immo for futother year.
While there it a compdnee of Canadians in uniforne over there
0i• over HERE, there is work for tRe Shileatien Amen. Lased*.
The weary waiting and: the (Maned discipline -epell dangers
that MUST, be guarded ageinst, happy unile end a com-
fortable body help to keep trouble at a distarice. stet
let the Hostelhut for lack of . funds! ,.
° a •
The 6'„ 6 lalivaciaria Army
nrth Neli r 7 '1
IvratitIm Cif Ulna
joirulary 19th to 25th
"First to Serve—Lunt to Appooll"
A WORD ABOUT THE HOSTELS1—Have you ever been
incide a Salvation Army Hostel? If net, ask a returned
Man about the Hostels in Paris, Louribn, Toronto, Hamilton,
or any others that he has stayed in cner HERE.
Let HIM tell you about the REAL beds, the home cooking,
the fried eggs, and hot coffee—and hot baths. If he knows
you very web, he may`give you a hint about the spiritual
comfort the Salvation Army Lassies give these men far front
home and all it means! •
Headquarters: e,
Mail your subscription to
Treasurer Toronto and Ontario: SIR EDMUND WALKER
Toronto, Ont.
Treasurer New Brunswick:
Bank of Commerce, St, John, N.B.
Treasurer NOVEL Scotia:
Bank of Commerce, Halifax, N.S.
or to
Zik, Albert St,. Termite,
Scat es
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 51
Counter Cheek Books
Letter Menne
lelettu Cards
Looe Leat Ledger
F011114 ate.
Statement,: ,
Prenreei mos
Calling ('z'&
Memeriel (nerds
11111 fiends
Wedding Cerrle
Note lietede
Neatip and momptig
The biggest men in
the eountry have found
that the easiest way to
spell success is to
pose the newspaper
did not is 839biiSh the
sevzs. howl .Wouldi the
people know what is
happening ? if you
don't pblLh your
Store New's how will
the people know about
your goods? You can
never soil the gi,,:.ods
people da • s9t know
vieu kanve
ncivc.rtitqin.g. leAtiaig
ab;i-iittl "-tow! zEock. •.. The
firnt thavi ad vertisi4f:.
gets Rve7y
Aehlt (SWeti
not ativ,.;,;t1i-se. Ohop,
worn .v.nT.2.
fiTharits :for 1I1t
,,e,oewn„,eneeeeemee, emenmen, ememmementeromememme,meemenerem„.„,„,„„v„.6'
"Pape's Dlapepsin" makes sick, sour,
°easy stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes,
If what you just ate ie mining on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, or you bel9h gee and eructate,
sour, undigested food, or have a feeling
of dizziriem, heartburn, fullness, mama,
bad tete 01 month and storeaeh-head-
aelie, you can get relief in live minutes
by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to
such 51011.0111 distrust now by getting a
large fifty -cont case of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. e You realize in
file minutes 110W neealess it is to suffer
from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stom-
ach disorder caused by food fermentation
due to excessive acid in itiromach.
Help for Aothme Neglien giVeff
aathrna, gre 7 eilvantage, The ri011b-
le, 0(100 11 1)115 1oc1117.41 13 foobnold, fast.
eno ita grip 011 brot.elnal passages
tellaeionsiy, 3.,.» Rottoggre;
Asthma Remedy is da ly curing mem
asthma of long standing, Years of
suffering, however, might have been
prevented had the remedy been used
when the trouble was its its Bret stages,
stet neglect emtbeno, het me tine
peedaretion at GA**
SEALED TENDERS, mettreesed to
rho PoVromaler Ustieral, reOefrr
Ottawa 1111)11noon, 011 Friday, the
7th duy of Fehreaty, text, for the °on-
veyance of Hie niajetity'sx5115, on
1)1,011°81rd °entreat fer four ream, rix
theme per week over Seaforth No. 4
Rural Route, from the Postmaster
containing further
information as en cominioue of propos-
ed (1111)1(501 1057 be men ancl hlank
forme of Tender may be ohteined at
the Post Offloes of Seaterth, Emmen&
vine, Cloblinball and Bracefield and
at the office of the Pest 011ie° Inspea.
tor Loudon.
Loudon, 97t11 Deo., 1918.
Chas, )3„ Maker,
Post elks Tioropeoter
, -