HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-01-30, Page 9I 7, — — I � I . I � I — - , , I I . I � . I I I . . I I I ­­,�11-,M,�;"t,Lpn - ly , , , ,�. I 0 1. 11 . . ' . ' Training Rural Leaders. , ' � "; t� .44� , : - , �111V� - ,, :: I I Life In the beatrolful nit , 000WHEALTH �QUESTION BOX I I I i 11 ­', � T � ow J,;��, , " �, . , I SURVATION '� . ,V n di I 0, , aqn , ,YWI 0 �- � " ' wy,t. boqp# ,,X - �- , -11-,"'111- ­­­­­.­­� �- -'1­I7'1,­­1;"V­­ ­�.11 I I ­ VOi,­z­.";,ik­,4'-1.'j � ....... . -g— 44.#— �g.j , p T..--, ­I -111 ,, L r;�,,­', � . ,F1 A,R1V1JP,QKJ0RS,­ , I � , V6:!'�; in �. — 1'11L�� eW I' 0 1 , "" ­ .- I come, arb"Ilits"V6W. I . I By Andrew 11,0urrier, M.D. , 11 11 �� . . ", ""A. I, � - .. . :* ,. 0 �*U�­0111­ .1 �111­11- I—— , � , ." .. "I'll "I ,, -1 . �, ,,,,, . . ence in the food value Of su air beets r , �,Pr- Currier � wl�J�,�ips,j.er ��lc�,,sjg- r 1&%, , � if yo � ­�� , , I , 111-11 - I � - , , � I . -V, I a -11- --­ I I ; - I _ m ors perti ri to I,Icalt . ,;� 7470', ij -, , �� � , il,zp � " I I'll ­ ,,, and mangol-wurzeras, TI; sugar e qv66tlon [o,: 'of 6enerat lnterest.,A.41 ll: ,be Ot, 6041,tb�rVDH�ITOO , 019iiti - , ,,# " cPII- , . - - .11,111, � . Z M, , -;1 11,61, .D ; "V k boo � — ­ -not, It will'be a . , r I N'11 ­ , -as aw4r"� '§ 'b , , p6d; 5d'dressed envelope 3 0- , $ - - . 1� If e , ­ , I— , I � ­­ I- 'J beets co�ntaiil mo,re carbohydralt or n e Pg� 6h�ll� 1 1 Sta , a, ors fA . 1-,J'1,Das--�0JIeWgyy not prescrl a '! - I cfosed.' Dr, Currier will �, I I I . I I sug,*M.4oat .�tWU6.,,-;w%-,9,l ilig,, - hii� for.);�0j,y1plu -,rA ormak ",-M!�1, SOK forbidit, - I _V t ,AJ ,sPs.I,- .e dial noal . -1:,, ,, � � y, acreage 'un&r dultiva 4� I Address Dr. Ahdrew F. Currfar,pp�p 'Of Wife" Pub ailing Co., 73 Adelaide . �, I By, Agronomist. mangelE, ,,6th,LVt*l§e -,bile* � 5WS " -i� t � � ­ *5AA`po,ft5,d4;vo "'i it�to�t odudbi�n I *1 use of � I I P :111 Al I St.- West, Tdr6nio. ' ,: .. , I7,1' , J!'( h , ,ke�iYrl � This Department Is for the our farm readers who want th 0810I.Var, , plo,,,��tm;, I t , ,� . r �� st an eXPert an any question regardlint] stilly seed, crops� em ,,, "a'It" 6� � ��;,13324 � , " ­ " 04. - � -�&blr �WWOW I I � r,�­7, ,,, �� 4- " " ,i� : of clv,.9� evex,yt i4g, I , fact, i,elated I to I if your 1.1 -per cent. pvDtQiqi, 10.2 , � . 4 n . lViliscle, Sffitih and R6�frui6. -to - ,�1�1� ,'� -1 I I of sUfficlent general Interest, It wiff tiek anaw If a tendon Q been tiorn from Its � - Al �. " , ,W&�,1144 he " I ­ . erod through this column. I per clenih. 'cairbohydrates, affidlo�,J�Wji� Trift M:faiffi't'd fNe"4UM'�has madl) It is necesslairy to rocogal%e first JAsice ,of itt-bachmeat ft retrseb� -and, �epf � 4 *%'� 'I , ,04,1., . � Irr"id 2,%Affl*m,�y ­ . 'Atamped and addrea,Sed envelope ls�sot:foied with your letter, a comPlOts cent. olf fat, while majolipels contain thoughtfuil people curio;o- ,and then 0 10,11the <lJfl.s,rence,,boI;w,ean,a: strain R a nitusojo ,or a portion, gl,K" milekle more r lie ally L AnGwer will be mal d to you,. Address Ailtenomist, care of Wilson, PublishInO � 11 , I cessi � ,to,pre"V�ht , Co.. Ltd., 73 Adeiaid I 11 I 1A peq7tp Jfi;�fc I �, .1P.AA'', � grak ani4ons., . �:-so,�o�i.,,Iwzmq��9,14',d�4(iy come Awnid a. ,SP;.ai,a.­ , � . I , a St. W., Toronto, 1400 - - I ,": �,� , , 14 I 11 has ,been. rborn the .divided fragmentsi-lossez al'4,,-',Iil4ioev,fjll,i�,.,tv,qot,.,,L-f-Le"y.y � . d er cent. o�iabout thalt th I f raral A spl-ain Is an ii Jilry�.to�Itho tell- .1 f � ­ -I ., Care of Trees After "'s 1 17 LV ip Not yelt have'lVe Vpling 1. . Winter Xnjury. . they do noit� but tit ,be uzualty du,�. I W1 ofocitol.g7l, I, 'Aaa,,i1%Ra'T'W,:A. I , - ,In rotrz�t­dtid a1!1ftpre09dt *111 m6rk-I 01'm 01 OaPa0itY. Oat. ox colailist, the extra amount Of from doris or ligialments iii,t,bo vicinity of the plam �vlore- th,o,,kijut,.v�,,oeauirr,e,d,�i;:qQ'!�g. to �Fpai 0 ­ the Poleibilibic.s � , ,� , -N I , , , - �v� " , 4 , I Ithe fact that the,di'dertre ih t ` " Sugar In ple auq,�qrnbie . �Lne to Aigi, ii,i�h.R a .1 (yin .. � which willa be ve si� t- �, Ill I Last Winter will long ,be remernber- 0 n;at it4 7, , liggi ilia receliv- I - - t � ,� . V�Hhiin�,Vim?�.swl TPR ­­'. , ��,.�, ­ '. W or" ­.ato 1'1,q,y*1 m - - ,- '' � Wrl ry P ;0 -am. Wh I Ri ROM "i I a � �A-gtrajn'io tho �,Lilqtdhilpg, cT a t6n- to aelh, ". , �"'*"' 91, ,9110 0 21, S, �t�� fl -k g,krled tQ� be linslisit- . - 'oil by' fruit growers in the provilice (i&ft overshadowed th 4 food buf'th,6'nl& t�of �b,ar­�&fdQs ,L@� Ing,a Vince' S � I t, a some . � I , I I od Ontario and Quebec as one d the- have sufficient a , �'? � light , they shotit daliry cows c � I 'A , jf!�% � -4-44 -,,, - rlltlfrl� ' Is' loh' 'it is a�- Biuo,1-veasels W1111"'66` hPW6 " ikid I "' I � Dlitatin owbohydirates, Of,O�E , yl "!,�.�.v­i , I , nr er; the ChUrch" aT.e coming on Or thi 4in ,die �� wh ull If,, - ' �, , t V tlat we slia,la I I I hardiest On firutit trees of any that has, succoed, : I starch and Sugar, In excess, Stairch illi, - , " ii,ch'd O'd W-hiab,holdsAt 1A ffis", L re OT'lPse blood � vn1T,.q.oze,i#0 Vot .brti Ourselves dowri tinder i the � I 'breen eXpsolierced, � When re-plionting wher I *38 ,pra bo#y " valuable f W to realize ,the , ii-gif - M TUP . .. , '. I 11 I I , ,the I I . I � -T -1 , 1, h ". " `,, v" mea pwoduldnig, sw�lll,in-k a d7%� di,.:,MH"6s3 of �Ibort blelip and inareased d�e. . - Z 0 p%� prvm , I'Pliaico, � � I ll� t V, Q ., ,,, $' v, biti " �, � , ­ rl,� .1111­1,maind fox farm produce, It is easy , * 'ki , - , , t tk� 6allo I— - 15`�' he"T "aral �A,Ptlillxlmlibo 0;,is0VM dlzy�J'Ibhe 06111oratldzi of t ,a s n. .. a SU9 it is , . gt W ,le Peach trees were kidled back tr the hole" � 1=9:6 a n6l; cid1be':.,;Y I - has basil, fiR W I ; bu .1 I 1�� I . . , - I 1� , I . . trwet : ,,tilt I ,L 1".�.":,' . I to some extent in, NbagnaTs. P-Shibsitillej INUME& ocill from mid -way betwee blo, but the ftestive R., I ..;�* 1 R V:rscognizod to,gaon or ,thPll �gp to work beyond one's strength. Some- � I 11, I . x . �Flg(, 7fiRl b0ak. , "AiegPlacc�den"bi; ' 6,'s , tial It Was arn-011119 the applie trees and in Iths" r6wS rather than use the sam6 cow , can readtily chance, the Starch that the moist effective and laigting pd ' ' As soon ut I � -,Vh,o coilder . . 'p, is­pp��­�� ;ap�, 1N , , j,�� aia # - a- yg�U ' eat � ' ,, I, -p�W h r it se,14 that work � dilsbricts where the greatest 30`111 as was thrown out4 A r.Npad- W4 into Sugar, s() J fi%U1= , , , ,­ �L clocurrqd, ii#ulle at; j�onV,goas, to TWO, - as I I ­ U A-r," ik�,tq;idh with men fid.,t, adciOnt fti�� "It ,so , Ofimn, to -pail. the dainlatfiN.," -, .. � , 1 �nover -h,urbs anybody; that it is fret I I -P 11 .,�, ­0%;,g"T' 111" � I losses Occurred. of removing did disaid. t�eos is by tho wmM consi,dor IAI atchItist"as'vil-a. Serving lem as the w1oilbby iygja�T ,�bblei. Viei�� �­ "'t q , - ,or " , s:na, care thW'11r.-­n1jis is, In, ,my si, 3", The forms tile wInter Anjur, nos , f� dYausnilte-ExPerilnential ais ,sugar, Thlis� being the CO * P§pable Tim'"s Off anan, wea ,ening An inflammation in the inj I �14 I xcesp , , I , 741,104 I I """;RA lepgI ' T ileq -f -t- ' Uii­plirtV('>n"U"%,� b&d� , . ,!dJ,,11s-I:exp,erience, not a%together ,true. I were root ki,liting, splitting , I i ."p - I -am W d6)i]td%dftd1,W th-`-d'1`i%ft&,e1,bF;-terIM1 , o .1W6.7 I 1 as *W*have 'in most r4i$f6h�'iki e kai'�'Iih�-­`� "W"Aft "'their eiii-yd) 1wil -Ipllhelli,�' - R'" � 'Q #91T�o` 0z ." Su- . l �- ;�;101-1 I , : 6'bWs,v'1`ihS`llny%*,a 1tAt1e%oould count up Tn-aqy,, mqn and women j I bark at the base of the tiieii; s 1 � ­ . , — offoO w , 1 4 Onto- . bohydratbos­w,a,..wOUld. . riell acting llike,qghit t6,4,awted it � i -41�2he, I _ �P' obb. , IF"= MW mlp­.�-Z :qv,-A,z�--t . , . bgsv,-,��AW-T-11"`l ­Thuis',14helllil�jd,ib adio, ji*t'-fibdi . lla' who have p*.,��sv - ­ . - ... I—— --—M ­ "M11tio n' "to E his regular thet �r 11 , � le 'blmss kri(i as '0011ar rot", bark Marketing at The Farm. I Y6.11ing to pay very much ftr the ex-' In'10 Ste'r, in J;,;, ­PlAat, '.. V),�f "Nlfw , ,.,�J�J,kO,f stron, - heoili,ig,�snp�lxped,, and, dien, rabitilts , ftfl,pww��PONWP4,o : and energy -into lbll'611, 14 work, Be 'iit I th I 00itting-on the trunk, trunk hillii-ag, Some faMers ,living on malin tra,�- tra amounb-off suglar in the sugar' trEtilldnZ GhV Ad make a oitudY of the tv", an i iodlYo.off. (tw6q.1;,�%ii prevent � ,�,I:11412.oi, i-i�4b�mxo�--lbeov�een�14roa..",I*WA, at they harve given out and been . cirobuill injury and ldi ,back ci� the eled roads take advantage of the lolailo beets *V,W it�d albe,ve'thiat in mange , It t q � , is condi lons 1 4 r I *...MR parrishlon. t.�'.0,�Togi-Ai.weAie�ot�.D.fvrt#ie,,4cot,,�k.l.iji- ��# . lad,� ;PD ,d to I I . ,p. qf, ft,qi,�Iltvtlid ism",1s,40k --- mq�;le Ilad i � I I . - to iK­ ­. ,,,,,,"A�p",Vp,""�he,��,%,=- , .) -top, The frult and leat buids oil the that i's continually passing in order to One grealt vidsue of: any kind of em ]live, M Won ' to�'Wl to knew w grei.A thits 'material Serves to - ". �,�e, mp . sell mor6 ' m6derd4 ",in . 'trees ,. W,la. And,dpwpwa �pqirer, - - 6 .,i"ts., fiW1.Vnd11961i­., . �i:l i '" I I aotio Ja, I ­ ald , 4* I t ,. ,� 'citi ­-&­61#0.�aay , V461",.., I I . I , were oftenkilled. EAsio. While disPose of Produce raised on .th§ r ,fa raition filr,datirly ou," is enough'about ibi means of making ,. 1,;Ao nqt,me� & . I � . .4 tl* ,ul� , eln a, r a 'Ong it V A.& � , ,� t�.$kk g ; 6., ,i,d J.pN ­ 1 :4 lar& "Palb-br of trees died dualing farm, To many, Jhqw�,-m, the bigi �' thal; tbey furni.sh a , ffuccul,844"­11, :1 � d 9, . ,, , ". I . . I 0�1,9 -�* tiht,o ',f Joil; t ., log'"'66`1 Millf6d" tKey'ftiIgh1V1HW6',lasWd` , �'�-&&A'Pdbal I in -, .11'. I , . ,#'j ig;g, 1918, thisra-weys, mohy ,liars which Way front witili Its Voessa,lit hiiiii 'I se, - ke .T,,��4 and su1%b116r`16er6 sorV611 --a & -lm�tetthsna- I I- riblich !is veily appetizing, a�,d, keeps ­ � �,. .; , I vollymilem, landeness rom ,,,toudh a lameWl OT11+6121(16V "ney"do, goodi, lonVeiii, ,x4flifi, ,ellina, I., . �W&at 'In -to th-58 winter In a very weak. ming of wheiels, ,and plirTinig of an- this digestive tract of the'ankid'M in ­u a, n " a' " i0clia " .. 11 - �,�r I V "Ut 11 ­ ­ i . I elled Ciond-101cli and may yet die, By gliniets do like a lost opportunity- good condition and enables ter.�to.,,dl�. b . ... li,911 . 4 I � diluse isho#' so vdr�� U006hnnbnl''� , 0- It'= and t , , � " . ,, t , Ice again, Nit if the - interlild 4 il � ­ I 1. - ti , , t I �; � a� 1 1 ... 1. , - Is J)Awe� . he ,MIRrid , . � iat,�% � a , , ,pgq . ,i.,rhon , , I , - f am is. 764, a,,Ts fcrc�' � I O)AT;,�Iit (wo ess ,15 , : 00.,@­�­� �P. 1� 1. , 5., to � ' .?= 'the titive pruning IS begon it Should lost because tit is I , " , �; each end Will be lastaned to Its new � a. ... . Sz.1a'.. I , .d ..to never used. I gogl; and as& ff 11 - r � �v, and hl ­ imilialte eclinor4ioEdly, ,,A l,so5kTog Z, i% 1 , , � , � 'D,KAIZ. PLppen,Nyh,exi.,,�t:'-t)?Iiptuppdr� JXD6Jbblbd' and lhttqh,E� mo*oia " lh,Ae " own, I is a good t '111 - , � c i , � padc" i�t .4 , � . ,be POssillille to tell any trous whi-ch It was diniving throagh Southwest, largo amoualbs�of other foods ' �611w`Q auib3iof'on ' � c " the knee!� is actil,vaperly riapwiiraitj,l� -,tied'-;-A�limtth,e�,iiact!ofithe,bod.y,4iti�ll.'I --y .1 9 are going to die this winter or whijoh ern Ontario In .an endeavor to locate diat I I , ,j, , 1. b I , ceep,,as �b,t',S��..i�a,ti�IIE�'ILij�pit'Nfit -tile � . , Millen. Mangeis are just sovEiltiame least one CaniidiiAi , "' "i, " ' ­Aocittlentis �afAftls Idild are"Us,twi�'e-oll(ex,01s *A.ibe lCot," ,'", 1,4 ,, qw,,I vbounds of reason in dodng�lso,nrwork, , have adIffitional dead, wo6d on, blitim, pears, Peaches and plums for canning. so fair as this succritleiiby Is concerfied, lege.: . Can,,JydJla7,i­T1,;eiP10g$� -�i Theize U-nes doni-A `V a pai',A � � . I al. oalj4s'ge�S tb"I� loiouilli'-6f 'Stiddeb 'and" olsnt�-#Zl' r' - 'nj �pa #T c%.,#11, My boy � has -a�wsya. 4aidla.a I I .-and It will be Wasibi, r 6 Thsin. I Many products were oil sale by the as SUgarabeats, I ­­ might w�qil am4i' them, ,tfy,e� 1 �$ 1:' . �, " re t I . -k . so �,qf­g=4- mci ,aw-ili ulr�ping -&-au'u,bli1j,"a absolute st, natur,i iniist o given in his, fa-rim,operations to -get around . - a to P nu nially -- �1463 efical ;� c"oAle,ge,' sG,thm­t*'ru*raa ,*,2 ' r , � ­, , � � intebilgentl7i There will be . r ' madside but there wha seldom any I . - I . . � . �� , , ,i I . ".I, � ,� ,: ", , bwj ,,,i , , , " ia ,evory posell�113.zdhance),to,Tepa)W.tUqNn,lbef(n-6 sun -down, chores all done &.ad , ;.1p' .-. -,.i 1, in,n `*' I - cases Of. crateill', injury, howaver., notice ealx� abbeniblon-"to the � m1nistor.�'Iy6kht ' big'l,�Xy `tPi&6d­:toiT fl� . . A ) I - j%J � of � -th . W � ,t, , , r Its a , e A andAo,,.,thaA ,A sft�- postio":It -of. -the-, lug �puit in shape fox the,night. stuff ' I'o` J ;,oq .everythi I ­ - we stpp- . r I -urfal leadevp)hlp.-A�D. . � , wheril almo,S�t`� -a &iiqc � �and for ski.o., ', � I n, qbds�queaoe, ala-rd-tund i 1 ,00 1,014i � .. I , Dole I inintreZ, , .1 ", .". ­­ , -,"fl'? body izv�sb be fisvorablt, to ,�I'�,'P��Ioa This is wise. R gives him and his 11 ' these read- �- , J �­ I I" � , . Weak , cambium were lq`Med aratmd the base Paid Rt a li number of ) I e., -,7�,��­ -�7 ,- �.- !,. -Or 42 the nins .e � or, ragar!e- a chance to wit and read, or do , I J , . � . �k ,tolldoal.js � off the divided f nits. Men - � . -of 11-ge 111:663 and where the liatter side tables before -we to-umd, What We �, . I , Value �i fi�ni Bo6kireeping. orfileigederated,by, agd!.er drivollise, 'it III sop I somebbillag el e I'Myl�#%Fto do before � ­ p cpp%sJ .. #q,,bp.dy or,st, - ' ' " ' ' porawn i 3 --set in'tlWhead of the tree. �rees -ber. Short haulls do not Ducks and Gardens. ' "Your Fan�qews' 4c on' a'tailigW exleti� Of it zr;;st te extended, in other's it'lledtime. ThP first'Vreat force -to ' � - - - p,�,un� Aook.ia a , may r6sult"Ircim �ev �- � -b . ,,b,,L' 4..th­ J,­��, � , re very uni s- , , le motorlst, howarlibs to knew I ti oat a � Oe,4avi%l�'praoUeo gi�eat 'Idoa ,to ' ' b bIM''bif Tobde I ' ' ­ ": ' : - '�` I,' mimst a � obib, i !a RKI wrea, ` � oi� conserve is strengith, ; Injured. in this Way 9, it, i7. i . - � I , .. lbi b encourage 1"ers t �-­ - U .1 perel"6i� I I .factory as they may 1ling&r.foy yeaws,'what -he is Stopping for before he in my. gard,&n by SahIng'6d,valrta,g6 of know more about their htisiaiais. ""4 I a 'a' A, -, ` "' mu1St.%`stppdrWd*b� i9pliftilis 'or bei , lit -is encoutragling to note ho,,v mu.'Al in a weakened.oDildl,bion and of little Stops, . I .1 ,,, '8 ., ,I pp", nem". ept , qpcpTb ' ducks as an aid -to weed-)cGling and Wib�,arqv;�r Arrviers,keell! reco�ds �, of ighA .ifi .qt 'ollee a,pon ­ * ' -' * dages, �vnd­&-b 6the �pwrotper timer­ruit-. [m6ke, tlLro, bdefirfivisir mlw�A'a�e,twk- . . 1, � . � L . stokovollp"ss, 0iiO YW,,us and event,up.ily will breah dbNvn In .0ar j'6u.J%':L-,e1y,'.we ToLand"o'n1jr �erc insect -destroying. I 41�vlded tile gaT- their busip"t, If nobbing more diall 0�64vthlng ii�',L'4'6.�'eii�!-13�mli�6s;,,,o -.TI�4�- . they 49.pok.Al before�dohig �o,i I ,up able manee-e must be used,to ,pre,I ing oX their milleMbsty., �Wa h64m ,, Le - iman uitio­1mew ho-"mto vidvortiser for den into two paz;bs-one In :%Ut:4, to I'libe e�xp'ensa'llnou`rrrod, i'� sienis to pi raay�alnoost bear ths,:ianap ,as itbe-A- vent at', ness. � 'been charrg,edl w�th�,��ilg, Wasteful "'Zi ,44zid 'he wae., n Greek. Pasture this ducks, the otaber ,to be a ltlhillt� ' I Vii�e been dbsl�hj ,;vVii bras vh1cb, uni -up �bfta muselieX, -or An�ldeptldi'suftef ,Is 1�owlo pro -1 t' r&b4a'. 'Bili are!'64hlj?o'T'e- . , R1 be gom o� , met k * " - " tm� Th.660hard Aou ver care- 1 'no LOT trade� ­ -r 'fully t4ili win'ter- and examortod'f;T R&duced to brass tanks, the devices du,cjoless. , . - J , Buell injury I ithe f,aMors.l 23 ' , yqatrs and biave,mff- telOfth"IgAlre-mbitiv, , ,,I,., , ,,, ., ".­;", ficlient and sodc,thait it is ,olkenopol-,led. by the exigancie,3 of the V. -Mal bUL I . . When pruning the he used were ,two A-.%haped sign- III the duck garden, Which is edcliati- ways encouraged theim along this '71ihnillbiliatbily"'thArd 10 a % liang&l klibile ,tO mt do,qa,,�q�#ie, inju'r;'a. I ,, I .-Lt us n. . , , p2L#s,,,'�ir.,Bke,dui��ro,qsahir,,ery.�lip-s i vt ,as lo, .- -c-rcherd, the dead bark should be re-Ilicerch, one plazLd about seven rods i I.. I � . I -, 1) , , . eld lvath poultry netting, garden cropis 11-ne. I hialve a small]: Tarm Uhd'ialie of VMii,'Aiii it"iVusuBul Y14 eli[A4,1651,eind subure the d4yided tupit ' ,as we cen. or ota mower, for ex - *moved frOill theze Pai an( .� � - I � ­ - , , e,� � T..'� 11, 1.11."i I ., " '-"I " ii' !I' " " ' ' 'oni i�hlb*'we thoup . llp�ezpvs 11 -ft :�Ail!Iq, 1 most, P.0ople TOM ,a I the I each sidb of ths.- s0ling tent. A! Were grown which vmre not evaily in -1 much Pleasure .4n knowing What,the Vv , ,a th IT notImil POSIlionti. .:lit wus worn I � 'White I -th I f . ditletipg 4Rch year#nd comr N�lth a crylQ1f &itross, or TARh . .l.'ZORASIA sclentilAp � .WW wounds painted and bept pailitell wl yiAoa,i,d for "Pluals," juired by ducklings-sucli crops .as farm is pro . �, k. p4aft " � .. ,41", . . . ­ , pliqp I ­ 1. ,pr ,out and -111; only for bhP,scl-.A9o..he.%P, , 'If *11-cli. of tNo . tiearatofleS,l Piesling LeIre year's re4u - v oh aro.noi PAN� sp,A1= , 6ad pi'liahi nislni 11 pefiehes," etc.,,had b4Z winted. The sugair own, potaltoes, -]its with anobb. hil , ��'Pry , to treat such Injuries, It means hais been fixed, up eor that it 'has stoA ba-rk and onlifibitim 'in ­tlla top Of each ploical?a i6d 1two eyelets 6, I , . a3 Ad lit Will be' �two yea - eire� 4 ,a6r,v1,oe,.-E.a*4:'thera .cr quarlh, cucumbers, rhubarb, and 6ane; 6�. I will iiiii :�-'Onr 606d� iitr,�, since prinblifigillvaien',they nwbF,,mc44uadr -to a ,9rea­s2Aqj"o'f tig"ple a I ,roi,m. _ ,I*r ith-ess, the Placards .IN, � m ,6f � ""is a possibiiiEy �f StI24 , �Ger Use. .: otches are ae'ad,'the &-ture Of theipunched In and and buish fruits. The dadk]l',.ngs de- it lis simpler end easler to refer to Ulft ouch 4!zW1 �qly. `.' (`Wvl- , f. ­�, the aflIV&. the' future,. , , .­ tre� should be co,ii-i'Mered as very: were hung on'tille signboard. Then red innumerable ha,allafut hisecits than =y,o-,Nvn method.11 ------ �-- - a. � I- ­ I- - — -The same waty with other tools. By, .dolilitfuil. If miny of tile trees in I abDVC each Signboard, a Oanadlan! Vou . Fo;,,�o'r,. ,-�,.:g.5". :�, - add - '?bh , i�g � s�iid ,P law ax I . usage and zbeqfter� we ,can much to theilife, ofollur machineii..., 2 'the orchard are affo.ted in ,this w2ty�Ensign was waving. From oboerva- i an,d were of m�a,beri-aa,,he-lp'4�--vLnin,,-�- Is - Thusi-veltes J, B. Reed, a Wholesale Pr�p�r � .pag. . I ootrol ,.Cornor . "I . � glaxtleaAf moi!ibltudOs oftender sprout- am&xetwil-ftour �,anct- lead-4-ealer of ' *- NO -,C' I .and the trees are wilde �enough apirl-t: tion, something- moving will attract ; j,lg w,i;eas.­oi 66urse, if %lie' rden Is X-or'bli-INHILey, Qie, to' kie"d6ir 'Now is the .111me tolprepwa the suP1 . . . a I vor ,W 'de gu 13,17,bf'#ebdtifoi'ltgi.e,�olli!I I's In .1 IT . — , ' I' e" , . 1. to I)OIrlhit Of plant?ng a YDU'ag treOlailtebtlon more quickly thall will 'y Small, but it �� Agalln, there are sev.01rigs 'that outs elm cauld'3)�, sign of C;rtyAtioil�- The Farmei .. 0 . I , ,�iai ­ �&% � �,­;, � � I , be made by , in ing giladn 69i TU I It �s i . art�'ilvw The Canada Feed Board -has b,ee 52:4(t % . . . rr� Y� I , ,;�LL 1� �f "' . -11 .. I i�l PUT. �, � hallf,way between, without too maoh!atill object. The slimliKkird'S ,01�bft -I . - � -�iai " Were! safely confined in the endosure, Eveit, � J30 I a0DVe I� - ­�- 1 4 41, .. I i n car lots.' We e �robgibly - I 91, "'. , i 4', ' �,, ­- informed thab.��tt-�-and ,garden seeds � , ' Shading from the D10dr trees, it would , placed so that the d-iver had time to - fihe.� : . ­ , .. ; �� J Q lh, . 14,4 ,hundred dolliars this year by-loir�ilhilx . : I though d los d' not scre,beh, con- i1niii yet �c&hipveh" -1 , -3 of fakla - .. ..a,. . : �4 . 1: 'all 6D 1116 this next spring. slow down before Coming to this t(knt. t= XT.Tlng!" 11 on, I q be Well to P� . Jlv, . �epl I , . . I g 1- have been Tesn"oved from the restricted One kind Of igrain feed.months eawiler . oif many Webbed feet b 010ke fii:,blank��*rlm-�Iajry fal*n- -1 4� 1 � . . 'Good crops may be obta;ffted from The products -being offered for .sale, over a small aivea wouM injure U 0, r, oblinin lrom�W,"-' seed, 'il re 411 "" . i I I..' . I . V . I ,�Mlw ,er ma), ,,,,, I - 061�=Is4on , , I ; � , . . I 11 list of the Urifted, States, than we ,have been in (ohle, habitOf,.do- I � , hese injured. trees for scono years, were in a gaad-�sixed tent, with a and dolideate plaabs, - . . of Cons,erv4q�qn".(>�6-��i".bi�Ii�atLnein This is -a - i ob , � . . � - I t Americali,shlipi in futtulle Ing.. By Putting their orders together . p� ' and, in the meintilme, the youn,g tre table across ,the front. The tent was . . , attention now while ­poia,carf ,%via tl ' I � es - i OW mab)y, acres . . . . not require HeM ll� "" .1 will be CDTniag iillbDbefflling. Wbere neatly decoratiail, the attendant Wa's , , -eai h '- ' ' I ; of coot gridunofilat, until ' . I � . Ses Tor siripmept a numbeiz -of farmers may uy a car -.-. . 01 his appli � 51. 1 � land is ivAHable,'howev,er,,IJhe sebtizig very pleasing and! the prDdticts were Children's Beauty. I - " r, F�iay­, ,� , , I -- seeds ecti4ing Snito,flie'DominJon. logid or more of grain'to -be divided � land he works, If, �yG'Ware 1015ing, t1h, I �RU bd- tim`e' . � tb' eni ' . ill) as may be needed.; Some Qf:�our I money, you WP -o*,WlieTe you ,.. ,I �q,,i ­-.c�,;­�-- " f ' I S�iiteg re : Of' an orchaVid �dlwnvhere is dim-rable. prime and packed to ell, KeSping the 1 the P _Mb.t(i .kn oir as"oft.sin happ ­ t, I Thi� ' �� o Untit� . ..T , and a long . 11 i, men are in the habit of pll4ng ,%tivair 1, � I ran a t ' I - *0 . are ,losing 41;2;'6'af��e it ds��A)o Into; Il! 6ttous'bia.ft6ur also ' "I eXtoind t6 Other trees may -be planted su.Ocoss- 01A CI U1 n �,',,I"-�'rte " "k "' , , � . ,,, stt�i r � I ­ - hilities in Payment for such ,Shipments, I A motor 4TIP, Rea,117, from observe- fresh a1r, clothed in a sensible itnitai- YOUAre lnlak�'�g Money, �6�t�likevtise �,., salym0h, 5, do, 1, � L' . Canada, - - � . .. . I I � - xull� where trees wells lvilled last win- Vitin and counting the number -0- � I ",an not I "O' "ha� "MY.olbtedftibas been drawn:to-si andafter Paying interest they believe, . �ter, althoo& k has 11�een, a that "�ple Who stopped, this Gr sic hof P" ner and Occupied with a, liesilttigul want ;be -know ivhab Lavin' ictivities . t - .­ . . . I aid 6 ad hit , lor YOU1,30 .YOU. can Ve'riety thdY are sawing. It makes e pres ith. no reason for (Iiiubt, 'that they- , . 1. Young trLes.,%NIM not- do Wall viliere upon a combination whidh attracted play WI11 keep them robust 'and Mrs 4106fig it Z' '.. I ,- ..� -: I alk o,stpli ,*,ng A virence in farmpl�o- statement inth sis warning .the yv � . _k . . I an dder tree has b6lan. Sometilmes the txaft. 11 � � plent'the seeds Of physicEA perfection spezia'Ulzt,�In.thedL� 11 - '. I r� .- h� - '. , 4 - " . - �, ­ * iv��Iity Public not ,be be ,doceived intoo buyIng b8"Ve "InUataY i - � i� .. ,, - I I 11 � r I . . I fills W other yoti'are Sowing a ', If:. L flatfish'in the name Of whitefish, as Then, itoo., there is the conservation � . . ,,, . and betaut�'so'deepffy end firinly that I 0 1 -ftly I --­---­ ­- ortili kr"Ow�.What ,yl -you fl,a,bfish,ils,ohear,�4i�in.price,% ,said Capt. that makes meadows, pastures and I I I , ri,lee4fi 11 sdValold bur-fta-raVEY n6t. I I . 11 I, , I : they WEI flourish and y1mild the flaw- When cooking if a Ittle 1"n- d oil" Ara-'�towin#; Walla,ce ,,Flatfish, hawff,rer, -Iit,is iiii1ed ,lend produce more. Many I I ' , , owe Should raceilve -9-1 the roughage lesis blo,81vom every mo-th&r secretly juice is added It improveis, the fia;vow ,seaure -fo-ilr­,buish-dis . e � � sale needs. . hopes to see In the face of her 4hilid. and, also aw yloa� had bettet � a,a, -�qb fair to .,add,, woutid, noit be cheaper. farmoil% ar banfficapped'by'the hek" I . ,evik ft V oly whIte. I -py . . . I cif,ls-ame vitiriely. that,has pi ed ' " 'it,s thant whttefisillhad.the, indcor, andPrp- of good pirsturea. . We -could keep Z I . . * 1 41 Jusit -as Soon as the . weather is '- - - --- ,wor ,Ieither.-a�t-GLi,ailphCo,la.�ie,.c,;..,,�tI Wts ash � (�WMONWJO wamm enough in tho spring all the - *6 ben�ral Expurlmeaball�X,Arifi, Qt- Every buL1 .cut tio ftl�ermen'and 4istrlb4ers of number more cows �rerli-th-e br ' ' I . �� Ewe4, that are strong and in good shiseip and Innills -should be dipped to ti6a, ' I It is a matter of I ffeience' 'flatfish no�tlhben fiked6y ;he 'Canaidia slid etuff eut off. Aegh iAken-whil6er sets 'im can -be car- free ,the Tlings That Pay in the Life of a Farm Wain im. � I I ­ A.,. . Food Board on tiYch a- scale ,that 'a adds so,much to the, productivi: of in frorn Ilea and ticIts. . 0 1 4�14&r tit; S�ame VRTI� abon: 5 at � . 11 1 ty � � I rIed im1Wdl'neatr lamblaVtime With -It After the ,Sheep have been turned - ­ , maxi�eb might -he �creatdd tor Ithem, Our Jai The one more cow we ; 1. 1 &.16 ft`k bAh'places. " Im"'W's' the may keep is cl�arvaaii:-' X.11. " . ,. I -;�mudh grain. They wlff need, h— oni,to paistare th valt not requiTle Whenever a rural community uln- . ;&,&lbsL and in order to intirodurm them -ft *0 I I ey Car aftq� cAr-larrived with Shining '10'.At'C,'. *1 'has given" mooid'r . . 1-1. ' - - . . ever, U Supply off good clover bay and much abbentiati except to 'seO 'that the dertakeis to aid the farm women in callel of U-Zeful . air ln�.Iby sit Guellpli, 'R Oaina&ian pal6ke as -a subsibitute for I I'.. — . food. C s drive Wilitle the Banner Iv -' . L . .a few roots, about three pounds per pasture is not Over'StOcke'd ani that their prDblents, that community en- independent husky-4looking , higher, Priced fish siadh�, as qiaii-i-lkit, I : , . Tftrm��s 6',i�&kaided Int; OitltvW. 1n barley, I sic Tralwt.�',�� , . "I - I L r l,''. 4L, . � head each ,dt,uy. If 'a bibtla, grain I is they have plienty of fresh water and ters ,Ube limell,ight. When a .cerbaln With boya and,girls takft;o�,juy ride t,ie--','Q.A.C. 2111 , is givilig, sAndid sahnon and wilifteffi.h. Flubfish are � Alli., 1914 -Nov., 1918. . ,� 1, fed for -about four weelts before they sa.lit, � � cous�dered a great dolioncy an Great � I ch I know _hAt ji�i.z in EL49S(FactilOn at Guelph and elsewhere. Bmitbain where ithe The day has corns, Jmd'the day has I " lumb, OaG PoIlli hoold eatih day of . -----.e>— little villiage whi pillanned in ,the bAck'spafi,' W . 'iled, a solw IS -eispeclaIlly pasdbd;", I ,' " I . I � to esbablish.a, co-eparattive Isundiry, was ther� Weie.lo4gria�hi�I,erls tak- The leading vita-IBty,al eilther piatoa,isl . 0 mixed Oaks and bran, they w11 be in people took notice. We read of 4 Iag ad'vantage of a trip to tOVMI-tO ldkeil�r -to be much better for yott thav esteemed, being regal,died us the mosit I 10W. L I . Anely flavoredof s4t water fish. And tile, 'German a pride, bendt � L" 11 ci�nv c I in magazines publIsIlLd hallf waY get their laurtat'i "d do 'their sN6p- iflid,lanknown ,or ativixio'c1*16rit you -may . In "I I _, ,comes. ' THeso "16adis stimulate 'thei am,6ss ithe conibinent. Several years .ping. %S�Ifhe Is , rd , itidiry ranning-io--Ve iowing, IT . . tilv6pe b6lb, brill, Votfoe end, flounder On sea and on land, in his heart ,at . mlilk flaw, and 1111116iT usle :before, and 'WromiNechwO . you havo 'to buy"it' are Much higher Jin price than, aod and home, ,. I .� - [I j . after, being near enough to ,the davZ" ;I -sti the butterninker. rhightt. be wel, fer,you to cciAlider a: !do widhi . � nf�er fembing is advi-sailble,. Altlaffa ,hay is '?No�fp�� haddock, or: even hlalilbutt� � - In" Canada Hesinkslneathth�w -w 019. I � � I I I 1. . � �dl .1 ­ 1� 'I'll<,, lyrei.Tent; price of sueb. fC ia foodfotr work horsesor growing colbs,; to satisfy my curMsity., My. trip hosted; didn't pay so they quit.11 - rogm,flations a ' ­ at AM i . ,emt - line LOT The steel . a I t their Va k , his f6gl6ns . . . A very autocessful'jocal.Lty to muke a visit I deten-rulned lie ietld Talconkiallly, "she's c,�*qwoe -�Wlch has -been m a in %e�, flartfish eelil, prei. t -eds i , C.S.GA. Ao,tiA'ioourage ' c s extremely bligh -bat even ,at -U6 price brat it cannot be considered fUl, ) the same price at, cud and hadd . 1. I , at-classitook me through a country Showing , "What. wo-s .wvDng,?.' L Oked the PuXchasems ,of ragisitered seed'.' Thai ocil'I - ' retreat� - ; they 0hould be used, as tho results hay for iidle thoxises ! good, soll good crops-, gocd farmt ex.mainager. . , , ­ but ithis ts dud�'.to, t,114 fact that ,they ail to, their doom; I � , when. led lloeroh-. I Ing -­­! . follolving plaragi-aph Is lbalten from' a . His great ships sa will mori tlii,i Pity, It has 6oen found ly. Affifulfa hay is ricb. in PTOtelin, a methods, There wtva evory evidence "Welil, 0iff-erent things., E . 7- elrdti,Thilissueby'the C;S.G.A.: - I have hiltherto been overbi il And the,�'robbar state," with its Gad . verr, Ill �� by experience that liainbq coming mu-scle-forming nutriment wittich MIC that farming Was carxiled. on in a man- thliug ran smoothly �at first.. Good �,Gradfft'1.EdWsitad from a ciop . graft' Canada and the Food Board have outly � of Might, I I I ., ;1 - -from ewes witi-A had -not been grain- horsas are not so mi in need. 69.1.11�r that paid, management, good patiltla,uge and all fll�m: gegiistere,d Seed. i�wy ln,turn be, recelittly,succeeded. in placing,Ullem on Goes down in unpitied gloom, � ed previous to Ilambing w6rs we�,ker Gammon red cl,over hay can lie Ted! Tile ,town was an elmmple'd what Oat. tater throilgh ,sonleone's mis- reglsterQ Providing It Ilb up to - stand-,� the market here.11 I I I I I � Land required more atteation than quite suocessTaPffly as this continins! takes or faults some poor Work S 7--7-`*— . The Empire that seemed like, a rala- , co-wopera-tion tshould mean. A con- 06 ard, is not mare than-itill7eie generls.- � ,, . those :CTom grain -fed ewes, also the lars protein. Again, in feeding . done, Several patrons Iviltilidrew tio-as rem,dived,fromi Stock Seed', Field Root Seeds Grown in Canada, . bow, fair I . owas Led grain are bettor milkers, alft,lffa.hay to Mille horses, one ought SPLawlis bulkling ,and ,sig -ii attracted ,Ilveir work and bought washing *a- and that ithat. been praverly Inspect- The rep, And Milli i on a fortul�ate -wave; � . 11 ;me and I entered a FarmexW Go- I rt Of The Dowinion. Ex- , . i 9v i 4 % which. is a big factor in the growth to coni -Mer the grain rathon. Corn Operative Store. My eye failed �o chines- Soon exiiert e Tepairs were ad both vbil;� growing slid m4lile, in perilmaital,Faiams. ADT thS jelor olltl- Ali ill-starred fate and a Undisbi banl . lontint off the lambs, wou?Jd Work- in better with alfalfa than ln,ilss ally articlethat -a farmer woull . additional irlaicilldnery. the 6ack prior b6sibippNV. ing March 3.tst, 1918,. obtained nit .the . � � �� and develol I I d needed and - � , Stinize reg- Have crashed to the dust � oif a � it is best to separate Ube owes and cats,living a carborta-ceous food. For require for family needs. Xpre cost -few.- vatrons-business isteitled, speed bringo-s more per biisblil� office ,of The Pubhovalliovat Branch Of I grave. I ,., . . put- them,ina smala pen one weak be- iffie hoTses or horzes that '60 light ,Does the Store pay?" I asked the dwilidled and didn't Pay. , So we than 4aas.ordinary seedi the financial thie Depart . I I forre the lambs are dite-, as it gli,es %nork I would expect to get 's , atistac- compatent-looking manager. "Yes, it volidout!' .1 � .. 'nent Of AJ9`l`i�u16u`re It O -t- A grave where no tear ot-,-grieving I I aldvantaIge Which 111167- be VS011171ed tawa, shows that experiments, cArrtted shall fall- � '' � ilia ewes a chance to gat acquainted tDrY re-sults by feeding silTalffa b1aY Theire lis only. ons PaTS011L Who OM ft1OM­*awlng this kind of,seed 1%.ob- on at lbhe Contrail, andother Famns in with their new miTrounaings. It aQ and oalt litralir, or good Wheat Straw, pays well," he replied; '%he shaire- solve thhe farm wo.-fti prolylarns of vibi I . �� . vowing �eeft orfidild T,OOt bwve No, hymn of �onor be ouni; . I s For the fairness was foul, and the � holders racedved a ten per cel3lt,, to-dwy and tilait,is, herself, " Ou.t of ItAS limmensely worth wh:ia to y6b, pniv d not, OhIly thalt lit is .Possible to - I preveahs them from ,being injured by once -a day, wilthe grain ration of oalts dividend lash year and we feel that this heaps Of ,suggestions add advice W, . oow cloan'and'wem gilaaea seed, ;of ralse" heavy crop* ,of � . � Overcrowding &ild.10hey seltdom refuse Or a rntion Of 00-1-11 and cate. . brightness false � ! we served OUT patioins Walla.." I th"se see0s 6" As the 'heart of a lying ,tongue. i .1 to mather -their Tairribs ,when t1tey are It win be stated ill u general way She must 011111 Out and adjust what, varieties 'et"proyed, excellence. Act, Canada, btit the seed railsed is lat lewst . I � .1 .1. . se -p I a I ,rate , d A.-olm the flock, that too much Protein in ,.a tratiltin Down -at the end,of the street stdod Will fit '1112111 neads. ' "' ­ � now,arfA knew whatyOu riow.-F-CS. equal, it not superior, to that ,iniport- So the day has come; and its ilight � a ,modern, dellight;XuAy phitruned and If a 1-1111�6,�51iill&undry wil-I -fit those , L , t, -_ ­ - If the ewe IS not isillorn unUl o2ter Is not �good for the heialth of zaly'anti;- e , , ­ _____Q I I .11 W from other cou'libries. Besides 1. , 'has P�Ssedl I I ol does of IuP11`Sd consolidated School building. ngeft then she should have a first, - - To Keep -Baby in -Bed.. 6ouring tlhllz inf6ruitarbion this Faxims ounds, and lambing, all t&9% of Wool shoull1d be "lls" -An eX6esi3 bf 15ir to'll ' - q ' 3' � With its bat , heart I w trimmed, from ar6urid this udder be- feet the `ld&eY6-' �It kats'-.becin noted I 80hilred kis architecture alId,the hundAn helping , I bq i wake.�Md keep it viicdl�inlrbnbiau has been expe6,tled have 1dione is gobd w*kAn providing . li�i&th; e I - � Tove and imanedlate[hy- vfter lambing, in the West where filberall and. oonlifilu- spirit of the people who had develoy- asliecess.,:'. . on selheolles to keep �AV�6 bait(ites' U'n; quantities Of "Gibuck Se'ad" to meat And this litorrow tolls o� inemories , 'I, I . - ". ' I ous feedhir, ,of allfsa& has ibeen Tilac­ gid it. I dellighted in the thought thiLt The first job It to brili herselte'to - emergencies. � q 111 this �s no ladbeid, the lambs some- i " ' - ers the y ,a,er �6 oovenp their crlbs. One deag I I - it as n0b us good -for the I I late , I �,o tiit"�41 �t%a oung folks from town and , Of I � ' . blines kvIll .1, the tags and ISIM111113 a realization off her own timpatitance sialiple plan -depends ,upon an exben� Inivasibligaitionst 'in fiax "t'litate P"rov- 'Shall cling -�,ith oiir st'�reath, rms; might mingle and Mara from as a Wol.ld, Wulcem. To see hells .1 - � I . ,W Ra ,as ..9, cumbiltiallion of fc6clis fa � . � them, o6i oan.�Ing ballis OR wool to a"litial I e 1. I . . f elf siolloif-*41,00tton fliannalltilghbie,,bag ed that.Pall:11; Of British Godiumbda, the , 1, � � A , -1� , . � I ,form in the St some Of which C0111balill, IOSS proteln. ach. other. But the mestraerls'm G ,not as a buisy hartai-Jed woman w4k- LaShlon, �beyond tabe younigstelr% L toes. Southwestern partoff Ontario, (the val- I � * * after wasch. � . I 1. .0 . � I ths'place had alitacked my nerves and Inig sjgq�nst hearvy,odds but as The 9totit balpd that dt iii) ,bh,d h Silent Sea Giants_ � 11 . Soon k a PbAt .1 -toy Of -thil, St. Umvrdno�' and this ' . � . lait6hing 'the ewe Should . I I sald to myself, "Does this too pay?") 61 an aniii '01 wowiliters who are ein, me*. �0*tiod!A-Stlo the., alill�', ­ T&q.0bilide -Provdinceis wiel-a suibabl'e for A gloWing tribute to the I silent -be given water wifli, thei ch -11111. reinoved,.' Pointers On Seeding Clover, , I ,had stapped in front otf the bit ilding, gai ,ill a usi and very neoess�ry "Ib. 11 01 � , is me I � ". bire flax 1proditletIm. � i .... sea giants" of ilI6 British 'navyr is 4,% . . . I I / " - _ S i, 11 fl I . , a coupe . I , Feed, a light grstin r, tion for ,a a , and a paisstitinig 0ammer sold pltadgalltl7, iiask. She tinuii%"Ase'6�6�e the elf*a'. ,,,,,,, o , "' ii� , .e . Duxii� the year 3,680 %almoltes,of Paid by the "HeAia,'ot Athens,� Greece, ' Ofid of the.fairratirs eonduoting 61, 1 , p:. Of R I 04 '� of days to aiv 11 udittlertroub , bat the lastra�Ica ,V� ,9 , vil a ,O�* ,far "the Conral'ission "Dip you like the 1601ks Of &;T school'? " iflon afid ',balbb�,a WIlds"74i � 'vlv�v � of ournal remaTki. that, there is I � 'k , , �a seed I , , -1 . I I , gTalln) .1 I.., '' I . i - His voke, was pardonably prolid. go . I , . kit�Acus An, her- mat, � tfto�pltace where be) 6,174 sairngAes of polbatO6 The, i ' J . o '�� � I I Of '10olis'erm"bl�nAin Dtin6as cowity has wn gat� a 'rL " i would net,unAly Oome. . to, the 1,912 sladnaheq � ,ue fiower­isead, 5,19g no plaineor truth. thart i ,the, assertloil - -9 T6211164th, . Ity ., . -1 , , 'tLemilly and strip id the -middle of4he bed is:Lak I I , ,- ; . e k, : -- th I g tot Say in ragaoldtoo the I - es, the looiks� AM the Idea baek and- Qr,reUtdoll to hoot. � - ,t- &Wplas a, ffirinIt brie,�as,. , .and,, $86 that the British mastery of the sees 'The Highel9t:PH84) %06�6s;sr �'bf soeidGg 0-10yer. , I Off it, .*Te you zati[si with Mll the WoAll.' ­ She ­Miauld he Irafth%ss enod, ". ,J)jUad,,bd1,t lof �strDng cottom =Tfles: of othem, tbrees gtai shrabs $f throughout tile war 1gave -victory to .. . � , . I asked in rdl�urn. . in iffinilhlIting 4' W- 'b�1'60160, deis"d'to go round the youn6t6r's UlgiellhOr vaAWGS were GolA 101tt; To ' I - 4I.tal9w It Pays wel1l'Whein sepailling .. , 0 in I r the Entente. It adds, othatt this,. truth , . el 01aliaL Way' ' 1. I I 1. . .the I .1 � . ' .; V u to:--�'t6;4r'-6o 6�w A least 8 lbs. of 110atisift . d ,and moral" lie ,of, ta� oNTaight jolthw,�i.-'jto 010 wnlp�. Th'6 - be,U'is bitntgod, b � i A ' Jilial tilt, the tbome , ol anditTiduals, is particularly clearly recognized 'by I ' , ,JL I ler SeB "We, realfte that ate' Pill . �- Q at I . . --LF "RAW FURS 1616`11i' " :d l�� som. We findl a .good waOrdy-' kn" 4- "�nties" 'neco-SAW17 tl6king' st�i ,11;�., a elt ih - off pedal distribultion was alop maide .the Greeks because i6mothing Similar, � ova "I � � "", ''. . , . , fmn modt' 'e" - ,� I :11 " I , ddai 'to his 8 11 - AT -red, ollover, , 2 boi and' ,girls nved trained hands and Teolh and ,�oorsabiq. LlZ-aarlh . I ­ I � , the, 6liald ,6s,a tufil larms ,of tobacco ugh on a eoffip0at,Ai� ilifilli. . to us,, no matter: what Qlkhuttty� W19 & be 6 � ,.. . ,, Irom Some of Me r alth6 A . i ,bay the hiaboot,prioa, also expro", . lb9i;1a1s66 '2� libs� alLoNa and 6 %b,%. m6 clsfor t h-4111tuire,weirk �V�armiing doivk6::sh'ou1d`, NO , , 91*6u ati ­ 9 cloth, so - thait 'abills 'seed ntrid te inal'tcalei occuTred,six -years ago, . .� ' , I I I . P1 �hb easlav; thouit,fte Is thelp(less to wilig. iced, bOrn U1Xd",ft9dt t S1 ,.f I , - . I . . ` i And, I �' Mtions are oballging and r6dt*b thorough lbryoulia. L V , . ohaijes. . I tli�o�k. '. iiii .that It pays w& mind M gla'eHheru*,i6r,do*n in the bed, , stllatwlbeiwy,� JAWV[ta� Thielae'afrejsbirlaf� -wheil:the, G4eek,Vlest,IenSured to, the I I , Saved of ,to . 6M I do,"'isil , I hpiflinwa methods, . You sea," he con- oreniaii�J* I � . I : � .; Try ouqe �alldl You ArV " graln'&Dps, even-tif , I she d be one :,. , ­--u-.--o­� ­ ly, sonwe O�Alta maln-y .4er pv,er, Turkey. , I , . %cfels Of the,! Balkan Allies, victory. , at . I I , ,� We do n6iti'litib dr it f-br til"d ,c .4 �� I 'EXIMIM41litn1i F , , � 0) i satioto, 10ft. : 'I I A. ;��1060 have � onfidentitally %W" V. ,be hair -greub&V - t d hoaft " I It 1if tivid TiWd- b*he-rs were Insist— arms recorded In the Together with victory, the Hps,tia con, 11 I . . � ' , I I . I I i hay, a the,cloyer tends to keep ilown � &.- "..,-k. - '11al 'I, -WOM Is . 1. q - * I ,or lI:hS,v&bI6d!)m,vfiHoned;' This chides, - tl'i itish navy ' gave th , % . I- ha4a scbliodllag,lto� mx�foe it", "' " , '11, , �hal oae4i.,.. " , , a, .Iftl�, I ., . . 1! P..,� , , � ., , , , , - .11, . . .1 , 6 1. 1. ­ 1. 112 ,; of Aurmipig wwdb , �ep�wt: f e br , - � 6i. la �; . # tsA, � 1 , ,- .�, I , "I .11 I � y i a rq r ,­­­., . Pl., - te�, 1006 .qun-oll9butes [7 � ' - M "" I , " ,­ ..0aul m6n4siitl ­­ ­ , 111 ` " " ; . VA"dis thp't wolk6i erwipe istdot i, I found I , I � � I - I 8"' , I " Of orld libe ty, - . 'tlle&Y T MAP 1%il-we"ry W. 614d i onvairl's 'Fill S- �ivtly� ii0ki I�A. "I a �brieu-rdvloi and r.'Roog6le t wA4 , , I tor a or6am .Uirelll.,ao -0 a PAV ft live ye -j� lotbli'Mily-Tight ill 61airalift tfiat,ffio. �� gm. thithos Wat 11 4 U�0­89 ,that M as val arls prog��, n I I I . I � .i affter bArNeb. 6 a so undshids, I a 1, ce, ''I i ' - 1 =9 i�d ifeedtiog, 4aoitt I . I , . a ; 16. at I Undwal pu P 37 ­­ �� ,..* ,.P,�j�v*forn; 0 . . � "the,'Tapi t 1were'a"11 DOA 04, a 1�� I when an )Main 6 as tit 60, ..'' � 4 . I til of pust"a ai , -, . � "SO 0 I I . I � . 10, renidw ii�e 4ie rAks ONher, Ist , , -,JT ORW ,o1­m,a&nbqdn]6tiig Ninds d work under way 04 the doellrine of,the fre�dom ofitlivioeMm ,W ,fM �.LZ iii .­�eir ilo � . F0001C, -0134 8, PI . . I - I I i K� W, I i4 ,Affd 0 W,U � lity ,that-,giould,he dismi must,be interprete 0 V '. I , lia- - dexii ... a an cause heal halthitil fellbill ballitud, 'and, twellby - Bilakh" "'Faihis d,taecordlng,ito.,this 4illifil6s th,&.*ill,Whth Wei I , , , , . ­ "', at I , - I= ii,�­K - " �� ij � � 1-y " I. I I I I .,-.J. 1� I I I I .. �.. I— , I I I 11�zp,,,,­ , " .,� 1:1� - tir 1� I " 1�0. ,1 � If, I I —�' , '� �: �,�, i,',.:,, . ka* , , I , , " . 1. %� 1�'11 ,i 141vi Stw ­ , - ,� �'O, w�l!, � I - ow- *, �W#I ,1,JP.V I I ­ , � - ­ ". "' wro"IVA'A 'prif; . TZ tided , , � -%,o qqr�AA Witallinw., �.; , �! ,., 1. .. - i"o , , Ill I Was. a , fi 0, I X I I , z ­'. ­� .0 A 101 I , . a ­ 1, �4-T�qy� I br eviytv Itillid lowneir, in I c1sitiada" ". � 71 - . .;. . � I -11 . "I - I , " - * ej,.' , " � [" '. �'. i , � � . I I . - - , - - . -.- , I 4 � "g...", 0 � � � . 1, I. I I .11 I j � 1"'! f�;,. , �J � ­ "I ;�, '' I ­­. 11 I � .. . �.. ­ , I 1, - I � .i. , � .. :1 I .. ­ 1. ­ , . ,'?�T �, ... �;" � . . � . ."I . �,­­ 101,o,16'., .1, !-I . ', ,,,, I . , li`4�, �*, � I I I � � 1:�i�,,'�',' I . t , , , I .1 . � .., . ­ I'll I ly - ;� 11 ­ I , .. I � I I I 1 . "I ,.I �11 . 11.�­ � I . 41 `� I I 11. :.. i , . i , ­.TKI�­,".il "41 - I Vol ',� � z� , : I I I , � I � I , 11 " I �41 I I moth I I 1, if I I .1 1k,ll;M0lihoq I knproivern,L adiwa hdit I etterment - at 0.1- I I I P IK ., LE �d ata , 11 1-r I . I ". I;,. -j , �,, 1�"­J . � � A ­, - � ,, " I �: � ."t ," . �i 11 1101'11 ,-I", � I ­ I I . ,. . N ­!�,.: � . - "! ".'��'!�,7;,l 1 I-. � �1� � . � ­4� '. � . . ­­­�', 1�11 . . I � I I . .1 ,�,V X.i,',�, I ,4*121;i'�.,," '' :�,,, , - ", ; � ", , , ". I.- �,,.­ , 11 11 '. : ,�: d" �,,�J�� �; " .� ,,Ii� i ,� - , , , 1- . . . I . I I I ,'� I �.­, . . � -�, ,,, . I �-11 � ,! ..I I I I �,W� � - . I It 1. I" . I I I .1 � " 7-- , . I . , . : htz I ,Q, -11 1� ,, -,"� ­�-'.� I I 4 ,;,,'-' � ... 1- 0,11 "'W"V -.J", ­�.�r �."­�� .. t I I I ,,, � ,� 0 . I 11, i I . I . I I I I ,:­ " L' ...-'­J.­z­ ,;L.: . ... .. . , : :t.�:,­Ir�,A - I I . � I I I 111.�i ­ �, I I., � L. , I I I , � I .1. �, I . . . � I 111� C '. , �, - . I '. - 1, � , , . "�) I I . I I . , I � . I I � I . : . I . I I I I . : I . I . � I I I ,, I I . 1. . 1. I . I I I I I . I I � I .. 11 � I I I , I I . I 1 I � . I I I . .. . . � I I . I . . � I , ,�� I � � . I I . � I I I .- I % . . I � I ,. , , . - .. I I I . .1. I , "'�, I � I I I I ; I , !�, ,�!�. I I . I . .. I I � , - 1, I , . I I . . I I . I , .. . I I I ­ 1.) � , "� �� .1 , 11 :1 "I � ,� �., � � ­� � �­ ::,­ .1 I . . � I � � -- - - ­­ . I I i , , I,: ,. ,� � I :: � �":: 11, 11 I ; I , -1 . . . " I . " �, , ". — -- � . I I . I I I . I 1.