HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-01-30, Page 5Thursday januat•y 0 a king Service •QUR banking requirements may be entrusted 'to. this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities lire entirely at your disposal. T -E CNAD1AN BANK 07- COMMERCE 1A Sea orth1.. J. Cr, MULLEIN, Manager Walker U dertaker and Embalmer W. J,. Walker, holder of gov- ernment Diploms and License Day or Night calls receiveour prompt. attention Day Phone 67 Night 1.8 STRATFORD. ONT. Is recognized as ono of rho most reliable Commercial Schools in Can- ada, The instructors are experien- et+d and the Ooitrses are up•to-date, Graduates are planed in positions and they meet with success. Students may enter at any time. WRITE, AT °Nil,' FOR FREE tesTALOGL'Ial D. FL McLachlan, achlan, Princlpal TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING] Save your Hairl Get a small bottle of Danderine right now -Also stops itching scaip. Phis, brittle, colorless and sorsggy hair is mute evidence of a tu.glectecl awtlp; of dandruff -that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish. 'nese and itcllting of the scalp, which if not remedied onuses the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die -then the hair falls out fast. sl little Danderiney to- night -now -any i:ime-will surely save your hair. Get a small Mottle of Knowlton's i)anderjnc frna.t .ity drug store. You surely clan harp 10.111,14611 hair and lots. of it if you will hist i.ry a little Dan. lerine, Saw hair! Try it! FOR BADE EAP France House, 7 roosts and pantry , summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and eoft water, Eleetric lights, Targe ve- r 1n halt. ,Stable tO' xj 1a' hen :house 9 7' . Apply at` the. New otiioe CREAM WANTED For Sale House and half acro oflaird in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, ()lose to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell properly, Good com- fortable hones, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes. This is a corner pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of oultivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to. John Rankin, Seaforth. REMOVAL Flaying removed my Barber 'Shop to the store next to the Ex- press office I will be a better position than ever to serve my. patrons. Leonard 1olton JOHN RIINKIN Bonds for sale bearing interest from 6 to 7 p. c. -half yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funds now is the time to buy some of these. Ghoice securities. No ex- pense to investor. All., information cheerfully given. JOHN RANKI BM and Debenture 1144r Main Street, lieeforth Phone el a Sen I year Ornnm to ue and ,lesiva t�y� /Q1 Wanted top prices, We are tar uieg e. tar plan.: e" Agent he yew' through a•+tl it;; handle your full supply and furr.ish you with cans We pay twice each month and weigh e en .1,, '; ;.i , •: t each eau of cream car f ;lit, '11/ mn.t•ri r+ Honesty to an., for the "Old Rt.11ab!,•;, 1' ttrn: b:" 1' ;tross tr,- roll mated 10 r ,:tit all our:, whoa not in 11e0, 1 t:t. ,r stn ll''atl rmi!!c t;t t n hang nil for fa market prices. i'he &Werth Creamery Co. SEAFOR'TH MARKh)'C Good Milling Wheat......,.,, ... $1.11 Harley......,,.... 1 (10 Bran per ton. .. ....36,00 $porta per ton ..'....: ....... „......,4 1. Flour 5.70 Butter, ....:.................. ... 43-44 1Ccge................•• .. 39-4o Hogs to, farmers..,......orto .J5;00 Wood seVootl--Soft I!deplo, Elm, Ash, 12 lndle$4,00 Hard Mieple and Boeah 13 inch $6.00 per cord, Ortiere taken, at the Office or by John Abell, WM.^AMIi71N, T1 -1f 5F: r1) C�l�i'li L,.t•. om- ne.e.-nn pe- spowa altpr'+p R t'3n�“514. onn.oamot tJ-..ate--nils s The High Ooet of Living -Economy is the word to -day. Melte }+oti0 old garments de instead of purchaoing.new ones. Have them deycleaued and pressed, Dry cleaning when properly done lengthen the life of garments, preserves.their fresh new appearance and acts as a 4iainfeotant,' 'Unsanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death due to germs; clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals, My Wardrobe, Goderieh St., iloafortit, Opp,. Queou's Hotel., Mr,Gerald Case who hen been spend• itig a few days here intends returning to Toronto this week, Mr Williams and little son who have been visiting in this district returned to Chicago. Mr W. Brim% spent Sunday with his timelier,' Mrs J P, 'Brine, Mies Sadie Campbell of Hamilton is the guest of her aunt, :Mrs Sydney Johns Alias Agnes Campbell spent Sunday with her sister in Clinton, Mr. and Mrs F Smith of Port Col- borne are at the home of his parents, Mies 'Verna Graves is home from Sault Ste. Marie where she spent the peat four months, Mr. Lew Chesney of Crediton spent Sunday at his home here, Mr, Glen Gordon of -Stretford was a town visitor. Rev. H. D Moyer preached in Sar- nialaet Sunday. Mrs James Cowan is visiting her clanghter in Dundas. Mr. A Hales of Stratford presented the claims of the social service work in the Methodist °huroh last Sunday. Reception to the returned soldiers and presentation of medals to those who did not get them will take place at the Concert on Thursday Feb. 6th. The Farmer's Club will meet in the Separate School . Hall on Wednesday evening, Feb, 5th, at 0 P M. 1vlr, and Mrs. John, Oooper of Chicago. visited Mr and; Mrs James cooper over the week -end, Mr. H R, Scott went to Tenawater on Tuesday to take part in the opening of the new 1 0 0. le, Temple there. Reeves Dr, Grieve, Govenloolt °rich and Armstrong are in Goderieh this week atteuding the meeting of the County Council, A fresh supply of Tavietook Rotr at the 'Garden Grocery'. Prices right Pte, Wm, M. Pinkney spout the weekend with relatives in Stratford. Mies Jennie McBride has returned home after a pleasant visit with relat- ives and friends in 'Toronto and Stret- ford, Have you tried that 60 ot, tea at the 'Garden Grocery"! It's fine. Mrs, James Hamilton, wife of the Rey, lanae Hamilton of Goderieh; gave a veryinterosttng outline of the work of rho Forward Movement in connect- ion with the Womau'e Missionary Soc- iety in First l'reebyterion Church last Sunday morning and evening, hire. If smitten is a gifted earnest speaker and held the uttnntion of her audience from that beginning to the close of her address. ,,,Bather Gaeta and air, George Sills were in London on S.tturdlr.y attending the funeral efthe kat) Father Kennedy Mrs. 1[mr-a Hamilton of God •rich 11,04 theguest of D;•. and Mrs, L•irkin FONTI-I I LL N Cl R' FRI L' ,, +.t the Miiuse. 0.1150 111luuio Nurser spent Sunday 1 housands of Orchard trees in Exeter• need replacing. W War Gardens call for_sanall fruit trees, Asp.,.r:hgu Rhu barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental ;tock ill towns anti Viling' large,• Secure a paying Agency with liberal comenissio•ss; Exper fence not necessary.' STONE & WELLINGTON (Established t637) TORONTO. (INT. 0Jia9 t4 Moiieneiu was in Loncon oh Saturday attending the funetal of her uncle the late Mr, Halliday, A very pleasant evening wets spent, at the rooms of •Miss 11. 7, (Irahnni of Thursday for a few of'1. ' f . ratee Misses Hilda Goldhawk Florence rice Boat-: tie, -Jean Wallace, Mn 0,1}"neer. '. ladys McPhee, Grace Li,•rt:on', Eva' Soots " knit Lora Rom. 'Kier which r,'fre;ehmen ta were served, tura. 10 i.ohen of Owen .Round is visirit g Mrs Golct£ug, lira, Walters wh<1 s'led her death ter Klee Flortot bite returned to elm - ton . Mr Craig of Toronto anted as organ int last Sunday in the Presbyterian Church. lire, J. F', Ross and sou Hugh have returned f rent '1.00011 CO, Mr, Nelson Gcvsalssk eel Mr, lob. art Laird spent' the week end et their homes here. Mr. Robert Laird left on Monday for Tweets where be trill re. sums bis etudies at the wheel sf prac• tical eoienoe. Mr, George Israel eaag it well -rend- ered solo in the Prssioyteriix Church last Sunday morning. An excellent quartetto was given' in the evening by Messrs .1 D Mullen, Jr Beattie, D Mc Gregor. and (4. Israel. Sergi. J, H, Host has returned from London. ' Frank Knight was uafortunale en- ough to it sotto his dog while wrestling, with another hey, Miss Mary Smillie has returned to Stratford, A right royal welcome was 'given to Sergi, Ross M. M. with two bars, and to Pies Billing and Westoott on Toes day when they arrived from Franco, Seaforth nompletely whitewashed' Goderieh on Tuesday night by a score of 17 to 0. Tko boys from the lakeshore town were completely out- played at every point The mouthly business meeting of the Red °rose Society will be held in the Carnegie Library on Thursday after noon Feb. 0th at 4 o'clock. Next Sunday the regular February Quarterly meeting will be held in the Methodist church , Tite Love -feast will begin at 10 a m sharp in the school room, The communion service will be at it. Iu the evening a song service with the new hymnal will be conducted by the pastor and choir, There will be a joint meeting of the Quarterly OIReiel and Trustee Boards on the Wednesday night follow ng. Mrs Robert Winter is in Bari Axe Mich. attending the funeral of her sister -in -late. Miss Florence Fowler was a Clinton visitor. ' Mr L T. DeLaceys many friends will be pleased to learn that he has successfully passed the oriels and hopee are entertained for his recovery. Captain Hodgins is hotoe from Whit- by. Mrs W. bill of Toronto is visiting relatives here, Manley Messrs Tiros. McKay and W Manley were in Toronto lost week on business, Miss Millie Murray spent the week- end with friends in Seaforth.. Mrs 0, Eckert is a visitor in our burg at present. Messes Joe Dayman and Joe Eckert are again on their rounds threshing the the beau crop. Mr Harry Beeman le busy throait- ing clover and reports that in some oases the crop is fair but most of it is turning out poor. Mr P. McLaughlin is gutting out material to raise his straw shed next arm oter, A number of oar young people at. Lauded the tvodding reeeptiolt givt•n on Timidity et Ed Home Simeltwoed when their youngest daughter tree married to John Feeney. They ail! reside itt Stratford and take with them their friends hest wishes Dublin Mr and Mrs FI Flynn .'pent Sunt]:,; iu Beachwood. • Miss Mary Murray. ot ntrvtford Nor. mai School spent Sunday with her ..lit tore herr. Mr tieiliith of (:4odtrrrioh-spent rs fete, days with his denghtor, Mrs 1. J Moly neattx, air and :Mrs L Looly, Mr and Mrs le Crewfurd motored to Stratford on Monday evening to attend tl:s 81t0w. Quite a number from the village at, tended the wedding reception on 'rues day evening. of Mr and Mrs .10t; Fete ey, in Hcl{illop, •� A. very serious accident oceured uu I Seedeyevening to Air Willi,tni Jordan'+ of Hibbert, when he had several tins broken by is kick imus it horse Mi P. Jordan hos gone to Mo'nlre.ul with r. ear load of harm; for Mr .1,lnl MoUrath... 's'mmn roowea Over gosamontrs tarp, repentant head, and the golden curia of little Mary and her eyes met the faithful ones ot,Joanna Ott. "Joanna, how can we ever thatyts yen?" she asked solemnly. "By all coming home and having a Christmas tree," said Joanna practical. t-,, nodding her head at the child. 6 15c Warm ComforaZie F our .Axys Starting To=day . Wethiesday Thursday Friday Saturday -las-�-- f Clot An Artcraft Picture Wirt a the history of the screen is writ #en, "Amariily of Clothesline Alley' will be the standard by which historians judge all Mary Pickford pictures. To be sure you see it, some early! D. W. Griffith's picture, "The Great Love" 8.15 P. M. HURON NEWS ST flAD 10c jja ECHOS! Wanted Keeper matron erg While pressing hay on 0 tato nem Bornholm ou Fiidue, Mr. 1 aa' land had his heft arnt 1aus.ht tit the press while throwing off the beat cult tho arm was broken between the wrist and the elbow. The death occurred end !truly in Ex- eter of Ml, John Danticei, lie was taken wish 't r'tralte of pat;tlyais wia..e sitting in the 1.111 of Mr. 1 u.V1ur Jim was taken inane and !at tttlder the doctor's cure .but passed ow ay 111 fol lowing dry, 'He was i5 years of age and hall beet 111 good health ftp to the time 9f the stroke. He Was li retLvay contractor in both Canada ur.d the United States, slid at one time operat. ad saw mills in Grey anti Mol illvrery townships, He bought grain at Sea.: forth and Exeter end conducted a market near Lundell. He hike been a resident of .Exeter daring the halt four years, The funetel wee held to the Exeter Cemetery on :.unsay after- noon. • Pte. Jae, eloVienr of G a i nick whc returned he rue frt to t'V, 1.- wa a fen I weeks ago, badly crippled us thet•, uit or wounds received itt FVElbCo caul v. no! has been taklt'g treatment felt on the slippery walk in the city fret' weep and Broke his leg abovethe Ictus,. E Curring after his prevuouh n g t:.•ta• 1 ht,einent in the h.wpital in Eng, .1.d the accident is very diattFesing, 1 A memorial tablet has been I.I taco 'mini,, Cit,nreh, 0ttclttnt by :el r anti i ! Aire \V W. Flick . s and t ,nils cit 111• lit -1 tory of 'heir mon shot as k 11-i=. in :.ca I. ::, l:t t''t.'i;'t'' -Site;trbly;'i' •, 1,' etl ;if:681111die on 1l ill d are alt'. .:.t;, , 11. tioaAtt otr 111',... it t1h/r115 halt .;:. cele ren of Mr John a i;arr,c.f Hulb It, rwiog to t' • t' te:+.lies I'or the pith), low yuare fit' 1, aa'ett e111plt,yell by el,,, 1 ,: P, It. iht ;,'g the 1 post year he suit 'ilia 0:1:i,i' . to ',Patton. '4168 liraet+, only elIii 410.:.. and 111 re, .1-omitd,au t rt t i,l'r+.' Wtttvsnosb pMaio d /11.1•1) oil 1',1•'/./!. f:.•.'• i If,u'soma(1010;b,rh l:.er 1,i t favor 1111, he 31 ,i 'r sal 10 h, nag.ri,vwK nidi a s ,, 1::. I • Assistant Matron Man and wife to tek' cleeett of the' r-ron County Hence of Refuge mall Perm in aotnectiuu fheralvith, alto st, t An.iRtoo t 114attau, 1)nilec. to corn -f oi.l -Heal- rn,•I,ce as a 80011 s 14•1,311110. t writing or a perremel 1' 4 00 SOOT as I,eeelhlt' rho ur.<ie•_1 sig -ed prefer ed JOHN '1'0!!ttANCt, IuepeOter ti of 14' ; t'liutot,, (lot- int! 34st 19111. ,� SAYS LIlld JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls( Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your akin. a Bowen the juios, of two Iemons into bottle ef orchard white, shake well,eand yoe u have it. quarter pint of the beet Heckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautiiler, sit +cry, vary email cost. Your grocer has the lemons and. any drug store or toilet counter will supply three chases of orchard white for a feve cents- Massage ikie sweetly fragrant lotion into Mie face, sash, arms ,and hands cash slay and see how freckles as4 blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and vrhite the skin becomes. Yes( 1 is harmless. 4 Thursday FridaySt ^ u rd 6 ---�ai�sl--- -F5d-- MJ 'e tri 011 the program w t -eifi111iiog rem' tr1; 11.4111 when a14 •/:.,15:.E.,,, 1'` i .1;100 110111'1(.3 xa, uteu',u;t,,. i -.:-'.___ _. 1. i •. The death •,5o1 ! lit v atit, f i le _ - ;4eiPa -Lillian .i!4, t, 1,en 11 .ilia t, <r1,4 1 :yl, r. at1° . 11 0., !. 1 4 quiet lint I'i'', l3' w<,tidinl„ 6oel; Saturday morning lest, after 1. sl i t lls, 1 i,. ' place in Aube.rn at t ho 1,0nle .,1 3l r, ", illness ftnm iuflnerz i, ipso i'au,+, t lit. :,rat when bit. oiatt•r 1'Stea Mehra i'! h„ t n,a, u, n• H 1, 1 litd been rutin/ +1 ; .. air,, •. tlli iS...., Al,,,, . 1 Vis/ `r' Lim bride ot list + n 41 ;.'a !ti, . first week tit J t •fro. 1•••111ful••,1 .. 1rnugan ' Bev lir t)kol! ilreiarntr , beotghk to. Clintnu tor l=ilii tl . The fin.; iI ,tutu ,i• :•. r. a HOOP, hu e.eremony, oral was hold ni. Tue4d•.y att,.r1!urvl l v I t:r 1, Diindliotis are said it tint greee around.. milt, ill Clinton, The'death o'ocurred i Julie Mallet of Exeter, the oldest residents of to bo 11, 6111,1,; the Rev. .1 . 1•1,,gg ru to „noir 11 e 1.1.,(/ t , et• id 1 !ail 1•.,. ,..ap tint, 1!1 ,t•, , Dohely e, 8;•tt The/ grocery sten, of th `thrtlg,.•rd i ••' •..fly ta- ttnd ('n in Clinton K1to vole] 4,11 b{ }c. nrrrt . Irrpi sorintls 1111 etas 1,,st r sonic one dltril; he night of Tuesday i Peri'"' He 1, hal c 100,1 by ie'ee anus, 11 t'.iuuw of iFit g t e 1 " He spa one of .,f last week, throng' -a stat d1 1111111011'1 'ti r dt i,l J. 1'1 11 1,‘•• 1 of ,sial+kion }Boater coming at, thebaolc of the stra•". 1t is 001 101vtshtl•. emaiu•i t, Derr-uiren .to t0 tide ooun(l;y froni 'England. He is survived by otte sou, 1o1n1 11' . of Se- eter-,who recently rtrttit ;;l from, uveal 8040. !tnowtt who rho as, ltzot„r, on 41,v,11ai, 011 tr. to !bore to Grand Boud where he f011Irel tri Ou'Inrsday of last wt alt bh„ he)d 0/Jr. Brown ivas nppotutvd trait. wedt'iog tn, k nl,o o as1:w.1 1 f '3 r ager about three years ago, st;d Ura. 1.10111/1'1Jttruee,` 11.x11 Weer- i;