HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-01-30, Page 4TH.>• • SEAF314T NEWS 1,01M MONA- CARDS MEDICAL f.AL Surgeon '(.endon Hos Phy1808, con on, agl • HUGE 0.1 Hospital, Znndon, England„ cite at t;nt1 P hal attention to dinoasca of Elio, /Bar, None Throat, or, and residence behind Dominion )lank, J3tTte .h.1ne.Nq..5. neaidenco Phone No, his v, 5 BURROWS Geatl>t'tk Wilco and r e •a'vddanee8-8oderlckt Street,:eantoE the Mont aryl)) Ohureh, roner fur County of Verne Ildlemisene No, .10. M GE t LI8d1 eltl.i nll,t R3, a ot11 1' ,L n e ,_ � niece) �opposite S.th a god.iu surges 1 Lvsnieh R. al0tt11 Scott's. pat -Male tiiot,lla and Ann Athos. and lleentt,;er of Unt0ri0. College of Phyai,'lans - and 1'a'as,0'rnns. Coroner for County" of Huron. 81n80, honor graduate Trinity0nlverrib1', dons! Trinity Medical College. Member /old ' tinter' , Cid880 Y_'aiie w f't'°t , 1 i a+ d :,nt 1' ,,r�nnR. tt1u). HFIL1}t A'', 081(• I th See" lath) 1+tl:Women 's and.'anclrel8'. diseases and '3htnnmati0 troubles. A0Ilte u d c ktrinie'dl.cir,f age. 'Ger Fye, N0',c 0111 9.ltt•''tt .Adennid re ._.pard 881)3) tit the' t. 1, 4: n ,ltet881' tree, 11 Ila 1 "".a':ale-,SnI,t.,. ,. 08)8110 x0.v',.t-,,pto. Niarritd e. I. CW SOS.:0101opti inn 980• illranee *tett 8011. a,asl£..'lug. Inoutuu•s. Life or Aeudoatl !drew arc, a postcard will set our rates. j, 'la. aII14Iv' BLi"ts5'. ate eau Aimee * Landon Life femuranoo vW., 180888001)808 Guarabtec0nd Accident fncnra088 Os, .. Saoforth, Ont. Tames Watson Senora) Eire, Lite and Accident luao.:ance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Meanies. Nein Street, Sealortle. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co )Perin anti isolated Town Property Only )neared. OFFICERS 280 e env -Ly. f edericb, President, James Evens S eecbwood, \-ice-fr881•1crst. Tamnav Bays,8eatrrtb. Fac: Tress. Directors 18. F. McGregor, Sereforth; John G. Grieve, IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From aaY From tho OfSee MAIN.AT, SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 84 Evening 1'27 .. SUBSCRIPTION pp� et: dollar per year, strictly110ds0)ice it not paid In advance, one dollar and ^ s R half Wilt be ellarStates Unite 1 8101 wipers, flttg Cents extra, ••trfi+la't• w t dran ;ed. 1¢{ Luken pubscrlheri+chnaugetheir addxees 3f1 uotice sbonld tiele1tas immediately, giving both the old and the nem address.. Sub• oCh nut! !n 1 et any l well lconferadry'of favor by f3' s r 8 of guy irreFularlxy of delivery... Roadies Notices -No reading notice, ndvertliind 01899 eutertainment or matter by which money is to be made by any perm] 08 00088 wU! In Inserted in Tan News without charge. Theprice forthelnse.r- tdon of business announcements Is TEN cents per count line each Insertion to 9 parties having FIcontractE per line er ach insertion to those Mighty dlcpley contracts, and for church. societyand entertainment reading notices Card of Thanks 5 to 8 lines, 50 cents. Judicial, Legal, Official and Govorn- mont Notleoo-Ten cents per line ter first insertion and five cents per line for etch subsepue insertion. Yearly cards -Professional Catch not exceeding 0110 Inch, will be inserted kr 55.00 per year, Pavable strictly In advance Display advertising -Rotes furnished onapplication, "Advertisements ordered for insertion, wUnta forbid," and those seatwithout written tnstructicns will appear until rItten orders are received for their dls. 801181nuanee, Lotter.. to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no 880000- eibiUty whatever for the statements made in such communications. Letters on reli- gious oil] not be pulished at all eexcepttas lcs pald advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter is ten cents per line. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER W. Kinn, Constance• Jobn .1"Lie Eta, Care # Trees Atter ani Robert Fe.•r)s. 'Hadack; Malcom . C3a! e i rees Ctlnt,oat '- McCartney , SeaCortht` ®anally, Gcderith•.TaaEvent.Seaebwol,31 Agents 1..eitch, f0at•1ock; E. Hit.tlleg Sedan' 11 Chea.ey, Egmondville J W. Ye. d. Torment, Brodie c t . Jane ,R,Hy wed John Govealork, Se(Soreh 110x,tora. 451e1 desitwm to 09cct ins1rnncs' or trams at hardness will be promptly attended .^ r op- o.. t0 any of ens above Cill•.ara, ndd1)800 at. reapec8ive troataf1ces. R FilOn FRR LAYING BIROS 1,iost Economic& Ration, in View of Conditions, itioils, Discussed, Conatl10isms Abortion Mares Neces- sary the ``ale of Valuable Animals at 10. v 1 rliicr - Tile llisense, 11011 el, er, Will '0ieid to the 'Treat'- 1'1 4 {'a ntzta i •dnitt3. (Conttibi:ted by On tat to Uepp)ri rl u.ent or Agrhsul tet t•e: Toronto./ P17I I DT requires more feed ra i than len. if it is intended h that pullet produce eggs. s.. A bird to lay- well must have a serpins of feed over and above body maintenance. The excess of feed above body ineintenanee goes either towards growth, fat, or egg Production. Poultry feeds are divided into twn classes one, whole or cracked grains, commonly called scratch feel, and the other. ground grains, rounlonly celled mash• Scratch feeds are generally fed night and morning and are scattered in straw in order to induce the birds 1.0 scratch or tape exercise. A mix- ture of teen or more 'kinds of grain usually gives better results than one single grain, largely because indi- vidnai birds' appetites vary from day to day. A good mixture for the win- ter menthe might contain as much as fifty per cent. good cern, either whole or cracked; if corn could not be had and the birds were accus- tomed to eating buckwheat, the buckwheat would answer nearly as well, or one could use twenty-five per cent. buckwheat and twenty-five per cent, corn. To the corn or buckwheat could be added twenty -live per cent. of barley, ten per cent. of wheat screenings, and fifteen per cent. of good oats. If one was obliged to do so, almost any of the grains could be fed alone with the exception of oats. There is too much 1iu11 or husk 4, on oats to use entirely as a single feed, At present for a plash feed we are using the standard hog feed. if the ground grains are to be fed moist or mixed with cooked house' ( hold refuse then' the mixture should +0�(i�rV be one that will .mix to a crumbly state, but if fed -di, in all open )top ^'-- per the above; is not so important. • The mash feed is the one whore o animal meals are generally given. <. t '.i t' j Th.. amounts vary from tee to twee- 1 t7 per ent. of the mixture. The esti- I mai meets teed are eannee111y high I gr x tankage and hoof 8,9rap. 1 Where one has plenty of skin) milk • or buttermilk the otliei animal feeds i,-. ! are unnecessary, Setae :.w: raja en 0111 ret %'.. i +.t!0. bene: ":701 ed refuse !neat such as • livers, lielne. hoof heads, etc. re.'4 .,.*!•• int: A very good plash can be made .•re tt:e - of one part eitob by measure of shorts, barley it .1 1, and ground oats. Corn Sural mild be used in the place nai1' tt 5 't 'I;Rtdl diad tee terms the win r ,s,.1 y 01,180 of the barley or with it, It one is !illi short of green feed or roots, it would wrl root heting, s;='ithtrg c.t tin• E,•slk be well to add one part of bran. Per - G,t t:, i,:s• o. Ow Ire-, gala ticuese haps the simplest mash to feed 'rum "PBU�Iie l:.;ow.. as "Lulbtr rat", harp: split .ir: 8 n an Pe We leave usedr is lltal this,r erushed when the I tf,es truck, trrmlc kiliiog, utetch ti'ju,y birds bad millet() drink, for a num- mei killing back of the top. 'Che fruit 'ler of years with excellent results, ;and'88.af bels on thy trees often: kill.r1 Laying hens require plenty . of ti . n at, 4,8811,, s l:trg.. t1nnlber. UF'tt','F.a thegreebestn ,greenfeed. feeCadbbs. Rootsegeis areone very Renate 1.18••tl amieg 1.,194, there )rid,, malt• good, but clover leaves should be of within reach as well as the roots. ' a t'"itnSerouted oats are used to a large imitations t:.+1 18.;•,11:••5. „ :.11,1* 81 0.;.1 by extent on poultry farms. When the Sobirds get 11M000tonl8'd to a green and Sold t # •. rt n ..,_ ni succulent food it is generally wise On the ..1...,t,.„,1,5 ',.- r i•• 8 , 8 ...,8 to i;i7e then) all thi.ty will eat. A Pen ikids "'-',z, • ,, '' ` i". of efte,•n pullets will eat a fair-sized ' i'1' he a i of cabbage of 8U:•r t 13 18, 'i, „' 1 : „7, finard's l:• r t,f 1, . I,Inrl000l i tit n '.r •t.12y ' d' RI`� f1 �Jfi,t cum ,l. e�.�,. J. L. I'i:,. it uA Vii-iko..81 prdl tc W', t vcs- tis I9Ibk f •1919 • `tr 4 t• @e'itiltf,•. aYE.I•B€ef C' , 01,15 It'tiDVERTISElvi NFS will 51Ipp1tI rise Vetgaltred energy phipne - 84 enenings7i27 115 MIS! 11'lii'r:1a;i ¥OUR SKr'ai • WITH 1_04.06. 3UICE a beauty lotion fora few ateteto ave tan, freckles, sallowness. Your tneeer I.es the l"10'Xse cad any ,1190,. siorr, ..z t, :p, t ,-',,.'t will ::ritply •i 'White L •°',1 1' 1 Otte of R t h -:-i 11 t ,e eeeteel whir 880L8 -yell. Th• t:l+.e x i1 ,:' 1 :t.- e$ (did edgy 01:!.(1 ' 1 , `tl r end ownar$'b.Xken l,, olrfier known, i.t l . go thix frau rani Creamy irkLon ...Idly miss itm Mee,. 11 tet . , rm:8 and hand., awl jet 0.+w how f :v etvlsa, i:an. solicy.,nesa, .rhilateeawl .'ig=0x,ar-o ttfx,al.t • to'S 8.o'18 ensootbp 0,111 a?ip eaerr s Ada keoesoaa 'tea'. ' It is }Yui '...'o tee 588c:,etleak recta :,'s eeall surpriete yox. > c H9g AIS Cam ins But almost every day nr one hundred b,'ns will eat a. peck OIL sprouted te.ts ,lay after day. Grit and shell should always be ! Itin easy a e. s Prof W, R. to relent, 0. A. College, e, Guelph. £11,n,tion:should ":.:t Ile Neglected. -male rates of abortion are the re- tit, csf. Meet'p• 10 the- dam dee to a tv fall ,/1• bac) k0. k. In mire cases trouble is 1141 5.),l7 to spread to ocher '-'1' member, of the herd. With the majority of co.'::es, howe•ror, the tt•"rlt.' is ,111" ;n ata itn1,etiO115 • 8,5,1,.1, 3,. very te.. c ilc 'po'.oad _'' rt i 1L. tt, 13 emit lY Icr"aliv"] 1., Ill '1'111 '}11'1'8 , ] , ' din , , 1 l r J,j11 •'.d 091111111 i 8'.1(11 12":".04", iot 1e 18,,w) 1:111s,), int• 1 1 19 1 s - , t .. I1 81)1 , 't,.. itlirft•' e it 11) retention 11. by the darn. (f the -181'. 33 n , I'0 O,(el rites afew .1711th, 11'1811 tram lln,.4 5,.lior'tning is alw84.8.41t8 sore to r 1.011 'Pito 138.: 11 18'4; r 1848 Otte fiitioit4e ,,re prtit3.2,kit 11) i numbers in the 85811.10,fe't I 8,1)811111,01505 and f0e1110. ( , of IJitel15ly (NOV,' o 11'0 18 nett .818)ry 1, 51•1,11,..131 11.1 a rtnlai! ir..l ling pJ n .Iii hi t 't• 1111.1..,k Is )11.81,y 1.8' r.019k0 lu . ,tt 8)8 t di - rattly r.r • l a. .11:. A11 8111)1184 be 7 1 i 11 1I' s I l*.1soti uRp trs,tc i nlis end n i )1 r' < am -0d 8etil` In quick line. • Special Ffftr for far 1 am buying all kinds of ors tr-l•ae't u� I- have a great stock . of second-hand Water pipes and shaltin s for sale. Jo N afte Seaforth Junk Dealer Phone Next to the Dick House 9 SER THIS SIGN The Dominion of Canada offers 0 et. ar®avh s Stain at $4.00 . each during this month And will redeem. tilemii for $6 each oh. -4-0.1L i;;t, 1924 , -Every doilar Will be wor't'h Snore. W-S.S. Can ho, 8egistered against loss 1-1-1RI11T STAMPS 281 coats each 1 1 have trade is clubbing combination with the nattily Herald and can offer that great Weekly with t e Album and Nowa for $2,50. '.The offer of the Allem is for alimited tinio only, Order now and be sure of a copy, The Family. Herald aloes out c011(1bue 8(8081 an Offer udefi11iteiy, A Sample of the Album may be Seen at alta otP,ie. Thursd 310 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND DOWELS Cure Sick eleadaehe, ' Conetipa,'tion, Sllioucnoaa, Sour Stotnar58, Riad B8'eatin-Candy Cathartic. - No 'odds flow bad,your liver, stemma*, or bowels;; how :much your head melee, Holo miserable yoti are from constipa' tion, 'indigestion, biliousness arid. slug- gish bowels ---yon BJe oa va s got relief wit h ,Casearets. They y inttat0diatr l3' cleanse and regulate the stereac1{ remove th. 'tour,, fermenting food tale foul: ,ase; rake the excees bile from the livpl , 111 c matte,. . r s'.. t ui.at r t t. off h on t rt carry the 1 aryr and poison, from the rntt:title8 ant bowels. A 10 eent'box from your drt•'' gist will keep your liver and "bevels. clean; stomaob sweet ntl )lead clear month*.. They eel'. while Teti sleep). For Freedom anti the Right "THE ALLIES." The alcove ie the title of 81 most ietterooting War Album 50881081 by The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, It is brimful of useful information from e0Ver to cover. T 10' front cover page is a most beautiful .design em- bracing the flags of flags of all the Allies. It is a clever artistic effort The Album contains the flags in colors of all the Allies. It tells in full the story of the "Union Jaok" and "01d Glory". It giros the date and reason for entry of each'of the Allies into the War. It gives the rysten1 of Govern- ment of each, nslo population, area, etc etc. It contains the Nations Swigs of Great Britain, France and the United States, a well as a great many of the popular onge such as "Tipperary,", 'Lotig Long frail," "Good Bye Broad- way," "Over There," etc , etc It con talus a diary of the war since its com- mencement up to to time of going to going to press, with blaulc space cu which the recipient m -t51 fill in future dates and leave the complete history. 'Che Album is tone you would bay or eight at any reasonable 'price, 6111 18 not for sale. It is absolutely frog to all who subscribe to The Family Herald. and Weekly Star for oOle. The year. I t3' subleriptiolt print, i8 $1.05, We THRii T STAMPS exchangeable for one W-S,S. 19 1 "em o i Kippen .A great dual of wood is being out this winter and so far their has been no auk of fuel. Large quantities of haled hay are be- ing shipped froth here at present, Mr. Wesley Harvey ie leokirg after more of 1t, Me, Heary .Fet031he hag mealier of tees1 dull team8 moving a - building o$' tett: avail bentegirg to kir. hobert io 919. 1801(1 Dltg, tl8tn ng el Dunlop 1,1),r Underich aro tic'''''5) with, 14119 le ht, r hiteman anti ut110' friepd0 In th. •'.c'ghbo;hneti 31r. •)0181118 Me It o1, ,net With An tlu: fw1'htiette tsccidonl 8888)01 :• !or (1 of 1,a', em winch it. ',yeas riding r lark .1 to ...up O tt. It .•der to rsee,re, 'wing :1811;15 • 191019 1.11.7 .' t, it1•-4 to jump. from x,. a wlete, of lb.. lead but nn 1p Ju i ilc bt ',hr hard reel.. Ile w 18 t .1..5!19 aalak"i• lgs 1+n41 anotip'8) r,f i1 8x NV,: 11,,,8; 11 , 58),.Il't,te.'ie tee,:, )mat' „I(1 time "Ae �a�all 111011010.. The iter. A. 1;, Donn recently eon. ducted the servicesir. the (lhisclharet aletl,adiet Church, whet, a large con greg•,ticn was present mead the nul05e ryas of a superior char.tnter, flea, .1101.1.3' took 5)::19, rvturi,ed fi'out visiting bar (laughter it, Guelph, 'flee school children :tet, ret,)rned tri their books alter 0,r, yelovr:',.1 halithty on account or the tin, 51 iss I+1, Fultr'.tt wag 11 teener in Len- ti.xi1 A number hem herr vi8ftett London to hear Harry Leudet „t{ bis visit to thea city, 'd lire C. c r ;,, l.rroks intend re curl !),p; this wr,•L from 1. -Tien)) to re+ - h eivee in Montreal 0.,.1 OtittUs, IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATE Look, Mother! If tongue le coal,• i. cleanse little bowelo with "C ii- fornla Syrup of Fige." 1 fotl1Pia ea 1 reee eftet'. "California teeetrp of 0),.,," o few hours all the chipped -nn ,c =nut' bile mn4 ferment 1 co,.1 hosts out of the bowels, ..11,1 y = t ,.. 81 well, playful chill) again, Sick children .needri 8,.=,-,.. tette ante Iltu•mlese ",.5,:, );.cW .. Gillian of 1r,1t11 rs 1:., t . i,.,>„it I u•; : . . 'tango .they lawn la; s 30 , .1 h, livor and bowels .til rev.; ,1, .' . £ ,.r Ask ;your dr1 •;i: i. 10. lalifornia Syrup 1 . . T .•;ins dlreati011 1 '11 ages 1,114 i"'• ;,,•.:'a., V £817111')' ,jet CHURCH NEWS n , 1. tr 1 hie ]:lead are ee 1 r of charge, e , ex- + 0.^'1919 n e � din meow [ s g n_ �n admission t e pp 190 a dmi nn 8 Is where'rite note for such being Ara cent nor 8mte t line. - Ell.1R0..0'+1F7 iRO'i` H5 S St. deiIptes' • 8t; James' 1Jhnreh, Itev. Father Pu, IP, (1o01a 1', 1' 110.1913' )'Maes 8,00, High :nese 1.13,3) , elued,8) ealeoo5 8.30 p. tn, Vespers tint) 1 tnedn.tlor, td the }loge, 0.11 , alts'+Inlet , p t.' '051011801)' i r, t 1' 1 t i , vt 019 1 19 1 H t due 1 tuy iiii! 10- 1i tel u,. . w melt <sty. n boo 1 1,30 p 0i t5 enm-u'r, 8)1ng1lenn ,\Itsstollat'y Ss, .,r:;.ie.a 571. .day '2 30 pee. t7h11,lrt.u'e ,rv:ge , 8..10r11,1)' et r,esei,u setvieee evevy.'1'htn•nd,1y, Metlioditit Rev, .Iii. D.Moyer, pastor --SUNDAY :9cliool at 10,00 'a.m. F'e I,r ,envie., 1 1 a in. a4d: 7 pn,tn. Prayer Meeting "Chut'nll:l y 8, p.nl , Salvation Rirmy Lieut. F. W. Leight Sunday serviros-Hol inset 11 a, el. Praise 3 p.ln,-Salvatiel 7.p.m.-Sun day Sehool -4 p. m, -Wednesday- Public melting Alt are welcome, Egtnondvitle, Presbyterian )Lev. S McLean' pastor. Sunday Ber• 'vices 11 a.m. and 7 p in. Bible class 3 Pan Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, 111. Y.l' XS Union 3rd Friday in the month p.00, Women's Mission. ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2:30 p.m Lilies' ,\id rilne.0 im- mediately after. - - Fleet t f"reabt terian Rrv. A'_ I1, Larkin t•x-ter. Sunday nervic a 5! : r.0... awl 7 p 08, nimilav 8011001 15.51`') .141 Pray er meeting. 'lhetraddv. ti, p 111. iSomeu'8 181iss- 10011try 5. Me }'818„ tire), J'uls,ley 50 each month ati i, Lt. fi;tr}tunit Kirkman Alis Mon latiat.ini'I'1n+•,day';le 11u'amid' ay 7.311 p 111.�unshfno i081.oluti Bawl evens, 2880 ale,,ti,.j' at d' 15 p 10 MeanIliep Presbyterian Ei er. 11 Its,,' 8) p•tetor e intdtty services Duffs church 11 it 1" 5lsaday scheed ld lea Prayer meeting Wetf- 1188day 8 p.m. -wennn's 1\1,Iaeiotlary Society last 0001103 in each h1011110 at 0' •1 r.tc. Wiati!-op Presbyterian amides st.vice 2 lie pm, Smidny, School I 15p'n - ,ray..r lno.+tink r 7,143 t' et. 1. 1' Lal lead. Q.'t:et:at,; .' . 1.0.1 I nee "5' 1; ' t'.. c'itnday 0.e, 211.15•.1:: to • , 111••. i.at• l•, , ,, , , e meed 1 ;v „.r-, , ,z.3' ..1 "For the Bleed is Litt." }I JI(�E. ' 4 E '8 ag YOU a t l? k fc ,8 u, 2UF t id,. and 81188, D, i"l11t8Jri1 t Eno via- li xs n0.•>?in,Y at tr. ,iSCuliillnp f4'cwn . 181,rs to ..Itt.toIt on the !e'c .H10r' „f elle ' ilcl6 t in Mraforth .e:0. Fe.,fn-ry :,.,:1),,,'1,.. 8,80)1eet to 3119 t`ntetneon'f ,• ,-i• ail.>d father ;rho i.'li anti hrokt' •-i8 hip t0.,MORNS, 191.•,1 ,A member hem, 1.,e. elle, hoe, he; 1, It tvftl tb.. 1110 r t rig, 10-• ... - o tr a. 31,r,\ l .. i' 1 p ell .f .._ _ e n,lia,, Mr. Jentee. e,r lie 1, 810 701:8 ,,x•1' 8117. !• 1 ';rlln n*Inn,u,'..8, the 011 ng �, ) ,J ; u ushipr, nt .ri ov let. lith ill, mete , r, Dear' tE �i ,telicf tllhr.88 i -le t,,..-,7 1)uEpJ-t r•.f J.rl• j'ettnge.ar d nglttc�t. y uuf t. f,aiawr and tho 17."•.at11 nl 1183' Hebert (8)ar1i1.. •,h l rnrl< n.rziles , 5 ''1t:ar inr. 041 Ill•, Ii.. t:!, I ,vei,tal1nriea y of fires,, ilia, , the 8l' lrria r to t.11e d.,t., c.isnotnit,y goes t.,�the barel,vrel ,.,51 an"l )rake 1.1, hip iH .1919,)19•:191 agau �' 1,•10.8' 8•,15'' 111 .lo', 5i L4.,0tI, is fit; tit1 11.1 hie p1i• W.,Incl HIe.., bene of 1llake hr" isr.ng1,0 raises for a at oro end' iiia tole/41101w qee i .e farm lie'.fn1Eieg t" f 8111egt,- - - 5100100 . r. 1 , 10tbes o8 those Dl r, t•. 41 i't_ 1 wll re ,ntl Cat rep� s Ni w i11 ntteA4A'. ee silotlId be th>rou„1alY *13,81' a very ,. teoe' e ,1 esl,. '. c emale with a tIbirfeetent, and a ,'G',dYS:nYIi$ntdnt used freely leirl- eL 111;).dein ;e 1• d, •1an ; tat, b,.o.,o„a.v.,p,.a�•c,ro.m.,o•,o.,,w,.4+r„,«,.,u.a,.e.,o,,.,v,,,n,....d. t� . .. Betreases style gra Tr anen '"' 4 the stall, particularly on tam erg and freckle an their tender tura ' tl co heel avy- s ae r 42))193' suffer so t>ua to et�1Ws, tea tTa'ny see meld trftss at so ; .� L ))self, as: there will ,be a Ellis& 81T1I'i�&, 31a?ui - z e' - d. :charge from the vulva which may In r 1-"" rl hould be kept in a stall pa ,Pent rf71,fz ea -velar rt the, corn linear haat. 'Psis iaettretal habit 1 ;t for weeks. Disinfectants anaT Mime ie,agtateir mad veym.en aro should be freely used in tine enetgta1 Cq8Etv,1t. stalls, and the external genitals, !e tow drops e2 o, dera,E raNa+t frees- I highs, tall and back of udder l; )need be washed daily with a satle- givg tinkle ralie2 caul. aeon the entire factory disinfectant solution. For oorn, root and''all, lifts out without this purpose a. two -per cent. solution pain, Ask the drug store' matt fora of lysol is atroat:•/ recommended, aivarter of an ounce of frstttone, evhicla Strict attention should be paid by ritual vary little but Is eutliciemt to re, the attendant to the tb.oroul x dir:t- every hard or soft corn or callus infection of 1119 hands or other parts rme'a feet. of his person or oiotinee atter hen- Thia drug is an ether 000ipound aad Idling the paticat, one ttlied directly upon a zero 001x,. 1 dries in a moment and sdrs shrereie The dam should not be bred agmen up the ,ern without in9a>n or even' untif 6otne weeds after all dl*ctiargo frritatin the surrounding issue or from the vulva has -Lopped,-PrcSi, wife's' droller. P ' Qollcge, t}uelgh,, akin, OE p this out and in on our D. 13,, Joaes Cntardo Agricultural I i d -t 1110 --In Teo teranlitb, JAI, 20811, to. Dlr. and HIE.. 0iohurd !Netter, a tem. FULLIOR--•Ito Godol•ich township, Tan, q, to bit'. and !Vice. Wm 1t Feller, n 08001, BROWN -In Olin ln, ,Iitn, i3, John Brown, aged 62. OANTBLON-in Barrio Jan . 181,6, . Lillian Oantelot' • t 1'11,,111'- ..,.. w ,s given a _ •,el,ctnr+ who/. ho .'i, <d' frets ever:area lfi, aged 5)1581nts and 1.1' et, re ,we glad to have hint safely 58"oir ag11111, Mita A :etePhera,:a and rlaughr.ee. D4iss Ell •rer0 presented witkt severe., Mite one nightlast week to show 1:h, eetce,n of their friends before they left fer their new'ltome in earatfeed where they intend to rookie. The Saoraseent of the Lord's Supper 50111 he observed in Carluol presbyter OA Ohureb on tee first Sunday in Feb rusry, ley for that Te mpos°. 'leery ratepayer lilies Ruler of Minneapolis, Min.io' requested to attend' this meeting, was a visitor at 1810 bomo of Rev. ler, -8Y order mf the Reeve YloOonnell and family. : Jamra. Jordee. Mark Dublin; ,Tan, 2711 rQI9, Nmlit: ie hereby given that y1ublie tn08.81ng of 11 1, 091)0:110•„ trill hr hel:t ill )lin 1 g1v51 it 11 +fm>Fr nn S4eAnrarla' Reap.,.,A6@, 85119: 5111 '10.0 ;:4) 7+'[+i)t8+ai.v at 8 o'0i met• '"'• - :.._ S`i=I•g+. - 1 " 1180181- 1'. D4 for the pin'peee of aseertainl t the al'tlturle of the ratepayer's totrafde :-'' as,tn a814,lO .soma dole to 8*oo oro bland 0158,11 sm$n:arnn,: Mrofuia,,ec0rvy, [Ind 6af;a, Abaow.aee� 4leorn 0.Iandular F r ,�.wsifiu •. •.iia pi. 'q'.n r mploa,Sw+vo of tiny ce t d, N. rnaaci Pole ank.®t3SemmatllH,, y, ., 0u r t"aetetS 0 etre And money pt,,,,91,77:,..,9-A .41 uia tm8lt. „f '18 0 get 1 , t.. sir ,,,111110 rhesoon. ewe )nod a. t • o 5 ' ,, .ttliv:.eat.,lieryryrr$fc 1l,etrod f t 1 1 '8Sna o>ao,lV 8, atmw3+ the true ;2‘4,., .'s f .11 ytote . ll, Lt11880190)10 '«. u*pettyyal5 e. It!s compauil t { ; x108 011510 gaigl' y o-xpe! from 4110 1 I! l 63' ,alfe.J! 'R_Vw. Whatever. cause i�.w 118 d-ti,1 I,,,810ct5ltc.17 Pure, '' 4 r ltul 1 r ern a las cu; - sae river SS years' h,e.ea6, )'bosom) to taiSf. 88 the eleett,n of a monnmsnt to the memory of the C# din,:t Soldiers who fell )luring the recent War. • Also to consider the making of n grant by the eoaueii of the Manioip I- A Faattinclet Calamity. �t es "iJ gltt 01ae 1lti '81' r0ma0'u Ba.nire de¢a^ 1y;:`r`Z 'esitlt ".osOble ''o moako a tvet70a* undero9enjevgo the first prherWas 0i ilnrifa0t 81 7 mrfl mattt+r,'nowP" lesqu{tt ' Het,t�ettyoti. "Mattern" c teultlad tat d)sgnetcfli' Banka. "Mee, when I elan away yefe featly the baby mellowed a three, - penny piece! And what dons my wits do but call in a doctor and payhall a guinea for getting that et .♦ . a ' • 011 tr i4