HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-01-30, Page 1New Series Vol. 17 NO. 5 seatorth SETIPORTI-I; ONTARIO, RIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 1cu News $I.5Oper year MARLEANARMITE Canadian Granite Sincethe inportation of Eur- opean granite has been re- stricted, our CA.NADI'AN GRANITES are being devel- oped at an amazing rate, and are equal in color and texture to any imported granite. The Seaforth Monumental j Works handles the best grades W ,E. ehapmag,Prop 66 lympia 1VATO1t FOR OUR BICC SPECIAL SALE CF CANDIES ON SATURDAY. caramels of all kinds and Cocoanut Sails tie lb It's °a Treat everybody, young and old, appreciate. The delightful, unusual flavoring, the rich quality and absolute purity of • Our eonfeetionery ars reasons why you should patronize -ire. When you want Candy that your friends or the children can safely enjoy buy of us Retin ALICE 9UNBAR CONCERT CO, Henderson Highlanders Pipe Bti d `l 'r'+..J:3 rdt r t `dli OD r a i o u s ThUoc . dti1 rbtlica 19i9 ;i lku bati' .ipeisoaae.,c;.nd Pot. •it.,ii.eri• eol,g,atuiitory, N11Eti o la<. 1'r:ry Lender v1Ih1¢�.�2.a:i,iilGi• z' e2 y_ixLa'a ;alW ..Por8h>l}iiy The Butterfly :>r z ad fil ral' r ;as.'wn glia nd :and iris =:o>sflfg...and. Dances etc Minnet, The Butterfly, Gipsy iQauce Lro DIIR1NG' 1NIERMISSION on to Returned Soldieps hp the Soleiers • Aid Commission Citizens, etc. Presentation of Medals by Mayor Harburn, eturnee Soldiers w ill receive complimentary tickets from 9, D. Sutherland Pian Opens at 4b rrharts, 9, sou . Feb into Stay for the Dance after the Concert CARDNO'S OPERA HALL Thursday, February 6th Dancing from 11 to 2 Crphestra Music Admission 5o cts Returned Soldiers will receive complimentary tickets from A: D' Sutherland; Nearly all children are subject to tvoims uiid'many aro horh`with them Spare them suffering by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, the beet remedy of the kind that ran be had, Notice --A meeting of the Formerse Club will held lithe Separate School Hall ou come. Bring the ladies with you. Ealmasated from Asthma Many who read these words- know the terrible drain ripen healtb end ctrength, which cremes in with arsthmetic troubles,' Many do not realize, however, that there is one trae remedy , whieh will aurely stop thia drain. Dr, J, D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is a won. derful check to thie enervating ailment, It has a countless record of relief to ite credit. It is sold almost every - Father J. Kennedy Hies Former Rector of Seaforth Rev, gather Joseph Kennedy, rector of St. Mary's Church; died at 6.30 a, m, Thursday in St. 'Joeeph Hospital, Double pneumonia which he contracted several days ago, was the cause of his death. Father Kennedy was born in Strat ford 62 years ago, and was educated in St. Miohael's Sekund, Toronter, "'"He went to Genoa, is study theology and the Italian language, whioh' he spoke fluently. He returned to Canada and was ordained by Archbishop: Walsh, who was afterwards at Toronto. For several year's he wee aesietaut rector at St. Peter's Cathedral, and rector of the old St. Mary's Church on Hill St, Later Father Kennedy went to Sea. forth and Sarnia, where he did excell- ent work.. In 1914 he_ returned •to London and became rector of St, Marys Church, on Lyle Street, The funeral was held on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, from St. Mary's Church. Bishop M. F. Fallon oiliest - and all tho priests ofthe diaoceae had been invited to attend; Interment took plane et St, Peter's Cemetery. "He bed a bappy faculty of combin- ing zeal with bneinees` capacity," said Rev, Father P. M. MoKeon. "Be was acknowledged by the bishop and all the priests to be the best organizer in the diocese, He left a splendid rc- cord .everywhere he went." Saxophone Mort _— Thosewho heard the Fiarohild Quar.' tette in the first of the Lyceum series expeoted a high class entertainment' in the second on Monday nigkt and they were not isappointed, The Saxapbone concert was a novelty to any In the scope of the instrument and shamming variety of the entertainment wkioh left nothing to be desired. ' Perhaps to all. the oharsa of the evening was the song of the old violin. If' the rest of the aeries are .. a good Seaforth ie to be arm gratulated on the opportunity of hear ing diem, Princess Pan's Shower GOVVflt1110111 House, remote January slot, 191 9, gagenuart of Her Royal Higlinets Princese Paericia of Connaught, the wives of tlie Lientenant Governors of ',he various provinces of the Dominion ware asked to hold a ailyer shower of ibm cent; and upwerde order Hutt the people in Canada might have tbe opportunity, ahould they desire to oon- tribute, of Bending uatioual gift to ebow their appreciation and regerd for one who beoante endeared to so many during Her Royal Highness Bray in Canada, and in remembrance of the war work accomplished by the Duke of `Connaught and the great intermit envinoed in -our soldiers fr., re Coast to Coast, as well as the famous Prineees Patricia Light Infentry, Do dear to the hearta of the Canadiatma. The collectiun will be purely volunt- ary raid the neture of the gift will be dot:Idea ripen aa soon L6P it id known what amount hes boon eolleoted. I am therefore asking the people through out the Province of Ontario; through tke ?rose, to co.operate with me in this voluntary collection towards, the wedding gift for the erineese, either individually or through any organized Society or Assoeiation to which -they may beloug, and thin letter will be the only intimation either to individuals or Sir Edmund Walker hes kiudly con - teeniest to be the Hon, ,Treasurer of the fund, and SO etrould be meet to him on or laafore February ;Oth 1919, to the ()uneaten Batik of Corn7 tueree, 23 King St Weet, Toronto, If one be troubled with oorne and Warta, he will findin Holloway'e Corn Ours an application that wil entirely fre relieve *offering. Pte. N. A. Willoughby Pte, IC; A, Willoughby arrived home on Monday morniog, Fe vrould have reached here on Saturday but tor the snow blockade in Qtrebtec. He wee re ceived at 1110 station hy the mayor and many Mende and drithn home in a oar At the town hall brief addreases were made by the mayor arid Rev. T. 13, Brown and Mr. A. Sutherland preeent- ed the town medal, Mr. VVilloughbv went *vomits with the 16Ist bittalion in 1916 and woe wounded in the spring of 1918 and bas been in the hespital since. Children's AW emessue Sines) the openirig eight children have been received, live girls and three boys two children have'been placed in foster homes; and the others ara still in the Shelter. One of theso, a bright little fellow of three years, is all ready for a good home, and will be worth asking for. Four children have been wards by magistrate's, two boys and two girls, one of the latter already placed in a foster home, One child oame from Hul. lett ,township, One from Morris and two from Goderich town. , The matron of the Shelter, Min Bentley, is making the best of everytbing, as is evident by the comfort aid happinese of the child. rei, and any contributions to the home will be well applied. The following oolitributioas are gratefully acknovrledgecl since laet meeting., It. Harding, Hownik, $2 Miss Lottie Bentley aa; Nr, T. Fellow Mrs. Robert Doak and Mrs, Millar $1 Relay, basket of applea, jar of fruit and pickles; Mrs, J, Jenkins beaus; Mrs, Je IVIiteholl, peanute; Mrs. (Dr) Strang children's night drestes; Mre• E: R. Wigle, apples, nuts, (Lundy tea and ear - clines; Mrs. A, D. tfeLean and -Are Beattie, clothing; Knox Church Past- or's Aid, olothiug for a woman; Mrs. Glover 8 pounds of fresh pork; Dr. A: J. Irwin, Wingham, $10; Clinton town $10; Exeter $10; Herman 35; Hay teen ship $10; Seaforthtown Sio; Grey town ship 310. A now sewing machine has been Metalled aa a re cessity the work or organ, would be a moat acceptable donation, the matron being able to in West and entertain the children. Foster homes are wenn 0 for small hem also for a hey, and for a healthy baby girl one year oal end one about two months It would be impeee,ble to eren on t. 00808 dealt with ,st titni lele‘ 0'11 Some of Omni :ue pit 1.tble and s..d. and one almott resulting, all vhowihg the great need of tkis charitable and aoul saving work, II the oases which base been dealt with in the pant five years alone, arising it, this county, were (amply oluesified eirit described Limy would bo surprise and a reveletion to the people of Hu,. n, l'robably every municipujity in the comity hue fur- nished one orruoro of these cases, and the needs of tho work will donbtless continue. But 11, to offiet -this, a list of the children and their pre. sent conditions and prospects were ail, - en, the rielue wed beads of this motbod of dealing with imfornmate and negleet ad ehiliren would be demonstrated in a moot delighted manner, If you would like to help 1 1 this worthy OSUS0 send your contribution to either the treasurer or °minty Agent, Coderich or if wantidg information, write the agent Ur, G. M, Elliott, Gederich, Tuberculosis Rev, J. 11, Dyke, the Field Soo- retary of the National Sanitarium Association, will give a lecture in the Town Hall on Weinesslay oyening Jan, 29, at eight icloolc on the subject of prevention, illuetrated with lantern You will !ilia this lecture both in- tereating and Instructive, Not only those afflicted with this dread disease will learn how to help themeelves, but the information gaitred may be the metnee of preventing you yourself front contracting the disease, Only a oolleotion taken for the Mus— ROD ind GUN Dale, the well.known writer ou out- door eubjeots occupies the opening pages of the January iesue of Rod and Gun while the frontspiece in this graph of Mr, Dale, if, O. Haddon contributee another inetalhnent of "A Year with the Deer"; Fred Copeland a story entitled "Mr, Brewster Dis- segnel to "My Bob" entitled "Bob's Baby"; Robert Page Lincoln itainely illustrated article on the making of departments are up to standard and include some valuable, interesting and inforinative articles. A report of the Canadian Field Trials et OjibWaya occurs in this issue. Rod and Onn published at Woodstock, Ont. by W. J. Taylor, Limited Internally and Externally it is Good. The crowning property of Dr Thornas' Eclectric Oil is that it cau be toed in. as eiternally, For sore threat, croup, whooping tiough, pains in the chest, has curative qualities that are unsur- passed. A bottle of it oasts little and there no lows in always having it on OU R COME SEE COODS AND LEARN OUR Epworth League Installationl, On Tuesday evening, before a good audience of Leaguers of the local Methodist congregation, the pastor in. stalled the staff of officere, Pte. Arth- ur Willoughby was welcomed back to the League, He apoke of conversations members of this League had, in which they recalled with pleasure the mem- oriee of forraer meetings here, Miss Jean Wallace gave a reading and Miss Ruby Bristow, an laetrile:rental eeleot- ion". The tnee.ing adjourned to wel- come Pte Arnold Westoott who return - on the night train. The meeting next week has the topio; "A Young Chriatian'a Duty, Following are the offioers installed— F. Savauge, 1st Vice Pres, A L Porte. Mrs A. McGavin, 3111 V P, ROSS Say.- auge, Rec, Sett. Mrs J. II Grimmer, Cor Sec. Miss Sarah Daley, Treae, Miss Ruby Bristow, Pianists, Miss Ruby I3ristow and MissEva Scott. oughly that stome-ohic and intestinal worms are literally ground up and pass from the child without being noticed and without incoavenienceio the suf. fever, They are painless and perfect in action, and at all times will be found infantile steraech end maintaniug it in vigorous operation, so that, beside* be- ing an effeotire vermifuge, they are DOW, RtiV You A.re Fully d T bat t Be - To Your Interest ro Do S Coal hi Stock for immediate delivery SOFT ernziL excellent for burning with green wood $13.00 elean burning, no smoke, no dust or dirt Burns in range or fur. nace. HARD COAL Grate Anthracite eoat for furnace use. ean be broken easily for heaters. NUT ANTHRTICITE $13.00 ti7 tons in car while it lasts E. L. BOX PRICE REDUCTION..SALE A:k DRESSES Embracing as it dces our entire stock of high,grade, superbly ailored gar- ments. This is an offer of exception- al intere t to every lady in 5 nforth and TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE ING STOCKS a.ch. 170 LI 10 10 he crsticAl judgment, in and put the text your most By so doieg ,yott will realize the Money- saving opportunity this sale, presents, NQW MA itVIS SEAFORTII