HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-01-16, Page 5Thu['sday. January
LLD,. MCI-, President
CAPITAL PAW UP. $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, • $13,500,000
SIR JOHN AIRD,.Qenaa4Maneeter
H. V. F. JONES, Aset. Gen'!, Munger
Careful attention is given to the bank-
ing requirements of farmers, with whom an
important part of the business of this Bank
is transacted. Farmers may rely upon
prompt and courteous service. so
J. G, MULLEN, Manager
W. J. Walker
W. J, Walker, holder of gov-
ernment Diploma and Licence
Day or Night cars receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
Night 18
Winter Term from Jan. fo.
WE place greduatoe in positions.
Lady students of last term are now
earning as high mills and even $20''
per week while boys' are 'earning
higher safeties. We have Commer-
cial, Shorttaurd and Telegraphy
r • 'emits.
t• roe Catalogue,
Look, Mother! If tongue is coateei,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs,"
lfothel'e can rust ensy after girt'
"California Syrup of Fige," because in
few hours all the clogged -up, waste
Imo bile and fermenting fond gently
moves out of the bowels, and you here
e.well, playful build again.
Stole children needn't be coaxed to
'eke Oda harmless "fruit laxative:"
dildiona of mothers keep ft handy bee-
^ause +they know its action •an Ile doe -1-
'h, liver end bowels is prompt and aura.
A* your druggist for a butte! el'
:eetltforeia Syrup of Piss," whirl' c.,•.
elms directions for beidee . childrepc
id ,egos mid for grown-ups,
Frame 'louse, 7 rooms and pantry
atamtnerkitchen and sellar, Hard and
soft water, Electric , light.eeee!arge ve-
randah. :]table 16' x;"1'z' hen :house 9
7' .
Apply at tho
News Ciitee
For Sale
House and half sore of land in the
village of Egmondville, 'L'lie property
le situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian Chtirah and is known
as the Purcell property. Good com-
fortable horse, good shed, good well
and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit
trees, etrawberriee, eaepberries and
currant bushes. This ie a corner pro
ponty with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of oultivation.
This is a nice property for a retired
farmer and the taxes are Light. For
particularseepplyon the premises or t3
John Rankin, Seaforth.
Having removed my
Barber Shop to the
store next to the I:x=
press office I Will be
a better position than
ever to serve my
Leonard Bolton
Bonds for sale
bearing interest from
6 to 7 p. c, —half yearly
If you have any unemploy-
ed funis now is the time
to buy some of these,
No ex -
Choice securities
pease to investor,
All information cheerfully
Bond and Debenture Broker
'fC' Main Street ) Seaforth
Phone 01 a
8(1.1.11 your Cream to tie and r:sews
so rices are p t V e a m running o nr plan:
he year through Rad can Menne ne your
full:supply and furnish you with cans,
We pay twins each mouth a1;td weigh
maniple and test each can of cream car -
fully. Our motto is ' Honesty to our
'Patrons" Patrons are requested to re
urn all our cans when not in nee,
a 3 attar a1113uttermilk al ie on hand
u3 For at market prices,
The Segforth Creamery Co.
War Gardens call for small tan
Good Milling Wheat $2.11 fruit trees, Asparagus, R1o
barb plants etc. Mr
Bran ler ton,.,. 3600 - .__.- tt
Shorts per ton.:.. .................:41 The demand for Ornatllental B
stock in tot n'i and villages is i1
Eggs. ^........,.. ,39-40 large.
Hogg 10 fam
rore .... ,.r6 00
for. the "Old Reliable"
ousts s
h nd of
Orchard trees
need replacing.
au—. -/n tin—..na—.u4ea�,ruM�+e1
tpy NMI w.,l.ae„a.,ras
blue-eeaa®nn» .> neeeean—eCDt� fi
The High Cost of Living—Economy
is the word to -day, Make. Your.old
garments do instead of purchasing new
ones. Haver them dryoleaned and
pressed, Dry when properly
done lengthens the life of garments;
preserves their fresh new 'appearance
and acts as a disinfectant, Unsanita
wearing apparel often causes sickne
and death due bo germs, clothin
should be cleaned at frequent interval
My Wardrobe, Goderich St„ aeafort
Opp, Queen's Hotel:
Mies Greenwood of Mitchell Bang,
very sweetly, a solo ,in the Methodist
Church on Sunday evening;
Dr, Beoheley has, (Reposed of his
practice to Dr. McKee,
Mre, R. Webb is visiting friends
Mrs, Edgar Lawson and daughter
of Auburn are vieitors at the home of
Mre, W. Sclater.
Mre, R. L Clark had word on Tues.
day that her son Sergt. Charles R,
Clark had been awarded the Military
Medal and was going to Germany.
Mrs, Jeseie Brown received word on
Friday of the: death of her eldest broth
er James Hastings in California,
Mr. Robert Boyd of McKillop sold
his farm to Mr. Stewart of Hensel).
Mr. Boyd will become a citizen of Sea -
The sceo"d Uonoert of the Lyceum
Series under the auspices of the Red
Oroas Society will be held in Cardno's
Hall on Monday January 27th. Those
who were fortunate enough to hear the
Fairchild Quartette will be anxious to
hear the Saxophone Sextette in their
wonderful use of these instruments.
Miss Beth Willie and Mr, Dot Reid
sang well rendered solos in the Presby
terian Church last Sunday,
Mrs F .H Larkin, Mrs J C Grieg, Mrs
L T Delaoey and Miss Graham were in
Clinton on Tnesday attending the An.
uual Business msetiug of the Huron
Mre. George Murdte has returned
a visit to friends in Mitchell,
Mr, Warren Anent has gone to ',wi-
den to take a course in the Business
Mr. and Mrs, James Caruuohan and
daughter have gone to Oalifordia to
epend the winter.
Mr, Watt of Urbana Ohio was the
guest of Mr and Mre Thos Gerry.
Miss Hazel Morrow ]las returnrd
from St Marys.
Miss E. Elder has returned to her
school at Wroxeter,
Friends will regret to learn of the
death of Mrs Deyuico, ueioe of Alia
W R Smith, which occurred at her
!tome iu New York,
Mr. Robert Robert Reid of the Roy-
al Navy Halifax is a visitor at his home
Mr U L Wiiliaate has disposed of
drug store at:d stationery bnslnese to
MrU mbach of North 1353'.
Mr, Pasoce representative of the
Christian Menu Federation of Canada
gave an instructive address on the work
of the association in thn Methodist
Oharoh lost Snuday morning,
Mrs, A, ,Jamieson has returned from
gun .
Mre, 13. Purcell received the sad in-
telligence that her son Corp oral John
Joseph Purcell Infantry, previously re.
ported wounded and missing was kill-
ed in Aotion on Sept, 26th 1918, He
lived in Stratford and was a (1, T. R.
brakeenean when he enlisted,
Lieu i
t, Damian of the Royal. Navy.
was a Visitor at the home of his auet
Miss Lukas,
rho Sunday School of the Presbyter.
Churchheld their annual meeting
Wednesday evening at this home of
Jae. Cowen'Phe year was very
cessfnl. The' revenue was Qnun of
Lich $400 was iuvesl, et in Victory
onde hi memory of memhere who fell
1 the war,
Thu following ,olitoers and teachers
cc rs elected:—Jas. Cowan, Superin-.
tendent: J, 0, Laing, Assistant; James
Robb', Librarian; Mrs. 3. A, Stewart
sec-ireue, , Mies Nd Somerville raoorcl-'
ing-eeo; J. 0, Laing, Mrs, J, 0, Laing,
Mre. Archibald, Mrs. J A Stewart,
Miss !McLean, Mie3 Crahatu, Mise A,
A, Govenlocic, Mrs, (1 Stegall!, ` Mrs.
Sparks, Mrs. Jae, Kerr, Misses Somer-
vtlio, Alias A. Bell, Mies Steele, Mrs, 0
Brodie' and Mies Isabel Sail h, teachers
41'ood--Soft 141spie, 'Elm, Ash, 12
inch $4.00.-' Hard Maple and Beech
13 incl' $6:00 per morel(, Orders taken
at the office or py Joyu Abell,
ter. Mr
-)ecure a paying Agency with
liberal commissions, Exper-
ience not necessary.
(Established i83; )
rd seri}�' t
Mies C1ara,MoKinley who resigned
her position in Seaforth last smatter to.
accept the position in the Edmonton
Collegiate institute has given up her
position at the latter place to join `the
staff of the Belleville Collegiate Instit-
Miss Emily Deem has 'returned to.
Mr, E Umbach has taken apart
menta in the Royal Hotel„
Mre. R. S. Hays was in Clinton on
Mre, Jas. McKay acid. Mrs, 'James
Brown were in Clinton on Tnesday as
delegates to the Preebyterial Meeting.
Many friends of Mies Greta Thomp•
son are glad to see her ont.again,
O d
Huron Presbylerial
• The annual meeting wee, held in
Clinton on lneeday. Forty members
were present. The year ware very 'enc-
Twenty-two Auxiliaries, five Circles
reported 690 members and gave $412o.
Eleven mission bands gave $330, Ifif-
eeen life members were added during
the year. The Home Belpere gave
$247. Seventeen bales valued at $961.
were sent to 'Indian's wheels.
Mrs. Larkin was elected Hon, Pres,
Miss Id. I. Graham Secretary, Mre,
J, C. Greig Treasurer, Mrs, L, T. De
Lacey Mission Secretary, Mrs. Hemi!.
ton, Goderich, President,
Mrs. Rose of Londeeboro was
appointed convener of the Forward
Movement in recognition of the work
et the Londeaboro congregation in
eupporting Miss Fingland.
Special Optical Sale—
of warranted high• grade gold-filled
rimmed epectaclesand aye glasses with
beet quality spherioal lenses, Regular
$5.00 value for only $2.00. Eyes ex-
amined fine by our well known and
painstaking Specialist, MMr. Hugbeou,
formerly optical expert for Kent's ,Iew-
elery Store Toronto. The price of all
optical goods have advanced so much
you will do well to take advantage of
this ehauce and come early, Two
days only Tuesday and Wednesday
January 2tat and 22nd. BEATTIE'S
FAIR, Seaforth.
With Headquarters in Termite.
Torouto, Out,, J- r.—A oiruular
issued by president. 1). 13, Hanna an-
nounces that, effective Jan, 1, all gov-
ernment railway lines heretofore known
as Canadian Nortltort , and Canadian
Government Railways, comprising the
National l''ansco,tinental, Ltteroolou-
ial and Prince Edward Island Rail.
ways will be !crown and operated nn
der the Route "Canadian Nttioual
Railways," headquarters of whiclt tvili
be it Torotttfs-
All atlicare are re'hous'ed to use this
name and it hi desirable dist the,publ'o
and railway oonueetious adopt et 0000
tilts 11010 title to their business relati,.ti
with tha Canadian National Railwee e
A ineeeing of the b'anner's Club will
be held in the Separate School, Jan,
tooth at 8 p, m. Interesting reports of
the delegates to the sunhal Convention
will be given. 'Non-members as well
as members invited. Briteg the ladies
(i,. C C ,
D. {arty .John t41, ticker'
President Secretary.
Maaling of County Council
_ eaans,maer
'The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will moot 19 the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'olook
in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 28th'
clay of January .1919. All accounts
ugeinet the County must' be in the
halide of the Clerk not later then Mon -1
day prooeeeditig tate meeting of the
Thursday Friday & Saturday
1 ` e
All Woman
A romance of the good
A Comedy and
A Complete Show plus a Serial
girl who tamed the bad
"The Mystery
every Thursday -Friday
and Saturday
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
Douglas Fairbanks�
Headin South
Von remember "The Man from Painted Post" — Some Show wasn't it? Web this is Doug's next Artcreft Picture
—It Must be Good -
Stevenson. as an 'Engineer.
Robert Louis Stevenson's old friend,
the ilei', Archibald Bisset, was Minis
ter of fioibo for•u -or forty years. Mr.
Biseet's intimacy with Stevenson be-
longed to his early "Edinburgh days."
when lee was trying to become an au•
thor despite paternal opposition, and
Mr. Bisset used to tell how the elder
Stevenson, Loring gut bis reluctant son
safely anchored in his "face one day,
gave him .a problem to solve regarding
bridge pressure and went ori' to at niece
in. Louis east Int, eyes over the task,
!melee Lowe.,•' "Life of Goethe" out of
hie pocket and applied hen,elf to that,
"Weil. Louts," said the father on his
return, "have you worked out tont cal.
"Ne," was the Dared reply. "I knew
teat nothing depended nn my doing it;
1 haven't the slightest curiosity as to
what the pressure would be; tell me,
and 1 will take it on your authority."
The lighthouse cugineer looked at his
son and then remarked slowly, "I think.
you'd better go home!" --Manchester
Nicely Trapped.
The sexton of a certain church the
other afternoon bail conducted a party
round the ancient edifice, and, despite
dropping more tient e'ne "gentle hint,,.
It appeared as If the sexton was to go
In the porch the leader of the party
paused n moment,
"I suppose." he said, "you've been
tiers tunny years':"
"Party," replied the old man, "an'
it's a wetry strange thing es when-
crer I'm a she ee 3 n party out o' the
porch they allue risks me that question
or (with emphasis' the other,"
"indeed" smiled the visitor, "And
what may the other be?"
"What I calls question number two,
replied the sexton calmly, "is jest this
—'Samtwell, is tips allowed?' And
Sandwell aims aeawers, 'Tips is al.
Ttre lout was taken, us was the tip:
—London Globe,
Fans of Frenco.
At theme that td t oL I a :' ori- \t was king
of Preece fan making bad reached per
esps its highest point It has not gone
backward since, but surely no fans
could be made more exquisite than
were those of the days of the glory or
Du Barry and lime. de Pompadour,
the two most peisisieut farorites of
Louis XV., were both very fond of
fans, and many are the stories told of
their extravagance travagance in buying them or
at least ordering thein, for the king
had to pay for them, One that was
chosen by Mme, de Pompadont' took
eine years in the making: It was made
of paper cut like fine point lace, and
the sticks bore medallions so tiny but
withal perfect that they could only be
wade ort by the aid of a eery power-
ful microscope.—Washingtou Star.
Don't Write Poetry.
"Don't write poetey unless you can't
help it," says the Pt. Loris Clobe-l3em-
oorat. '
And often when you think you can't
help it 'tis well to consult a doctor.—
Toledo Elude,
Peat Bogs
Council- Peat is a vegetable formation, some-
GEO, W, Houseac, times of a spongy cbaracter (when re -
County cent) and again ofa hind approximat-
ing in composition to wood, while in-
Goderich, Jan. >Oth 1.;710, some instances, at the bottom of bogs,
it approaches lignite and even acyl.
..ti.. dw
8.15 P. M.
Opposite Daly's Garage
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan, freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer bas the leptons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents, Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into n bottle, then put
in the orchard white and shake well.
This makes a quarter Dint sf the very
hest lemon akin whitener and covaplexion
beautifier known. Massage this fra-
grant, creamy lotiou daily into the face,
nook, arms and hands and just see how
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and bow smooth,
soft and clear the skin becomes, Yes!
It is harmless, and tee beautiful results
will staaprise you
OlNat Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin.
Squeeze the juice of two leptons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best Heckle ant
tau lotion, and complexion beautifier, at
eery, very small cost:
Year groeer has the lemons and toe
drut counter will pputr
three ounces of oor sltard white for s few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion kande eaeh c
day and sthe ee how neck,
rckl s and
blemishes disappear and kow clear, soft
end white the skin becomes, Yes! It
IA harmless, e
t ee er'ete
Ttl RJjtgd sdav Friday $
The Episode of that entrancing
Don't miss it
Can For Sale
•l'ht.se rows :for for sale
Mee, Arthur Geo
II -tilt Submit to ,lstliva, If (01
seii',r without hope ref hrt'•i.t t g
"1111 ,0 te hi li
bill() you do not put tit)'
mutter day the purebnee of 1.1r, J. :D,
1{ellogg's neverdy,. A trill will drive
awayall doubt as to its eilleientcy;' The
ante relief that conics .iviil cou.it,se you
Qnly t1io unifored enders the a on ,more titan aitytlttug that ea" be wt•frttn i,"
01 000106. Ibo 'kmnowing' ones: apnld When help is su Buie; 11y
Ifotlo7vay's Corn Cure mud get relief. Thde atatchleea remedy ie sol1 d 1>e -stint.