HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-28, Page 8PAGE EIGHT If THE SEAFORTH NEWS, I ENSALL. 1 The Sunday School of ,Carmel ,Frets- ibyterian Church held their annual Nomination Meeting.; A meeting Christmas entertainment ,{?ridgy ev to nominate ,oand¢dia'tes for reeve, ening There was a largo'crowd pres- cotuietlors, school trustees an4 oiiel eat who `greatly enljoyetl the •enter- i 1, ,. cornlinissioner was 'held, in the taiii'neen't.r IIi(e Ohris$m'as tree _was there and ;Santa Clams dropped in to •pend a part of the evening. The pro- gram opened with an address of wel- come by S'an'dy MiciAinbhur; recitation, Gordon 'Mioir' piano duet by Margar- et and 'Jean Dove; reci'tation, Ruth Love; duet, Margaret and 'H'arry D'ottgal; recitation by Douglas Sang- ster; dialogue, Irene 'Hoslcin's, Alice Pfeff, Carol D'aters, Douglas Sang- ster and ':B'ob'by Cameron; "recitations' by junior R'ed'den; ,Helen MoQ'ueen, M'argaret 'Sangster, Margaret L'ove,• Jean Love, Chorus by the. Junior town: hall on F'rddSty evening between 7 and 8 o'clock with the village clerk, James A. Paterson, as presiding of- ficer; The fallowing were nominated; For 'Reeve -William 'Consitt, Walter Spencer, Owen Geiger, 'Wm. Jones and','.Roht. Higgins. For Councilors - Geo: C, Petty, William Jones, Laird ly clele, Walter Spencer, David Ro- bertson, David Nichol, William Sang- ster; 'William 'S'hep,herd, For School Trustees-!H'eury Horton, A. Case, Fred Manns'. and Fred Hess. For hy- dro commissioner; -"Charles ntM.00re (acclamation). Mr. 1-larton "'retired after flour rutee card from the t S years of services, leaving the follow- ing as trustees, A. Case, Fred Manns and Fred Hess. ]After the nomination was over a meeting was held with Clerk Pater- son as chairman. All candidates be- ing asked to come to the ',platform, theSchool - reas.' of r .Mr. Case, ,Sec. Scl T ,Board, was first called on and gave a.good account of school affairs, and the school b'o'ard would have a sur - pins - plus this year of over $400, i�L'r,1H"or, to,n spoke next, touched on both school and municipal questions, and declined to stand again. Reeve Con- sitt in a splendid address on town affairs, stated that he had succeeded in gelling the road runn•ingeast from the village, put on the county high- way system. stem, Thea other members of the old Council, also spoke. in Mr. Geiger stated he would be., the field for the reeveship, but had ,not much fault to find with ,the way town affairs had been conducted this year. Robert Higgins was then called' on and thanked his mover and sec- onder fon the honor, but would not be a candidate for reeve at this time; as town auditor he'`.gave •t statement of the town finances as they should be on the 31'st day of December, after. all notes and debentures that are clue. are paid; there will be a surplus of about $355 'in the bank and 81655.37 of the '1933 taxes, either in the collec-` tor's hands or unpaid, or a surplus for tate year of about $2,000. Mr. Petty and Mr. Jones, who were nominated for both reeve and council, stated that they would be in the field' for One of the positions. Mr. Robertson seem- ed to be greatly displeased with the way the village affairs are being con- ducted, : found a great deal of fault with the poll tax collection and the auditors' reports for the last five or six years. Mr. Consitt gave the last address and spoke very highly of Mr. Jones as a candidate for reeve. As there were other attractions in town on Friday evening only a few attend- ed the nominations.. The election will be held on New Year'.s day. Miss Mattie Ellis is spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Fred S'mallaconntbe of Guelph. Mr. aid Mrs. Robert Higgins and sons, Harold, Ray and Bill are spend - Mg the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer of the Beach -o -Pines. Mr. Harry Cook 0f Toronto Univ- „, ersity, is spending his holidays at his home here, Mr. Arnold Bell of Toronto is vis- iting with his mother, Mrs. 13. Bell. ' Mr, and Mrs. Janes Simpson are spending the holidays with friends at London. The Christmas entertainment put on by the scholars of St. Paul's Ang- lican Church Sunday school on Wed- nesday evening was greatly enjoyed. After a chicken supper a concert was given of pantomimes, readings, reci- tations and other nuinhers. A splen- did Christmas tree and a jolly old Santa Claus added to the gaiety of the occasion, A New Year's eve service will he held in the church at '14.30 p.tn., December 311'st. The Rev. Mr. Parker, rector of St. Paul's Church, is spending Christmas at his 'home in Dorchester. On Thursday evening last lovers of music had a great treat in listening to the Carolina Jubilee Singers in the United .Chinch who gave fine num- bers of gool old plantation and other songs delighting an audience that fill- ed the capacious church. The troupe were nicely introduced by the 'Rev, A. Sinclair, pastor of the church who briefly referred to the excellent satis- fac'tion the Carolina Singers had giv- en w'h'erever, they appeared. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion which was under the .au- sipices of the .Sabbath School and did great credit to the committee in charge and two large Christmas trees were the centre of attraction particu- larly for the members of the Sab- bath sc'hool, the young classes being the 'particular recipients. Santa Claus entsted with all the holiday dress and panticular 'gatib o'f one who was such a centre of delight and all that was good, generous and .kind in 'distribut- mg candy, etc., which always appeal- ed to t'he children, and as he entered into the church after having pot up his reindeers for an hour or so he was hailed, with delight and rapture, and was not long in distributing all that brought good cheer and happiness to the young people. The proceeds were most gratify'ing, to the Sa'bbat'h' {School as well as affording a fine mu- sical treat, The welding of Mr. ' john Shepherd to Miss Emma Dickson, daughter 01 Mr. Thomas Dickson of .I-Iensall took place on Saturday morning at the United Church parsonage by the Rev. 'Arthur Sinclair. They left immediate- ly on a honeymoon .trip and on their return they will ,reside in Hensel'''. 'air, and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy are spending Christmas with friends at O'tterville. • \4r. John H•tiuki'it of. Exeter spent Friday in, town the guest of his dau- ghter, raf.rs. John Bean. Miss Jean Bonthron of London is pending her holidays at the 'home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. : James .B'o'n thron, Mr. William 'McMartin of ,Detroit' is spending Christmas with' relatives in town. Mr, end 'Mrs. A. McEwen and, dlaugthtei' ,Dona are spending Cihrist alas with relatives in Toronto 'Miss Jennie Murray of Exeter ,is spending' the Chrisitmas holidays what 'her nephew • D'r, Ivan,Smillie. Miss' Martha B.uniter of Exeter is spend'in'g :the Christmas holidays with relatives in town. iis1iss 'Olive Oox'worth of Detroit spent Christmas Waith her sister, Mrs. A. Stanton. ' {Miss Alma S'cru'ton, R.N., ,of Lon- don, spent Christmas with her moth- er, Mrs. A. S'cru'tota, (S'pe'cial Christmas services held in'. the Carmel Prestyterian Church on ;Sunday last were largely attended, Rev. MT. ' Young's morning sermon was a special Christmas mess'a'ge. ,The large choir ander the direction of folio ing acand w Mr, W. A. M lLaxen are tate special numbers at the nori- ing .service; Male quartette, Messrs. W, A. M'cLareti , James 'Beugou'gh, R. Y. McLaren and Rev. W. A. Young, A solo by Mrs, J. W. Bion- thron, also an: anthem by the choir, ' eveningservice the sermon At the was "Christmas Thoughts." The spe- cial music was an anthem by the choir, quartette by Mesdames W. A. iMacLaren and 11, Bell, and Misses I. ,FIoggart'h and M. Workman. solo by Mrs. W. A, ,l'LdLaren, Miss Blanche Mustard presided at the organ. 'T'he continuation and public schools closed on Friday last for the holiday season. Each froom of the public school put on a good. program. The ,pupils 01 the continuation school: also' pat on a wonderfully fine pnograim.' The Rev. Mr, Young gave a short ad- dress of Christmas greeting to the pupils which was followed by dia- logues and playlets. It was encour- aging to the teachers to 'have so many ,parents attending: Mr. and Mrs. ,Hilliard spent Christ- mas with relatives and friends in De da even- ing, c n 'Bator A't nine o'clock o Y Owen Geiger -and William Jones haqualified for the reeveship. Geo. C. Petty,' David `Robertson, William Sangster,and William 'Sheppard for the council; Fred Manna,. Fred Hess and A, Case for the school board;; Charles Moore Inc the 'Hydro o Co m mission,e There will`be an election for the reeveship only, Mr,r Jones has had; a great '_deal of anumctpal experience and has always taken a great mteres!t' in his work as councillor and would retake a splendid reeve. Mr, ,Geiger, has been reeve a great many times,' also county warden and is a very capable public official. The election, vita be close as 'both candidates have many friends, '- -. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd FItidson of Fo- rest are spending the holidays with relatives in town. Mr. Will Reynolds of Tilson'burg;is' visiting here with his sisters, Miss Reynolds end lfrs, Robertson. Mr, Eric Kennedy of ,Toronto is spending the holidays with his wife and family in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon of S'trom,berg are spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Cantelon. Miss. Jessie Bell of 'Toronto is spending the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson of Tproli'to are, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John .F'is'her. Mr. and :ailrs. Harris of Detroit spent Christmas with Mrs. (Parris' mother, Mrs. E. Ratinie. Mr. and Mrs. James Eby and little daughter of Collingwo'od, spent the holiday with lir. and i,frs, White. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Heiden and. family of Chisellturst are spending the holidays with relatives in town. A 'hockey match was played at Grand Bend on Saturday evening be- tween the 'Grand Bend and Hensall teams, the latter winning 5-2. ' Mr. and Mrs, Roy McLaren spent Christmas with lar. and Mrs, Fred Corbett, Hay township. Mr. W.'3, 'White, who has conduct- ed a general store 'here for a number of years, is closing up the business and with Mrs. White will spend the w'in'ter with their daughter, Mrs. ,Jlas. Eby, Collingw•ood. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Dicic and little son, of Toronto, are spending the holidays visiting relatives in town and vicinity. A special train came over the C.N. R. on Saturday evening crowded with people, going to different places on the line for Christmas. About fifty got off at I-Iensall. The different busses running into 'I-Iensall were al- so crowded. l'Ir, and -firs, Roy Weber and chil- dren spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, Louis Weber at Zurich, • IIensali Continuation School Re- port (averages for fall term) Form I. --(Gladys MelKenzie 70, Ronald Peck 69, Marion Dougall 66, Audrey Co- chrane 65, Verna McLean 'A1, Jean Foster .59, Agnes Fairbairn 55, Doris Alexander 55, Bert Thomson 55 (equ- al), R'obert Drysdale 611, Ivan Kipfer 48, ;Gladys S=aundercock 40, Farm 35, -Annie Carlile 716, Alex. Filshie 76, (equal.), George Pearce 75, William Glenn 68, Kathryn Drysdale 67, Ken- neth Elder 65, Dorothy McQueen 65 (equal), Olive Brock 64, Helen Wal- ker 62, Lloyd Crawiford 60, Jessie Dick 56,- Allan Davidson ,56, .Kenneth Manes d6 (equal), Irene Sm'ale 53, Harold Bonthron 411:. 'Foran ,IIIlI.-'Norman Sinclair 79, Mildred Follick 715, I'an Filshie 711, Edison F'orre's,t 78'' (equal), Elinor Bell 69, Stewart Crerar 68, Mabel Fee 68, Helen Glenn 68 (equal), Helen :arum) 67, Myrtle Thomson .67 (equ- al), John Alexander 63, Jeanette Mc- Allister 62, Ruth Coles 61, A'nd,rew McKenzie 59, Dorothy Drum'mo'nd 58, John Farquhar 57, Minnie Sang- ster 54, Margaret ,Bell 513, Shirley Koehler 50. Special Christmas services in the 'United Church were largely attended, in change of Rev. Arthur Sinclair, the. pastor, whose' splendid discourses, well in, keeping with the day. The largetheirunder thedirectionof Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, rendered splendid music and following are the special nuanbe.r,s at the morning service; Duet, Star of Bethlehem, Mrs. Maude 'Hed'den and Mrs. 'George Hess; solo, Open the Gates o'f the Temple," Dr. 'Yvan Smillie; special parts in bhe an- them were taken by Mr. Goodwin. Evening service, solo, O'er Manger 'Bed, Mrs.. George Hess; special parts in the anthems were taken by Mr. S. R'eitnle, Miss Annie S'm'ith, Mr. and Mrs. H. Phile and firs. He'd'den;,soio, (Behold the Morning Cometh, Mrs. Matide Henden. Anthems an'd special numbers were woederhiily rendered and much enjoyed. Miss Eleanor Fi- sher presided at the organ{ Miss Lin, Ortwein of Toronto spent Christmas 'here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Ortwein. 1'Ir, and Mrs, John Buchanan of London spent Christmas with, Mr. 4Buohanan.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex, B'ueilinnan, Sr: Mr. and Mrs, Peter Buchanan of Toronto spent Christmas wibh rela- tives' in town. Mr. Milton Ortwein spent Christ +mas with his parents, Mr. and ivlrs. J lar, Ortwein. l:fiss Alice Dougall of 'Toronto anent Christmas with her parents, HURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1933:;'. FO}2 SALE Several Dwelhngs trout, 11r. and Mrs. Will Gram o•f Lan- sing and Miss Ada Gram of Detroit spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Gr'anz, LONDESBORO 'Misses Mary and Esther Jamieson of Toronto spent their holidays with their parents, lir, and Mrs. A. Jamie- s5.1 Henry Lear and Mrs. Eliza 'beth Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Govier and family, Mr. and Mr's. Will Lyon of Blyth, and sons joined in having a happy Christmas day at Mr, C. .Wat- son's. \Kiss Jean Mains and Mrs. and Mr. C. Troope of Chicago are spending their holidays with their mother, Mrs. Mains and Miss Elizabeth, Mrs. Edmund Crawford is paying 'her daughter and family a lengthy vi- sit at Niagara Fall's, Mr, and Mrs, Percy Manning and Miss Phyllis spent Christmas with 'Toronto friends, 'There is a treat in store for those who avail themselves of the oppor- tunity of hearing the Christmas can- tata presented by the Constance people in the community hall this Friday evening, sponsored by the W. \1 S. of the United Church here. Mrs, J. Taylor spent Christmas with Mr. .and Mrs. T. Mair, Clinton, 'Mrs, E. Bell and Mrs. A. Allen ere with Blyth friends for Chris't- lanaew, We ai'e sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs. ;ii. Mains and also Mr. Ma't Bruce, with no improvement in their condition. The Christina's tree and entertain- ment ssihrch u'.2s held on December 22nd was a delightful time and a suc- cess in every way. The various num- bers put on by ,the S'S. frons t'he "wee tots" up to the seniors were all re- markably good and well rendered. Last but not least was Santa Claus and the Christmas tree wnitlt beautiful gifts for everyone. Mr. and Mr's. Fred Armstrong of Grimsby and Mr, Henry :Moot spent 'Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Moon, Miss Laura Snell of Stratford Nor- mal andMiss Mary Moon of Toronto 'N'ormal are spending Christmas holi- days at their homes: The many friends of Mr. Arthur Lyon, who is attending University in 'Toronto, and who has been seriously i11 for the past four week at Toronto 'General Hospital, will' be pleased to know he is now convalescing at home of his aunt, Mrs, MoMath. , IN SEAFORTH & EGMONDVILI E Own, your own home, This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. SUTHERLAND WINTHROP. Store Burned. -,Fire ; c'ompletely de- stroyed the residence and general store. of M. E. 'Clarke on Saturday shortly alter midnight, Me. and Mrs. Clarke had gone to Varna and no one was 'in bhe building When fire broke out. When neighbors arrived it 'was too far advanced to save anything.: Ve extend oursinceresympathy to Mrs. Clarke and family in Mr. and b s c y their great loss, , Mrs. `?rice- and Nellie of Seaforth and Mr, Eddie Pryce and Miss An- nie Price of H'ullett! spent Christmas' 'With. Mr, and Mrs. ,Scott Bolton, Mr. Chapman of Sea'forth -spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs: W'n. Tre warh'h:a. 'Mr' J'o'hn Bullard- spent Christmas with Mr. Harold Snalidon of ,Wal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKenzie of ,Oshawa, 'Mrs. Sam Phillip's, D'e'troit, Mr. Lester iGovenlock of Toronto and Mrs, Mae Dorrance called on Mr./nd Mrs. George Eaton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ,Fergus Bullard and children spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Jno. Armstrong of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewartha. spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Zack M'dSpadden. 1'Ir. and Mrs. Melvin Blanchard of Belleville arc spending the holidays with the former's father, Mr. 1'Ietviu Blanchard. We wish everyone "A Happy New Year." Mr. .and Foster ,Bennett and Mona spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, George Eaton. !Those nominated for the election on Jan. let, .1934, are as follows: Reeve, Messrs. J+no, M. Eckert and iJno. Campbell. For Councillors - Messrs. Elmer-Hnckw•ell, Hugh Al- exander, Jos. O'Rourke, Wm. Shan- non and Russell Dorrance. A successful dance was held in the hall last Friday night. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Montgomery and children spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Montgomery. (Don't forget the euchre and dance to be held in the hall this Friday night. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of Cavan Church will meet at the home of Mrs. William Somerville on Wed- nesday afternoon, Jan. 3rd, at two o'clock. 'Miss Margaret McLaren of the lir. and Mrs. Win, Dougall. London University is spending the 1 lfiss Any Lantmie of Toronto Christmas holidays with her parent's, s tent Chrism as with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. ,Rbbt. Y. Mc'Laoen, Mrs, W'm, 7 atomic. London Road, } Mrs T, Murdocic and Miss Mur- M-. Eldred Smith of �:ondon isn en -'site are s' l•ing the Cha'istm'as va- spending Christmas at this ht` ne Jhere.; cation with relatives in Toronto. New Dates, 3 lbs... 29c Mixed (Peel lb. , -17c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. ... , .26c Mixed Nuts, 2 pounds ...33e Mixed Candy, 2 pounds . , ..29c Satin Mixed Candy, 2 1b. , . ,25c. Navel Oranges, 13 for ..,.30c Sunset Canned Peas, No. 4 - Navel Oranges, 13 for , .....40c 3 tins .... , .. ;'..... , ...28c Cranberries, pound. .........19c 3 tins Corn ....:.......:..28c FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER, quarts Limit two to a customer. .29c NOTICE 'TO GREDhrORS Notice is hereby given that ail cre- ditors y ' claims i "i and others ` lav ;z dtt 0 rs g ' Dever- eaux,. to .o �anies the.esta J against I eaux, late of the 'Township of .Tucic- ersui'ibh, in the Gottnty of Hu'roai, Far- HILLSGREEN IHo'iiday visitors during Chris'tm'as day were: Mr. and Mrs. A, -Smith,, and l'Larion of Brantford with. Mr, anil Mrs, J. Richardson, Misses Annie and Agnes .Cochrane of Clinton 'wi'th Mr. and Mrs. H. ;Fuss. 'Miss Mary Hagan{ o'f:,London 'with her sister Miss Drolly Hagan. nMr. and Mrs, W. ;Huxtable, Mr, and Mrs. M. Elliott and family, and Mrs. E. Anderson and Agnes, all of Centralia, with Mr. and Mrs. Ja's. 'Love. Mr. V. Dinn'en with his parents near Cromarty. ,Hiss :Nit. Woods at her home in 1{itchell, Me, and Mrs. R. McAllister and daughters and air. and Mrs, R. Con• sift with Mr, and firs. C. Parks, Goshen Line. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cochrane and ,Audrey and Mr, and Mrs. H. Mc- ,Murtrie at Alex. of Kippen with 'Tarrott a:'d Annie. Mrs. Friss and Dave of Zurich tt nt'li 'Mrand Mrs, W. Reichert. mer, deceased who died on the 241bh day Of May, 11913!1', are required' to for- ward their claims duly proven to the undersigned, .solicitor for the iAdunin istrator, on or before the (Sixth day of lJa'euary, 11934. And Notice Is Further 'Given that after the .said last mentioned date,, the Administrator will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the estate having re- gard only tothe claims of which he their shall have notice. 'Dated at ISeafarth, Ontario, 'this Nineteenth day of December, 1933. J10(HIN J. .HUGIGARID, Sea'forth :Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. DUBLIN lir. and Mrs. Basil Byrne and their four children are the guests of Mrs. Jahn Flanagan of the village and of Mrs. Wnn, Byrne of Logan tp. We are sorry to hear that there is an election for Police Trustees of the village. The money could be saved for. other purposes. Hibbert township council are in by�t, acclamation: Jos, Nagle, Reeve; l..`onnni]t'ors, Robert Burch{ll, Ftlatik Allan, 'Win. Kay, G'eo Vivian, St. Marys Anglican Church and the public school gave a concert in iLoo- by's hall on Friday night. Choruses and suitable songs and recitation's oc- cupied the first two hours of the int- eresting program. Then S'aeeta -Claus casrne from the northland and glad hearts were overjoyed with his gener- osity and has speeches and dances. .Mr. J. C. Heffron of 'Blyth was the guest of his niece, Mrs, George E. Holland for Ohrisbniae dinner, Hugh Benninger of St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, is holidaying at hone. Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle attended the funeral of her brotiherain-l'alw, Mr. John Catlbent, of Clinton last Satur- day, and was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Holland, the lat- ter 'being a niece of Mrs. Caebeet's. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Canbert of Hib- best, cousins of Mr. Canbert, Mrs, Dien DeCourcy, Mr. J'osep'h McCar- thy, Mrs. J. J. 'Gaffney and Mrs. Jos- eplh Longelw'ay, Monlaton, were the other relatives of Mr. Carb'ert who passed with pneumonia in ,his seventy sixth year. (initernientt at Hullett, Mr. Garlbent's six nephews, the McCaugh- ey's of Blyth, and the Carbert boys of Hulle'tt, were the pallbearers on the occasion. Mr. and MSS. ,P'acien Tyers and two children spent their Chris'tm'as at Stratford with their relatives. _Mrs. M. 5. Benninger, her sons, ,Hugh and D'ona'ld, motored to Lon - den recently to visit with her only (laughter in that city. (Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr, and Mrs, Michael McIL'algh lin in the loss of their infant baby on 'Sunday. ;Mt• Joe, Maloney .me'a't Sunday with his mo:lher, Mra. 'C Maloney, in S'tra.tford. ' iA'r ang the teachers )tome, ',w�' • ..lection Cards E s notice Mr, John McGrath, Mr. Joe Carpenter, Miss Katharine Byrne, Miss Theresa Carpenter and Miss Veronica MoOou,nell. Mrs. Catharine :McDermott is spending Christmas week in Ha'rv'i1 ton and Toronto. Mise Peggy lJocdan 's'pen't Christ- mas with ;her parents in Dublin. Miss ',Leona Maloney, who is em- ployed in (London, is }holidaying at the 'hone of her parents, '.lir. land Mrs. James -Maloney, 4Ilibbert. Wedding bells are ringing 'so loud in Dublin that they can he heard aw- ay up the Ilighsvay in St, 'Colum'ban. 'Miss LA•nna 'Delaney of Toronto is visiting with her parents, •fr. and Mars; James,Delaney. 'Mr. ;Joseph ;O'Rourke, London, is on vacation +with his fatlher, Mr. Jos- eph O'Rourke. 'Miss Kay IByrne of Drysdale spent Christmas with her another. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF IWLLFT,T. 'Ladies and Gentlemen: -'At the. 'June session of the County. Council the warden warned the council that: the Treasurer's books were in a very unsatisfactory condition and that a 'Oh'anrtered Accoun'tant should be se- cured to look into the County's fin- ances. n ances. Mr; 'Ecleart moved that a Charter- ed Accountant be appointed and the. ,',atter be ` left wibh the Warden's. iConnni'Ntee, (At the sane session Mr. Leiper moved a motion that the two old couii:ty auditors, Mr. Higgins and Mr, Bo'oth, be appointed. Mr. Ecldart's motion carried by twenty-two of the council. At the nomination Mr. Leiper was:. asked how much the law costs in 'connection with the river amounted to and who got the money; and why sons t'he same not printed in the Fin- ancial S'tatemen't, Mr. Leiper could not give this information, My name is beiore•Vyou for Reeve, for 419134 and if you see fit to elect mai, S a will assure you sound and econot`,a 1, ical government both of Township - and County affairs. Wishing you bhe compliments of the season, yours very truly, MAT. .ARMSTRO'NG KIPPEN. Mr. 'John lidKay of Saginaw, Mich., is spending a couple of weeks with his sisters in the village. 3,liss Dorothy 'Blair of Toronto is visiting' with her many friends in this vicinity, ` Mr. and Mrs. 'D. E. Kyle 'are re- ceiving- congratulations these days, a young son 'having arrived to bright- en their hone. 'Miss 'Margaret 'Cooper of 'Toronto is spending her vacation with her parents. Mr. 'Hugh Mrliurtrie had the mis- fontune to lose a good work horse recently. 'Miss Richardson and Miss Camp- bell are spending their vacation with their parents in Listowel. Mr. Fern,1Lc'Lean has returned home after a very pleasant visit with friend's in )New Ontario. :S'evera•l in this part are confined to the house with severe colds, Mr. 'John' C. Doig of Detroit spent Christmas with his another and sister. Mr. and Mrs. 'Giant Lowe of Lans- ing, Mich., are visiting with, their many relatives around the bung. The following is the report Of S.S. No. 2, 'Tuckersmith, for the 'term just closed. The 'pupils were examined in spelling, arithmetic, sea'lin'g, literat- ure, writing, composition, grartnnaar, history, geography, art and agricul-, tore, The names marked with an as- terisk were absent far one or more examinations: Sr,a'IIV.-Theda 'Wat- son tet -son 9.0, ,Dlor'olhy 'Delta 088, iOl'i've ;Smith 07,, Ecnnla Daym'ain 182, !Ronald MacGregor S0, 'Doreen Cooper 79, Bernard 'MelLean .73. jr. IV.-lEdis'bn 'McLean 181. ,Sr. ,ISiI �Kathisen IMa''c IGragor 911', *'Blan'ch'e Watson. ;712,.' Mil- dred ID'eitz 711, 'hDon Cooper 69, *IDto nald nayutan, absent for examina- tions owing to illness. Jr. III'I:-T3f1'- lie (Sproat '05, iEs'ther Dayoan 80, Gwen Cooper 77, 'Grate ' 'Sohil'be 711, Roy Cooper 68. Kenneth McKenzie 66, M'arjiorie Smith 64, Kathleen Sehilbe 63. Sr, IIL--J'ack ;Deitz, 86, 'Joe McKenzie 76, jean Schilibe 73. (Ir. rIIJBuddie Cooper 81, '\Vilmer Me'Gregor 80, {Roma Chandler 75, *rEldred Moffat, present for two ex- aminations only, - 05. 'I.-{Rosaldl Ca'ld'well 73. Pr, -'D'orot'hy Chandler, 911, Johnny (Smith 88, 'Wallace Wat- son 76, 011ie Selig libe '75, Idabel W'iTTt- son 74. 'Number on the roll 35, aver- age attend'an'ce 31, 651, ,Richardson, Teacher, MANLEY. 'Miss Mary Ellen Dempsey, of the (Guelph teaching staff, is s'pendin'g her 'Oltristmas:'holictays at;,her,11oma, lir, !Frank Detinipsey, The Christmas tree celebration and TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP,OF 'McKIL'LOP.' Ladies and Geu'tlenen,-Your vote and influence so'licted to secure the election of John Canvpbell for Reeve of the Towns'hip of McIKill'op for 1;934. Wis'h'ing you the compliments• of the season. JOHN CAMPBELL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE r, TOWNS.HLP OF .McK'I'L'LOP. 'Ladies and G'en'tlemen, -'I respect- fully Solicit your vote and influence for council and if elected I will world - for the best interes't's of the township for 1934. Wishing you the compli- ments of the season. 'WILLIAM J. SHANNON. DANCE The New Year in alt Dublin. Dalt. Davidson and his orchestra, Midnight ;Dec, 3illst. 112:05 -Gents 50c, Ladies. 25c. 512. WANTED A quantity 0f 'Oats and Barley or Mixed Grain. George Bdiatty, Varna. LOST ;On ;Dec. ,10th, a black and w'h'iter hound, 6 or '7' miles north of !Dublin, Finder Please phone 1Williami 1Haegy, 23r1112. 5 r HAY AND WOOD ;Wanted, some good early cut alfalfa. or yellow sweet clover hay free from noxlious weeds. Also some good day rough furnace wood. Would. trade Dooley seed potatoes, sweet clover` seed, or radio on same. Apply 'tto• I•Pugill's Potato and Dairy Farm. Ph'on'e 31426116. Hu ill s Dairy Y Extend to their friends and cus- tomers their best wishes for a Merry ;Christmas and 'A Prosp ' erous New Year. Also we offer till Jan. 1st with. every $1 worth of milk tickets (cash) a special Christmas bonus of 25c worth of milk tickets Free. Wouldn't this be a good way to spend a $1 towards helping some needy children in your town, by donating 16 quarts of our high test Milk as a Christmas gift. We're yours for business.- P.S.-Milk customers •please reverse the phone charges' to 34-616. 'concert given to the pupils by Miss. Helen Delaney, was a grand success. 'We are pleased to learn that lar. W. 5. Welsh' is improving from his late illness. A real old time winter set in. on Tuesd'ay and tied up traffic for cars, The roads were excellent for C'htistmas for any kind of vehicles ;id the day was -ideal.