HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-28, Page 6PAGE SIX. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. eao s.i iSo the assembly having voted nett - interference with o'hateyer tni.gh•t be in 'hand, our friend ,Lukslttntin was allowed .to get his meal in peace. !Smoking - the intpose,ubility, of get- ting anythiiiig'-and a tight is^aisbband, had kept alapdtite dawn as yet; but wdtla the Pa.tel's kitchen in prospect, it rose fiercely for the occasion as he. approached the house, !Lukshmun washed his feet and hands before he 'entered and sat down. I0, 'what a ranch of fried on,! ions there wast and, as a girl set be Pure hint a pile .of hot, well-buutered jawaree ,calces, a cup full of "char" or pepper -water with: tamarind in it, a fresh leaf fallof a savoury Slew of vegetables of all kinds, and some dall or pease -pudding, well -seasoned 'with red pepper and gmalic, Lukshmun's heart expanded, .and he set to work with a good will, iEvery'now and then a woman at the fireplace asked him if he would have more, and it 'was brought him from the pan, smoking hot. Lukshmun dallied with each morsel as he ate; and when even re- duced by repletion to licking his fing- ers, grudged the summons brought' by •a man that he was to come, "Couklst thou nor give me a few cakes, 0 sweet one, and some call?" Ise said to the-;good+natured looking wench who had been;. serving him. "I have a'brother-hungry-all clay in the rain -while I have eaten, Thou art is ,,rte, tiis ever he is, avoiding the village to the left, the • tc i ue .anti 1 5t'e,uld rather he road led .apparently in the direction of ad the 1 ..,,, ; that good I 'what looked' like a clump of trees :ra:c:1.1 tn:;n 1 ,.ren , d:i', It is `standing out against the sky. Was boas. ' i.-,, '-° Annual, to yill do that the banian tree of which: he had oe*x r.i111 b 1. fell to; been warned by the old Byragee at u'.1,:: --but 11 w. g they .e the .r e ti , the prices Siti ri? TheLaila's little stock of tl ' ' �[ t into requis t;iKlls ,_'lily the of grit the ustm::r>e, e:n- a:is 1'x411 -ed Lath,. tit , ward rs ti. the Igalla could ha...e his r 8ui'l , ;he ,H ,y mi have been the beguiled + . n 3 gossip , ,u the .e a tlar 'country 11n� part tl,f. e.:'::';lot•}' he til of t 1 , l5 every a - profoundly 1,yTt -�C t Tempt he its':tie It •, the ():.r.hao er. eu:1r . it. ''ilii 'e, was :net „ til :I flirt "Till...1 :i'_'d,:1 t ell 'el til i" r I were breaking...as appeared by patch - ,•;1 ng', very expressive panto-. ar)fright 1ritL¢e in the south-west. • ',n en the part n, the guide, who, or t. The ua ie pointed to them cheerfully back. r ecu tx� P' n.- est t i . 1 n his use then to he moved at a steady pace; for the the t )t:. a aid. own ;';•t ll though .noddy in • parts, was •the ,3611. and ilio tapped on. ill - row not ', had as what 'he had already passed. "5n as our friend is 'likely to reach Kinny without ar,hcr trouble, le' ns see What Lnksiirnrrn has , been doing since, we left hint. The little rivulet in the valley was above his knees as he .passed it, and, sshratta was again Pu t like the moon, 0 +beauty, and thy and the guide seemed to under - heart as soft .as.butter. Give Inc the Mand it readily. cakes, for a poor, weak, hunkgry bro- N'es. the village to the left was Lit- then'" •1e R iii y; that to the right, great Was there there ever such a tongue and kin , and that was the "'Burr" tree, such a face ?" retorted the damsel,. lsct •rid. Good; then he had only to 1 ue' ping: "Lank, Roolaneei"' id the tree. if that indeed were The cook turned round and looked, re,te. try. ti .ice the peal of thunder too; laughing heartily; for Luksh' the rain had decreased, and a breeze muds attitude 011 rine leg, with the •,as sprinaing upin his face, which cele of the other foot Pressed against w -as very refreshing. The clouds, too,. the calf of it, his hands joined and stretched out imploringly, and his seared face twisted into a grotesque expression of supplication, was not to be resisted. Dive him these cakes," said the cook, handing two to the, girl "By your antelope eyes, 0 sweet nes, morel" he said, not altering his posture. "Do you think two would ,fill a hungry man's belly? By your lotos feet—r, "There, lsegonel said the cook, handing him a few more and some dall; "there i$ a meal for a Rajah. ,Go, it the mistress should hear you—" "I ant gone, 0 my beauties," con - 'anted Lukshmun, folding the cakes alto his waist -cloth, and tying them behind, then wash ng his hands elah- ,rately. "You have lade my heart" - "Come, quickly, cone," said. a voice at the door; "they want thee. Wilt thou eat all day?" "1 worship you, lovely nymphs. even as Rama adored—" "Begone!" cried both the girls in a breath. "I-Lere is the mistress contill ,. house; it is not pleasant feeling a ami i if she hear such nonsense 'tlrou mint who 1tas death in Isis throat," re - wilt be whipped,"tura: ed the'Putwari. "lire is the urian who will be your •'I tell thee he is safe," retorted the ett TH'URS'DAY, DECEMBER 28, 1933 "A tree!" said the (Patel,; gravely,) "What tree? dost : thou know any, "!Lukslimun? And the south road? what road?i' "0, I suppose the noble gentleman means that by tNavindlgee aijid ;H'os't-: illy, and 'Ohik,Wotdtttly, acid Bully Sullgat'ea," said !Lwl:s'hlnukt, rol'ling out a volley of hard ICax arese,village neitne, "That road? Why, it is six cess fur- ther ,from here! They should have sent him by it from tSurroori. No," he con- iinu'ed, dropping the ILalfa's stirrup„ which he had taleen in his hand, "ill the gentleman likes to go he can .do so, of course, but his slave begs to be excused;" and he •put his joined hands up to his nose, "Very good," said the 'Lana, "1 dton't know; onlyI was 'told-" "By whom?" interrupted the Put- t . 1' ufttd :� i i.,e s tl t i;a his ma tit:'t, co.tvV)•1.5 the intimation lila• h: expected to he '.cell reit t tied. tend teas very hungry. Thus tli next villa;. ereached, the first guide wvr, !,'..missed ;rith a little extra gra- :n)•: 1 ill:: Lalla 't' cit: pro ceded ait'u a henone tEaeli tillage 1- ob-�tt. any one who did not know it, the ii,caFurnish a guide t., travelers f...m1 i w,.'uld have been dangerous; bat on :+at richt of a small :,ratuity, and Luk,llnntn waded throtegh it, without these mets relieve themselves at every apprehension. said a few minutes af- viill e.) tar. . as he entered the village gale - T: 1 ale-l;.ran 4I.1, Of l,sa hal, a seed bot w ,r and shook the rain from his flan- fr.ltl tin:, t+, time , 1 been stony but'ket, a :=roup of peaplc assembled titin .avantr and ae y :,l.tea. had i,[lore ti-elmtred him with a hearty not suffered. The dr ideal river., '''''.11 ni reetia�. which might tiara• cut him off •.nrin ., thought you would have gir- :Vh:n':1, ria- mew baiting lido; aoce,� in it up and departed," said the old after asean,.it a ,mall eminence Patel, who with his son, a few of and a wide 1 l.rn appeared before him. .Is, village farmers, and (Inc Putwari, our t' isr er congratulated himself on c,r accountant, were sitting in an open 1 speedy :arrival at hi, cot ov tio1 , chamber of the. deep gateway, the hatinghe oon,idered, rot over at legal' glace of bn loess. "We thought least one [tali of his journey. ytnw'.,itid v"eawalsT Very soon, however, ,the rough, 11s 1 'lave senthae ugp some5 •milk,y,e.kevhy ton)- • real: changed inti rine. which did yen not conte and sit here, in - at times uta' difficult to discern at -teed ef in that ungodly place up yon - t 7L The 'pl„m over w hied the road,ler: Here, ane of ye,” he contintietl to now lay was cultivated as far as .could be seen, but the fields were as yet un- sc,vu. Sial after step the mud ap- peared deeper. the stones in it more nmiseroua and slippery; and. in fact, after about a mile, during which the rain had. fallen more Heavily than ever, the plain appeared covered with water, which could not run off, and the black soil of the road and fields to have tanned into liquid metol, bare- ly able to support the stones which lay so thickly upon it. So long, too, as the rain Is -td not penetrated far be leer the surface, Mootee's feet had at Least the dry earth to rest upon; but ,now not that remained, and yet the gallant horse struggled on, snorting, and occasionally plunging, but evid- ently becnnt1ng wearied by efforts which had no respite. Still the guide ted on, sometimes by the road -track, sometimes by its grassy banks, and again leaving both. struck into other paths through the fields which prorn- isecl farmer footing. The rain contiilsied to pour in tor- rents: indeed, it was more than ever violet and a flash of blinding light n:ng, fc'llowed by a roar of thunder lefr're them, pr ,tni,ecl worse weather, Poor r. Mfrtee even winced, evincing a etr,ng determination to turn round and .rt Isis tail to it: but a few words .1 en's.oura e ne 1 from his piaster, and being led a fete paces by the guide, restored his temper; and he nr r eeerled gallantly, the:junctian of two roads, -the „rode paused for a moment. One, it was clear. led to a village they had seen for seine times past, the .trees of which loomed large and heavy through the thick air, but it appeared' out of direction of the path, The La- la's ala s stork of Canarese was simply nothing --or afahratta not mulch more;; 'but the name of his destination as at least, intealigible. "Allnnd," he said;+ holding tint a rupee between his fing- er and thumb, "Allund I" The guide grinned es he took the cm \dinned !?' lie returtiscct affirma- ttely, and striking into a pa to the right, the Leila could a tl' at, by caused the tree to stand out boldly and grandly against it'{, but t ha brightness of the slap dispelled 'tlhe gloomy association which' ,the ap- pearance lof the place had suggested' during the rain, to slight breeze, iwhich had hardly been 'felt in the 'hollow, rippled;the little l pdols on the ,road- way and on the ,p"lain'beydiucl fhe 'thee, which, level land Stony, continued, ap- parently 'many ;miles, in +the direction u4fotee paused'.., at 'elle sum'nit df <the eminence,'ansi d.he'Lalla could not help stoppiatg.lhiva to look hack upon.' the i R. F. Ji. BURROWS, Seaforth, roacl : by ,which the had chine, ,The Office and residence, Goderich etreee, Might yellow gleams of the sun shone east ;of the United Church. 0oronar broadly iuposa the 'two 1pilbages, ;and for the County of Huron. Telephosie upon the rich green 'niosises of their No. 46, corn -fields. In ,the distance both ,loole- eel Pretty and ,comfortaible: and. their terraced }houses, several iwladte temples anti the dome of a small village mos- que 'shone (brightly in the sun, 'B,ehind these, and to the south, the plain over which the 'Calla had conte stretched. away for'+ltany miles, : showing, the trees of a- village here and -'there, with the occasional sparkle of a white house or itemvple among :them; and behind all,; (the great black cloud of the day's rails, :uipon which there was•a rainbow forming of great .beauty, and against which a flight of ,white storks flashed like' silver' id the, sun. 'Away to the south, the eye followed hollow and `rise, undulation after undulation, till they 'were lost in a farther dis- tance, which melted 'tenderly into the sky. "Jt is a'' fair 'country, after till,"" said the' Labia, "though it did not look well in the rain. That plain yonder is in the direction of 'Beejapoor, perhaps?” "eat is, sir," returned Lukshmun; Dental "that high land, near the sky yonder, is beyond the lBheeina river, and, if we were there, we should see the DR. J. A. MU'NN, Successor to tomb or the great ,Sultan Mah;ntood, Dr, R. R. Ross, graduate of North- now,finished. da is very grand, sir, western University, Chicago, Ill, Li - and shines likes silver when the sun centiate Royal College of � Dental Sur- ds .on it; and ,when tI go.there," con- geons, Toronto. Office over Sills' tinued the man, "I stand like a fool, nardware, Main St:, Seaforth. Phone hooking at the King's. palace, the !Ark 151. fort, the great gun, and the Ibrahim Roza -'that's the palace where Ibra- him ,Add Sisa-h was buried; you know, PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical ;! 1DR. H, H(UIGIH RO'S!S, Phyaaaan and Surgeon, Late of London Hoa- pital,'. Loridon, England, Specawl attetuti'on to dieeases of 04e eye,: nose ,and throat, Office and ",rete- delnee, behind„j Dominion: Bank, Oaftca ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd blon!d'ay sal Phone No. 5; Residence Phpne, 144, "By Deo B ,wa :the IByragee at ,Sui;- roori." "0 the .old Bawal" said the Patel, laughing. "Curious, is it not, noble sir, that the: old man thinks that there are devils in the tree? He' tells me he was bewitohed there once, and 5 ough to cut it clown." "And I 'told him I Was not afraid, of them, 'Patcl; but he said there was something else," returned the 'La'lla, "Robbers, 7 aelppose," said Luksh nman, readily; "Pahar Singh's risen, perhaps." "Perhaps, added the Lalla, "but he did not say so,,: "Well for him," thought the Put- wari, "or his stacks would Have been bnrut to -morrow night," "Ah, do fear of thieves when you have one of 'the hunchbacks' with you," said Lukshmun, "Colne, mount my lord. Salaam, elaharaj," he con- tinued,:: making a mock salutabi'on to lite stat, which was just struggling - through a ,cloud,,. "'Salaam ! thou 'hast hInca moist to -flay; come out and dry thyself and u's too Now, noble gentle- man, mount, and you will see clow fast the excellent dinner I have eaten: in the Patel's kitchen will take nayfeet to Alluiid, and the good horse,too, looks as fresh as if he were but, just stanting," and he patted., hint. 'Ah, well 'done, sir l" he continued, as the Lalla Mounted' not ungracefully; "we poor Dekhaniies cannot, compare our- selves ,on horseback with you northern cavaliers. ,Colne, sir, the road waits .for us," And with a salutation all rotted, the Lalla rode out of the' gate, and our friend Lukshmun, cutting a . caper which showed his marvellous activity by way, as he saki, of getting the;din- ncr out of his legs, and calling to the guide 'who carried the bundle, they passed 'on over the village common, The 1Putwari sighed as the party left the gate. ,,'I tell thee, ,Seeta Ram," said 'the Patel, lie will come to no harm, and he is gone away happy." "1 aria glad he did not eat at nsy a group of "jowans," who were sit- ting in the apposite chamber, "take his blanket end dry it. )last thou eat- en to -day, friend?" "Nothing but a bit of sale cake I had in my waist -cloth, replied the man; "only that my teeth are strong, it would have broken them. The 'poor titan's' bread in the Mutt at Ku)lianee is not dainty food, and the flour was musty. 0 Patel 1" "Take him away to the house, and let then feed hint: the women will have something good, I dareasay," re- plied the Patel. "Go anti see," "And no one has passed since morning?" "Not a creature. It is not weather .o send the dogs out; and the mud from Kulmus to Kinny and hither - wards will be hopeless. No, he won't come to -day; but go and eat, friend - go and eat." r'If I aril wanted," said Lukshmun. Jee, jeei Ay, ayl I will not forget you. Go!" "What does he want out such a nay a, this?" asked the Putwari. "What has Pahar Singh inhand just naw?" "What does it matter to us, Rao aehib?" returned the Patel; "all we have to do is to keep his people in 0lad humrnr, to save our cattle from being harried, our stacks from being barred., and our people," he added, lacking round' at the farmers and their wives, `dram being robbed when they 'same from market? That isworth what we pay {rim. Should we have got the crops oft that disputed land at Chitui if he had not sent those spear - men?" "No, no; dr, not interfere," said, a chorus of fanners' varices, a -ho, in these unscetied times, might, unless their village were known to be under the protection of some local .chieftain, at any time have their flocks and herds 'wept away by the people of a more powerful village, ar 'by any of the independent ;gentry, or barons,: as may call them, of the country. 'What have we to, do with state ''af- fairs, pr with Pahar Singh either?'" DR, F. 3. ,Ra FIORSITER-Eye, Eel Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1899, . Late Assistant New York Ophthel mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield'a Eye, and Golden Square throat hospia tats, London, England, At :Comm- ercial (Hotel, Seaforth, SI•d lWednes- day ineach month from 10310' pan: to S DIR. W. C. S'PROAT.-Graduate oG Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in rear a: Aberhart's drug store, Seaforth,. Phone 90. Hours 1,30-4 p.m., 7.30 •9 p.m. Other hours by appointment, worship's gunle, said the Patel d'af Patel, "and if he is killed, it is no af- ertntially to our friend the tLalla, who, fair 01 ours.„ having arrived safely, was now di- accounts it is no business of ants," said vested ut his upper clothdng, which the Paltvaei, settlingto:his acc'oueits ;one of ,the men were drying tit 'tile te1.itli a sigh which vexed the ',Patel, opposite chamber, ,and seated in the ",No, it is nu business of ours," echoed place of honour of the assembly; -but the farmers. your worship should eat before you teat that time Rama, who was seated go on, and the Rao ,Sahib here will on the 'heap of stones, looking from take you to his house -a ,Bralnnun's .the top of the hill, exclaimed, as the. house," he added, as the Lalla appear- ed to hesitate, "-Ah, no, sir," returned .the traveller, wha, endeed was very hungry, "I could net eat witilaut I bathed, and I had better wait till I get to Ailund, ,Shookr ehaokrl I should be too long about it, and my horse has had his feed, and is ready 'to, ,go on. .And this is the tick? -not beautiful exactly." No, -afalsaraj, I am not 'beautiful, truly;" replied Lukshmun, with a de- precatory gesture to the Patel, "hut T may be useful to this noble gentle- man. You ;nay trust me, fly lord The Patel knows Ile, and so do ail these +Our friend the tLalla was soon at his s :rthy gentlemen; and ani I not come ease with his new guide, whose in- , your' junctions to aaotee, bidding him "take "They expect me, then, good fel- care," "mitld a stone,"`'liit itp'his feet' lots, replied the Lalla, amused by the and the like, encaur'aged the good man's broken Gordon, and his grot- beast, -s'iso now stepped out briskly, e.e e>�_ r expression ressian of face. 1 i t' t v1 tie the curious miistur e O f ord " o no .Ah, res, noble sir," ,answered the 1nd'14ahratta, ire which' the small man. joining his hands, "ever since gossip and scandal 'of the nei hb - g ar morning; and as 'I was coming here hoot) was told bins: ;by Lukshmun, on business I was to bring you on. amused hili ;much. The mile or so And now let us proceed. else it will which intervened between the' village be night ere we reach Attend; and," and the temple was soon passed; and he aided, with a wink to the Patel, as .they began to ascend the short els- "it is not good to he out late on the ing' ground towards the temple and roads." the tree, the latter could he seed in all "What, are they dangerous, then?" its `•.wild picturesque .detail, ,and was asked the Lalla, looking anxiously iiideed a striking abject. around him. The sun had now broken feeds, and "0 no," cried Lukshtitun, interpos- its heania shone slam tingly through its ing readily; "there is no trouble in the ragged !trunks and gnar;erl branches, rnuntry, and my lard is armed, and so resting Ibciglatly 1400 the glsey am 7. .0 no, only inm regard to the utt ane sparkling with - raberlreps, a^d and the stones: My lord will not •tinct-haestin u i "ever y g I y : c;acre: cr•tice and the road long, far I can sing him Ma- furrow of trite k.nott.:. bark casttnc hratta 'Jownees' !f he lilces" bioad shadows psi th'ye road huios*;. 'There was a tree and a temple while a',slf Slight ,,parting, p e which g' p, utg shower,' the i was told to.aatoicl and o 1- large dro s:of which 5 t as. to be p h flashed brightly. sept :b by south road," said th' f iii`'tlte air as' the 'descended,' y e, La11a Y cenrle.l, pattered. preparing .to `meant, upon the lca•es, and spread out into Lnk,'hmeae ° ' fisc' valley in a .if t : e.,chanued)g'lances ''tv� th ._ 1 e, rats,: r1; 3t. 'Jee Patel anditellse ,Ptifwarl. "Cnttld travellers:'; gained the summit, the tn9• on ellen vean'ted lite stranger?" clear sky beyond to the west not only 1 "Numascer, alaharaj," cried' a clear manly voice, ,now beside the 'Lalla's horse, which appeared to him to rise out of the earth, for he had not ob- served the approach .of Gopal Singh and Rama these?" temple, Auctioneer. the Auctioneer. "Who a" Lalia, starting and beginning to trem' GEOIRIGIE ELLIOTT, Licensed ble-"who are •these?" and the warn- Auctioneer for the County of Huron Mg : of the old ,Byragee now came Arrangements can be made for Sale upon him, with the distressing con- Date at The Seaforth News. Chargee viction that he ought to have regard- moderate and satisfaction guranteed ed it; but it 'was too late. "Who are ye " he asked anxiously. "0, this is nay brother Rama," said Lukshmun, assutingly, ,"and that is our':Jemadar 'Gopal ,Singh; they only waited 'here while 'I trent to Kinuy," "Be assured, noble sir," added the Jeinadar, laughing, and in good Oor- cloo, 'with a slight southern accent, which seemed to assure the' ` Lalla, "there is .nothing to fear. Your Wor- ship is irons rKullianee, perhaps?" "Yes, from lhuilianee yesterday." "Ah, yes, ;I remember; you were at Poorungecr'sl'Iutt. I'was just about leafing when you 'arrived, and •the old man offered you ' escort of my party, but you preferred staying. I-T-Z=h'ad ibusiness," replied the. Latta, stammering, not exactly relish- ing Gopal Singh's bold looks, and yet unable to object to him, "I was tired' and needed lest, and you could not wait." "You had conte 'from the royal court, I think they said, arsd were going to''Berjapoor wills letter for the King -proposals for peace, perhaps," "So they :said -w said -who?" 'Of all things, the Lalla supposed his destination aiieci business were at least secret; yet they appeared known, and to a perfect stranger, too, by the wayside. Ile did not feel able to reply, and was almost inclined ,to: trust to :[otce's speed, and break thoougil the :Bien; but Luksli mum, on receiving his matchlock, from his brother, fixed the match, which had been hanging loose upon the cock, in a very precise manlier, in is very,- precise manner, pressing thea trigger to sec if the match descend' rl upon the pan list others, too, laolced care- lessly to the pun?ing of their gun's,' but to the:Lalla's idea omit -toasty, ,anl', as if he should understand the action, Luicshenun's face, too, a+ppearecl it was not 00 pleasant as it had been, "Coote," said the Jentad,ar, "we have far to go to -night -what ::ieept so long, Lukshmun?" DR. F. J. B'ECH+ELY, graduatUwrt]d Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones, office 185W, residence 185J. three persons emerged trout a lane intlo a low field iii which the road was distinctly visible. "Jemadarl he is conning at last, and. Lulcshnnut is with hill.; we must be ready. ,Look, they are there!" he con- tinued, as Gopal Singh joined "shim, "between the villa'ge and the streans," "Ah, 1 see them', 'Rama, and thy brother is, as true as gold. ,We will join them as they go on; he must not suspect us yet," CHAPTER XII WATSON AND REIDvE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY / (Sucessors to. James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH,' ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clasp Companies, THE : Mc1411.L0P Co, r �C� Mutual Fore 1nsu e HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont OFFICERS Geo, R.'McCartney, Seaforth -. Pres. James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Tres. Merton A, Reid, Seaforth—'Sec.- Treas. AGENTS: `! W. E. 'Hinchley,' Seaforth; John Murray,'' R. R, 3, Seaforth;. E. R. G. Jarm'onbh, Birod'lsagen; James Watt, Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; Wm. Yeo; Holmeswille. DIRECTORS: William Knox,,Londesboro; George Leop'hardt, Brodhagen; fames Con- nolly, God'erich;, Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blydlh; George McCartney, N'o, ;;3, Seaforth; John ,Pepper, Brucefield; James Sihol- dice, Walton; Thomas Moylan, No, 5,. Seaforth, Parties desirous to effect'' insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers ad- dressed to ' their respective post offices. "0, the (Patel at Riney said we were to escort, this worthy gentleman,;, as governnrest orders``hiad come about li)m f1'oha `Allund; so I waited, as the rain had delayed h•i»i;' The dLilia felt reassured; Isis ar- rival ,was no doubt expected "Aa yes, sir," ,continued Gopal' Singh, "'you had better Piave come on willsthree days ago, but it does not nsatter noir. That is a 'fine 'horse of yours,"' he added, putting illotee's :neck, "anal from aiindustan, i5 -think as sly lord is. We; tea that' +is; my `fantily-=arc also front:hence, Janott,i utreee; sp is this good b+un,"too;" and he held out his own, "yes;• one can hit 'a man on horseback; at full speed half as far as to the stream 'yonder," • Continued''' Next Week Stop the ,Cough, - 10oughing is caused lav y ieritation• in the respira- tory passages :and is the effort to dis- lodge obstructions that coma from ;its- flanaanaeion of the mucous membrane. Treats}ten't tvith Dr. Thomas' Eclec't- ria Oil will allay the it flaniniation and in consequence the cough witi usu'ailystop. Tr 3'it and you will he satisfied; :J,ii,iweay