HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-28, Page 2T'HURS'DAY, DECEMBER 28, 1933
Edltta file eletaporth Ncv
Deaf Sir--ij would be pleased to
havethis ,editorial inserted hi the cols
nn11ti> of ycitu' very valuable paper.
-Most of us, if we are h lie:1t with
rJurs en cs, will have to '3lmit that we
were' riding for a fall, not only in-,
dididu ally lite municipally provincial
ly and nationally. Ar'evening-op of
coninhodity prices 10101111 go a long
Way in forcing the depression to turn
.around the corner, 'Premier Bennett
is doing his utmost 't41 overcome the
,rasage1 of the depression;;I must in-
variably give Premier Bennett out-
standing praise for the many benefits
.he has p000ure"1 for 'Canada since ills
inauguration as premier of Canada.
He has non laurels not only for him-
self, but for 1: people 1, Canada as
veil- Ile is always re:.01y tel cater to
requiremems of to people and
Ile is 1 i lg, with v ery beneficial ef-
fects. illis net and ah111ty at the
Imperial 1.':1nfereace shows that he
is possessed out outstanding ability
to ti very Treat degree, Ile proved
'sinlself at the Imperial Conference
the mainstay of the conference, and.
it '1v '.e11 ilaV•e gone dew 0 to defeat
except for hie untiriO4 efforts which
he hronght to a very beneficial ending
for Catsada. He procured a very fav-
orable quota tin ,11 heat to the British
Empire and he tills.) showed exemp-
;ary l,uo114edge in the many poe:er-
ences he received for Canada. Our
gecerumeetc are as hard hit by the
depression as the people they find
t a very heavy prop si 1'n to balance
the inelget. '(:)f course, thee: is 0 tax
.in sugar 0 twit dollars a hundred
pounds. o.he eas if our government
didn't tax sugar they would have to
place that tax on other commodi-
tie;, so llhtere is the difference? The
ne plc will have to pay the price to
balance ,he budget. l wish to con-
gratulate our provincial Premier
Henry in having a surplus of $500,-
000 over budget. As the depression.
is in a serious c,nttlitiutl at the pros -
telt time, 1 consider if the people
would enly put their heads together,
they could place it in a different posi-
tion than it is at present.
Munielpal and town elections will
:socio be on the 1orpath as usual. The
candi.lates wJl pu,bahly be out with
.ample eration 'uytug ta convince the
public that they were on the right
path. I take the privilege upon
.mlysei: to remark that 1 always
heard that Seafortit was the best ;gov-
erned town in \V. O',tario. I warn
all nondeipalifies 1) t to impose a
tax ) yollrl til, 1 ''p'e ability to pay.
That v ilei mean a lowering of the
tax rite e ettr- aird : of 1' It 00 it is at
present. 1f' that is not dome, '00 will
have tl elect an advisory board or
place a nett :f ,..0 a Roosevelt to
take Aver and conduct the financial
affairs of every a utiicipalfty.
I notice ',there -a delegation - front
Stratford approached provincial auth-
trities to have a paved road constrtict-
rd from .'orthur to Stratford, a dis-
tance of 3+1 miles. They got no hear-
ing. They had to go home empty
handed. 'Serves them right, and there
was another set of delegates from
Stratford which approached the pro-
vincial authorities, asking?: ior a re-
fund of city licenses of trucks. Well,
well, they inuc''111 have any hair und-
nder their hats, they must he bald.
The London n nlay n. is seeking to
have 0 11 tV 1ailllay. station erected I11
Ids city and also 1 new postofficc If
these nuildiegs are a Teal necessity, go
ahead and construct them, bat 1 will
1•e•ntark that the (level -ill -item h meld
run the financial affaira o- the c )11L0y
on the same 1),Ists as a well-t"o-do far-
mer conducts his farm, but 0 suppose
that would Il+are Mitchell Hepburn'
Ltit F a lob, Premier l!efihtett i; 00)1-
41)00 1 for 1 fa - high tariff '.Gall
eeac:el in .. e..ieer Canada. Every
national 1cr.:r 'r-)Iriel Ayes has
his c 11111',•' .. 1 by 11:41 • tariff
.colli. i 1r'.Hint your finger at
Premier Be,: , I suppose the only
e)planatien r•xcnse they 'c:ub!
make for rintn'' s 1 was that polities
.takes to the leinllw side 100111times.
The Irtlired States 1;14 such -a prohibi-
tive tariff wall againi.t Canadian pro-
ductions shell as live stock, cream,
butter, milk, eggs, etc., as these enm-
nladities cannot be shipped across the
border with any beneficial results.
All nations are suffering from a
common ill; it is to be seen only too
clearly in the immense numbers of the
unemployed with an over -abundance
of supplies nn the one hand and a la-
nientable nverpltts sof want and unem-
ployment on the other hand has every
national leader the world 'ver at his
Nrin 'agar
God of the Years, at this the New Years' dawn
flask of Thee a heart that may be drawn
To render with delight each day its thanks
That Thou art God; that nothing Thee outranks
That none can change Thee; that in "Thee combine
All Love and Wisdom; that all Might is Thine.
God grant at eventidean hour of peace
When all Life's clam'rous calls and cares may cease;
When I in quietness a while may"muse::
Observe wherein 1 judgment's scale misuse
To overtrate myself, or count as less
Than their true worth the strength and sprightliness
Of others; may vain, foolish pride restrain;
May sympathy and understanding gain.
Beseeching thee, O God of Years, I stand
Upon the threshold of this Year, my hand
In suppliant grasp upon Thy garment 'laid,
Anti face the future, glad, and unafraid
Margaret Wade
11,, fes t 1c:,
talking together on the street, One of
them used the word neither` pro-
nouncing it "Ny'ither.' The second
corrected him anld said it was "Nee-
ther." They .could not agree 0)1 11 so
they, asked the th'ind Irishman for his
opinion on which of them was right.
"Well," he said, "Ye're both 'wrong.
It is `Nayttiver' "
'thanking you, YIr, Editor, for
space, 3 will, dem my'letlter to a close
by extending kind regards ,and best
wishes for a happy Christmasand a
Prosperous New Year.
S'e•a'forth, Ont, '
A reader has furnished the follow-
ing from "The Courier," of Crystal
City, Man,:
A plan Who was too economical
�fq subscribe for his local paper,
sent his little boy over to borrow
His neighbor's paper. In his haste
the boy knocked over a five -dollar
stand of bees, and in. two •tnina'teS
looked like a warty squash.
II -lis cries reached ' his father, who
ran to his assistance, and failing to
notice a barbed wire fence, ran into
that, 'breaking it down, cutting a
handful of' flesh out of his anatomy
alit ruining a four -dollar pair of
The old cove took advantage of
the 'hole in the fence, rash into the
corn field and killed' herself eating
green corn.
IIlearing the racket, the wife ran ,
out, upset a five -gallon churnful of
rich cream into a basket of - chick
drowning the whole flock. In
hurry she dropped a ten -dollar set of
false teeth..'
'T'he baby, left alone, crawled
through the spilled"creanh and into
the parlor' and ruined a now $925 rug.
During the excitement the eldest
daughter ran away with the: hired
man; the Clog broke up thirteen set-
ting hens, and the calves got out and
chewed the tails off four 'fine shirts
hanging on the line.
The local paper is like a woman.
Every mail should, avoid trouble by
Baying one of his own.
Mr, \•illl Hays has handed u
copy of The Durham Chronicle, date"
July 9th, '11965, 1yhich he carie across
among sante old papers recently. The
Chronicle was in its second yoar of
publication and was a four page sheet.
'.1 he headings on the front page are:
Hydrophobia 'Cured. by Salivation;
The Terrors of :Baashiulneas; 'Impud-
ent Questions; Jaclassical; Mrs. Mor-
g;an s \i'aitte Law; A Gentle Rebuke;
Joke on a Constable; Story of Two
Pv15, Calves; A'. Story with a \Loral; The
Railway 1\leetittg at Belntore; Wo-
men's Worries; most of these being
humorous .'stories ,from all over the
The railways was the all-important
glrestibu of the day in Western Ont-
ario. Two 'Durham stores had large
pictures of a railway train. 00c1 one of ,
these stores was called +''The ,Railw'ay
The Atlantic cal)le was thein in op
Cti , eration, half a column bf old country
news being contained below la 11ead-
dr ` ing "Latest News by the Cable,"
0 ""l'he Late Southern War" is'referr-
ed to, with the text of a general am-
nesty proclaimed at 'Was hiupton on
Jtily 3rd, It closes with the words:
"Now therefore, 11e it known, that
1, Andrew Johnston, President of the
L IIn ted States, (to by virtue of the
e , Constitution, and i11 the name: of the -'
'people of the united States, hereby
*reclaim arid declare, unconditionally
and without reservation, to all and to
met) person who directly or iodirect-
N'it S
end to find a solution for the :de-
l-ressiol--'Hepburn please take notice.
It is tip to the farmers to lift them-
selves out of the depression. B'c up and
doing and don't fall below zero tae-
cause t11 re is a depression.
Gat the machinery revolving 0111 er-
ect an abattoir that ye can call your
ovvu. Seaforlh ie the centre of a gteat
agricultural territory. Ye could have
your abattoir established in Seaforth;-
the farrier; might nay that they could
.roll a hen t, ret con, but I say they
have the money in their pockets right
now to build an abattoir, It could be
dime 0)1 this system: You are shipping
your cattle to Toronto and you are not
realising very extensively over pro-
ductive costs, Somebody is making
money out of your cattle. It could'b11
done in this manner: divert 200400
Cattle from T rohto abattoir to the
Seafurth abattoir and save yi2,33 a
head on freight. ;t'_.1,1 on '20Q,0110
olefins a grail( total of 1.400,J10. Th:
amplifies the saving you would make
in one year.
If you don't build the abattoir in
Scaforth you will have to o11I111nu0
shipping these 200,009 conic to'Toron-
to and you wilt have ° to send 4x'00,000
to pay expenses which you could save
if you had an abattoir in Seaforth,
Has Toronto not been pulling the
n1•nol over your eyes long enough.
At the inaugural meeting of the
city council of London elle newly el-
ected Mayor addressed his councill-
ors on the year's business ahead. He
had on his slate the building of a new
railway station, 'He •requested 10 get
busy about it and have everything in
readiness so I..hey could have an early
star.( in the spring to erect the railway
station. Surely this London mayor
knows that the Government owns the
NdR. and that they have officials
'),) 1nted to look after the railway, as
any kind of a shack is good enough
as a railway station in the present
condition of the railway. Surely these
railway officials will shove their capa-
bilities, in not spending amouey where
it is not required. 11 am not afraid to
het a two penny bit, as the Irishman
would say, that the railway officials
will stand by their guns when it
conte; to building 'a new railway sta-
tion i11 London.
China is buying a considerable
quantity of wheal front Canada at
present, Wouldn't i3 be' great if she
would buy 200,000,000, bushels, but as
those people have eaten rice since Ad-
am was a boy it would' be like steal-
ing porridge from the'-iScotchrnan
to try to nbstitutc v,•hsst to. takee'''th
place of rice in „those countries.,
Roosevelt has started; out on
campaign to` renovate Conditions in
los country. Ile is undertaking a one-
man rule. The people of the U.S.
seam to have: every coliUidence in him
10 trying to uplift linen] front their
present cotlelitioti Of 'course lie nits
soune critics against 'hi111, the 5a111e as
our Premier'. Bennett. Aly impression
is that it is beyond the power �1f hu-
manity to lift the depression, j he de -
1y pal'ticipated in the late insurrection
and rebellion, excepting such person'
or, persnif5"as 111ay' 'be littler present- '
tient, or indictment 'i11 any Court of "
the United States shaving competent
jurfsd'etipn;, upon a'charge,of ,treason
or other felony, a hill nardol and
amnesty ,fol•. the on^.itee 'of -treasons
tinainst the 'United Sita.,,, 0t•;'.of ad-
haising th .their ehleanies dtiritig the
pression itself will 'lave to do throe, it I late civil v ars with the .restoration \'lf
is 'working slowly that way tlie> last all lrighlts of pt'0perty,, except,; as to
six ttilonths, slaves, and except, also, as to :illy pro
a t .
1 C ty a E }trhidh an .; e,• �
At the present tfnne the world' a inI y p ,s n may hate
a vory ohaobie condi-tion: '01 is :a tine! b,e.en lce'ally',, divested,= under the la 's
to show 1' ,generosity:' .to the alpine of��the Uai'ted States,'"'
heigiit of 1'00 �p, ee lot I \Will re_ Extensliva Crcdilt ale' was the
mind all officials wlho;have allythln hea;dih,g of the 0110 ;auctton 5'ale nth'
to do y 111 tli'e' tax rape ho take into' vertised as follows: There will be, sold
consideration; 'the ability of :+ the hy,public alteti00, at'the ,Rocky Sau-"
e poops to pay:;' Been, Elhiatt's 'Ha'rel, oil Thursday,'
Spealaing of'I Trishmen, have r' you Judy 116tH, 118'08, the feellawiutiglive
a heard the story of the three', Irishmen sto'ek and property: The well 10110•tr.`;
(1 11 mention 110 carnes) who were 1 (Co1n1tibmled 011 Pp'ge Three.)