HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-21, Page 8HENSALL. Mr. and \lis Laird Mickle and children spent Sunday in Ridgetown vistums with Mr. Mickle's parents Mm and Mrs. Geo. Howard of Ex- eter visited with Mr. Howard's bro- ther, Harry, in town Saturday.; Mr. and Mrs. j, Corbert and little son visited in Dashwood on Siuulay. Mrs. John .Bean was in London the ,first of the week. Her sister, \las`s Ro- beta Ruskin, who has been operated on for appendicitis in the London hos- pital, is getting along nicely, Mr. Talbot and son of London vis- ited on Sunday with ]Jr, and Mrs. Collyer. Mrs. C. S. Hudson visited friends in eek. ;:Landon for a few :days last w The many friends of Mrs, T. C. Joynt will be pleased to hear she I{as returned home from the Clinton hds pital where she has been fdr several weeks. On Sunday last the service in the 'United Church was in charge of the pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair. At 'the .evening service there was a girl's quartette, entitled, "God' Will Take Care of You" by :Bella S'm'ale, Ruth Coles, Mildred Follicle, Katlmryne Drysdale. The Y.P. Society of the United Church have withdrawn the !meetings until after the New Year, also the Welfare Youth Club of Carmel Church. Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of Car- mel Church, took the services Sun- day. At the evening service there was a ladies' quartette, by Mrs. Harold Bell, Irene Daters, Mabel Workman, Irene Hoggarth. Carmel Church will hold their an- nual Sunday School entertainment in the school room of the church on Fri- day evening, Dec. 22nd. A good pro- gramme is being provided and a good crowd expected. Miss Margaret Johnston is assist- ing in the post office this week. The nominations for Reeve, coun- cillors, three school trustees and one member of the local hydro commis- sion will be held here on Friday even- ing, Owen Geiger is in the field for Reeve and ii the present Reeve. Wil- liam Consitt, is not in the field, Coun- cillor Jones will run mt i for Reeve.Mr. Jones has had a great deal of munic- ipal experience. Councillor Petty is also willing to rtin for Reeve. He has had a great many years of municipal. experience and is a former Warden of .the county. The election will be held New- Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children of the Beach -o -Pines, were Sunday visitors with relatives. l[r. Robert Higgins returned home on Sunday after a two weeks' visit -with his daughter, Mrs. 0. Beaver, of Farquhar. Our -'merchants are having a good Christmas trade and have their stores nicely decorated. The reception held in the town hall Season's Greetings TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND GENERAL PUBLIC WE WISH TO EXTEND' A MERRY •CHRIST.MAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. . Kerslake W. E. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21,'1933.'' of his passing et his late lhome in Seafot-th on Saturday lastThe late 1Ir. William McDonald was for many }ears a good friend and neighbour to those in. this locality, having lived on the +farm novo owned by has son-in-law Mr. Ross Broadfoot, one inile east of the village, 'Heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved wife and two. daughters, Mary, ,Mrs. Ross Broad - foot, 'mow living on the :farm formerly owned by her father, and Margaret at homer 'Many friends attended the funeral. Quite a number from this district spent a day -recently in:London. Sure- ly i ly the Christmas spirit abroad will brighten the signs of the times. The IGauld Mission Band met in the school room on Saturday afternoon for, their annual' re -organization meet- ing, Christmas party and Thanleoffer ing. After the devotional period and election of officers ander the direc- tion of Miss ,Penfold, 't'he'Superinten- dent,. the' boys and girls spent a Nappy time.' at games, followed by refresh- ments served by the losing side in the year's contest, The following are the officers for 119134: 'Superintendent, Miss Penfold; president, ,Doreen -Cooper; secretary, 'Edna,Daymond; treasurer, Theda Watson; library 'sec., Edison MdLean. IW.M.S.-IOn Wednesday the ladies of the •Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. 1W. Sinclair for their annual meeting! After the regular de- votional period under the direction of the president, Mrs. 'Cooper, assisted by Mrs. Finlayson; the topic +was ta- ken by Mrs. McMurtrie, •assisted by on Thursday last in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richardson, bride and groom, was well attended and a very enjoyable time was spent. The, young couple 'were presented with a beauti- ful-studio eauti-ful studio couch. LondonMrs. Mark ,Drysdale ,was in on Saturday. Miss Olive. Workman was in Lon- don Saturday. alile to re - Mr. Jas, A, Bell Lias been turn hone frown' the London Hospital where he has been for several weeks. Mr. ;Bell is improving slowly. The last (meeting of the 11933 village council held Friday evening at 8 pm. in the council chamber with all mem- bers present, except Councillor Mick- le. Minutes of the previous erecting read and adopted. F. IG, Bonthron, tax collector, reported: unpaid 1932 taxes as being $376.2+11, also reported rd the 1933 taxes unpaid as being only 12.6 per cent or $1655.311 which is consid- erable better than last year. Petty and Spencer, that the collector send the 19312 arrears of taxes to the county treasurer. Carried. Jones and Petty, that we refund \V. G. Thompson Ltd. the suns of $3.30 being an error on tax roll Carried. Communications were read from W. G. Thompson Ltd. and F, Hardin_g, same filed. Bills and ac- counts read as follows: School Board, school rates 43675dl5; public library board, library rates, $193.63; Huron County Treasurer, county rates, 42,014.4S0; F. G. Bonthron, refund re Batten and Durham $3.30; 0. Geiger, refund dog tax, $2; W. G. Thompson, Pfaff, tax i 0' roll 33 Ltd., error on $ J. removal of rnbbih, $11.00. Total 5989B11S. Spencer and ,Jones that the accounts as read be paid and C. Hud- son account be held for further con- sideration. Carried. Consitt 'reported that C. Wolff had earned $5:50; Coo- per $3.00 and Moir $4.00 and same was placed to their credit for the re- lief given this year. Spencer and Pet- ty, that we now adjourn. Carried. Janes A. Paterson, Clerk. FOR SALE Several Dwellings IN SEAFORTH & EGMONDVILLE Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are ldw. A. D, SUTHERLAND KIPPEN. The many friends and old neigh- bors of the late Mr. W. McDonald were very surprised and sorry to hear Dairies Avon Pasteurized Milk PROTECT YOUR FAMILY WITH SAFE MILK RDY BUTT British American Service Station PHONE 27 Goderich St. East 'Seaforth ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH "For the Ckildren's .Sake" An open letter to every motorist in Ontario We have learned to think of Christmas as the children's festival -the time when child -hopes and happiness are lifted high in every home in city, town, and village. But Christmas -tide is very often a season of icy roads and slippery streets, when driving becomes difficult and dangerous, and cars slide and slip over the treacherous surface. It is the time when accidents and fatalities can happen without warning -unless drivers realize the imperative need for added care and extra caution. Throughout the province to -day, thousands of children are eagerly anticipating the coming of Christmas, and the joy of the days to follow when the presents and pleasures of that day will bring renewed happiness and enjoyment. If, by any fault of driving or from any neglect of some simple rule of safety, you were to deprive one of these children of health and strength, even of life itself -what a responsibility would be yours! For the children's sake, this appeal is made to you, and to every motorist in Ontario: that throughout this winter, you undertake to drive carefully, cautiously, sanely, and safely, lest one child's life be lost, or one little form crippled or torn? Don't let any home in Ontario be darkened by sorrow and sadness this Christmas -tide because YOU did not drive carefully enough. This is an objective worth the effort -and its cost is only a little more care as you drive. More and more the considerate motorists of Ontario are realizing how much depends upon them, in the campaign for safety driving on our roads. It is a matter of deep gratification to know that fatalities in which automobiles are concerned are decreasing in this province. From January 1st to October 31st, 1933, there were 71 less fatalities of that character than in the same period last year. For this marked improvement in safety -driving the Government of Ontario offers its thanks and congratulations to the motorists of the province. It is a definite indication that the majority of drivers of automobiles in Ontario are co-operating in a real endeavour to reduce the death -toll of the open road. To ensure that this gratifying improvement is maintained during the dangerous clays of winter, as well as throughout the corning year, will YOU not make this resolution, if for no other reason than "for the children's sake": to protect life and health by driving with care and caution, by observing the simple rules of the road, and by making safety your motto as you drive along the highways and the by -ways: of the Province? Toronto, December 19th, 1933 Minister of Highways .NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is he're'by given that all -ere ditors; and others having claims againrst the estate of James Dever- eaux, late of the Township of 'T'uck- n 'Far- unit o f Huio 'i' in the Go , ers.nmibh, Y vier, deceased, who died on the 24th day Of May, 1191311, are relquired to for- ward their Claims duly proven to the undersigned, solicitor for the :Admin- istrator, on or before the (Sixth clay off. Janoary, 119314." And Notice Is Further :Given th-at after the said last .mentioned d'a'te, the Administrator will proceed to disbr••iib- ute :the assets 'of the estate 'having re- gard only to the claims of Which he then shall have notice. !Dated at ISeaforth,: -Ontario, Ithi's' :Nineteenth day of December, ;11933. JIOIHIN '3. H'UGIGARD, Seaforth, :Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. a number of those present. Mrs.. Chandler read the devotional leaflet, "Tlhe, Touch of His iH'and." ,The re- port of the nominating committee was adopted the :following officers being elected for -1934: :Honorary president, Mrs. E. F.Chandler;president,"'Mrs. W. W. Cooper; 1st .vice president, Mrs. W. Alexander; 12116 vice presid- ent; Mrs. H. McMurtrie; Ord vice pre- sident, 'Mrs, J. ,Finlayson; secretary, .vlrs. A. Monteith; treasurer, Mrs. J. W. McLean; Missionary Monthly secretaryMrs. E. Sproat; strangers' secretary, Mrs. W. Frencis; Associate IIelper's secretary, Airs. T. N. For- sythe; press secretary, Mrs. IE. F. a Chandler; Baby Band secretary, Mrs. ChriMffiatSii';ecials New Dates, 3 lbs 29c Mixed Peel, ib. 17c Seedless' Raisins, 2 lbs, 25c Navel Oranges, 13 for 30c Navel Oranges, 1;3 for 40c Cranberries, pound 19c Mixed Nuts, 2 pounds .....33c Mixed Candy, 2 pounds , , ..29e Satin Mixed Candy, 2 lb. ...25c Sunset Canned Peas, No. 4-- 3 -3 tins 28c 3 tins Corn 28c FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER, quarts Limit two to a customer. 29c W. IA li • A successful euchre' and dance was held in !the hall last Friday 'nigh't, The prize -winners were: Ladies' .first, Mrs. Hugh Alexander; 'ladies' one 'hand's, Mrs. Archie Herr; mien's :first prize,) Mr. Wilsons :Little and men's lone hand prize went ,to 'Mr. Guy Doi. - ranee. 'After lunch a few hours were spent in dancing. :Don't forget the Christmas -'don-Cent in the church on Thursday evening, Dec. 2itst Nomination will be held, in the hall this Friday. \V. Harney; superintendent of Mis- sion Circle, Mrs. J. IL. Henderson; superintendent of Mission Band, Miss 1?. Penfold, The Y!P, of St. Andrew's United Church met for their usual meeting on Sunday evening last with John Alexander presiding. Rev. E. F. Chandler very ably took the topic, 'Is Poverty Inevitable? Teachers and scholars are all look- ing fomvard to the 'Christmas holi- days after 'the rush of concert, studies, exams, etc„ of the previous weelc. 'The pupils of S.S. No. 114 Stanley are putting on their annual Christmas. concert on Thursday evening, Dec, 21 Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Foster of Wind- sor are visiting with their many friends in 'these parts. 1Mr. Jas. M•cClymoat is spending a month with friends in Detroit. A'L-. \\Tin. Workman has returned from Flint, Mich., where he teas call- ed ow'ing to the serious illness _of his brother, who, we are glad to say, is some better. Mr. Andy Blair is spending the winter months in the sunny south and we wish him a pleasant trip. Mr, \V'nm. Dietz is very busy grind- ing grain for the farmers. The many friends of Mr, George Strong are glad to know he is keep- ing a little better, lIiss Richardson spent the week end in London, Miss Penfold1 teacher in No. 4, Stanley, is having- a grand entertain - anent in the school on Thursday even- ing ill 8 pail. sharp, WINTHROP. A Merry' Christmas to one and all" Mr. and Mrs, Norman Geddes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little. NOMINATION 'MEETING The annual meeting of the electors of the Township of MciKilIop will be held at Winthrop Hall on Friday, December 22nd, 1933, at one o'clock p.m. -for the purpose of nominating a Reeve and four Councillors for the Municipality of the Township of M'c- Killop for -the year 1934. Sh'ould more persons be nominated than are required,to 511 the several Offices an election will be held on Monday, the first day of January, 1934. ' rim. till Polls will be open from 9 a. oPlaces:' m m. atthe 'following I 'Poll No: 1, -+James Carlin's house, \Lot 10, Con, 5. lames Nolan, DR.lO.; William Maloney, P.C. (Poll No. 2-JJoseph Hogg's house, Lot 25, Con. 4. Janes B. 'Hogg, 0; Mrs. Geo. Eaton, P.C. Boll No. 3-1Josoph Smith's house, Lot 10, Con. 12. John R. Leeming, D. R. 0. Henry Bente vies, P.C. Poll No. 4-!Schoo'l house No, 7, Lot 26, Con. 12, William 'Somerville, 'DJR.O.; Willis Dundas, P.C. J'0IPN MoNAY, Returning Officer. CARD OF THANKS Mrs.' W. A. Ross and 'fam'ily wish to 'empress their sincere thanks to the Rev. Mr. IBrem'ner and to all wlso (kindly offered their 'help, sympathy and conlsa'la,tion :during their late ber- eavement etnen:t. N'OMINATION NOTICE FOR SALE • - IA number of choice live geese for sale, for anyone 'wishing to keep them over. J, A. Montgomery, Winthrop, Phone 234 r 111', ,Sea'forith. :LOST iOn Dec. 10th, a black and white- hound, 6 or 7 miles north of Dublin.. Finder please phone -William itl'oegy,. 23'r112. 1 NOTICE All books Hurst :be returned to the :Public Library on or before Saturday, (Dec. 23'rd.-Greta Thompson, Lib-- rariain. Township of Tuckersmith The annual meeting of the electors of the Township of Tuckersmiih, for the nomination of candidates for the office of Reeve and Cou'ttcillors for the year •11934, will' be held at Walker's Ball, Bracefield, on Friday, December 22nd, from 1' to 2 p.m. If a poll be necessary such poll shall be opened on 'Monday, January 1st, (193'4, at the following places and by the following officers: No. 1, W . C. Govenlock's house, W. C. Govenlook, D,IR..O , Har- ry Stewart, P.C,; No. 2, School No, 8, Ed. ,Brown DIR.10.; J. B. McLaren, P.C.; No. 3, School House No. 4, Sam Whitmore, D.R.O., Fred Pep per,. P.C; No. 4, School House No. 3, Thomas Chapman, DiR O., J. W. : Meantoslh, P.C.; No: 5, School House No. 1, R. D. (Bell, " D!R.O,; Melvyl. Traquair, 'P.C.; No. 6, School House No. 9, William Sinclair, D.R.IO., Alex- ander Sinclair, P.C. Poll open from 9 a.m. to -5 p.m. D. F. Mc:GRE,GOR, Clerk. HAY AND WOOD Wanted, some good early cut alfalfa or yellow sweet clover hay free from noxious weeds. Also some good dry wood. Would t ld trade: rough furnace Dooley seed potatoes, sweet clover. seed, or radio on same. Apply to Hugill's Potato and Dairy Farm.. Phone 34 ,516. 1G. 52. YORKSHIRE :HOG For 'SERVICE' (Government inspected, registered' XXX. Purchased from the herd o` J. K, Fetherstan, Streetsv.ille, Ont.' Service fees $l. A number -Of chunks 50 lbs. for sale. John Nolan, S^eaforth, RR. No. 4. 501 FOR SALE Two lady's coats: 1 black plush't coat with gauntlets and pap to match,' for $J0;'1 black fur coat, for $15.. Porth 111 good condition. Apply at The.: News Office. 5'1. HORSES WANTED I am in the. market for old horses and will pay the highest prices. JACK CUDMORE. Hugill's Dairy ,41,a Extend to their friends and cus- • tomers their best wishes for a Merry Christmas and A Prosp- erous New Year. Also we offer till Jan. 1st with every $1 worth of milk tickets (cash) a special Christmas bonus, of 25c worth of milk tickets Free. Wouldn't this be a good way to spend a $1 towards helping some needy children in your town, by donating '16 quarts' of our high: test Milk as a Christmas gift.. We're yours for business.- P.S.-Milk customers please reverse the phone charges to 34-616. Wonderful Bargains Walker's Furniture Store for Christmas Shoppers Come early and make your selection CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOM SUITES & DININ'G ROOM SUITES All Priced Below Catalogue Quotations OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Upholbtered in Colors which Match Any Room 5.75 to 9,00 END TABLES, SMOKERS, TERN STANDS, PICTURES, CARD TABLES At Prices Which Will Accom- modate All Purses KITCHEN CABINETS SETS ofAND CHAKITCHENIRSTABLES ODD CHAIR'S & TABLES, ETC. Also Furniture for the Children STUIDIO COUCHES Convertible Three Ways: As a Double Bed, Twin. Beds,; or Classic Couch. ALSO DAY BEDS FROM 10,50 to 12.50 A large stock of Bed Springs and Mattresses For anyone wanting A PIANO• FOR CHRISTMAS we have Pianos at Very. Low Prices We Sell The LANE CHESTS: The only Chest guaranteed' Moth -Proof and Moth -Killer. Each `Chest carries an insurance covering contents. FLOOR COVERINGS AXMINSTER & WILTON RUGS CONGOLEUM & LINOLEUM RUGS OILCLOTH AND F'ELTOL RUGS .In All Sizes and Latest Patterns LAMPS Here's A Real Bargain In Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Bed Lamps & Novelty Lamps. A large variety priced as low as 2.50 up Good Christmas Gifts for your Wife or Girl Friend WALKER'S FURNITURE STOR