HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-21, Page 3THURSDAY; DECEMBER 21, 1933.
,Seaforth Lady's Brother Passes.
Word has been received of the death,
due to heairt troisble, of Jiafnes Port-
erfield, aged 68 years, int the General
klospibal,. Ca1'ga'rY,
Alta„ on December
3d,.The decease(' was a -,earl of the
late Peter Poeterlfield; of Bast _Wawa
nosh, and tad been a resident of the;
West sinee young.inanhood.. or mai}y
years and up to the nine Of his death
he was employed by the Nation'al Ele-
vator. Company at GranunF,. ';Alberta,
He is survived by one son„•:Janice L:,,
two brothers and two sisters, William
of Calgary; Alex, of 'E, Waswanosh;
lifrs. J. 'Ferguson :of,Baylfield,.and ,Mrs.
E. Geddes of Sealforth, Iavterniaent,totek
place in Calgary on December 7th.
S, L, Scott Passes.-T1,e death oc
'curred in Toronto last 'week of a for-
mer ,resident of Cllintonin the person
of S. Lester Scoot, in his 39th year, He
is survived by his. wife, who was for-
merly Miss Emily. Plummer •elf Clin-
ton and two daughters, Mrs. Davis of
Toronto and Mrs. Tory of Oklahoma.
48th Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs,
Robert ,Pearson of the 16th 'concession
of Goderich township, celebrated the
forty-eighth anniversary of their 'mar
riage on ,Dec. 10. They celebrated very
quietly, going to church, but other-
wiSe the day was unmarked. Mr. and
Mrs. Pearson were married in Bruce -
field, the late Rev. John. Ross offic-
iating, Mr. Pearson was born in ',Stan-
ley towasship' and Mrs. ,Pearson, form-
erly Miss MacLeod, was born .in_'the
township of. Tuckersmi•th. For a num-
ber of years, they have resided in IGod
erich township and their many friends
offer congratulations and good wishes
'fora ,celebration of their 'golden wed-
ding anniversary two years hende.
born in Ayr, Ontario, and after her
marriage to the late J• W. Shiel, mov-
ed to Grey Twp., where they resided
just half a mile from Brussels, on bhe
9th con. Mr. Shiel predeceased her
several years ago, ,in 'J iohuaiond, Vir-
ginia, when he was ennoute yto 171oricla
for 'his health, His r'emains are in the
Brussels eeenatery, Mrs. 'Shiel lived
for as -Lumber of years in SJps Angeles,
California, and indeed to Victoria, 3
ya'ars ergo, The funeral was held, en
Noveneber 217,,th, , from the funeral
home o'f' McCall Bros., formerly of
Morris and Brussels, in Vietoria, B.C.
Interment was "tirade en the Royal
Oak Burial Park;
`Exeter Hydro 'Supt. Disappears.-
The Citizens of ,Uhis coannaunity were
greatly shocked tli'is 'week, 'says the
Exeter Times -.Advocate, when it •Suras
learned that Mr. sH, W. Doerr, super-
intendent of the local hbiic TJtl'iti'e's
Commission, had disappeared after
havis g presumably gone to 'Toronto
to consult a physician. Mr. Doerr: for
the past 'fifteen year's has been secret-
ary -treasurer of the ,Commission and
was ;highly regarded In bhe co•mnusn-
ity,'He deft ;Exeter on 'Tuesday, Dec-
ember 15th, by auto for Toronto and
after visiting hfs 'brother-in-law, ,Mr.
D. Roberts, of that city, the latter
was surprised to receive .a letter trout
hint sent ,Ecom iHamilton stating that.
he had left for parts unknown. .Mr.
Doerr had stored his :car 'and "forward-
ed his license and 'car keys to Mr,
Roberts. Milers, Doerr was ,communi-
cated with and in company with ldfr.
and Mrs. W. G. Medd enotored to To-
ronto. The blow falls very :heavily on
:Mrs. Doerr .and family and the sym-
pathy of many friends will be extend-
ed to 'thein at this time. The local
commission immediately started a
check-up on the funds and it was at
first believed that everything, was in
Cottages Entered.-1Duritag the week
a number of cottages at Kincardine
were broken into and a few articles
taken. Discovery by R. C. MadKenzie
of entry made .into the cottage owned
by his ,brother, W. J• McKenzie, led
40 the inspection of other cottages
where similar depredations had been
Paris Ont. J. L. Barry, Brantford. J. naturalizationpapers. Mr. Goss, who
11. Mason Goderich. 'J, A; 13allaartyne,
Brussels, Neil M. 34ath•eson, Goderich.
I 13, Millett, London. iGeo S. 'I-Iow-
ard,'Exeter.iGeo.Marwood, Goderich,
1V, ?B, Stothers, London; Lyle 1hi11,
lfruce!field, J. ;G., Mullen, ,Seaforth,
Arthur IGelinas, -Zurich John E. Wor-
sell; 'Saskatchewan. Leonard Greb,
Exeter. W. II. M'c!l(ay, !London, 'J. B.
13oghes, Goderich, .Ernest ;Groves,
Goderich. G, 'IC; Kenyon, Desboro,
Thos G Alien 'Goderich. J. •A1, Rob -
as seventy-four year; of age, was for -
merle a German subject and carne to
Canada when six year; of age. He
has lived in Huron County since
coining to Canada.' 3de told Judge
Costello that he had voted ever since
he was twenty-one years of age.' 1 -lis
application was 'granted, \Vit, Hough,
gardener, and Doris ;ilongh, getaeral
houseworker, plaintiffs in an action
against Mrs. aH A, Stott of '13'aylfield,
their former employer, 'for $500 for,
erts, 'G'oderich. A. rJ, Hamil'ton, Ex- allegedwrongful dismissal and $'11717.13
te'. John 11, ,B'aechler Jae, •Goderich: for wages dine aixt money expended,
R. G, Thon ps'on, Goderich Town- were gratrte,d '$11311;38 after a two-day
ship. R. J. Walkeer, ,Goderich, <Ed. hearing. Several accounts on an: item
Gies, ,l3rod'hagem..C. IT, Chapnvan, To- ized statement presented by th,e plain-
ronto: ,RitseellSproat, Seaforth. Chas., tiffs were disallowed by His Honor
W; Alton, .Dungannon. E. C. Chstn'b- when the defendant" denied being re-
h. T. A. Wisener, Kirk- sports ole for them, Of these, one was
ton, John E. Beattie, IGodderich, A. St, eleven cords of wood, eii44 Defendant'
Gibson, Wroxeter. Bert. Irwin, Sea- Claimed that this was cttt by Hough.
for,J .. IH, Scott, ,Seaforth, G. E. Shop- during the winter 'months when he
hard . Goderic'h. K. E. N'aftel, aGode- ghoul(' have been taking care of the
rich V'itibor t3'. iSnell, .Lttcan, 'Win. T. gnound's,.,A second; a nursing item in-
'fitize, Montreal. ,R. W. ,Finder, God- sorted. by.:Mrs. Hough for $27, also
erich, Leonard ,ICent, Colborne tawe- was disallowed. Plaintiffs' claim for
ship. Eric 13. Gardiner, Goderich, F. ,$500 was based on the statement that
\V'o'olconabe, Codenieh. 'Jas, H. Currie, they were dismissed with no notice on
Wingham. E. A. Corbett, Fordwich. September ;1', 1932, after being eat -
Fred G. Bonbhron, Hensall. The ,fol- ployed in April of that year for a
lowing applied for Clerk - J. B. period of twelve mouths. This claim
Hughes, ,Goderich, :;Geo. S. (Howard, was enTp'hatically denied by Mrs,
Exeter P. A'lair, Niagara Falls. W. Stott, who stated bhat she always em -
W. -Parrot, Toronto. C. O. Settler ployed 'her 'hired 'help by the month,
land/London. Geo, Sloan, Blyth, E. never by the year. Evidence was pro-
SI, Johns, Bayfield. 'Kenneth R. Allis, duced by defence. counsel that the
.R. R. 5, ,Goderieh. J, E. 1Harnwele'G'o- plaintiffs had given a month's notice
derich: Rt: W. Pinder, .Goderich. 'D. ,' e on August 8, and intended leaving on
\Zruls'on, Seaforth, J. E. VJorsell, Sas- 'September S. 'His, 1-Ionor allowed
katchewan..Ernest Groves, Goderich.
W. A. McLaren, Hensall. Mrs. genie
G. Reddi'tt, ,Gocleric'h. Chas. 'J..Shep-
herd, Goderich, Isaac Gamble, Ford
wich, T9aos, Quintan, Centralia. A. F
Sturdy, Goderich: K. ,E. Naftel, Gode-
rich. Durnin Phillips, :Lucknow. J. H.
Scott, Seaforth; ,Eric B. Gardiner, ,Go -
Walt Disney, Creator of Mickey
Mouse, Is a Huron 01d Boy, - The
Mickey Tbonse cartoons and the Silly'
•Sy'mplsoniea are -:judged by notion
picture reviewers to be the outstand-
ing development in cinematic ;history.
since the advent of sowed, Notable, ouf.
course, has beep the success of
"Three Little Pigs," a cartoon in`,
song and color, which is still playing
great performances in the principal
Cities of Canada and the United States
and whose 'Bete song, "Who's Afraid
of the 'iTig, 13ad Wolf 1" has swept
the continent. What is not generally,
known, however, is the fact that Walt
Disney,'crealor of the 'cartoon series;
is the grandson of Elias Disney, -who
left Ireland fn '1836 to 'settle in Upper
Canada. A tract of land was taken tip
near Goderich .on the Maitland River,
where Elias Disney built a saw -mill
and a -grist -mill, the first in that com-
munity, The country was heavily tim-
bered, there Was plentiful wild life and
fi's'hing, and an abuedauce of .wind
grapes and plums. The Disney prog-
eny went to the publie school at Blue -
vale and attended the Wesleyan
Methodist Church. Later, the boys
married and settled down on farms of
their own. Keptile Disney married
Mary Richardson, .daughter of one of
the early,settlers of Holsnesville; in
the -same county, and bought a hand-
red acres on the Maitland River: In
18717, this property was sold to Abra-
ham Jackson and this branch of the
Disney family moved. to Kansas,
where 320 acres of railroad land was
purchased. Yotutg Walter. Elias Des -
plaintiffs $25 for the :week from Sep- ney's early days were spent in Kansas
tember 1, when they were dismissed, City. His studies. at the Chicago Aca-
to ,September 8, when their notice' decoy of Fine Arts were 'interrupter'
by the esstry of the United States Mtn
the Great War, Disney going overseas
with the ambulance division of the,
Red Cross. When he returned, Disney
went into 'newspaper cartooning but
left for Hollywood in 1923. A camera
was built in the garage at the rear of
his father's home and, with the help
of his brother Roy, Walt Disney
created the first Mickey Mouse car-
toon. The Mickey Mouse featnrettes
,had a medium reception and it ryas
not until bhe adve'n't of sound that
they gained such international popu-
larity. Later came the Silly Symphon-
ies in color, making the Irish,Canad
ian young .man one of the leading and
most prosperous figures in a •topcy-
turvey Hollywood. Disney asad hiss
people, however, are stir staying in
the home where the first Mickey
Mouse cartoon was made.
would have taken effect. Counsel for
the pali,utiffs was J. Murray of 'Riddell
& 'Murray, Stratford, and for defend-
ant Frank Donnelly. Other cases in-
cluded Beattie vs. Beattie -Mary C.
good shape. .A visit to the safety de- da.,ich, ,Leonard Kent, .Colborne toawrn-JBea'ttie of Goderich township is suing
Bank ,of Montreal, oil Ma -5 her sonJohn R. Beattie for $600,the
i posit box at the ship. E 5: ;Cliff, Goderich, N ate s I
however, revealed that bearer bonds theson, Goderich, 'F. 13, Gillett, 'Lou- 'amount of an T; O. U. allegedly owing
fto the extent of 13,000 were missing. dao, E. Gies, ,Brodhagen: E. C. Ghahn- since 1929 an a piece of property sold
Two auditors and two engineers from ',extant Seaforth lVm C. Pearce, I Cr,l$700 at that time. On account of
Seaforfh, Mrs. G. Hetherington, illness of the plaintiff counsel
the Hydro Department, Toronto made ,
a •chealr-up, on .Tuesday and Wednee- dersch. C. N. Christie, Exeter. Alex. asked that the case he set over till the
' day aiad as far as .can be 'learned the Porterfield, Belgrave, Donald C. A6 newt court. Churchill vs, buckle
bonds are all thata're missing. The erhart, Seafoeth. Andrew J. Hamilton, Son, involving, a transaction over a
bonds 'have :been taken in recent
Exeter. S. W. Simms, Exeter. Wm. beau crop, was adjourned to the lat-
Face Cut, R pile cranking ,his et months but' ;just when has o
Lawrence, Goderich. Arthur W, iMor- ter partofJanuary, J'as. Cowan Ra -
George deter
gine to start cutting wood,
mined. Mr. Doerr has riot 'been
Campbell of the 3rd line of Grey,,suf- in good heal't'h for some months.
fered a nasty gash on ,his face when
the crank slipped and hit Whim: The Applicants. -Por the positions of
accident night have p
proved' much county treastu•ar and county 'clods
more serious than it did, but as it is were as follows: For Treasurer -A.
Mr. 'Campbell- has a mighty sore face, I-Iarvey :Erskine, Blyth. 'Stewart Ide-
Philip Enright's Voice• -,Philip Lo(-; Quarcie, Monkton West. Carl 5: 'Ben -
right died an a farm en$t of . Dublin newies,' Walton, 5. J, Hayes, Goder-
g ich. Earold 'E',`:Crich, 1R. ;R.:3,' 'Clip -
last week. ,He was a man in ]unbje' eL radon: ;Herbert
circumstances and yet load a posses -1 ton. Peter 'Gard thou, o
'Horan, Dublin:: Wm. L. Teagan,. Co -
'that was. priceless--at-feast in the ,
derich, W, N .'Govenlo'ck, Waterford,
clays before radio amplifiers e were; 'in_ { Henry ,Rhode, Woodlsam, Ont,
vented- for he had a magnificent eters Oast e y . e' et-
urian voice 'In convei•sltion he did
A, Soldan, T-lensall. R. J. Moore, G
not shout or speak with conscious 'ef- u erich, Geo. Robertson,, , Eden Mills.
fort,' yet his 'vaice'filled any room and Robert' M. Townsend, Londesbaro
\, H..Behet; ,Clinton, :Wna, ;Lawrence;,
'had a wonderful carrying quality. Goderich.
tFord, ,Clinton.
With other opportunities than were Gotl Harry I, 'Gem F,
f. G Porter, 'A;llenford, Ouat ,
granted 'lama in life, his voice might ; I'armwvelt' iGod-
• • outstanding . ne - for Black,; Seaforth: E'
. Wade an outstay c ig nv o ericaa. R. W. Bender, Goderich. °has,
have y
Philip Enright as an orator.
B. Kidd, ,Goderich, `R, iP. Suggitt, To -
Passes in Victoria, 13. C.: 'There. rotito. H. C. Young, Kitchener. W. 'D,
Passed .peace'fully away at her home Stephenson, Toronto.' John 13. Young,
in Victoria, 13.C,, Mary Ih m J r, ,Gerrie. Albert
' ' enable. Shiel, Dtrnaannon. , A, ,Bar
in, her '9011i year. The deceased was E. Barker, iGoderich; J„ M. 'Watson,
gau, ,Heusall, Earl J. Webster, Locust
SLi11, C. H. Ylolland, ,Seaforth. 5 M.
Rolberts, Goderich. Hamilton .Clutton,
Colborne township. Thos, 'Gilmour,
Wingham, S. 'R. Murphy., Goderich;
Victor Snell, Zeman. ',Geo. S. 'Black
Seaforth: Lyle ,Hill, Brucefield.
A Real Nightmare. -(startled by a
noise at his downstairs bedroom win-
dow, lira Harry La.ac'h, residing cast
of the river, awoke to find a gl ost-
lilce apparition peering through his
chamber curtains and becoming ,thor-
oug:hly alarmed as the white object
silhouetted` against the dark . back-
ground of the night started to move
about in a spookish manner, Alex. Er -
fleet's old gray mare 'lracl bs.olcen from
its ,moorings' in a neighboring ` barn,
and was peeking in the window. ---
Walkerton IIerald'Tinaes.
die Co. vs. The Clinton Electric Sales
et al -Judgment for plaintiff on con-
sent. Davison vs. Rose -S. F. Davison,
,hardware merchant of .Brussel's, stiinlg
for $711141184 from 'WalterRose, Brus-
sels poultry dealer, on a guarantee to
cover diabili'ties incurred by R. M.
Resident of Morris Twp. Passes, -
T,liere passed away recently, ;.William
Anderson at north 34 of lot 26, con-
cession 4, Morris 'Township, that be-
ing the farm on which the deceased,
was born and raised, being the son of
the late Mr, Quinton Anderson, and.
:errs, Anderson who resides at the
homestead, Deceased n -as the eldest of
a family of seven: STe farmed all his
life except for .a'tiiiae when he was in
partnership witla ,:Mr. Denman, in
Brussesl, .in the livery business, Mr,
Anderson had been in ill health. The
funeral was held to ,Brussels cemetery,
the, pallbearers being James Mair,
Chesley;_Janaes Hogg, Cecil Bone, L
Armstrong, Jack 'Bowman and John
;County Court - 'Before going on
with the cases, H,i's 'kronor dealt with
the application of George Gross, of
Auburn, who; after spending sixty
eight years in Canada, was asking; for.
klerriugton; Critic, Al,s. foot bl',;h't-
man. Each guest proceeded ,to carry
out het Manners as ,her naive implied.
This demonstration proved to be in-
ler s -tin ' and instructive to those pre
�lrs. 1'. ()elet' and Airs, J. Fair-
d' with Toronrto'friends,
The commtthity Christmas' tree has
been placed in - front of, Memorial
S•Eall, and with its many colored lights
i; a'beautiful sight,
A number of young people of town
and viciitiitywent to the home of 31x.
and Mrs, John Fraser Tuesday to
welcome theirs to the connnunity fol-
lowing their marriage recently. They
presented theta with a chair, wishing
them a happy married life,
The congregation of St. Peter's Lu-
theran Chu.rch,
utheranChurch, Brodhagen, were again
called to mourn the passing of one of
its faithful members on Saturday ev-
ening, .Decciiabcr 9tla, when death.
claimed'Jdhn H. Qaterengesser, wine
has spent practically his entire life in
the vicinity. Boma fifty years ago on
tlae family homestead, half a mile east
of 13rodhagea, at son of the late Mr -
and Mrs. IFerdivancl. Querengesser,
he spent niagyyears as a building con-
tractor in the village, until ill health
forced- him to relinquish activities al-
ong this line srlaeut be entered into the
garage business forthree years. For
the last four years he conducted a
butcher 'business, in all endeavors
winning the esteem of all -with '-,vhoti',.
he came in contact by his . upright•
dealings. He was devoted to lois church
and possessed considerable imusical
ability; he wag a member of Brodhag-
en Band ever since its inception 2 .,c.
We 'Are Selling Quality Books'
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All
styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get
Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Oreler,
Left to mourn the passing of a •de-
voted 'husband and father are his wi-
dow, formerly Emma Wolfe, two dau-
ghters,, istiss Ethel at home and Mr,.
Nelson Anderson of Windsor, and one
son, Harold, at home, One grand-
daughter, Gloria Anderson, five' bro•-
is rS als -surely,..
there and three. sisters, o ,
They are Wdlliam and Albert of Brod-
hhgen:.Ferdinaiad, Toronto; George of
Brunner and Charles of Ethel; lira.
Fred-}lilz and Mrs. Edward Smith, of
Brodhagen and Mrs. ;Frank Hinz 01
A short service, was held in tlae
home on Tuesday afternoon after
which a public service was held` in
St. Peter's Church, 'where tisane-
Rounds Attack Deer,-Tlae Canada
Company property in 1-]cKellop town-
ship, ane' of the few parcels of land
remaining in the hands of the historic
company that once administered the
Huron Tract. is being placarded with
"No Trespassing' signs.' The pine
swamp has an attraction for hunters
and many colne tip from the Kitclaeia-
cr'aGalt-Preston' district and ;some isf-
divideals have made nuisances of
themselves, hence the order, A deer
that has been living in the so -amp and
made friends with the men working
there was attacked by hound's last
week and its flank at'as badly torn,
friends gathered to pay tributeto tiar,
memory of an .esteemed iriet,tl. Rev..
1•I. F. eiruhn of Stratford conducted'
the services during which the choir
rendered suitable anthems and the.
Brodhagen Band of which the deceae-
ed was a haeniher played softly "Abi,l,.
with Me," also leading the funeral
cortege to the grave in Brodhagen ce-
metery where interment took place.
The ca:eket was banked with beantiiiil
floral.t•ibetee from the following.
spray of roses, the family; 'allow, bro-
thers and sisters; doable spray, Mr.
and 3lrs, Otto Ernst and family, 'De-`
trait`; gates :ajar, 13rod iaagen band;
sprays, Mrs, .Hin'gst and :artily, ,Mit-
chell; 'ir, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice
and Howard Querengesser, Brodhag-`
BLYTH. en; :Mr, J. A. \Voile and family 'and
air, and ll.rs, ;''rank .D3l1 and family,
IResirleiats were shocked. Friday to
learn that Mr. John R. Bell had pass-
ed away in the early hours of the
morning. Atiot tw•o weeks ago he
became suddenly ill. His coaiditiun
seemed to improve but on. Tuesday.
evening he became much ,.worse and
gradually 'weakened until- death carne.
Bell was well and favorably geyser, 'Haney and Clarence, and Mr.
known, being a resident of concession and Mes. Wan: Davidson, Brunner;
Bornholm; :Mr. and Airs. Jas. Cole, of
Waterloo; hiss Beatrice Bales, Brod-
hagen; lar, Albert ,Snaith, Grafton.
Those in attendance at the funeral"
from a distance were Mr. and Mgrs,
Chas. .L. Querengesser and Lawrenice,
Ethel; Mr, and Mrs. .George Queren
S,-lforris, for many }•ears, ]ater coin- Mr, ;F, L. .Queren sever aunt ,Bobby of
ing to Blyth, where he had since re- Toronto, Mrs, Intik Hitiz andl Ruth
sided. Ide was twice married. Of the of Kitchener, Mn,and Mrs.. J G. Die -
first naartiage there are one daughter,
Mrs, Leslie Fear, Morris, and two
sons, Robert and Frank, con. S, l'Ior-
ris. He later married 'urs, John Mc -
gel and Ralph of 'North Pay 'Air, and
Mrs. Frank 1)111 and 11r. and Mrs. C.
Ehgoetz of Wartburg; Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Beanies of St. Paul's;, Mr.
roy 'orris;; who survives hfm, Win. Jacobs and Mr. Lewis Spein
hwt r}`hoof has heath in St. J�osepl}'S hos- bach, of Sebriatgvilie; 311,4 Ed. ';'toss
pital, London, for several weeks ttik-
ing treatment, 'Mr. Bell was e ntein-
bar of the former Methodist Church,
later 'United Chureh, nafder ..whose
auspices the funeral was ,held.
The `Decenaber-meeting ,of the :4V,o-
-men's Ius'titirte was held om Thursday
aItern con'with..a record attendance.
Several natters of correspondence
ware dealt with. Mrs, J'. Calclough
was appointed to have the care of t'he
hall cutlery and lifos. IL. ,Scrimgeour,
the towels for next year, It was de-
cided to donate $5 to the c6nenniatity
ler of Stratford.
Lack of Bill of Lading Results iris
(Huge Losses
Records of actual losses by live-
stock shippers totelldng _ $08,000'
through truckers failing to pay for
stock are in the possession of. the
Weekly Sun, states telt ' Ontario'' Mar-
ketiitg Board. Ilow many thousands:_
of dollars have been lost from: tea
reported cases is not know bet the
total would be coesiderable.
Tlae Highways Act now 'enables'
every farmer ' to requiire a tracker or
• Christpaas fund, ' also to make 7+5 drover ,to Eirriiish n hill of ,act n;;. This
candy hags for the tree. The -Memorial afford_ the shipper an opportunity to
]Tall Board will be paid tlae sunt ar decide to whom his lire stock he
S50. A duet was aaicclysuiag by Mrs. sold, assures'liine lie 311 get les mon
Philips and Miss L. Herrington ifiss ay bade, and provides that a full araC
Katie eLaidl wv, R. ,V;, demonstrated correct statenien t 0S weighs risen
the making of a bed for asick patient prices pain' by the nerclaaser will be
also, giving practical .15110, on the returned to the owner:
canamioaa cold, poultices and other Every shipper of stock by rail is
topics pertaining to !Tonle nursing fort protected by: law through the naani-
wwhich.she was voted the thanks oftale fest or nil of lading which tlae rail -
meeting. A novel demonstration` ua way a required e issue to hnn The
table :setting and serving' ` or a formal Afarkeunp' Board suggests shippers
dinner' Wile held'. Nies Osler, the host -1 to avail thcn;seh.s of the same nrs'-
ess, had as her guests: Mrs, AVeil, tection on truck sei,pasicst_s which the •
Dressed, Mrs, W. Mills;' firs, :Good Hiasljways art reneea:'pe�atble.`
Behaviour, 'Airs. Buell; 3fua I„e,norant,.
\Irs, Poen.' ; MTS. Ill -,At -Ease, 'blas• ,Quick action savestrouble, wort -y
1T, 'Ale -1 frau; lets. Bad ',Veneers, 'Its a
cep Dotielas Egyptian Liniment al-
TI. Philips; Betty the 'laid, Louie s°'S harr y, , Stnps .bleeclang•, instant-'