HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-21, Page 1No shepherds in the ,field tonight, no flocks upon the wold, Thro' the shivering forest branches moans the north blast cold; But gloriously the white stars gleam as on that holy even When the herald,Angels' chorus swell'd the soft Judean heaven. writ , HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER The Angel -vision sheds on thee its glory's .softening ray- The ay The Angel -song is for thine ear, "A Saviour's born to -day! Wake thy ten thousand voices, Earth! outpour thy floods of praise - Up to the crystal gates of morn the deep hosannas raise! -From "Canadian Christmas Carol" WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 55, No. 51 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1933 Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOiNIE MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The O lympia Confectionery and Restaurant Wishing You Good Health, Great Happiness, A Merry 4hristuiaS, and Great Fortune. In The New Year A. C.Routletige PHONE 166 COAL -:QUALITY-SERVICE TO MY 'MOT'HER CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church -Pastor Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. 110 a.m., .SIS. and Bible Classes. Illi a.m., Public Worship. Christmas service: 7 p.nt, Public Worship. Service of Christmas songs and carols, The choir will render five special numbers, ST. THOMAS' CHURCH iFourt'h Sunday in Advent. ,S.S. 1,0 o'clock. Morning service Ilia o'clock. Sermon topic, "The End." Evening service 7 o'clock, .Special service of Christmas hymns, carols and anthems. Sermon topic, "The Re- velation of Purpose of Life." All.wel- come. Rev. Canon Appleyard, Rector. THE EGMONDVILLE CHURCH (Reverend Charles Malcolm, MJA., !Dec. 24th. -11111 a.m. "'The Shep- herds' Surprise." 7 p.m. -"Tell Me the Stories of Jesus." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning- service, 111 a.m., sermon subject, "Christmas -Giving." 'Evening service, 7 pm., a sacred Christmas cantata, "The Light Eter- nal," by the choir. ;Rev. I. 13. Kiaine. Minister. CHRISTMAS AT ST. JAMES' On Christmas eve there will be Midnight Mass, when, High Mass will he celebrated, and Christmas' sermon, by the pastor, Rev. Fr. Hussey. The choir will sing Christmas carols for 'fifteen minutes preceding the service, commencing at 11114415 p.m, On 'Christ- mas Day Masses will be celebrated at 5:30 and 9:00. ,(Froin Shelton, Washington, The (News has received the .following lines, dedicated to Mrs. John Sproat, of ISeaforth). Mother o' mine -so far away! II ' send (thee Greeting! II can't be iH,ome on Christmas Day ,And Time is fleeting! We may not meet for •quite a spell, So there's a message d would ulds ell:" ,And this is it; "I think you're Mother o Mine 1 Z. like y'ou'r pluck and Irislh grit! You WON'T look sad! IOM yesl You maybefussand fume, !When you are mad 1 But -,'Mothers are not all the same, Some may be perfect; without blame, -But here's to one who's always IGIAME'! And that's 'YOU! Mot'her o' Mine ! Christmas, 10313. Open Evenings The Dry Goods and Cloth- ing Stores have arranged to remain open Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday nights Of this weelc. MACTAVISH'S SAM SHINAN STEWART BROS. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT ,Following is the Christmas report given in order of merit, A -1st class -1-Ionours, 13-2,nd !Class,Honours. C - Pass standing. 'D• -failed or below pass standing, MSIR, 1IV-'Ar - !Helen Chamberlain, Donald MacTavish, Alastair Wigg, !Helen Oheonos. .B - IIlarold Free, Jean Dungey, David Grieve, D'oune -Mole, James Elliott. C. -Roy Olce, !ler le Dunlop and David Stewart, equal, Janet Baker, Olban MacTavish, :Muriel Hudson, Ross Rutledge, .Elva ISttndercock. DI --Leone Hotham, Jean !Dale, Helen 'Edler. Mr. IV.-IA-CIeta Dickson. B-,Zet- to Dunlop, Clara Dolma'ge, Freda 'Williams, Bill Walnsley, C -Carolyn II-Iola/es, ;Mary, Howes, Genevieve Hawkins, Marion Pbbotson, .Mae !Hodgson, 'Helen Swan, Margaret Fletcher, Bub Barlow, Anna Dennis, Louise !Boniface. -D -!Viola Doln age, Arthur 'Cameron, Betty -McLeod, 'Graces Gillespie, Doris Hoff. P. B. Moffat, Prin. IS1R. VIII -A - Ruth Joynit, Helen Moffat, Bruce Wright, Lois McGavin, !Richard Box, Frank Golding, ,Sterling IHabkirk, Donald Scott, ,B - Allan Dolntage, Stuart' Wigg, Charles Wood Joe Smith, Clayton Dennis. C--IDor- othy Fraser, Floyd ,Pinkney, ,Alma Elliot, Margaret Barlow, Barbara Best, Ruth MclNairn, Leonore Edler, Roy Kerr, Jack Moore, Jack 1MoNab, jack Hanley. D --!Alex. !Baker, Doris Barlow, Marion Sclater, Earl Mont- gomery, Tom Wilbee, Jack Cameron, M. E. Turnbull, Teacher. IJ1R. VIII -IA --'Lorne Irbbotson, Lois Wright, Jean Mills, Allen Sunder cock and JackElliot, equal; Mildred Swan, Scott Kerr, Helen ,Fraser. B-- Audrey McGavin, Margaret Hudson, Ruth Fraser and Kenneth' Southgate, equal; Reg. ,Dolmage, Thelma Dol- nnage. C -'Clarence Westcott and Mary Wood,.equal; ,Bernice Boniface, ,Irene Mowbray; Isabel MdKellar and ,Jint .Southgate, equal. D - Charlie Case, .Iva Allen, Dorothy Fletcher, Mary Geddes andHelen Hodgson, equal; ;Gannet Allen, Kenneth Reid, 4Zathleen Holmes, Wylda Ross. M. 1'.I. Hartry, Teacher. ITII•--rA-IAhyvmme Moore, Winni (red Russell, Fred Welford. B ---Har- ry Scott, Marilyn Campbell, Lillian Southgate, Dorothy Williams, Doro- thy Howes, Margaret Pethick, Jean Currie, Margaret Dale. C - Fergus Bell, Clayton Ritchie, Vernon .Hoff. Jack Rutledge, Stanley Hill, Annis Dunlop, Donald Wood, Richard Eis- ler, Erna Fletcher, Leo Oke, Henry Boniface, Jean Swan, Leslie Ritchie, •Clifford Ross. D ---,Reid Allen, Marg- aret Edler, Arthur Fraser, Bert Bar- low, Billie Wilbee. Missed exams - li;Kenneth Keating, Evelyn ,Venus. M. M. Bell, Teacher. I1 -14 --Violet Dunce, Janie Moffat, Ross 'Montgomery, Dorothy Smith. 'lvMargucrite Westcott, Doris Venus. iB-'J'ac'k Fraser, Albert Venus, Gor- donILeisonier, .0 -!Beth Walmsley, ,Patricia 'Bechely, Alvin Hoff, ,George Hildebrand, ;Frank Mills, Jack Eisler, ,Neil I-Io,pper, Marjory Golding. D- Step'hen Williams, Betty Dunlop, dsalbelle Case, Clarence Reeves. Miss- ed exams - Aubrey 'Baker, Wilma Hay, Ruth _Anderson. E. H. Elder, Teacher. IPrimiary,-IA-=.Jean Wright. Helen Smith, Harriet Russel and Frank Bioni'face, equal; Lorna Da'le, Ken- neth Mowbray. B 14a,rio,n McGavin, Eileen Anderson, Kenneth Hart; An- na''Woods, Dan ''Grumntebt, Marjorie McKenzie, Jack Makins. C --Marion 1pakirs, Wallace Hollingsworth Do- ris Eisler, Do,nelda Hawkins, Bever- ley Beaton, Donald ,Ross, Fraser Sts an: D-11301) by Hutnbey, Edna ,Fraser. ,R S. Thompson, Teacher. FIRE IN EGMONDVILLE ;Blazing oil gave the Fire Brigade a run Tuesday afternoon for the se- cond time in the past few weeks. The Egnondville Garage was an inferno of burning oil that threatened to raze 'the frame building, until the firemen arnived with chemicals. F'latnes spread through a partition wall and across a few rafters, almost reaching .the out- side by the time assistance 'arrived. A car was suspended over the oil pit and owing to the fact that .the rear of the car had been wired to the tackle to prevent it slipping off, great diffi- culty was experienced in releasing it. Heavy boards were covering the oil pit except' at one end, otherwise the 'fire would have been more serious. Gasoline used for cleaning a car part, ignited by a blow torch, carried flames into the pit. The damage consisted of charred partition and ,rafters, rear window of the ,car broken by heat, and the car top slightly da'm'aged.. TOWN COUNCIL 'Statutory meeting of council/ was held in the council chamber, at 8 p.m. Ion `Pniday, December 115'th. (Present, Mayor Sutherland, Reeve Smith and Councillors Scott, Sproat and F. S. Savauge. Minutes of last meeting read" .and confirmed. Sproat -Smith, ,Resolved, in view o'1 recomrnend'alti,oin iroan Board of !Health that we ask all persons sup- plying ntillk'in oils municipalityto have a .tes't'talcen of their cows by an aulthorized.veterinary surgeon. !Scott-IS'avauge.-That the ..following; accounts be passed and cheques be is- sued for same M.- MciLcod, wages, $2; F. J Burrows, MAD, account, 5E; MdKillop 'township, gravel, $2113375; ISaparate School Board, 515212157;'Pu'b- lic School Board, $539.44; Collegiate Institute I3'otird, $90.'314; Public Utility Cora., street lighting, $11788.00. IS ott4Sayauge That the Treasur- er's Statement -as read' be adopted and the necessary number of . copies be printed for nomination meeting. !Sproat-1Savauga That Chief Ryan Ise paid twenty -!five' dollars for extra services rendered. °' !Scott-IS•proart--That this meeting -,r5 ruin to nneet at Inc•call of the Mayor. ST. THOMAS' S. S. CONCERT A very successful concert and Christmas tree was held Wednesday evening by the Sunday School of St, Thomas Church. Santa made his ap- pearance and was a,popular ' figure. The programinne Was as follows: !'''Marie the Herald' Angels Sing," by the sc'ho'ol; a play, "Jean's Christmas" by Miss Freeman's class;, song by John Olidlfield and Arnold Archibald;' recitations by Ruth Fraser, Margaret IBariolw, 'Barbara Best; duet by Shir- ley Oldifield and Arnold ;Archibald; duet, Ayvonne Moore and ,Kathleen. Holmes; recitation, Gladys Earle; song, Joyce Wilbee; song, Donald 'Thorne, Bob Hula/hie; song, Marion McGavin; recitation, Edna Fraser, ,Jack Fraser; song, Danny and John rGrunnniett; recitation, Alvin Hoff; song, Shirley ',01810eld; ; recitations, Jim Brown, Barbara Best; .recitation, !Doris Hoff; song,' Miss Edge's class; musical selection,' Jack Moore, Doris 'Barlow; reading, ,Barbara ,Best; duet, iLonisd and Isabel Case; piano 'duet, John and ,Shirley O'Idlfield; reci- tation, Louise Case; 'duet, Lillian {Southgate, Audrey` Mc4Glavin; dance, Jean Dualgey and Carolyn Holmes; song, Shirley Oldlfield and' Arnold 'Archibald; duet, 'Misses Freeman .and Edge; piano duet, Misses Kruse and Edge; song, Robert and Nelson Stead, "Jesus Lover of My Soul." The chairman of the evening vias .Rev. Canon Appleyard. A special prize given by alady of the congre- gation for the highest numrber of merit -narks.' was presented. to Ruth Fraser. Prizes for merit'mlarks were 5. A. ENTERTAINMENT" The Salvation Army held their Christmas entertainment on Wednes- day evening at their Hall on N._M'ain street, when a large number enjoyed the following program: Opening song, 'Oh Come All Ye IFaithfnl," introduction and announce ments; welcome song by ,7 children; chairman's remarks Primary Glass, "The ;Conning; Army"; dialogue, "Granny's ,Christmas, or The Band of Love Pledge in Action"; accordeon solo, Miss Piper; action song, "Old Folks at Hrome," 110 children; read- ing, "Betty's Christmas Twins," Liz- zie Howes; tableau, "Greenland's Zcy Mountiains"; ani action song by a number of children, "The Road to Jericho"; recitation "'The Good Little -Boy," Clayton "Ritchie; vocal ,duet, "He Just Made Tlhem Willing to Go," by the two Captains; accordean solo, Miss Pipet; "The Children's Thanks to the Eternal Child," 'by 7 girls; "We're Looking for Father Christ- mas," by the primary children. Santa Claus. Vote of thanks for the chair- man. The meeting closed with the benediction. Mayor Sutherland was chainmiian. tHOLIDAYS given to various classes Simper NV as The 'Seaforth schools .close served at 6 o'clock for the pupils' and day of tlhis week for the Christmas ,l;ea,ehers for which the nnothere came recess ami will reopen or Wednescbay, 'anti helped. January. 3rd. sfinaz orr.,, re, ill Only Three Shopping Days Left in which to do all the CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Somehow we just cannot let the Christmas season pass without making gifts, Really it is not Christmas without Gift Giving, for Gift Giving is really the Spirit of Christmas. And so as it just must be done, we have prepared our Christmas stock this year with the thought in view of "What you want, at the Price you. want." You will find that ycur Dollar has a very great purchasing power at this store, and yet the selection of Gift Goods and Jewelry is larger and better than ever before. You will find it pays to shop at Savauge's, Ladies' Wrist Watch $10.00 up Gent's Wrist Watch . . ............... $3.50 up Gent's Pocket Watch, 15 Jewels $5,00 up Alarm Clocks $1.25 up Mantel Clocks' $8.00 up Wall Clocks $10.00 up 400 Day Clocks $13.50 up Manicure Sets . • .. Toilet Sets Ladies' Hand Bags French Antelope Hand Bags Compacts Pearl Necklets Lovely Gold Pendants, Marcasite Settings $2.00 up $7,50 up $1.00 up $4.50 up $1.00 up $2;00 up $2.50 up Ladies' Diamond Ring .. $25.00 up Gent's Diamond Ring $25.00 up Friendship Rings $2.50 up Signet Rings $2.00 up Emblem Rings 55.00 up Initial Rings $2.50 up Silver Service $9.95 26 Piece Community ......................529.75 32 Piece Breakfast Sets, English $4,95 94 Piece Dinner Set, English $19.75 12 Knives and Forks, Silver Handles, Stainless Steel Blades $4.95 Boudoir Lamps $2.00 up Sheffield Reproduction Silver $3.50 up Waterman Fountain Pen Set $3,75 up Eclipse Fountain Pen Set $2.50 up Fancy Table Lighters $1,00 up Bridge Sets $1,50 up Travelling Cases (Solid Leather) $5.00 up And hundreds of other items suitable for Christmas Gifts at from 25c and upwards, including Fancy China CHRISTMAS CARDS in great variety and exceptionally beautiful, and priced very low. Gift Calendars in great profusion, also priced very low. We invite you to do your Christmas Shopping at this store. You will enjoy it -and you will find IT PAYS. And again this Christmas -we give absolutely free Solid Gold Wedding Ring with your Diamond Ring purchase. OpenEvenings - Un - t il Christmas Alta SHOP AT bAVAUGE IT PAYS PHONE 194 EVENINGS ' 10