HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSAZL.t, has Mrs, Tonnlinsoh, of Kipp'w been-resiting with Mrs, Robt. Pater son, Sr., and other Friends in town, ;vtr. and Mrs, Chas. Cooper, who for the past year have lived on the Loh - don road south, have again moved in- to town to the house recently vacated by Mr, Hayter, Mr, send Mrs, Lyle Cassidy have got nicely settled .in the house they ed rent - y South, Jacobi on ed from Mr.Harvey Richmond. street. fI .�r. Harry Cook of Toronto visited over the weekend alt his home here. Mr. Eldred Snaith of London is. vis- iting at leis home herr. Mrs, Bertha Bell. is assisting Mr, and Mrs, W.J. White:' ilt their'store for the Christmas season, Onitei a number from Hensall at- tended the funeral of Mr. William ',McDonald at Seaforth on Tuesday. ler.' IctDoatald was a former resident, oi'I�bppen, h 'Mfrs, W. 'Ci Davis of South Ricthe has gone over to stay"t e whiter months with iher daughter and son-in-law, :Mr. and Mrs. A, W. E. Hemphill. Mr, Wm: Simpson of Detroit visit- ed over tete week end with relatives and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ross .McKay of Tuckeremith have moved into towel and got'riicoly settled in the house on a London road owned by Miss Eli Woods, and formerly occupied by the late Robert McLaren and Mrs. Mc- Laren. Mr, McKay teaches. school near Cromarty. Mrs. J. •Leiper and Mrs, Anna Mc - Donee very pleasantly entertained. a number of theft lady friends on Thursday evening. Euchre and other games were indulged in and a most dainty luncheon was served. • � The bazaar'and salt t f Monte made cooking which was put on by the Ar- nold Circle and Mie iwn Baud of Car- mel Church on Saturday afternoon last was a splendid success, the pro- ceeds amoun't'ing to over $40.00. Mr. and etre, \Vm, Bell and family of St, Thomas are visiting fur a few weeks with relatives here, Rev, W. A. Young was in Clinton Tuesday attending the Presbytery meeting. Mr, \V,n, L. McLaren has not been in his usual health for the past few days. His many friends hope to soon see him able to he around again. The W.MM;S. cif the United Church held their annual meeting in the school room of the church on Thurs- day afternoon last with a good at- tendance and the P eeldent, lens C. A. MloDoneil he the chair. The meet- ing opened by singing hymn 28, Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. McDonell, Luke 10:7, hymn 275, prayer by Mrs, Henry. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Mite box money amounted to dh9; tiower .money on hand, $$.00; vi- siting committee reported having call- ed on thirty people who were ill or but in. Devotional entitled "The Touch of His Hand," study. "Tamp- ering with the Social Call," introduc- tion ntroducti ,n read by Mrs, McD_me11; also Mrs. Anne McDonald Mrs. W. Car - file ears. Drysdale: Meeting closed by .:;,ging hymn 3112 after which el- ettCtiMrs. Cil \1sMciDknelityd pec -1 - Mrs. A. Sinclair, treasure., errs. C. Cook; secretary. Airs. A. Spencer; c rrt. pondhtg secretary, Mrs. J. Eid- er; pianist )Jr.sDrysdale asst pian- ist. Mire, Sinclair; Missionary Month- ly eesretary, firs. Peck; press sec., \Ir. Mernat Chrlstian Steward and finance, nce, Mr.. Coes and Mrs. W, Car- lile t nnpef ante eve. Mise .Annie Con- e::: tulle a ree, Mfrs. Peck twirl Mrs. Ha tkirk; 'empty committee, Mrs. Hemphill and Mies Moir; flower sec„ Mr. F. Dos The Welfare Youth Club of Carmel Church held a very enjoyable 'hoof room n f meet- ingon 1M nulay in the ac the church as a social evening and el- ection of officers. The meeting npened :with a hymn, followed by prayer by Rev. Youn,. Scripture Leeson was read by Olive Workman; minutes of previous meeting read and approved; the officer, for the coming year were elected as follows. with Rev. Mr. Young presiding: Hon. pres., Mr. Peter Moir; pres., Miss Irene Hog - earth; vice presidents, Irene Raters, Kirk Hntton; sec., Harold Bouthran; treas., Jas. Bengough; membership sec Mrs. Roy :McLaren; pianist Mabel Workman; assistant pianist, Mrs. Kirk Hutton After the election of officers the following programme was given: solo, Dorothy .Da'ters; reading, Irene Hoskins, solo; Mr Young. A play was givens entitled the Two Mrs. Browns by Irene Deters, Irene Hoskins, Irene Hoggarth, Mur iel Hoskins, Mena Hudson, Mabel Workman, Hannah Murray, Harold Willard and Dorothy ,D'aters; violin selections, Feed Deters; a chorus, -Hunting a Man,' by .Hannah Elur- ray. Olive Workman and Mrs. Roy McLaren, Mrs, 'Hutton, Dorothy Dat- ers. Dialogue entitled, "A Minister's Mistake, taken by Mr, and Mrs. Kirk Hutton and Dorothy Daters, af- ter which lunch was served consisting n.f pork and beans. cake and coffee, AM report a splendid evening even if the weather was cold and stormy. The services in the United Church were well attended on Sunday last, the pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair preaching at both services, at the morning service a duet by Mrs, ilaud ,Redden and Mr. W. C. Goodwin, and in the evening there was a duet by Mrs. Geo. Hess and Dr. Smillie. Mrs. Peter Fisher has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Moffatt in Stanley. The YIPS. of the United Church held their septet- meeting on Mon- day evening .in the school roost of the church. It Was a social .evening Solo, the annual election of officers, Solo, Mrs. Mande Meriden, with Dr, ,Smillie as accompanist; reading, Miss Elva Shaddock; Inc.rMrs Hesss, Same ,Rsnn` e, Dr. Smillie; address, Rev. Mr. Sinclair; duet, Miss Grace Stone and bPiss Greta Laramie accompan- ied by Mtge L. Drummond; reading, Mfiss Mattie Ellis; piano solo, Miss Florence Welsh; hymn 53, after which election of officers took place: Pres., Miss Verde. Watson;vice pres, Lorne Elder; treasurer, Ray Patter snit: secretary, M'arin'o Sinclair•, cit- iteirahip Doreen Farquhar and Clar- rn'ce Smtlhe mi.siovary, Mildred ,Smillie and Pearl Elder; music and THE SEAFORTH NEWS. drama, Dr, 'Smlillie, Mfrs, Hess; Sam !Ronnie social, Mrs. Maud Hedden, Mavis Spencer Gladys Passmore, ,Kalthryn Drysdale; pianist, Gladys ,Lnket assistant pia'uist, Florence Mc- Donald, .Foleowing the election, ran- dy was served, BAYFIFLD. Miss Bugler of London spent a few days visiting- her brother, Rev, W. G. 'Bugler, at the Rectory, returning on Tuesday. George Weston left Saturday 'Inc Detroit where his son 1-I'arold is quite ill: We hope foe a speedy recovery. George Kay accompanied hint, Charles Ferguson, who spent the summer on the Lakes is visiting his ;•tate \fess Nora Ferguson. , fFna'nk Howard left for Toronto 011 Tueeday to serve as a witness in an. automobile accident case which he observed last Fall (Tames II: Reid, W411iatit 3. Stinson; i:klarry Weston and David H. Me- Xtoghton , attended the banquet last week in honor of: Premiers "::Bennett and Henry, !James H, Reid is at Goderich this week serving as a juror at the assizes; The supper under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary and the Girl's Auxiliary of Trinity Church held i•tt tete rooms formerly occupied by the Bank of Commerce, Friday evening, tSth, was quite a success, Scalloped Potatoes, pork and beans, pie and cake, tea and coffee were served; atter this there' was a contest and games. The annual meeting of the Bayfield branch of the Bible Society was held Sunday evening its St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, there being a fairly good attendance. Rev. R. M1. Gale was in charge. Ret. W. G. Bugler, rector of Trinity Church, gore a very interest- ing composed e The choir was t . addres. in g t rches. churches. of members of the three- 1Ktiox Presbyterian, St. Andrew's Un- ited, Trinity Anglican, Miss Lucy Woods, .Mrs. Robert Scotchtt7er, Mr, \\r, Janie.; Bit.gler and Mr. Charles Widcombe sang as a quartette, "Break There the Bread of Life." The combined choir sang, "The Won- derful Boot After the service the following officers for 1934 were ap- ooi'sted: President, F. A. Edwards; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Robert Scotch mete At the annual meeting of the W.A. he'd at the ,Rectory on Tuesday after- noon, December 12Th, the following were appointed officers for 1934; Pre- sident, Mrs. Bugler; vice president, Mrs G. Ring; treasurer, Miss Snow- den assistant treasurer, errs. S. Mc - Ewan; secretary, .errs. Parker; Dorcas secretary, Miss E. Camerons; assistant secretary, Mrs. G. King; .literary sec- retary, M[rs. C. \Vidcombe. VARNA. Mr. and' Mrs. R. Cameron and' sots of Hensalil spent Sunday with lira. A. Foster, who has not been .as well. u 1. asusa Mr. and Mrs, R. Thompson of Go- derich towttahip called on Mrs, L. The att.nia ly meeting of St, John's Church was held' in the church on Thursday, r.Chere' will be a meeting of town- ship council on Friday, Dec. 115th. The congregation of Sit. John's Church purpose holding their annual at hone on the evening of Wednes- day, December' 27th. 'Traft!icis somewhat crippled as there is too much snow in places for the auto and nor enough for sleighs and cutters. L40.1... 1'03,5 held their animal meet- ing and election io1 officers last Thursday: evening.. The election of of- ficers were as follows: WAire--etee er Webster.. D!M,-'--Roy Keys; Chap,— ibVelystei•.: Tunner; !Rec. Sec;—iC..'C. Pilgrim' :Fin, See,—Reessel Consitt; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, ;1933: FOR SALE ' rat Dellinas Seue IN SEAFORTU & EGMONDVILLE Own your own home. This is the,time to buy and prices are low. A. D. SUTHERLAND Treas, — 1Geo. J!ahnston; Marshall Nelson Reid; 1st Lect,—iPercy John- ston; 2nd Lect,-WatSott Webetet, Mr, P., H. White of Toronto accom- panied by Mr, Chas, Stewart of Lon- desbotiongh, paid a visit to the Lodge, Mr. Percy Workman spent a few days last week visiting his brother en Fl nt Mich. Mtfs s A. J. Keyes is spending a few days cs'ith friends in London, iRev. A. E. Poulter held a . wood sawing bee in Mr. Geo. Johnston's bush last Wednesday, The Township Council will hold their last meeting of the year on Fri- day, Dec. 15. leer. Alt. Johnston spent a few days in Toronto last week. The United Church Sunday School are sending a box of "White Gifts" away. Anybody .wishing to contribute please have your contribution in by Sunday, Dec. 17. The annual meeting of Varna Unit- ed Church W. M. 5. was held at the parsonage Thursday, Dec. 7th at 2:30 pen. -errs. Ralph Stephenson, the pre- sident, occupied the chair. The meet- ing opened by singing "There were ninety an,d nine," followed by prayer by Mrs. Poulter, The roll call was responded to by 17 members with' a verse of scripture beginning with the CARD OF THANKS The.inyunediate relatives ,of the late Miss Martha Gibson wish to express` their appreciation of the many 'acts of kindness shown during her extended illness and at the time of ler death. CARD OFFTHANKS � Mr, ;Ambrose ,Givlitt and family wide to express their appreciation to friends and neighbors far their many kind acts and expression's' off sympathy in their recent sad bereavement; :also to diose who kindly loaiied cars. CARD OF THANKS The family .o!f the late ifHettry Gold- ing gratefully acknowledge the .many. acts of kindness of friends and 'neigh- bors during the sickness and death of. their father,:. also for the beautiful floral tributes and generous offer Of cars. 1BELGRAVE lira. ,hlerb Wheeler is under the weather these days. The post office store looks very nice it is so nicely decorated Inc the Christmas season, Mr. George Cook is enlarging his house, which will make a great im- provement. Mrs, 'Ellen Wilkinson of ;Escanaba, Mich., and Mrs, R. :McCrea visited at the home of ,Norman 'Welsh's one day last week. Mr. Roht. Stonehouse is laid up with a very bail cold these days. Mr. James 'Whiteman is away to Dublin relieving ear:mart an the C.N. R section. e[r. and Mfrs. Tisdweli of Blyth are boarding with Mrs. Mary 'Owens. ler. Tisrlwell is working on the C.N.R. section here. 'anteai '' EXTRAS �Oe 'KRAFT VEtLVEETA IC!HEESE .......... % pound 400 MAI{!WELL HOUSE COFFEE .......... ,.. , , , . 37e pound 'RIDEAU HALL ,OOIFFEE , , ,', . , .. , .. , , . 45e pound .pound 49c ISALADA TEA.... .', . , • , , ........pound COWAN'S 'S COCOA . ,,......... .,,.. 3/z pound tin 12c J. I _,w 1. a.. -. .. NOTICE VCR SALE ; ...'. he MMan'sfer-eined coat, seal. collar;. t l books must be returned to good as new, Apply' to The News O'f- Putb9iie Library on or 'before Seurday, `ffes, 50 ec, 23rd.-lGreta Thompson; 5',b_ _ — ID LI NOMSNATION' "NOTICE' Township of Tuckersmith' The annual,meeeing of the electors of the Township. of ,Tucicet•stnifh, for t candidates fon he 'on of 't att the nomination for the ounciUors office of Reeve and G year 11934 will be held at Walker's Hall, Brucefeeld, on Friday, D'ecentber 20nd, front 1 to 2 pen. If a poll be necessary such poll shall he opened on Monday, January list, 119314 at the following places and by the following. officers: Nike 1, \V C. Go.venlocl'e house, W. C. Govenlock, D.IR!O., Mar- ry at- ry'Stew+alt,, P.C.; N'o, 2, School No. S Ed B D.R 10 ' J is McLaren letter 0. The scripture lesson was Math. 117, after which the hymn "Sav- iour like a Shepherd lead us" was. sung. Mrs, Ralph Stephenson read a letter from Rev, D. P. Morris, Int- perial, Sask., telling of receiving a carload of food and clothing from the East. This was most acceptable as it was five years since there'had been a crop in that district. Miss A, 'J. Keyes, who is soon to leave the com- munity, was then presented with an autograph album, in which all the tisninbers had written, as a keepsake front the society. The president, in a short address to Miss Keyes, spoke most appreciatively of *her long terns of service in the W. et. S. and in the church. The financial report, up to date, was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Fred Reid. Two hales were sent to the West during the year. .err. Coulter then took charge of the meeting attd officers for the ensuing year were elected as .follows: Pres.-- 'Mrs. res.— \Mrs. R. Stephenson; ,let Vice Pres, —Miss Bertha Diehl 2nd Vice Pres. —Mrs A. McConnell; Recording Sec- retary—Mrs. lee Stephenson; Assist- ant Rec. Sec.-4e3re. George Johnston; Treas.—Mrs. Fred Reid; Correspond- ing Sec. --- Mrs, Watson Webster; Press Sec. — Mrs. Sherlock Keyes; Strangers' Sec,—Mrs, 3. MicClyntont; Supply Sec. --Mrs. Lee McConnell; Associate Helpers' Sec, -Mrs. W. J. Johnston; Missionary Monthly Sec. Miss Violet eleClymont; Temperance Sec, — 'Miss Mabel Rathwell, The meeting closed with the hymn "'Pass me not, 0 gentle ,Saviour,' At the f entoou tea at E the meeting close o g was served by several of the ladies who were hostesses for the day. A box of bazaar articles were put up for. sale, Many of the nternders took ad- vantage of this opportunity to pur- chase Christmas presents, A. hearty vote of thanks was tendered the host- ess, Mrs. Poulter, for the use of her home. CONSTANCE. Mlrs, B. B. Stephenson and grand- son n Donald 'Stephenson left on 'Mon- day for Prince Rupert to visit her mother and sister. She intends to stop on her way out, at .Sasleatoon, and visit friend, also her brother at Prince Albert, Mfrs. Ed. Britton of Walton' spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam 'Britton, also Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay and other friends. The W.M.S. wild mold their Christ- mas meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Friday evening, Dec. '95th at 8 o'clock. There will be a splendid' program. Mrs. ({Rev.) Gardiner will speak. The Fall Thankoffering will be taken. All are welcome. Lunch will he served. their ofd School will h Sunday The fund y Christina, Tree and entertainment on Thursday Dec alst at 8 o Clock. A splendid program will he given. The children are putting on a .few num- bers, consisting of dialogues, recita- tions and drills after which the Young People will put on a pageant entitled "The Great %Del:iverer." A real treat is in store for all who come. Mrs. William Clark received a tele- gram Tuesday morning telling of the death of her brother, Mr. Albert Coates o'f Slhoshone, Idaho. Mr. Coates resided for a nu,m•her of years after his marriage on 615 concession, Mullett, lot 8, just west of Constance, before moving to 'Idaho 20 years ago. He is survived by his wife, formerly Barbara McKay of Constance, and tierce married daughters, Olive, Edith and Ida, and two sons, Francis and Leonard, also two sisters, Mrs, Wil- liam Clark, "Constance, ,and Mrs. 13o'r- rett, of Toronto, and one brother, Mr, George Coates of New York. Mr. Coates had been in usual health until suffering a stroke about a weelc agog Mr, and Mrs. Coates 'celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary last Summer. 'They had been planning to come East for a visit sometime next year. HAY AND WOOD. iWanted some good od earlY cut alfalfa' or yellow.sweet clover hay •free' from n'oxlsous weeds, Also some good dry rough furnace wood. Would trade Dooley seed potatoes, Sweet clover' seed, or radio on same. Apply to 1•Pugill s Potato and Dairy Farm. Phone 344116. • AUCTION. SALE Of Livestock and Grain. T!1 dersigned is, offering for sale b lic auction at Lot 1, Con. 1',` Town- ship of M.dKillop,',near Dublim in the a At 1,30 following: December llSth 19313 Monday, 1• matched work; team, ab years; 1' aged horse; 9 cow d Mime of sale; 2 D'urham cows, . FOR;SALE 1Ia1t's coon fur coat, in good repair., !Also a bed and a dresser to match. !Prices reasonable. ,Apply at 'The News • 0ilfice,- 50 O SALE TURKEYS FOR 'Mammoth bronze turkeys. Orville- Dale, Phone 2x117.22. 50 ' The tin- y pub- T,own 1 the rn'o'on, o, t 8 due at milk- FOR 5 grade cows; milking; -5 hogs about 1160'tbs; 17 hogs about 140'lbs.; 1'10 bushels oats; 1150 bushels barley; 250 bushels mixed grain. A quantity of 'hay and straw. 1 small gasolene engine. Terms --Cash. town P.C.; No. 3, School House No. 4, overs. Kathleen Feeney, proprie- Sam Whitmore, D.R!O, Fred Pept'er, l tress; Geo. H. Elliott, auctioneer. P.C.; No. 4, etoo S 1 1 Rouse No.3 a Thomas Chapman, DRO J W Yll � e 1 o s School H �: 5,5 h I No. Ii to l t P;C V ] S Ic) R D. Olen, D!R.,O. ; Melvyl Brs Tra qu a rr, P.C. ; No. 6, School ou No. 9, William Sinclair, D.'R.0., Alex- ander Sinclair, P.C. Poll open from. 9 a.m, to 5 p.tn, D. F. McGRE!GOR, Clerk. YORKSHIRE 'HOG For 'SERVIC.E 1Goverinftent inspected, registered XXX. Purchased from Uh•e herd of J. K. Fetherston, Streetsville, Ont. !Service fees ell. A number of chunks i50 lbs..for sale. John Nolen, Seaforth, R!R. No, 4. 5114 FOR SALE IN,ine yotutg pigs, 8 weeks old. Ap- ply to Lorne Maloney, 255 'miles south of Dublin, 150t FOR SALE Twolady's coats: 1 black plush: gauntlets � and ca to match,. flats a coat with lain p for .$10; :1 black fur coat, for $115.. Both iiigood condition. Apply at'The- News Office. '5'1. NOMINATION MEETING WHAT WILL BRING THE The anneal meeting of the electors WORLD TO AN END ? of the Township of MMaKillap will be The likelihood of.bhe earth dying of held at 'Winthrop Hall on Friday, old age will be discussed 'by Prof. December 2,2nd, 1033, at one .o'clock 'Lucien Rudaux, noted French steel t.m, for the purpose of nominating •tist next 'Sunday, in The American 1\\Ttekly whit The ',Detroit Sunda a Reeve and four Councillors Incfthe y Municipality of the Township of Mc- Killop 'Tint es..4'ttractfve pictures fn colo* o - will. illustrate the article. Killop for fhe year 1,934 Should more persons be nominated than are required to fillthe several offices an election will he held on Monday, the first day of. January', 10314. 'Polls will be open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. at tete following places: Poll No, 1—James Carlin's house, tot 10, Cot. 5. tjames Nolan, D;I2.+O.; 1Williant Maloney, P.C. (Poll No. 2—Joseph Hogg's house, Lot 25, Con. 4. Janes B. Hogg, D!R, 0; Mrs, Geo. Eaton, P.C. Poll No. 3-4oseph Smith's 'house, Lot 10, Con. 112, John R. Leeming, D. R. 0. Henry Benaewies, P.C. Pott No. 4 -School house No. 7. Lot 26, Con, 12. William Somerville, D:R.0.; Willis Dundas, P.C. JOHN Ma1$AY, Returning Officer. MANLEY. Mir, Burns' barn, lot 111, con. 7, MSKillop, wias destroyed by fire on Tuesday. 'W'hile Mr. and Mrs. ,Burns were in town one of the boys was chasing a rat in rhe granary and wizen it ran into ,the .fanning mill he tried to smoke it out with a torch, the barn taking fire. The young lad had the presence of mind to release the stock. The sudden death of Philip Enright last week was a shock to our cout- muuity as he was a lifelong resident of yetis place. Being a bachelor a great deal of the time he lived alone, but at the time of his death he was engaged with Mr, S, Allen, and his. sudden passing was discovered im- inediately, which might ,have not been. the case had he been alone, A real old time winder has again set in after so many prophets had pre- dieted an open winter. ,The many friends of Mrs. joiner. ldcQuaid, .formerly :Mss 'Agnes Eck - art, will be pleased to know she has fully recovered from her recent ser- ious illness. bit, Peter Eckert shipped 2 truck loads of cattle last 'week. FOR SALE ,One:3 year old fresh Holstein cow, and calf.' Also one two year old Jer- sey heifer due in six (6) weeks. Ap-• ply to 'P. DILL, Dublin. ` , 50. WANTED. $500 wanted immediately' in', first mortgage on 'fifty acre farm; clears title:' Apply by letter to The ,Seaforth•. 'News, 50. '�r BULLS FOR SALE Two dark red Shorthorns, ready for service. Real good animals from good' milking dams. Alpply ^ to JAMES' HILL, Staffa, or phone Dublin Cen- tral. 50. HORSES WANTED 2 am in the market .for old horses: and will pay the highest prices, JACK CUDMORE." ANDERSON'S ::BAKERY, Where Quality Is Assured WE USE ONLY THE BEST INGREDIENTS IN MAKING OUR PIES, CAKES, ROLLS AND BUNS Our Bread is a Winner in Quality Saturday Special COOKIES KIES 25c 2 d oz. swassammiummisum _.t DUBLIN. Wedding hells are ringing 1 The funeral af, Mifr. Philip :Enright, whose sudden death took place on Wednesday was held from St Pat- rick, Church on Thursday m'or'ning, where ITi;'h Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father O'IDrowski. The remains werc interred in St.-Patriakte .ceme- tery. Dublin. Mr, and Mrs Thomas M'olvneaux visited friends is Goderich on Friday. Mies Teresa. Carpenter returned to her school on Monday after a week's illness tit her home here. BORN. Rowland. -10n Monday, Nov. 217,. 1933, to ivir. and Mrs. Ed. Rowland, Wal- ton, a son ,(lEdward Joseph Dontita-ll. ic). WonderfulBargahs hrnitureStore Waiker's for Christmas Shoppers Come early and make your selection • CHESTERFIELD SUITES' BEDROOM ',SUITES & ,DINING ROOM SUITES All Priced Below Catalogue Quotations OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Upholstered in Colors which Match 'Any `Room 5.75 to 9,00 END TABLES, SMOKERS, FERN STANDS, PICTURES, CARD TABLES At Prices Which IWil1 Accom- modate All Purses KITCHEN CABINETS SETS of KITCHEN TABLES AND CHAIRS ODD CHAIRS 4 TABLES, ETC. Also Furniture for the Children STUDIO COU.CHES Convertible Three Ways: As a Double Bed, Twin 'Beds, or Classic Couch. ALSO DAY BEDS FROM 10.50 to 12.50 A large stock of Bed Springs and :Mattresses For anyone wanting A PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS we have Pianos at Very Low Prices We Sell The LANE CHESTS The only - Chest guaranteed Moth -Proof and Moth -Killer. Each Chest :carries an insurance 'Good Christmas Gifts for your covering contents. Wife or Girl Friend FLOOR COVERINGS ANMINSTER & WILTON RUGS CON�GOLEUM & LINOLEUM'RUGS OILCLOTH AND FELTOL RUGS In- All Sizes' and Latest Patterns LAMPS Here's A Real Bargain In Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Bed Lamps & Novelty Lamps. -. A large variety priced as low as 2.50 up