HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-14, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, '1933 sTOREs: Special" "Christmas S Theec p HAS ARRIVED AT R STORES SUPERIOR Bringing to you the choicest Foods for the Christmas 'Season. See the wonderful selection available at your 'Superior Store. 'Mem'ory does not recall a Christmas that offered so much real value as does this season of 1933. Now is the time to secure your supply of nuts, candies, raisins, and other Christmas essentials. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS IITEMS FOR WEEK EN'DI'NG DEC. 20 CHOICE TOMATOES, 2's squat 2 T'IN'S PURE LARD j 1 LB.lI ,,. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN, LARGE PER PKG. RICHELbEU GOLDEN WAX BEANS 2 PINS CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP .. , , PER TIN AYLMER CCH'OI'CE GOLDEN BANTAM CORN. 2 tins 15c 11c 19c 23c Sc 25C Pure Jam, Raspberry, Strawberry, Black Currant, 40 oz. jar Fancy Pink Cascade Brand Salmon l's Salt, Plain or Iodized per carton Red Rose Orange Pekoe, special % lb. Tomato Juice, 10% oz. 5 tins Baker's 'Cocoa, large '1 lb. tin Heinz Medium Spaghetti 2 tins Pure Clover Honey, 4/ lb. per tin Schneider's 'Midget Cottage Rolls per 1b. Royal York Coffee, and pkg. Royal York Tea l's Hawes'' Floor Wax ................ .........,....,,,,., 1 s Hawes' Lemons Oil 12 oz. Durham Corn 'Starch per pkg. Lounsbury's Steak Sauce per bottle Lawrason's Snowflake Ammonia 4 pkgs. Lawrason's 'Flusho...,.......... per tin Lawrason's Sinko per tin California Sweet Prunes, large 2 lbs. Bruce 'BirdSeed per pkg. 37c 12c 9c 36c 25c 25c 25c 39c 18c 39c 43c 23c lac 25c 25c 21c 27c 29c 19c FRUITS AND CANDY New Dates Cleaned ,Currants Bleached Sultanas Lemon or Orange 'Peel Citron Peel Glace Cherries / lb. Glace 'Pineapple 1 lb. 10c 2 lbs. 25c per lb. 19c per lb.' 20c per lb. " 29c 100 150 20c 190 IA lb. Cluster Raisins, 3 Crown and 5 Crown ...........'/ lb French Creams per 1b. Cut Rock Candy per lb.. 19c per lb. 15c per lb. 19c per ib 15c Fancy Christmas 'Chocolates.. 3's 79c Shelled Almonds 'A 1b. 23c Manchurian Shelled 'Walnuts, quarters % lb. 10c Satin Mixed Candy Chocolate Drops Royal Mixed Candy Ask Your Superior Grocer to make you up a'Christmas Basket • —you name the price. Ross J. Sproat .Phone 8 Miss N. Pryce Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates Confidence and a Dependable Reputation P 18 YEAR'S Always Goodualit Q Y Please us by giving us your cream. patronage and we will try to please 1 you by our services and highes• market prires for good cream. • Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. . 0 nth Creamer The Seaforth C. A, BARBER, Prop. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. TOWN ll;PICS. \lr. George Gell tete returns this week from .h'ort 11cAichol: Mrs. Crawford Simpsons many friends wall regret to learn that she is undergoing ti•eatinent in the Get,- cral'hospital, Toronto. Latest reports give her condition as fairly satis- factory, atis-r story. 11 rs. J. Sills of Uievo'rand, O re- turned on t\reclne dna titer attending the funeral of her father, the late Henry Golding. lira, Ila t Horne visited her son, :Mr. Walter 'lIaw'thorne, in Gocierich, this ,eel, Mfrs, Roy M.cGeoch spent the week- end in T'orotvto, IMiss Elizabeth 'Thomson of Toron- to spent a few days last week with her friend, Mis's H'ele'n IJaite, 'Chief J V. Ryan was in Toronto on official business on Ttuesclay. IMr,''George Spotton, VI!P of W'i'ng - ham, elal'led at the h'one 'of Mr, W, H. Golding, MRP., one Tvfond'ay, Rev. 'Canon E. Appdeyard is attend- ing a meeting off the Executibe Com- mittee of the Diocese of Huron and also a meeting of Huron College Council in London Thursday. The Canon is a m'ember of both these or ganizatiotas, Mr's. Leslie McIClure of Goderich Tp., spent a few clays in Egntond'ville with leer aunt, Miss MetDougal'l. Mr. W. .E. Kerslake is attending the funeral of •has cousin, the late 0. H. Kerslake of Staffa, which is being'held on Thursday afternoon. FORMER H'UL'LET(I' MAN DEAD Word ;has been received !here from ]Kindersley, 'Sask., informing relatives of the passing away early Saturday 'morning, Dec. 9'th, in the hospital 'there following a 'critical operation :on Monday of ,Fletcher B. 'Gib'bings, The' deceased was :born in Hlullett towiT- ship, near 'Alma, in 11900, and spent 'his 'boyhood years an :that community, going while yet in his teens to Sask atc'hewaau where he ,farmed 'for a time near tRosetowo. ,He made several ,visits to the old community since first going West, and in March, 1927, was united. in marriage eo ]Miss Almy McBrien, d'aughter of :Mrs. and the late William John McBrien; formerly oaf jHullett. Alter marriage the young couple pur- chased a .farm near ,•Kindersley'w'here they have since made their home and where the' deceased has been a very progressive and up-to-d,atte ;farrier and' ]has taken an active pant in everything peutaining to the welfare of his .catn- ,munity. He will be sadly missed in the .community in which he. has lived, bu't' particularly 'in his 'hone where -he leaves his young widow, ,Rage aged five years and Harold, seven months. ale also leaves to mourn, his :father, !Robert 13 'Gib'bings, sister, Mrs. E. !C. W. Jervis, Toronto, and two brothers, J. Floater, of Kindersley, and R. W. (Bert) Of Stapleton, .near (Clinton. An= other, 'brdther, C. Wesley, was killed in an accident on his farm; near 'Ro'se- town a few years ago. Waeke rs. FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. IA'ALKE!R• holder of Go vertune'tt d:plonna and. license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 EGMONDVILLE. The EEg+mondlvi'lle Mission Band 'net in the school room of the church o'n Tlhursday afternoon, The meeting opened with the hy'nin, "Hark ark the H'onald Angels 'Sing," and prayer by officers for 19'34 I Theo e Vera Malcolm. w et e then elected: President—Anna Dennis; Vice President—]Dorothy Ta- man; Rec. 'Sec. -{Mildred 1 uwigati; Press Sec Mary Stewart; Fin. Sec. —Stewart Rinnigan, Pianist — Anna Dennis; Attendlance Secretaries - Shirley IWurma Donald McLean; hymn book monitors, Dorothy T'hie- bold, Mary Shade, Donald McKenzie, John Robert McKenzie. The new .pre- sident, Anna re-sid'ent,,Anna Dennis, toren took the chair, The secreleary, Mildred Fin- nigan, called the roll aril the offeriit'g was received. Mrs. Malcolm told a SEAFORT'H MARKETS. story: and meeting closed wi'hh a hymn. Wheat,: bus. .:......'' ''' ' 65c Z h ,' p er 42c FRACT'URES LEG Barley, per bus. ' , 'Lying,hel helpless with a fractured leg 'Oats,new,per bus : 30c P Bnickwheat, periii a bats: ...,. 40c y Eggslone] cabi t';in Peace River dis- ' :.,..,. t r .64 miles from the. railroad, Dx. Butter, per lb , „ lSc 1S'a,garet Strang Savage, ofIlsborne, • p. dos . ... :.. . ...... • , 20ee30c a nted'te,al missionary int that district, . ger Potatoes, per bag $• set the bone herself. Hogs, per cwt: $5.50, PLACING CHRISTMAS TREE 'Unless worms be expelled from the The Lions Christmas tree is being tem no child` can be 'healthy. erected in the centre Of Main street system, at Goderidh street, in a spirit of faith, Mother' Graves' Worm Exterminator yt,1 lyarily .tfaith.and Itope that is an excellent'medicine' to^'�destmy c',a"tyih Heti skid into ut and knock worms. it down. ance 1 OLD AND NEW KIPPEN FRIDAY Admission 25c. Ladies IOc MISS MARTHA :GI:B150'N Alter an illness extending over, a period of seven weeks, Miss Martha Gibson passed to her reward on ]Satur- day night last at the home of 'her niece, Mrs. Margaret White, She was horn in McKillop seventy- eight years ago, the daughter of the. late. Robert and Matilda Gibson and spent her whole life there -until she move'd to Sealforth four, years ago. n 1.9311' she suffered .a severe ,I re stroke but r'ecovered front this sufficiently to get hutch enjoyment ant Of life. Being of a quiet, cheer=ful disposition, she won the friendship of everyone who knew her. The funeral, held on Tuesday, was conducted by her pastor, 'Rev. I. B. Koine, wh'ose words expressed so fit- tingly the true characteristics .of her life., She was laid to rest in the fam- ily olot in lEgmondvitlle cemetery; the pallbearers were Joseph Murray,' William Johnston, Rlo'bert Campbell, Michael Murray, Finlay 'McKerc'her, Herald Lawrence, WILLIAM' McDONALD The death occurred Sunday morn- ing at 7.30 at his ]tome on •jatnes street, Seaforth, of William McDon- ald,a 1f Sea - o a resident 'wel'lkuoova t torth, Tuckersmith and Us'borne townships, after a protracted illness. Mr. McDonald was ,in his sixtieth y ear, being born at Thames Road, U.sborne township, third youngest' in the family, •He was ,married about 31 years ago to Miss .Isobel McLean of Tuckeresni'th; After living 27 years in 'Cuckersntith he "sold his farm to Mr. Ross Broaclfoot and moved to Sea - forth four years ago. Mr. Mc'Don'ald was a Presbyterian in religion, a Lib- eral lir politics,' a'trus'tee of S.S. No..2, Tuckersnnith, also a manager of Kip - pen Church for a nu'aber of years. Besides his, widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ross Bro'ad'foot, Kipper, Miss Margaret' at.honte;. and three brothers and two sisters, Alex. of Cali'fornlia; Hugh, ' of Essex; John of Hensall Mrs.-B'allanftyne, of Fort William; Mrs. McCurdy, Exeter. The funeral, which took place on Tuesday from the Presibyterian -c'hurc'h was largely attended by'relatives, friends and neighbors. The service was con- ducted by `Re'v. 5. B. Kahle of the F'irs't,Preslbyferian Church; Rev. W. P. Lane; of. North Side ,United Chur'c'h, Seaforth, and Rev. E. F. Chandler of Kipper., The pallbearers were Messrs, T. N. Forsyth, R. J, Cooper, Andrew Bell, Wm. Sinclair Walter Iaiirbairn and Earle Sproat.. Intermenrt was tirade in Hensal'l'Ut. ion Cemetery.' Among those who at- tended the funeral from a " distance were Mr. Hugh McDonald, Essex; Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, and son, Hens'all; Mrs. McCurdy,' Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Milton McCurdy, Far- quhar; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Farquhar; Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Gard - bier, Fa'rqu'har; Mr. Percy Passmore. Exete1" IC, and V rs John Passmore, Hensall. MRS. BRID'GET PURCELL The -death occurred at the hone of her daughter, Mrs. M. J. McCauley,, Stratford, on Monday morning, of Mrs. Bridget Purcell, widow of Tho- mas Purcell, after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. ,P.urcell., died of heart trouble and was in her &3rd year. Her dearth removes a web known and highly esteemed resident. .For the past few years she had been an almost constant resident of 'Stratford, al- though 'her •home was in Seaforth where she lived following her mar- riage. Mrs. Purcell, Whose maiden name was Bridget Derm'o'dy, • was a daughter of the late .john Dermody and IHonora Gleason. She was born in St, Columban Where she, spent her youth and where she lived until her marriage. She was a devout tnember of the. Catholic Church and 'attended St. James' Church in Sea'forth..Prede- ceased by her husband by 43 years, a son john' who was killed ,daring the war, and a sister, she is survived by one son, Thomas Leo Purcell, Strat- ford; four, daughters, Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth IFlyttia of Ci'inton,,Mrs. 'Geo. Carbert of Clinton, Mrs. Paul Free- man of Toronto Mrs, M. J,°Mc'Cauley of Stratford. The funeral was held on Wednesday morning' at St. James' Church, Seaforth, with 'Rev, ,Father Hussey officiating. The pallbearers were Thos, Purcell, , Matt. Pucell, Thos. Melady, Con. Eckart, James Devereaux and Roland 'Kennedyy, In- teruent was made is the St. 'Coliint- ban cemetery. MRS. JACOB WEBER [he death occurred about one o'- clock Saturday 'afternoon at the Scott Memorial Hospital of lSusavina Adams, a highly esteemed resident and widow of _Jacob,' Weber In her 74.tit year. The deceased' had been a sufferer 'from anaemia for some: time hut became suddenly worse last 'Tues- day and was taken to the hospital, whereshe passed away. Vers. Weber, \\'as'lnorn at St. Clements and spent nost of her life in Sit, Clements and Kitchener. She :was married on March 4, 11:92'4, to 'her vote husb'anel who pre- deceased• her on 'Nov. 815, 119311. M' -s, Weber was 'a devote(' member of St. James' Catholic Church pied also a ntemlbe'r of the League of the Sacred Heart and the 'Altar Society. 'She' is survived by one :brother, Jo'sep'h 'Adams, :Kitchener, and two sisters, Mrs. C. L. Moser, ,New Hamburg, and Mrs. C. Gies, of Sealonth. The funeral took place on Monday thorn ing from St James' Church, ;Seaforth, f,e-S't.•'James''iC.ometery.,'Rev. Father T: P. Hussey celebrated requiem High Mass. Y.P.L. The last regular meeting of the Young People's League of North Side United Church was held on Tuesday eventing, Dee. ''IL'th 'wit+h :Mr. Sam Scott in the chair. Community singing opened the meeting after which the Lord's prayer was repeated ill uni- son. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by. the Secretary, Miss Vera Mole, and approved. Rev. lfr. Lane then took charge of the an- nual" 'reports 'Miss Vera Mole read the secretary's and treasurer's reports which show we arc closing a very successful year. The new officers for the coming year were appointed by a nominating committee elected by the League. They are as follows: Presid- ent, '\'r Sam: Scott; :Devotional Con - setter, Miss'Helen 'Britton Mission- ary,, lits, Elizabeth Taylor; Citizen- ship, Mr. Jack Stevens; Social, .:Miss I-Ielen Lane; Secretary, Miss Vera Mole; Assistant, ,Miss 'Ruth Thomp- son; Press Secretary, Myrtle Carter; Assistant, Miss Laura Mole; Treis- urer, Miss Eleanor Henderson; Pian- ist, \firs Katharine Plumbtrec; As- sistant, 1'iiss- Winnie Saraungo; 'Aud- itors: Miss' M. Gillespie anti 1Lr. PAGE FIVE Keith 'Webster, After singing hymn rO S-4';Alts Myrtle Carnet led it prayer. L'hc' ScrtoCtire lesson. was read by bir. Earl Drover, \ ver} pleasing solo was given by Mr. fl.ugh Ode and was much enjoyed I he topes India and I ANNUAL :CHRISTMAS, ENTER- HerPeoples" etas 9i0501)1' Miss' Rnth TAINMENT §c CHRISTMAS TREE At Roxboro Sc1 nl yy Frida De. 22 I''hotnpson and proved very interest- ing. 13y singing hymn S7 and repeat- ing the 'lizpah benediction, the meet- ing was brought to a close. An open meeting will be 'field on Dec, 119th; STANLEY. Christmas repaint of No, 114, Stanley: Sr ItV--IAuhrey 11 arniohar 75, 'Har- old Jones 73. Jr. I+V--Mary .Farquhar 69, 'Kath- leen Jones 67. Sr, II11I-1George Clifton 65, Marian Kerslake ,55. Jr. II'I—Enc ,Switzer 92. Sr. IIT -Jean IS'peir 65 Ernie Talbo't Don 'Switzer 56, Willie Wit000sthe. 54. 'Lois 'Rath:well (absent). Jr.'III--Mildred Jones 60, Kenneth M'clKenzie 415, ISr. I — Diouiiy McKenzie, Aloin Kerslake, Pr. -]June Murdoch, Betty' Switzer, (No. on roll, 16. Ave, attendance 115:514. IP. C. Ponlfold, Teacher. Miss Selina ISteckle of Kitchener is at ,present sojourning at the 'home of het parents, Mr. and Mrs.. H. D. ISteckle. Mrs. IW. 3. Tough 'has been visiting Ther ,niece, .Mrs, 'Milton iS'tee'p of 'God-: erich Township. • 'The 'Western :Stanley branch of the U,F.YJP.O. are ,fealturing a debate on theft ,programme to be presented ata Thursday evening (11l41th inset.) The subject is "'Resolved that over pro- duction is 'the cause of the farm rprob lem.' .The affirmative is upheld under the leadership of 'Harvey Huhner, Maurice Eine leads the negative. +Mr. and Mrs. Ed. m3ohnston alnd son Geo. E. ,of IGoderi:ch visited with Mr. and Mrs, Belson 'Keys, '.Babylon line, last !Friday. Mr. and 'Mrs. John A. Armstrong and'family visited the former's moth- er, Mrs.:Armstrong off •Clinton last week. :Quite 0 number nt farmers -'took ad- vantage off the 'mild weather last 'week to do some plowings ' The !Goshen Sunday School held their :annual meeting last Wednesday When ,the election of officers for 19314 took place. Mr. 'John A. 'Armstrong, the efficient superintendent, •was re- elected .for another year. Autolnsurancs Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates IS's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates, you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ' ARCING. ETC. HILLSGREEN Mr. H. R. Samuels -off Toronto was up an this district recently on business, Mrs. ,Wilfred Huxtable 'and Mrs. E. Anderson 'af Centralia visited during the week ,with the former's parents. Mr, Percy Workman was in 'Flint, Mich., recently owing to the illness of his brother, 'Ralph, 'who suffered a home attack. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Richardson, bridal couple, returned from a very pleasant honeymoon trip. CROMARTY. Miss Sarah McKellar is spending a week with 'friends 11 'London, Mr. j'o'hn Hoggarth is under the doctor's -care. His litany friends hope for a speedy' recovery. Miss .Marie 'Scott is visiting in Stratford. The children are busy practising for the Sunday ;School entertainment. .T''he Ladies' Aid ,belt] a very suc- cessful sale of work in the basement of the church on \Vedttesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Francis called on 'friends one day lastweek, at 8 p.m. 10c Admission BRUCEFIELD. The November meeting of the U. 1F. W. O. was held in the 'home of 'Mn. and Mrs.'Ohas. Clifton. iThc president Mrs. Douglas presided. ' The meeting opened with singing "How Pleasant 'I1 'Is To 'Meet'Again," follotved .with the creed In unison. Roll call was re- spnocled to with suggestions for Xmas. .A reading was given by Mrs, 'Douglas "Benefits of a Holiday," The topic "Education" was ably' taken by Mrs. Hugh 'McLachlan, The report of the riding convention a'a's given.. A talk on. Temperance was given 'by Mrs. C. iHau'gh and a petition was sent to 'Hon, ;George iS, Henry saying we are very much opposed Ito wine and 'beer in hotels ,and restaurants. The by-laws and resolutions were dis- cussed. ''The December ' meeting is to be held in the hone of 'Miss Jean Murdoch; the topic to Inc taken by Mts. Davidson and Mrs. Eyre • on 'What Does ,Christmas 'Mean to :lie;" roll calf "Christmas Message," The hostess served refreshments and a so- cial half hour was enjoyed. December meeting wilt he held an Wednesday, December 20th, at 2.30, KIPPEN. ;Rev. E. F. Chandler preached a very inspiring sermon on Sunday morning !]fast taking for leis subject `God's Hands." The choir rendered a very, fine anthem, 'Will . There Be Any. Stars." The Misses Olga Bell and Illareace Thomson taking the duet part. The Young People of. St. Andrew's United` Church met on Sunday even- ing last with a very good attendance. The president, Mr. Will Thomson, in the chair, Miss Isobel Alexander took the topic and discussion. The annual Christmas concert will be held in 'St. Andrew's. United Church on Wednesday evening, De cernher 20th at S p.m, A full program of drills, dialogues, recitations by the younger members of the Sunday school, and the Mission Circle girls. are erop'aring a very .fine pantomime. LONDESBORO The regular meeting of the Wo- 'men's Institute was held in the Com- munity +Hall om-munity'I:I'all on Dec. 15th, with a good, attendance. :Meeting opened by sing- ing inghag the opening ode .followed by the Lord's prayer in unison, 'Letters of appreciation were read from sick niemlbers. During the business ses- sion it was agreed to donate another $25 to the Hall Bard, A collection was taken for the Children's ,Shelter, G'oderich, for Christmas cheer for, the children. This being the Christmas meeting, several 'C'hris'tmas hymns eere sung; ,also a_ quartette'b}' hers, Adams .Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Moon and Mrs. Manning, a Christmas Song. Several pieces of music were played by Mrs. Geo. McCall with the guitar wird -MTs. Millar and Mrs, Geo. Mc , Vitae with their mooth organs, which were greatly enljoyed. .Mrs. (Rev.') A. W. tGtardincr spoke on some of the things she saw at,the 'Century of Pro- gress, which she pictured so plainly •'hitt one 'could almost imagine you were there yourself. A vote of thanks was given 'lirrs, Gardiner for her most in'teresting and splendid talk„'Lunch was served by the group in `,change ,and enjoyed by all, -The W. A. of tlic United Church held their 'anual bazaar in the Com- munity Hall on Friday last. There •tunas a good representation at the sev- eral booths, 'homemade baking booth, produce tbooth, 'candy booth, fancy booth, also the post office: Every- thing was sold out. The supper also was good. The proceeds of the after- noon were 44fii5. 'The committee of the open-air skating rink have' Ueen busy flopd ing the grounds, wllnc'h no doibt ivnl1 soon be in good' order for .skating: TUCKERSMITH. The annual concert of .School Sec- tion No. 1, Tbckersneith, will be held Thursday evening, December 21st. Ladies bring lunch and .cups. Ail tvel- come, The monthly :meeting of the Tuck- ersnyith Aggressive Club will be held at the hone of Mr. and leirs. James 'Broad'foot at 'Tuesday evening, the 19th. Topica, "ThdBusiness of Farm ing as Compared to Other :Businesses" and "Changing ,F'as'hions in Dress." The roll call, "A C'htistntas !Message." BEECHWOOD Miss Mary. 'O'Reilly, daughter of lIr, and •Mrs, Wm. 'O iReilly, entered the (Sacred ;Heart. Convent, :London, on Thursday last, We e are' pleased 'to see :Mrs. Lewis IGivlin able to be home again. Mr. and Mrs, 'Thos. Moylan and fa- roily spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Peter O':Sullivan. Mr. 'John 'Buries' barn was destroy- ed by fire on Tuesday morning, WINTHROP. 'Caves Church are holding their an- nual concert and :Christmas 'tree in the church on Thursday everting, De- cember 21lst, We are having a real 'old fashioned winter; 'Several from here attended the re- ception of Ma, and Ars. Gilbert Smith last Friday evening.. The 'Ladies' Aid and \13.M.S. of Ca- ren 'Church, 'Winthrop, ane' Wednes- day afternoon, !Dec. '6th. Mrs, Patrick opened The 'meeting with ,a 'hymn .and prayer. 'Following. the 'minutes and roll call, Mrs.' ;Russell Bolton .tool: charge The 'Scrip'ture- 'Lesson : vias read by ldrs. Thomas Pryce. ;Bullard took the 'topic, the 'first chap- ter of tiie study book, "Living 'issues in !CI -dine.” A,t Instrumental by Marg- aret at et Cuthill and aquartette by the t :ladies of 'Circle 4 were enjoyed. Fol- lowing the burin"ess period reports for the year were given, 'Rev. bit, Mor- row took charge of the election of officers which are: President-1Srs, :Andrew Patrick; 'I'st Vice—Mrs, Al- len Ross; 2'nd Vice—Mrs. Robert :Mall ;:dale; Treasurer •o1 ' .M.S Mrs. David MacFarlane; Treasurer: of Ladies' ;Aid --Miss \I'ar,gsret Cnt'h,ill; Secretary—,Mrs. Calvin ,1-Iilien; 'Sup- ply ;Sec. --Mrs. 'Blanchard; Strangers' Sec.—Mrs. Simpson 'Press Sec,—Mrs. 'Bullard; Visiting and ]lower Com -- Mrs. Charles Dslntaee Mrs. Betties; Missionary 3b1otnth'1y ;Sec,—Mrs. 'Alex- ander;-Chrisltian :Stewardship ;Sec, -- Miss Miss Irene 'Bolton; 'Temperance Sec. —Mrs, ,'Sol, Shannon; 'Pianist —M1ss Edlitis 'Hilton; Mission Band' Leader--- Mrs. Leader—Mrs, 'Bullard; Asst. 'Leader—]Miss Irene Bolton; Mission Bland 'Conn, M s, Sol. +Slh'anntlon,' Mrs, .Russell Bol- ton 'Mrs: William !Dbidds; Auditors,' W.M.S.—Mrs. 'Alexander, Mrs, 'Jack Petln k• Ladies' Ah d — Vrs. • Aileu Ross, Miss lReta Campbell. Meeting chased with a ;hymn 'and ;Rev, Mr, orrdw pronounced the benediction. Lunch was served by Circle 4.