HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-14, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1933 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL (Contistued front page 2) gage chartered accountlttts to make an aaud'it or to permit a "dishonest. treasurer to keep ;an stedlieg, The 'statement was evade by she reeve af- ter he had .announced, the cost of the county aiiddt ma'd'e by F. P, 'G'ibbs, ¶C. A., totaling ;$3,19213. (Reeve 'I•Iaaiclee .sand: "'Due to inac- curate figures the'wardon gave me I rniade a statement at '(the iGoderich. iTowns'hip nomination meeting 'which fwas not correct and for which, I offer. ,Mr. 'Gibbs an apology and I want to say right here that I never either on the platform. or ;off intended to icast •any reflection on -Mr. Gibbs or his ipsofessian. IEn, the afternoon the County Coun- ciI temporarily lost its home and' had. to take an enforcedholiday,' dine to the co'urtroom,, in wihi'ch it :holds its sessions, being engaged with a court case. The deed olE the Canada Com ,p:atuy, in donating the site for :a court- house, gives the law counts priority rights. Wednesday morning, under the Beading of inquiries, Warden .Ballan- tyne answered (Reeve Isaac Wright slatting that the auditors' trials diad cost $2183;15'2, of ,which ,the .county paid $716, He 'promised to secure fig- ures on the cost of the treasurer's itriah He said that the 'cost of the in- quiry held under the Municipal Act .before Mrs. Edna Reynolds, special examiner,. was 4+96, and of this $50170 Was .. for the examination of ; ex -War - tfbose figures, I wrote the same'ill - 'formation to Reeves Stewart, Mathe- son and Jiohnston, I said it wouldn't`. be safe Ito use' the $3,92v18!5'6 figures for there would be a reduction," iReeve'Stew'art;''My letter' says theboli wars ;for $35'9,00 and you expected to settle. for $3,1500." Reeve Idaacice: "I am. pleased to accapt the warden's explanation, ":I' wanted tthe information I asked for an express purpose." The auditor' s report Was tabled, ,but not read, as' was the auditor's ac- count for ;$3,22918,x56,. 00 which $15500' has bee:n' paid._ The account detailed what the worlc of the atid'it Constitut ed, 'but was not itemized. Council 'de- feated a inotion to sumntotis Auditor (Gibbs 'for an explanation and ad- journed until evening to receive -the writtenwiwrittenn report of; the warden's coni - den 'Louis 'Rade C.The warden said that Reeve Haacke:had misrepresent- ed certain thingsf Goderich Town- ship nomination He had said.that 'Mrs.s. Edna Reynio lds, stenographer, had been: paid for taking down the ,evidence of Lis Rader, one hour and s, ' $SQ of and a rhalf's. work. Four or five clays were required to'transcribe', the evid- ence and four copies were made, said. the warden, but Reeve Haa'c'ke had meglectedto say so.'T+he actual charge 'for taking down the evidence, he said, was $3175. caid 'Reeve I-Iaacke, addressing the warden: "I asked you .for the figures as to the: cost of the audit. You said 34r. ,Gibbs' time was $13,'335.62 and his expenses $543.116, or 43,928.78 all told. You said that the bill would `prdbabiy be cut' to $3,,500, I presumed the fig - tires were correct and that the 'bill would ndtbe stdbject to a $400, or $5'00 cut," Here Mr. I-Iaacke read Mr. B'allantyne's letter to the press in Which the cost of ,the audit is given as $3,298.,56, adding,' `"he figures I rciceived ,from the warden were:not a rough estimate; they were down to a cent, I don't know of any higher' au- thority I could go to. If they were not• right it is not my fault, If the bill is ,i wer than at first staked 1. am only. too pleased (to know it.". !Referring to his statement that Mrs. (Reynolds had been paid $50=70 for one and a half hour's work, bar, IHaacice said lie was sorry he had not stated ;the notes also had to be trans- cribed. Warden Bailanty.ne: "I said the fig- ures were around • $3,500.'I said that ,distinctly when I was talking to you, Thursday. The tine -honored system of ap- pointing the Wardell Of Huron Couts- 'ty in a caucus of Liberal or Conserv- ative members alternately be ddis- cardectand the election al the Ward- en in future will be made= in open 'Council, This was decided . at, the Thursday Morning session when a motion of Reeves i\4elic'k and . bic- otn l Nall to that effect. was unanimously y carried, Warden 'Ballantyne` was 'tap- pointed ^this year by Liberal Members in caucus, and the honor would have fallen to the Conservative forces in. January had the historic rule been fol- lowed. Roy Patterson, County Engineer, a tr brieE.a ciess on 'tie county THE SEAFORTH NEWS, room: Mr. Ii l.,_ ... a'atterson., said he intend- and 10 cents be pard $2 its a mile <, ed putting in a written application. The pay sheets Of the Standing .Committees asked for by Reeve tHaacke on Wednesday were submit- ted by 'Warden Ballantyne'as follows: Old Age gge Pensions. $704,0'4; ,Roads, $411811'3; Children's Shelter, $715;85; House of Refuge, j$1143.20; Properlty, 63'6.715•, A ricuitural, $1:8.9,9; Ward- en's4 g Committee, $1151145, (Clerk Holinaa; 'What did lite set at 9:3'0 Ran. Friday. Warden get for his atte:ndance?» adjourn to meet !Declaring that though.no warden Friday was ever asked this ,question before, Mr.Ballantyne said he was not ashamed to give the amount which was $3137!S5 outside of the Commit- tees from January 3 to Novestvb'er. This included his salary of $715. "When this affair starlted," he said, "there was no clerk and no treasurer. \Lr:' klolman was sick. It cost me $12.150 a day at the hotel and $ll, a day for a noon at home, felt . res'pons'ible," he ' shouted. "Do you think I was gong to stay away from here w'h,en we had no bonds? Not much!" f\Varden Ballantyne submitted the following estimate of the amount of taxes owing municipalities at present, way, --Carried:' Craigie=Goldthorpe: That the work of cutting down the hill and protesting the bad or turn in the road on S'al;tford (-Iia be proceeded with as soon as possible and the work- be ork be' done by the Company under the go'venitnient relief scheme as outlined by Mr, Hawes Wednesday night. -- Sent to Roads Committee. i\�I.elKibbon Cardiff: 'That Council ne 'T'he appointment of J, M. Roberts, 11 f Goderich, and A. Harvey ,Erskine, 0 of i13l th, to the positions of clerk-- and ,treasurer, of Huron"'county, respective 1y, 'were ,niade.yesterclay afternoon at the final day's' session of the county council, The selection was made on Thursday when the council met at ,committee. In' the consideration of the applicants, preference was given to re'turtted malt and residents of,the county. The names of those applyiavg were read to 'council before the ap- poin:ttttentt was made,' and it is under- stood the selections were unanimous. The new treasurer, !A, Harvey Er- ,kmne, was 'born fn. 'Atwood, ` Perth collected by s the County: A'shifield, county, and his age' is 34 years. He ,$11169.9137 Collhorue;' 3!669476; ; Grey, is 'married and has three children, t$.6004V Howick, $(19,1;69; Hlulleltt, ages 5,' a and 2 years. lgle is a ,Pres'by- r s ° Nis.- los tion f time 3fotheld the $3,0, 14dKttiloip, $5316. 7, $ terian. He 1 713;` Tuckeris'mith, $1911.014; East Wa- and material clerkswith the Bell Tel- wanos'h, $66.60; 'Total, $3,011923. The ephone Company. 'He "enlisted in 19116 Warden also presented an estimate of at Guelph with the 64th Field Bat - count: !finances as; follows: General ac- Tery and' went overseas with a draft count: Total revenue, :42014,076.44; `To-, Which joined the 7th 'Canadian .Siege nal expenses, i $'11314„10'8,90; Cotin'ty Battery and was in France ford three years. On this return he spent a year gave d1 I t' Roads: Total revenue w;, - roads, He said his Department was 3'6,74 unable to do as much work as they Highways: 'Bank loan, $14,2 ; wattle' have liked owing to lack of owe 'Government, $13,6156.06; deben- ture owing on Provincial Highway at the end of 1933,412,950.46, (Under enquiries Reeve McNabb e Sten did. the Road Cotn- to be carried on in conjunction with mission •meet" and was ,told by Chair- tal expenses,; $11015;O16L'Sh; Provincial funds. Ile emphasized the value of using low cost surfacing., lilt Patterson then made a verbal app lication for the position of clerk asked How o the 'work -.of his own office. The duties man- Elliott that it had met once in Saskatchewan as bookkeeper- in a garage, and later ,with the Studebaker Motor Co. in Detroit. For the past seven years he has lived in Blyth, Where 'he conducted a wholesale pro- deice business, and for -five years has been treasurer and for two years clerk of ,the village of Blyth. J. M. Roberts, ,the new clerk, is a Haacice and McNeil for au itemized' statement of the aecoattt of . I , 7?. 1 'Gibbs, C.A., be askd^for was Post on, the following division: Yeas -Matheson, Johnston, Carlin, flaacke, _11.ci_' sil Gonsttt--G. Nays-Goildt•horpe, MciNabb,' Hem- ingway, Meslick, 'Ganible, Deanerling, Luper, Eckert, D. ug a', Swe,tzer„ Beavers, Arebtbald,,Wright, Ballan- tyne, Scott,i Stewart, Ellicott, Craigie.. Moser, Smith, llcKibbon, Brottn, 'Francis -123. Reeves 'Eckert and Craigie introd- uced a motion that :)4r, Gibtbs' report and schedule' be printed in the'Decem- ber.; minutes. This wast last. Clerk Holman: "It's going to cost you big Money to have that done:"" 14r. Eckert said the purpose of the motion was: to have it on record for future reference. 'The vote on the motion to have. chartered accountants audit the books was not recorded °in the June minutes and it was the wish of some of the members to have the yeas and nays printed in the'minutes. These had not been recorded in the'June minutes,' and the seven reeves voting against it were asked to stand. They were: Wright, Craigie, 'Sweitzer, Leiper. Deinerliucg, Hemingway and ileNab, (George :S'potton, 'M.P., in a brief address congratulated the members on the unanimity ,with which the new officers had been selected. He thought social 'legislation was going too fast, and spoke of the cost of Old:Age pen- sions, but advised council to loosen up a"•little on Mothers' Allowance. Li the closing hours of one of the most ,momentous sessions in the his- tory of Huron'county council. a .hap- py event took place when, on behalf, of the mem'bers, :Reeve Craigie read an address and the presentation of a 'handsome ,gold-theaded. cane was made by Reeve "l'teicib'bon to the'warden, ,After an expression of appreciation of his efficiency, this tribute was paid the warden: "To you primarily is the credit of discovering the pecuiations of the 'former •treasurer and your brav- ery and patience have all been"needed. nit :straightening ou the affairs." Mr. Ballantyne replied suitably and prolonged applause followed his ad- dress, • 'Eulogistic addresses on the ward- en's work were given by 'Reeves ,Bowman, MciKibbon, Francis, 'Gam- ble, Eckert, Elliott, .Archibald, Scott, Wright and McNabb. ;Before adjournment the members formed a circle in the centre of which Warden 'Ballantyne and Reeves Mc- Kibbon and .Francis were asked to take their places, "the very 'centre of attraction," as a reeve remarked. Three cheers and a tiger followed the singing of "They Are Jolly ,Good Fellow," and the curtain was rung down with the singing of the national anthem. PAGE THREE ,Re the grants and payments to dif- ferent, bight schools: 'Gtrdt:riclt C.t[., levy $5,703.17, grant $l;b3A,5'b, total :`flu 541.75; Clnttouj:$110,41a9.17, $740,;3', t,10,945,55, Seihorth, $9,'54424;'$8'44,6C:, ;`1J 51(3, 56; \\'itigbans, $6,55'3.69, $454,1e, ✓N11i7,S1; Exeter, .4727'2,33, 44700,43, $7,972.8'1, Outside high school,, ITa,ristoe,-.32 5,53 Strati nal, $40:9'5; 1.n towel,'$! 090,1-I" St. Marys, $164.- , 1 352; Lennon, $5a6.8b; Parkhill (not in). We recommend these accounts he paid as soon as certified to 'the satis- faction the Warden and Clerk. The reports of continuation sthoois are not all in yet and we amake 'the seine recointuendatioar re the payment of those- accounts be nsade as to high! schools. ,Re the case.of the London Board of !Edncati„n relitea'1 to deduct outside .0 rias :un ^. n basis bit the full ta`- T 1 any a t l i y. ascent of all fees; SS+e are of the opinion that the people of Hensel and surrounding counties should take this lesson to heart and patronize our own schools which are acknowledged to be among ,the best in the province. Your conn- ttstbtee recommend that we do not• pay fees for pupils attending London secondary schools. of the clerk's office wre not heavy, he month, Reeve McNabb ssud men had native of 'Huron comity, having been too for their money and Dttn ,amnon; son of the late , Atthis point Cleric Holman in- to waitlong born in g sand. w terru ted him by asking Mr. Pats Reeve hLcI P tersan what he knew about it, wird Me Engineer retorted "There might not be so m'uc'h time for people to visit in the office." "Generally speak- ing," said Mr. Patterson, "in other counties it is fhe practice to combine the offices of Clerk and Treasurer, one Officer for the two jobs," He ex- plained that the chief work of the clerk was that involved- by the ses- sions al the County Cottnei•1, and he thought he could easily do it with his own work, "It has been suggested.that the work of clerkship he handed to me." He intimated that he would do the additional work for $200 a year extra,. (When' asked by a Reeve if lie said 4200, Mr. IPattcrson said that amount but would leave it.with Council tto set the salary. Reeve Douglas: "If you say that amount, council won't pay you any more:" Clerk Holman: "MT, Patterson came to report on roads. He is en- tirely out of order in being allowed to make a spee'c'h in support of his application. It is `unfair to have any applicant come 'up and make a speech, �ibbon expressed the open- 'air. and Mrs. J. R.,Roberts. (His age be - ion that it is unfair to have the lab- i5 48 years. 13e is married, his wifetbe- oring man wait for che'gnes, It was ing a cousin of Bishop !Seager: He has only ,'fair to devise a means whereby no 'children and is an Anglican, Ile the Read Commission could pay "him served his county in the Great War as when ,the work is done. a mem b r of the artillery ;and of the• Enquiries regarding ,the costs oft Old Age Pett,sion Committee were in- troduced by Reeve �Haacke, who said. 'Ise was not criticizing ,the committee, the 'expense of it, He thought it could be done away with "and let ,the Inspector do the work." This caused considerable discussion, so'nie reeves contending that ,the committee was ornamental while others thought the local committee was better qualified pass on applications than the In- spector. (Reeve Archibald: "Such matters as this can be better dealt with by .Coun Coun- ty Councils than by Governments." Motions. (Francis-Cousiltt: That all taxes .ow- ing to different municipalities, which now'in possession of this -county be returned as soon as possible. -Car - tied. Hemingway -Leiper: That all tress- examiners cost $889.96 and fees re-, uncrs notified to some to Goderich ceived frons pupils, $304. Mr. Iiaacke, and I asked you to use. There' are other applicants in. this by -Mr. Gibbs with regards to taxes, A motion introduced by'Reeves ' le e !Royal Air Force and was overseas three and a- half years. He has had 18 years' thanking experience, as 'band: 'manager and on inspection work. He was for eight years with the Bur - rough's adding machine Co„ and is thoroughly conversant with modern accounting systems. 'l'Ir. Roberts re- turned to Goderich lash October. The salaries were fixed at $1;300 for treasurer and ,$1,200 for clerk, ;It was also decided to allow Mr, Hdlncan $350 for Isis services as deputy treas.. urer for the past five months up to Dec: 3, 1933. The morning session did not open until nearly 1,1 o'clock and was largely taken up with hearing en- quiries and with reports of standing committees. iReeve Cardiff asked: "What does it cost this county for (Entrance examin- ations?" and was informed by Ward-- en ard=en Ballau'tyue that :Entrance fees to counter :eck Books We Are Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as ' You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. e Seafort SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,. Motions IArclubald-G•aigie: That this county council recommend the return of \e'arden Ballantyne as the Reeve for the year 1934 as we consider the War- den to he a benefit to the county council owing to his experience and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Clerk of l3sboi•ne township.- Carried, 1PaKib'bon-Archibald. - The prop- - erty committee install proper fixtures in the Treasurer's office as recom- mended by Mr. Gibbs at a cost not to exceed $350. -,Carried. Escott 11oNa1l,-That the recorded vote passed at the June session of this- Council hisCouncil regarding the etrgagiag of a chartered accountant by the Warden's Committee and omitted from publish- ed June minutes be presented to this Council at its afternoon session today and before adjournment; also that this recorded vote be published in the report of the December session of this council. -Carried. Craigie-(Goldthorpe.-That the good toads commission instruct the ceuety engineer to prepare an estimate of cutting down the Sanford IIi11, also the Album hill, and have it ready to present to the January county council of '19'34, :Carried, Cardiff,Gamble,-That this council pay Miss Olive Brownlee 330 for ser- vices rendered for one month and a half in connection with the Treasurers office. Later amended to $50 by the finance colnntittee. fFlaacke 3lcNall,-=That we get an itemized account of lir. Gibb's .bill and also all expenses connected with the investigation of ,the Treasurer's office and have theta printed in the minutes of this session, -Lost. 1•Vright Moser, -That the Warden and Cleric be antharized to sign and submit to the Minister of Highways, the petition of the County of Herrin, showing the amount expended during the year 1933, from January 1 to Nov- ember 130, on the county highway sys- tem and requesting the statutory grant as provided by the Highways Act. -,Filed. Cardiff-Bowanats-That this coun- cil refuse to pay any money in con- nection with the Entrance examina- tion costs, --Tabled. ,Craigie-Archibald. - That by-law No, lo, of 192,7, appointing Gordon Young as Treasurer of the County of Huron be repealed. -Carried, Wright -McNabb, -That George W. Holman be paid $50.00 per motttlt sal- ary as Deputy -Treasurer since the time of Mr. Young's resignation.- Carried, :Bowman»Francis;-That Bylaw No. 9 of 1917, be repealed. -Carried. '3felick-Hemingway, That future wardens countersign all cheques. - Carried Eckert--liclNabb.- That by-law No. 15 of 1920, he repealed. -Carried, IE1liott-Sweitzer-That this county council have learned that W. 'IicI(ilt- hon, Reeve of 1l%unghant, and B, M. Francis, Reeve of ;Exeter-, will not be members of this council for 1934, 'We have always found thein genial and efficient councillors and we regret to know that they will not deck this County Council for the corning year lett we will look forward to their re- presenting ,their nmunicipalities again, -Carried. IM lKibbon-!Eckert.-That we, bond the treasurer on a Canada Surety Company board of $25,000 if the war- den finds ht can live tip to it. -Cars eject, WrfgistiScott.-That the .treasurer he required to furnish $5000 personal' bonds as security, --Carried. Reeves Franck and Cardiff sponsor- ed a emotion expressing appreciation the services of Clerk I-Iolnsmt :for "'e past sixteens years which was nit- ^mnousiv carried, The `Virden was awarded 42.5 ltnt?- oral-Mit "ening to his heavy ''year's. work," Executive Committee The 'report of the Executive Com- mittee •(J, W. Gamble, chairman) re- commended: That no action be taken on the application of the Auburn pu- blic library for a grant; that, in refer- ence to the letter from Gladman and 'Stattbury asking an investigation in back paysheets,as it is impossible to do so as many of the pays'heets hare been destroyed no action be taken; that in future"paysheets and other val- uable papers be not burned nor des- troyed, The ,House of Refuge Committee reported that a stoker had been in- stalled at a cost of $7150 which is prov- ing satisfactory, giving a decreased consumption in coal of at least 25 per cent. On 51 toils a saving of $350 was realized. The Home was reported in perfect +con•d.ition. The Agricultural Advisory,Com- mittee favored the continuance of the Ontario Agricultural Advisory Board and sending a represetita,ti've to it each year. It is recommended that a stencilled report of the yeat's: - work and a statement of 4200 Junior Ex- tension Fund and $500 county grant be presented at the December meet- ing of the county .council; that printed matter pertaining to bot incl warble Ey control be sent out and meetings arranged: to instruct the people in the control of these pests, The County Property Committee reported that filing drawers in the registry office, costing $950 had ,been installed and ,recommended repairing windows and fences, also the continu- ance of installing new fittings, The good roads committee reported chat a 'bridge had been constructed at Bennni•ller at a cost of $14346,715; grad- ing and gravelling to the extent of t$4)79,12. A fens* 1:932 projects were completed; st•.uis'hers were ov:enhauled. Regarding ,the motion' of .Reeves Craigie and Goldthorpe that the coun- ty* proceed with the work of cutting (lova the hill at ,Saltfond since there are no funds available by the '1934 Conuttisston blit that a study of the Relief Act be made to ascertain the exent to which it can apply to the county road system. Education Committee IEdueation C`oinmittee ('W, R, Ar- chibald, chairman) reported:'