HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Reeve Consiet is in,IG'oderich this
'week attending the December meet-
ing of 'the 'County Council,
v1r. Owen Geiger made a..'business,
trip to 1Ki'tchener lastweek.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corbett and lit-
tle son visited kith relatives and
friends in 'London on Sundae,
Rev. and Mrs, R. t\4. Young of
(Nairn were visitors at'. the biome of
their son, !Rev. Young on Monday."
Mr, and,,Mrs. Orville Twitchell ves-
ited in 'London an. ,Wednesday,
'Mrs. Jas.'IBortthr•oit has been 'eon-'
'fined to her :room through illness.
Mr, Alex. ,Portereield, clerk of the
township of Bast, 'VTon'anosh and
•1Ir, 'Richard !Stalker, 'a former 'reeve
of East Wawanosh called on Robert
Higgins, YLr, 1c siterfield is an epee -
,cant For- te,: position of the county
filerkehip. ,iefre Higgins and Mr, Por-
terfield audited the .county !books to-
gether for i; number of years.
rHerb. eiceggarth and ;Donald _Me
Kaig were visiting friends at Grand
Bend and (Beach -o -(Pines on Saturday.,
Mrs. Thos. Murdoch visited over
the week end in Toronto with, her
daughter, Mrs. Dr. Campbell,
The Welfare Youth Club otiCarntel
Church 'held their regular meeting in
the basement of the church on Mon-
day evening with a good attendance,
Mr. Ray McLaren presided. A'fter
opening exercises and prayer by 'Rev.
lemma, 'the !Scripture lesson eves read
by Mr. Kirk Hutton. The topic on
iToseph's !Life and Ours. was taken by
Rev. Mr, Young after which a hymns
was sung and the meeting closed
with the benediction, after which
there were games and contests.
The \\ eal.S. ,Carmel 'Church will
hold their annual meeting and elec-
lecttion of officers on Thursday after-
noon in the church.
Mr. Cac.,idy, who is employed with
Bonthron and 'Drysdale has rented
the House on Richmond street owned
by the late Mrs. Harry Jacobi, and is
this week moving in. \Ve welcome
Mr. and Mee. Cassidy to our town.
)Jr. John Reid of London visited
with friends in town on Monday,
'Mr, and Mrs. Davidson of Winchel-
sea visited on Saturday with Mr, and
Mrs, Ririe Hutton.
Mr. 'Robert Higgins is visiting with
his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Beaver, near Farquhar,
The services in Carmel Church on
Sunday were taken by the pastor,
Rey W. A. Young; at the morning -
service there a5 epecial music by
the choir in the evening l'Ir, Young's
sermon was 00 the life of 'Drift,
There aa•s a male quartette present
from Nairn.
Mrs, Chas. Cooper of the London
road south visited with friends in
town ,'n Monday.
Dr. !Smillie visited over the week
end with his parents in Toronto.
The Arnold Circle and 1`Iission
Band of Carmel Church are holding
a bazaar and sale of aprons and tea
towels, also home made cooking in
the basement of the church on Sat-
urday afternoon, Dec. 9, Tea 3 to 6.
The Arnold Circle of Cannel
Church 'held their annual meeting at
the home of Miss Irene Hogarth on
Tue dry evening. Officer were elect-
ed as follow;: Pres., Hiss Hannah
Murray; Vice Pres., Mrs, .Roy 3m -
Laren; Treas. , Irene Deters; Sec.,
Olive Workman; Home Welfare,
Merne Hudson; Mite Box Sec., Han-
nah Murray.
The service in the United Church
on :Sunday iaet was well attended,
The pastor, Ree SIr. Sinclair, con-
ducted both services. Special inrsic
by ''fir choir.
Mr, and :Mrs, Clifford Brintnell of
Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs.' Jos. Hudson,
The many friends of Mrs. T. C.
Joynt will he pleased to hear she is.
improving slowly after her very seri-
crs illness, Mrs, Joynt has be'e'n in
Clinton Hospital for several weeks,
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Green and
family of I' ip:pen intend moving into
town en the hoose formerly occupied
by the late Geo. Wren,
Council Meeting. -]Regular meeting
of the village •eouucil was held in the
Council Chamber on Monday evening
at 8 p.m. with all .members of the
council present, Minutes of the last
meeting read and adopted. Donald
McKaig appeared asking pernrissiott
to cut down the tree in front of his
mother's property. Satre granted.
Jones reported re the work done on
the streets lately, and ehe Clerk was
instructed to write the Imperial Oil
Co. at Exeter re the filling in where a
gas tank was removed from in front
JBeans' property
on King sit F.
G. Bonehron, tax collector, reported
outstanding taxes of 1932 as being
$380:211, Bills and accounts read as
follows: Henasll Hydro Commis'siom,
street lighting, $8511,32; Chas. Alexan-
der, gravel, s Teets, $96;90;- Wm,
Harvey, drawing, 112'5; N. Blatchford,
dairy inspection, $5; Sydney McAr-
thur, grant to band cost, $7; Hay
Township, gravel for streets, $2'40;
A. Taylor, repairing sidewalks, $2,50;
G. Smale, snow plowing, $4: W. Nic-
ol, cleaning streets, $1; H. Foster, do
$1; C, Hudson, do $2,60; D. Hog-
garth $1; J. Passmore, Hydro, hall
and motor, $6,02; A. ,W. E. Hemphill,
supplies and pstge., $6.0; J, Pass-
more, supplies, hall and shed, $1;25;
Moore Bros„ water tank, $9.75; G.
1M. Case, teaming, streets, $8,30; F.
W. Hess, prtg., $9; Cook Bro., fire
dept $19,60; C. Cook, sal., treasurer,.
$67.50; J. A. Patterson, sal, clerk, $90;
bylaws and registrations $14,225; F,
0, B'outhron, tax collector, sal. $4'5;
Die 0. Collyer, sal, 3d. 0. H. $77.50;
Gen, Hudson sal, $256; J. A. Foster
sal. motor mechanic, $25, Total—
Petty and Jones, that fees for officers oelec-
tion s follows: r be a flows: Ret, offic-
er $5; dap, ret, officer, $3; poll clerk,
$250; constable, $'2,150. Carried,
!Bylaw No. 7 of 19.13 fen the t"m:n
ation and election was reed and na=s-
ed, Tomes and Spencer. that the Con-
stable proceed to collect poll tax,
Carried. Micicie and Petty, tett e
adjourn. 'Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk,
Quick action saves trouble, worry.
Keep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment al-
ways handy. Stops bleedieig instant-
Mxs: Routley of vVoocthttm' is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs, W. H. Talbot,
tele eVn Camettoq of Seaforth is
'the !lest oif chert slstere Mrs,' Makins.
The Missies Helen and Dorothy
Bugler and Mr. Tolton and sons„
!Kenneth and Jack of London were
gdeste at. The Rectory last Saturday.
Nines Menson left last week to
spend the: winter at Egntoncivi4le,
fMiss Agnes Sterling is . spending
the wint'er in Seaforth,
'You frequently read of deer being
seen in various parts of this tcourrtry.
Three are often seen on the sitleroad
leading 'down to Mrs Lawrasou's,
There was a good attendance at the
Orange Hall Monday evening, it be-
ing, the -annual meeting of L.O.L. No.
04, when the fallajyang officers Were'
appointed for 1934; W M„ .John R.
Castle; deputy W.hf. Janes Lindsay;
Rec 'Sec.,' Charles Getneitehart; Fin.-:
(See., E. A. Featherston; Treasurer,
!Harolcl S:titrson; Chaplin, A. E. Er-
win; Dire,Cer„ 31. Heard; list Lect.,
Mtn. McdJuol; 2rin. Lech, Wm. Par-
ker; Cominittee, D. C. Galbraith, L.
Smith, Emerson .Heard, Wm. J. El-
liott, Ribbert Orr 'Auditors, Fred
Watson,' W. J. McLeod,
!Remember the meeting in the int-
erests of the .Bible Society Sunday
evening, December 106, in 'St. -And-
rew's United Church, Rev, W. 3,
!Bugler, rector of Trinity Church is
to give an address regarding the
work of the' Bible Society,
!Come to the supper served Friday,
December 8, from 6 to 8 in the room
formerly occupied by the Bank. It is
under the amenices of the Women'-
and Girl's Auxiliary of Trinity church
and there will be a good supper, rim -
sic and games and goods suitable for
Christmas gifts for sale.
'rhe Ladies' Aid Society of St. An-
drew's United 'C'hurch held their an-
nual Saint Andrew's social in the
basennent of the church Wednesday
evening, Nov. 39th. The room was
suitably decorated and the first part
of the evening was spent in Scotch
contests. A very enjoya'ble program
followed consisting of a Scotch med-
ley by the choir; solos, by James
Stirling and Donald 3fc'Kenzie; read-
ings, by ells. Wallis, Miss Elizabeth
Snowden and R. 1f. Gale; piano solo
by Mrs. R. S. Reid, and a trio Mrs.
E. K. Moorhouse, Mn Gale and
'Gladys Gale, Rev. Mr. Bugler of Tri-
nity Church gave a very interesting
and amusing address. A pantomime,
through Rye," acted
"Comtii ro gh t .he y by
Dorothy Scotehmer, Isabel Kirk and
!Gladys Gale. sung by Mrs. Moor -
house, accompanied by Mabel .Scotch -
mer. Refreshments followed,
A young people's service was held
ie Caren Church on Sunday. Mr. T.
Blanchard conducted the service and
Mr. William Dodds and Mr, Alexa
Cwthill led in prayer. Miss Irene Bol-
ton read the Scripture lesson. The
pastor delivered a suitable sermon to
the young people on the subject, "If
I Were Twenty -!One Again." In spite
of the inclement weather there was a
good congregation.
The regular meeting of the Young
People's Society was held Tuesday
evening, Dec. 5th, with Mr. William
Montgomery, presiding. Meeting op-
ened with singing hymn 53, followed
with era}er by Miss Marion Little.
Scripture lesson was taken by Hiss
Irene Bolton. Hymn 58 was sung. A
very interesting topic on "The eles-
sage of Peace and Goodwill was
given by Mise Anona Dale, followed
with a reading entitled "The F'irst
'Christmas Eve" by S1'r. Neil Mont-
gomery. Hymn 59 was sting, and all
repeated the Lords prayer. The elec-
tion of officers for the coming year
then took place, They are as follows:
!Hon. Pres„ Rev, Mr. Morrow; Pres.,
'Edith 1-lilien; Vice Pres,, An'ona
Dale; sec„ Marion Little; conveners,
Christian Fellowship, l'Largaret Peth-
ick; Missionary, Mildred Wheatley;
Citizenship, Arthur Alexander; Liter-
ary and Social, Jack'Habkirk; Treas.,
:Isabel Betties; Pianist, Irene Bolton.
Rev. Mr. Morrow their` dismissed
the meeting with prayer.
A large crowd attended the euchre
and dance in the hall last Friday
night. The prize winners 'were, for
'ladies, first, Mrs. Percy Little; ladies'
lone hands, Mrs. Archie Kerr; men's
.first, Mr. Wm. Trewartha, and men's
lone hand prize went to Mr, Stewart
\fiss Annie Pryce of 'Hullett spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs Thos.
,Pryce last week.
Mrs, Jos. Campbell is visiting at
the home of her son, Mr. Archie
Campbell, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds of Lis-
towel spent Sunday' with Mr, and
Mrs. Root; Campbell Sr.
Mr, Geo, Kinney of London spent
,Sunday with his brdthers, Messrs.
Win. and Joseph Kinney and his sis-
ter, Mrs. Robt. Beattie.
Mr, Percy Little spent a few days
in Toronto 'th'is week.
Mr. and Mrs, Foster ;Bennett and
Mona spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo, Eaton.
Several from here *tended the 'fun-
eral of the late Wm. Ross of Bruce -
field on Wednesday.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c
December 11907
Death of'Old Resident,
The dea'th occutred ie Egntottdvi1le
on Monday morning of. a, well known
citizen isa the person of Mr, John Mc -
Malin, Although he had been in fail-
ing health for over four years yet his
demise 'came very unexpectedly to
the tuein'bers of his fancily, The' de-
ceased, who 'was 59 years old, was a
native of 'Simi'ton,',Scotland;:` and canine
'to Cahala with'his parents when very
young, settling iii Hay township. Let-
er Mw. MoManrn moved to 'Bruce
!county, and mt Kincardine was engag-
ed with a brewery company, He later
'located north of Dublin and thirty
years ago became; a resident of this
,place. During •his early residence here'
he was engaged in taking out con-
tracts for gravel and later went into
horse,buying in whidh occupation ''he,
became wide!'} known,
L.O.L. Officers,
A meeting of Li0,'L. No. 793, 'Sea -
'forth, was 'held, in their hedge rom on
Tuesday evening when the following
officers' were elected: John M. Mont-
gomery, lee \M., James We Mar shall,
DM.; J. W. Wright, rec. sec.; Thos.
Stephens, Ifiit, s,ec.; W. 'Riley, treas.
Other officers included S. S. Welsh,
Geo, 'Riley, J. F. Welsh, 'Geo. Brown,
'\V Thompson, Thos, 'Greenway, H.
Court Sherwood.
At the annual greeting or the Anc-
ient Order of Foresters held on Mon-
day evening the following brethren
were elected for offices and commit-
tees for 4908: H. Jeffery, C.R,; A.
Town, 'S.,C,R„ A. Stobie, tress„ John
irinch, :Sec. Other officers were H.
Tierney, G. 'Hewitt, Jas. A. Anderson,
2E. Daley, J. fix. Scott, W, Iloag, J.
Leatheriand, J. Willison, J. Muir.
Mfrs. A. E. Colson visited at her
home in Guelph.—Mrs. John Thomp-
son, who has been here for a few
weeks visiting old friends, returned to
Brussels on Friday -'2[r. J. Roberts,
who has been attending the Sehoo! of
,Pharmacy, ;Toronto, is home for the
Christmas vacation.—Mrs. Greig, of
Clinton, has been visiting in town the
guest of her son, SIr, J. C. Greig.—
Mr. Geo. Ovens, who has recently
ninei from the West, is in town this
week visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert
Johnstone. Miss Jessie Stobie was
ill for a number of days .and unable to
attend to her duties as head milliner
with the E. MdF'aul Co.—On Satur-
day the local milk vendors dropped
the price of niilk from 7 cents per
quart to 5 cents,—Mr, S. Dickson and
ister, Miss ,Rae, are home from Fort
Saskatchewan on a visit with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Dickson.—
The Misses Belle and 'Nettie 'Soule,
who have been living at Elm Creek,
Manitoba, are home on a visit with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles
Soole,-\Mir. W, Bullard, of the God-
erich Electric Light .Co., WAS a visitor
with his parents in town on Friday,—
Tlte Chesney-1P'ickard wedding took
place at the residence of Mr. and
\Irs, Win, Pickard, .Goderich street,
on Monday evening.
Death of B. B. Gunn,
The death took place in St. Luke's
hospital, Ottawa, on Monday evening
of B. B. '.Gunn SLP., following an op-
eration, He 'had been i11 for a short
time but it was not thought serious
until a few days .before his death
when an operation revealed his case
to be hopeless., The late Mr,.
Gunn, who was 47 years of age, was
born near \Vallacetown, Elgin coun-
ty, where he spent else early part of
his life. Wihen a younig man he locat-
ed in Ailsa Craig where he conducted
a grocery business and where his
marriage tools place. Twenty-one
years ago he cane to Seaforth and
engaged in the retail grocery trade
which business he eventually enlarg-
ed, adding a general drygoods and
clothing stock. A year ago last June'
hs sold to Williams' & Purcell in or-
der to give .more attention to 'his dut-
ies as representative of 'this constitu-
ency. Besides his wife and two sorts,
who have been so suddenly bereaved,
he is survived by his mother, who
hives at W'allacetown and a brother,
Dr. Gunn of California,
SIr. Thos. Geary has disposed of
his fine farm on the Sth concession of
'Hibbert to Mr, Ohas. Young of the
sante township, for the sunt of $7,100.
Mr. Young has secured a good farm
and will get possession lhlarch list.,
'\Sr. Geary intends retiring from farm
life.—The death occurred on Satur-
day of Archibad.d'Graham, one of the
early pioneers of Hibbert 'tow'ns'hip.
The deceased was in his 73rd year and
had been a resident of the township
for over 50 year,,
'Mr. John O'Rourke and little sort
of Detroit are here on a visit. Mr, O'-
Rourke has not been enjoying very
good health, but we hope the change
will benefit him.—Miss 'O'Brien, who
has beets here since the summer holi-
days, left on Friday for her home in
Guelph.—Master Fergus Reynolds
of Clinton, has returned home after
a month's visit with ;his grandparents,
Me. and Mrs. M. Lynch.
Winthrop. .
Mr. D. Cole, of Ethel, bas taken
the contract of moving the school
hoose for Mr. Jas, Nicholson, also
the church building for Mr. John Mc-
Gallunn of Walton. I -le intended to
have been at work this week but anv-
ing to the recent thaw he will nut be
able to commence for some time,—
Mr. Lon Sperling shot a very fine reit
foe in ldurdte s bush one day recent-
ly. Lon seems to have no trouble to
get them—Mr. John Pethick and fa-
ncily, who have been residents of this
village for a number of years, remov-
ed this week to 'Brussels where Mr.
,Pethi.ck has a position. Mr, Jahn
•Grimoldliy having purchased from
Geo, McKee his engine and grain
grinder, :intends settling it in the old
carriage works 'building here where.
he will do custom 01613011g dttni,hg
the winter.T'he floornrg and seals
having been taken out of the, old
church building, services will be 'held
in Mr. Andrew C'alder's Hall next ,Sttn-
da y.
Several D�Ih
Own your own Koine, This is
the time to buy and prices'.
A deep giooniis cast upon ' the
entire community by the sudden pass-
ing early Sunday morning of Mrs,
Sanke Frederickson, wife of Rev.
Sanke-Frederickson, pastor of 'St.
Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodleagee .
Mrs.. Frederickson, who was 29 years
of age, came across the ocearr from
IGertniany 31% ,years ago 60 join Mr.
Frederickson, who was then in charge
of a mission in Chat am. They were
united in marriage in 1931 by Rev.
Schneider of Kitchener and lived in
Chatham until September, 1932, when
they came to B'rod'hagen, In this
conrntunity, Mrs. Fredertekson has
endeared herself to all \vho came in
contact with her. Her cheerful nature
'and her desire to 'be a help to others
has set a shining ex'atnple to all. Site
will be greatly missed in the churc'h,
especially in the Ladies' Aid in which
she so ably took an active part. She
leaves to mourn their loss, her hus-
band, an infant son, and her parents
and one sister in Germany. The fun-
eral was held from the parsonage on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
]Rev. Grttltn of Stratford conducting
the funeral service.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Deer of Auburn
spent Saturday with the Tatter's par-
ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Brodhagen.
Miss Norma, Steiss of Walton
spent several days with Ser. and Mrs.
John Benuew'ies.
Mrs.George ur
Mr, andY,
'kit of Sara 1
White, VM Bill ,
were Sunday visitor's with Mr. and
Ms. Russell Shaldice.
1Sr. Roy Steins, Misses Elsie and
Norma Steiss and Mrs, John Benne
ivies motored to Kitchener on Fri-
Mr. and Mrs. John lero'dbagen and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
/Brodutagen and daughter spetrt Sun-
day with Mt, and Mrs. Roy Daer in
Mr. and Mrs. George Diegel and
'Mr, and Mrs, William Diegel spent
Monday in Stratford,
Mr. George Mogk, who was con-
fined to Stratford II'ospital for the
past five weeks, is home again and
able to he up and around.
New Cheese
New3 Datelbss 29c
5 lb. - 25c New Raisins 2 lbs 23e
Pastry.. Flour d51- ell's Soap . , cc
24 lb, ° Pork & Beans S
P. W. Naptha Soap 29Rolled Oats 6 lbs, :'21c
10 bars , + Rolled Wheat „5% lbs. 25c
Palm ,Olive 4 calces ; 23c Treleaven Cereal ,. ,.pkg. 15c
SEPOY FLOUR. w; ... ,CWT'. 2.33
10'1 Livestock and 'Grain. The un-
dersigned is offering for sale by pub-
lic auction at Lot 1, 'Con. I`, Town-
ship of MdlC.illop,, near Dublin; the
following: At 130 in the aftern'o'on;'
Monday, December ,118th, 1933:
1 mated work o
dh o. k `teat n about 8
years; 1 aged horse; 1 caw a
aw 'due at
brae of sale; 2 'Durham cows, milk -
Mg; 5 grade cows, milking; '5 frogs
about 1160 lbs; 117 hogs about 1110 lbs.;
150 bushels oats; 150 bushels barley;
250 bushels mixed grain, A quantity
.of 'hay and straw, 1 small gasolene
Mrs, (Cathleen Feeney, proprie-
tress; Geo, H. EI'liott, auctioneer.
Mr. and Mrs.. Wim. Hoegy spent,
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs,
Charlie Egged!.
A very sad death occurred in the
death of ]Mrs. (.Rev,) Freelerickson.
wife of the pastor of the Lutheran
Church east of Brod'hagen on Sun-
day morning early. The whole com-
munity unity w -as shocked to hear the news
flashed over the wires on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler spent
last Friday with Mr. and Mrs,' Geo.
,H2oegy of Grey.
Mr. Jack Daniel has hired with Mir..
Henry \\Tieterson on the 10th conces-
!We wisin to sincerely thank the
friends, neighbors and everyone Who
were so kind and t'hough'tful, by word
'and deed, during Robinson's recent
mi5;fortune,—lHa'miItott Family.
Three calves, .Apply to ,News office.
10 chunks 80 pounds. Apply to
Francis Cleary, Phone 21' on 145.
entlemen's fur -lined o
Pivat News office. 49.
Two lady's coat's: 1 black plush
coat with gaun'tlets and cap to matoh,
for $10; 1 black fur coat, for $115.
Roth in ,good condition. Apply at The
'News Office. 5!1.
sion for the corning year.
rlfr. Jerry D'o'err, \Vm, Koehler,
!Henry Koehler went to Rostock on
Sunday afternoon to attend quarterly
board meeting of the church.
'Mrs Towit'send and .Miss Dorothy
Little Mrs. McCallum and daughters
and Mrs. Frank ,Little spent ,Satur-
day in London,
'Miss Brigham of Clinton spent the
week enol with her sister, Mrs. E.
Aela no s,
.air. and Mrs, H. -\•('orris of Toron-
to were guests at the home of Mr,
and etre. P. Manning Sunday.
Miss Norma Snell was a guest at
the home of Mr, C. Stewart on Sun-
Miss Ida Lyon is visiting with
friends at Pine River. -
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and
children returned to their hone in
the village last Friday after a week's
visit in Toronto and other points.
1:[r. and 'Mrs. Robt, Cald,w-eli, Mr.
and .]Mrs. C. Rudelell were guests of
'Clinton friends on Monday,
'Reeve Leiper is attending at coum-
tycouncil in Goderich
Ac1J6ms.-lIni lowing( metnvory` of our'
;dear mother, a2rs, Henry 'Adams,,
who passed away six years age, Dec.
"'We Who, loved you sadly miss your
As it dawns another year;
ilii our lonely hours of thinking,
Thoughts of you are .ever near,
—E'v'er remembered by her hits
band and family,
1Kistner,—lIn loving memory . of our
son and hsother, Rohent ,George, who
died in Detroit, Dec, 10th, '19126.
"To think we could not say Goodbye,.
Will a1'weyls bring regret,
'B'ut the ones who loved you dearly,
Are the ones who don't forget.
—Sadly missed by Father, Mother,
(Sisters and Brothers.
Electric light, town water, etc. Ov-
er Miss +Pryce's grocery. Immediate
possession. Apply to E. L. 110,.
Good frame house on Groderic}i••
street west, with good cellar. .Easily
heated. Electric lights .a',nd telephone.
Price right to suitable tenant. Apply.
at this office, 49,
Fur coats made over and re -fined'„
also clatfl coats, Get your old coat
made into a short jacket, MRS. F.
iS'HIEWIBElIJT, Seaforth. Box 434,.
One 3 year old fresh Holstein cow
and calf. Also one two year old Jer-
sey heifer due in six (6) weeks, Ap-
ply to P. DILL, Dublin, 50.
$500 wanted immediately in first
mortgage on 'fifty acre farm; clear
title. Apply by letter to The Seaforth
!News. ' 50.
Two dark red Shorthorns, ready for
service. 'Real good animals from good
milking dans. Apply to JAMES
HILL, 'Staffa, or phone Dublin Cen-
tral. 50,
I am 'in the market for old horses
and will pay the highest prices..
Wonderful Bargains at
Walker's Furniture Store
for Christmas Shoppers
Come early and make your selection.
All Priced Below Catalogue
Upholstered in Colors which
Match Any Rooni
5.75 to 9.00
At 'Prices Which Will Accom-
modate All Purses
Also Furniture for the Children
Convertible Three Ways:
As a Double "Bed,
Twin Beds, or
Classic Couch.
10,50 to 12,50
A large stock of Bed Springs
and Mattresses
For anyone wanting
we have Pianos at Very Low
We Sell The
The only Chest guaranteed
Moth -Proof and Moth -Killer.
Each Chest carries an insurance
covering . contents,
In All Sizes and Latest.
Here's A Real Bargain
In Floor Lamps, Table Lamps,
Bed Lamps & Novelty Lamps.
A large variety priced as low as
2.50• tip
'Good Christmas Gifts for your
Wife or Girl Friend
ViA4 4.1
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