HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-12-07, Page 5THURSDAY' DECEMBER 7,
Watch Your Savings Grow
when You shop at
Superior Stores
2 LBS.
NEW MIXED NUTS; 4 varieties PER LB.
CINNAMON TOAST—something•new
SODA BISCUITS—Crothers "always fresh" 2 PKGS
TOMATO JUICE—Nature's (Best
'1 !GAL. TPN
NEW CHEESE—finest quality 2 LBS.'25 c
Fruits and Candies.-
Cleaned Currants 2 lbs, 25c
!Bleached Sultanas per Ib. 19c
Lemon and Orange Peel per lb. 20c
Citron Peel per lb. 28c
Glace Cherries V ib. 100
!Glace Pineapple % ib. 15c
Cluster Raisins, 3 Crown % lb. 20c
French Creams per lb. 19c
Cut Rock Candy per lb 19c
Satin Mixed Candy per lb. 15c
Chocolate Drops per lb. 1.9c
Royal Mixed Candy per lb 15c
Fancy Christmas Chocolates, 3's per box 79c.
Shelled Almonds % Ib, 23c
`Manchurian Shelled 'Walnuts % lb. 10c
Ross V . Sproat Phone 8
Miss No Pryce
Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
Confidence •
and a
Dependable, Reputation
� y
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services and highes•
market prices for good cream.
Creamweighed, tested, graded a-nd
paid for while you wait.
The Seaforth
C. A. BARBER, Prop,
' D
.Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J yyr,rv,LIC.E'1;, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.;
F'lowers'iu;it•ishe '
Night or day phone 67
Wheat, per bus. .. •
Barley, per bus,
Mrs. Thos, Knox re'turaed home
Monday' after being the last two
iwecks in Clinton with Mr. Knox's
mother and sister,in Clinton.
,Mr. and Mrs. S. MttVifbie visited
'friends in 10rover the week -end
Toronto t e
also visiting daughter, Mrs.
Leo Watt, in Kitciheuer I -hospital.
.Mr. and Mrs, 'Norman' ;Shepherd
spent Saturday in Clinton.
'Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Reid of Toron-
to is visiting this week at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, -Bert Allen.
Mr. Thos, and Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
IKnox entertained friends on Sunday.
The annual beef ring meeting will
be held in 'S.S. No, 2 Tsckersniith,
on Thursday, Dec. 114. A fell attend-
65c ance is desired.
42c ',Mrs, W. H. Greek who has been
l30c spending a pleasant vis'i't with her
Oats, new; per bus
- m'other, Mrs. Robt. McDonald, of the
Buckwheat, per bus. 40c Thames Rd., returned hoane, ,accom-
Butter, perl'b .'. • • •- • • 118c parried by her mother, who will spend
Eggs, per 'doz 11715 -125c -13111c a few clays ,with her.
Potatoes, per bag , .$1.00 Mr. John C. Doig, L.IL.iB , of De-
troit, spent several days the guest of
expelledfrom the his'mother, Mns. L. J. Doig, and sis-
ctem, worths be e ry. ter, Miss Janet.
system, no child '.tali be 'health
'Mother Graves' Wortn Exterminator There is sat bl Ulm e to .talks ,,advan,
a dx, J, b
'els 'an excellent 'medcineT^"'to-"'t4L5'tYC"q"`''"fr1 eg"o•E Hae bargain u scrip'kion offer
W051115. to The Seafonfh News,
Mr. ldeverly Beaton is quite ill i'n
'the hosptfal,
Mr, William bbCDouald,Juries st.,
who has been very poorly for" some
days is quite low,
,Miss Marion Belo s'pentt.. the week-
end in Toronto.
Mrs. R. S. E,v'ans went to Toronto
Wing to he serious illness of her
LMiss ,Florence Fowler of B4uevale
visited friends in town this weelc.
(Mss, L. T. De!Lacey has returned
to Toronto.
i,ir, Will Brine . is spending a
couple of days in Toronto.
Mr, W. R, ,Smiitlh and Mrs, H. P.
Scott returned Tuesday evening. from
Posit Colborne where they were call-
ed on Saturday owing to the death of
Mr. James Henderson, father of Mrs,
Frank Smith,
Miss Olive Laidlaw is iat Toronto
for a few days.
Miss Mae 'Bro'ad'foot 'leaves this
week for an extended visile with her
niece, Mrs. Norton, in Port Nelson,
Two soars of the late T. O. Kenip,
well known resident of :Seaforth at
one time, were guests at the
Queens aver the ,week -end, accom-
panied by their wives, They were
Professor 'Robert Kemp and Mrs.
Kemp, who return to China on Janu-
uary 5th after a six months' fur-
lough, and Mr, and Mrs, Beverly
ICetnp of Oakville. A memorial win-
dow in St. Thom'as' Church, Seaforth,
boars 'their father's name..
Rev. Dr. 'J. M. Keys, Mrs. Keys
and Mildred of Oakdale, Pa., return-
ed Saturday after spending several
days with the formers mother, Mrs,
W. L. Keys.
Mr. Robert Beatty was a Toronto
visitor during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Stung and fam-
ily of Clinton were guests on Sunday
of Mrs, A. E. Stark, visiting Mr.
Reuben Stong who suffered a partial
stroke on Saturday.
IMr. and Mrs. Roy Snider and fam-
ily of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs
Alex. Calvert and fancily of Stratford
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis I-Iildebrandt,
Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam GGo'ventoc1S
are' leaving this week for Toronto
Where they will spend the winter.
There was a well attended meet-
ing at the Diok House Saturday when
Art Nicholson, last year's popular
president, was the unanimous choice
of the meeting. Wilson McCartney
wished to retire as secretary -treas-
urer, and was moved a vote of
thanks for his past services. Vincent
+Lane was again elected vice-presid-
ent, Bob Archibald was elected sec-
retary-ltreasurer.Following are the
team representatives on the execu-
tive: St. Columban, Jerry • Doyle;
Winthrop, Ferg. Bullard; Tucker -
smith, John M'dKay; Egmondville,
tPran'k Icing; neutral, 'Win, Hart. It
was decided to ,hold an executive
meeting on ,Saturday, Dec, 1'6112, to
pass on players and other business.
The team captains are busy signing
up players and all are looking. for-
ward to another successful year:
:Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Riley and Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Riley S
P'ettt Sunday
at the hoarse of Ile. and Mrs. George
Cook of IGoderich towns'hi'p,
Mr. and Mrs, Adam Glazier, Mr.
Alt. Glazier, Mr. Will Glazier, of
Clinton, also Mrs, Elwyn Pickard of
1Holnlesville, spent Sunday with Mrs,
Thomas Pollard,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson visit-
ed relatives in Blyth on Sunday.
Mrs. Bart Stephenson spent a day
in London last week:
'(sir. Jack Kellar returned home af-
ter spending a week in Toronto.
Miss Ella Dexter took part in a
musical recital given by Miss Eliza-
beth Mills at Blyth 'last Wednesday
The '\\-1t\, held their meeting o'n
Thursday, Nov. 30th at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley with
a , large nun -slier in attendance, The
meeting opened with the president,
presiding, Sang hymn 255 anter
which Mrs. Robert Rogerson and
Lars, .Simmons; led in prayer. The
minutes of the last meeting were read
and adopted, alter which Miss Ivy
Simi -noes gave a reading, "The House
of Prayer; a solo by 2drs. Peter
Lindsay, "I'll Follow Hiin by Faith
and Not by Sight."'Scripture lesson
by Mrs; _AfeGregor from the sixth
chapter of Matthew, A reading by
Mrs. Chas. Riley; 1n instrumental by
Mt -s. George Addison; a reading by
Mrs. Wni. Britton on "Tle Question
of the Day." The treasurer's report
was Bien given, after which hymn d,9r2
was- sung. Rev Mr, Gardiner then
tdok`the chair for the election of of-
ficers. The officers for the coming
year are as follows: President, lea's.
James Hugill; 1st vice'pres., 2trs.
Robert Rogerson; 2nd 'lice Pres.,
Mrs.George. "Wheatley;ea
- sec
\tErnest Adams; treasurer, s
Lawson; organist, Mrs. Riley and
\lr,. Ferguson; press sec., Mrs. Er-
r-ne It :Adams; work committee Mrs.
Pale, ,A,Irs,.. Knox, Mrs, Dexter. ' Rev,.
Mt Gardiner closed with prayer,
Mrs. ('Rev,) Charles .Leslie of Cor-
inth is spending a few days with her
parents blr. and Mrs. George W'he'at
Miss Don;alda'Adams is spending e
few clays with friends. in Seaforth.,
.The 'tax collec'tor, A'Ir. McVittie,
was in else Village on Wednesdiay, re-
lieving the 'bulge on the farmer's`po-
cket book.
The Chns,tntas Tree and entertain-
ment being put on by the Constance.
Sunday` School 'Phuesdray, Dec. - 211,
will be of a very high order, There
tvrl'1 be a soulnd canteta e'mtitledi.``The
Great Deliverer." given by the young
people. The costumes ' and settings
will be in keeping with the birth > of
Christ. There will he a short program
given by the children first. Don't for-
k i real t a! in
h 2hst there s a d t
stonethe 1 'o t ,
stone far all w*ht /come.
VIr,; ittd .Mrs. Leo,Ste'phenas sats' i l'
Jack Fer,goson an'd Mr: Will JNwttt
took part in the literary at Bandon
•schdol on Wednesday evening.
Friday, Dec. 8
Admission 25c. Ladies 10c
ILuron .County Council opened the
December session at ,Godet'ich on
Tue'sday 'afternoon and it promises to
be a momentous one. Reeve Gold-
thorpe, of Colborne, .gave a verbal
review of the deliberations of the
!Warden's Connannttee,-'but the offic-
ial repodt will be dealt with later.
Warden B+altantyne in a brief address
expressed his pleasure in seeing nil
the Councillors present. In the seven
December cant -mils he Thad attended
there was 'hardly ever a: full ,council.
"There has been quite .a stir around
here, but I think I will have little to
say regarding what has- happened;
piobalb'iy .the leaslt said, the 'better.
You .have the auditor's repont. Mr,
Gibbs said he Would come :hereand
give a report if the Council "wanted
it, but 17rave not asked .plum ,I leave
that with you," The affairs of the
Warden's Committee evade the year a
bard one; 'th'oug'h some might criti-
cize it because of 'the settlement
trade with the Boding Company,
but he fent it had done its fluty as
far as possible.
Ian 'McLeod, agricultural represen-
tative enclosed a cheque for $25 for
publicity purposes, and expressed
the wash to appear before Council re-
garding Junior Agricultural work,
The letter was tabled. Mrs. Thomas
H.Wilson, the Secretary of the
Auburn Public 'Library Board, which
has a membership of 1100, and a lib-
rary of 2,000 books, asked for a grant
in order to purc'h'asenew books, Sent
to Executive committee. A communi-
cation 'from Magistrate C. A. Reid
complaining of the position of the
oifi,ce where he tries juvenile cases.
Sent to property cont!mittee, The let-
ter of the Huron and Bruce Old
Boys' Ass'ocialtion's of Western Prov-
in^ces addressed to Registrar Neeb,
advised t'h'at they 'had appointed the
Wardens o'f both 'counties their Hon-
orary Presidents. The reports of the
inspection of the boilers at the House
of 'Refuge and County buildings, be-
ing in satisfactory ^condition, were
filed. The goaler's report showed 75
prisoners for the' year;. at preseiit 11.
The average for the year was 110:
'T'he following letter was received
prom Messrs. Gladman and Stanbury,
Exeter, and referred to the executive
comniibteet "We have :before us a
copy of the report of the special audit
of the county, trdasairer's backs in
which there is. 'a paragraph charging
mem'b'ers of t'h'e county council of
former years with taking pay and
mileage illegally,
'On September 9 we requested the
Warden's Committee to have Mr.
'Gibbs t .
n al.e a detail report ed e p them
ort to dt m
giving the natives of the members Nho
have profited in this ,way and show-
ing the amounts so taken, bet 'Mr.
'Gibbs barely mentioned the matter
without particulars.
"Thousands of dollars are involv-
ed in double and triplicate pay and
dishonest 'mileage. This has been
;filched from the ratepayers by men
who are supposed to be guarding the
county's funds.
"We are writing on behalf of cer-
tain ratepayers of the county to re-
quire bhe county council to take im-
mediate action to recover the am-
ounts illegally taken, as indicated.
"You will appreciate that the
charge of the special auditor touches
the honor of every member until
such time as the guilty ones 'have
been named, and we cannot imagine
that any member who has nothing to
hide will trate against compelling
those who have taken the money il-
legally praying it back to the county,"
1J. AI, 'Govetvlock, inspector of the
House of Refuge, reported that fire
escapes had beets placed. The cost
per day is 2014 cents per inmate. A
radio .has given great pleasure to the
instates, "who were happy and con-
The report of the Mothers' Allow-
ance Cotnniissio 1 was read by !Clerk
Holman, The number of claimants
Toad increased while the amount had
decreased. The highest payment was
$515 and the lowest $120 per mo.n'th
The old age pension committee's
report submitted by J. ''vV, Cnaigie,
chairman, reported having held six
meetings Tlhere are 1194 cases on ,the
roll, of which 1157 are new ,applicants;
1317 are reconsidered or deferred cases.
'Too many o,f the latter are due to 111 -
sufficient information- on the forms
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates.
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances,
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
THE two rings of romance—
the Diamond Solitaire and the
Wedding Ring—nowadays
they combine the highest
beauty with sentiment.
The engagement Ring is
delicately pierced, engraved
Platinum or Gold, set with
the finest of sparkling Dia-
monds. The Wedding Ring
is a slim band of Platinum or
Gold to match the Engage-
ment Ring. artistically hand -
engraved in an appropriate
You are cordially invited to
inspect our new showing of
J. A. WESTCOTT, Jeweler
sent in. There are 'thirty in the
House Of Refuge on the list in No-
vember. The total payments for the
past year -including Decem'b'er . 19,32,
amounted to $113,6917114, of which 10
per' cent is paid by the county, 115 per
cent by the province and 715 per cent
by the Dominion. Reeve Haake:
"Isit necessary to appoint a' com-
mission? According to the report they
haven',t much authority. What is the
cost of trhe Old Age Commission this
The clerk: "I haven't got the pay
sheets here." Warden Bailentyne pro-
mised to get them.
.Reeve Eckert: "How much does
'the government get back on ,Old Age
;Pensions from the estates of deceased
!Clerk Heilman ,advised hint that
the amounts retained for 'County,
Provincial and Dominion were ill the
satire ratio as that paid by each.
At 41.30 p.m. there was no business
ready to be presented, and it was de-
.cided to hear the report of the ward-
en's cdmnnittee and Reeve Gold-
thp, r'
or e the chairman, was asked for
it. Heave a review verbally and
g y,
council decided not to deal with it
until the Official report was present-
ed. Reeve Goldthorpe said in part,
and the members of the coauicil and
occupants of the benches sat up to
In June it was decided to have
chartered accountants a'ndit the
books. rT''e responsibility was thrown
on the, w'arden's committee, After
that meeting in June I met the war-
den's committee here and they in-
structed me to employ a chartered
accountant and Mr. Gibbs was em-
ployed. Mr. Gibbs canis on this work
on June 28, 1933, and from that date
on I .attended at least once a day. On
gaily 4 I .called this warden's commit-
tee as +Mr. Gibbs was stuck. He
wanted to go back to .1932. We grant-
ed him permission. Mr. Gibbs and his
learned staff got no assistance. That
was his complaint from day to clay
and it went on frown tune to time.
Mr. Goldthorpe described the',diffi-
culty experienced in getting irotich-
ers, etc. `If Mr, t dolman ,was in 'his
office, I didn't see him. It Went on
and on and. Alt. Giblbs wasn't getting
very Inc, and he ,called us ie consulta-
tion on A'ttgust 115." The speaker de-
scribed in detail the events leading
up to Mr. Young's arrest. ""The next
elan was Mr, Holahan," he continued,
"who appeared with a lawyer. We
didn't get anyfhititg out of him When
it came to'a question of invoices.
Why were they not taken care of "
'The .committee were told invoices
front a typewriter company were in.
'London. When London was co'nunun-
ictted with they advised they were in
'the 'head office in Toronto, and from
there referred to Montreal, "T supp-
ose from there we would have been
told they were in London, England,"
said Mr. rGnldthorpe.
ion September 5, we were called in
to settle about the hand. a
t We had a
alone of 125,00D; and another for
1$5,000 Which was not worth 25 cents."
The `battle" with else representative
of the bonding company seas describ-
ed, the final decision of the company
10 pay $7,'500 being accepted.
:Reeve ,Goldthorpe suggested that
,w^lien the new treasurer is appointed
that he be required to nut up a per-
sonal bond 'o'f $5,000- to $l0,000 with
security behind it. "Dont blame your
forever auditors too miieh. It took
Mr. Gibbs and his learned staff seven.
or eight weeks before, they had Young
iR!ecve J-I,a.alcke of; Goderiels town-
ship asked: "What i5 the cost Of the
investigation? Did you make ,any ar-
rangemcn'ts wiP11 the auditor anter the
,first five months?"
:Mr. Goldthorpe: "No, ire said 'he
would do it as rea'sonab'ly as he.
IReeve Haa,cke: "Has this account
been paid yet?"
Warden Ballantyne; "Fifteen hun-
utdred dollars rhas .beets• paid Tihe total
bill is $312193160."
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week, 2,5c
A 'large number from here attend-
ed the play entitled "Susie Steps Out"
held in St. Coluntban Parish Hall on
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. O'Connor spent
Sunday atiternoon with Mr. and Mrs,
Pat. Woods.
Mr. Thomas Givlin died- oil Mon-
day evening at the advanced age of
35 years. Three sons, Joseph, Amb-
rose and '• Louis; and three daughters,
Mrs. Russel.Stewart, Stratford; Mrs.
Tom Williams, Hibbert; Miss Mary,
Landon, survive, and also two sisters,
Sister Florence, St. Joseph's Com
inanity, London; Sister Ursula, Good
Shepherd, Maumee Brook, Ohio; two
brothers, Anthony, California; Micih-
ael, St. Jioseph's hospital, London,
He was predeceased by his wife 1'3
years ago. The funeral services took
place Wednesday morning from bate
residence of has son, Ambrose Givlin,
1d '
ktlla to t. Patrick's Church
& C ch
and thence to St. 'C'olumban cemetery
for interment.
Mr. John Mero, 'Seal?orth, is visit-
ing with his sisiter, Mrs, Joseph Hick-
Miss A. Maloney entertained a few
of her friends to a party and all ye -
port a good ,time, e
,Me. and AM1is, Louis Dorsey spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. Patrick
Morris of ,Dublin,
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Dorsey spent
Suniday afternoon with Air. Patrick
Morris of Dublin.
Miss Anna Carpenter, Logan, vis-
ited on Sunday with her sisters.
Dubliii Continuati'on ,School repont
on page two.
Moylan -O'Sullivan. -A quiet but
pretty wedding was solemnized at St.
'James' Roman Catho'li'c Church,
Toronto, at eight o'clock, Saturday
morning, Dec. 2ncl, when Miss Mary
O'Sullivan, only daughter of Mr. and
Nt's Peter A. ()Sullivan of St, Col-
um'ban, bec'ante the bride of Mr. Jos-
eph P, Moylan of Kitchener, son of
Mt, and 'Mrs, Thomas J. Moylan, of
St, Columlban, Rev. Farher Hayden
officiated and sang the nuptial mass.
The attendants were bliss AuvneFeen-
ey, R. IN,, of Toronto, and Mr. John
Moylan, of S't ,Cotan ban. After the
ceremony a weddini'g breakfast was
served to the wedid'ing party at Crof-
ton Villa, Alt. and Mrs. Moylan will
take up their residence al -Royal Ap-
artments in Kitchener.
'Mrs. J, Dalton and daughter, Miss
Mary Dayton of ,Detroit seen. the
week end with Mr,11 a
ee e 11 and Mrs, Thosr"
\Ir. 101111 AVilliams of Detroit spent
!Sunday et the home of .Iiia parentis,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Williams.
'Mr. Jelin L'Ioy4'ati spent the week
end in Toronto.
dale are glad 10 know that :Mrs..
Jlante's vtcQuaid is recovering from
lief scriou's illness,
IIlr. ,and Mrs. Thos Feeney of Lan-
don called on !Mr. Thos. ,Feeeney Sr, of
MclKilloip on 'Se in clay.
'251155 Bridget Delaney o? Stratford
'1Norntal spent.the week end et her
!home here:
Science Explains Vogue 'of Nudism
Professor Donald A. Laird, Direc-
tor of the Colgate University Psycho-
logical Laboratory, in an article in,
The American Weekly with nett
Gvnday's+ Detroit Times, paints out
that ntpf'dis,m is ,one of mankind's n'at-
eral ages to "sallow off,"