HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-26, Page 8e e an{ • THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE EIGHT. r HENSALL. Rev. W. A. Young was taken •shd- deuly ill pn Saturday evening. and' ,wastaken to Seaforth Hospital where he' was operated on for appendicitis. At time of writing he is (toing as well as can be expected. Mr. T. C. )oynt made a business trip to Toronto the first of the week. He was accompanied by his son. The services in the `United Church• on Sunday were well attended. Rev. Arthur 'Sinclair, the pastor, had charge of the services and preached two splendid sermons, the choir rend- ering special music, Mrs. Reiland and son Lloyd of Mount Pleasant have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs, C, IS 'Hodson. Mr. Harry Heron of Mitchell visit- ed over the week -end at his home here Mr, and Mrs T, H, 113aaird of Stan- ley visited on Sunday with Mrs. Har- ry Jacobi. Miss Griffith of Ottawa is visiting with ;Rev. /W. A. and Mrs. Young. Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Fines and dau- ghter of Clanton visited on Sun'd'ay with M'r, and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. (Dr,) Dougall and 'children of Petrolia are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dougall and other irelaltive The many friends of Miss Eliza Newell will be sorry to hear she is confined to her room through illness. 'Mr. Herb Hoggarth and Donald MclKaig left Friday for Beech -o -pines. On Thursday of last week the W. M. S. of the United Church very plea- santly' entertained as 'guests the W. M, S. societies of Kippen and 'Chisel- hurst. The meeting was preside pred sident r by Mrs, Cooper of Kippen, P of that society, and Mrs. C. A, Mc- Donald of Hensall. A paper on Our Work for Christ was given by •Mrs, Monteith. Duet by Mrs. M. Drysdale and Mrs. ;Geo Hess with Miss Greta Laramie at the piano, \'Lap •talk on medical missions in Canada, Mrs. Chandler of Kippen. Duet, Miss Flor- ence Thomson ,and Jean 'Ivison with Mrs.MdLean as accompanist, One of the pleasing features of the afternoon was :the address dealing with 'the work of missionaries in different lands given by Mrs. Gardiner of Londes- boro. A dainty 'lunch was served with Mrs. AlexBuchanan and Mr. Wm. Dougall pouring tea. Votes of thanks were given by Mrs. Chandler of Klip- pen and Mrs. Cudmore of 'Chiselhurst. The Young Peopie's Anniversary services in Carmel Church on Sun- day were well attended, Rev. B. Simpson Black of St. Andrew's Church, Sarnia, was the speaker and gave two splendid address. Music by a young people's choir included spec- ial anthems. In the morning a sextette by Ireen Hoggarth, Hazel Thompson, Mrs. Harold Bell and 'Irene Daters, Jerry Denfield and Jas Bengough. In the evening a quartette by Irene Hog- garth, Mabel Workman, Mrs. Harold Sell. Irene Deters. The Heusall C. G. I. T. Gle Co group held their first meeting of the season on Tuesday evening with a marshmallow and Weiner roast. The death occurred Thursday even- ing of George Fairbairn at his home nn the London road a short distance utof hiis dSth year,hadnotbeenid n was in. the best of health during the past four months. About 4 weeks ago he took seriously ill with pneumonia., 'Zr. Fairbairn was married twice, his first wife being Antes Simmons: Of that union three children survive, Mrs. Jo- seph Hudon of Hensen, William of near Hensel:, Elliott of '1 illsenhurg. His second wife, formerly Mabel 'Simmons,survives, and a family of five daughters and two sons, Mrs. Lennie O=Brien, Clinton; Mr,. Clif- ford Brtn•tnell, Exeter; A„ne•Fre t ir- et and Mabel at home; Windsor and C:arence at home. Sur ti iwz also are 5 tern, Mre. Alex. ,Pnchanat and Mrs. Jas. A. Bell, rlenoaii; Mrs. McTaggart, Sa,k.; Mrs. Dalrymple. Meese paw, and Mrs. Moir of the We -t, and f.;nr brothers, Walter et Ilensafl John and Elliott, 'nowtlake, Man.; Rohl. of the west. The funeral was held front his late home en Sunday afternoon. Rev. Ar- S'ne:air c••n''nre l the service Interment in McTaggart's cemetery. The Welfare are Youth Club of Carmel Church held their regtear meeting ,m \londay. There wae a g,t,o1 attendance The Arnold Circle of Carmel cherch held a dewing meeting Tuesday eve at the home of Miss Olive Workman. The annual rally of the young peo- ple of •the 'Presbyterian Church will be held in Gadetich Monday everting. Oct. 30th. Rev. Mckay of James St, Church, London, will be the speaker. The annual thankoffering of Carmel Church will be in the basement of the church Thursday afternoon, Oct. 26. The guest speaker will be Miss Mc- Connell a missionary on furlough. At the fowl supper to be held in Carmel Church on Nov. 9th a splen- did program is being prepared and entertainers from 1St. 'James Church, London, will be present. Mr. and Mrs, Ray .Phaff and babe of Delhi visited over the week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs, ,Phaff. Mr, Lyle Cassidy of IOtterville has taken a position with 'Bbmbhron ,& Drysdale as tinsmith and plumber, The Young People's League of the United Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening with a n- dby good attendance, sing ng ,hymn The i143, after h ich Rev. A. Sinclair led in prayer, Scrip - sure lesson by :Dr, ,I, Smillie. Hymn 47 Reading, Miss M. Johnston, A Mod- ern 'Sermon, Salo, Mrs, Maud Hed- don. The Topic was very ably taken by Rev. E. Elliott of Exeter. Solo, Rev. E. ,Elliott. Hymn 1411. :Meeting closed with prayer by Rev. E. Elliott. Mr. Willard Buchanan is staking. imp,rovetnents at his garage ,and gas station by adding a large buildiflg to the rear, which will give him mare space for storing cars and doing work. Miss Annie Consitt is also adding to the appearance of her property by having the barn taken down and a neat garage built. The work is being done by Mr, James Sangster of town. TOWN TOPICS TW\TTX-FIVE YEARS AGO Moves to New Store. Mr, Charles 'Aberhart, druggist, moved his stock into his 'handsome new store an the earner of • John and Main streets, this week. Early Morning 'Fire. Early. Sunday morning 'fire broke out in the residence of 'Mrs, F. Case, Huron Road East, and caused consid- erable damage to the .kitchen. The 'fire which' originated among some cloth- ing, was noticed by Mrs. Case, who promptly gave the alarm but with the help of the family' had the .fire web un- der control before assistance 'from town arrived. Fell 'Ftom W,heel., a number of her ;friends oe fWednes- d,y evening' to a fowl supper, the ev- ent being the 86th birthday of her fa- ther, \lr Wm Crain. The old gentle- man is still quite smart ' mid still en- joys a jolee at well as he dud tweerilty years ago and says he feels just as young. Jt is the wish of his many friends that he may be spared to en- joy many such birthdays,' Mr. Burgard of. the Huron Pottery Co., while returning home from a de- livering trip around New Hamburg and Tavistock, was ,unloading some crockery in Sebringville and his foot slipped off the spoke of the wheel he was standing on and with the sudden drop the crocks struck hint in the face, resulting in a couple of nasty wounds on his nose and forehead. He had them dressed and proceeded on his homeward journey. Travellers, The following parties left +fdr dis- tant points this week: ,Mr.H'ay, of ,Seaforth, to Winnipeg Mrse Charles DeGeere and Miss Farquhar, both of Constance, to,ISask-ato'on, IS'ask. Late Rev. Matthew Barr. NOTICE INo trespassing er cutting timber allowed on lot 3, con, 5, Tuickersniith, wniehou't my consent, JOHN 'S'1 RrO'A'T Seeforblt: 44 PULLETS FOR STALE 1315 Rock pullets, early hatched, In good condition and ready to lay. Priced reasonable. Apply Phone 145 r 113, •Seaforth. 43 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1933 FOR SALE Several Dwellings IN SEAFORTH & EGMONDVILLE Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. SUTHERLAND APPLES FOR ;SALE A quantity of Spy apples for sale, also Baldwins. Apply or phone Mrs. L, J, DIOIIIG, 4 on 93, Hens'alle cen. Kippers r:r, 2. _ 43. FOR SALE Oise 3 -year-old Oxford ram and two young rams. Also some potatoes. TIH'O'MAAS DALE Phone 211' on 2417, 43 The death occurred in M:clKillop on Sunday of one of the oldest residents of this vicinity in the person bf Rem. Matthew Barr, who had attained the good old age of 93 years. The deceas- ed, who had been in 'failing health for some time, was one of the ;pioneer clergymen of the 'Presbyterian Church in Canada and was inducted as pastor of the 'Harpurhey Olsen (Seaforth) 'Presbyterian Church in i1554. Por many years he was the only Presby- terian clergyman in this district and had a large field of labor. He retired from active service in the church sev- eral -years ago but has since on several occasions conducted the services and sacraments of the ;First Presbyterian Church. The late Mr. •Barr was a na- tive of Renfrew, Scotland, where he was ordained into the ministry. He is survived by his wife and' three daugh- ters, the youngest being Mrs. Robert Govenlock, who resides at the took old home in MdKillop. Interment place in 'Harpurhey cemetery. FOR SALE Twenty purebred Yorkshire pigs for sale, six weeks old. Apply to DONALD DALE, Phone 1170 r 22. 44 CANDY FOR THE KIDDIES Donations of candy will be ap- preciated for the Hallowe'en Fro- lic. Please leave at Beattie Bros. Monday. IWe are interested in the healthy, happy children as well as the crippled. children. AUCTION SALE Of Faros Stock: Mr. G. IH. ;Elliott has been instructed to sell by public auction at Walker's Sales IS+tables, Brucefield, on Wednesday, INos'ember 1st, at 2 p.m, the .following:—, 30 head Hereford: cattle, calves, yearlings and two -year-olds, 2 cows due time of sale, 6 pigs ready to wean. 6 chunks about 1160 'pounds. Terms—Cash. W. A, ROSS, Proprietor; G. H ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. HORSES WANTED I am in the market for old horses and will pay the 'highest prices JACK CUD MORE. 43. ONLY 60 (MORE Shopping' days till ,Christmas. Do your Ohristm'as shopping early at the Bazaar which is to be held by the ,MdGillivray Auxiliary of Northside 'United Church on Saturday, Nov. 4th in the 'vacant store next to °riich's, be- ginning at 2 p.m. DANCE Thursday the.261th at Conenunnty Hlal'l, Londesbaro. 7 piece orchestra. 'Admission 25c. 43, Leadbury Mr. L. Hill has completed the con- tract for the Leadbury school and needless to say 'that the pupils and teacher are pleased to get into the new building, A handsome Dominion en- sign was floated from the flag pole on Monday in honor of the occasion, Many bright scholars received their education in the old school house attd it i, to be hoped that the reputation .iia be kept up in the new. Friday and Saturday •PRAIRIE ROSE 'FLO'U'R, cash r 19 (IBEX BLANKETS 49 no; Large size, pair A• • COTTAGE ROLLS cash .......pound MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 13c LW. RINSO 21c large size pkg, . , , PASTRY FLOUR 24 pounds Aylmer, 6 tins 1c PORK & BEANS S pound 37c Il l iQ___, HOUSE FOR SALE Five -I -owned frame house on Centre street, in goad repair, electric light, hard and: tsolt, water. 'If not sold will. he rented. Apply to JOHN iMcNIAtY, Seaforth, RR. 2, ';Phone 236 r 215. ' '44 AUCTION SALE. '01 Farm 'Stock. nLot 117, Concession 15, Hibbert, on •Monday, • November 6, at 11:=30 o'clock, the foilowinga 1 year-old 'coli, IL sucking_ colt, : •1 aged mare. Il' cow with calf at foot; .1 cow sup- posed to be in calf; ,1 Durham bull rising 12; 1' two-year-old steers; 5 year- old heifers; S calves. 114 pigs (chunks); '1 sow with litter of 8. 21 turkeys, 14 ducks. 'Graver box, wagon box, 2 old wagons. Terms—Cash. 'ED. A, GORMLEY, Proprietor, G. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. HONEY FOR SALE 'Clover honey, ^sligih'tly colored, 6c lb. White clover' honey 8I%c lb. GEO. PARKER, Ch'ise l-m.rst; 43 IMPORTANT NOTICE '. Any 'person h'av'ing a claim against the ;late F, D. Realism Estate, Please present before November 1's't, 19133. Allan kindly assist ,Hu'tchison's to close all book accounts 'owing, by cash or note, :by November •1'st, (1933, to enable Executors to.distribute as- sets of late F. D. Hutchison. JIIFJNNIIIE B. HIUT10HIIISION. PIGS FOR SALE 'Twenty pigs for sale, six weeks old 'October 12. JOHN NOILAN, phone B1 an :144. 413. TUCKERSMITH. Mrs. Thomas Coleman received the sad news last'Saturday of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr..M. A.,Rice,:'of Forest Nook, Ont., Which took place at the (Private Pavilion, General ^Hosp- ital, in Toronto, The funeral was held at the home of his nephew, Mr, Wilfred Rice, 23 DeIL'isie Avenue, To- ronto, on Monday ,afternoon to 14ount Pleasant Cemetery, and was largely attended. 1 -Tis wife was well knows in these parts, being Emma K. Troyer, daughter of the late John Troyer of Hillagreen. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Coleman, Mr, and \Mrs. Cecil Oke and .firs, James Troyer: all of ;Seaforth, and Mrs, James Wright of Mitchell attended the funeral. Mr. ;Russell Coleman is still confin- ed to ,hell with a bad attack of in- flammatory rheumatism. The many friends of Mr. Amos Townsend are pleased to know he is convalescing. CI'D'ER .MILL Will run every day after October dist. I have installed two new cookers'. and a machine for straining apples ;for apple buffeter; peeling not necessary, Lot 23, concession 6, Logan. Phone 020 r 3d, Mftdhell. FRED HE'NNIIOK RSR. 4, Mitchell BULLS FOR SALE Two .dank red Shorthorns, ready for service,' Real good animalsfrom good milking dams. Apply to JAMES HI.LL, .Staffa, ar phone Dublin Cen- tral. 20. FOR SALE Fifty White Leghorn pullets, bred to -lay, are now laying. About six months old. Apply to J'NO. T ELOIE, Kippen, or phone 1.134 r 21. Blyth Mr. John W. Bell, one of the most ,:romineat residents of Blyth, died -uddenly of heart failure, on Friday. bybirth, ,ca t Englishman irth , a ,rlrt:uettt member cf the Anglican church He leaves a wife, one son and three daughters to mourn his loss. The deceased conducted a harness business in Blyth for the past thirty years. Staffa Dr. W. L. Mair, MsD.. graduate of :McGill University, has opened 'up a practice in Staffa. His office is located over Mr. T. 31, Hamilton's store. Hullett :Another of our pioneers passed over the Great Divide in the person of ,Geo. Snell, who died on October 28th.. Born in the parish of Birmingham, Devonshire, .England, in 118213, he came to Canada and took up lot 311 on the Sth concession of this township sixty years ago. This district was then in the primeval state, but Mr, (Snell was strong and industrious and as the years rolled on the forest disappeared from the place and it became a smil- hng homestead. .Four sons and three daughters were bonn to Mr. and Mrs. Snell: William, 'Humphrey, (George, of Eullett, James and Mrs. lEliSha Walk- er in East Wawamosh; .Mrs. Jacob Elsley, in Colborne and Mrs. J. W. Snell, Taylorbaro, Sask..,Seven years leo this venerable couple 'celebrated their golden wedding, and five years later Mrs. Snell joined that ,iinn'umer- able throng which will gather around the great white throne, The funeral took place ,to Clinton cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr; Currie, pastor of the ,Londesboro .Me- thodist Church. IDoitgias' !Egyptian Liniment is re- markable in its ,quick effective action. Relieves ins'tatttly burns, eeralns, toothache and neuralgia. 'Invaluable 'for sore throat, croup and gttinsy. FOR SALE Two 'Holstein heifers 'coming 3. let. calf in December. _A'ppiy,ILot 9, Con- cession 5, :Tuokersmi'th. J. Kraetech. PULLETS FOR SALE A number of choice Barred* Rock and White Leghorn pullets for sale. Some laying, Priced reasonable, These pullets are R.01P, sired by ;Government Approved and Blood - tested stock. ,AINIDIREW A. 1b11O'O'RE, 'Sunnyvale Poultry )Farm, Seaforth, 1Phone'137 r 3. Poppies for Remembrance The adoption of flowers by nations of the old world as national symbols goes back to mediaeval tines. The lilies of France, the rose of England, the Scottish thistle all had their ac- ceptance as distinguishing emblems in the conflicts of she past. These blos- soms are, however, restricted in their significance, denoting in general the adherence of their wearers to some nationalistic group. Nat one of them has the universality of the Poppy, nor is .any of them vested with such poig- nant memories to this generation, The Poppy has by association with the sacrifices and achievements of a past generation been elevated' to :a sacredness of character not possessed by the flora of any individual nation, The Poppy has become the universal emblem of sacrilfice; the wreath of poppies has displaced the laurel of triumph because of, the deeper elem- ents which it incorporates, To wear a poppy on remembrance day is a national duty, for it narks the wearer as one who is not unmind- ful of the sacrifices that have been made on his or her behalf, Throughout Canada, in -every city, town and village under the direction of the Canadian Legion will poppies, be offered for sale. Made by disabled war veterans who depend upon these in large pleasure for their livelihood, the poppies, are emblematic of Canada's pride and sorrow. The ,graves of near- ly 50,000 yoting Canadians in France and 'Belgium are carpeted with the red blossoms. The Poppy was ever-pres- ent to their sight in those receding days of ;1'91115-1191118; they colored the. landscape with 1. red which darkened only in the deeper red of the blood that wasshed in order that these pre- sent wearers' might live en peace. WOOD FOR SALE 'So'ft maple body wood $2.50 a cord. .Also hard maple body wood $3.50 a cord. ,In load lots of four cords or More, delivered. VI'OTOIR 'FIAIICON- 'ER, "Brucdfieid. Phone 029 r 12, Clin- ton central.` SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, per b'us. 57c Barley, per bus. 42c Olats, new, per bus ' "30'e Buckwheat, per bus. , ....... 38c Butter, . per Ib , 1Sc Hogs, per cwt. $5.00 Eggs, per dos. ,. .......i t115?c-1Jc 28c 'Potatoes, per bag .......$1;00 FARM FOR SALE 1100 -acre farm with good land and good buildings, Tots of water, some bush; some wheat sowed. priced cheap and good terms to right party. Situ- ated in Stanley tp, near 'Barfield. Ap- ply to Seaforth News. 'CARD OF THANKS V r, and Mrs. George Bell and fam- ily wish to express their appreciation and heartfelt 'thanks to their malty friends and neighbors for kindness shown to thein in their recent sad ber- eavement; also for the many beautiful flowers and to those who kindly loan- ed cars. Stanley. 'A few days ago, on the farm of Mr. William 1Lanont 'Stanley, Mr. . Jacob Meyer, assisted by iJ, Ken•nali and J, Kipper packed ten .barrels of apples in one hour :and , twenty;five. nvinutes; They say this is a record up to elate, Hillsgreen. ,lrs. James Jarrott, ,Sr,, entertained IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of John Leon- ard Hulley, our son and brother, who died, October 30, 1931. "We mourned for one we dearly loved, For one we could not save, Loved in life, mourned .in death, ,Reme'ntbered in his grave. —Sadly missed by 'mother and brothers. sister, CARD OP •THIANKS IJ, E, Reynolds 13s ;Sons 'wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to all who helped to extinguish the fire that threatened to consume their barns an Saturday evening last. TORONTO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Children. - Usual ATTRACTION half fare. Tickets 30 Mendelssohn Choir good in coaches Return Concert `cT H E only. No baggage from SEAFORTH ELIJAH" Toronto checked — Sat., Nov. 4 "CENT A MILE"—Round Trip Bargain Fare Tickets also on sale same date to following stations AND ALIL INTERRMEDPATE POINTS LONDON TRENTON DURHAM GODERICH HAMILTON BELLEVILLE PALMERSTON SARNIA NIAGARA FAL'L,S NAPANEE OW'EN SOUND ELORA OSHAWA KINGSTON WIAR•TON GUELPH PORT HOPE BROCKVILLE SOUTHAMPTONSTRATFORD CO1BOiYRG LISTOWE'L KINCARDINE KITCHENER Tickets to Hamilton honored either via direct line or Toronto Fares 80c higher than to Toronto EXCURSION TICKETS WILL BE HONORED GOING RETURNING (Sat., Nov. 4 ALL not good on Trains 6 or Tickets valid to return leaving 20-553 east of Torontodestinations up to and including _ r FOR'SPE'CItFIC' FARES TO Mon., Nov. 6. ALL POINTS, TRAIN IN- FORMATION, TICKETS, see Tickets not good on Train 552 - nearest C.N.R. Agent. W. R. 37 into Toronto nor on Train 15 PLANT, Phone 4-w, Seaforth CANADIAN NATIONAL TJ2:21. VOTERS'. 'LIST NOTICE. Township of Tuckersmith Notice is hereby given that the El.-, ectors of the Municipality of the Tow:Ish'ip of Tuckersiuith are hereby required to examine the Litt of Vot- ers for the year 19133; and if any er- rors or omissions are found therein. they are required to bake such steps as the law directs to have such errors or omissions corrected. Lf no complaint is made within twenty -ante days from the 118th day ,of October, 193'3, which date is the 9th day of November, 7033. inclusive, the said List will be filed as correct Voters List of the Munic- ipality of tlse Township of Tucker - Smith for the year 49313. D F. McIGIRIEiGiOR, GlcA;, Township of Tuckersnnith. Big , Ve are. ZED ROSE DAB'LE ?ALM BULK WHOLE BEST offering SALT TREE SOAP PASTRY i i r toryp luTOCELEBRATE OUR FIRST ANNIVERS•ARY you exceptional values, lasting forthe balance of October TEA with Scribblers 2.3c 2 pkgs. 15 c TOILET SOAP , ..... 11 bars-, 25 c FLAKES , , . . ... • • 3 lb 25c EAT FLAKES . , , , 2 pkgs. WH 23c FLOUR 12 Ib for 27 C 1 can PEAS, 1 can TOMATOES and 1 can CORN ALL FOR ... , 29 C Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 for 25c Golden Bantam. Corn , .... , .. , 2 for 25c Fine or. Coarse Oats 6 lbs 25c Choice Apricots 2 lbs 450 NEW 'CANADIAN CHEESE -, • -• • 1B 15c Old Cheese, rich & nippy -25c ib. CIRCLE COFFEE with Beautiful ;Glass 'Premiunt„per lb tin 39C FANCY BISCUITS (10 varieties) ...................2 lbs 25c BULK SODA BISCUITS 2 lbs 25 c GINGER SNAPS ... .... ... .,.., ,, .2 Ms 21. 3 cakes PALMOLIVE & 1 pkg. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 21c Toasted Cheese Thins ...... ........ ... .....••••..... 2 pkgs 15c Unwrapped Soap (full size, cake) 10 for 31c York Pork & Beans ... , .... .. • • • 4 tins 25c .. , . . , ....... .... . . ... 2 lb- pkg. 25c DE LUXE JELLY POWDER 6 for 25 c Carter's Cash Phone 42. We Deliver