HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-26, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE sTO Haliowe'enSpecials Woe to the householder who fails to provide for the Spooks" and "Bogey Men" who will call at her door on Hallowe'en. Superior Stores ,are (Hallowe'en :Headquarters and can supply you with the choicest 'Nuts, Candies, Fruits and other essentials for this important occasion. Many other items are featured this week -end at prices to attract the thrifty shopper. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending Nov, CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP Ss 33c 2s 14c 5'.T. WILLIAMiS STRAIWIBERRY JAM ..large 40 oz. jar 32c STANDARD PEAS No 3 2 tins 25 c PREM'IU'M TEA, 1 1b. pkg. with 1 1b. (Salted Peanuts FREE A 9c PUMPKIN, large VA's 2 tins '!' 25c GOLDEN WAX BEANS, tender, no strings 2 tins Royal York Tea 'worthy of the name Fresh Rolled :Oatmeal Germ Meal Carnation Milk small -5c; Loose Soap Chips Happyvale Mincemeat Educator Cheese Thins 6 oz. pkg. 14c Cascade Brand Fancy Pink :Salmon ......., .,. ...............1's 12c Libby's Picnic Asparagus per tin 25c Taylor's Peanut Butter 10 oz. jar 14c Ovaltine, ....small -45c; medium -67c; large 1.09 'Schneider's Smoked Picnic' Style Pork Shoulders, Shankless, cello wrapped per Ib 13c Aylmer Boned Chicken, 7 oz per tin 29c 23c ib •23c 6 lbs 25c per lb 5c tall 10c 3 lbs..25c 2 lbs 25c Popping Corn, large yellow per ib 10c New Cooking Figs 2 lbs 17c.. Lily Chicken Haddie r 2 tins 25c Jelly Beans, Orange and Black per lb 19c (Marshmallows per pkg...10c New Package Figs, wrapped r/a ib pkg 10c Brillo, `cleans and polishes' 2 pkgs 25c New Cheese 2 lbs 25c Ross J. Sproat Phone Miss N. -Pryce Phone 77. 1 Buy Seaforth Butter 18. YEAR'S A Service that creates • Confidence and a Dependable Reputation Always Good Quality Please u by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and higher' market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. e waikr's FUNERAL SE'RVIC'E UNDERTAKING -and EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished day or Phone 67 CONSTANCE. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D:eater on ,Sunday were Mr. :and .MTs. !Alb. Mtc'Oartney and Miss Edith Stewart of Clinton, and Mr. and Tvirs. 'Guy Cunningham df (Auburn, Mr. Henry Adams and. Mis's The'btn•a Bannon of Ftordwioh, Mr; and Mrs. Thomas Adams of Londesboro. The aanniverery services held here'1BrusseIs, 'preac'hed an interesting ser on 'Sunday last and conduc'ted by the noon oat Sunday morning at Trinity Rev. J. W. Button. of .F'ard•widh were 'Church, else ° taking change &f ,the ser- a decided (success. Scarcely ever since (vice at Middleton and Varna, On Sun - the 'opening of tive c'hurc'h' has so :dray next the IVen, Archdeacon Jones - large an audience- assembled. The 13,altenian will conduct the services on community turned out in ball •farce to Sunday th:iioughlou!t the parish, The 'enjoy these services and to honor the folliowing Sunday, November '5th, the presiding 'mi'n'i's'ter who is a, • former new Rector, Rev, Bugler, will have 'Constance boy. Mr. Button delivered c'h'a:rge, Trinity (Church at 7 o'clock. two sermons of dutiful, spiritual ni:eS- sages, veritable masterpieces ,of BORN. - thought, expressed in the simplest F'LIA'NS(GIAIN, n Scott Memorial m,' '• odd ,_EI" ' '� slit October 1 ' language that:even the children ca `� Y, 0, t trilitiee 1191313 .to Mr. and Mrs. G. Flanigan, 'aplpre'ci'ate, 'thus being the at ROA 1F g , that 'makes a goad s'p'eaker. (In tiee J; mf Hamilton, a sore, evening the discourse was directed to the younger class. We, who have known Mr. 'Bu'tton so well from his childhood days, can easily .see .that 'hds. life is a shining example, and should be ate inspiration to all young people, The community is justly proudof him, because lie is a self-made mail, • Miss Ileeu Simmons has : accepted an invitbation to assist in- the choir at First, Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Messrs, +G, 'Stills t&,Soar have recently in'sta'lled 'a bath .system at the home of Mr. Austin Dexter. :Rev. and Mrs. J. Button and family of Fordwich spent Sunday afternoon at the hone of .lir. and Mrs, Austin Dexter. BAYFIELD. Miss Ruth Hues'to.n anti Mrs. Wil- son of London spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. S. Hueston. 'bliss Nina Heard of Dundalk spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. Heard: Rev. iF. G. Rickard, (R'itral Dean, TOWN' TOPICS. Mrs. W. O. Fowler of . Winghani sipeat the week -end with Mrs. (James MdIntosill. Mr. end Mrs J. T. McKinney of Guelph 'were guests of Mrs. Wm. Mc- Michael on ISuturclay. Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe Rivers and their four children ,arrived home from (Brock, S'as'k., on Friday' and will re- side on the Drover darm north of town. Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Ferguson are visiting in Baylfieid this week. ' 'Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Reid and two i s with children of IDetra t were gnesIt Mr. and Mrs IJ H Reid over bhe week end Mrs. Aaron Snowden o'f I'mtay City, Mich„ is spending a weak 'with he sister, Mrs. (Albert Elder. Nurse McLaren of ,Clinton ape,tr Monday with Mr, :and Mrs. W. D Manson. ski Mr, and Mrs. John tMc)Ash and fam ily were guests of Mrs. James A. Reid an Friday last. Mrs. J. IF. Carlin of Beechwood and Mrs. !George Holland 'Sr. are in" -Chi- sago this week attending the Century of Progress exhibition, :Mr. end Mrs. John T. Crawlford, whlo have lived at Walton for several years, have 'rebur•ned to their residence 'an jiairvis street. Mrs. D. Shanahan and Mrs. Leo Floiitutte' have returned from Chicago where they visited the Century of ,Progress exth'ibi'tion, Me. Johns Sproat of Kipling is visit- ing his 'niece Miss Thompson and 'nephew, Mr. Wm. Thompson. Mr. ,and Mrs. B•u'mstead and 'Mr, ,and Mrs. Gordion Hays from Detroit spent Sunday with their Many friends in town. Mrs. Olive Armstrong and Mrs. Cockerline of Pilot 'Mound, Man., who have been visiting friends :and relatives for the posit .few weeks in 'Stanley town's'hip and Seafadth, left for their home in the West on Saturday. !Miss Wilson, superintendent of the Sc'o'tt Memorial Hospital went to Tb- -onto on Wednesday -to attend a con- vention. 'Mrs. Jack Shanahan jr. of Clinton, called on ,Seaforth 'friends on Monday. Mrs. Harvey Treleaven of 'Lucknio'w attended the Mcllntos'h (Richardson wedding. S'TIAFFA Mr. and "Mrs. Walter O''Brien, Vint, and Mr. and Mrs. C. O'Brien and chit- dren of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. M. Corless, Clinton; visited the home of the lady's brothel; Mr, A. A. Colggihaun, recently: d Mr. and Mrs, H. Gray, Toronto, spent the week -end with relatives. Mr. and 'Mrcs. Inc,. Paris, IVimohelli visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller on Sunday. DUBLIN (Mrs. Wart. Jordan spent Sunday af- ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, Dublin, visited on Sunday With, Mr, and Mrs. J. McGrath. • Mrs. Johnnie OlRourke,, Detroit, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jane Burns. We are glad to report that Mrs. \'ora :Maloney is 'doing nicely after an operation. EGMONDVILLE Glad to see 'Mr. Docherty out again after his severe accident, Dr. Frank Doherty of Conneaut, • Ohio, visited with his parents over the week -end. Mm, Brown Jackson called on Eg- m'ondville •friends on Thursday. ( 'Mrs. E. McLean and Mrs. Rout- ledge were visited by old school :com- panions on Monday. Theywere Mrs. McCrae .(nee) Matilda Dunainore, who spent her early days on the Mill "Road 'hat now resides somewhere in the oil well district some distance from Petrol'ia. ' Mr. Robert Dunmore and wife of St. Thomas, he being posit -master (there. He is very well remembered 'here, as he is a writer of ,great in terest, to many peopleinthese parts. Mr. Raymond Nott had the nils- fon tune to hurt his arm lately, but it is improving nice y, Mrs, Nbltt is i:mpno'ving some, We wish for her a speedy recovery. Our aytm;pathy goes out to Mr, 'George Bell and family intheir sore bereavemenit. • ' IW''ork an tire, house 'which Mr. John Cooper has moved ,to the foundation where his s residence w'as destroyed by ifiire last Spring, is being rushed- to cantpletion before the c'o'ld weather. Mr. 'Cooper moved the house from. Mn T. Stephens' property near the re creation ground's. BRUCEFIELD. Dowson - Souter. — The Brucefield fia'ps'e •was the Scene Of a quiet wed- ding on the ,morning of Wednesday, IOctofa r 25Ith when 'Florence 1Sinclair; daug'h'ter of Mr. a'nd Mrs. Alex, Sauter of Ba'ucefield, bec'anee the bride of Orrin E. D'owson, son of Mr. 'Wm. 11. 6Do!wson lama 'the late Mrs. Dawson of "Varela. Tllme pastor, Rev. W. A Breis ner, officiated. The bride, was attended by(Miss D;orotfhy,.,BeoadifolWt Tames Souter, brother of ,the bride, OLD & NEW KIPPEN: With Edgar Wilker and His OKLAHOMA FIVE featuring Walker Hart i Frida-Y• Oct. ' 27 Admission 2' 5c . Lad'iesI1 Oc. was groomsman. Anniversary services twill be held in the United Churc'h next Sunday, Oct- ober 219th, morning service at ,111 a.m., evening at 7.30 pan. The preacher for the day will be Rev. Mr, Craik, Vic- toria street, God:erich, Special music will be ,furnished by the choir. 'Special. offering is asked for. Mrs, Taylor of St. Clair, Michigan, returned home last week after spend- ing the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Brock, and .Mrs. Jamieson, and visiting other friends. Nurse Hohner returned Boma •last week accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Smith of Exeter. (Little Kenneth, son Of Mr, and Mrs, Ross Scott, is in .Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, 'where he was operated on for appendicitis last week, iWe hope to hear of his ,speedy recovery. ',Mrs. Walters of Go'de'rich and Mrs. Halpenny of Wroxeter were ,guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moodie this week. :An auto load of ladies attended the sec'tion'al meeting of the W•M.IS. held in M'oncrieff on Monday. They Ire - ported •a very interesting and prdfit- able meeting. The next meeting will be held in Egmo:nd-ville. Men's Club. --:At the 'October meet - lig of the Men's Club Dr, Lionel .,Ste- venson 'of Guelph 'OI-A:C. gave a 'very interesting and educational address on the 'Warble ,Fly and .other. parasites• which are the 'cause Of much :financial loss to .farmers and ,cattlemen annual- ly. He also s'pdke of the methods of control, 'stressing the fact that the Government •supply the materials at coat and 'contribute their assistance in fighting these pests. IOn Thursday et ening, (November 2nd, Mr. Ian 'M'c- T.eod, 'the A'gricultur'al. Representat- ive for this district, will be the special speaker, and it is expected that some effort will be made to organ;iz'e the farmers tvith a view to controlling the parasites in this district. All are urged ao;'be'pres,ent and hear Mr. iMdLeod en Vaventber 2nd. "Dumb Bell" Letters An article showing genuine speci- menstaken Fromm the letter files of big business firsts, some of 'them as, funny, as anything stage comedians ever in- vented, appears, in The American Weekly with next Sunday's Detroit Times, CAVEN CHURCH. WINTHROP. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sun., (Oct. 29 AT 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. Conducted By REV. E. F. CHANDLER Special Music By The Choir Fowl Supper MONDAY, OCT. 30 .SUP -PER SERVED FROM 6 to 8 O'CLOCK Followed by a Concert given by The. Lambeth Double Mixed Quartette. Addressed by 'Rev. E. F. Chandler and Rev. W. P. Lane Admission—Aduks SOc. Children 25c.. Autolosurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see ea before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING. ETC. KIPPEN. IRev • Bowen, of 'London, in the int- erests of the Bible Society, tools charge of the morning .services .in St. And-' mew's United 'Church on 'Sunday last and proved a very interesting and in- spirational speaker. The Misses Mar and Florence Thomson sang 'a duet, "A Child of the King," _ r bltr, James of London accompanied Rev. Bowen to I -ippon and both were hospitably i'tab Q P Y entertained by Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ivison• _Messrs. James Mustard and sai Janes Jr., returned recently from a very pleasant motor tour to the 'World's s (air at Chicago and Detroit etrat Miss Jean Bell is the guest of rela Lives at Glen Allen this week, having, motored •there with friends. ' ,M'rs, J. C. ,Bell spent a few days re- cently in Forest. The Y!P.;S, of S't.:Aindrow's United Church are holding a special 'service in the 'church on Sunday, November 5'th, at 7.30 p;01,. Tihese meetings will contitnue throughouit the winter mon'ths.An interesting programme is being .planned and all the Young 'Peop'le are invited to be present. IRev. .Morrow" of Coven ,:United 'Church an Sunday next, October 28, at 11 o'clock, Rev. E. •F. Chandler is to 'conduct anniversary services in the Cavan Church .on Sunday next. The Busy Bees !Mission Circleare hol'd'ing their regular .monthly .meet- ing at the home of ,Miss Margaret Jones on (S'aturd'ay afternoon last at 2,30 o'olo'ck. The girls are asked to bring needle and .thimble to do some sewing. :Mrs. G. E. Thomson and daughter Mary spent a day in +London recently. We are glad to 'hear Mrs. Robert 'E'lgie is gaining so nicely after her recent illness. Miss Sarah :Dlaynn'an has returned home after a very pleasant visit with friends in 'Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. 'Warred SSchilbie spent an 'enjoya'ble week end in De- troit recently.• Miss 'Beatrice Diayman spent a few days with her friend, Miss 'Beatrice ,Drover of Chiselhurst. The many friends of Mr. Edwin ,Sproat are very sorry to learn he is mot enjoying his usual good health. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. ,Smith of London 'spent the week end with her friend, Mrs. Thom- as (Daymian on the Did OF Tucker - smith. NORTH McKILLOP. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd spent Su'nd'ay with Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Joseph (Dennis of MaK'illop. (Mr. !V'. -Dennis is improving nicely after this operation in Kitchener 'hos- pitta. '- 'Mr. and Mrs. ,William (Gross and family of Auburn and Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. (Regele ,Shirley and: Pearl, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regale, (Mrs. Jose'p'h' Thornton spent Tues- day with Mrs. Daniel Regele. Mrs. Leonard Leeming ,and' ales. Bella 'Boyd were at Moncrieff on \+fonday attending thechurch meet- ing. Miss Vera Mae Kistner has return- ed to Kitchener to resume her duties as hairdresser ;in :Hodgin's Beauty Parlor. STAFFA. The Staffs Junior ,Farmers and Junior 'Women's Institute met in the township hall last Wednesday evening for their_ regular monthly meeting, with. the largest attendance of the year.. The membership campaign which had been in progress since the previous meeting was a remarkable success,'adding a total of '418 new tnemtbers to the rolls, Much credit is given all those who worked so dilig- ently to obtain names, but congratula- tions go to Misses Mary Allen, who won first prize, Margaret Coleman, 2nd; .Dorothy Gray, 3rd, and I\'iargar et Allen, 4tit, The progra'nt for the joint 'meeting was sponsored by -the girds this mouth and t+nos very appro- priate and entertaining. and inch en- joyed by -all, Music was furnished on the ,patano by. Miss Vera (Alien.' Mr. (Wild M:dKaig favored' with a selec- tion onhe eccordcand D t on ttttc i at McMillan sang, accompanying him- self -on the guitar. !After 'business Was .attended to a >few minutes was spent in community singing. To the passer- by it indicated that Junior Farmers are optimistic and 'h'a'ppy, despite the depression' and numbers 'from the vil- lage stares could n'o't resist 'going over to join in the choruses, after which the boys assembled in the basement and !began their separate meetting, The Junior Ins'titu'te (October` Com- mittee had a particularly i'niter:esting program .prepared for the girls. Mary Allen gave a lengthy '.and en- couraging :reading oat "The Girl on the Farm," stressing the fact that well trained farm girls are capable of do- ang more work ifor home and country and have a knowledge- of a greater number of trades titan gir'l's in any other walk of life A natlrer interesting g and pleasing number .was a short lec- ture and demlanstrattion on :"Amriang- big a Bouquet for a Dining, Room Table;" given ib linss;'Gzrac,e Mc Lachlan. Three shade''o'f coslittats, Margaret IH'amiltoti and Miss Marg- aret Allen sang a duet, accompanied on the piano by the latter -s sister. It was agreed that each member make .an article before the (November meet- ing as their,donation to the. bazaar. The Junior Faraner`s meeting was equally 'helpful to the boys, Alf. Ross •gave :anaddress on "The Care of ,Farm Machinery," and :James Scott gave a lecture on "Eradication of the Warble .Fly. For next month Mr. Tom Scott h'as pi'dmised to ,demon- strate 'electric wiring. :Lunch was then served and dan'cin!g followed for the remainder of the evening, Nelson Howe, 12cfI{nig Bros, Duncan.111c- Millen and Miss :Margaret Hamilton furnished the music and Mr. Len Mc - 'Kellar 'called off. November's joint program is to be put on by ,the boys. They will be watched with interest to see =hdw 'they compete with the girls of this month. HARLOCK. Passing of Mrs. David ,Reid.—The community was saddened to 'learn of the passing of Elizabeth Campbell, beloved .wife of David !Reid, Her death occurred near midnight tit :October 121:st. Ten days ago .she was stricken by a severe paralytic stroke which af- feclted 'her speech .and the right side, after which she gradually weakened. The deceased was ,the eldest daugli- ter of the late \Mr. and Mrs. John Camp'bel'l, •MciKil'l'op. She was horn. 'fifty-one years ago on Lot 1, Conces- sion 113, in the township of Hallett. (Her girlhood days were spent in the 'neighborho'od of Walton, Twenty- four years ago she was united in mar- riage with her now bereaved husband'. who survives •together with one dau- ghter, Mrs. Wm. Rogerson, Bruce - field, and two Sons, Leslie and Wat- son, at home; a sister, Mrs. Alex. MdEwing; also 'three half sisters; Mrs. Foster :Sutherland, Breton, Al- berta; Mrs. Wm. Povey, Edmonton; Mrs. 'Charles 'Mann, Clinton, and five half-brothers: J'a'ck and ,Ernest Camp- bell, Edmonton; William, Calgary; Joe, Walton, and James, of Sudbury. •Mrs. Reid was a 'member of 'Burns' United -Church and an active worker in the Ladies' Aid and Missionary iS'ociety and always interested in the 'welfare of the community, The funer- al took place on Tuesday, October 24th, from her late residence, Lot 3, Concession I112, IIuliett, to Burns' ce- metery, The floral tributes included a pillow from the family and numerous beautiful ' sprays from other relatives and the W.M.S. The service was in charge of the pastor, Rev. Wm. (Gar- diner of Londes.boro. The pallbearers were: Nelson Reid, Jack Campbell, Joe Cainp:bsll, Clarence Martin, Ed- win Martin and Elgin McKinley. Sin- cere sympathy is extended :to Mr. Reid and family, 'the ,sistersand bro- thers and .other friends. Miss Phyllis Medd . visited her friend, Miss (Helen McGregor (Sunday afternoon, • 'Miss Kathleen Beacom was home over the week end. ,'Mr.. Bert ;Ferris, who has been vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert:Ferris, and brother and sisters, al- so calling on a lot of his old friends and neighbors, left on Monday for his hone near Provost rt is seventeen years since (Bert was home before, airs. !Jennie :Knox, Mr. Ward and Miss Olive (Knox, Mrs, Thomas Ap- pleby and Mr. F:rank McGregor visit- ed Mr. Ernest (Knox on Sunday. Ern-. est went to Kitchener last (Monday and underwent an operation on Tues- day. He is so far' getting along fine. His slater, Mary, RIN., is in charge at present but expects to go back to her work the latter part of this week, Er- nest does not expect to get out of the Hospital till the latter part of next week. We hope he will snake a good recovery, Mr. and Mrs. John (McGregor of Walkerton spent a couple of days last week at the home Of the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Jennie Knox, HILLSGREEN. A carload of supplies for relief in the 'West is being loaded in Hensall from 'this' district•. Rev. 11.r. Bowen of London gave' a' very utttcrea•ting address at the ser- vice in Hillsgreen Church on Sunday afternoon, as a representative of ,the Bible Society. Visiting in this vicinity during the week .are: Mrs. E. Broderick with her daughter, Mrs. R. 21unsseau in Ex- eter.Mr. and Mrs. Orland 'Seinton and daughter of 'Kitchener with Mr, .and Mrs. C. Seiiron Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Workman, of Flint, :Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. 'P. Workman; Mrs. John Jarrott, 'daughter Gladys with Mr, and Mrs. 1. Mm:Bieath; Mr. Andrew Love of Hansen, with his sons, .Gordon and 'Hugh Love, this week. Vo. and Mrs: C. Seimon and son ILeaton are leaving ,for Zurich where they intendto live. We are ;sorry to see them leave this 'community as . they have Made many warm 'friend's during their short .stay here.. :Miss 'Leave Love left for ILond'on Normal this week W}uere s'he will fin- ish her teach'er's course. ' A number of the re'la'tives .of the late IMT. C, Irl11 - '1 'Grand Bend at-' :were used. By spacial request Miss tended the.!funertal on Tuesday, (L.