HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-19, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. limmoramasamegaza THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. The regular meeting of the Young People's League of the United Church was 'held on Monday evening in the basement of .the church with a good attendance and .tete President, la'r, (Ivan Smillie in the chair. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Ray Lamsioie, Instrumental by Lorne Elder, reading by Mildred Sanil'lie; solo, Sana Ren- nie. Rev. Mr. Chandler of Kippen to -as present and gave a very iuteres$- ing address which was much enjoyed and the meeting closed with prayer. The Young People's Society of Carmel Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening with a good attendance: The meeting open- ed with a hymn after which Rev. Mr, Young led in prayer. The Bible lesson was read by Miss Olive Workman, followed by roll call and business. Piano solo by Miss Myrtle Thomp- son. The programme was in charge of Miss Blanche Mustard, The subject for the evening was current evened, taken by different members of tie Society. Violin duet by Fred Dat s and James Bengough, accompani d on the piano by Miss Irene Deters. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion. The Young People of Carmel Pres- byterian Church will hold t'he,,r anni- versary on Sunday, October 22nd. Ret. B. Simpson Black, of St, And- rew's Church, Sarnia, will be the speaker. He will give special addresses 'to the youth and young people. Spec- ial music will be furnished by a young people's choir. A special invit- ation is extended to all to attend. Carmel Church will hold their fowl sapper on November 9th. The supper will be up to the usual standard. A special programme is ,being prepared and a good crowd is expected. Mr. Alex, Ingram is in Detroit to visit with his son and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Streitzer and children of Beach -o -spines spent Sun- day with relatives in town. :Miss Alice Higgins left last week for Woodstock where she has secured a good position. Mrs. John Blatchford of .Shedden and a former resident of Hensel! is visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. Donald MdKaig and Herb Hoggarth, who has spent the summer at Beach-o4Pines, are visiting for a few days at their homes here. 'Rev. Arthur and Mrs. ,Sinclair visit- ed on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb of Goderieh township. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton of Cro- marty, visited over the •week end at the home of her father, Mr. W. L. M cLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks of Centralia visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt, Mr. Fred Berry 'has returned home after visiting for several weeks with relatives and friends in Windsor. Mr, and Mrs, Stanley ,bean of St. Marys visited over the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. ,Peppier of Han- over visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mrs Roy Palmer and little daugh- ter are visiting friends in Toronto. Miss jean Bonthron of Toronto spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Bon- thron. LONDESBORO The W.M.S. of the •United Church held ':heir thank -offering meeting in the basement of the church on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Gardiner presiding. The meeting opened by singing the lsymnn "The Whole Wide World for Jesus," followed by prayer by the president, Mrs. Gardiner. The minutes of the last meeting were then read by the secretary, Mrs. J. P. Manning. Mrs. Gardiner 'spoke about the great need of assistance in the stricken areas in the west. Mrs. A. Webster read the .Scripture lesson. .!'Irs. C. '(Watson gave very suitable reading and Miss Belle Nott rendered a solo, Mrs. Cummings of Walton, was the guest speaker her theme being "Thanksgiv- ing." (Her talk was very interesting and proiitable. Mr. Wm. Lyon closed the meeting with prayer. There was quite a large attendance. Mrs. A'llie Allen has returned after spending the past three weeks with friends at Paisley and other points. Mr. and ,Mrs, A. Kinkle and daugh- ter of Niagara Falls spent the week end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Crawford. Mr, Crawford is very ill with no improvement in 'his condition. Mrs. AfcKnight of Auburn has .been nursing him. The annual district meeting of the 1V.M,S. will be held at Moncrieff on lfond'ay, Oct. 23rd. It is hoped that .quite a number from this branch will be able to ante d. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus of Chisel- hurst visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Johns on' Friday last. Mr. Silas Johns who has been visiting his daughter for a few weeks returned home with them. Messrs Rolland 'Williams, Rich Johns, Allen Johns, Sam Jetting and 'Ho'ward Jeffrey motored to •Owe,n Sound on Thursday and attended the Provincial ploughing thatch. Mr. and Mrs, Thos, •Hodgert and c'h•ildren from near Seaforth, Mr. and 1Mrs, Clarence Knight and family were visitors at Mr. Bruce Coope'r's last Sunday, 'Several frontour congregation at- tended 'Thames Road anniversary ser- vices last Sunday,Othere were at :Whalen anniversary services. (Want and .For Sale Ads, 1 week, 25c THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1933. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEAR'S AGO October 11907, Patents Invention. Noble Holland, 'Huron 'Road, dHui lett, has been .success'fu'l in securing patent papers 00 an invention. Three years ago he made an incubator, built on his own ideas, and has used it sue cessfully every year since. This spring be was advised to have it patented to protect it from infringements, and then to sell to'some `concern. He is now in a position to sell if he gets a suitable offer, and will likely get a substantial sum 'of money in royalties. Receives Advancement, Mr. IE. H. 'Trethewey, son of Me. W. III. Trethewey, secretary of the waterworks department, !Stratford, who is as been 'chief .clerk for 'Mr. L. G. (Hupp, of the iMidhigan Central freight department, Grand Rapids, Mich., has removed to !Detroit, Mr. 'T•rethewey has been promoted to the position of ,c'hie'f 'clerk for (Mr. E. H. ;Mollington, superintendent Of tele- graph o 1 the ,same company a't that headquarters. Cattle Smothered Mr. (David (Bruce of Cromarty •met with quite a loss, His straw' stack fell on six of his cattle and 'before they could be extricated two of them were smothered. Hillsgreen. At Clinton hospital on (Oct. 21st, Mrs, Wm. iMuldrew passed away atter several years of suffering. 'Mrs. Muld- rew was a daughter of the late Alex. McAllister, and once -taught in our school; she was married same years ago to Me. IRobt, ;Bosswell of ;Gorier- ich, who predeceased her twenty years ago. The deceased was a most amiable ,woman and her death is deeply 're- gretted by a large circle o'f friends. She was married five years ago tv her now bereaved husband. She was tak- en seriously ill at Owen Sound and was removed to Clinton •hdap'ital. Be- sides her sorrowing 'h•u'sliand she leaves to mourn 'her loss 'five sisters and two brothers. -Miss ,Pearlie 'Cons'itt narrowly es- caped death on !Sunday last. She was in the yard where her Father was hitching the horse when a number of colts came into the yard, knocked the little girl down and trampled 'her un- der their feet. She was picked .up un- conscious. Dr. Campbell was called and found the little girl in a very crit- ical condition but by the skilful treat- ment of the doctor she is now able to be around again. McKillop. P There has been a lair crop all round in McKillop this year and everyone should be thankful to the IGnver of all good. Wheat averaged 30 bushels to the acre and oats, peas and 'barley went about the same. !Potatoes are fair, mangolds are good and apples are immen'se, Bethel. The (Ladies Aid Society gave .an en- tertainment on Tuesday evening. The programme consisted of music by the choir, :beautiful selections by the !Haekwell quartette, a nice recitation by little ,Miss Della (Harris of 'Walton and instrumentals 'by 'Miss .Florence Stitt, who presided at the organ. An autograph quilt which was sold was bought by Mrs. Morrison. 15th Anniversary. '('Adv.) -1892-i11907. RI ant this week celebrating the 115th anniversary of ney advent in the jewelry 'business ,in Sea - forth. Although, as you all know, the beginning was on a small scale, nev- ertheless my business .has steadily in creased, and the past year was the best and most successful that I have ever had. -J. F.' Daly. McKillop Pioneer Gone. On Friday evening another of the pioneer residents of McKillop town- ship passed away in the person of ,Mr. Alexander Barron, The deceased, who. was 114 years of age, had been in de- clining health 'far some time. St. Columban. The mail carrier at this place had rather an exciting experience ,on Mon- day morning while bringing the mail from the train. He had been smoking 'and had put his pipe in his coat pock- et, thinking no doubt :that it was burnt out• 'Shortly after he hadreason to think differently, as his coat was nited and was badly 'burned 'before noticed, ''A lady .passing 'drew :his at- ; tension to the fact that his (coat was an fire. Anglican Association. At a meeting of the Anglican Young People's Association in St. Thomas' schoolroom the following officers and committees were elected: President, !committees B. S. Peters 1st vice president, Miss Hornby; end vice president, Mrs L. G. VanEgmond; secretary, Mr. J. Turner; corresponding secretary, Dr• ,Hodgins; treasurer, Miss M. Love; organist O'fiss C, Pinkney; program committee, Miss Foster, Mrs. Speare, !less R, J'ahnstone, D'r, Hodgins, A. I\iidddemost and ID, 'Tredgitt; social committee, 'Misses E. Cresswell, J. McKay, ll. rPtnl.rrey, 'Mrs, itcLeod; Messrs 1-I. 11. Jackson, H• Chettle, J. Turner visiting committee, Mrs. 71'. 'GO 'vonlock, airs. L 1G.' VaittEginond, Mrs. E. S. Peters, Miss C•Pinkney, Messrs, S, Darnell, W. Arscott and J. Turner. STANLEY. The. Weel.S. of 'Goshen United Church are preparing a very interest- ing program to be given in the church on Friday evening,'Octoiber 20th, a't 8 o'clock, following the program, lunch will be served. All are welcome. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. .H Stogdfill of !Sutton- :and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wright of Kenilworth spent a few days lass( week with the ladies' anoth- er,. Mrs, Geo, Dowson and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. 'Erwin of. Bay- field visited at Mr. Robert McOlin- chey's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lowden of Hans - Non 'spent ans-ilton'spent a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs. Robinson Sr., last week. Mr. ,and Mrs. Dave (Kay and family of Clinton visited on ,Sunday with Mr. John A, Arnasltnosig and 'family, Mrs. ('Rev) PRoulter, of Varna is spending a week with her brother, Mr. John .Smith of Camlachie. Mr. •and Mrs. Albert Archibald, also Mr. David Archibald of St Thomas, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. !Snowden on Sunday last, Miss Edna 'Hodgson of Wilton Grave is at present the .guest of Mrs. IH, 'Penha!le 'of the (Bt'onson line. Mr, and Mrs. 'Frank H'obs'on of Yarmouth Centre was the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. Alf. Westlake on Sun- day last. Mr, Will McClinche'y of Auburn is at present the guest of his p'aren'ts, 'Mr, and Mrs: 'Wm. M<cClinchey near Bayfield. NORTH McKILLOP, Mrs, Bella Boyd and son John spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. ,Leonard RLeeming. Mr. 'Joseph 'Hackwel'1, !Edith and Bernice, also Mrs. Pethick and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Charles Regele, Shirley and Pearl spent Sunday after - coon with Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Hack - well. (Bethel anniversary services were held SuntdY n A cod attendance rasa . g present both morning anti night. The (Rev. Mr. poorhouse of Brussels had charge of the services. Miss Vera Kistner and Mrs. John Kisltner are visiting under the paren- tal roof for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele one evening last week. Mr, and Mrs, James 'McIntosh of Tuckersmith visited with Mr. and Mrs John ;rozisr on Sunday. VARNA. A very successful fowl supper was held in the c'omnwnity shed Thursday evening. A good supper, a good crowd and a good program featured the ev- ening. (Rev. F. G. Rickard, Rural Dean, of Brussels, will take charge of the ser- vice Sunday 22nd. Morning, . Trinity Church, Bayfield; St. James', Middle- ton, afternoon, and St. John's, Varna, at 7 p.m. Rev. Rickard was a former rector. LOST !Somewhere between John Price's, MdKillop, and Seaforth, hopper for seed cleaner, (Anyone finding same please notify this office or Picone No, 6, ,Seaforth. 42 STEERS FOR SALE Three Hereford steers, yearlings. Apply to ISAAC MOIOiRiE, Phone 111312 r 4, Seaforth. 4121 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jlames Purcell and family wish, to express their appreciation and heartfelt thanks to their many frien'd's and neighbors for kindnesses shown to them in their recent sad bereave- ment; also for spiritual bouquets and. to those who kindly 'loaned cars. IN '•MEM'ORIAM B'UIIJLIA,RD.-iIn loving memory of }John E. Bullard, who died of wounds in Prance on Oct. 24th, .19118, in his ill&th year. 'Fourteen years have passed, :Since our great sorrow 'fell, The shock that we received that day, We still remember well. How his life was shed we know not; What his :last look or thought, Only that he did his duty-' 'Died as he bravely fought." -Father, brothers and sisters. Tn !ovine memory of Mrs. John Bullard, who passed away on Oct. 115th, b903: "God took her Home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still." . -Husband and Fainly. FOR SALE Several, DweIIiDs IN SEAFORTH & 'EGMONDVILLE Own your own home. This is thetime to buy and prices are low. A. D. SUTHERLAND AUCTI O'N • SALE Mr. G. IH. Elliott has been instruct- ed to sell by public auctions on the premises, cornier of James aid Ann Streets (one black west of .Scott Me- morial Hospital, Seaforth), on Satur- day, October 2i1's't, at 11•30 p.m., the. f'oIIFo wing i• 2 beds, '3' .mattresses, 3 bed springs, 3:dressers,2 'washstands, 2 toilet. sets, •1' sideboard, I. dining too'm 'table, 6 chairs, 1 kitchen' iculpb'oar:d, 11 sewing machine, 3. writing .desk anid c'hin's ca- binet combined, Ill sofa, settee, 4 rock- ing •dh'ai'rs, 4 or S small tables, kitchen 'talbie, 12 clocks, '1 hall mirror, 2 large bureaus, Il' large fancy 'lamp;. 3 small, :lamps, it boiler, '3 tubs, 11( large milk can, '1! •gailon coal oi'1 can, ,1 sprayer, 1 wash bench, 6 small m'a'ts, 2 .small strips carpet, 12 bed room -carpets, pic- tures, dishes, 1 ironing 'beard, 2 foot Stools, 11 oil cloth for bedroom, 1 pair curltai❑ stretchers, 1 pair . quilt,ng frames, It carpet sweeper, Ill wash bas- in, 2 chenille table • cloth covers, pair chenille drapes, sofa pillows, other things. too numerous to mention, Terme--Kash, 'ARS. 'WM. iMeM11'OHIA'E'L, Prop- rietress; G. H. EIJLIIOTT, Auction- eer. AUCTION SALE The undersigned auction'eer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 113, Concession *1, Hu- ron Road Survey, Towns'hip cif Tuck- ersmith, on Thursday, October 26t'h, i1933, at 1.00 p.m., the following farm s'to'ck and implements: Horses -Three work 'horses. Cattle -(Pour cows supposed to be in calf; one cow freshened in Septem- ber;' one heifer, rising three to fresh- en in March; eight young cattle, ris- ing tura years; three y'ou'ng calves. Hogs -'Six chunks. I'mplemen'ts - One Massey -Harris binder; one Massey-IHarris mower; one .Massey -Harris cultivator, seven- teen -tooth; one ;Massey -Bromic ten - foot dump rake; one McCormick side delivery rake; one Mc'Cor sick hay loader; one manure spreader; one Cocksh.utt trio furrow riding plow; one 'Wilkinson walking plow; one scuffler; one disc 'ha•rrow; one four section diamond 'harrow; one seed. g drill; one Cy clone roes -seed• sewer; one Ankor4Ho1ih cream separator; one hay car and fork wibh 11175 feet of rope; slings and pulleys; top buggy with steel tires; one cutter iwith doors, one road cart, one land roller, one wagon, wagon box, and sixteen foot eliding hay rack; one fanning mill, forks, shovels, and miscellaneous ar- ticles. Also one set of weigh scales. 12,1000 „lbs.; two iron sugar kettles; one lawn plower. IHouseho!ld Effects= -11' cook .Stove, 1 coal oil stove, 1 extension table, .1 kitchen cupboard, 1' sideboard, 1 couch, 1 'White sewing machine, 1 iron, bedstead with springs; 3 washstands; bedroom dishes, II set of clothes irons; coal oil lamps, 1 wire flower stand, 4 large .Brussels ring, 1 tapestry rag 9:1'12', I1 'wardrobe, iniscel•laneous acti,dles. Terms cash. A. D. AIRMISTIRGNG, Prop,; G. H. EILiIOTT, Auctioneer. FOR :SALE T'wen'ty purebred 'Yorks'hire pigs for sale, six weeks old. Apply Ito DONIAILID DIA,TJE, Phone il'70 r 22. HOUSE FOR SALE IFiveeroomed frame house on Centre street, in good repair, electric light, hard and soft water. If not sold will be rented. Apply to JOHN IMcNiA1Y, Seaforth, R.R. 2, Phone 1236 r 215. 44 HONEY FOR SALE .Clover honey, slightly colored, 6c ib. White clover honey 854c Ib. GEO. PARKER, Chisel'hurst. 43 PIGS FOR SALE Twenty pigs for sale, six weeks old !October •82. JOHN NOILAN, phone e l on 1144. 43. COTTAGE FOR RENT A very comfortable cottage on Tar - vis street for rent N-ovesnber .est. Ap- ply to MRS. T. J. HIUGIGA'RD, corner Market and High streets. CIDER MILL Will run every clay after October 1St. I 'Nave ins't'alled two new cookers and a machine for straining apples for apple .butter; peeling not necessary. Lot 23, concession 6. Logan. Phone, 020 r 3d, Mitchell. FRED HEN(N'IGK RJR, 4, Ivlitchell. FOR SALE (Fifty White Leghorn pullets, bred. to -lay, are, now laying. About six months old. Apply' to JN'O. T ELIGIEE, Kippen, or phone 134 r 31. Friday and Saturday CASH BARGAINS IBEX BLANKETS 199 large size..pair.. ® `� MEN'S WOOLEN SOCKS 2 pairs 39 c 'MEN'S CALF OXFORDS - Per pair FLANNELETTE, Heavy Stri- ped, regularly 25c yd. 20C Special yd. MILADY TOILET SOAP '3a49 Prairie Rose 'Flour.... cwt. $2.33 Sepoy Flour cwt. $2,33 Pastry Flour 24 lb. 49c MYT Nice Rolled Wheat - 5% Ib, 23c 5 lb Wheatlets •. .... 23c Kellogg's Pep , 2 pkgs. 2'lc 5% lb Rolled Oats 23c Quaker Oats ........pkg. 23c 7 Cakes for 19c W. J. FINNIG1 N PULLETS FOR SALE A number of choice Barred, Rock and White Leghorn pullets for salt. Some laying. Priced e•eaeo:nab'ie. These pullets are RiOJP. sired by 'Government Alp:proved and .Blood - tested stock. IAINiDIIl EIW A. MIOIORE, isu'nnyviale Poultry IFanm, Seaforth. Phone 0.137 r 3. WOOD FOR SALE , • 'Soft maple body wood $2.50 a cord. Also hard maple body wood $3.50 a cord. In load lots of four cords or more, delivered. V'I'CTOIR FALCON- ER, Brucdfield. Phone 0719 r 12, Clin- ton central, FOR 'SALE 1118 .pigs, 15 weeks old, 'for sale. Apply ALBERT ,HIAIRIRIIISOIN, ',Phone 020 r 2211', Seaforth. FARM FOR. SALE 1100 -acre farm with good land and good buildings, lots of water, some bush; some wheat sowed. priced cheap and good terms to right party. Situ- ated in Stanleytp. near 'Bayfield. Ap- ply to Seaforth News. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT A good frame house, stable and gar- age and % acre land. Will sell cheap for quick sale or exchange on farm property. Apply to GEORGE Mc - CALL, Londesboro. 42 Potatoes, per bag IM'PO,RTANT NOTICE lAu'y 'person h'av'ing a claim against' the late F. D. Hutchison Estate,. please present before N'ovembe'r 119133, Also kin'd'ly assist ,Hutchisan'sr to close all book accounts owing, by' cash or note, .by November 1'st, 11933s to enable Executors to distribute as- sets of late F. D. Hutchison, JIENIN8IE B. 'FltUITlCHHIISIO'N,; WOOD FOR SALE A quantity Of .choice dry hardl maple beady wo'od at $110.00 a load of three cords. Order now as supply is 'Milked. Apply to J. E. CRICH, R,R, 3, .S•ea.forth, or phone 24=6114, Clinton Central. If ordered by phone will pay for call. WOOD FOR SALE Quantity of soft wood, $2 a cord. Small quantity of all maple $3 a cord. Quantity of hardwood $4 a cord. De- livered anywhere in Seaforth, Cash with order. Also a quantity of elm plank, good for repairing stable's, barn, floors, etc, T. J. RI'CHA,RJ'SON•,, phone 1418 r 22, Seaforth. SEAFORTH MARKETS.. Wheat, per bus . . . .. . ........... 5i7•c Barley, per bus. 42c Olsts, new, per bus . . IBv'ckwheat, .per bus. ......., ... 31c Butter, per lb ... ,,....... . DSc Hogs, per cwt $5t1i5 Eggs, per doz. II'5c-�lc�2bc $1,00 FROM THURS. OCT. 19 TO MON., OCT. 23 Week End Specials at Carter's Prompt Service -Low Prices -Choice Quality SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, pkg.....,, ...............299 c CORN FLAKES, any kind . .... . . •3 F'OIR 25 c FAVORITE COCOA, '1 lb. tin.. .... ......... .29 c MAGIC COFFEE, per lb. pkg, 29 c ,SALADA TEA, per %-1b. pkg23c 'MACARONI for SPAGHETTI 4 lbs. 25c DE LUXE ' Assorted Flavors JELLY POWDER 6 for FANCY BISCUITS OR SODA BBIRSCUITS 2 lbs. 25c 25c -t GOLDEN SPRAY CREAM CHEESE, -% lb. pkg......... GILLETT'S LYE 2 FOR PURE LARD OR SHORTENING YORK OH'ObCE QUALITY PEAS 1 SM, PKG. • PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES and 3 CAKES PALMOLIVE SOAP, All For 21c DUTCH CLEANSER 2 for 21c CHALLENGE CORN STARCH 9c pkg. 25c FRESH GINGER SNAPS 2 leis. 23c HEINZ, AYLMER or C. & B. SOUPS, 3 tins.... , .. . COOKING ONIONS, 10 lbs. SPANISH ONIONiS, 3 lbs. •25c 25c 25c PHONE 42 Carter's CASH WE" DELPVER Grocery