HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-19, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
iSuccesafttl anniversary services
were held on tSunday in Bethel United
Church when Lev. Mr. Moorhouse, of Come in and see our New .and
!Brussels, delivered two impressive Used Cars
sermons,"Religion of the Heart," was
the theme o the morning discourse;
and "Behold the Lamb of God who
wag the way thet of nts f address ithe 9 andhPlymouthsler, DeSoto
Taheth r\'way the (Sins of Che t\Vor1d," R tilt fOr L`�ihr
,,evening. The choir of the church w -as
:assisted at the morning service by II
Mrs. Peter (Lindsay, Constance, who J (� 6. IST [ A i, L 1P
sang a well -rendered solo and a quar-
tette, 'Saviour Lead Me," by -Miss
Jessie Dennis, Mrs, G, ,Dundas, Mr. AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS
john Leeming and lir, George 'Dun All Repairs and Labor Cash
blas, At the evening service an anthem
was given by the choir and . a duet,
The Saviour with lie ' by Jessie ,.-''.."."'
Dennis and Mrs. \\'til Boyd, On the
-following night an old •fashioned tea nliitg, also gave an interesting talk. TUCKERSMITH.
meeting was held, when a good. Pro- Daring the business period, which '\2is-ees IGertie Webster, Alice
'gramme and refreshments :were en- was in charge of the president, Misses Thompson, Jean IFotheringhant were
joyed by all. Edna Reid and Gertrude hiller were in X'incardine an Wednesday attend-
Presentation.—last Thursday even- appointed to the Y.F. convention in ing an Institute convention,
ing a number of neighbors and friends Auburn,. on October 20. It was - ceD,rata \de Mrs. F. Eberhart andorge rhanE
I gathered at the home of ,\rr. and Mrs. notuiced: that the following you
'Albert Clarke to present them with a people had been chosen to take Part of \LCKillop, spent ,Sunday with the
shower on their return from their in the play entitled '"Wild Ginger." former's sister, Mrs. John IE'lgie,
ltoneymtoon spent in ,Detroit and oth- Frank Kirkby, Jim Murray, Kenneth lir. and Mrs. Harry Chesney visited
ler points. The evening was sPenit 'in Rutledge, \\rie Farquharson, Stew- on Sunday w+;th\r. and
\ors. John
and cards, and the bride and art Bryans, Gladys Smalldon, `Pub 'Workman of Kippen,
roost received many ,costly and use- aret Murray, Dorothy Drager, y Mrs. Robert Elgie of Is,ippen re-
g Young and Vera Gardiner, turned home after her operation in
fill gifts, An address was read' to
which the groom made a very fitting The October meeting
Deff gCeited Church r�litliorhaoid Ire':overyta\I;ssfriends
reply. At the close of the ' very Pleas- S. and W k of
ant evening the guests departed, wish- was held Wednesday. Mrs. Gordon othy Elgie, lir. Basil Elgie of. Toren -
e and groom every happy- MoGavin presided over the W. M. S. to, accompanied her one S.S. No. 9
bride held the r +•a>
reception 1
ind was A. race E
gono p
rocs. Following is the address: "Dear meeting. The Bible -stuck p
Mr. and ;.\irs, Clark: We. a few of in charge of Mrs. Edward Britton, school house on 'Friday evening to
your friends from the neighboring vi- who gave aVert interesting
teto k onoll h norr\Ir a d Mrs. in Toro t ,`oho
cinity, have gathered together this ev- Sarah.' frot
in to offer to you our congratuta- ca, was responded to with a scrip- bride being Miss Mary Louise- 'Holmes
en g
(tions and .heartiest wishes tor every ture verse containing the vi-ord Jo)�'� of :Marquis, 'Sa-k. \'Lr. and \Ir. \Ic-
life. It has During the business period Mrs. John Kay were presented with two wicker
in your weddedchaos. The evening was spent in d
your us great a stldappointedto we lack forward Gavin were
withand business sectional meeting at \ioncrieff, Oc- The anniversary services at Turners
to enjoying both social
•life. you, as muni a we have in ;ober 23. I: was anttaunaed,on+tended. Two
atare, Church
uvery inspiring sermons
at -
the past. \\-e know that ' you will be sub-criptiens to the
neighbors of the highest calibre: It Monthly were due and that all e-' were delivered by Rev. Herbert of
gives us great pleasure ,therefore in -newels and new subscriptions were sollial a vine.
presenting you with these slight tok- be handed in as soon as possibe le.Taelonto he Mr. and Erd se ds Mrs. R J.
Gtbbtngs of Tort
ens as an indication of our most sin -following nominating con
sere wishes for a happy and prosper appointed to choose the officers for week,
ous married life. Signed on behalf of the year ,1934. Mrs. John EdwardBryans, Townsend The are frgiendsa hear Mr.of is moos
your friends and neighbors." dirs. Albert Reid,
The :Gleaners' Mission Band of Donald and Miss J. Simpson. Alcommiter !dove oil in health.
Coleman has been con -
Duff's United Church met in the from the nations
'basement of the church on Sunday was read by the president in wrich- fined to bed with a bad attack of nee -
:morning with 'Jack Murray in the an appeal for clothing for made for .itis.
.chair. The opening hymn was "Jesus the needy areas an :Northern Ontaro
'Bids Us Shine," The roll was called and Western Canada. It was decided MANELEEckertade a business
and 42 responded, After discussion of that a hale be sent as soon an po.. . , Mr.Fred
business, quiet music was played and the clothing to be brought to the -rip to Stratford last Saturday.
the call to worship spoken by the church on Friday, October 20. . re. Mrs. Paul Longeway of Guelph and
kirkb ) • and the res- W. E. Radford, Misses Simpson and Mrs. Klin'xhanh11 er and her son and
posse sang -Praise Him, praise Him. E, Reid were appointed to take •t,s w to :r,om Kitchener and
all ye little children." Followed by the charge of the bale. It was also de 1 M -s. Pat Purce ,were visitors at the
r in unison. Hymn, "Tell cided that the society be divided i ealhome o. Mr. and Mrs.
e Thomas Pur -
Me the Stories of Jesus," Scripture. groups and each .group be ,von e .<; a Taesda+ an their return trip
lesson, Mark 2-i1,ig, was taken by dollar to raise money for the Main -t ' t their h me a ere Pun e'g he fun -
Anna Ennis. 'After ithe birthday offer- anee and Extension od Fund. The
shard,: l-' e,a; oof 111 e :ate
a e Jamesalived ce the whoo
ing was received the story of Four lowing were app, \ e drn which s now occupied ld
Friends was read by the leader and'of the roup:: 1d h cam G -e.:, r
classes were
formed for .study period, Edward Britton a,.: Miss M. id- .. ..a nephew. M
TiTaos, Parcel. All
_ , M. E. - ;. r ..f : :he :e James
Meeting was closed by singing "What Morris. Mrs. Kearney " ' sympathy .,f this community
a Friend ene Have in Jesus" and the Mrs. Bryan,: lr,' + ` he spent n . youthful days.
,pa's benediction. Mrs. 1'. S a,': `,:. R• - re" 1
I-1 +
Ir. Kenneth Jackson has gone to ;ling a w t- v.. BEECHWOOD
tips for hissecond year at the ;ling andM-..',f., _a-, ,,- *,'- ata Mrs, Lewis Ki•auskopf
Mrs. Ge .r e - _ u .-y -t the hone of \i.. Pat
ir, and Mrs, Henry Last of Wind I nxland \r- r r -nett , c
sor were visiting. the latter's sister, .n,• Nfld.G. 'T \fa;rn Murray of Dublin f
Mrs. R W. Hay, over the week end, drew Coat: A eYdss. daughter. .firs, Joe Mal -
Mrs. R, G. Parke was a Walton vis- given by \f C •` e
-tor one day last week. the new study bleak e sided n- of John O'Rourke. who has spent
Mr. and Mrs. L. Cummings spent Issue in china,"
Motiday in Kitchener on business, The W. A. meeting +a is :barge the past few .meths in Toronto, has
lir. and Mrs, H. Shannon and Beth of the president, Mr=. Ge,rze Mei returned 'volt'
spent Sunday with friends in Ahhsa Taggart. Arrangements were made! Mr. aid Mrs, Gin Murray spent
Craig. for a social to be held this month. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Burns.
Of Seafnnth Mrs, Radiord,1f.rs. Fhnaland, dirs.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton
visited Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Humph- Turnbull were appointed to take CONSTANCE.
ries on Sunday, charge of the program. Mrs. George Riley is spending this
'Wilfred Dennis was operated on in week at the a i,of \Ir. and Mrs.Kitchener hospital on ,Friday. His HURON 'AUDITORS WILL John Riley of me ofstnith.
many friends hope he wilt soon be FACE TRIAL t\irs, Wm. Stephenson 01 Brussels
borne again. •--- returned home on 'Sunday after spend-
Geo. 'Underwood of Toronto ,is ;Monday afternoon in county court ing a couple of months with her sis-
isiting her husband; Mr. G. Under- at Goderich, Robert I3 ggtrs of Hen- fiery, Mrs. Thos. Pollard of Constance
woo^( call and William ;Booth of \\ringham, and Mrs, Adam Glazier of Clinton,
\)Ie are glad to report that Miss Su- 1932 County of Huron auditors, Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Mann of near
eau. Driscoll is keeping better. charged with Conspiracy and bribery, Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and
tM;ss Fell of Winghatn was the appeared before' Judge Gosee'llo for Mrs, Jos, Riley.
guest of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mills, last election. Trial dates were fixed for Miss Mary Moore returned to Tor -
week. November 8th and ,9th for the hearing onto,on .Sunday alter spending a week
Mr, Wm, Elliott, gravel road, has of two or three charges, those of con- .with her mother, Mrs. 'Wm. Moore,
been confined to bed for several days, splracy and bribery, by his honor, Mr. and lira. Austin !Dexter and
threatened with pleurisy. with a jar -v; The third charge, ;that family also the letter's father, Mr.
Miss Jennie Marshall underwent an of being an agent of the county did etiry Adams of Londesboro, spent
at the home of her mother, accept a bribe, is without the juris- Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs;
Mrs. Marshall Sr. an Tuesday morn -
operation .Fiction of the county count and ill 'Robert' Campbell Sr1., of r. an lop on
ing for abcess and t now cnnvalesc- be on the docket of the assir.Sunday last,
ing, which will convene at Goderich on —•--
�Tr, enc! Mrs. W. S. Forbes left for .)etcher 31- It is understood, however,
,Balm invests every woman
'Fergus last Wednesday mornini j,1t an a^rhea-tion will be made at with subtle .charm. (Delicately irag-
'iting at Listowel enroute. On Thurs- the assize court ,to have the case tra rant. Cooling and ,healing. Dispels all
morning Mr. Forbes went to versed awaiting the outcome of the roughness or chafing. 'Makes skins
Owen ,Stund by bus where he spent, other two Charges. In their argument, delightfully raft textured,. Every •wo-
some time with this nephew, Mr. Tho' counsel for the accused intimated that man should use this peerless tat15t re-
maws Forbes and also took in the Pro the ptlee df Higgins and ,Booth would quisite. Ds'iutihes•s erlessy refine
vine;'al plowing match. ye not guilty and that at least two meats -Persian Balm achieves these e-
i,he regular meeting of .the Y.B.S.tlau ,,ays would be necessary 'tor the every instance, 'Softens and whitens
of Duff's• Chur0h was held in the itrials. It is alleged that Messrs. }lig- the hands. Promotes clear and youth -
room o8 the church .with the gins and Booth in 19312 conspired Jul loveliness, All women .who care
ice- •resident; .Miss Dorothy
with accepted a bribe from Gor for additional charm unhesitatingly
second v P
Drager, In charge: Rall -c'a'l was re -
don Young, forme county treasurer,. choose Persian Bairn.
sp'ond 1 to with a mission station: now serving a prism term far theft, --
During the offering Misses \fargardt,to falsify the county books and to Wihy did you buy your son a satco-
M xray, Mary Buchanan, Anna Ennis conceal information. The 'former tree shone?"
and 'Lena Drager sang. The topic, ,tiger is expected to be the Chief "Well, he made so much to do
` "Has Christ a \L;ssionary 'Purpose for crown witness Bail in the sum of lboiit it that I decided to get him
"Ontario dormers
'Every Man" was taken by George
$3,000 each was renewed, one to keep him quiet,"
more salt in titin f
;Ramsay, The pastor, Rev, C. Cum
particularly itt live stock p
Farm Machinery and
The W.li.S, of ,lIensall United
Church have very kindly invited the.
W,M;S. Auxiliary of St Andrew's
United •church to meet With them 10
their meeting on Thursday afternoon
at 2,'30 o'clock, All the members and
ladies of Kippen Auxiliary are cordial-
ly invited to attend,
'Rev. 'lir. Bowen of 'Condom will
have Charge of the services in 1S:t. +An-
drdw's United Church on Sunday
next at 111' o'clock, Rev. Bowen is a
very interesting speaker for the Bible
Miss Kia harine Drysdale of Hen -
sail visited during the week end with
the Misses Mildred and Kathleen
The ladies of St. Andrew's United.
Church are busy with quilts, second
hand clothing and making new clothes
for the bale which is to go in the car
to the West within the.next two or
three weeks. The men are also busy
picking apples and canvassing for veg-
etables, c1aned fruits, beans, potatoes,
or apples, which will also ,comprise the
carload from ,Kippen and Hensahl,
(Anyone swishing to make a donation
will please call anyone of the follow-
ing: 'Rev. E. F. Chandler or Messrs.
John Cochrane, J, B. McLean or J.
C. Bell. "In whetso we share with
another's need;Not what we give, but
what we share; For the gift wthout in ithe future," !Gdlouel Thomas L.
the 'Giver is Ontario Minister of Agac-
�----- Kennedy,
WINTHROP. attune announced recently, "The salt
'\irs. Sam Somers of Detroit spent companies have just announced a re -
the week end with her brother, Mt'•' duction in the cost of fine salt for
John Bullard, farm purposes of ah 'u+ $1;'57 e ton
hiss Ella. Love and Mrs' George at the wells. This will narrow the Sas-
Love of Walton spent Su day with creoancy betwe•:n the price sal+ is sold
c that
' acturers
Mr. A. A. Cuthill and Margaret. to Packers stud n'talt.
We are sorry that Miss Isabel Bet- to farmers for stock raising and other.
ties is confined to her bed with blood- farm Purpos"•s"
poisoning. "Some tuns ago at the .request of
\ir. and '0trs.'Jas, Smith of Brussels the United Farmers' Co-operative
and \1r. Will Armstrong of IBe'lgsave 'Company, the Ontario Marketing cotta in the British apple
spent: Sunday with Mr and .Mrs. Fer- Board made some inquiries into the 'from Nova 5
nus Bullard. - situation and urged on the salt coin- markets this year, declares Andrew
'Mrs. Joseph Little spent a few days paries that a larger turnover of salt !Fulton, overseas fruit representative,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. :Ged-
on farms would prove profitable t0 The Gravensteins already received
Bel rave, this week, • them provided a reduction in price1from •that Province are of very good
des of g
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston spent was made to bring more in litre the quality, It was too;early Eo estimate .
Sunday ,vitt Mr. and \4r5. Jas. John-
writing- of salt to farmers and to pact:: U.S. competition, but; at the time of
ens. writing the rate of exchange was de- '•
1 of'Seaforth, ,n
tat nCher.each day t
Mr. James B. Henderson and Arth-
`The reduction of approximately SII predating alitltle 'fort
have returned home after spending per cent in the price of ,fine salt in favour of the American exporter. At '
the past two weeks visiting friends 1❑
bulk takes effect immediately, lin view the same time theds, 2d, per cwt, duty
Barrie, Sandridge and North Bay. of the large.volume of salt +solid yearly still s'tand's against American' fruit en-
Leadon Jdhnson of Arteona to farmers this will mean. quite capsid- tering (Great !Britain,
spent the past two week's with her era'ble savings on this account and! 'Since landing so England early in
cousin, \1rs.!A. Henderson, of Walton. doubtless will stimulate increased par- September, Mr. Fulton has been int -
chases of this article at the same pressed by indication of the disastrous
u ;Australasian fruit season that is now
STAFFA. - 'finishing. 'It appears that over six ml -
The Women's Institute will meet in Fresh Egg Production Down hon ,boxes 'of'Australian and New Zea-
afternoon, Oc- Moderate Price Advance Seen land apples have reached the United
the hall on 'According to T. A. Benson, of Ehe Kingdom during the past 'five t11011C S.
!ober 25th, at 2,30 p.m. The district Dominion Poultry Branch, fresh egg large ,quantities were placed in cold
president and expected
and 'Keseniton production is falling off rapidly and storage: ,Recently, such varieties as
Institutes are expected to be .present, P
= n shawls at the dress, there is a good movenent of storage, 'Tasmanian Stammers and New Zea
Anyone having bring Far The market has continued firm with land Jonathans have been selling as
plaid or Paisley types please b g prices steadily advancing. Further 'low as ] 6 to 4-6 per box. Remaining
the slavParade. gains were in evidence on both 'Tor- stooks of (Australian apples will naltur-
sorryto report that . Miss Toronto •gill affect values of North 'America:!
\\ e are onto and ,Montreal markets, y
Dona'tda Gray has been taken to the showing to somewhat better advan-
tage than Montreal, The .prospects Mr. Fulton says that there has been
try would seem to be for continuing mo- a good demand for Pears, especially
Mr. and -Mrs. G. G. Wilson spent derate advances in prices and the con- 1Bartletts, awing to the light weight
+Sunday in Exeter, attending an sitittptive demand appears to be re- coursing from California, Ontario ham-
Re+. T. R.Turner is alt g covering considerably,' Export demand per Bartletts have niade from 12s to
R:E, convention 1 i 1St, Thomas. remains steady with apparenlYly good i114s 6d.and a few half barrels averaged
Miss Marion her u cousin i spent the rospects for the future. — 20s !for 96 lbs of fruit. He had no
week end with in Logan. r doubt that tB.artlatts would continue
Mr, and Mrs. E. Flynn, London; Plowing Match Success to make satisfactory values, It ,was
visited with \fr, and Mrs, .O. \V, Reed J;ohu Captors, a Six Nations Ind;an difficult to forecast prices f01-Keiffers
on 'Sunday. front Oshweken, captured the Eaton but there was a feeling that Ss to d0's
lir. and Mrs. JIM. 1\'byte of Strat- Trophy from a 'Geld of thirty -coven a hamper would be realised according
lord spent Sunday •with ,Mr. and Mrs plowmen at !the International Plowing to sizes,
Jno, Livingston. Match held in !Denby township near
Owen!' 'Sound last week, His victory Current Crop Report
* * * # ' * r + was a notable one, as mauty of tic- The 1933 Title -cured' tobacco crop in
+ T Norfolk County is.
% NGWS AND INFORMATION * most his plowmen in Ontario were . * now estimated to
E BUSY FARMER * among his competitors: be about eighteen million poundand s
1t ruts. ed by Ontario Depart- * More than ;1164 entries were made in compared with twenty-five
ment of Agriculture.) y' p ed half million! pounds last Year. The
* a * * * ♦ * the second day's competition, a re- quality of the clop is very varied in
cord entry, and ch th persons . The
Export Trade Improves the field to watch the events. The quality, but there is a percentage of
'Canada's export trade in pare 'bred vveath•er was ideal for -plowing and the excellent tobacco. IHaldimaud reports
Holstein ,cattle has been moving along
tented city housing exhibits of farm that the root crop is about 50 per cent.
nicely this year, according to the 'Hot- machinery and other goods Was ,ta 160 ger cent, normal. 'Potatoes m
sicinsFriesian Assoc;atian of Canada, crowded, Lincoln are yielding a fair crop of
ohich reports shipmeu•ts for (me 00 good equality. Mengel craps in Brant
months of approximately ,1k4. Royal 'Winter Fair. are much better than was expected,
uine Y and the second prop of alfalfa seed is
head. ,During the latter part 'of Sept- As a result of the annual fall curve
• r ,business has been so .good of breeders, agricultural +vo'rkeas and of excellent colour and yielding well•
ember' p In Middlesex, P
one day recently the secretary's aC- prospective nd exhibitors a real spirit of potatoes will run about'
in o65% norma. crop, at ,Brantford issued ninety-nine cotifi'i.oyal and optimism o has gripped while livestock are
!flee a number coaivpar in only fair condition owing o the
export certificates, ont Royal Winter r e O offices itt Tor -
with :the business of any onto. The vital nolle. of agriculture in ,summer drought. Turnips in Bruce
ing favorably .past }five years. cotilibY are almost a complete failure
other day 'for. the •p the permanent ecoaronivic welfame of
Canada prompts the iRoyal Zro canteen- on mealy faints duet to aphids, on
Price Indicated . trate public attention at elle neat Fair others again they are a fairly good
Higher Result of'Short Crop crop. !Potatoes have been bringing
As i n the fact .other
'how closely prosperity
ble increase 'in the .price ill ,every •oil+he'r indusltry and enterprise. frown d5c to 1•.i)0 per bag in 'Dufferiii
A .cotisidera
s is indicated ,for later in the no matter ,haw remote, is linked with a ,c.oun'ty. The yield of mange's ;n York
of potatoes to reports to the is below the usual average, while pot -
season, according distinct short_ prosperous agriculture.panh
i rtment, due to a rican
Arid in the ,plans the small than with aloes will be around 3 G0% crop. Pet -
Department, Arne atoesough reports that all classes o
'n' boles `C'anadhan and
only a •few !head of stook or a sing.. dined considerably_
age t acreage 'te 'bring try
specifically oncou'1 livestock 'Nave gained craps• is now ar- since else pastures ntdde such a-spten-
T•he later 'O'n'tario crop a ed this year to try for honors with
on the market and, while the g
(`.lie biggesit, and with• this idea in nand ,did recovery: Fall wheat in L t len-
riving potatoes will show a all the many sectional prize lists df and recovery.
is in excellent con,dt
decrIy of Dooley
, tired with that'of the "sten big Shows" •com'prised in thc,tion will a big ,increase in acreage•
decrease as icom.P particularly good.
, ave .leen recast during tic ,Plow^;ng ort
zthe quality is pall Royal hi ,and after harvest cultivation
10wt2, past stammer. have been store general than usual.
;During the time of harvesting, 11111 t
es reaching t The management has adopted the Hay is a poor crop ill Prescott and
plies cif potato 'exceed consular
'Russell, but red clover seed is' Produc-
will, in all probability,
twin slogans \for D9313: "A 'Royal Aid ' ,from S0 to '100 Cts per load. Gres
far as the consumer to 'A'grhCana a. and `"'A 'S'timulus to'inq f
olive d'eman'd' So '' tits will ler Young Canada." ilio has had one of the best buck -
is concerned, therefore, which wil'1
period far the
wheat crops an ids history, which in
r'he most adwantaoCOtfor
15 winter use. heAlvi entries
ridteblts raid be
-Cs are Vovetn- help out the feed sitp,Pl'Y• of
purchase of potatoes
er 2L to 30 .inclusive. help to district repot! a fair Farmers
5 - in Ontario high quality grain. Temtakaming
use an increased acreage of fall wheat
will .likely British Fruit Market
ern? 'aperatinnt Keen competition is to be'expected and the crop looks especially good.
I roductinn
Charles Ruggles —IN— "Terror Aboard"
Told With Simple Beauty,•Dramatic Power and Dignity
'No one under 116 admitted,=Regular Prices
WED, THURIS., OCT, 26-26
Fri, Sat., Oct, 27-28—BUCK JONES in `OHELLO TROU'BLE"
on 25c Ladies 10c