HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. Mr, and Mrs. Alex, McMatrtrie of Toronto spent the 'holiday at the home of the foriner's mother,:Mrs. A. Mc- iMurtrie, Mrs, Thomas (Pearson and daughter, Miss Anna, of St. l+earys, called on friends in •towin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman, and Miss !'lona Miller spent the holiday In Sarnia and Port Huron. liisa Mae IMCNaughton 'of Toronto spent the holidayat her home here, Mr. Ferris Cantelon of 1$tromberg spent the holiday at his home. Dr. and Mee, Campbell and family of Toronto spent the holiday at the home of Mrs, Thos ,'Murdock, Miss Mary Huisser of Clinton spent the holiday at her home: Miss Madeline Hotham of Seaforth spent the ;holiday at the home of air. and Mrs. 'Geo. Brock and family. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McLean of°Ha- milton spent the holiday at the home of Mr, .and Mrs. John Passmore., The W.M1S. of the United Church was held in the school room on Thurs•d'ay afternoon last with the pre- sident, Mrs, C. A. Meth:maid, in .the chair. Hymn 35 was sung. Mrs. Mc- Donald read •the scripture lesson and Mrs. Dougall lead in prayer, The min- utes of the last meeting were read. 20 members answered roll call. The devotional lesson was read Iby Mrs. Sinclair, Leaflets on- the Living Issues of China by l'st Mrs. Coles, 2nd Mrs. Anna McDonald, 3rd Mrs. Hemphill, 4th Mrs, Elder, •5th, Mrs, Agnes Mc- Donald. Hymn 299 was sung and the meeting closed with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Mark :Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case and Mr. and Mrs, Archie Rowcliffe spent the holi- day at Tobermory. Mr, and 'Mrs. Douglas and daugh- ter hiss Norma of Hyde Park spent the holiday at 'the home of Mrs. John Johnston.. Thanksgiving services were observ- ed on 'Sunday last with a goad attend- ance at each. At the United Church (Rev. Mr. Oliver of Blyth occupied the pulpit at .both services. In the morning a trio was given by Miss Florence Welsh, Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and Dr. Smillie and in the evening a solo by Mr, T. Sherritt. At the Cannel Presbyterian Church Rev. W. A. Young had charge of the services and in the evening was assist- ed by his brother,- Mr. Malcolm Young. In the morning a quartette was rendered by Mrs. W. A. Mc- Laren. Mrs. A. Dougall and Messrs. W. A. llelLaren and R. Y. McLaren. In the evening a quartette by Miss Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. Jas. Paterson and Messrs. R. Y. McLaren and 'Jim lBengough. At St. Paul's Anglican Church Rev, Mr. Stone of Dorchester delivered very inspiring sermons and the choir was very ably assisted by the mem- bers of the Staffa choir, Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. O'- Brien at Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin of the Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. Wm. L. McLaren. The A.1.P;A, of St, Paul's Angli- can Church will begin •their meetings .,n Monday evening when a social ev- ening will be held. Lantern slides will given by Captain Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Miner of .Port Huron, HIBEERT. Council Meeting. - The Hibbert C.:uncil met in regular ,ses- sem .at Monday, October 9th, all members present, the Reeve preside me. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. confirmed and signed. ByLaws aws N. -102 and 403 pro- v int for the paying back of surplus fund.: ,en the Rob r _n Drain and C itup'be1I Drain Exte t i•:rn, respective- ly. were finally passed. Resolutions were liars ad.,pting the Tucker- .nt t'i Repon the Shepherd Creek Drain a 'l pr bilin -g for the sum of 3 nail t'., Is paid over to the Treas- urer of the T ,e l ip r f Tuckersmith os settlement in full of amount to. be c mtributeei hy the Township of Hib 's t'rite Clerk k wa- tnetructed to pre- c .. 11 L:, .v and St he lttle to dis 1 thine the surplus tandung to the ere lit c f the Shepherd Creek Drain 1: the oast+:ed parties pro rata to the u *i•u t1 aeses,ment' Dr. McGregor presented a number of indigent ac- counts amounting to $207 to which the Council allansel the sum of $100 as settlement in full. Road expendi- ture oniers for .e142.75; general ex- pense 5273t1it, and the asseesnnent for the 'Shepherd. Creek Drain, $2,090 were issued. The meeting adjourned until Monday, Xoreinber.13'th at 1 p.m. —Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Township Clerk, Dublin. CROMARTY. Miss Gladys Hamilton of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Allen and family of Brantford visited relatives aver the weekeend, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller visited with Mrs, 5. 'A. Miller on 'Sunday, .Mrs, S. 'Allen and Misses Mildred and Dorothy Quance spent the holi- day at Cromarty, A hot fowl supper will be served in Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Monday evening, Oct. 3rd. A good programme will follow the supper. KIPPEN. Miss I:aurahelle Wright spent the week end visiting in Heneal'l with Miss Ruth Coles. !Rev, J. rH..Geoghean of Lucknow visited his cousin, ekes, Jas, Wright, fast week. iWant and Far Sale Ads, 1 week, 25e. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO October, 111907. Duff's Church Re -opened, :Sunday last was an eventful one in the history of Duff's church, :McKil- lop, it being the re -opening of the edi- fice which had been closed for a num- ber of 'months undergoing rep'a'irs, A 'basement has been added to the church and the interior ,throughou't has been painted and .decorated; The occasion was aiao the fourth anniver- sary of the induction of Rev. D. Cars- well as pastor of the church. Large congregations greeted the ministers who conducted the opening 'services. There were three .services morning and evening service candgted very ably by Rev, Mr. Anderson of 'Go'de- rich, and afternoon service' taken by Rev. D. Rogers of Seaforth. On Mon- day evening followinga fowl supper was given in the basement of bh.e. church, The musical part of the pro- gram was supplied by the choir of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, assisted by Mrs. J, C. Greig and Miss Hazel Reid as elocutionists. The sel- ections consisted of three an'the'ms, by the choir, a duet by Mr. Jo'h'n' Stott and Mrs, W. W. •Meredith, a quart- ette by Mr. and Mrs, Close, Miss Scott and Mr. T. Kennedy, a duet by Mr. John Scott and Miss Dodds, and a solo by Mr. Scott 'Hays. A number of visiting clergymen were present and each gave addresses, there .being present Rev. Urquhart of Kippen, Rev. Shaw and Rev. Larkin. of Sea - forth, and Rev. A. McIntosh who is just home filo:nt the (West. The latter gave an interesting speech in which he .gave an account of the progress of the church ,during the past forty years. Exeter Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Davis, who have been living in Seattle, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mr. Herb Harrel ntet with an un- pleasant accident at the evaporaror a few days ago, He was using a broad- axe making wedges when a false stroke of the axe sliced off a large piece of flesh on the inside of his left hand at the base of the thumb. Brussels Mr. and Mr. Richard Roe recently celebrated their golden wedding, Hensel! Mr. Robert McMardie r. and bride of British Columbia are visiting at the former's hone. Word was received here of the death of David Rife who had been living in the West, Items Miss Lulu Johnston oe Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Johnston. Miss Riddell of Blyth was a Sea - forth visitor on Monday, being here m business in connection with 'her property on N. Main street. Mr. George Stewart has disposed of his residence on Main street, opposite Dick's Hotel. to Dr. Harburn,'V15. \Ir. Fred Cardio is here .from Win- Ili,, Jean McCallum and blts's D• THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1933. James Cowan and Thos. Murray, councillors. The amount of taxes on the roll to be collected for 1907 is $117,3171938, made tip as follows: Co. rate, $4,029.35; township tate, $5,0136. - lees Grey ou'tlel, $11315,82; public, schools, l5,51316!99; 'Separa'te schools,; $71117185; besides 'drain rates, The, different mites at the dollar are: for county, 9.0 mil'ls; township 21215 ntl'lls, public school general .rate t1 8411 mill's. LONDESBORO The anniversary services which were held on Sunday east by the Unit- ed Church, was very .largely attended. The,'Rev. S. Matthers of 'Gland, Bend delivered' very able sermon's both nto•rning and evening; 'lee being well known in this disltrict Made it more initerestialg, having spent most of his boyhood days in this vtdinity and later. taught school at'No. ,8, Hulliett, for a time. The choir rendered excellent music and in the evening was assisted by Dr. Thom,p'son .of Clinton, who also sang a• pleasing ,solo' which was en- joyed. The W:IvIJS. of the United Church are iv:Sidin.g their autumn thanlcoff- ering` in the blasetnent of the church next .S'und'ay evening, 'October. '115th,. ltrs. Cummings of W'a4ton will he fhe speaker. The meeting is open to `all and all are cordially invited to at- tend. The W.M.S. Auxeliary of the Unit- ed Church is invited to meet with 'ladies, at Burns' Ohurch-pn Dot. 251th, 'This is fhe Burns' tltankoflering meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs, W. Tambblyn of Tor- onto spent the week end wibh the for mar's loather, who returned with them to Toronto on Mon'dlay and will re - wain far a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning were the guests of Mrs. A. Lydfattt of Wal- ton on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jlo'hnston of London spent the holiday's under the parental roof. ;Mrs. E. Bell is visiting at the home of B. Herrington, Blyth. Mr, and .Mrs. H. 14agri,dge of Au- burn 'Sundeyed at Mr. C. Manning's. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Beattie of It g- ersoll, Mr, and Mrs. H. Brun'sden and family of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brunsdon and Mr. and (firs. R. Vo.d- den were the guests of Mr. and Mes. W. T. Brunsdon on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. C. Josl'ing spent Sun- day with their daughter, Mrs. L. Bali. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning visited at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. J. How- att on Sunday. The regular meeting of the Wom- an's Institute was held in the com- munity hall on Wednesday, Oct. 4th with a large attendance. Mrs. E. Ad- ams, the president, presided during the business. Mrs. E. Adams 'VMS ap- pointed to attend the convention to he held at Kincardine on Oct. 23rd. There was an excellent program. Mrs. 11. Sundercock and Mrs. J. Crawford sang a duet and a five -piece orchestra rendered lovely uausic. Mrs. D. Mc- Callum cCallum played the mouth organ and nipe:; on visit with his father. Principal Moffatt of the Public chool and son Ormond visited refs- tires and friends at Langside over Saturday and Sunday. Owing to a break lenn on the Kincardine train Mr, M .ffatt was not able to reach n"one in time for teaching on Monday. Awarded Contract The Wingham Times of last week says: "The contract for erecting the nen Canadian Bank of Comtnerce building in \'1'ingham has been award- ed to Mr, F. Gutteridge of Seaforth, int it is expected that the work of bnilrling the 'foundation will be com- pleted this fall." Sudden Death in Tuckersmith, very sudden death occurred in ruekersmith when Robt. Leatherlatd, one of its oldest resident dropped dead at his home on the 9th conces- -,ion. Although in his 85th year he' was apparently in his usual good ,health until the time di his death. The de- ceased was a brother el Mr. James Leatherlan'd of town. The funeral took place . from his late residence, ,Rippen road, Tuckersinit'h. Blyth gr. t ;Cunningham, a well- known farmer on the 7th line of Mor- ris, met with a bad accident which might have resulted fatally. He loadhelping Mr. Patrick Kelly w> h of hay and was holding the one'? tothe while the Mr. Kelly was climbing load when the horses became fright- ened and started off. 'The horses nuldistl- ed Mr, Cunningham. for s ance when they ran into a wire fence and he received a bad shaking up be- sides having his forehead e ct turnanl the flesh under his right ey and the cheek bone broken. McKillop Council. Council met at C. White's, Lead bury on Friday, Oct. 11nth, -907, with all members present, J.' M.'Govenlock, 'Reeve; Mex. Ross, John MdDowell, Little and Miss E. Manning the three gniters and !Miss I. McCallum the piano. firs. R. Townsend gave an il- lustrated address on her trip to the Coast, assisted by Miss Dorothy and Mr. Hawke of Clinton. This was atncheujoyed, Time passed all too quickly, when lunch was served hy. Mrs, T. Little, Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook, Mrs. F. Wood, Mrs. W, E. iranning, Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon and Mrs F. Little. TUCKERSMITH. Reception.—t:'1 pleasant surprise was held Friday at the home of Mrs. A. Coleman in T,uckersnnith when over 200 friends and 'neighbors assembled to express felicitations and do honor to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, who have just arrived from theta honeymoon trip to Muskoka, The e.v- ening was enjoyably spent in dancing and cards. A pleasing feature was the presentation to the young couple of a handsome walnut china 'cabinet, bronze table lamp, and fountain pen from friends in the district, also a piano lamp, electric plate and other beautiful gifts `tram relatives, Mr. Ro- bert Archibald read the address to which the bridegroom made' an ee propriate reply, A delicious lunch was served i>y the ladies of the community, To Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman: Upon this most happy occasion a few of your friend's and ne'ighb'ors have gathered 'here to offer you their heart- iest congratulations. To you, •firs. Coleman, we extend a 'warm and sin- cere we'ltome to our midst, and trust that you ntay find in this neighbour- hood many congenial !friends who will add to your pleasure and .ha'ppiness. Desiring to remind you of our con- tinued friendship and esteem, we ask you to accept these gifts with our s'in'cerest wish that the pleasures and successes of life may be given to you in liberal measure, and that you may long find in this locality those who will be to you a: source of inspiration and joy. Signed: Bob Archibald, Thos. FOR SALE Several Dwellings IN 'SEAFORTH ee: 'EGMONDVILLE Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. SUTHERLAND 0Iod.gert, Art Nicholson, 'Mt•. and Mrs. 'Wit. Sproat, Mr, and Mrs, R'o.b't. Doig, Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs, John S'h'o1d'Ioe, Mp. and Mrs, H. Tyndall, Mr. and Mos, G. Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Strong, -1 r, and Mrs, 'Wen. Archibald, Mr. and :Mrs, 5, Leybourne, Mr. and Mrs, Jini Doig, Mr. .and Mrs, J. Riley,: .Mr. and Mrs. ,Alex. Waleace, Mr. and ,Mrs. 'H. Chesney, Mr_. and Mrs, R. Rite, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Riley, ;Mr and Mrs. •Hugh Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. Sltetiwoad, Mr, and Mrs. T. ;Shilling'law, Mrs, J. C. Reinike, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. M•clLeli'a'n, Mr, and Mrs. 7..MdGlavin, Mr, Jldmes Wlallece, and Mrs, R. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cooper, Mr, 'Peter Cameron, Mrs. H. Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jack- son, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil (Packman, Mr, and 'Mrs. H. McMillan, Mr. Ross MidKay, Mr. Oliver M'cIK'ay, Mr, and Mrs. C. McKay, Mr, and 11lrs. Ro'bt. IElgie, Mrs. IA. Ross, Mr, and Mrs. (Cecil Murray, Mr. and Mrs, I. For- sythe, Mr, and Mrs. J. E'1'gie, Mr. and Mrs. H. Chesney, alr. (Lewis Coyote, Mr, Mervin 'Lane, ,Mr, ,and Mrs. Alex. 'Simpson, Mr. Mervin.,Dinney, Mr. S. Gemmel'!, Mr, and Mrs. Jens. Love, Mr,. and Mrs. ff. ` MrcLac'hIan, Mr. W.nt. 13e1;1, Mr. add Mrs. R. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. 1OlLaugh'lan, Mr. (Joe. 'U'pshall, Mr. and Mrs. L. !F'inilayson, Mr, and Mrs. D. Fo'th'erin'ghlam, Mr. and Mrs.' Win. Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Broadforot, Mr. H. Walters, Mr. Robert Dal- rymple, Mr. and Mrs. R. Consist, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, lir. and Mrs. J. ,Upshall, Mrs. S. Eyre, Mr. J.'Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs, A. McGregor, 'Mr. and Mrs, A. Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs. A. ,Lil- lico, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bick, 1'Lr. and Mrs. Jbhn Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Kennedy, Mr. Wm. Thompson, Mr: and Mrs, Wm. Black, Mr. and Mrs, 3. McIntosh, Messrs. A. and J, Broad - foot, Mr. John Woods, Mr. and -firs. ID. McLean, Mrs. A. Broad'faot, lir. and Mrs. G. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. G -.Mc- Cartney, Mrs. A. ,Bro'ad•itoo't, Mrs. ,Janes :McIntosh Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. (Keyes, Mr. and ,!Mrs. Charters, \'Ir, and Mrs. A. Nicholson, Mr. and bars. T. Lane, Mr, and Mrs. A. Boyce, Mr. le 'Scatter, Mr. and Mrs, G. McCartney' Sr,, Mr. and Mrs. J.'Rintoeil, Mr, J. Forest. The Tuckersmith Progressive Club will meet at the home of Mrs. A. IB'roadfoot, Mill (Road, on Tuesday ev- ening, Oct, 1171th, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Ian McLeod, Agricultural Representative, will give a .talk on Farm Management. Roll call .will be answered by a 'lim- erick. A prize will be given for the best original limerick. All the young people are cordially invited to attend this meeting, as lir. McLeod is worth hcaring. '\lr. and Mrs, Tebbutt spent a clay last week in 'Woodstock. 'errs. David McLean spent last Fri- day in London. \Irs, Luff of Hamilton spent the week -end with her brother Mr , John elartin. Mr, and .alts. Walker Carlile of IIensttll spent the holiday at lar. Wm. 'Landsborough's. Mr. John Martin bought a fancy driver a few days ago. Mr, and Mrs, C. 1dclBriets spent last Sunday at 'Win. T andsborough's, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Gordon of Hul- let visited at Cecil Okc's last Monday. l'fr. Clayton Martin of Englehart called on friends on the lid con. last Sun day. Mr. Amos Townsend still continues poorly, His many friends Mope to soon see hini around again. Mr. 'Kenneth Jackson of 'Toronto spent the holiday with his mother, -Mrs J, Jackson. Mr. and Mrs, Davis Moore of Tor- onto spent 'Thanksgiving With the fornner's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. II. Moore. Miss Mae Wallace spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W alla,ce. \irs. A. Topp, !Mrs. George Kalle, 'Mrs. Carl Topp and eon Junior of !Buffalo, spent the 'h'olid'ay with Mr. and Mrs. John lrbgie. (M'is's Thelma IF.Ol;gie reterned with 'thein 'after spend- ing three !weeks with friends in Buf- falo and )Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hargreaves of Toronto spent the week end with the ratter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Shil- 1 nglaw. hillinglaw. Miss 'Glaclys Way, off Port 'Stanley, gr. anid Mrs. ,Harold tShear of Monk - ton, spent the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Alive :Way. 'Miss Jean Fotheringham entertain- ed the Junior Women's Institute on Wednesday. There was a good aktel- 1 Cash Specials FRIDAY AND SATURiDIAIY ONLY Lard, 2 lbs 19c Bologna, per lb , 11c (Back Bacon lb ...,. , , . , 19c 'Saha, Tea, Ye ib 21c Red Rose Tea, Ye Ib 21c Rideau Hall Coffee. , . ,1 'lb 45c MEN'S WOOLEN SOCKS., ..... 2 prs, a �+ Cottage Rolls per lb. ^13c Picnic Hams, per lb. '13e 'W einers, per Ib , ..... , 12c Palmolive Soap ' 6 for 25c Pearl White „....10 ... 10 for 29c Handy Ammonia,— 3 pkgs. 14c 1MAXiWELL H•OUISE35 c COFFEE With $1.00 Grocery Order. MEN'S &'BOYS' SHOES AT,LOW PRICES W. J. Th FIl�l`�I I� � AUCTION SALE fIthe undersigned auctioneer Ira's re- cei've'd instructions to sell by public. rauotioat. an'Lot 113, Concession 11, Hu- ron Road Survey, To''w'n'slhp df Tuck- ersimit'h, on Thursday, October 216th, 118313, at 1.00 p'm., Abe Ifdllowing farm stack and implements: lHo'rses—IDhree wb•rk'horses. t Cattle—!Four cows supposed to be in calf; one Caw freshened in Septem- ber; one heifer, rising three to fresh- en in . March; eight young Battle, ris- ing two years; duce young calves. Iogs—E'ix c'h'unks. IInipblemetvts — 'One Massey -Harris binder; one Masseyalla'rris nnolwer; one •Massey -!Harris cultivator, seven- teenetaoth; one 1'I•assey-IHb'rris ' ten •fo'at dump rake; one iblCConmick side delivery rake; ane McCormick hay loader; one m'anu're spreader; one Cackshutt two -furrow riding plow; one !Wilkinson walking p'lo'w; one scttffler; one disc '!narrow; one four sedtion diamond harrow; one seed drill; one Cyclone grass -seed sower; one -Amcor-1Hotlth cream separator; one hay car and fork with 11175 feet of rope; slings and pulleys; top buggy 'wi'th steel tires; otte cutter twith doors, one road cart,- one land roller, one wagon, wagon 'box,' and sixteen foot sliding hay rack; one fanning mill, forks, shovels, and miscellaneous ar- ticles. Some household effects. Terms cash. A. D, IAjRMiS'TIRIOiNMG, Prop.; G. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. FOR SALE !Fifty White 'Leghorn pullets. Apply to WM. DUTLDDIGiE, RIR, 2, Sea - forth; phone '016 r 2, ,Clintontcentral, '4111 HONEY FOR SALE 'Clover honey, slightly colored, 6c lb. White clover honey Wee lb. GEO. PtAIRIKIEIR, Chiselhurst. 40 PIGS FOR SALE 'T'wenty pigs for sale, six weeks old 'October 12. JOHN NIOILANN, ;phone 131 an :1144. 43, FOR SALE ..A few pure, bred. Dual, Purpose Shorthorn heifers, about one year old. 'MURRAY GIBSON, Brucefield...41. 'PULLETS FOR SALE A number of choice Barred Rock and White Leghorn puelets for sale. 'Sane laying. Priced reasonable. These pullets are ROT. sired by !Government Approved and .Blood - tested stock. t.A'NDIREW A. MOORE. (Sunnyvale Poultry 'Farm, Seaforth. 1Pho.n'e '1137 r 3. GUILLOTINED HER FAITH- LESS "ROYAL" LOVER Read in The 'American Weekly, vith next Sunday's Detroit Times, the case of an unhappy woman who glad- ly gave up her 'huchaitd, honor and fortune, for theman who claimed to he an emperor's "love .child" -until he called her an "Old "Fool." dance ,and a very sociable half hour was spent by all. ELI'MVILLE Visitors in the vicinity over the hol- iday were: Mrs. Alice iR'heitn of Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed. 'Jahns; :3'r..attd 'Mrs. Enos Herdman ,of Tor- onto 'with relatives; Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Whitlock and Misses Joy and .Ev- elyn Whitlock, also Mrs. .'Horton, be St Thomas; !Liss Bessie 'Bell of 'De- . holt. 'Mrs. 'Len O'Reilly, who has ;been visiting with relatives in !Sarnia, re- turned t•o her home last Wednesday. !Quite a number from here ,at'ten'ded the anniversary services .at Wood'hatn last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johns and daughter !Hazel, also Mrs. Alice Rh'ei•m of Toronto visited .here, Wise mothers who know the virtues of Mother 'Graves' Worm 'Extermiea- for always have it at hand, bscatise it peeves its valise. Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week, 215c IMPORTANT NOTICE Any person having a claim against 'the late F. D. 'Es'tahi's'on .E's'tate, please present before Nove'mbe'r 1st, '10,33. Also kindly assist ,Hu'tdhisan's to close ail beak accounts owing, by tca'sh or note, .by Nloveniber' list, I1033, 'to enable Executors to` ddistribwte as- sets of lalte F. D. Hu'tch'is'on, JiFINNIIIE B. 'EUITICiHj1:ISION. FREE.'HIGH CLASS 'PHOTOGRAPH. FREE IOn Wednesday and Thursday, Oot. Ileth and 119Th, we will photograph all persons; 65 years of age or over, free of charge, An'd.presen't each person One !Large Photo'gra'ph of themselves' absolutely Free, Remember you have nothing to buy"to get this 'Free Photo- graph. No matter where you live come and sit for this Free IPIhotograplh. Re- member the days, Oct '8th and 19th. Photos taken day or night. BUR/G- ESS. STUDIO, Mitchell. 411. FARM FOR SALE 1100 -acre farm with good land and good buildings, lots of water, some bush; some wheat sawed. priced cheap and good terms to right party. Situ- ated in Stanley tp. near Bayfield. Ap- ply to Seaforth News. HOUSE FOR SALE OR IREN$j._ A good frame house, stable and gar= age and ee acre land. Will sell cheap for quick sale or exchange an 'farm .property. Apply to GEEORJGE Mc - CAUL, Londesbboro. 42 COTTAGE 'FOR RENT A very comfortable cottage on Jar- vis street for 'rent November est, Ap- ply to MIRIS. 3. 3, HIU.GGAIRID, corner Market and High streets, CIDER MILL Will run every day after October Ilst, I'have installed two new cookers and a machine for straining apples for apple butter; peeling not necessary, Lot 23, concession 6, Logan. Phone 620 r 3d, Mitchell. FRED HE31tNII.OK RR 4, Mitchell t FOR {SALE 4,- %Fifty White Leghorn pullets, bred - to -lay, are now laying, About six months old. Apply! to JN'O. T E+LIGII,'E, Kippen, or phone 134 r 31. WOOD FOR SALE A quantity of choice dry hard maple body wood at $10,00 a load of three cords, Order now as supply is limited, Apply to J, E. CRICH, R.R. 3, Seaforth, or phone 24-614, Clinton Central, If ordered by phone will pay for call. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT IIlouse with electric light, hard and soft water and garage. Possession gi- ven at once. Apply to The News Of- fice. t1. WOOD FOR SALE 'Soft maple body wood $2,50 a cord. Also hard maple body wood $3.50 a cord. In load lots of four cords or more, delivered. VICTOR'FALCON- ER, Brucefield, Phone 629 r 10, Clin- ton central. WOOD FOR SALE Quantity of soft wood, $2 a cord. Small quantity of all maple $3 a cord. Quantity of hardwood $4 a cord. De- livered anywhere in Seaforth. , Cash with order. Also a quantity of elm plank, good for repairing stables, barn floors, etc. T. J. RICHA;RDSO'N, phone 148 r 20. SeaForth. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, per bu's, 65c .Barley, per bus .. ......... . . 42c Oats, new, per bus. 32c Buckwheat, per .bus, .........:45c New potatoes, bus, .... Butter, per ib , ISc Hogs, per cwt $51.115 Eggs, per doz. . , .. , ..... 115c-21co?6c Potatoes, per bag „•,.,..,...,$1:00, • TRY • 111- ie C es s p Cleaners & Dyers WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER PhoneI9rw.Wecallow! deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop. see