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"Ha' ye no wranged me enough wi'
co that? Ye laeig=leggit liar, wi' yer
skulkin', nturderin' tyke!" he cried,
"Ye say it's Wullie; W'here's yer
proof?"—and he snapped his fingers
in the other's face.
The ;Master . was now as calm as
his, foe • was passionate. "Where?" he
replied sternly; "why,, there!" holding
out his right hand. "Yen's proof
enough to hang a hunner'd," For ly-
ing in his broad palm was a .little bun-
dle of that damning red hair.
"Let's see itl" Che little man bent
to look closer.
"There's for yer proof!" he cried,
end spat deliberately down into the
other's' naked palm. Then he stood
back, facing his enemy in a manner
to have done credit to a nobler deed:
James Moore strode orward. Lt
looked as if he was about to make an
end of his miserable adversary, so
strongly was he moved. His chest
heaved, and the !blue eyes •blazed. But
just as one had thought to see him
take his foe in the hollow of his hand
and crush him, who should come
stalking round the corner of the
house but the Tailless Tyke?
A droll spectacle he -made, laugh-
able even at that moment. He limped
sorely, his head and neck were swath-
ed :in bandages, and beneath their
ragged fringe the little eyes gleamed
out fiery and bloodshot.
Round the confer he came, unaware
c.f strangers; then straightway recog-
nizing his visitors, halted abruptly,
Pt's ,Mand'ay to -,duty;" the said cold-
ly. "I gie yo' till 'Saturday. If yo've
done your dotty:•hy then—and well you
know what 'ifs—)I shall .come do it
for ye. Ony gate, I shall conte and
see. iV11 remind .ye -agin .o' !Thursday—
yo'ill be ,at the 'Manor dinner, I sup-
pose. 'Non 'I've warned yo', and you
know :best whether ,I'm in 'earnest or
no. 'Bob, lad 1"
He turned .away, but turned again.
"I'nh sorry for ye, but I''ve 'ma duty
to do—so've you. Till Saturday I shall
breathe no word to ony soul o' this
business, so that if you see good to
put him .ant o' the waywi'oot •b.'ather,
no one need iver know as 'loo Adam,
M'Aidazn's Red Well ,was the Black
He turned away For the . second
time. But the little man sprang after
him, and ,clutched him by the arm:
"Look ye here, James Inloorel" he
cried in thick, shaky, horrible ,voice.
"Ye're big, II'm snha'; ye're strang,
I'nr weak; ye've ivery one to your
back, I've niver a one; you tell your
story, and they'll believe ye; (1,11 tell.
mine, and they'll think II lie. But a
word in your ear! Ib1 iver agin II catch
ye on ma land, by-1"bhe swore a
great oath,"I'll no spare ye. You ken
best if Incl'in earnest or no," And his
face was dreadful to ,see in its hideous
That night a vague story .was
whispered in .the Sylvester !Arms. ti3ut
Tainmas, on being interrogated, purs-
(His hackles ran up, each individual ed his lips and said: "Nay, iI'm sworn
hair stood on end till his whole body to say nowt." 1Whieh was the old
resembled a new -shorn wheat -field; man's way of putting that he 'knew
and a snarl, like a rusty brake shoved nowt•
hard down, escaped from between his
teeth. Then he trotted heavily for- On Thursday morning, James
ward, his head sinking low and lower Moore and Andrew came down ar-
as he came. rayed in all ,their best. It' was the day
And Owd Bob, eager to take up the of the squire's annual dinner to ' his
gage of battle, advanced, glad and tenants.
gallant, to meet him. Daintily he pick- The two, however, were not allowed
ed his way across the yard, head and to start upon their way until they had
tail erect, perfectly self-contained, undergone a critical inspection by
Only the long gray hair about his Maggie; for the girl 'Liked her man -
neck stood up like the ruff of a lady kind to do h'ono'r to !Kenmuir on these
of the court of Queen Elizabeth, occasion's, So she bruahed up Andrew,
But thewar-worn warriors were not tied his scarf, saw his boots'ated hand;
to be allowed their will. were clean, and titivated him general-
"Wullie, Wullie, wad yel" cried the 1Y till she had converted 'the ungainly
little man.
"Bob, lad, coomint" called the oth-
er. Then he turned and looked down
at the mail beside him, contempt
flaunting in every feature.
-Well?" he said shortly.
M Adane's hands were opening and
shutting; his 'face was quite white be-
neath the tan; but he spoke calmly,
"I'll tell ye the whole story, and
it', the 'truth," he said slowly, "I was
up there the mare"—pointing to the
wiodcw,above—nand I see Wullie
erouchin' down alangside the Stony
Bottom. (Ye ken he has the run o'
ma land o' neets. -the same as your
do..) In a minnit II see anither dog
squatterin' slang on .your side the.
,Bottom.' He creeps up to the sheep on
the hillside, chases 'em, and Boons
one, The sun was risen by then, and
I eee the dog as clear as I see you
ono. It was that dog there—I swear
it!" His voice rase as he spoke, and
he pointed an accusing finger at Owd
"Noo, ,Wulliet thinks I. And afore
ye could clap yet hands, Willie was
over the ',Bottom and on to him as he
gorged—the bloody-minded murder-
er! They 'fought and fought—I could
hear the roarin' an where .I stood, I
wstche.d .till i 'could 'watch nae -long-
er. and, all in a sweat, 'I rin d'oen;the
s'ta'rs and'oat. 'When I got there,.
there was yer tyke enakin' fu' -split for
+Kenmuir, and'Waffle coming up the
hill to rhe, It's' God's truth, I'm tellin'
ye. Tak' him flame, 'James Moore, and
let his dinner be an ounce a' lead,
'Twill be the best day's •w:ork iver ye
The little man emest .be lying --dying
palpably. Yet he spoke with an earn-.
estne e, a seeming belief in his own
story, that 'night have convinced
one who .knew Mac less well. But the
Master only Pocked down.'oil him
with a great scorn,
hobbledehoy into 'a 'thoroughly "likely
young mon,"
And all the whole she was thinking
of that other boy for whom on such
gala days she had been wont to per-
form like offices. And her father,
marking the tears in her eyes, and
mindful of the s'quire's mysterious
hint, said gently:
"Cheer up, lass. Happen I'll 'he'
news for you the night!"
The girl nodded, and smiled wanly.
"Happen so, dad," she said, But in
her heart she doubted.
Nevertheless it was with a cheerful
countenance that, a little later, she
stood in the door with wee Anne and
Owd 'Bob and waved the travellers
Godspeed; while the golden -haired
lassie, fiercely gripping the old dog's
,tail with one hand and her sister with
the other, screamed Them a wordless
The sun had reached its highest
when the two waylfarers passed
through the gray portals of .the Man-
!In the stately 'entrance hall, impos-
ing with all the evidences of a long.
and honorable line, were gathered
now the many tenants throughout the
wide March Mere Estate. Weather-
beaten, rent -paying sons of the soil;
most of there like names Moore,
whose fathers had for generations
owned and farmed ,the land they now
leased at the hands of the Sylvesters
-.there in the old hail they were as-
sembled, a mighty host.' +And apart
from the others, standing as though
in irony 'beneath the :fro'wn of one of
those steel clad warriors who held the
door, was little \'(';Adam, puny al-
ways, paltry now, mocking his man-
The doer at the far end of ehe hall
opened, and the squire entered, .beant-
ing'yol every one.
'1 -Here you are—ehl, eh! How are
you all?'Glad t0 see yel '.Good -day,
Tames! Good -clay, ISaundersoi•! 'Good -
day to you all'1 IBriugin' a friend with
me—ehl ell" and he stood aside to
let by his 'agen:t, Parson (Leggy,' enld
last of all, shy and blushing, a fair-
haired young giant.
"'If •it bain't IDacid1" was the ;cry.
'Eh, lad, .we's fain to sec yo'i • And
yo'ni- 1ool,:in' stout, surely!" And they
thronged alio tat the boy, snaking him
by the hand, and asking him his
'Twas'but a simple tale, After his
flight on the •even'tt'til night he had
gone .south, dravee'in.g., He had writ-
ten to 'Maggie, and been surprised and
hurt to receive 110 reply. In vain he
had waited, ,and too proud ;to write
again, had 'remained ,ignoraiet Pf his
fa'ther's recovery, neither caring nor
Glaring to return. Then by mere
chance, he had met the squire at the
York cattle -show; and that kind man,
who knew bins ,story, 'had eased his
fears and olbtaened from him se pro-
mise to 'return' as soon as the term of
his 'engagement 'had ex'pired. And
there he was,
Tht Palest -nen gathered round the
boy, lis'ten'ing to his tale, and in re-
turn telling him the home news, and
chafing 'hini about 'Maggie.
Of ail the people present, only one
seemed unmoved, and that was 'M'
Adam. ,When 'first David had enter-
ed he had .started forward, a flush .of
color wa'rm'ing his thin cheeks; 'bu!t no
one had noticed his emotion; and now,
back again 'beneath' his aren!or, the
watched bhe scene, a sour smile ,play-
ing a'b'out his 'lips.
"I think the laid might ha' the grace
to come and say she's sorry for 'temp -
tin' to murder Inc, ,Hooiver"—with a
characteristic shrug; "I suppose I'm
'T'hen the gong rang out its sum-
mons, and the squire led the way into
the great dining -hall. At the oneend
of the long table, heavy with all the
solid deligacies of such a 'feast, he
took.his' int with the Master of Ken-'
mufr upon 'his right. Att the other
end was (Parson Leggy. While down
the sides the .ata'iwert D'alesmea, were
'arrayed, with iI'Ad!ant a (little lost'fi-
gure in the centre.
iAt first they talked but 'little, awed
like children: knives plied, glaases
tinkled, the carvers had all their
work, only the tongues were at rest.
,But the squire's ringing laugh and
the parson's cheery .tones soon put
them at their ease; and a babel of
voices rose and waxed.
,Ofthem all, only 'M'Adanh sat si-
lent. He •faliced to no man, and you
may be sure no one talked to 'him.
His hand crept oftener 'to" his glass
than plate, till the sallow face began
to flush, and the dint eyes to grow
unnaturally bright,
Toward the 'end of the meal there'
was loud tapping on the table, calls
for silence; and men pushed back
their chairs. The squire was on his
feet to make has annual speech.
IHe started by 'telling thein how -
glad he was to see them tihere. He
made an allusion to Owd Bob and
the ,Shepherds' Trophy which vitas
heartily applauded. He touched cif 'toile,' It hardly gies a man a chance.
the ,Black Killer, and said he bad alSOT 'gin he does try and yet fails, men
remedy to propose: that Th'Oawd Unlnever mind the tryin', they only mark
should be set upon the criminals 11 the ;failin'.
track—a suggestion which was steely- ' "I dinnia blame ye. There's sohne-
ed' with enthusiasm, while . MAdani s .thin' bred in me, it seems, as sets iv -
cackling laugh could be heard high ery one agin me, It's the same ww-.i' beat butter. Dear, dearl to think o'
that) Then abretchin forw•ard•
above the rest„ i\�ullte and the tykes -they ,
're door on „ g
(From that he dwelt upon the exist- Mr.—lornibut, 1I was playin' wi' ye,
ing condition of agriculture, the dep-
ression in which he attributed to the
late ;Radical government. 'He said that
during the last five hundred years,. the
Sylvesters had rarely been—he was
sorry t0 have t0 confess tit—good' men
(laughter and dissent); but he :never
yet heard of the !Sylvester—though he
shouldn't say it—ho was a bad
Landlord .(butt applause).
This .was a free country, and any
tenant of his who was not content a
voice, "Oo says we bain't?")--"thank
you, thank you!'—well, 'there was
roost outside for hint, (Cheers.) II -le
thanked !God from the bottom of his
heart that, during the :forty years he
hacl been responsible for the 'Meech
Mere 'Estate, there had never been
any friction between 'him and his
people (cheers), and he didn't think
there ever would be, (Loud cheers),
"Thank you, thank you!"
James Moore,, tby prescriptive right,
as Master ,of Ken'ntuir, rose to answer.
I1 -Ie began by- saying that he spoke
"as representing all the tenants,"—but
he was interrupted.
"Na," came a shrill voice ,from half
way down the table, "Ye'll except me
games Moore. 'I'd as lief be 'represent-
ed 'hy Judas!"
There were cries. of "Haid ye gab,
little mon!" 'and the squire's voice.
"That'll do, Mr, M'Adalnl"
The little elan restrained his ton-
gue, but his eyes gleamed like a •'ter-
`ret's; and the Master ,continued his
He spoke;briefly and to the point' in
short phrases. And ,all the while M' -
Adam ,kept up .a low -voiced, running
canhnientar At length he could con-
wdt!tewashed sepulchre? Sit doom, II
say," or"=ph'reatenitmgg'ly—,`(wad ye lean
me .!coime to ye?"
At that the 'Daleslften laughed up-
roar�iously,a'nd even thetllaster's gnim
face ;relaxed, But the squire's voice
rang out sharp and stern,
"'Peep silence and Sit idowm,
iM'Adanhl !ll:you hear rte, sir? If I
have to speak to you again it will be
to order you to leave the 'room.°
The little elan obeyed, sullen and
vengeful, like a beaten rat,.
The master concluded 'his speech by
calling on alt .peesen't - bo give three,
cheers 'for the squire, Amer ladyship and
the young ladies.
!The call .wins e'esp.onded to enthus-
iastically, -every ,man. standing. Just as
the noise ,was at tits zenith, Lady 'El-
e'anour herself, ,nsith ,her two :!fair dau-
ghters, glided into the gallery at the
end of the htall; whereat 'the ;cheering
was deadening
!Skint,' the clatmor 'su'bsid'ed: One ,by.
one the tenants 'sat down, At 'length
there was lent standing 'only one:sol-
itary ',figure—!M'!Adlanc,
tHUs farce Was set, and die gripped
the "chair ,in front of him ;with' thin,
nervous 'hands.
"'Mr. ',Sylvester," he began in low
yet ,clear voice, "ye said this is a free
country ant! we're 'a' free 'nen: Made
that abein' 5o,1''ll tak' the liberty, wi'
yer permission, 'to ,say a word, It's
the last dime VII he mei' ye, ev
I 'hope t'e'll listen to rte."
The!Dilesnlen looked surprised, and
the squire uneasy. 'Nevertheless he
nodded ,assent.
'Me little mean straightened ,hitnself..
'Hes .face was tense as 'though strung
up to a 'high resolve. All the passiom
had fled from it, all ithe ,bitterness was
gone; and left behind was a ,strange,
en'obling earnestness. !Standing there
in the silence of :that great.'hell, with
every eye upon him, he 'looked like
some 1prisoner at the bar about to
for his life.
"Gentlemen," he began, "I've bin
amang ye noo a score years, and ,I
can truly say there's not a man in 'this
room I. can 'ca,' "Fniend' "
He looked along the ranks of up-
turned faces. "Ay, David, I see ye and
you, Mr. IHern'but, and you,: Mr. Syl-
vester—ilka one •o' you, and not one
as'd back me like a comrade gin a
trouble came upon ;tie." There was no
rebuke in the grave little voice -it
merely stated a hard fact.
"There's I'idoot no one amang ye
'but has some one—friend or blood—
wham he can turn to when things are
lair ,ver him. I've no one. •
'I bear alane my :lade o' care'—
-lane wi' Wullie, who stands to me,
!blaw or gnaw, rain or shine. And
whiles I'm 'feared hent be took from
rte." He spoke this 'last half to.him-
self, a grieved, puzzled expression on
'his face, as though lately she had
dreamt some all dream.
"Fonbye Wullie, I've no 'friend on
God's earth. And, ;mind ye, a bad man
often makes a good friend—but ye've
never given me the'chaiace. It's a s'air
thing that, gentlemen, to ha' to fight
the battle o' 'life alane: no one to pat
ye on the back, no one to say 'Weal
.n a wee'. while nmoo, Wtt1'lie and me,
lane and Ifhegi'ther, as 'we''e aye ,done,
And it's time ave 'went. Ye'y'e'had en-
ough o' us, and i't's no .for nue, to
tbilanne ye. And when Inn gone 'Wiost"il
ye say o' ire? 'IPe upas a drunkard,' I',
ain. He was a Ca non.' d ani,''T-IC was
illea thing he shouldn'a be.' I "ain.
'W'e're .glad he's gone.' That's whatyell say o' tire. And it's bet mad.eserits,
!The gentle co e'clenvning" voice. ceas-
ed, end began ,again,
`That's :what II am. Gin things had
been differ', a'iblins Pd aha' 'bin differ'.
'D'ye teen 'Robbie Bonn's? That's a.
ishan I've read, and read, and read.
D'ye ken why I dove 'him as some o'
.you do yet rBibble's? IBe.cause there's a
huntanity 'about him. A weak mar
hisser, aye sbiplpein', siippin', slipp:!•il',
,and tryinf to hand up; .sornovein' ae
minute, sinnin' the nest; d!oin' ' ill
'deeds andwtshie' "mu undone—just a
lain 'hsrmem (nen, ,a sinner. And that's
,why Inn tthinkn' he's tender for us
as is dike him.. He understood, 'I'trs
what he wrote—after ain o' histtumbles,'I'tm'tlhhhleiat'—that I 'was go -
in' to tell ye:
'•Then gently Sean, yen brother man,;Still .gentler sister'Woman,
Though they may :gang a kennin'
To step aside is ''human'=
him 'h
the doctrine o' ,Charity.. Gie him
chance, says 'Roibbie, though he ;be a
sinner. Morey a mond the differ',
many ibad'd'be gale, gie they had but
their c'h'ance. IGie 'em their chance,
says he; -and I'm wi' ;him. As 'tis, ye
see me 'here—a bad man wi' still a
streak o' goad in him. Gin Iki had ma
chance, a,iblihs 'twad '.be—a good man
Hsi' just a spice o' the devil in him,nn
IA' the differ bee what is and What
might 'ha' bin."
IHe sat down. In the great hall
there was silence, save for a tiny
sound from the gallery like .a sobsuppressed.
The squire rose ,hurriedly and left
the room.,
!After him, one by one, trailed the
At length, two only remained—M'-
Adam, sitting solitary with a long
•array of empty chairs on either hand;
and, ,at the far end of the table, Par-
son,Leggy,.stern, upright, ,motionless,
When'the lash man 'had left the
'coon the -parson rose, and with lips
tight -set strode across the silent hall.
"M'A'dam," he said rapidly and al-
most roughly, "I've listened to what
you've said, as I think we ,all leave,
with a sore heart. You hit 'hard -'but
I ,think .you were right. ,And if I've
not done my duty .by you as I aught—
and I fear I've not—it's now my duty
as God's minister to he the `first to say
I'm sorry." 'And it was evident Irene
his. face what an effort'it cost him,
The little man tilted back his chair,
,andraised his head,
at was the .old •M'Adam echo looked
up. The thin 'lips were curled; a grin
was crawling across the mocking face;
and he wagged his head gently, as he
looked at the speaker .through the
slits of his half-closed eyes.
"Mr. Humbert, I believe ye thocht
me in earnest, 'deed and 'I dol" He
leaned ,back in has chair and laughedsoftly. "Ye sweltered it all down like
tool himself no longer. 'Half rising
front.. his chair, he leant forward with
hot face and burning eyes, and cried:
"Sit ,loon, Jaime, Moore; II3oo fair
ye 'stan' there like an; honest man, ye
9hint same as men are an me. II suppose
we're made so. ISM' I was a lad it's
aye lin the same. From school days
I've had ivory one agin me.
"In ma life I've had three friends,
i3la _mither-and she went; then ma
The parson's face, as the listened,
was ugly to -watch. :IIe shot out a
'hand and grabbed the scoffer by his
coat; then 'dropped it 'again and turned
abruptly away.
wife"—he As Inc.passed through the door a
gave a great swallow—"and.
she's awe; 'and 3 may say, they're the! little sneering voice 'called .after
only two human bein's as ha' lived on fir. tflarntbut, T ask ye loo you, a
'God's earth in ma time that Iver tried minister o the Church of England,
to neer wi' me;—.and Wullie. A man's can iecorcide it to yer conscience to
mither—a man's wife—a man's dog! thank—though it be but for a minute
it's after a' he has in this warld; andl-that there can be oily good 'in a man
the more he prizes them the more and him no churchgoer? 'Sir, ye're a
like they are to be took ,from nine
heretic—not to say a heathen!" He
sniggered to
The libble earnest voice shook, and himself, andhis hand
the dim eyes puckered and 'filled. crept to a half -emptied wine decanter.
"Sin I've bin ,amang ye -twenty -
odd .years—can any man here mind An h,atu later; James ,Moore, ide
speakite' any ward that w -ostia ill to tsiness with the squire completed,
me?" Nt paused; there was no reply. 'p'assed through the hall on his way
out. Its only occupant was now
Adam, and the Master walked straight
up to his enemy.
"M'A'd+arm," he said gruffly, holding
out a'sinewy hand, ''I'd like to say-"
The little man knocked aside the
token of friendship,'
''Na, na. No cant, if ye please,
(To Be Continued.)
"I'll 'te'll ye. (Ant the time I've lived
here I've had one kindly word spoken
to me, and that a fortnight agone, and
not by a man then—by her Ladyship,
God bless .hers" He glanced up into
the gallery. 'There was no one visible
there; .but e curtain at one end shook
as though it were sobbing. .
"Woel, Ian thin'kin' we'll be gaein
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W. E Hinchley, Seaforth; John
Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G.
Jartnoubh, B'rod'hagen; James Watt,
Blyth; C. 'F. Hewitt, Kincardine*
Wm, Yeo, Hmolmes'viLle.
William Know, Londesboro; George
Leon'hardt, Brodhagen; James Con-
nolly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No.
3, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blyth;
George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth;,
John Pepper, Brucefiel'il; James Shop-
dice, Walton; Thomas Moylan, No. 5t•
Parties desirous to effect insuraaco
or transact otherbusiness, will be
promptly attended to by application
to .any of the above named officers ad-
dressed to their •respectivepoet
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great vlrts'eeo l"
"I'm rat interested in his character.
Can he sing?" •
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These powders correct the morbid
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