HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-05, Page 10e.P'A0E .SIX . .
Mr. and Mrs• (Lloyd 'Hudson ei TOWN
(Forest spent the week end with rela TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO
Lives in town. They 'were accompan-
ied home by the 'former's mother,.
v1rs. Thos. 'Ilnidson, who will visit
them for a'few weeks,
and Mrs. d -L iP.'Devdin of Stra•t- Curlers. Annual Meeting.
ford visited on 'Sunday last at the
Mrs. Fred Corbett
more of Mr. and 1I s
of Flay,
bars. ('Rev.) McConnell and son' of
Toronto visited last iweek with friends
The death occurred at the home 'of
his sister, Mrs, john Zuefle on 'Wed-
ee day last of Mr. IToeop1t Kaiser after
a short illness,, Deceased Was born in
York county 80 years ago and had
,been a resident
Saskatchewan n
a neither of years. He came to ;Out-
sell last ,April to make his home with
his sister here and en'joye'd fairly good
'health up till a ,few weeks ago when
he began to decline. He leaves t
mourn this lass one son; Mr. o
Kaiser, Of :Detroit; '3 sisters, Mrs.
Macklaugh, of (Flint Mrs. Zuefie of
(Henson and Mrs. Sharp of Seaforth
and three Ib:ro'thers, Brigham, of Clin-
ton, Jdhn, Detroit, and Albert of
ISaskatohewen. ,His wife 'predeceased
him some years ago. The funeral took
place 'from the home of Mrs. Zue le'on
'Saturday afternoon, interment in .the
;Baird's cemetery. The Rev. Arthur
Sinclair had charge of the services.
The pallbearers were Messrs. Hess,
!Welsh and Cantelon, o:f Outsell; Mc-
Gregor, of ,Bruce i'eid, Ryckman of
Exeter and Cluette of 'D'etr'oit.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. 'Eby of tolling -
woad are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. White.
Mr, Lloyd 1P'assmore of iDelhi •spent
the week end at his home here.
Mr. Gordon ':Dahmer of Milverton
was 'a iSunday visitor with friends.
The Young 'People's (League of the
United Church held the first meeting
of the season llond'ay evening with
the president, Dr. Smillie in the chair.
'After the opening exercises the Scrip-
ture lesson was read by ,Miss Marg-
aeet Johnston, after which Rev. A.
Sinclair led in prayer. Hymn '1123 was
,sting followed by a violin solo by
Miss 'Greta 'Lamrnie and a pianosolo
by Miss Eleanor Fisher. A duet was
given by Mrs. Hess and Dr. ;Smillie,
after which the topic was given by
Mr. 'Sinclair, followed by a solo by
(Dr. Smillie. Gaines were then indulg-
ed in and a dainty lunch was served. the
The ',Welfare. Youth Club.
Carmel Presbyterian Church held
banquet on Monday evening t
was largely attended, Following hurt
supper a singsong preceded a
address by the president, 'Miss Mabel
Workman and several selections by
the orchestra. A toast to the King
lay Rev. Young was responded to' by
singing the national anthem; a toast
to the Church by Blanche Mustard
and responded to by Mr. Young;
the •Club by Jim -Bengough and res-
ponded to by Beryl Piaff and to
and Mrs. Young by Helen Smith and
responded to byMr. Young. A re-
port of the Kintail camp was given by
Hazel Thompson, followed bya
by Rev, Young and Mr, W. A
:Laren. A very interesting address was
given by Rev. MdDonnell of Luck -
now on "The Great Task Which Is
closed by
Before Us,"The meeting
singing hymn '582.
!Services in our local churches wereG
well attended on Sunday.
ited ,Church rally day
observed and at the.'tnorning service
a children's choir led'the sin ging.
duekites t was given by Bobby
Carrie tJs ynt. Rev. Arthur Sinclair
delivered very suitable ad'dresses for
the occasion At Carmel .Presbyterian
Church Rev, 'Neil Miller occupied the
pulpit and fine anthems were rendered
by the choir. Next 'Sunday morning
baptismal service will Ibe observed.
October, 110017.
The annual meeting of the ,Seefo"th
Curling Club VMS held on Friday ev-
ening at the Commercial hotel, Mr. R•
S. 'Flays, the retiring president, occu-
pied the chair and called upon the sec-
retary and treasurer for their annual
reports. The following officer's were
then elected for the ensuing season.
nPatron, Mr. Jas, McMichael; eat-
cnt, J'as. Dick; viceapre's.> John Beat-
lie; secretary, Wnt. lenient; managing
committee, R. S. Hays, W. Pickard,_
W. D. ,Bright, G. A. 'Sills, F. ,J. Bar-
rows; representative members, T. 0,
Robson, W. D, Bright; Ontario Tank-
ard skips, Wim. Arent, R. S. Hays;
skips, G. F. Rogers, R. S. ,Hags; W.
Ainent, W. D. Bright, D. A. Hutchi-
son, J. Belattie, 5. C, Steele, W. Pick-
ard, W. l'idDbugall, J.
'Riohardis'on. The name Of Mr. W, 0.
Reid was added to thelist of honorary
Bitten by Dog.
Mr. Janes Anderson had his right
hand bitten by a dog on Thursday.
The wounds are healing favorably and
no serious results are anticipated.
Duff's Church Re -Opening.
(Sunday next will be an fmportaty
one .in connection with .the c'ongrega
tion of Duff's Church, l4'dKiliop, ' is
being' the re -opening of the sacred ed
ifice, which was .closed for a number
of months undergoing repairs.
Leases 'Residence.
Mr. A. E. Colston has leased Mrs.
James Wilson's residence on Louisa
street and will move into it in a few
days. Mrs. James Wilson and daugh-
ter, Miss Ethel, left` an Monday for
Detroit, where they intend making
their atone for the present.
May .Organize..
lOn Thursday evening ,Dr. C. S.
Eby of the International 'Reform Bur-
eau 'delivered a lecture in the First
Presbyterian ,Church, the Object being
to organize a branch in this vicinity.
At the close of the lecture officers
were appointed provisionally to con-
sider the furtherance of the work itt
this vicinity.
On Friday as Mr. Curry, Methodist
minister of Walton, was driving home
from Brussels fair on the 'Seaforth
road, he was run into by two :men
driving towards Seaforth. He was not
able to get out of the road in time,
and the result was a terrible shock and
evrer-k, Mr. Currie Was' thrown out of
Iris buggy and his horse thrown bank-
ward over the buggy. A veterinary
was called in and found the horse ser-
iously injured. The buggy was badly
broken. It is said that it will take
nearly or quite 1$1200 to cover the bill.
May Locate in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Morrison are
here 'from Lowell, Mass., visiting the
former's mother and other relatives.
They expect to leave on Friday for
.l'I:r. and Mrs. jas• McICoo1 and Miss
Phyllis were guests of Mr. and ,Mss.
Arnold of Woodstock,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fingland of
Clinton called on the fornier's parents
here en, Sunday,
Rev and Mrs. Johnston of Crediton
were visitors in our village on, Mon-
day of this .w•ee'k.•
Mr. 12olbert Mowbray
of White-
church was in the village on business
•Mondlay ..
Mr. Carl Radford left thlls week for
'Guelph .Agricultural 'College where 'lie
will spend the winter.
Mr, and Mei, Geo. McCall and thele
Miss Jean attended Brussels fair last
Mir. and Miss 'Barr spent a couple of
days with Has/field friends last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kunkle and Miss Ma-
rion of Niagara Falls spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. "Crawford of
the village.
"The Friendly Class" of Unfitted
Church Sunday School entertained the
Senior Bible Class on Friday evening
.Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and
children spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Mat Armstrong of Constance.
i'frs, M. Ross spent lest Wednesday
in Clinton with her son, Mr. D. D.
Roberton. Mr. and Mrs. Roberton
left last Satu'rd'ay for Winnipeg where
they will spend their vacation.
The United Church are holding
their anniversary services here on
Sunday, Octdber 8th. Special musn'c
by the choir assisted by Dr. Thomp-
son of Clenton. The Rev. Stephen
Mathers of Grand Bend will have
charge of both services, morning ser-
vice ten -'thirty and evening service
seven -thirty.
1l4•ies Ph'amie Little spent Sunday
with her friend, Mars. Norntan Rad-
ford of near Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Chesney and children
of Seaforth and Mr, and Mrs. Howatt
of Auburn were guests oif Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Manning on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Whitely' of Gorrie
1Sund'ayed at the home of Mrs. Moun-
tam in•the village here.
Mrs. W. B. Allen is spending a few
weeks with friends at Toronto and
Parry Sound.
Rev. J. W. J'ohns'ton et Crediton
called on several Of their old friends
on. Monday.
Sevoral D
Own your own home. This is
the time to buy and prices
are low.
Scott ;Memorial Hospital Board
have decided to continue the
Training School for practical
nurses. Any young ladies desir-
ous of qualifying as such, apply
personally or by letter to the
Hospital (Superintendent, (Miss
R. R. ROSS, D.D.S.:
;Secretary of Hospital Board.
37 pigs, •5' weeks old. Apply to
GI0RDIOIN 11-1101DMES, ,112th con:. Mc-
Killop, 1'g mile's east Of Le'adlbitry.
5 pounds Edwd. SYRUP 35e
10 pounds Edwd. SYRUP 68c.
ICAM+PBE'LL 'S SOUPS 3 tins23c
P.&G. SOIAP, 10 bars 33c
PEARL WHITE 10 bars 29c
GOLD SOAP, 10 bars • .. • • 35c
McCormick's (SODAS, 1 Ib. 14c
Perrin's 'SODAS, 11 Lb. 14c
IGLF.SIS 3IB0LSOUdx12T" S, 2 lbs. 29c
'GLASS 12" x 14" ;10c
BEST PUTTY 1b. 100
BOLOGNA .... • lb. •lOc
WHINERS .. . • lb\ 12c
. lb. ' 20c
RED PATH SUGAR -14 lb. for $1.00 -with $1.00 order.
11100 -acre farm with good land 'a'nd
good buildings, lots of water, same
bush; some wheat sowed. priced cheap
and gold terms to right party. Situ-
ated in Stanley tp. near 'Hayfield. Ap-
ply to_1Saalforlth News.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maxwell of Graf-
ton, North Dakota, and ,the Misses
'Munroe of Brucefield, called on
friends in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 10nutable of Cern
tralia visited the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Love.' is vis-
itingR. Hopkins of Chicago
at the 'home of her parents, 'lir.
and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
Mrs, W. Carlile of Hensall visited
'friends in this vicinity.
The service in the IHillsgreen
church will be withdrawn on Sunday
ingg to te held inthe'KippenrChurch.y be -
Miss E. ,Lyon is slowly recovering
from her •recent sickness and is now
'convalescing at the home of'.her bro-
'ther, Mr. Wm. Lyon.
(Born--lOn Sept. 2ttlth, to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Lyon, .113th con. Hullett,
a son.
M'on'treal where lir. Morrison wilt be
IQif Pure Beed 'S'horehorn and Grade
Oattle.-The executors oif the estate
of the 'tate David A. 'Laidla'w will sell
'by public auction at ,N. •hall lot 5, cost.
9, Morris, on Tuesday, O'ctdber ;li0leh,
1933, sale commences at •,1:'30 Pirn.
sharp, 40 •head of cattle, including:
IGalinstop 'Daddies, •N'o. 0111'5169, .dank
'roan, 'born Oldtolber '718Th,. 19311. An
outstanding young bull, shred by Res-
olution No. 202,171216; bred by Frank
IWidod, Londesiboro, Ont.
'Mountain Maid 04th, No. 2(11718!7)1.
Red, born May 9th, 15, with bull
calf at foot.
Grey Triumvir and, No. 23158T1,
light roan, born Nov. 4th, 1925, . with
calf at foot:'
IStaMford Beauty, No. 2141417i117, roan,
born Oct. 5th, 1929, with calf at foot.
;Fairy Quarterback, No. 2.484153, dark
red, born 'Oct. 115th, 41930, in calf, sir-
ed by Backstop No. 185834. A Dryden
bred bull.
(Fairy Beauty, No. •25d28P, :dark red,
'born Oct 30th, '19311, by Backstop,
'Claret Nunley, 25162022, roast, 'b'orn
Oct. 3111st, 19311, by Backstop, •185$134.
(Six pure'b'red heifers, calved in
19312, by 'Backstop; they are not yet
registered but certificates of transfer
will be furnished.
All the above Pure 'Breds are good
individuals, are fully accredited, as the
!Herd hes been for a number of years.
The families represented are amongst
the best produced in Canada today.
:Aiso 5 grade heifers and young
cows in calf or with dalf at foot..E'ight
grade steers, rising 2 years old;
,grade steers rising 1' year old, a num-
ber of •calves.
'Terms of Sale -All .puechases must
be secured by approved joint notes.
Eight month's' credit will be allowed.
Stix per cent. per annum off for cash.
Janes Ric'hmond and W. C. Laidlaw,
Executors; Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer.
A good frame house, stable and gar-
age and e4 acre band. Will sell cheap
for quick stale or exchange on farm
.property. Apply. to GEOi1IGIE Mc -
CAUL, Londeslboro. 42
A very comfortable cottage on Jar-
vis street ear rent November '1st. Ap-
ply to l'f1RIS. J. J. HIU1GIGAIRID, corner
Market and 'High streets.
Visitors in this oommunity on Sun
day were: Mr. and .Mrs, Tol'free and
Mlaster To'mmy and Miss Connie Re
veiny df London with Mr. and Mrs.
Wes Hor'.e; Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Murch and Miss Willa Bowers, of
London, with 'Ir. and Mrs. 'Philip
i:Iurch; Mr. and Mrs. Ogden and
daughters, Misses Jean and Alethea
Ogden and :Messrs Harold Sutton and
Gordon Ballingal of •London with Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Cooper.
Mr. John 'Francis of London and
employed for the present. He may lo -'daughter, Miss Marjorie
Francis of
Toronto visited at 'Mr. Wes. Johns'
cate in Toronto later. last Tuesday.
.Mfr. Silas Johns is visiting his
ter, Mrs. Wm. Pybus at Chisel -
Mrs. Chas. Godbolt, Mrs, .Rich.
Johns, Mrs Wnt. ,Elford, Mrs. Henry
IDelbridge, Mrs. ((Rev.) •Peters and
.Misses Laura Ford, Lavona Cooper,
'Marjorie De1bridge and 'Margaret
Johns attended the convention at
Kippen, last Thursday.
Messrs. Lorne and 'Ronald Elford
and Howard J'dhns motored to Ham-
ilton and spent the week -end visiting
with Rev. A• E. and Mrs. Johns.
lir. and Mrs. 13, Cousins from Col-
borne visited with 31.'. and', Mrs, Robt.
30001waiu last Monday
On .Saturday, 'Sept. 23rd, a reception
was held at the home of Mrs Les Mc-
Clure in honor of 'Mies .Bernice Elliott.
bride-to-be .About thirty young ladies
presented her with a miscellaneous
IA large crowd attended t`tte Hayfield
fair, concert and dance last Thursday
and it was reported to 'be better than
ever this year.
1eliss Jean MacAdain of +Goderich
visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Sanniei
Mellwain last week.
'Congratulations are flue to Mr. Alf
Warner for ell the prizes he has won
in the fall fairs this year.
Mr. \Georg.e 'Hopson purchased a
team last week from Sandy Sterling:
A good, reliable work horse wanted.
Cheep. Apply to The News office. 40
Potatoes and
As the average crop of potatoes is un-
der 50% production this year it is a
safe gamble that potatoes will see '$2
before long. Orders delivered . now
will be filled at the following prices:
Extra No. 1 Dooley Potatoes bag $1.50
'Regular No. '1 " 1.35
Field Run " " 1.25
These prices are subject to rise at
any time. Call at our farm or phone
34.616 Clinton.
;Boyce and the late Mr. James Boyce.
'Deceased, was born in Stanley .-47
years ago where he continued to re-
side till a few years ago when he and
his mother moved to Godericie About
(three weeks ago he contracted fever
wh'idh . dev'elo'ped into pneumonia and
.ended fatally. He leaves to mourn his
loss Itis 'wid'ow'ed .m'o'ther, three bro-
thers, Victor .and NJfll1a'nt, of Goder-
ieh; Frank of Stanley and one sister,
l'[rs. W. IFlohner, The funeral was
held on Sunday to Bayfield cemetery.
'Services will be withdrawn at the
Goshen and B'la'ke United 'Churches
neat Sunday owing toanniversary
services being held in: the 'Varna Un-
ited Church, when Rev, IR. M. Gale
Bayfield will conduct the morning
service and Rev. Mr. Burn of Zurich
,will :have charge of the evening ser-
tce. The
held in thea shed ton Thursday evel supper vening,
October 12th.
Mrs. Frank Hobson orf St. Thomas,
accompanied by her daughter-in-law,
31rs. Edwin ,IIotbson, visited friends
in this vicinity one day last week.
Miss Eleanor .Scotchtner, who is
teaching school near Seaforth, spent
the week end under the parental roof.
iM.is's Mary Armstrong of Toronto
is at present 'the, guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong.
Mr. and ,''Mrs. James Barnes and.
two daughters, Alma and Mary, of
London, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Penhale on Sunday last,
Report of `.S,IS• Nn. 14, Stanley for
1Septemiber: Sr. 1.1V. -(Harold Jones 713•
Aubrey Farquhar 62. Jr. IV. -Kath-
leen Jones 85, Mary Farquhar, absent.
Sr. IIIII.-(George Clifton 54, Marian
Kerslake 49. Jr. IIIIIJEric Switzer 411,
Sr. IQ. -Lois Rothwell 71, Jean Speir
62. Don Switzer 60, Willie W'itcambc
153, Ernie Talbot absen't. Jr.IL-Mild-
red Jones 57, "'Kenneth McKenzie 33.
L -'Donny McKenzie, Alvin Kers-
lake, Pr. -(Pune Murdoch, Betty Swit-
zer. Number an roll 118, average at-
tendance 16.12.1.-P. C. P•enfold, Tea-
Work Completed.
Mr. Vs'althew has completed the'
work of frescoing and decorating the
Methodist church. Mr, Scott is now
engaged in some painting work and.
doing the seats in hand finish. The
Ladies' Aid have in hand the matting,
carpeting, etc. It is expected all will
be in readiness cfor the re -opening on
the 27th Inst.
A good crowd attended the Mission
Band concert held in the basement of
the church last Thursday.
programme was given by the memb-
ers of the '.fission Band. Rev. Mr.
Morrow, was chairman and gave a
splendid talk an home missions and of
the great need of vegetables in the
Western provinces.
mmlbert11, for thexander M ssioneld Bandequ quilt.
Mr. W. C. Bennett and
t c ildre y
Ronnie and Shirley, ep
with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton.
'Mr. and Mrs. F. Bullard and Mr, J.
Armstrong spent 'Sunday evening .in
Mr. Geddes of Belgrave,i5 spending
a few days with his daughter, Mrs.
;Joseph Little.
Potato (ligging is the order of the
day and are a fair crop.
Tint, Isabel and Donnie Eaten
spent a 'few days with Mr. and Mrs,
Foster Bennett.
War on Automobiles.
Various rural exchanges are cont
meeting with satisfaction on the pros-
pect of a campaign to restrict automo-
biles. They urge that the farmers
should rise up and stake the legisla-
ture pass a law to end the n'uis'ance.
To quote: "There is to be war onttte
automobile at the costing session
the Provincial Legislature. The initia-
tive will be taken by the members re-
presenting a number Of curial constitu-
encies, who have already indicated to
their constituents and some of their
fellow members their intention. Last
year the motor had a stremuovs time
in the Municipal Committee. 'Led by
the late Mr. G. N. Kidd of Carleton, a
bitter attack was made on this mode
of travel. This year the members int-
erested propose prelim'in'ary organiza-
tion and the presentation to the gov-
ernment of their demands for string-
ent autonrdbile legislation. Lt does not
appear to be a party question for those
planning action are seated on both
sides of. the house though the large
majority are C'onservatives. Pt is re-
ported than an authen'tioalted list of
casualties of m'amtmioth proportions,
during the last eight months is being
prepared for presentation. This in-
cludes the ditching of over 30 farmers'
vehicles on rural roads, in many cases
the automobile going on afterwards
without rendering any a'seisltance, be
:des innumera'ble runaways and many
other inconveniences. Some figures
taken by residents as to the speed at
-ehieh the machines travelled are also
to be ptit in."
A real time was given in Ed Rose's
new barn last Tuesday night and a
big crowd attended.
Miss Beth Carlin is attending Nor-
mal School in Stretford. spent
Miss Katherine Flannery
Sunday with her friend, 'Miss Mary
Maloney. is the order of
Potato picking
'the day.
Mr• Louis Givlin spent Monday. in
I34ias Nellie O'Rourke spent the
week -end at her home here,
Mr, and Mrs, Tom. 'Burke have re-
turned to Detroit, after spending a
week with the latter's pareats.
Watt and;For Sa�, 3 times, 50c
3 miles west .of Seaforth on Highway
Clinton, Ont.
Fall term opens 'Sept. 5th. Courses:
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretar-
ial, 'Special Courses arranged. Corr-
espondence Courses to those who
cannot attend school. Write or phone
198.8. F. WARD, B.A., Principal;
M. A. (STONE, Com. Specialist, Vic I,F
'-laving been all over ,iny territory,
am starting over again in Tuckersmith
and expect to be covering the district
in the next two or three weeks, SAM
CAIRTFaR, Seaforth, 40.
A number of young pigs for sale, 2
months old. Apply to .L!OIRIDTE H'UL-
LEY, Phone 32 on (2148. 40
Mr. and .Mrs. Orval Stephenson: of
'Marlette, Mich., visited for a few
days last week with their relatives in
Mee.. Alice Arms'tron'g an Lo tis,
Wes Cockerline of Pilot
Man., arrived lase week from the West
and in ten 0 spend lug a month with
their friends tat this vicinity and in
,Mr. Calvin Dow -son of Seaforth e
spending a few days with 31.' and
Mrs. W. 'J. Dawson alt the old hone.
. The death occu•rrecl in Goderich c❑
Thursday, September 2g'th, of Albert
Boyce, eldest son of Mrs. H'annahl Tommy Mack and His Band, who
,A quantity of oho'ice dry hard
maple b'od'y wood at $110.00 a load of
three cords. Order now as supply is
limited. Apply to J. E. CRtICH, R.R.
3, ,Seaforth, or phone 24-614, OOintoa
Central. If ordered by phone will pay
for call.
;Fifty White Leghorn pullets, bred -
to -lay, are now laying. About six
months old. Apply to JNiO, T.
ELGiIE, Kippen, or phone 134 r 31.
Cott intpncing October 2nd, we will
run our chopping mill every day.
1House with electric light, hard and
soft water and garage. Possession,
yen at once. Alpply to The News
.fice, '1)3. 4
1WIi11 run every day after October
1lst. I 'have installed two new cookers
and a machine for straining apples .for
apple bultter; peeling not necessary,
Lot 213, concession 6, Logan. Phone
620 r 3d, Miechell. FRED HENINII.OK
R.IR, 4, Mitchell.
Solt maple body wood $2.50 a cord.
Also hard maple body wood $3.50 a
cord, In load lots of four cords or
more, delivered. VICTOR FALCON-
ER, B'rucdfield. Phone 629 r 1L, Clin-
ton central
Quantity of soft wood, $2 a cord.
Small quantity of all maple $3 a cord.
Quantity of hardwood $4 a cord. De-
livered anywhere in Seaforth. Cash
with order. Also a quantity of elm
plank, good for repairing stables, barn
floors, etc. T. J. RICHARD'SON,
phone 1418 r 122. Seaforth,.
Wheat, per btfs .. . 65.c
Barley, per bus. .. 42c
'Oats, new, Per bus, 32c
(Buckwheat, per bus. 45c
New potatoes, bus. $,125
Butter, per Ib liSc
(Hags, per cwt $6,40
Eggs, per 'doz.... .... i19c, 24c
Potatoes, per .bag ... $1.00
w TRY •
Gilles ie' s
Cleaners & Dyers
Phone196w,W!ecalland deliver
V. J. Gillespie, Prop.,
Will play at the opening dance at Dublin Fri. night, Dot
6. (Gents'5Qc, ladies 25c