The Seaforth News, 1933-10-05, Page 9THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1933 TxE SEAFORTH NEWS. a®m na, inn rom—rnnaanspnwaseen ai lieiy it ity r I, rats 1 We can save you money on Bill and, Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index. a The e•; rth N;«, ws Phone 84 amu-gnu®un®ute�en®nas��n-•�rur®�onn.��nn�ron,�n cosaaregagtnoosasargmarralsme • Hi MHOS chiropractor • Electro Therapist — Massage Office — Commercial Hotel ' Hours -Mon, and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by .manipulation—Sun-ray treat- ment Phone 227. BRUSSE'L'S FALL FAiR (Continued from Page Two.) BAKING Illome made bread, white, \V.' E. Freebourn, Mrs. -Geo. Muldoon; loaf brown bread, Thos. Bolger; Mrs. Geo. Muldoon; currant Ibread, Mrs. W. 'Somers, ,P. A. 'McArthur; •buns, Mrs-. W. Soarers, W. E. Freebourn; tea bis- cuits, P. A. McArthur, Mrs. D. G. MacFarlane; dark fruit cake, W. P. Freebourn, _Mrs, W. W. Jeffery; light 'fruit cake, Mrs. ,B'rint'bleooaube, MV. E. Freebourn; layer cake, light, Mrs. J. D Fowler; WOOL pillow', Mrs. R. A. Hone, Mrs., D. G. MadFarlane; `'Tho'ntson, Mrs, R. Hamilton; sofa pil- dark layer cake, Mrs. D. G. Mac'.Far-clow, cross stitch, Mrs, W. Somers; lane, Arthur -Edgar; sponge cake,Isofa pillow, embroidered in dark lin- Mrs. R. Thomson, airs. !Galbraith; art- en, Mrs. D. Fowlers Mrs. Brimblee gel cake, Thos, Campbell, Mrs, E, I combe; quilted sofa pillow, Miss Liv Eckmier; oatmeal cookies, Jessietingston, Mrs. George Muldoon; table Wheeler, J. C. Proctor; half dozen!rumner in dark linen Mrs. Savage, cookies, Jessie Wheeler, Mfrs. Brim -I Mrs. Hone; work bag, Mrs, D. Fo'w'- blecombe; doughnuts, R. and R. Proc.,' ler, Grace Stewart; baby bonnet, tor, Norman L. Carter; scones, Ed,t Miss Livingston, C. McLauchlan: iBryan, Mrs. E. Eckmier; nut loaf, bath towels, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Jas. Kernaghan, Mrs. W. Anderson; Hone; fancy towels, Mrs. Hone. Mrs. rlrop.cakes, W. E. Free'bourn, Jessie H. McNichol; embroidered pillow Wheeler; muffins, Jas. Carnochan, J•', eases, Mrs. H, 11cNicihol, Mre, Brian C. Proctor; short bread, Wm. Ireland, blecomb; bed set, Mrs, Dames, Mrs /Grace Stewart; apple pie, J. C. Pros- Savage; lady's scarf, Mrs Savage, tor, Jas. Kernaghan; pumpkin pie, Mfrs. Brintblecom'b; buffet set. Mrs. 'Jas. Kernaghan, Norman L. Carter; Dames, Miss Livingston; buffet seY lem et pie, R. and R, Proctor, Mrs. colored, Mrs, D. Fowler, Grace Stew \V, W. Jeffery; rain pie, Mrs, W. W. art; infant's pillow and carriage cow- Bciwman . ler, Mrs. D. Fowler, Mrs. Brinrble- Founded in 1900 A Canadian Review of Reviews This weekly magazine offers a re- markable selection of articles and car- ona gathered from the latest issues of the leading 'British and American journals and reviews. It reflects the current thought of both hemispheres and features covering literature and the arts, the progress of science, edu- cation, the house beautiful, andwo- men's interests. on all world problems. Beside this it has a department of finance , investment and insurance, Its every page is a window to some fresh vision Its every column is a live -wire contact with lif°e1 WORLD \VJtDE is a FORUM Its editors are chairmen, not com- batants. Its articles are selected for their outstanding merit, illumination and entertainment. To sit down in your own home for a quiet tete a tete with some of the world's best informed and clearest thinkers on subjects of vital interest is the great advantage, week by week, of those who give welcome to this entertaining magazine. "A magazine of which Canadians may well be proud." "Literally, 'a feast of reason. and, a flow o'f soul.'," "Almost every article is worth fib ing or sharing with a friend," Every one of the pages ,of World Wide is 1'00°% interesting to Canadians. Issued Weekly 15 Its copY; $3.50 yearly On Trial to NEW subscribers 8 weeks only 35 cts net One. Year " $2.00 " {'On trial in Montreal and suburbs, also in 'U.S. add l'c for every week of service. For other foreign countries. add .2 cis.) china, Mrs. Galbraith, Jno,Grieve; LI F1ANC and ', ` u hand -painted china, 'conventional, 474 ;Mss L. Grant, .Mrs, Galbraith; hand:. paintedcup and saucer, Mrs. Gal- braith, nth 'Miss Livingston; reed work, 'fernery, 'airs. \V, Somers; work haslc- et, Mise Livingston, Mrs, W. Somers; reed !work tray, Miss Livingston, Mrs. W. Somers; wallpaper design, Miss Livingston, Mrs.- D, Fowler; Wilton special, Thos, Campbell, Mrs. NV, Anderson, I udge--\Mrs. James Moore. LADIES' WORK Best collection ladies' fancy work, Mrs. J. A. IIonc, Mrs. W. Somers, Mrs. ' George _\1.uldoon; collection of 5 articles for Christmas gifts, Mrs. .II. McNichol, James Carnochan (Listo wel) embroidered tea cloth in linen, Mr's, A. G. Savage, Mrs. W. Somers; 'flet crochet lunch cloth, Mrs. George Muldoon, Mrs. A. G. Savage; l;inbr- aidered-tray cloth in linen, Mrs, R. J. MnLauic'hlan, Mrs, Briinbleconibe; linen centre witch crochet ,border, Mrs. W. Somers, Mrs, H. McNichol; em- broidered centre piece in linen, Mrs. R, Thomson, Mrs. A. G. Savage; em- broidered centre piece in dark linen, Mrs.- Brimhleconvbe, Mrs. D. Fowler; embroidered* table set, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan, Mrs, George Muldoon; embroidered applique, Mrs. A. G. Sa- vage, 'Mrs. 13 rimbleconvbe; embroider- ed cross stitch, Mrs. Brinrbleconube,. Mrs. Savage; embroidered French or solid, -lits. W. Somers, Miss MI. Liv- ingston; Italian cut work, Mrs, Geo. (St, Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of bird lovers, and since' Sunday October 'list, .has been dedicated to Saint Francis, eche following article is of interest at this'. time) (Following the life of St. Francis of Assisi, who died more than seven hun- dred years ago, there began a rewolu- cone.in dean's relation to' bird, life which has never died and which in these' tat- ter days, is advancing ,With the crea- tion of bird sanctuaries he all parts of the world. ,Always there :has been a company of disciples, 'world-wide in extent, whose lives nv ives have been sweet- ened and purilied by the love of birds and whose inspiration, fidelity, joy and love in the presence of ,bird life, have been sustained and renewed by the immortal 'memory of Saint 'Fren- ch of Assisi, "Thou Saint :Francis, blesser of our wings, Priest cvf''the morning lark 'tha't soars and sings, Confessor of the 'Fin'ches, loving Dreamer, IWiio by thy faith became the Bird's ,Redeemer."- eRorstand, ,Froin the great mind before which Muldoon, Mrs. Dames; fancy knitting. Saint Francis bowed in such exquisite in cotton, John Grieve, Mrs. Savage; humility, the niind of Christ, there crochet work in cotton, Mrs. George issued some mysterious and mighty Muldoon, Miss Livingston; crochet 'power which :survives all the conrtro- woiik in wool, Mrs. D. Fowler Mrs, verse-, alt the bitterness, all the insin- R. Hamilton; child's fancy dress, Mrs, verity and the ugly amalgam that has 'R J MclLauchlan, Mrs, Brimble- marred the history of the world, the cam'be; lady's fancy apron, Mrs. power of love. To Saint 1Francis this !Brim'hlecam'he, Mrs. D. Fowler; table pewee was the secret of life and re- tiapkins, Mrs. MclLattchlan, Mrs, R. ligi'on and through it his immortality Thomson; costume slips, Miss Liv- is a pulsing emotion, ever beating in in Ston, Mrs. Savage; tatting, Miss the hearts of all who love buds. His Livingston, Mrs' Briniblecomhe; contemporaries are but names in the handkerchief, Mrs. MdLauchlan, Mrs- history of the world. There came little Savage; kitchen apron, O. Heming- f,_,,u thein that the world needed. way, Mfrs. 5. A. Hone; laundry bag, From Saint Francis there has issued, Miss Livingston, Mrs.:Briniblecombe; as 'from the mind of iChrist, a stream tea cosy, O. Hemingway, Mrs. Hone; of emotional loveliness which has nev- Italian hemstitching, Mrs. Dames, er run dry and which has cleansed the Mfrs. McLauchlan; pillow cases, Miss hearts of men amf refreshed their Livingston, Mrs. Dames; fancy cloth. spirits when no other power could Miss Livingston, Mrs. Brimblecombe; avail, MIany amen, scarcely unders'tand bridge cloth, Mrs. W. Somers, Mrs, Mg 'themselves, expert marksmen who hiave carried their guns into the •wild- erness for the greater portion of their lives, 'have come in contact with the !Bird's 'Redeemer .and have put away their guns, "In the dear near of St. Francis of Assisi." A century ago, it is said, Goethe visited the little Umbrian town of AS, - he looked for a few moments at the portico of the ancient temple of Minerva and then he •'went away. There seemed little to detain him. Now three hotels lean scarcely accom- modate the crowd of visitors of all na- tionalities who. Rock to Assisi at Eas- ter'. 'They do not go to see the temple of Minerva; :there are better temples at 'Rome and elsewhere, They go be- cause Assisi is the home of Saint Francis and to 'Agit the bird .sanctu- ary. A mile from the town is this :bird sanctuary, bearing the inscription on its walls "Shooting strictly prohibit - For ,Rheumatic Pains.—The pains and aches of Sciatica and Rheuma- tism should be treated with Dr. T,honas' Eclectric 'Oil. The soothing and healing properties of this famous remedy have been demonstrated for fifty years. Use it also for inflam- matory pains, cots, scratches, braises and sprains, either in 'human beings or the lower animals, ietrerv, ,Ino Fruit salad Mrs. Geo. Muldoon. T.'cotnbe; guest towels, Mrs. Hone, Mrs. C. Wilson; vegetable salad, Mrs. Geo) l,rimblecom,be; chair set, Mrs. W.' ed:" Within the walls is a' tiny mona- Muldoon, T. C. Wilson; tarts, Jessie ilAn Wheeler, iderson, \Irs. Sav W. E. Freebourn; Candy,' over, Mrs. D. Fowler, Mrs, J. H. Bry Frank Storey, Geo, Campbell; collec- ans; wool bed jacket, Mrs. Dame., tints of candy, Miss McCallum, Mrs.' Mrs, W. Soarers. • Brintblecomibe; (working man's dinner, Judge --Mrs. 1.. J. Foster. Mrs. W. W. Jeffery, Mrs. Wes Kerr,I FLOWERS Jas, Carnochan best variety baking' from one batch dough, W. F Free -1 Table bouquet, R. J. Hoover, Mrs. bourn, Ed. Bryan; hest variety of bak- R. Thomson; collection cut flowers. ing from cake batter, Mrs. D. G. R. J. Hoover, lira, Briniblec,vntbei MacFarlane, Jas. Carnochan. 'pansies, Alex, Armetrong, Miss 11c - !Roe Specials -Bread. Mrs. Wes, Callum; phlox, Mrs. Brimblccolnbe, Kerr, R. and R. 'Proctor; pie, Mks. 12, J. Hoover; stocks, Arthur Eil'gar, Wes Kerr; muffins, Mrs. W. W. Jet R. J. Hoover; Petunias, Mrs. R. PAGE SEVEN description concludes: "The sense that the greatest of bird lovers loved this place above all others gives to the familiar melodies of Blackcap. ,Wren arid 'Chaffinch a lovelier and more spiritual meaning." Here 'Saint Francis 'lives again, in minds madc tetter by his presence." \Vihen IR'ostand, 'set himself to study the ntysteriou.5 minds of the birds, .in This '"Chanticleer,"'he 'found it quite impossible to separate theta from their beloved saint. Probably in all literature, not'forgetting the "Little Flowers" and 1Iousinan's "Little Plays of 'Saint Francis -"—there is no- thing to be -compared with 'R'os'tend's Birds' Prayer, as representative .and reproductive of the spirit of ..Saint Francis, 0 God Of Little Birds 0 God of little birds 1 \Vho made our bodies light as spoken words; Whopainted Thy' blue sky upon our wings; We thank Thee for the Day, and for the springs Wherefrom we drank; the wholesome grain we ate For all Thy care o'f at who on Thee w'a'it; Tdie 'brightness -of our eyes so small and round Which spy the foes no human eyes had. found; The tools Thy tiny gardeners never lack, --- Oar rakes and pruning hooks of white and black. Tomorrow we will strive with weed and blight; Forgive, we pray, our little sins to- night,— The stolen, tempting !berries, two or three. We cannot sleep if unforgiven by Thee. Unless Thou close our triple -guarded eyes And keep us 'heath Thy wing till morn arise. anise• wool pull fery, Domestic 'Manufactures Dresden plate quilt, C. 31',ciLaechlan •(Listo:wel), Mrs. W. Anderson; hook- ed that, Jno Fraser; Marmalade, T. C Wilson, h'frs. Brinthlecom,he; FINE ARTS Thomson, R. J. Hoover; dianthus, john Grieve; gladiolus, D. Bocks, R. J. Hoover; verbenas, Jno, Grieve; white alters, Mrs. 1.2. J. McLauchlan, James Carnochan. (Listowel); pink asters, Arthur Edgar; red asters, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan, Jon. Grieve; mauve or purple asters, Mrs; R. J. MI'cL auch- Oil painting, landscape, Miss L. len, Arthur Edgar; gladiolus display Grant, 'Muss M. Livingston; marine, Mies L. .Grant, Mrs. Brinvb.lecom'be; Rowers, Miss 1... Grant. Miss 3'i. Liv- ingst'on; fruit, Miss 1.. Grant, Miss M. Livingston; animal life, Miss L. Grant Mrs Livingston; portrait,' Miss L. Grant, Miss Livingston. Water Color—(Landscape. :\Liss. Liv- ingston, C. McLauchlan; marine, Mrs. III, Worker, Mrs, W. Somers; flawera, Miss Livingston, Miss L. Grant; fruit, Miss L. Grant, Miss 'Living stop; animal life, Miss Livingston, Miss 'L. Granit; portrait, Miss L. Grant, Miss Livi•i'gstten. ,Crayon drawing, Miss L. Grant, Mrs, Brinablecotn'he; pen and ink knowanybody Sketch, Mi lirimhlecombe, Miss L. ao els,"Do you Y G, -oast; pencil sketch, Miss L. Grout, who can vnuch for your goad char -Mrs. A. G. Savage. asterct amateur photos, Miss MI, Accused: "Yes, the chief of police." Livingston, C. 'M,ciLauoh•lan; hand- Collection„Jud;re; "But he says he does not painted china, )tiss L. Grant, Mrs: know you.” (ra:lhraibh; hand -painted tea set, Misst\ccuse:d;' "What !n his police area at more do you 1,. Grano, Mrs,s, Galbraith; vase, Miss niait3 T have lived L: Grant, Mrs: 'Galbraith; burnt work ,for 20 years and he does not knonvion wood, Mrs. Briaiibleconvb, Miss Li- me!" vin Ston; single piece band painted R. J'. Efoover; sprigs salvia, lire. l)'arnes, Thomas \MciF'aclzoan; peren- nial phlox, James Carniooh•an, R. J. lfloover; cockscombs, Jno. Grieve collection of nasturtiums, R. 5, IIoov- er, Grace Sitewaeg, collection of roses, Anther Edgar; marigold's. R. J. Iino ver. Thos 11c;Fadzean , dahlias, :errs; \fir. Anderson, Thos. Campbell; zin- nias, R. J. 1Haover; snap dragon -col- lectiott, R. J. Hoover, Arthur Edgar: .geranium, Alex. Armstrong, R. J. Hoover; reit geranium, R. J•. Hoover. ,Alex. Armstrong; geranium, any oth- er, R. EJ; Hoover, O. ,I•I•emingway; tub- erous hrgonies, Thos.. Mcased zees!. \frs. R. Thomson; Rex begonia, Mrs. W. Somers, Mrs, H. McNichol; beet hegenia, any other, Mrs, It Thom - .:.on, Th es. MiciPadnean: 'ferns, Mrs. W. Stevens, Mrs. R. Thomson. Cnilcctiott of potted plants, Thos. Miendzcan, Mrs, W. Somers; fusc'hla T,!to . MclFa'd'zeats, Jas. Carn'achaii: gloxinia, Mrs. W. Somers; collection -glens, Mrs. 3 -L -McNichol, 21rs.. R. Thenisnn. J;ictgc—IRrilliant Flartry. tery. A priest points out an old ilex trio where !Saint Francis used -.to con- verse with and sing with the (birds. The sanctuary is a world of bird song. 'The traveller who :upeliee this Lord, if some man .have paid with snare and stone The songs Thy birds about his path have strown. The toil ,that slew the weevil in his wheat, —Aye though his net have caught some fledgling sweet, reach us 'forgiveness, though it he not easy, In the dear name o'f !Francis of Assisi, Forgiving man whatever hurts or girds Because one man hath said, "My brother ,birds." Services We Can Bender In the time of need PiROTECTION' is your best friend. Life Insurance —To protect your LOVED ONES, Auto Insurance— To protect you against LIABILITY to PUBLIC and their PROPiERTY, Fire Insurance-- To nsurance—To protect your HOME and its CONTENTS. Sickness and Accident Insurance— To protect your INCOME Any of the above lines we can give you in strong andreliable companies,. I; interested, call or write, E.C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 334 Seaforth, pat. ximately '10%, nitrogen and 47' phos- phoric acid, • Attention Cattle Shippers( Ilon, Thos. iL. 'Kennedy announces that the Government has been fortun- ate in securing offers for spaces avail- able to Ontario cattle raisers wishing to export suitable cattle to the Old Country. Shiptnents have to be made in car - lots and the ideal .weights for export are from -1;000 pounds to 1,300 pounds, 'Farmers in different districts are arnanging to make : shipments to Old Country markets. Cattle may be shipped freight collect and laid down in :Birkenhead or Glasgow at a cost of $344:50 to $25.00 per head. Sales costs in (Great 1Britain' are around $5.00 per :Tread additional, Colonel 'Kennedy announces that ca:'tle shipments to Great Britain will he met •on arrival in the Old Country and everything dome to promote sales. to best advantage, reportsbeingmade back s to .the shippers 'by the Agent General's office in London. Enquiries for apace should be addressed to the Ontario :Marketing Board, 'Parliament Buildings, Toronto. • • • And thou !Saint 'Francis, blesser of our wings, Pray for us! Priest Of the morning lark that soars and sings, Fray, for usl Confessor of the iFinchcs, loving Dreamer, ' Who by thy faith became the Bird's !Redeemer, Gave as our souls, absolved them of all taint, Pray for eel 'and obtain, beloved Saint Our grain of barley—millet—and of wheat, So he itl So be it! So be it! CHILDREN'S :CO:MPETITION Best pencil drawing, No nu'inber; design for sohool crest, Mrs, \V. Som- ers, Jno, Heuther, birs. Brimblecomb; poster, Mrs. Brimbleconrbe, Jno.. i,owtnan, Mrs. J. Spireg; wooden toys, bits. tIiriuvblecombe, Mrs. D. Fowler; hennaed towel, Miss Mc- Callum, C. McIL,,t chlan, Mrs. H. \ic- '2' chol; doll's s'wea'ter, :Mrs.' J. II. iBryais;.Jion, Heather, Girls' work tinder 13 years, Annie bitCut'cihcnn; three button holes, Mrs. H. McNichol, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan. plain hemming,. Mrs. 11. T lieLanc'h Ian. itie bicCtrtcheon; darning, also patchier„ firs, R. J. 11clLauchlan, An- nie 'McCutci ern; hest dressed dolt, "[,hos. Campbell Miss Livingston; knitted scarf, Miss biaCallum• Mrs. J. Id, Bryan; block of quilt, Miss Mc- Callum, Eleanor Nichol. Judge—Mrs. James Moore. The Farmer Controls Cost "The cost of ,producing crops is 0.1 all tines a very importai t considera- tion" observes E. S. Hopkins, Dominion Field 'Husbandman: "Re- turn values are more or less controlled by the law of supply a:•'l demand or by other 'prevailing cotd,tieee. and the producer has very little influence upon the price he will receive for his product. He has, however. .ome con- trol over his cast of prtducti.,n and the economy with which he produces his crop may mean the difference be- tween profit etween'profit ,aad loss on that crop. In tittles of depression and low prices this is doubly important, If profits are to be maintained when prices are low, costs Hurst be measured accord-. iugly;' His spirit of love of birds finds ex- pression seven centuries after In death not on one, ,bat in every Con- tinent in the ever -graving interest in 'birds and 'their protection. ;Sanctuaries for birds are world-wide and Canada has dozetts of thein. SPEEDING CONTESTS 2.40 Trot or Pace Braden Direct (1Guy) 11 41 1 Peter McKinney (Rutledge) ,3 3 2 T'od Hall (McNeil) 2 5 3 Morning Star (L.-Chittick)..4 .3 5 Half Mile Running Race ;Steart. Lowe, Gen. Galbraith, Larne 1Me,Nwall Green Race Rutledge, Garnrss, Higgins. School Parade dist, S.S. No. 9, 1t(eKilio:p (iW. J, Johnston); Ind, S.S. No. 4, Morris, (Miss Dickson). Horse Shoe Fite -Hee est J, Smith and H. Smith; 2nd Elliott and Tiffin; 3rd Stewart and DeValeri. * * * * * *. * * * * a * NEWS AND INFORMATION * 5 FOR THE BUSY FARMER * * (Furnished by Ontario Depart- ** ment of Agriculture.) * A, * d: * :'5, * * * A Weekly Crop Report Frequent rains in most sections hare helped root crops, pastures and fall wheat seeding. Root 'crops are below average, with a light yield of .potatoes and turnips. A good aver- age apple crc'p of well -coloured, clean fruit is now being picked. 'Harvesting of a good grape crop is (progressing. satisfactoryily .and cutting of an aver ,age cora crop is well ,tinder way. The tobacco crop is nearly harvested, but. yield and quality are below that of last year. Fall ploughing 0 generally well advanced, the soil having gre Cy benefited by recent rains and indica- tions are that an increased acreage will ;be :sown to fall wheat. Ontario Ploughing Matches The International Ploughing Match. will be held in ncyy territory this year, the northern part of !Grey county.: This I•oeation will be convenient for residents of Siitt,cise, Grey and Bruce, who have not been able to attend the gathering in the eastern and western ends of the province, (Strong local support is already assured in the county contests for which valuable ,prizes aredonated by Owen Sound business firms and indi- viduals. Worthy of note is a Dual •Purpose Shorthorn bull offered by Col.- J. T. :Rutherford 'Inc the .best stubble ploughing by boys under 17 and a silver tea service from T. Stew- art 'Cooper for best ploughed land ants clan's by boy under 25. The'1Maynr of Owren 'Sound and the Warden of Grey County cttend an in- vitation to this combined ploughing match and machinery demoustrati,n October 111 to'113'th. 'No •admission fee is charged and there are no midway 'spielers to disturb the grounds. it is a meeting place for business men, professional men. and 'fainters. (Besides this central thatch there will be about thirty county or d'istri'ct thatches he'l,tl throughout Ontario, meetly in the month of October. Persian Balm is alleringly fragrant. Adds a charming refinetnent to the most finished appearance Creates and preserves complexions of surpass- ing loveliness and texture. Softens and whitens the hands. Cools and dispels all irritation caused by wea- ther conditions. Swiftly absorbed by. the tissues heaving never a vestige of stickiness. A. peerless toilet requisite. Invaluable to all w-nnen who care for elegance and distinction. The movement of cattle this year to Great 'Britain up to August 311s.t, totalled 13,000 head, as compared with 16,000 ,head for the same period last year. :Despite 'the :heavy export during the past crop year of Canada's grain, the Dominion enters the new crop year with a carryover of 211.2,000;000 bush- els of ;wheat, or over ore -third more than was on hand on August lst last year. The carry"over of other grins Will exceed 60;000,000 bushels. Trend in Fertilizers The increasing attenio'n given to pasture fertilization en the 'stock rais ing and dairying, districts of Canada is creating an 'appre'ciable increase in the demand Inc fertilizers, more particu- larly those :fnrnnshing nitrogen and phosphoric acid—the 'former to in crease bre proteid content of the gra and lie latter to give a higher ass content, say's the 'Dominion Client In recent yearsthe trend in fertilize' practice has been towards the use o Moire highly con'cetrtreted material.' since this means a saving in freigh and handling charges. This is cvitt enceai by the inc'I•eased manufacture and 'sale of 20 per .cent and 45 pe :cent (triple) supeaphospliate and ' o nn motium phosphate carryi .g apprn Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week, 25c