HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-05, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. FAIR ON LAKE HURON'S SHORE :IS ALWAYS POPULAR Bayfield 'Pall (Fair was favored .with fine +weather though rain threat- ened on Thursdayy 'afternoon last,' and there was a good -attendance. Near'dy all the {fair's have Thad good weather this year in ;theaftdru'oons, with rainy nights and mornings. The largest entry of livestock lin .the his- tory of the fair was shown and +the indoor euhib+iles Iw'ere large. +Mu'sic was furnished by D+asthwood. Band. There was a ,pantioularly :lenge en- , ley of quilts. On 'Thursday night +the 'town hall was ;packed .when 'the Vic- toria players 'of lGoderich presented '"A Wild !Flower of (the Hills." !Little Jackie Snell amid Hope 'Mu+teh delight- ed the 'au,dfence with 'their songs •as did also Guts Worthy with ;his guultar' and cowboy songs. Ide SHEEP Leicester (Rami, two shears or over, Cowan & Danbrook (Atwood), and 2.nd, ISheasling rani, A. H. Warner & Son, Cowan & Danbrook.. Ram lamb, Gowan & Danbrook; R. Pepper & Sone 'Ewe, A, H. /Warner '& 'Son, Cowan & Dasebrook. Slhe'arling ewe, Cowan & ,Dap+bsoolc and 2nd, Ewe lamb, Cowan & Danbrook arid• A. H, Warner '& Son.- Lincolns Ram, .two -shears or . over, Thos, 1Sn+ownden, Geo. 'Penhale, 'S+hea1'1i11g ram, Tihos.:Insolwden. 'Ram lamb, Thos, 'Snowden, Geo. '(Pen hale. • Ewe, "Tihos, Snotwden, Geo. Penlh'ale. ISlhearl'ing ewe, 'Geo. Penhale, Thos. S +o+wde:n. Ewe lamb, Geo. Pent -Dale, Tiros,' Snoved;en. Oxfords Ram, two shears or over, D. B. Bell & ,Sams (Shakespeare), W. M. Henry (1B'ly!th)., +S+hearliing rano, W. M. Henry, D. 'B, Bell . & :Sons. Ram lamb, W. M. ;Henry, D. B. Bell and Sons. Ewe, R. B. Bell e& ,Son's, W. M. Henry. IS+hearl'ing ,e'we, W. M. 'Henry, D. D, Bell. Ewe lamb, W. M. !Henry and 2nd. Shropshires 'Raul, two shears or over, Orval :McGowan, Cowan & `Danibrook. IShearling ram, Orval McGowan, J. Gelinas & Son, Ram lamb, J.'Gelines & Son, D. W. Hyde, tE!we,.2 shears or over, D, W. Hyde, Orval MciGow:an. 1Shoarling ewe, D. VV. Hyde, Orval McGowan. Ewe lamb, Orval MdGowan, D. W. Hyde. Wether lamb, W. M. 'Henry, D. W. Hyde. Dorsets (Ram, two shears or over, Cowan & D'anlbrook, Orval 'MoGowan. 1Shearling ram, Cowan & Danbrook, Orme] McGowan. (Rant lamb, Orval ,MdGldwan, Cow- an & Danbrook, Doe, 2 shears or over, Cowan & Danbrook. :Shearling ewe, Orval McGowan Cowan & Denbrook. Ewe lamb, Orval McGowan and 2nd. • IFd, Foster; tants, dad. Foster, Mrs. N. L. Caner salad, vegetalbles, MI's. Met- calf, Mrs, N. L. Carter; Scotch short bread, ':\'are N. L. ;Carter, ''Ed. Foster; layer cake, dark, Mrs. N. W. Woods, Melvin Webster; fruit cake, alis fHowrie Mrs. N L. Caa'ter; six buns, +I3, E, Rorke, Mrs. N. W. Woods; tea biscuits, Ed. Faster, IR. Geiger; ginger hes'rnits, Ecl. Foster, Mrs, Tretn'blay; cookies, Ed. 'Faster, ;Helen Tough; pilin ,muffins,. R, Geiger, Mrs. 'Max- well; scones, Ed. 'Foster, Mrs, N, L. Carter; .meat loaf, Mrs. Maxwell, iefrs. N. L, Carter; apple pie, (Mrs. Max- well, Jas. R, Sterling lemon pie, E. F. Menuer, Mrs. N. W. Woods; best box kirsch for school 'laid, Mrs, D. tA, Fdwlet, H. Desjardine; home made fudge, 0. Biatticr, I1, E, Rorke; plain baked beans, Mrs. :N. L, Carter, Ed. Foster; pound cake, Eel. Foster, Mrs, !1V. L, Oar'ter; cold lunch, Mrs. B. !Piffle, H, E, Rorke. Cannell Goods -Pickles, 0. ,Battler, H. Desjardine; marmalade, H. Des- jardine; •catsup amid meat sauces, 0. 'Battler, H, Desjardine; t canned fruits, Mrs. Tremblay, H. 'Desjardine; cann- ed vegetables, ;bars, \fax!weli, H. Des- jardine; canned meats, 0. (Battler, H. Desjardine. ;Special Canada Flour Mills, Mrs; N. L. Carter, Mrs. 'Tremblay. GRAIN 'AND 'SEED'S HORSES General Purpose ;Brood mare and 'foal, Herb Bender, W. R. 1Lo+blb & Sons; 'foal, SIenb Ben- der J. 'Gelinas +& ;Ston; gelding or ;filly, o years ,olid, Geo. ,King, 'H. C. Cox r& ;Son; gelding or ;filly, 2 years .old, Wm, Decker, !Brown 'Ste'want; gelding or 16T1y, le year old, Wm. 'Decker; team, ,Wen. •Decker, H. C. ;Cox &'Sian. Heavy Draught IBro'od mare and 'foal, Mis's Brown- ett, Nelson Keys. - 1Faal, Nelson Keys, Jias. R. ;Sterling. 'Gelding or +filly, 3 years' old, ,Man- son 'Bros. ' {Gelding or tfilly, 2 years 'old, +Elmer Webster, 'Nelson Keys; gelding or fil- ly, 1 year old, Miss Brownett, 'Elmer Webster; team, Miss ,Brownett, E. J. Willert. Percheron Two year old, Melvin 'Webster, E. F. Merner. One year old, Rose Snowden. 'Foal, Herb (Bender, Rose ,Snowden. Agricultural IBrood mare +and foal, 'Nelson Keys Colin Campbell; foal, . Nels-on ,Keys Elmer Webster. /Gelding or filly, 13 years old, Garne Taylor, Melvin Webster. Gelding or filly, '2 years, old Mis Brownett, J. lGeliaras & Son; gelding or filly, it year old, Elmer Webster, J Gelinas & Son, : Team, Nelson Keys, Colin Camp bell. Roadsters 'Brood mare and foal, Jake Meidin• ger, Garnet Taylor, Foal, 'Garnet Taylor. !Single roadster, Fry'fogle, Wilford McLean. Carriage Brood mare and foal, R. Greig. +Foal, Jake Meidinget', J. Gelinas & ;Son. . One year old, R.Greig. Two year old, '\Manson Taros. ;Single Carriage horse, E. J. Willert, Fry:fogle, IBes't-'gentle'nian's ' outfit, IFryfogle, E. J. Willert. Lady driver, E. J. 'Willert, G. Park. J. W. Merrier S'pe'cial, Herb Bender. Best colt on halter by ,bpy .15 or under, Herb (Bender end 2nd; Garnet Jaco:hi. 3rd, `Boys, lb or ;under driving single horse, 'Percy. Johnston, Colin Camp- bell. Best heavy (horse on the grounds, Nelson Keys & :Son Colin.: Campbell. :Saddle horses -Wen. Decker, E. J. Wiliest. judges -Jas. 11eCluskey, James Norris. PIGS Berkshire Aged ,boar, Cowan & Danbrook. Sow, littered in 1930, Cowan'3 Dan - rook, Yorkshire White winter wheat, H. Truemner, J+as. R. Sterling; red winter wheat, Milne Rader, Ii, Truemner; Spring iwlieat, Milne Rader, H. Truemner; large white peas, H. ;Des!jardinte; sm':all ,white peas, Milne Rader, H. Desjard- ine; barley, Milne Rader, H. A. Fuss; white oats, Miss Brownett, 0. Batt- ler; red clover seed, II. Truemne.rf R. Geiger, Half bus'he'l sweet clover seed, A. Warner & 'Son, H. Desjardine; timo- thy seed, Milne Rader, R. Geiger; yellow corn, 0. Battler, H. Desjar- cline; dent corn, Fred Middleton, H. 'Desjardine; sweet conn, H. Desjard- ine„ E. J. Willett; any other variety corn, Hiss Brownett, 0. Battler; field Beans, 0. Battler, H. Truemner buckwheat, 'Milne Rader, H. Desjar- dine. Aged boar, Sam Alton, .A. I -I. War- ner & Son. ;Brood sow, 'Sam ,Alton, Jas. R. Sterling. • Sow, littered in 1953, Sam Alton, Manson Bros. Boar, littered in '1933, 'Sam Alton and 2nd. Registered Pigs Aged boar, 'Sam Alton, Manson Bros. 'Brood saw, Sam .Alton and 2nd. Boar, littered in 19393, Saar Alton and 12+nd. Sow, littered in 39+35, J. Gelinas & Son, Sam Alton, Best pair bacon hogs, Jas. R, Sterl- ing, Elmer Webster. Judges -if. C. Petty, S. ,Snell DAIRY PRODUCE d0 lbs. salt butter, Mrs. N. L. Car- ter,'R,Geiger. 5 lbs. butter in +1 lib. blocks, Mrs. N, L. Carter, Wm. Decker. 5 lb. crock butter, Mrs. N. L. Carter, 0. Battler. di lb, fancy print butter, Mrs. N. 'L. Carter, H. Desjardine, ;Cottage .Cheese -J. R. Sterling, Rose 'Snowden. ;Haff hart, home 'oared, R. Geiger, Herb ;Neeb, 2_ lbs. !haane-rendered lard, 'Thos. 'Snowden, 0. Battler. 3 lbs. home -cared bacon, Rose Snowden, I -I. A. ,Fuss. rPa'ir dressed chickens, Jas. R. Ster- ling, 'A H. 'Rawness & Son. (Heaviest dozen hen's eggs, 0. Bat- tler, Mrs. N. L. Carter. (Heaviest dozen hens' eggs, brown shell, Fred Middleton, Mrs. Robert Allen. 1l3est display, bee products, J. E. Pollock, Pastil ;Cleave. !Strained 'honey, J. E. ,Pollock, Paul Cleave. Maple syrup, 0. Battler, Milne ' Rad - CATTLE Grade Cattle Heifer, two years old,' A. IL Warn- er & Son and and. II-Ieifer, one year old, ,IIarold Pen - hale, IHei:fer Calf, Roy Pepper &Son. \Steer calif, 'Ray (Pepper & ;Son. ' 'Steer, one year old, Roy Tepper' St Son. Durham ;titch cow in calf, Wm. Oestricher and '2nd. (Heifer, two years old, Wm. O,e:stri- +c'h+er, Roy Pepper 13 (Son. +Heifer, one year old, ,Wm, Oestridh- er, Roy Pepper '& Son. IIlei+fer . calf, Wm, Oestricher, Roy 17ep!oer & ,Son. Bull ,calf, Wm,,Oes'tric'her and 211d. IFIeifer calif, 'Fred Caribert and 2mcL B,ii19 calf, Fred Galbert and 2nd Jersey ;Battler; Jie'ld turnips, IE. J. Willert, Rose Snowden; sugar beets, Paul Cleave, Mrs, B Fine; winter radish 0, Battler; ealstf•y, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. :4leteali; cabbage, Mrs. N, L, Cartel E, J. Willert; cauliflower, Mrs. N. L. Carter, 0. Battler; while celery, +Da•, Grieve; muskmelons, H. A, Fuss, 1 Barker; watermelons, II. Truemner. E. 3, Willert; citrons, Geo. Little, H. L'raeniner; best pumpkin for table use Mrs, 1t, 0. Carter, 0. Battler; s'gaas!h, iR. Geiger, Brawn Stewart; largest pumpkin for feed, • 0. Battler, 'Dr Grieve; largest squash for feed, H Truemner, John 'Etue. Large English' potato onions, H. A. Fuss, H. Desjardine; white onions, N. 0. Carter, Dr. Grieve; red onions, F. :Barker, Mrs, N. L.. Carter; yellow on- ions, F. Barker, 0. Battler, Red tomatoes, 'Mrs, N. L. Carter, 0. Battler; yellow tomatoes; 0, Batt- ier, Mrs. N. L. 'Carter; largest toma- toes, Mrs. N. L, Carter, O. Battler, 'Plate of gherkins, E. J. Willert, Mrs. N. L. Carter, PLANTS 'A'ND FLOWERS • !Bouquet, large, Mrs. N. W, Woods; bouquet, small, H. E, Rorke, Mrs. R. Allen; collection of sylvia, Mrs. N. W. Woods, F. Barker; dahlias, F. elarker,: Mrs. Robert ,Allen; collection of fuscltias, F. Barker; pansies, Mrs. Robt. Allen; tuberous begonias, F, Barker, Mrs. N. W. Woods; gerani- ums, Miss 'Brownett, Mrs. Tremblay; collection of asters, Mrs. Ro4at. Allen; collection of ,petunias, F. Barker, Mrs. .Robt. Allen; collection Of house plants: F. Barker, Harvey Turner; Coleus, F. +Barker, Mrs.(Roth. Alien; 'four varie- ties of annunot listed, Mrs. Robt. Allen, F. Barker. !Display of cosmos, Mrs. Robt, Al- len, F. Barker; collection of zinnias, Mrs. 'Robt. Allen,.Mns. N. W. Woods. collection of verbenas, F. Barker col- lection of gladiolus, Mrs. Robe. Allem, F. Barker. FRUIT Grapes, A. Warner & Son, 'PI. Des,- jard'ine;' collection of grapes, 0, Batt- ler. IPeadhes, H. Desjardine, Miss Brow - nett; plums, Mrs. MetcalfjH, Truem- tier; prunes, Wm. Sparks, Mrs, '1.Iet- calf. Red crabs. Mrs. N. L. Carter, I3, Desjardine; Bartletts, Robert Blair, J. R. Sterling; Flemish. Beauty, Jas. R. 'Sterling; plate of any variety pears, F. Barker, Jas. R. Sterling. Collection of apples,, Jas. R. Ster- ling, (Mrs, Tremblay; !winter apples, +Fred Middleton, Jas, R. 'Sterling; )Hauipler, Jas. R. Sterling, PI, R. 3bonfigoniery; Northern S'p'ies, Jas. A. Sterling, H. R. M'Ion+tgoniery; fall apples, Jas. R. Sterling; Tatman Sweets, Jas. IR. Sterling, 'Mrs, Tremb- lay; MLcIivtosh Reds; .Fred Middleton, ;Gas. R. Sterling Bal'desins, J'as. R. !Sterling, II. R. Montgomery; Manns, 'Jas. R. Sterling, hiss Brownett; Nor- thern Spies,' Robt. +Blair, Jas. R. Sterl- ing; King of Tliomp'kins, Jas. R. Ster- ling, Miss Brownett; Greenings, Jas. R. Sterling, I -I. R. Montgomery; Rib - stoat Pippins, :Pa 5. R. Sterling, 'PI, R. Montgomery. Pippins 20 -oz. E. F. Iterner, Jas. R. Sterling; W.agne•rs, 'Fred Middleton, Jas. R. Sterling; Gol- den Russets, Jas. R. Sterling, Miss iBro'vt•nett; Blenheim Pippins, Jas. R. Sterling, Robert Blair; snows, Fred. Middleton, Jas. R. Sterling; Ontario:, Jas. R, 'Sterling., ' Miss Brownett; Wolf River, Fred Middleton, A H. Warner Sc Son; basket of fruit, Mrs. Metcalf, Jas. R. Sterling. PAGE THREE, tt and bonnet, knit, Helen Tough, M.' 0. Battler, Letherland & Bentley; hen, Letherland & P,entlee, L. 0'- Brien• cock Letherland & Bentley; c eckerel,'C che:land & h'cotley, lti. CJ',Brien. Rhode Island Reds -4'1.0 et, cocic, cockerel , --'John :Kochems and 2nd; .hen, 'Letherland & Bentley, John 'Ko- chems. Anconal - Pullet, cockerel,O'- Brien and 2nd; hen 1... O'Brien, Le- therland & Bentley; cock, Letherland & Bentley, L. 0"Brien. 'Canipines--+Pullet, cockerel, L. O'- Brien and 12nd; lien, iLetherand & !Bentley, L. O'Brien; cock, L. O'Brien' Jersey Black + Giants -Pullet, John Kochems and 2nd; hen, cock, John Kochems, 11-I. Truemner; cockerel, H. Truemner. IGuineas - (Pullet, +H.arold Penhale, lien, Harold. (Penhale, Thomas Snow- den; cock, Thomas Snowden, Harold Penhale: Black Spanish -Pullet, John Koch - ems and and -+2nd; hen, cock, John Koch - ems, Black Minarcas - !Paillet, cock, John Kochems, 0. 'Battler; hen, A.: Z. Warner & ;Sou;' 0. Battler; cockerel.; H. Truemner, 0,' Battler. LAnd'alusians -;Pullet,. cockerel, 0 Battler, and 2nd; hen, chick, 0. Bat- tler. Silver 'Hamburgs-Pullet, hen, ckl IL. O'Brien and 2nd; +cock, Letherland: & Bentley, L. O'Brien. ;Black Hoerr - handkerchiefs, Mrs, Metcalf. •burgs=Ptillet, cockerel, 0 Battler; Miscellaneous Work Hemmed •'hen, 0, Battler and 2nd. ,patch, 'firs. B, Pfile, Dr, Grieve; spee- 'Hundan's-'Pullet, hen, cockerel, Le- ;men, filet crochet, Herb Neeb, Mrs. therland & 'Bentley, N. W. Woods tatting, Dr, Grieve, Game 'Bantams -Pullet, hen, cock Herb Neeb; fancy knitting in cotton; erel, ,Cowan & .Danbrook (.Atwood);: Mrs. Howrie, Dr. 'Grieve; -drawn 'cock, Cowan & Danbrook and 2nd. thread cork, Mrs. Metcalf, M. Liv- 'Game, any variety --,Hen, Lether• - ingston; hemstitching, _firs. Pfile, land & Bentley. Bantams, any other Mrs. H'awrie; out work, M. Living- variety-Pulet, hen, cockerel, L. 0' -- Ston, Herb Neeb; tapestry, H. A, 'Brien; cock, Cowan & D'anbroole, L.. !Fuss, 11, Livingston; cross ,stitch, O'Brien. Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs, G. W. Elliott; ,Any other variety fowl -pullet, eo Irish crochet, Mrs. Metcalf, M. Liv- ckerel, L. O'Brien and 2nd; hen, L. ingston; sampler, Mrs. Metcalf, 3,f. O'Brien, Carl Diehl; cock, L. O'Brien, 'Livingston, darning on worn sox, Dr. Letherland & Bentley. Grieve, H. E. Rorke. Chinchilla +Ra+bbits--Cowan & Dan,- Ribbon anRibbon novelties, H. E. Rorke, M. brook, Livingston; work done by lady after !Indian Runner Ducks, old, A. reaching 70 years of age, M. Living- Warner & Son; young, John Koch- ston. ems, A. H. Warner && Son. Muscovy- Home uscovyHome Manufactures - Bedspread, Ducks, old, Dr. Grieve; young, Dr.. white embroidered, J. W. Werner, Ed, 'Grieve. Pekin Ducks, old, O. 'Battler,. Foster; bedspread, tufted in candle- A. H. Warner & Son; young, O. Bata, wick, 0. Battler. tier, H. 'inlet -liner. Rouen Ducks, o Quilt applique, Mrs. Howrie, Ed. -Thomas Snowden; young, Thomas Foster; quilt, cotton, R. Geiger, M. Snowden and 2nd. Rader; quilt, patched, Dr. Grieve, Mrs Toulouse Geese, old -'Sam Alton,. Slaxwell; comforter, fancy, Win, H. Truemner young, Sam Alton, 'Carl Decker, Milne Rader; comforter. Diehl; Any other var. Geese, old- goose down, Melvin Webster, Ed, Harold Penhale, Rose Snowdene 'Foster; crochet Afghan, M. Living- young, H.'Truemner. stop, Dr. Grieve, 1Bronze Turkeys -Old, A. H. War - ;Hearth rug, rags, Wm, Decker, Mrs ner & 'Son; young. A. H. Warner ' 13. Pfile; hearth rug, wool, H. Desjar- Son and 2nd, Any other var. Turkeys cline, Mrs. Howrie; rag mat, braided, -Old, A. H. Warner & Son; young. Mrs. B. Pfile, R. Geiger. A. H. Warner & Son and' 2nd. :Best labor saving device, Mrs. D. !Pigeons -+Cowan & Danbrook (At - Towler, Mrs. 13. Pfile; braided mat. wood) and 2nd. M. Livingston, H. E. Rorke. BABY SHOW SCHOOL CHILDREN'S EXHIBIT Baby boy, under 10 mths-George ,Best essay of Bayfield Fall Fair. Franklin Osmond, son of Mr. and' Stewart Sch:oenhals; chewing, 0. Bat- William Osmond. tier, Margaret Schoenhals; drawing Baby girl, under 10 months -Bar - still life, 0. Battler, Margaret Middle- bara Jean 'Middleton, daughter of Mr. ton; bird house, Kenneth B.raky; Jas. and Mrs. Fred Middleton; Betty Jean R. Sterling; taffy, Pauline Maxwell Talbot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Len - dress doll, Betty Brandon. Pauline Talbot. Maxwell; Tinker Toy, Stewart S'ehoe- nahls, Ted Middleton; 'drawing flow- ers, Kenneth Castle, 0. 'Battler. POULTRY ;13ralintas Cock, .Letherland & ;Bentley; hen John 1Kochems, Lether- land & 13entley; cockerel and pullet, Letherland '& IBeutley and 2nd. ;Plymouth. aiBrred Rock, -Pullet 'Letherland & 'Bentley, (George Little: cock, O. 'Battler, .Letherland & 'Bent- ley; hen, 'Letherland & 'Bentley. 0. Battier; cockerel, 0. Battler, W. W. Wise. ,Silver Grey :D+orkings-Pullet and hen, John Kochems and 2nd; cock, Johh, Kochenis; cockerel, Jahn Koch - ems and 2nd. Plymouth docks 'White - 'Pullet, Thomas Snowden, .George Little; cock, L. O'Brien, 1Letherland & Benet ley; herr, Thomas ',Snowden, Lether- land 'Bentley cockerel, Thos. Snow den and 2nd. White +\Vvanddttes - Cock, L. O'- Brien, ILetheriancl 4& Bentley; hen, L. Oillrien and ;2nd, Silver 'Wyandottes Pullet, lien, cockerel, L. 'O'Brien and 211d; cock, +L, O'Brien. r\ny other variety Wyandotte - Pulleit, cock, L,'O'Brien; hen, L. O'- Brien and 2nd; 'cockerel, L. O'Brien, +Letherlancl & Bentley (Blyth). Buff On'piiigtous-;Pullet, cockerel, +Live gston, +Baba s basin kbit, H. E. Rorke, Helen Tough, baby's bootees, crochet, J. W. Merner, M. Livingston, handmade smoked dress for child; Mrs. Maxwell, J. W. Merrier; emb. baby's petticoat, Mrs. Maxwell; ba- by's rompers, 11. Livingston, Dr Grieve. Ladies' Wear -Apron, H. A. Fuss, J. W. Merrier; house dress, J. W. Merner, I0 A. Fuss; ladies' cotton un- derwear, 11. Livingston, Mrs. How- rie; ladies' silk underwear, H. A. ,Fuse; smock, J. W. Mercier, II. A. 'Fuss, Collar and Cuff set, new, H. A. 'Fus's, J. W.Merrier. H1arnd:kerchiefs, 11, Livingston, Mrs. 1B, Phile; hand made bed" jacket, 3. W. ,Merner, H. A. Fuss; pullover, M. Liv- ingston, H. A. FUSS; fancy apron, E. E. _Verner, Mrs. D. Fowler. 'Ladies' fancy hand bag, H. A. Ftiss, W. Merner; ladies' dress made from old garment, Mrs. B. Pfile,'J. W. Werner; home dying whole garm- ent, H. A. Fuss, E. F. Merner. Men's Wear -(Sport shirt, for man or boy, H. A. Fuss; pyjamas, J. W. 1'ferner, i,'Irs, B, Pfile; pullover sweat- er, Milne' Rader, Mrs. D. Fowler; Mitts, 0. Battler; socks, Dr. Grieve, H. A. Fuss; socks, fine, M. Living- stone, Mrs. Howrie; hand hemmed FINE ARTS Landscape, original, oil, M. Liv- ingston; ,Mrs. Metcalf; still life, orig- inal, oil, M. Livingston, Dr. Grieve; landscape, origin;li, water color, Mrs.' Barry, Mrs. N. W. Woods. (Fruit, original water color, Mrs. Metcalf, M. Livingston; flowers, wat- er color, Mrs.Metcalf, M. Livingston; pen and; ink drawing, I0 A. Fuss, 11. Livingston; drawing, crayon or lead ,point, H. A. Fuss, M. Livingston; +water color painting on silk or isatin, Mrs. Metcalf, M. Livingston. Hand -painted china, Mrs. Metcalf Mrs, Howrie; stenciling on fabric, 31. Livingston Mrs. Metcalf; fruit and flowers in oil, M. Livingston, Mrs Howrie; pencil sketch, M. Livingston, Mrs. Howeie. MANUFACTURES er. VEGETABLES Skein twisted yarn, Milne Rader, Rose .Snowden; skein, woolen yam, Milne Rader, Rase Snowden; best quart jar soft soap, Miss Brownett, Mrs, N. L. Carter; 2 bars hard soap, 0. Battler, H. Desjardine; corn husk door mat, :Miss Brownett, Milne Rad- er; homemade article of furniture, Mrs. N. \V. Woods; Mrs. B. 'Pole, LADIES' WORK 'Early Cobbler's, IT. Desjarcti•nes, 11 Rader; early ,potatoes, Milne '.Rader ,H, Desjardine; Green Mountain, 11. J. Willert, H. Desjardine; tate potatoes, E. J. Willert, PI. Desjardine. Long red marigolds, E. J. Willer!, R. Geiger; +yellow .globe matgolds, T. Snowden, E. J. Willert; intermediate mango'lds, Milne Rader, R. Geiger. Field carrots, 'E. J. Willert, F. Bar- ker; long table carrots, F. Barker, Mrs. N. 0. Carter; short table carrots, ,A. E. Erwin, Paul Cleave; long table .beets, 0. Battler, 'Mrs. N. L. Carter. Cuouni+bers, Mrs. Tremblay, Mrs. Mae:well; .peach tomatoes, Mrs. N. L. Carter, A. +H. Warner & 'Son. Largest head of sunlfllo+wer; Wm. Decker, +Harold Peeth;ale; .larder herbs, Mrs. N. L. Canter, 0. Battler. (Peppers; Mrs. N, L. Carter, O Bat - iLiving Roost Accessories -Table centrepiece, colored, M. Livingston. Herb Neeb; table runner, Mrs. Mei- calf, IT. R. Montgomery; cushion, em- broidered, Herb Neeb, airs. D.Fowl- er; cushion, any outer kind, 1I, Liv- ingston,1Milne Rader; lamp shade, 11. Livingston. Dining Room Accessories -Table cloth and two serviettes, M. Living- ston, H. A. Fuss; tea cloth, C. F. Merrier, Mrs. N. W. Woods; tea cloth, embroidered, Mrs, Howrie, J. \V. Misner; tea cloth, crocheted corners, 1lrs. N. 1W. Woods, ,\1.' Livingston; tray cloth, embroidered edge -eyelet, 11. 'Livingston, Mrs. Robert Allen; centrepiece over 1!S" for dining table, 1L. Livingston, Mrs. 13. Piffle; lunch- eon set, R. Geiger, Herb Neeb; buffet set, Herb Neeb, M. Livingston; tea cosy made up, Mrs. Robt. :Allen, J. W. Merner. Colored Linens -Bridge set Mrs, D.Fowler, airs. Howrie; bride set, aplique, II. A. Fuss; buffet set, +Helen Tough, J. W. Meitner. ed Room Accessories: Hemstitch- ed sheets, initialed, M, Livingston, .,Mfrs.H'otsrie; pillow cases, .1h Liv- ingston, II. A. Fuss; pillow cases, eni,broidery, Mrs. B, Pfile, 11. Tavin�'- stdn; pillow cases, lace trimmed, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; curtains, lace trimmed, 1f. Livingston, H. A.Fuss; embroidered towels, Herb Neeb, T -I. A. Fuss; crochet trimmed towels,,. table 'marrow, H. A. Fuss, r. W. \\%oads, lairs. 1[a well; Thos. Snowden; Green Hubbard • dressieg .table set, • Mrs, T3'owrie, Mrs.. Scash, H. 'Truemner r , a &l D' Fowler; three embroideredr San; Yell til hard Air and Stored Potatoes Careless storing of wet potatoes is responsible for unnecessary ainival. 'losses. Potatoes ought to . be stored: in a •dry, cool, well -ventilated cellar which a perfectly dark. Piling pota- toes in heaps in warm and pooriv. ventilated Manse creates the m fa- vorable condition' for rotting, Before pia,cing the potatoes in a cellar, wood- en slats slightly apart should be nail- ed about six inches or more 'from thin wall, and a 'tc np +t'ary floor with snacks between the board's -should be' laid about six inches above the per- manent floor. ,his will ensure air t'� circulate around and under the pile. of potatoes. If it should so happer. .that the 'pile has to be so very large. square ventilators made of wooden slats and running from top to +bottom of the pile should be put in her and there. Together with ;the circulation of air at the ,sides and at the bottom of the pile, these veitdlatots will keep the potatoes in a much better condi- tion than if they were in it solid pile Another good plan is to keep :the pa•• • tatoes in large crates made with sldtts the ventilation between the cranes as- sisting very much in keeping the po- tatoes in good condition. The temper- ature of the storehouse or cellar 0, iB'a.ttler, John'T achenis; cock; heir, should be kept as nearly as 33 or 3'S, John Kochems, O. Battler. Any other degrees F. as possible. variety �Orpingtons-Hen, Letherland Want and For Sale :A'd's. 1 time, 2Scc. rB e n'fl ey. Bro,wu ILeghorns Pallet, 'Letlter- land -�& Bentley; hen, O. Battler, Let- therland & .Bentley; cock, Lether and & Bentley, Battler. e -ee- parlas• win Foster, MM+rq t .'' Carter; plant, \'irs: I M N W SteWert F.' Barker; egg p Children's Wear Child's dress. hones -Pullet, Mise Browne -a, White Lee - ' L 1 t d erse tlar , vegetable k cow, ITlar'Pendtale• DOMESTIC SCIENCE b lfis. \ 1 L When Yon Have A Holstein > ' A. W riser tea 1 Squ'as'h,' Brovvn +towels, Mrs. B. Nile, Mrs. D. Fowler: Miic Milk ,cony, Wm, (Sparks and 2nd. Loaf home-mnade white .bread, Ed- 1 H b 0 1B 1 (Helicis, one year old, Wm, S,N IL C t gra- HORSE Heifer ,calf, Wm. ',S'pnrks, C +Campbell, Bull calf, Colin 'Camplbell, 'Eaton's IS+pnoi+al--Wm. Sparks. Ijiedlge,s'-IEPIter!ici n :Snell, +Gelo, or COW. A. YOU WANT REIVLOVED,,:' & n Miss Brotcnctt d ; :aster. Mrs , brown bread, ,5Irs. N. +1 '.L, Carter, A, Warner & Son, made from old garment, J, \\. Mer Warner So hen, el Woods. Boston 1 L t Garter, Mrs. Metcalf nut bread; at ter, Mrs, a' ax+we , its A, Warner, ., N L. Career; layer cake,Mrs. 'Carter. 1 1r Met - melons, Mrs. Mrs. D Fowler;child s play dress, FT. A. Fess, J \V, ALerner; nnr bonnet. Gf.iddletoaiq parsnips, Paul Cleave, Livingston, lits. IIdw•rie; lab-' s tack - nee /George +George Litt e cock. George , -r' e Phone promptly to -Casabas winter L as Miss Bro'nnett; cockerel, George LitWILLIAM STONE SONS'.' L. C 1I 'Maxwell; lie Table LIMITED. i N - Fred R Gro , f Mrs, Barker, 1 1 \1 l.e � •;tact t c g F. Bar u h (eels . W .. iii muffins, i , 13 W Mrs. Tables turnip � hoary s jacket j Phone 22' - Ingersoll aha O jack- Phone other variety L eg_horns-Ptil'lef Phone 215 W -Stratford, ,l .v°Ilia •