HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-10-05, Page 2PAGE TWO.
reac of tt Bru-els Fall Fair
iKoe hems, C. Danlbrooke; pul, 0'- ?
Brien & Kochems, Minnie Clark.
Turkeys -•-01d, Douglas Bros., Clar-
ence Clarke; young, Douglas Bros,
and 2nd,
(Geese, -old pair, Douglas Bros,, Ar-
thur ;Edgar; young, Douglas Bros., ';L
Ducks-I01d,, Douglas Bros,, J. S.
Armstrong; young, 'Douglas ?Bros.,
''Katie 'Clark,
Pair of pigeons -erred Rutledge. Mi-
nnie Clark.
Pair of 'Guinea !Pigs-INed Retledge,-
W, E. Turnbull,
judge-Williatn Carter,
Dorset Horns
Aged ram, P. E.' Dearing '(Exeter),
O. 'McGowan; shearling ram,'. C. Dan-
brook, T. E. Dearing; ram ; lamb, P.
E. Dearing, 0. McGowan; ewe, two
;hear and over, P. E. During, C.
.m Friday naineron were 'o01. there 1) ar bre k; shearling ewe, C. Dan-
ben . t e the largest attendance; liro rk.O McGowan; ewe lamb, IP. E.
Dearing and 2nd; pen, 'C. Danhrnok.
O. McGowan.
Shropshire Downs
\ ed ramp J K. Thomson (Strat-
feed '-rank Mack lBelwood) shear-
:hu m "Frank Mack, J. K. Thom-
Agricultural - -n ram lainie T K. Thomson l rank
Broad. ii sr' 1 l ar \1 n, A Tay- Mack; ewe, two !hears and over, J.
;,.r, Joh 'K : horse or mare i.olt, 1: I tl Ars , t Frank Mack; shearling
Jeal Heather, and -2.11 all 3rd; two Inc. J. K. Thomson, 0. McG,wan.;
year M vii) or r. len,g, Fred Toll ewe lamb, J. -K. Timms:in, Frank
t Irl 1 h t Godige \1e Mack: pen, 0, McGowan.
D ,t..a, 1. on. year 1 tilly or gelding, Jn ige--Fro i 5. •Arkeli.
John lieuiliee. Th alias 'Bolger, Ches- BACON HOGS
;al' t 1 1 tt t r:. Morsel
epeel r a R 'y , \I.tedc;f) Fred 1 -'ear.one year -and neer. James
ries,-Fre 1 C. dquh,e10 (Atwood); cow.i,l ( M mkt.'m), Je .:e Wheeler.
mere or :'rah, any age. J:,1111 Bolger N. E. Turnbull; boar, under one year,
'CI 1 .\'1:•ni Thomson {'Stratford) and 2nd,
Heavy Draught late - Cowan 3rd; sow,- 1 year and
1 r- l mire. e Taunt- Sh tie \lam r.tomsc,n and 12nd Lorne
r,e ,r lr.a:e c:,a, Jaen 5hvrtreei; Nichol 3rd; sow, under one year, Ad -
two year :,::, f v .,r geldiee, \\' tt :n Thom -.n and 2nd, Norman Wade
Urq.tnar:, Mitchell, l red C.,:q,tagut; ee.r4. pen, Junes Cowan, W. E. Turn-
urn-yeau n.; fi'y t 11 r. J .inn Barth- bull, Lorne \;ch±111; best pair bacon
er; heavy 1 uu =n:
11.10u.J•,l:at Bruce, 'eats, D,:1, tan Bros., Norman Wade,
11. Smith a L cele 'William Ire- L -de N iciest.
land: mare r gel ling. aay age,Wile
'°ani '1.quitart. POULTRY
in ,he hjetery of the :a r. Greed .lc,a-
th':r 'feat -reel the sh,,Ov and eXhibits
,fere eX,'.!iiC71.1. t f prize win -
;ler. ,1 a. follows(
Wdritc Fall Wheat, Andrew Schmidt
T. C. Wilson, L. IS, Parr; Red Fall
Wheat, Andrew Schmidt, N:o number,
Mrs, W, W. Jeffrey; spring wheat,a
Andrew Schmidt, C. MdLeucheate
:Ltstawel; Clarence Clarke; .banfey, 6 -
rowed, Andrew:S,chmidt, 'L, S. Parr,
P, A. MTArthur; barley, two -rowed,
George Menzies; white oats, -Andrew
iSohm'idt, Jamie;s ;Shortreed, W. E.
Turnbull; peas, Andrew .Sc'hamult, .Cla-
rence Clarke, James Petrie & Sons;
timothy seed, C. McLauchlan, James
Carnoclean (Listowel); sheaf, wtheat,
Andrew Schmidt, t0. 'Turnbull &
Sons; Selwyn. Baker; sheaf oats, An-
drew Schmidt, O. Turnbull & Sons,
'Selwyn Baker.
Judge-ITan M':dLeod,
Mdlntosh Mrs, A. Thompson, Tho-
rns M.. Cowan
mas' Campbell Baldwins,
Atwood; IFamuse, Alex. McDonald
Thomas Campbell; King of Tomp-
kins, Laithwaite '&a Sons, 'D, Bochs
Formosa; Northern Spies; Laithwaite
Thomas. Campbell R. I. Cteenings
Laithwaite & Sons, J. S. Armstrong
Gulden ,Russets, J ames 'Stirling 1i
Cowan, Atwood; Blenheim Pippin.
(Fall), Laithwaite & Son, M. Cowan
Tolman Sweets, John G. Speir, D
Bochs; Ontario, James Stirling, -D
tBochs; Wealthy, Laithwaite & Sons
N. Cowan; Alexander, Laithwaite &
Sons, Lorne Nichol; :Ribston ,Pippins
D. Bochs, Andrew ;Schmidt; Colverts
D. 'Boobs, James Sterling; •Roxboro
Russets, Laithwaite, James Sterling
Canada Reds , D. Bochs, Andrew
Schmidt; Cayuga Redsteaks, D
Bochs, Laithwaite '& Sons; Fallawate
N. Cowan, Lorn . •Nichol; Graven
steins, Laithwaite, John G. Spear;
Maiden's Blush, 0. ,Bochs, N. Cowan
Peewaukee, N. Cowan, R_ d. R. 'Proc-
tor; \Vagnecs, Laithwaite I& Son. Art
drew ;Schmidt; Crabs, Laithwaite &
Sons, Thomas. lidFadzean; 'varieties
of winter apples, John G. Speir, D,
Bache; varieties of 'fall apples, D.
'Backs, Thomas Campbell.
Fall pears, R. & R. Proctor, Jame
Sterling; Winter pairs, Thomas Cam-
pbell, Mrs. R. J. :McLauchlan!
'Pitmn.s, any ,variety; Dr. McRae, D.
Docile; varieties of plums. named,
James Sterling.
.Cluster of ,grapes. Mrs. 13rimbie-
combo. Arthur Edgar.
Judge J. IF. Cardno.
Roadsters 1 i alines-Ck, W,\ Fraser, Ron-
d:.,ol Anew, E. \V. Fxattt, lrcitie ,,•;1 NIdLean; hen. T. C, Wilson, Ron -
. :1.1 tine -e mere ..11 \LcLe•ut: ckl and pub, T. C. Wil -
•Les, 'r. W. Fawns, e o >or1' Minnie Clark ti'alnierstor).
Wil -
Les Harris (1\'roxOven one Year Iilly Barred :Rucks-Ck and hen, W. J.
r tiet•Gn -'•Joauba Oreu ..:1ndy Jacic- \liller; eki and pet:, W. J, Miller and
d hnr.c, Jnhn .Fry.. C. 2d.
Balt, til .1n in
y Jacklin; gentleman's ltocics, any archer variety. Ck. W. 3.
t4 : tee (br ' r .Peed, 40% for \Tfllet, M-innie Clark; hen. , Minnie
ue1), Jaire try. Ii. Ros man (Li>to- Clark, W. 1. Miller; ckl and .pul, W
;vt l), Andy J aSgcc• , Mille•r and 2u4.
I• to t., �leeiuf—Fred Roney, ' C glee.., -1k, Minute Clark; hen
\ir cele
,john Bruce. Minnie Clark, '1'. C Wilson; ckl, T. C
ilr t -{Ale!‹. 'Elr„adioot, James
uu:'i•. \1 elan: put T. C. \\ ikon, \Iinn:e
t tri
D eking+.-.-Clc, 'ei A. Fraear iStrat-
,.rlt, O'Brien & hocheme (Zurich);
hen, W. A. Fraser and 21111; ckl, O'-
Brien & ke. chert•, \\ A. irraser: put.
W. A. 'Fraser, T. C.
Gam(1?--Ck and nen. W. 't Fraser,
r , ca.:, -eider, .. R;,nald McLean; ckl and pari, 'Ronald
`r \,vl e -t, Minnie Clark.
1'a : ; hill oil.. in. OI . Tay- - erpii(22uns, Ck. Minnie Clark, Ran-
iris L- junior, M. Tay- 4 )1.1 •rain; hen, T. C. Wilson, Min -
':.r. tV. 1:. Oest ich; ,best male, any . :ark; cid and pul,1l'utnie Clark,.
,,�,•. \\'sear. U..-trioh•zr; mock cow,' Me C,
Str,u-; lei's., Kerr Bros and 3rd; milk
eon it ole:• 4 year:, Strong Bros: -tato
everdel i:? ., W. II. Armstrong
t �' ,i.or t!t ). Strong Bros., .. Kerr 'Bros.,
,n, year „1-I h,aisr, M. H. •Taylor, W.
f)-trieit••r, Steele.; fires.; heifer calf,
.rnior, \Vtu, 0c�trielur, W. E. Turn -
;mil, W. H. Arm -t cit; heifer -calf,
junior, \Vm. Ue-tricller, W. H. Arrn-
.\t ,n;;, 'Strong 'fir a,.; heal of Short
:1 rn::, Strong Bras., \V. E. Turnbull,
Kerr '1 bet female, any age.
Stroeg Bros.; 3 .tuiinals get of one
-1re. W. H. Armstrong, M. H. Taylor,
W. E. Turnbull.
Herefords -
f calf, one year elrl, bull calf, also
,ti year 'heifer, H. W. 'Wright (Cr,-
ntartv) and 12n'd; milch cow, two year
ud hciier, heifer -calf, also hent of
Herefords, 11. W. 'Wright.
Grade Cattle
\file's cow. decry ,train, L. S. Parr,
'[Alin» on and. 3r1; milch caw,
is 'rein \fu=. lefeRineon and 2nd,
L. S. Parr two year old heifer, Miss
\TciKitm•,n, tL. S. Parr, R. and R.
M r ,c;,,r; one year old steer. W. Yuill
& Son and 2n'l; steer Calf,- 'senior,
St n0 Bros., O. 'lhrnitrif '& Sons, R.
and, 'P,. Proctor; stew calf, junior, 0.
Turnbull & ,Son. ant 2ttd; Mi Mc-
i:.ii's n: heifer rail, senior, O. Turn -
,R.; 'Sous, and 2nd; heifer calf, jun-
ior, Alex. McDonald, O. Turnbn11 &
S 1u'
T- S Parr; flet steer,, Strong
'Bros.. Jas. Sh trtrecd and 3rd.
Bid!, n e tr= •,11 tn'l ,:fiver, Win.
' )e -.-,:'ter i ('relit„r.), W. E. Turn -
u' -t, i. Parr; i>•ril _mc year old, W.
atesie f ern ('r ,• 'oil's, ((; erie).
o.rei, Ar 11
All classes, J. 5. Cowan (Atwood).
Oxford Downs
rim M. Henry; shearling
ran,, 0• Mc'Gnwan,- M. 'Henry; ram
'.nth, 1f, ;Henry, 'O. MIclGnwan; ewe, .icon; per. Mimme
two ehe:trs and aver, M. Henry, 0. d Ck,O'Brien &
\C 'Gowan, he:t'lina ewe. M, Hetley; nt:,,,,,tanr:. IBnote ,clerk; .Feu. Minnie
•<we limb. M. Henry and ?'nil; pt•n, •'1•
W. A. Fra- er.
\I le, .re --Ck, •h bricn & kuch-
ein-, !Minnie lllarlc hen, Minnie Clark.
1) ,,0 a, Ilros.; ckl and our, Minnie
Clark and ?nd,
White \V 1n,1,‘tte -Cie and hen
NIiunie Clark', 'W. J. 'Miller; ckl, W. J.
Miler and'2iul; p:11, Minnie Clark, W.
J. Miller,
Wyana,i.ta .;ray tarn Oki T. c
J Millet; hen, f\..\. Fra-
ser, W. J. Miller; ckl, Ronald ...Mc-
Lean, W. J. Miller; pu.1, O'Brien &
•11:•1115, Ronald McLean. \\r f
Rh .de I laatri Reds--'Ck
i :tier. Minnie Clark; hen, W. A. Fra
-Ir. W. J Miller; eki and pul. W, J.
Meller, meanie Claris.
Leghorns, White, Ck and hen, Miat-
,•ie Clark, Douglas Bros; ckl and per.
P- elle Bros., 'Minnie Clark.
rLeghe ns, Brown-Ck, \V . ra -
MMinnis Clark; '.ten, T. C. \\•d
iv n'1 Clark; rki and pill, 'Minnie
Clark, W.A. Fraser. Ckl,
T.eghnrne, any Tither variety,
\V. A. Fraser, O'Brien & Knchem ;
vein O'Brien & Kochems, Ante
Ancon t -Ck and hell, 'Iii
("ark, \\. A. Fraser; ckl and put
'Minnie Clark. A. Fraser, Q
Hamburg -3 > -Ck, W.
r'rit'n & h.achem , he11,.W\At. ter,
Mir.n , Clark; ckl, Wen '& 'Fraser,
C'. \Vr1,oni prat•,'O'iBr
h -
eine. c Ned Rutledge, W. A.
H urians -Cl.
t. er., hen. T. C. Wilson, W. A. re-
; rki W.N. Fraser,
cans 111, Ronal'' 1ICILean, Ned Rut -
'edge. Clean-Ck, W. J. Milder,
BanF C: 11 �Danbroolc, W.
f. T',a er: hen, C. W. J,
1, 1 astir, ctrl. Minnie Clark,eA, Fra
• Clark, W.
Pre -
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J. M. Mc)MI'LLAN, Manager
' 14, AT -(4," 44..``
i k3.'rragit''S
stluas'h, W. •E..Free'bourn, Jas. Icer-
Tomatoes, large, Norman L. Carter,
no number 2nd; plum or cherry to-
matoes, Jno. Grieve, R. & tP.'Proctor.1
,White beans, large, Mrs, Brimble-
combe, Miss McCallum; butter beans,
any variety, Jas.Perris & Sons, Nor-
man L.Carter White 'beans, small,
Miss M.Livingston, Andrew Schmidt
•Citron;, W. E. I'reebourn, Jas. Ker-
nag'han; waterme'lon's, , Jno. Grieve,
Mrs, W. W. Jeffrey; -muskmelons, D.
Bochs, Jno. (Grieve; 'pickling cucum-
bers, J. S. Armstrong, Miss Living-
ston. table cucumbers, J. S. Armstrng
R. & R. Proctor; ripe ,cucumbers, N.
Cowan, Mrs, H. MdNichol; plant of
celery, white, Clarence Clarke, Jno.
•Grieve; heads sunflower, Ed. Bryan.
Jno, Grieve; collection of garden pro-
duce, Jno. Grieve, N. IL, Carter.
Butte prints, Jessie Wheeler, ,Mrs.
\V. W. Jeffrey, Frank Storey, rolls,
lire, \V. W. Jeffrey', Frank 'Storey,
W. E. ITreebourn; crock, lir W. W.
Jeffrey, Frank Storey, Jeesie Wheeler,
Early Potatoes, .Andrew 'Schmidt
\rtlnur Edgar, Clarence Clarke; 11l
potatoes, E. 'Hoover, \V. E. Freeboun
Arthur Edgar.
Swede turnips, W. I Freoboutm, Jno
Reuther; turnips any ,tiler variety
Jae. Careochan, Mrs. Jas. Spireg.
;White field carrots W. E. Free
bourn. R. -& •R, Proctor; long tibia
.are : -, Norman 'L. Carter, Mri. Lou
C ekniter; early horn carrots, 'Mrs. 'J
-:pireg, Jno. Bowman.
Long red ibeets, Norman L. Carter
X. Cowan; ,Flood red beet, Mrs. Jas
Spireg, R. & R. Proctor.
'Parsnips, Jno. +feu -tiler, W. E
1Vinter radishes, Mrs. Brimble-
c.+robe, N. Cowan sugar man•golds
Lou Cochlin ((Atwood), N, Cowan;
man -fold \Vnrzels, Long reel, F-. I1000
ern N. Cowan; long yellow mangolds.
.\.u.drew Seh,mid•t, 0. '13oc'tis.
rl tn•. '., Fe &
C ,ir W...\, Fraser; ckl, O'Brien
Onions from seed, reel, firs. R. J.
McLauchlan; onions from Dutch sets,
Mfrs. Brinmlecom,bc,.5, J 1Toover:
mien set-, D. Bache, John Grieve;
pickling onions, T. C. Wilson, Mrs.
Brimhlre 1nrbe; potato orious, NIT,. J.
Spireg, Thos. M cl edzean.
Flint corn, '.Andrew Schmidt, D.
(Lchs: Dent cord' Andrew Schmidt.
Oran Russell; stalks fodder corn, Or-
an Russell Jessie '\V''heelei ears table
corn, .Andrew Schmidt, Mrs. Brimhle
rernbe1 collection corn, Andrew
S&'Itmirle, 'Arthur Eilgar.
Drumhead cabbage, Mrs, fBrim:ble-
r,ltizhe, Clarence Clarke; Oxheart cab-
bage, W. E. Freebo.ut•n, Andrew
4Selnnlidt; red picleiing cabbage, Nor-
man L. Carter, W. If.. Freehnurn;
r.rr.liflotver, firs. (B rim'lllecoinhe, Nor-
man-. L. Carter.
IPuonpk!n, yellow field, N. Cowan
Clarence Clark; •pumpkin pie, Jas.
•Perrie & 50114, - jai, Sltortrced
HURON NEWS. -Albert Noble Boyce. - After a
month's illness, Albert Noble Boyce,
aged 47, died Thursday night 'from
typhus pneumonia, in Alexandra hos-
pita!, to which institution he was tak-
en on Tuesday. He was born in Stan-
ley +township, near Baylf,eid, son of
Mrs. Alice Ann Boyce and . the late
Jame, Boyce. Eleven years ,ago he
came to 'Goderich and was employed
in the salt works Of then Western Can-
ada Flour. Mills. Hhe was unmarried
and a member .of Goderich L.O.L. and
R.B.K. lodges, which had charge of
his funeral. There survive three bro-
thers and two sisters, Victor and Wil-
liam Boyce, of Goderich; Frank, of
Stanley township; Mrs. William Roh-
ner, of Goderich township, and Mrs..
J. W. Rohner of the Bronson line,
Stanley towns -hip. Internteant will be
made in Bayfield cemetery on Sunday
afternoon with Rev. F. \V. Craik, of
Quilt, fancy quilting, Mrs. J. A. Victoria streetUnitedChurch, God -
Hone, firs. H. McNichol; crocnel erich, of which deceased was a mem-
guilt, John ,Grieve, Mrs, fL Health- ber, in charge.
oil ,n,itted''quilt,John Grieve; patch- - Purchases' Wingham• Hoene -Dr. A.
work quilt, E. Hoover, John Grieve; \V, Irwin has purchased the Morton
lag •cabr:1 quilt, John Grieve,
Fran': tn!: home on Chuter street in \V!nghem-
Storc}; applique quilt, Mr's. W• \'\'. His another, .firs, A, J, Irwin i tnov-
Jelfrcy, Mrs. J. A. '-lane;, ing into this house. Dr. and Mrs. Ir-
Coneforter, fancy homemade, -Mrs'
J. A. Hone.. Noonan L.Carter; com-
forter, practical, Mrs. Brim'blecolabe,
11rs. J. A. Bone; pair of ;blankets,
Mrs. \\'. Anderson, \Liss McCallum;
.honked mat, wool, James Shartreed,
Mrs. J.A. Hone;. braided neat, Mrs.
Th >Mcaichol, Mrs. J. A. ''Hone; )mat,
knotted' and tutted, Mrs. Brimbles
cambe, Hiss McCallum,
Pair of woolen mitts, Mrs, J• A.'lane when she was attacked from the
Hone. W. E. Freebourn; 11)110s 'work -
rear by a ram. She was lifter: into the
ing shirt, Mrs. `\V, Anderson, Hiss air and in landmg on her ,feet twisted
'toCallum; man's pair of socks, wool, an ankle badly.
Mrs. II. \idNichall, Mrs, J. A. Hone;
pair of socks, Mrs. \V. W. Jeffrey, Vacancy. - Caven Presbyterian
'•I',rs. 3 A. Hone,
Church, Exeter, will hear candidates
Maple sugar, Andrew. Schmidt; to Till a vacancy in that pastorate.
maplesyrup, Andrew Schmidt, James More Serious Charge Laid. -When
Shnrtreed;,,honey in the cont, Oran George Mete„ Kitchener young man
Russell, Clarence Clarleo; honey, ex appeared in 'Goderich police court on
trotted, ,Clarence Clarice, Oran. IIuS• .ponds)' last a charge of criminal nog -
sell; small clans freer preserved, J' ligencc was read to him in connection.
Armstrong, Miss '51cCa.11um; small with the death of Lloyd Scherer, also'
light fruit preserved, Arthur ' Edgar• of Kitchener, arising out off an auto
)'ares Carnochan (3 stowel); tomatci
accidentin 1?xeter north on Sept. ?.
catsup, R. and R. Proctor, Mrs. ;Tan, es Metz las the driver of the car. Bail
Spireg, sweet cuctinl�bet picl.'les Jas was fixed at $-1,100, sureties 01 $2,0.011
Perry & Sons, J. C. Proctor; mustard each being provided by accused and
pi•ekles, '5115 Geotq•e M.u1601112 \• T-• 'his father, W. E. Metz of Nev Ham -
Carter; chili sauce, Jessie Wheeler, J. burg.
S. Armstrong; peaches and puss Jon
Grieve; .Arthur' '1 tits; raspberries Will Stop at Clinton, -Mayor '.Cee
and strawberries, J. S. Armstrong, wartha of Clinton has received word
Mrs. W. Somers; rhubarb and cherry, that time Earl of Bcssborough and par -
Mrs. J. H. 13ryan;'�Arthtt Edgar; or- ty will spend the night of October 11
en,e marmalade, R. and R. Proctor. at Clinton in their private car. T'hey-
1'Miss'L.Livings'tont apple jelly, .airs. will continue of to Goderich the nest
t Thomson, Mrs. W. Somers; grape' day. The train will arrive in. Clinton
Ti. Tito ,
jelly, Mrs. R..'1hamson, Mr's. L. Eck -'at 5,20 p.m. The reception will be nn-
inier, raspberry jelly, Mrs, W. Sant- :,f(tcial: acrd informal.
ors, 'Trs: 0. s. Armstrong; canned Clinton Grows. -!The pp,puiation of
cont lits. Ji T3.rvail fifes. Tanles;,Clinton shows a total gain of 1'5 dur-
Spireg; .canned beans llrs, Jantes ing the year. The figure is 1;563.
.Spireg, Clarence Clarke;
canned to-
matoes, Mrs, James 'Spireg; Norman Former Clinton Resident Dead, -
L. Carter; canned. chicken. T. C. Wil- H, Le'Baron T-T.arii, a dative of Clinton
;nn, R. and R. Procter; Pressed pleat; .died at Medina, N.Y„ aged 70 years.
:airs, R. T11on,psnn, T, C. \Verson; kite had been inhus1uess at 'ledina
tome -made soap, :Mrs. I•T. ''\Tcl"4 cli0l for thirty-eight: years,
Trine Grieve. Creditable. --{Roster Foviler of ''frit-
Jirrrac-:.!'fus. James 14o're c115,1 a':scheol tenths in 151111to:•
(Coin'tinitel on' Pae -Seven,)
with the way he was by h
public and different ones he worked .
for, in return for his ,board that- if ally
crime had presented itself he would
have accepted matter the cost. lir.
Fowler is s.firm believer that if good
advice and kind treatment were given
to a lot of these young Alen and so-
called transients, a great deal of crime
who Will occupy
township, has received a very unusual
letter from a young transient whom
he -befriended last Spring and who is
at present at Camp Minden, Ont. ;lir.
Fowler, while on his way to Strat-
ford, picked up a young mean and dur-
ingtheir journey, the transient re-
lated his experience's which were any-
thing but pleasant. On seeing his dis-
position he asked Mr. Fowler to ans-
wer one question for him which was
'D'id he believe there was a God.” IIr.
Fowler immediately explained and
gave. his reasons for his belief in the
Supreme being. On arriving in Strat-
ford the' conversation was carried oh.
for an hour and on parting he gave
the young ratan some, money and food.
'L'he lad said he had a different view
of life and hoped • their friendship
\\`.inti 1102 cease - and that he would
write and return the aid rendered as
soon as ire was able. He also told Mr.
Fowler that he was so discouragedAkee
treated t e f
111 mother's house, could be avoided, The following is a
Underwent Operation -Dr. Margar- copy
of the letter received: "Dear lir.
et Calder is a patient in the Toronto' 'Fmv1er, :Please allow me to call you
General Hospital, where 00 Monday 'dear' as addressed for indeed I place
morning last she underwent a serious You as such eajnsidot-ing the hearty -
operation. 'Feelings that you aroused one day to
a transient going to Stratford. As it
Knocked Down by aRam.-Am EX- was I hardpromised you a letter which
titer young woman w•as making a call was delayed quite a bit, but which I
in the country and was walking up the no,w forward as a privilege in good
understanding. May I also, forward to
youmy most humble ,apology for de-
laying this letter, It 'behooves meto
find some real honest to God, whole-
hearted and understanding n'en such
as your like. For this. reason L have
decided to communicate with you
since 450 bath have the same views of
humanity. Perhaps you have forgot-
ten -me, the la'd whom you picked tip'
on the Stratford -Mitchell highway
and gave 111e such great assistance. ' 0.
am no Tenger on the hum but at the,
'Minden Dorset road construction
camp. Now just a question to you
which I hope you will solve for me.
Wht1h would be the best kind of
study For a boy like mei' 1 was think-
ing that if you were interested in oth-
er boys you 01igla:t he interested in
me. May I send you my regards and
best wishes to your scouting under-
takings. 6f I and answered with this.
letter T will send one to your Boy
Scoots. However 1 will now close and
will send a longer letter next time so
-let .reason lead thee, let truth bind
thee and let authority move thee and
Farewell but let's hope n'o't forever;
Sincerely, Frank Slugoski."
Zurich Resident Dead. -,The death
occurred at Zurich an Wednesday
evening last of Mr. Thomas J.011
ton, aged S7 years. The funeral took
place on Friday to Badan Lutheran
cemetery, Mr. Johnston was the old-
est business mann ie Zurich.
Douglas' Egyptian ,Liniment reflex.`
es toothache an 1 neuralgia, Invalu-
able !ria cases of 'croup, sore throat
and quinsy: Keep a bottle handy.