HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-09-28, Page 8'PAGE EIIGHiT. HENSALL. Mrs. Richard Blatchford and Mr. Chas: I-larvey of Exeter visited with friends in totem on F lido.. MMis. Harry °•Jacobi spent a few days last week with relatives in 'Sea - forth. Mr, and Mts. Wan. Gramm are Vis- iting with their soil in Lansing, Mich. Mr, Josh Ashton of Seaforth called on friends in town on S'Sturda.y. Miss Mae MdNaughton of Toronto spent the week end at her home. (Born—lin Hay township on Satur- day, Sept eerd,'to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Corbett, a son. Mr. Byron Kyte of the Parr Line spent the week end at his home. Abray-Hudson;-1A quiet .wedding was sdtemnieed at the Carmel Pres- byterian Church manse, on Saturday, when Thelma iL'ouise eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, was united in marriage to Harry Abray, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Abray ref Landon. The bride wva's dharmingly gowned in a frock of Sherr crepe in brevet sihad.e with hat sho-es and gloves to ntlaitch and for travelling a dress of ma'ro'on crepe with accessor- ies to match and a fawn coat With squirrel trimmings, Foll'olwing the ceremony the bridal couple returned to the home of the bride's, parents, where a dainty Itmeth was served, af- ter which Me. and Mrs. Abray left by motor far Detroit, Cleveland and other placesand on their return will reside in London, At St. Paul's Anglican Church Rev. Reginald 'Appleyard preached very inspiring discourses and on Oct 8th harvest home services will be held when Rev. G. Stone of Dorchester will ibe the special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. J. W..Skenner and daughter, Miss Eleanor of Thorndale visited friends in town on Sunday. The young people of the. Carmel Presblyteeian Church 'intend holding a ,banquet on Monday evening, .Oct. 2 and on Sunday, Oct. 32nd anniversary services will be held. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Davidson and son Allan yrisited -relatives in Wing- ham on Sunday. !Rev. Mr. Dennys of Toronto, a for- mer minister of Cromarty, called on friends in town last week. Miss Mona Miller visited friends in Clinron on Sunday. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Alice Joynt on Thursday evening last. A short pro - grain was given consisting of the fol lowin instrumental, Gladys Luker; •duet, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Mc- • Donald; reading, Miss Johnston; solo, Florence Welsh; selection by Pike Bay quartette and a short address by Mr. Cantelon and Dr. Mdir. An int- eresting feature of the evening .was an address read by Mr. G. Sutherland, and a presentation to Mrs. Joynt made by Rev, A. Sinclair of a beautiful 29 - piece tea set. Mrs. Joynt very able. thanked her friends for their kindness after which a dainty lunch was serv- ed. The bridge club of which Mrs. Joynt was a member met at the home of Miss Annie Cansitt and presented her with several beautiful cups and saucers. A very pleasant evening was spent. On Saturday afternoon about twelve or her school chums met at her home when several lovely gifts were given her. The choir also presented her with a beautiful hymn book. Mrs. Joynt left this week for Toronto -where she intends making her home. Her many friends here are sorry to see her leave our midst. Dr. and Mrs, Sam Coulter of Tol- edo, Ohio, are v'isliting friends here. The Huron rally of the Mission Bands of the Presbyterian Church. um be held here on Saturday after- noon. Mrs, (Dr.) Reid of Port Rowan is visiting at the home of het parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Sheffer. \Wed.needay afternoon, Sept. 27th, ended the half holidays for the sum- mer months. 'Rally day services will be observed at Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday last with the Rev. W. A. Young having charge of the services. A very delightful duet was rendered by Misses Irene Deters, Mabel Work- man, Irene Hoggarth and Dorothy Deters At the Ur!!ited Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and ex cellent music was rendered by the choir. Nest Sunday rally day services will he held and a children's choir will lead the Service of song in the morn- ing. Rev, Mr. Oliver of Blyth will preach. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO September, .1907, Obituary, Aftel• an illness of several mouths, Mrs. James Scott passed away on ,Fri- day morning at her residence on Louisa street. The deceased, who was formerly Miss Ella A. J, Willson, was a mast amiable woman and her death is deeply regretted by a farge circle of friends. Her kindly dispose - tion endeared her to all who had the pleasure of her anquaintance. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church and always took an active in- terest in the work of its missionary and aid so'ciebies, -until prevented by ill health. The deceased was in her 3'2nd year and leaves to mourn her lose, her husband,. three sons, Robert W., Archie and Clarence and one daughter, ,lies. Walter Pickard, ail of Seaforth. The funeral took place from her late residence Hallett. A very pleasant and large gather- ing assembled on the evening ,of Wednesday last at the residence of Henry Young. This was occasioned by the resignation of N'onntan Murch, the popular teacher of U.S.S. No. 12, Morris and Hullett, who has conduct- ed the'school in a highly satisfactory manner for more than three years. The chair on the occasion was ably filled by W'm. Jackson of Blyth who in his usual felicitious mane„ called on a number of the ratepayers for ad- dresses. Prominent among those were Messrs. Watson, Young, Watt, Wells, Bryant, 'Morris, Sanderson and others, all of whom expressed deep regret at the departure of Mr. Munch. The most'hnportant event of the evening was the reading of an address by 3. Watt and the presentation o'f a gold watch by Mr, Young to which Mr. Murch made a suitable and feeling reply. Bear Shot. The carcass of a bear whish was shot in the wilds o 1 McKillop on Monday last is now on exhibition in Kennedy Bros. window. Death of McKillop Resident. The death occurred in MoKillop on Tuesday of Esther Hillis, beloved wife of Mr. Robert Beattie Sr., aged 62 years and 9 months. The late Mrs. Beattie had been ill for the past two years. Besides the bereaved husband she leaves a large fancily of grown up children to mourn her death. The funeral takes place from her late re- sidence on the 5th concession. Exeter. A ten -foot scaffold at the evaporat- or fel the other day allowing three men to drop to the ground, Jas. Coombs, Ed. Beer and Elder Elliott. The last named wasthe only one in- jured: he received a bruised leg. Walton. Mr. A. Hewitt is improving the ap- pearance of his house by erecting a verandah at the front. A petition is being signed by the people of this vicinity to the Post- master General asking for a mail on the G. & G. railway. ; Hensel. 'The remains of 'the late John Thompson, who died in Algoma on Tuesday last, were brought to Hen - sale the funeral taking plaee on Thursday. He formerly lived at Blake. ,Hensail foundry has been so rush- ed with work that it is found. neces- sary to put on three additional moul- ders, Mr. 5. T. Hooper of Hensail has dispo..•d ni his dreg and stationery ensine,- to M.r. Hemphill, formerly �. Wroxeter. Brussels. A movement is on foot to erect a skating. and curling rink in Brussels. Weddings have been all the go in Pruesels locality, no 'less than half a '"zeal. or Loirehaving taken place. In Cie number were Mr. Heinstock and 'l:es Lynn, near Frederick; Mr. Moir and. Miss Fulton of Brussels; Mr. F. C. Taylor and Miss Ror, of Howick and Morris; Mr, Bartl•iff of Clinton and Mies Cardiff of Brus'seis;Mr. Crerar of Toronto and Miss lecArter of Brussels; Dr, Field of Brussels and Miss Bryans. Hibbert. Another of the old residents of H•ib- 'hent passed away on September 24th in the death of Mr, John Kemp, on reth con. Mr. Kemp was able to at- tend to light duties up till Saturday. He was born in Leicestershire, Eng- land, in 1830, and fifty-three years ago when his eldest son was but a child, the family carte to Canada and set- tled fn 13ewnt.ai}ville, Thirty-eight years ago he brought his family to Flibbert. He leaves a widow and a large grown up family- to mourn his loss. The surviving memibers Of his fancily are Mrs, Frank Leewarn and Mrs, Frank Sully of Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Wisconsin; ' Mrs..Sol- omon Butson, Dakota; Miss Jennie, at home; William of Logan; George and Edward of Hibbert; John of Kal- amazoo Mich.; Luther of Toronto and Thomas at home. at present. Bayfield. wgs THE SEAFORTH NEWS. stable erected on his property. The apple evaporator is again in fuliblast, thirty-three being on the staff. It is a valuable industry, Leadbury. Many were sorry to hear of, the serious accident which ,happened to eer. Irwin in the loss of his finger. All hope lie will soon be around again. The flag floated on our new school on Saturday, HARLOCK. Mr. aiid Mrs. Joseph Campbell of near Walton visited on Sunday at .t rhe home of Mr. and firs. A, W. MclEw- ing. !Sunday vislitois et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris were Mr. and lets. Geo. Jenkins and son of Clin- ton, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph 'Bewley of near 'Wigton, Ma. and Mrs. Albert Vodden of near'IJondes'boro, and Mr. and Mrs. Win,. Bell and fancily, Miss Mary Klnlox, R.N., who nurses in Peterborough, and her two friends, Meiss Setter, R.N. off Kitchener, anal her sister, s.pent the weak end at the home of the fonmer's mother, Maas. Jennie Knox. Mary returned to Kitch- ener with her friend's Sunday evenling and will holiday with them till Fri- day when she mill return to her nioleh- er's where she will spend the remain- ing two weeks of her'hollid'ay. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen entertafn'ed !Rev. W. P. ,Lane of ,Seefanth and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. !McCall and little dau- ghter of Walton on Sunday. Sunday last 'being anmeversary in Burns' United Church, Rev. W. P. Lane di Seaforth had charge of the services,' taking for his subjects, in tee morning, "Why Gant. We Be Miore Friendly," in the evening, "Are Von in Health, My Brother." We 'wish to thank all who attended these services and in that web, helping' to make the anniversary a suiccess. Messrs. Wan. Knox and Clifford Shobbrook to'oka mouton trip to Wal- pole Island on Friday evening, return- ing Saturdiay bringing home a young Shetland pony which made quite an attraction as there were a goad many 'called Sunday afternoon to see the pony. Mr. Charles and Miss Amy Parsons were to Stratford, returning home on (Sunday evening. They found Mrs. +Parsons very weak, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alppleby and IRos'amond and Marion spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, Jennie Knox. Messrs. Tames, Jdhm and William Leiper attended the Atwood fair on Saturday. Messrs. Geo. Watt and Mir. Row- land filled the silo for ler. Thomas Knox on Tuesday aftennoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. John T. .Knox of Clinton and Mr. and eters. Warren fGibb'ings and baby visited Sunday af- ternoon at the home of ler. and Mrs. 2. Rapson. Mrs. Beacom retuned home Mon- day evening after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Lyon of bear Londesboro. Old Doctor Stark on Sunday morning delivered a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyon, and baby and mother are so far doing nicely. An avnt, Mrs. Bremner of Grey, is in charge. Mr, Emerson Hesk has rented the farm owned by Mr. Henry Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole or Tor- onto, who have been holidaying at the home of the Tatter's brother, ex- pect to return to Toronto this week. They spent Tuesday in Clinton, ac- companied by Mrs. S. McVittie. THURS'D'AY, SEPT. 28, 1933. FOR SALE Several Dwellings IN SEAFORTH lea 'EGMONDVILLB Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. SUTHERLAND Mr. and Mrs. •J, D. Stewart, returned home after spending a very pleasant vacation. ler, and Mrs. Robt. D'ay'nian' were. recently visited by relatives from De- troit, Miss Sara Dlaymian accompan- ied them back to Detroit, leaving lat- er for Teronito to visit relatives. _ BRODHAGEN. Vistitons in the village: Mr. and IMis. Becker, of Ayton, Mr. and Mrs. Eidt end Mrs. Wlollehart of Neustadt were week end vieitors wlibh Mr. and 'Mrs. Jldhn Mogk; Mr, and lees. Coin - rad Siefiel of 'West Zona nsftih their. daughter, Mrs. Dlallton Hinz; Mr. and )errs. Henry Schmidt of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hinz; Mrs. (Harry Dlolwer and daughter Mary of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Diegel; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bauer, Detroit, wlith the hatter's parents, lir. 'and Mrs. Jlohti jacgb; Mt'. Ray Hart of Guelph at the home - of L. G. Rock. tM'r. and Mns..Ed. Beuermvann, cif In- get'sell with the former's father, Hen- ry Beu'ennnann Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas Querengesser of Edhet at the home of John Querenges'ser. Mr. and Ivens. Henry Kuntz, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuntz, of Baden, !Mrs. Annie Muegge and Mr, C. Tal- madge, Stratford, Messrs. Ed. Atm - stein, Dan Rock, Tim Austen and Trample df Kgbchener, with .lir. and Mrs. joint Aansltein; lir. and !Mrs. Fred Miller of Walton, with Mr. and Mrs. John Bennewies. Outgoing' visitors: Me. and Mrs. Charles Ahrens and Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. S. Riehl, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Riehl, Sr. in Ellice; eer. and Mrs, John Hinz .and Doris with Mr. and ;Mrs. Henry 'Wesen'berg in Ethel; Al - bent Hinz and Harry Sohelienberger of )Mitohell motored to Detroit; 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rock and family spent Sunday in Stratford. A birthday party was held at the home of Ed. Wassmanm on e'onday evening, the guests of honor being Mr. Harold Diegel and lM'rs. Harry mower. lir. Henry Hallebrecht• Jr. was re- moved to Stratford hospital on Sun- day morning where he undenw*ent an. operation. 211c Trade for Extras WE WANT YOUR EGGS eASI SPEeI2LS FRIDAY AND (SATURDAY ONLY , Pure Lard 2 pounds 19c ISatadaTea pound 43c Creamery 'Butter- Red Rose Tea pound..43c 2 pounds 41c Rideau Hall 'Coffee 1b. 43c Ammonia Powder ..4 pkgs 23c Perrin's Sodas pound 14c Campbell's Soup. 3 tins 23c Pastry Flour .. 24 lb. 49c 'Prairie Rose Flour . , .cwt 2:19 Sepoy Flour cwt 2.19 MEN'S OXFORDS, pair -3.50 COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth 'Notice is hereby given that the first •meeting o.l the Court off Revision, for hearing concplamts against ,the assess - .' ' i roll far the 'Yawn of S'eafiorth der 50% .production this year it is a for 111933, will safe gamble that petatoes will see $2 before long. Orders delivered now will be filled at the following prices: Extra No. 1 Dooley Potatoes bag $L50 Regular No. '1 " 1.35 Field Run' " "" 125 These prices are subject to rise at any time. Call at our farm or phone 34-616 Clinton. Potatoes and Milk "THE STAFF OF LIFE" As the average crop of potatoes is un- be held in the Council Chlamber, 'Seaforth, on Monday, Oc- tober end, AID. 111933, at 8 o'clock p.m. JINe1IO. A. WIIIIJSO'N, Town Clerk. Seaforth, 'Sept. 111, 15'.313. STANLEY. The Gnshen \V MI.S. heel them September meeting at the' home Mrs. Thomas Itbinson with 31 pres- ent. The president, )Irs. Ben Keys. pre idu1. After the nnenuty; devotional. exercises, Mrs. Rttvsell I:rratt read the Scripture lesson from Romans, 13th chap. and the secretary read the minx Utes of the previous meeting and call - eel the roll. The treasurer reported having sent away $74;22. "Tell It to Jesus." was then sung. Several mem- bers led in short prayers. The devotional leaflet, "The Woman of Faith,' was read by Mrs. Ben Keys. Leaflets on Christian Steward- ship were read by Mrs. B. Keys, Mrs. R. 11. Peck. Mrs. Elgin lioICinley, Miss Vera Smith and Mims, D. 7. Ste- phenson. , sses Margaret Robinson and a•rgar The etas.t �FCIKinley rendered very lM .heautifully a vocal duet. The study book, "His Dominion of Canada," Was taken tip by Mrs. R. M. Peck. The program closed iby singing "Trust and 'Obey," and Mrs. James McC:inehey were offered prayer. Refreshments served while all present enjoyed a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. David Kay and fain- Mmr ifs of 'Clinton spent Sunday a t John A. Armstrong's. Mrs. -Margaret Erratt has returned to the home cif her mother, Mrs. Rob- inson Sr, after spending the summer Infantile in the charge of the Fresh..,Air Camp at Whitby. Mr. Mervyn Keys left at Iron M•rs. Ivlan'ley J'' to attend Western University dolt' mhos of Hensail is vis kiting her mother; Mrs. 3, MidClinc'hey KIPPEN. The sixty-sixth ans.ivers'ary of St. Andrew's United Church wiillhb held oon Sunday, October Sth, Rev, lir, Wilkinson of St. Helens will preach morning and evening. The choir; assisted by Miss PearlWood, soloist, of Exeter, will render specie' music at both services. On Monday evening, October 9th, at 8 o'clock, a chorus of 30 voices from Ripley under the direction of Mr. Wm. Leonard will render the cantata, Penitence, en Maunder). Ae, Pardon and Peace (by who can should avail themselves of this musical treat. -.Mrs. James Wright was in Mitchell on Tuesday attending the fair and acting as judge of the Ladies' Fancy Work. Special Rally Day services :were ohsereed in St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday morning last. The Sunday School services at 10 o'clock were fairly well attended, the objec- tive in attendance being almost reach- ed. At the services at 1i1, o'clock the programme arranged for these serv- ices was followed, Edna. Mae Day- man,Don Cooper and Beatrice Day - man taking special parts. Five little girls, Kathleen and Grace :Scheibe, Kathleen McGregor, Blanche Watson and Edna Dayman sang very sweetly "Praise Him, Praise Him," while a choir of girls also assisted in the musical numbers. On Sunday next, October 1, Com 10115 on services will be observed at 11 o'clock a,m. Preparatory setwices will be held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The Busy Bees Mission Circle Will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John Hendlerson on. Saturday, September 30 at 2:30 pen. A cordial invitation is extended to all young ladies of the congregation. St. Andrew's United Church intend holding their special anniversary ser- vices on Sunday, October the Seh, Rev. Wilkins of St. .Helens has been secured as the special guest speaker and he comes highly spoken; of. Spec- ial music is being prepared by the choir. Mr. and Mee, Jas. ,Stewart of Leam- ington and Mrs. C. Harness of Ceed- AUCTION SALE Of House hold Effects. the un- densigned auctioneer has received in- structions to n-struc•tions'to sell bypublic auction at the residence of ,lira Ro'bt. Grieve, High street, on (Saturday, September 30511, 119213, at 1.30 p.m., the following: Cook stove, coal oil stove, ,kitchen table, extension table, falling leaf table, other small 'tables, sideboard, mirrors, dressers, bed springs and mattress, chest of drawers .(walnut) day bed, 'couch, sewing machine, rugs, congolesm and linoleum, organ, glass cupboard,washing machine, wringer, boiler, tubs, wash board, pots and pans, dishes, jars, lawn mower, garden tools. Terms' Cash. ROIB,E.3RT IGIRIIEVIE, Prop.; HAIR OLD DALE, Auctioneer. WINTHROP. Mr, and Mrs. Frank W1sonand son Donald of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster of St. johns spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton. Little Donnie Bryce, sou of Mr. and Mrs. George Pryce had a narrow escape from severe injuries last Thursday when a rolling rack fell on 'pint, while playing in the barn. He was taken to Seaforth !hospital for treatment. We are glad to report that he is able to be hone again. Those who have dry wells are glad to have a few heavy rainfalls. The Mission Band are preparing a good program for the entertainment they are holding on Thursday even- ing. AUCTION SALE. Of Faint 'Stock,'Gnain, Etc., will be held at Lot 116 Con. 113,' Hullett town- ship, on Wed'ne'sday, Oct 4th. The follo'win'g will be offered 'fo'r sale at 1:30 sharp: Horses -45 hot:ses. Cattle -10 milk cows, 4 fresh, 5 year olds; 12 calves. ',Pigs --112 fat hogs, 1 sow. !Poultry -1160 'April pullets, 11l young geese, 3 old geese, (Grain—lA quantity of grain, 20 sacks ground alfalfa nmeal. (Rooks -a% acre uuangels. ,Everything will be sold as the pro- prietor has rented his farm. Teems -Cash. C. E. PARSONS, Proprietor; GEO. H. EILiLI.OTT,; Auctioneer. HILLSGREEN. , 'The regular monthly meeting of the uHillsgreen Women's -Missionary So- ciety was 'held at the !home of Mrs, R. Consi•tt 0.n Wednesday afternoon, !September Z0bh. Mrs, R. Stephenson presided, The meeting opened with hymn 390. Mrs. R. eleAll!s'ter led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read from St. Luke 12:315 to 40, The de- votional leaflet, The Minister's Wife, Priscilla, was given by Miss Annie jarrott. The roll call was answered with verse beginning with the letter R. The secretary and treasurer re- ports were read and adopted and the offering taken The topics on temper- ance were then given. Hymn 384. Mrs. W. Tuner then read a leaflet The :Plant Gratitude. It was dedided on ,ending a letter from the Society to M•rs. Lundy. The study leaflets for the coming year are bei•n'g sent for. Hymn 376. The meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's prayer, Rev. E. F. Chandler was in charge of the service in the church on'Sun- day afternoon and delivered a fine sermon. Co:mmaneon services will be held on the coming Sunday. lir, and Mrs, W. Carlile of I3en- sa'll visited lir. and Mrs. W. Turner an Sunday. Mn and Mrs R. Dick and son of Toronto visited witlh their parents, Mr, lMissand Agnes JLove �tSunday, r sister, Mrs. eV, Huxtable in Centralia returned to her home. Miss Mildred W'orlemlan spent the week end .with her parents, lMr. and Mrs. J. Workman in Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wnido were vis- ited by friends from Buffaeo and De- troit recently. i and daughter of Mrs. A. Smith, Brantford, are visiting with their par - ants, Mr. and !Mrs. J Richardson. Several folk are taking in the local fall fairs in the towns. lEace'llent lion Croupy tChitdren. When a child is suffering with croup it is a good plan to use Dr. 'Thomas'', Ecle'ctric (Oil, et reduces the inflam- mation nf - m.ation and loosens the phelgnt giving speedy relief to the, little sufferer. It is equally reliable (bar sore throat and chest, earache, rheumatic pains, cuts: 'bruises and sprains. Dr. ITh'omas' Et- lectric 'Oil is re'garded by many 'thous - kinds as an indisepnsable of the family ;iton, who have been the guests o medicine chest. Hu ill's a DAPR•Y & POTATO FARMS 3 miles west of 'Seaforth on Highway 'Want and F.or .Sole Ads,',1 week, 25;c -me.' James Wallace is having a YOUNG PIGS Young pigs for sale. L'ORNE9 S. 'WEBSTEIR, SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ont. ;Fall term opens Sept. 5th. Courses: Stenographic, Commercial, Secretar- ial, Special Courses arranged. Corr- espondence •Courses to those who cannot attend school. Write or phone 198. B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal; M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice- Prin. WOOD FOR SALE A quantity df ciedice dry hard maple b'od'y'wood at $110.00 a load of three cords. Order now as supply is limited. Apply to J. E. CRICH, R.R. 3, Seaforth, or phone 2.,Clinton will Central. I1 ordered by phonepay for call. NOTICE Commencing October 2nd, we will run our chopping mill every day. 40 IGRUSE BROS. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 'House with electric light, hard and soft water and garage. Possession gi- veat once. Apply to The News Of- fice. 411. NOTICE -Joh,n Kraetsch has opened a shop above S'howfelt's blacksmith shoe, N. 'Main street. All kinds wood work; kitchen cabinets, wheelbarrows, 3e. etc built to order. CIDER MILL Will run every day after October est. I have installed two new cookers and a machine for straining apples ,for apple butter; peeling not necessary. Lot ?'3, concession 6, Logan. Phone 120 r 311. ll ice lel!. FRED HEhr'NII OK R.IR. 4, Mitchell. COOKING SALE iA Home Made Cooking Sale will be ,held by the 1l MM.S. of Constance Un- ited Church in Sheffer's store on Sat. Sept. 3011. As well as ,cooking there will be dresses cliie.keus, eggs, and cream. Sale status at 3 o'clock. WOOD FOR SALE (Soft maple body wood $22.50 a cord. Also Irani maple body wood $3.50 a card. In load lots of four cords or more, delivered, VI'CTO'R FALCON- ER, Brucdfield, Phone 629 r IL, Clin- ton central 40. WOOD FOR SALE Quantity of soft wood, $2 a cord. Small quantity of all maple $3 a cord. Quantity of hardwood $4 a cord. De- livered anywhere in Seaforth, Cash with order. Also a quantity of elm plank, good for repairing stables, barn floors, etc. T. J. RICHA,RDSON, phone 143 r 22. Seaforth. RESIDENT HUNTING 'LICENSES Requited by ait ,persons using fire- arms for hunting, Now on sale at the Post Office. License fee $1.00. CHAS. P. SLLL.S, P.71., Issuer. 39. BAYFIELD. {Rev. R. S. Jones of Gorrie and Rev. F. II. Paull of Beylfleld, exchanged ,pulpits on Sunday last. On Sunday next, October '1st, harvest thanl-sgiv- ing service will be held in Trinity Churc'h at Ph ani.. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fisher of Waterloo left on Sunday afternoon for home alter a two weeks' visit with. Mr. Fis'her's aunt, Mrs. F. A, Ed- wards :Miss Ruth Fisher of Waterloo is visiting her attnit, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Miss Annie McLeod was home from London over Sun•d;ay. [Mrs. Frank Mart!-, who has spent the .summer with her famli.ly in her cottage, Boulder Lodge," left for home in Detnoet Sunday. Rev,"and Mrs. Pa'uld returned Sat- airday after slpendling the past three weeks et London and ,Brentford. FOR SALE Fifty White Leghorn pullets, bred - to -lay, are now laying. About six ' months old. Appy to INC. T. E'LGIIE, ICippen, or phone 1'34 r 31. HOG FOR SERVICE leVell-bred Yorkshire hog, at lot 16, con. 3, Tuckersmith, I3,+R.S. This is a choice hog of bacon type. AINIGUUS KENNEDY, Phone 111413 r 311. 39 VARNA. Mrs. .Rob. McGuire of Wingham Visited for a few day's with lies. James M'cClyneonit, Mire. Diliworth of Barrie rehirned 'home Sunday 'Ater visiting with her, sister, Mies A. J. Keyes for the past week. (Bagin•aing next Sunday the service in the United CMnirch will camntetice at 7 o'elnck instead Of 7.30. IA nu'm'ber from here attended the. Orange social in Exeter last Sabund!ay evening. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50:5 SEAFORTH MARKETS.65c Wheat, per but.t ;Barley, per bus. 42c Oats, new, per bus. ..... 32c iBuclewheat, per bus, 45c Now potatoes, bus, ,$ 1.26 , Butter, per lb 18c ,Flags, per cwt $6.40 Eggs, per doz. .,..,...,1„ ,lOc.116ce22c TRY • illes pes 1 Dyers Cleaners & D- ers Y WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER Rhone 196w. .-Weca'Iland deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop.