The Seaforth News, 1933-09-28, Page 6PAGE SIX 11V,t' reiNgil iF� 1'ry �t{ ' Fj `Jg•W'a l( t iE6+' i-31 'at'e: icasceincenmettwatessivinsoanrcosscavvaise tie n t •15� �,ct�, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. v THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1933. gettin':above a joke," The two turned small, grand and mean, smooth and At length one: faced it, then another, back into, the yard, rough—and not a bad clog there, anti -it was too late Time ' Out clown below them, alongwas up 'the And alone, his' back to the others J'ive judges signhbled;and the Welsh - edge of the stream, for the second stands a little 'bowed, conspicuous fig- mal celled ,off his dog and withdrew. time in this story, a little dripping Urn—Adatn .Y''Adan; while the great lout of eight of mochas eye, in a dip DR. H. HUGH fi,urc was tottering homeward. The dog beside -hint, a hideous inearna- of the ground, EvanROSS, Physician little man was crying—theJones sat dawn and Surgeon, Late of London: Hos- mingling hot tears tion of s'cow'ling defiance, is Red Wall and took the small d'arle Stead between pi'tal, London, England. pecial• mingling on his cheeses with the , un o' the Border, his knees--aidS' you mayyh soma's. nose to diseases fi the ed ea l- dried waters of the Wastrel—crying The Tailless Tyke had ak:eatly ecus dog's heart was heavy as the •man's, ttose and throat. Office and real - with rage, mortification, weariness. up his fighting colons, Floc esaccade- "We_did our best, P19,"' he cried 'beok- dense behind Dominion Bank. Office um More, going' up to examine this only, "but 'we're peat -the first time ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday he R XXV forlorn1 } and, ever e've been!„ CHAPTER great adversary, had conceive N edfor him a violent anti path , Phone No♦ 5; Residence Phone 104. The Shepherds' Trophy straighitw'ay, had spun at him with all No time to daily, the fury of the Highland cateran, ArmesMoore and Owd Bob ))vere DR, F. J. BURROWS,Seaforth. who attacks firstandexplains alter- off on their last run, 1 Ot8ice and residence, Goderich strc t ward, Red IWull, forth'wi'th, had turn- No applause this time; not a voice east of the United "Chinch. Coroner ed on hint with savage, silent glut- was raised; anxious faces; twitching for the County of Huron. Te4ephoke- tony; bob -tailed ,gasper was racing u,p !fingers; the whole crowd tense as a No. 46. to join in the attack; acid in another stretched wire. .A false icon, a willful second the three would have been asleep, a cantankerous judge, and thee" locked inseparably—but just in time gray dog would be beat. And not a DR, F. J. R. FO'ESTER—'Eye, Ear M Adam intervened. man there but knew it. Nose and Throat. Graduate in MMedtt One of the judges came hurrying up Yet over the stream master and dog cine, Universityof T" "Mr. M'Adam," i11e cried angrily, "if went about their business never so Late Ai Toronto that 'brute of yours gets fighting Assistant esti York orfie d'•• g g quiet, never - so .collected; for all the' mac and Aural Institute, M again, hang me if 1 don't disqualify world as though they were toundin: cone&side• hint! Only last year at the Trials he up a flock on the Muir Pike, g Eye, and Golden Sounthroat of epi• killed the young Cossack dog," The old dogfound his sheepin a bats, London, erh,England. At Monday 1A dull flush of ercial Hotel, ISfromth1 •3rd 'vbon3 p i, passion- swept ac- twinkling- and a wild, seared trip este, each .month; from 11 a.m. to 3 p.�, rocs lt'Adam's face. "Conte here, proved. Rounding the first flag, osi'e Wulltel" he ,called. 'Gin yon Hie- 'bright-eyed Wether made a dash for lout tyke attacks ye agin, ye're to be the open. Hewas quick; but the gray disqualified." ' dog was quicker; a splendid recover, DIR, W. C. SPIROIAT,-,Graduate of, •He 'was unheeded, The battle for and a sound like a sob from " the Faculty of Med'ici•ne; University o!' the Cup. had begun—little Pip leads watchers an She hill. Western Ontario, London. Member ing the d'a'nce. !Down the slope they came for the of College of Physicians and Sur-. On the opposite slope She babel had gap in the wall. A little below the op- geons of Ontario. Office in rear o4 - subsided now, Hucksters left their ening, to Aberhart's drug g Janes Moore took his stand g store; Sea'EoriUh.• wares, and bookmakers their stools, stop and turn them; while a distance Phone 90. Roues 1.30-4 p n., 7,30' to watch the struggle. Every eye was 'behind his sheep 'loitered Owd Betb, -9 p.m. Other hours •by appointment, intent on the moving figures of m'anseeming to follow rather than drive, and dog and three sheep over, the yet watchful of every movement and stream; anticipating it, 'On he carne, one eye Dental One after one the competitors ran on his master, She other one his sheep; their course and penned their sheep never hurrying them, yet bringing —there was no single failure. All them rapidly along, DR, J. A. MU'N'N, Successor to - received their just meed of applause, INo word was spoken; barely a ges- Dr, R. R, Ross, graduate ,of North save only Adam -YM'Adam's Red IWull, hire made; yet they worked, master western University, Chicago, Ill. Tai - last of all, when Owd Bob trotted and dog, like one divided. centiate Royal College of Dental Sur - out to uphold his title, there went up, Through the gap, along the 11411 geons, Toronto. Office over Sadu' such a shout as made Maggie's .wan ,parallel to the spectators, playing into hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone - cheeks to blush with pleasure, and one another's hands like sten at polo. 151. ' wee Anne to scream right lustily. .A wide sweep for the turn at the His was an incomparable exhd'bi- flags, and the sheep wheeled ° as tion, Sheep should be humored rather though 'et the word Of command, DR. F. J. B'EOHELY, graduate than .hurried; coaxed, rather than dropped through them, and' travelled Royal • College of Dental Surgeons,. coerced. And that sheep -dog has at- rapidly for the bridge, Toronto. Office over W. R Sniffle's tained the summit of his art who sub- "Steady!" whispered the crowd. grocery, Main St., Seaforth; Phones, dues his own personality and leads 'his "Steady, man!" stuttered Parson office 185W, residence 185J. sheep in pretending so be led. Well Leggy. might the bosoms of the Dalesmen "Hold 'em, for God's sakel" croak - swell with pride as they watched their ed Kirby huskily, "D—n! I knew it! Auctioneer. favorite at his work; well might Tani- I saw it coming!" mac pull out that hackneyed phrase, The pace down the hill hail grown "The brains of a man and the way of quicker -too quick, Close on the GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed a woman"; well might the crowd bridge the three sheep made an ef- Auctioneer for the County of Her bawl with enthusiasm, and Long Kir fort to 'break, A dash—and two were Arrangements can be mad ale by puff his cheek and rattle the stoney checked; but the third went away like Date at The Seaforth News. Ch Sane in his trouser pocket, the wind, and after him Owd Bob, a " Charges But of this part it is enough to say'moderate and satisfaction guranteed. g gray streak against the green. that Oevd Bob and Red Well were Tamntas was cursing silently; Kir- selected to fight out the struggle by was white to the lip's; and in the afresh, stillness yon couldplainly hear the WATSON AND REID'S iDalesnlen's sobbing 'breath, as it flute Thecourse was altered and stiffen- tered in their throats, REAL ESTATE eel, On the far side of the stream it "Gallops they say he's old and AND INSURANCE AGENCY remained as before; up the slope; s'lowl" muttered the Parson. "Dash) roun(1 a flag; down the hill again; Look at that!" For the gray dog, rase (Succssors to James 'Watson) through the gap in the wall; along ing like the Nor'caster over the sea, MADN ST., SEAFORTH, , the hillside; clown through the two had already retrieved the fugitive. ORTH, ONT. flags; turn and to the stream again. Man and dog were coaxing the All kinds of Insurance risks effect - But the pen was removed from its three a step at a time toward the ed at lowest rates in 'First -Clasp former position, carried over the bridge. Companies. bridge, up the near slope, and the hurdles put together at the very foot One ventured --,the others followed, of the spectators. In the middle the leader stopped 111 The sheep had to be driven over and tried to -turn--and time was fly- THE 11I(r'KII,LOP the 'plank bridge, and the penning ing, fyin land the penning alone done beneath the very nose of the minutes. Many a man's Mutual Fire Insurance' Cot' crowd. A stiff course, if ever there hand was at his watch, bat ,no one was one; and the time allowed, ten could take 'hiss eyes off the "group, be- HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH; ,Ont chart minuses. low him to look. OFFICE'R5 "We're beat! I've won bet, Tani- Geo, R. McCartney,' Seaforth - Pres, The spectators hustled and elbowed utas!" groaned :S.ann'l. (The two had James-Conn'oll Goderic'h - in their endeavors to obtain a Vice -Pres:. good' a long-standing wager on the matter:)- Merton A. Reid, Seaforth-Sec.- Treas. position, And well 'they might; for I altos knoo how'would be. 1 anus AGENTS about to 'begin was the finest exhibi- told yo' the °eel tyke—" Then W. E. Hinclple Johntion of sheep -handling any man there 'breaking into a bellow, his honest Murray, R. R. 3, Seaford;� E. R. ''G, was ever to behold. en; face crimson with enthusiasm: "Cam Jarn:out'h, Brod'hag James Watt, on; Master, Good for yo', Gerd Um! Blyth' C. 'F. Hewett, '1Kincardiner; Evan Jones and little Pip led off. Yon's the style!" Wni. Yeo, Holmes•ville, a Those two, who had won on many or theDIRECTORS: as they hard-fought hadsever workedwtogether back of the gray dog had leapt on the W'i4liam Knox, I ondesboro; George oiled be,fore.ihindmost sheep; it •surged Leon'llairdt, Brod'hagen; James 1Con- Sm•oo't1t and swine, like a yacht 111 forward against the next, and they nolly, Goderic•h; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 1Southamptorr Water; round the flag, were over and up the slope amidst a 3, Seaforth; Robert Ferris; Myth; through t'he gap, they brought their :thunder of applause, George McCartney, N e sheep, Drown between the two flags— g Y No. 3a; es Shol- accomplishing that awkward turn; IAt the John Pepper, Thomaeld; James S'ho't - pens .it gas a sight to see dice, Welton; Thomas Moylan, No.: 5,. and hack to the bridge; shepherd and dog working together, Seaforth. There the The Mester, his face stern and a little Parties desirous to effect in y stopped: the sheep whiter than its ,wont, casting forward or. trans'act' would nolt face that narrow way, surancvr Once, twice, and again, theybroke: with both bands, herding the sheep in, promptly other business, will be and each time the gallant the graydog,P Y attended to by appkicatio•as g' t little Pi his eyes 'big ancLbrigiht, to,arey of este above namedectiyeofficers ad - brought tongue out and e, dropping to hand; crawling and 'd'ressed to their respective 'brought them back to the bridge_ afl(ioea, post head. (To Be Continued.) PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical Cup Day, It broke calm and beautiful, no cloud on the horizon, no threat of storm in the air; a fitting day an which ' the Shepherds' Trophy must be won outright.. And well it was so. For never since the founding of the Dale Trials had such a concourse been gathered together on the North bank ' of the Silver Lea. From the; Highlands they came;, from the far Cam'p'bell noun - try; front the Peak; from:the country of many acres;. from all along the fringesof the 'Solway; assembling ,in "He's ito there, IWulliel He's no, Murder! Ohl" ,bellowed a lusty voice that quiet corner of the earth 'to see there!"" —and it was not James 'Moore's. the fau,ous Gray Dog of-"Kentnuir He jumped down from the gate. fhe little man, the cause of the up- fight his last great battle for the S'hep Throwing all caution to the winds, he roar, lay quite still upon the ground; herds' Tro'pfiy. reeled reckle_s:y across the yard; The with another figure standing over him By 110,01 the gaunt Scour looked drunken delirium of battle'was on As he had stood, fingeringthe a ed him. The fever of anticipated victory ger; waiting for that last e tut dawn one ' . T a a gathering as had bolt to be never seen. The paddock at the back flushed his veins. At length he would drawn, a gray form; shooting whence of the 'Dalesaman's. Daughter was take toll for the injuries of years, nobody knew, had suddenly and ail- packed with a clain'mering, chattering Another moment, and he was in ently attacked hint from behind and multitude; animated groups of 'front of the good oak door, batteringg P har p - jerked. hint :backward to the ground, cert'bevies of solid rustles; sharp - at it madly with clubbed weapon, '\Pith the shock of the fall the blun- faced townsmen; loud -voiced book - yelling, dancing, screaming vengeat- derbuss had gone off. makers; giggling girls;, .amorous boys, ance. The Iasi bolt was thrown back with —thrown together like toys in a saw- 'Where i• he? What's he at? Come a clatter, and the _Master emerged, dust' bath; whilst here and there, on anis tell me that, James Moore! Come In a glance he took in the •whole the outskirts of the crowd, a lonely done, I say, ye coward I Come and scene: the fallen man; the gray dog man and wise -faced dog, come from meet me lite a man 1" the still -smoking weapon. afar to wrest the .proud title of t.`sil "Yo', was't Bob lad?" he said. "1' best sheep -dog in the North. "Scotts wha hae wi' Wallace :bled. was wondering' w•heer yo' were. yo At the back of the enclosure was Scotts wham 'Bruce has often led— came just at the reef moment, as yo drawn up a formidable array of carts Welcome to your gory bed aye do!" Then, in a loud voice, ad and carriages, varying as much in Or to victorle 1" dressing the darkness: "Yo're not quality and character as did their hurt, San,'1 Todd—I can tell that by owners. There was the squire's lane The soft moonlight streamed down yer noise; it was nob'but the shot off dau rubbing axle -boxes with Jam Bur - on the white-haired madman thund- the door warmed go'. Coom away ton's modest moke-cert; and there erin door, the ,or, screaming his war- doors and Ste me a hand." Viscount IBirdsaye's flaring barouche song' :He walked up to M'Adam, who stil side by side with the red -wheeled The quiet farmyard, startled from lay gasping on the ground. The shock wagon of I{enmuir. its sleep. awoke in an uproar. Cattle of the fall and the recoil of the weep- 'In the latter, Maggie, sad and shifted in their stalls; hones whin- on had knocked the breath out. of sweet in her simple summer garb, nied; fowl: chattered, aroused by the the little man's body; beyond that he leant over to talk to Lady Eleanour; din anis dull thudding of the blows. was barely hart, while golden -haired wee Anne, g, The and •chore the rest, loud and iercinde- P• Master stood over his fallen lighted with the surging crowd the ehrill cry of a terrified child, enemy and looked sternly down at around, trotted about the wagon, way- Maggie. wakening from a vivid .1im. ing to Flier friends; and shouting from dream of David Chasing the police, 'I'cs put up wi' more from you, 31'- very joyousness. hurried a C!sattl around her, and in a ?dam, that f would from ony other 'Thick as flies clustered that ngotle ` minute had the baby in her arms and man," he said, "But this is too much assembly on the north band of } w n nt ceo. ting 'her—vaguely fearing connin' here at night wi' loaders arms Silver Lea, While on the other side that the Pence were after David. ecarin' the wimmen and childer clot the stream was a little group roe f fames Moore flung open a window, their live., and I can but think judges, inspecting the course, ens Tann* out, looked down on the lneanin worse, 'If yet' were half a The lime laid out ran thus: the dishevelled figure below him. than I'd gie yo' the finest tllrashin' sheep trust first be found in the big 11'.1 lain heard the no:se, glanced her yo' had in yer life. But, as yo' enclosure to the right of the starting up { m i saw• hie enemy. Straightway know well, I could no more hit yo' flag; then tip the slope and away from he Cea"Cd his attack on the door, and, than I could a woman. !Why yo've the spectators; around a flag and ob- running beneath the window, shook got this down on me yo' ken best. I liquely down the hill again; through It weep 0 up at his Inc. river did yo' or any ither mat a harm. a g here ye are, are ye? Curee ye for As to the Cup,I've gap in the trip; along the hillside, a hoard 5 curse ye for a liar! Come got a and I'm parallel to through Silver Lea; abruptly to Ecru to do ma best to keep it ft', the left through a pair of !fags—the doou, I say, James Moore) come doon yo' to win it from me if go' carr —I char ye to it 1 dines and for a' a' Thursday, As for what yo' o' the trickiest lope for the n f pen, whiclh then set down9 let -ett:e nor account" David, yo'know it's a lie. And as ! was up The Master, lu',king down from for what close to the ,tidings over the stream. above, tiv,r>.rht that at length the lit- Y'y're drrvfn' at wi' yer 'hints The proceedings began with the g g and mysteries, I've no more ides than Local Stakes, won by Rob 5'aunder- tle man's brain had gone. a babe tinhorn. Noo I'm "What ie't go' want?" he asked, as lock go' up,gain' d, the son's veteran, Shes, Three Toff by calmly as he could, hoping to 'yo're not hand ye o'erato Ns Open Juveniles, carried off to P• S gain I'm [hinkin' I'll ha' to Ned Ho time. the p'lice." PAum's young dog. It was late "What fs't I rant?" screamed the With the het of ! in the afternoon when, at length, the pSeel s half ,great event of the meeting was madman. "Hark to him! He crosses .dragged, tali supported the stunned reached, ani in ilka thing; he plots agin me; little man across the yard; and shoved In the enclosure behind the Dales he robs me o' ma Cup; he sets ma him into a tiny semi-subterraneous man's Daughter the clamor of the son agin me and pits him ,on to mur- mum, used for the storage of coal, at crowd increased tenfold, and the l der me! And in the end he—" the end of the farm -buildings, y s "Coom, then coom! I'll—" 'rYr,' think it over that side, ssa of W'the bookmakers gen'l ware redoubled. Gie me back the Cup ye stole, lad," called the -Baster grimly, as he ole` Wal! up, pen'leme», walk ups the Jamee Moore, 'Gie me back ma son turned the key, "and I will this," firm' gasper? Twenty to twbary to! i ye to took front me! And there's an- And with that he retired to bed. one bar h t Twenty ? onevbar two, ither thing What's yer gray dog Bob? What pricee penny longer, ecouldn't Join'? 'Where's yer—" Early in the morning he went to ser -no' not a penny couldn't The Master'interposed again: release his prisoner. But he was a d j it !Red Wall? 'oo says Red "I'll worn loon and talk thins P wee?. g minute too late. For scuttling down On the far side the stream is chis- over wi' go'," he said eoothingly. But the slope and away was a little black- tared about the starting before he could withdraw, McAdam begrimed, tottering figure with white est array of sheep-dogeveg the fio- hart jerked his weapon to his should- hair blowing in the wind. •The little ge'ther, seen to- er and aimed it full at his enemy's man had brokenaway a wooden hat- "I head, clunent which covered a manhole in "I've never seen such a field, and The threatened man. looked down the wall of his prison -,house, squeezed I've seen fifty," is Parson 'Leggy's the wholly unmoved, great quivering mouth, his small body through, and s:o es- 4C There, beside the e tall form of his mon,'odf god hit!" the steadier, rilittle " l'appen it's as well," thought the he observed lds Bab o' ry brush g y Master, w•aitehing the flying figure. fans the air of all. His silvery brush "There, :1'11 coom help yo'!" He with- Then, "Hi,Bob, lad 1" he called; for and he holds his dark drew slowly; and all gray he time wwas the gray dog, ears back, tail stream- prowead high as to scats t challengers, wonderingwhere the g ug, teas hurling down the slope after proudly conscious that to -da In another moment he was dawn- the fugitive, make or near dais name. Below his, the stairs, undoing the bolts and bars of On the bridge M'Ada•m turned, and, mean -soaking, smooth -coated Pip,winner i blade the door. On the other side stood 1t'- {eeing his pursuer hot u dog is the un;hears Stri es at Adam, his blunderbuss at his should screamed, missed his footing, aa nim the renowned Cambrian Stakes at ger, er, hiswfinger trean'bling on the trig• with a loud splash into the stream— oLf�all thelgoodmangs tthine hat havfell e best ahs at in that identical spat into from she, d' r. e come `'1 -Ii, Master! Stop, er yo're dead l" w h ch, years before, he had plunged that handsome sable collie, roared a voice from the'!oft on the voluntarily to save Red WulL sheep -dotted Wales. Beside :hint other side of the °lite, with the yard. On the bridge Owd Bob , tremendous nous face and slash of white o- "Feyther! ieytherl git yrs' back!" i,,oked down at the man strugglingoltand throat and face, is the famous Mac - screamed Maggie, who saw it all from the water below, He made a half at tlt Callum More, fresh from his victory the window shove the door. •mens as thr'ugh to leap in to the mea b e Idfghland meeting, Their cries were t..c, latel The blurs cos of his enemy • the rotvn clog, seemin ,of The bobby, Y, n, seeing it was from 'the later! o' the many breeds, derbuss went off with a roar, belch- unnecessary, turned and trotted backTykes—Merry, ring out a storm of sparks and smoke• to his !teeter, an wham the Ythey trenten are clay. 'The shat peppered the door like hail, "Ye' nnh'bst served him right, Ten ing as though they .loved hyo Y and the whole yard seemed for a mo- `' 1-• less, the wiry black-and-tan,• And" hinkfn'; said the Master. "Like as tnvo:rite of the men ol'is the meet wrapped in flame, not he came here wi' the intent "Aw, '0111 ma gummy! A'm woannd- mak' an end to yo.' Well, after Thurso gas rhe e; Londesley:s ,Lassie; Derwent ed! A'm a goner! A'm shot 1 `tsps 1 Dove AAer'• big blue gasper nd day; I pray God we'll :ha' peace. It's more—too many to menton: big :and A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon land mail it with di for a six weeks' trial subscription to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published byBToaeonOsMaNh8xc, e 0PII8➢,➢IAi,e Boman' in It YOU will and the dally good new of the world from, its flee special writers,, se well as departments devoted to women's` and children's Interests, sports, music, finance, edacatlon, radio, etc You will be glad to welcome Into Your home so fearless an advocate of .peen, and prohibition. And don't' miss Snubs, Our Dog, and the Sundial end the other features.. THE ONAIernd $pI➢NCE wId e' a, Bonk Bay atfltlON, nniQnn, Masa. Pined send moa six -weeks' trial subscription. I enclose one dollar (SI),_ o+Fry�e fir•• (ceme, plea:, print) (Address) i'ros ,, state) "Have you heard Signor Basso? A great virt(roso!" "I'm mat interested in his character. Can he sing?" Use Miller's Worm Powders and the battle against 'worms is won,. 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