HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-09-28, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON. A highly esteeine'd resident of Wal- ton for aver twenty years, Mrs, John Fulton, formerly Miss Jane Crawford, passed away about midnight on Mon- day lash, Sept. 13th, at the home of cher daughter, Mrs. Dougherty, at !Blyth, where she has been residing for about three -years. Th'ou'gh she would have been 94 next May, Mrs. Fulton had been around as .sual until a few days before her death and was active physically as a young person, suffering:. only one affliotion, the par- tial loss of memory, She is the last surviving member of the Crawford &family, her two brothers having pre- deceased her, the late- David 'Craw- ford, who resided in MCKdlop oil the farm now occupied by his son, Mr, David Crawford, and the late Jeun'es Crawford, ev+ho resider' in, St Marys, The deceased and her husband lived for many years hi Hibbert, coming a. from there to ,Walton where they lived for twenty years: Mr. Fulton died five years ago. Surviving are se- ven daughters and three sons, Lawr- ence Fulton, Stratford; John Fulton,. Boston; James. 11. Fulton, Brussels; Mrs. Gillis CEmma), Niagara; Mrs, Ed. Bruce ('Mary Ann), Winnipeg; Mrs. Dave Cheseny ,Elizabeth) Win- nipeg; Firs. Slavin, °Salina) in west; Mrs. Harry Charters. (°Ida), ;Seaforth; Mrs. Andrew Bruce ('Sar- ah), lith can. Grey; Mrs. John " A. Dougherty (1Saegaret) Eiyth. The el- dest, William, died When five years of age. The funeral took place from the residence of her daughter on Fridayl afternoon at 2 o'clock, the services ing conducted by a former Walton pastor, Rev. Mr. Craik, of Goderich, Interment took place in Brussels •cem- etery, the pallbearers being Mr. 'Sim- an'ons of Brussels; David Crawford, John Crawford, Joseph Carter and L. Williams. ,Rumor has it that wedding 'bells will soon be ringing an the boundary east of village. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fulton spent a few days last week in Blyth and at- tended- the funeral of their sister-in- law, Mrs. John :Fulton. Mrs. Bertie Parr is visiting Mrs, Jos. Dennis and friends in McKillop. An informal banquet for the Wal- ton football team in appreciation of their good.spartsmahs•hip is being gi- ven by Rev. Mr. Cummings and the ladies of Duff's Church on Monday evening next. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, Mrs. Md\icholl and Mr. A. J. Carter at- tended Seaforth fair on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, D. K. •Livingston have moved into the house they recently .purchased in rhe village. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Balton of Ro- chester, N;Y., spent the week end vis- iting friends in this vicinity. Messrs. Jos. and Earl Balton, who have been visiting friends in Roches- ter. N.Y., have returned home. Messrs. Earl and Leslie Hoy and ;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cardiff spent a couple of days last week in London, returning Friday. Quite a number from Walton at- tended the funeral of Mrs. John Ful- ton of Blyth on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Morritt and little daughter from near Blyth visited the latter's mother, ',Mrs. Marshall. •r and Mrs. Thomas Fulton ef Shakespeare, visited his uncle, Mr. Hugh Fulton in Walton and also re' atives at Teesw'ater and Blyth os Sunday. The following refers to the death of Dr. D. B. Marsh, who was a brother- in-law of Mrs, Wni, Clark and Mr Peter Gardiner of Walton. (Rev. Dr. D. B. Marsh, noted scien- Farm Machinery and Repairs' Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth JOHN .`'GAALLOI? AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. a post -graduate course in science and philosophy at Chicago, He entered the pulpit at Dwight, Muskoka, 'but his first official charge was at 'Black- heath. \c.T,hile at Blackheath, Dr. Marsh completed work on a phon'o- grap'h he had invented and in this quiet spot he also designed a stetho- scope used for many years by the me - aim! profession. Astronomy, however, occupied most of his attention and af- ter long research he designed a photo- graphic mechanism by which the heavenly bodies could be ph'oto- grap'hed through small telescopes. This proved of great value to astron- omers and was recognized by his ap- pointment to a fellowship of the Roy- al Astronomical Society of Great Bri- tain in 1'904, Two years ,'before this he had decided to join one of Capt. Derek's trips to the far earth and started to build a telescope for the purpose, but the Canadian Govern- ment advised against it and he did not go. When the. Can'ad'ian Government sent a party to observe the eclipse in Labrador in 1905, however, Dr. Marsh accompanied it and gained much dis- tinction, BLYTH FAIR RANGE Blyth Fall Fair took ,place on Tues- day and Wednesday of this week. 'There was a large a'tten'dance, Wed- nesday afternoon, alt'hou'gh' the early morning e'as vet. The indoor dep'ar!R- ments were curtailed this year, by re- d'u'dtian of prize money and classes reduced and collated, con+seduently the entry List was only about half the usual number. There were no entries for pigs. The school fair was nut held this year and no school children's parade. LONDESBORO Miss Lillian Adams returned home on Saturday after spending two weeks with relatives in Brampton, Guelph and Stratford. Miss Margaret Caldwell, who has been visiting at her uncle's, returned to her house on Saturday. Her cousin, Miss Mary, accompanied her for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McCool accom- panied by Mr. Tont Miller, spent a few clays with Windsor and Detroit friends last week. Mrs, W. Allen leaves this week for Toronto and northern points, Mrs, Allen expects to be away about two weeks, 'Tics Maud Lyon returned home ome af- ter spending a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs. Gaunt of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pickett and Johnnie Sunday -ed in Clinton....... Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Tatnblyn and children of Toronto spent the week- end the guests of Mrs, Josie T'atmblyn. HORS'E'S. OLD AND NEW KIPPEN with EDGAR 'WILK'ER AND HIS OKLAHOMA FIVE featuring +Walker Hart FRIDAY 'SEPTEMBER 29 Admission 25c Ladies 10c ZURICH FAIR Zurich Full IF!air Was held on Mon- day and 'Toesdiay of this week and was the most suece'ssiful fair' held bly the +Zuri'ch Agricu'ltur'al'Society for at least five years from' the standpoint of attendance'and exhibits, The after- noon proved 'wairen and !fine 'a'ttracting a large el -dyed. 'The play •given by the young people of 'Zurich in the even- ing was an emtnense success. 117oilai}^iarg are the 'prize winners: !DAI'RY PRODUCTS Butter in crooks, Mrs. Jahn Wright (Auburn); butter in prints, R'oibetit Wightotan, Mrs. John Wright; bunter in roll, R. Proctor, Robert' Wightmhn, APIARY PRODUCTS Honey ,and maple syrup, Mrs. R. !SIhaw, William Walden; dozen hen•'s eggs, R. Proctor. Fancy Work -Collection, Mrs, R, Shaw, Mrs. Isabella Johnston. !Ant Work - !Collection, Jodspivine Woodcock, Mrs. R. Shaddick. (Floral Exhibits -Cut flowers, Alice Gillespie; ,pot plants, Alice Gillespie, !'+Irs, R. Shaw. THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1933. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Heralded as the greatest of all Eng- lish ;Productions HORSE'S General Purpose Brood mare and fo'al, H. Bender, J. Gelinas foal H. 'Be"nder, C. Erb; 1 year old gelding or filly, Wint. Decker, S'a'm Hendrick; 2 year 'Old gelding or filly, Geo. Decker, E. IRes!tnmeyer; 3 year old gelding or filly, Sam Hend- rick; span mares or 'geldings in ,her Hess, Wm, Decker. Agricultural (Brood mare and 'foal, M. Tinney, W. !Nonthreo'tt; 'foal, Webster 'Bros, M. Tinney; 1• year old gelding . or filly, Webster Bros., J. IGelma's; 21 year old gelding or filly, 15.'Geliu•as and 2nd; 3 year old gelding or fillyl, Sam Herta- pick; span nearss or geldings, Webs- ter Bros. Heavy Draught (Brood mare •and foal, G. Jacobi, H. Truemner; foal, G. 'Jacdbi, H. Tr'uem- tter; .1' year old gelding OT 'filly, Wm. Northcutt; 3 year old gelding or filly .lian'son :Bros; span mares or geldings, E. Willert, Geo. Becker. Roadster B'ro'od mare aad :bail, 'E, 'W, Fawm, R. Geiger; 'foal, E. W. I. awn, E. Res- teymeyer; 3 year old gelding or filly, H; Truemner,•span'mares or geldings, W. MdGutre single roadster, C. Parke,' J. Gibson; lady driver,: E. Wil - Jere ,.Domestic -Science - (Collection jel- lies, marmalade and wines, Mrs. R. Shaw, 'William Walden; collection pickles, catsup and salad dressings, LAeice Gillespie, Mrs, R. Shaer; pastry, !William Walden. Judge, Mrs. Hey, Zurich, Judges, Dr. Campbell, Hensall and Wm. Hey, Zurich. Agricultural ,Brood mare and foal, Verne Dale, Seaforth; foal, Verne Dale; gelding or °filly, Fred Toll, Blyth; gelding or filly, 1 year, Thos. Bolger, Blyth; team, Fred Toll; mare or gelding, any age, Fred Toll; best coilection of horses, Fred Toll. Heavy Draught Team, John Vadden; mare or geld- ing any age, Jahn Vodden. General Purpose Gelding or filly, 2 years, Wes Haugh, Wingham• gelding or filly, .1 year, Wes. Haugh; mare or gelding, any age, Wes .Haugh. Roadsters Single driver, Cruickshank & Fry- fogle, Wingh'am; 2nd, Currie and Terivitt, Wimgham; 3'rd, J. D. Rich- ardson, Dungannon. Lady driver -Currie and Tervitt and 2nd; team of mares or geldings, Currie & Tenvd'tt; Cruilcshanks 8s 'Fryfogle; mare and foal, John Deans, Win,gham and 2nd. fist and astronomer, died at his home They were accompanied back to the miltan on Sept. 32. Dr. .Harsh city with Mrs. Ira Rapson and little Ii in a Mies Shirley who expect to spend a had been ill for some mantis and his couple of weeks the guests af Mr. and death was not unexpected. Dr, Marsh, Mrs. Tanublyn. who was 75 years of age, came into Mr. and Mrs. John Nott and Miss pr, •ice following the total eclipse Pelle .-pent Saturday and Sunday the sun in the eastern portion of vire!Hecpeler fiends. They were ac - the continent just over a year ago. He catnpauied by 3{r. and Mrs. Stevens led a distinguished party of astron- and children of Seaforth. inners from Hamilton to Acton Vale,We are glad to report that Miss Que., to observe the phenomena and Ether Lynn is able to be about returned with some of the finest plc again and has gone to the country to tures ever obtained by any scientific her brother, 'I r, Wm. Lyon, on a party Despite hisage, Dr. Marsh visit. was the most enthusiastic scientist in The Women's Association will hold that expedition and on his return no- their monthly meeting in the base - thing could restrain him from leaving meat of the Church this Thursday Hamilton far his home li, }n ht,the afternoon; hoping for a good atten- w�here in the dead of t g by dance. rays of a special lamp he himself de- Messrs Radford, Moon. Snell and, velo•ned the plates that had been ab- Caldvvehls whomotored out West a rained. iHis son, J. A. Marsh, is also few weeks ago returned to their homes 'Monday, reporting work. scarce but a real nice trip. The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in commun- ity hall on Wednesday, October 4th. Please note change of day. Mrs, R. Townsend Will give a talk nn her trip to the coast. Duet, Mrs. H. Sunder - rock, Mrs. Crawford; current events, Sirs. C. Riddell hostesses, Mesdames a noted scientist, being past president M the Hamilton branch of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Dr. Marsh, !Ph, B., Sc D„ IF, R. A. S,, was born at Walters Falls, on Georgian Bay, aad in his early years showed tendencies towards scientific investi- gation. While a inere,iad he designed and built a steam engine which he used to propel a canoe at whatwas T, Little, \V. Lyon, F, Wood, W. then a great speed. Then his mother Meaning, W. T. Brunsdan, F. Little, are him a telescope and instructed T. H. SholehrokMeeting to cam- him at sharp. him in the elementary facts of astron- omy, and this early influence shaped the +course of his 'life. 'He was edu- W l F ll• but found his • strioteri and once wor e o j. save up money accnm' allied fur a visit to the Gavernmeu•t o'bser- threat home and will remain there for mei 2.30 Mr. Don .Snell, George Radford and some other young men returned from the Western provinces on Monday. caned at Walters Falls, RACES, ETC. Bicycle Race -Ralph Saint (Wing ham), Hellbent Doe/ming, Murray Johnston, Bert Ellidtt,' Earl Cart- wright, Albert Tunney, Ray Dobbin. 2:215 Trot or Pace, mile, purse --$50. 'Grattan Wilkes (Mitchell),... 1 1 ,1 Princess W.. .... ••• • 2 2 2 Brown Berry '' 3 3 3 !Farmers Trot or Pace, mile -426. Della Brin•o 0 '1 Black Joe , .. 2 2 Elden Grattan ....... ..... 3 6 Running Race: Tony (Clark) . .. 11 Bertha (IR. Fisher) , 2 Topsy (C. Blake) . ,i.,..... 3 Potato Race -Topsy, Bertha, Tony. CATTLE Shorthorn Milk cow, Oestricher Bros., Thos. Taylor & Son; also two year old hei- fer, one year old heifer, heifer ca'l'f, bull one year. Bull calf, Oestricher 'Bros. and 2nd; herd, bull and two females, Oestricher Bros, Grades n R. R. itma, 'filch cow,g Robt. Wiegman, ' Proctor (Brussels); two year old heifer, R. Proctor; year old heifer, R. R. Proctor; heifer calf and steer calf. R. R. Proctor; fat caw or heifer, any 'breed, Thos. Taylor & Son. Herd of Cattle -.(R. Simpson Co.), R. Proctor, herd of cattle (T. Eaton Co.), Oestricher Bros. Herefords Mitch caw, James D. Little & Son (Teesw+ater); two year old heifer, J. D. Little & Son; one year old heifer,. heifer calf acid bull calf, James D Little & Son and 2nd; aged bull, J. D. Little & Son; herd, J. D. Little & Son. Judge - George 13. Arntstrang Teeswater. Mfr and Mrs., W. Tambl n of Tor - scope at ento ,pent a abort Nes!. with the for- oddjie tier'; mother, Mrs. J', Tam!b:lyn last add ole for monthsto•. •lc 1lrs Tt•t Ranson P vatory at Toronto, walking 12 miles •i few weeks. t.r a railway atation to start the jour- \Lr E. Ileskas leased Mr. Mat ncy. When lie was 1.7 he built a barn Ileen's farm and which still stands in tare• far his father\fr Harvey Morris and Mr. Coulter Grey county. 'His thirst for know- ,r Tototlto ;Hera the week end with ledge sent him to Toronto with $30 Mr J P 'F:utnin'q and other friends; The Friendly lv Cla. in his pockets to enter upon a course in ,science and theology, He entered Knox College and toiled at the bench of a watchmaker in hi; off hours, far into the night' hours during the long hnsirs of study to raise enough money el.: his fees, ide graduate'l from Knox :and ordained at Erantosa, then taking 1 he • j _.es of the Thsite 1 Church Sunday School are holding e evening nn Friday evening in h!rh the Senior Bible 'Class are in- vited. 'Fruit :,hould be :picked as far as rnssihie in the 'cool of the day and 'hover whi'ist wet from rain or ,dew. SHEEP Leicester Ram, Ep!hriani Snell (Clinton); shear- ling hearling ram, E. Snell; ram iamb, E. Snell, Thomas Taylor & Son; ewe, E. Snell; shearling ewe, E. Smell; ewe lamb, E. Snell, Shropshire Downs :Orval McGowan won first in all classes in Shropshire Downs. Oxfords.. iRam, W. M. Henry 9Be'lgrave); shearling ram, W. M. Henry; ram lamb, W. 11, Henry; ewe, W. M. Henry, Earl Caldwell; shearling ewe, W. M. Henry; ewe lamb, W. M. Henry, Earl Caldwell, Dorset. 'Orval MdGoevan won first in six classes of D'orsets. Judge -!George 13, Armstrong, !POULTRY. 1 2 3 2 3 BRUCEFIELD. Mr, and Mrs• Jas, \+Laxwell of Graf - toe, North Dakota,.are at present vis- it'in'g Mrs. Maxwell's sisters, 'Miss Munro and Mrs, Nesbitt, also other friends. Quite a number from here attended the Seaforth fair on Friday last. Mrs,, 'Robert A'l'lan entered 19 entries in the horticultural department. We con- gratulate her on receiving 19 prizes on these se entries. is the London Mrs. 'iLcD na;ld of L guest af her' sister, Mrs. R. McKen ale, at present. !Miss Annie Mu'st'ard of London spent the week end at her home in the v!•(llage, The many friend; of Mrs. iRev,) W. A. Bremner will regret to hear that she is confined to her bonne with an attack of inflammatory 'rheumat- ism. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mrs. hl) .) Peter 'McDonald and son and two daughters of London vis- ited at the home of Mrs. Alex. Ross this week. The sally day service was well at- tended last Sunday. The girls and boys of the Sunday Scheoi supplied excellent music at both services, Much credit is due to the leader of the choir, Miss Jean Murdoch. A duet ',vas sung by Miss Audrey Cochrane of Stanley and Miss Drysdale of Hen- sall, entitled "Tlhe Old Rugged Cross" which was much enjoyed. \•hater An- drew McKenzie read a story entitled, "Truly Brothers," and (Parry Collins recited ''V,btit a Tattle Chap Can Do, both stories telling of the joy cif ser- vice for others. Haw true it is what we send into the lives of others comes. back into our owns. Mr. Haugh, the superintendent, spoke about the en'coura!gensemt he had in hiis Sunday School work. He had always found teachers for every class, One of the teachers resigned after a term Of thirty-two years; her CIAO will be taught by one of her for- mer pupils. The Pastor, Rev. 1sT, A. •Bremner, preached two very helpful sermons, In the morning, taking the Rally theme, Serving Jesus To -day, lie spoke about tlse necessity of chil- dren studying their lessons at home. Of course we all know that the res- ponsibility rests upon the parents. In the evening be preached from the words, "She hath done whet she could." He said that this beautiful story of Mary's gift of precious oint- ment Hien .is told now itssix hundred dif- ferent languages, world. .\ dance will be held ins \7aT'oodley's new barn on Monday night, Oct. 2nd, tinder the auspices of the Brucefield 'Rovers football club; was in Il:der- Mr. D. FotheriuBtlatss Hier - ton judging- an Wednesday, Carriage .Brood more and -fo'a'l, A. 'Reichert; foal, 5..Meidinger, MEd, 'Walper; 1 year old •gelding or filly, Manson Bros2.; year old gelding or 'filly, E. 3 year old gelding or fitly, Manson Bros; singe carriage horse to buggy and harness, E. Willert, E. Walpe:r. [Judge -.W. S. Steadman. CATTLE Registered Durham Cows in milk, W. 'Oestricher; year- ling heifer, also bill calf, W. Oestri - cher and ;dire; 2 year old heifer, heifer calf, 0 year old bull calf, Durham herd, W. Oestricher. MilkReef Type Grades cow, Fred Haberer, A. Pfaff; heifer, 2 years old, A. !Pfaff, Bert Klapp; heifer, 1 year old, A. Pfaff, 'B. Klapp; heifer calf, B. Klapp; steer 2 year old, F. Haberer and 2nd; steer, 1 year old, F. Haberer and 2nd; steer calf, A. Etho n and 2nd; fat cow Bert Klopp; herd grade, A. Pfaff, B. Klopp. Holstein 'Mlilk caw, W. Sparks, H. Clausitts; heifer, '2 yrs. old, W. Sparks and 2nd; Meier, 11' yr old, W. ,Sparks, H. Claus- ius; heifer 'calf, W. Sparks, 0. Oest- rcher. ROME EXPRESS !Pekin Ducks, David Gwynn; wh. Leghorn, cock, pullet, David Gwynn; Barred Rock, cock, . hen, David Gwynn; Rhode Island Red, hen, cock, David Gwynn; Legh'onals, bro:wts, D, Gwynn; Legion's, any other var., R T. '\d. Henry CBe'lgrave) Minorcas, Dav- id Gwynn, W. M. Henry; Plvissouth Rocks, white, David Gwynn; Anconal, David Gwynn. ' judge -,Charles Watson, Landes= boro. ROOTS. Early notatoes, David Gwynn, R. 'Proctor ('Brussels); late potatoes, Mrs John Wright (Auburn). 17. Gwynn; earrre.s carrots. James tackle, airs. R. Shaw; turnips, it Proctor; table beets, R. Proctor. James Lockic; su- ,rar beets, H McElroy; mangolds, R. Proctor, Pie, pumpkin, Mrs, R. Shaw, William Walden; pumnkin, David Gwynn; yellow onions, H. McElroy, Tallies hackie; field beans, David Gwynn; cahlsage, Mrs. R. Shaw; to- matoes. any var.. William Walden, FRUIT Winter apples, Ti. \'fcElroy, Wil- liam' Walden 'collection canned and ereser•ved fruits, Alice Gillespie, Mrs. R. Shaw. Judge -George Sloan,. Blyth. ,Persian ''Balm is 'magical in creating aliening complexions, A little gentle rubbing and your skin is invigorated end touched with the true 'beauty of youth. 'Charmingly fragrant. De- lightful to use. Cools and caresses the skin. Relieves all roughness -and chafing caused 'by weather conditions Tones ;and stimulates. Enhances and 'srntect; the loveliest complexion. ;Va- cherie. Jersey Milk cow, T. Mittleholtz, H. Dor- land; heifer, 2 'yrs, old, F. Brock and 2nd' .heifer, 1 yr. old, E. Haberer and 2nel; heifer calf, E. Haberer. with Esther Ralston and Conrad Veldt Comedy News Reel Mon. Tues. Wed,, Oct. 2-3-4 BIG DOUBLE !BDLL Blue' Danube and Mischief Don't miss seeing these two big Features Thurs. Fri. Sat., Oct. 5-6-7 Man of the Forest With An ALL STAR CAST Comedy News Reel 1Wh'ite O'npington!s-ck and hen, T. Wilson and 2n.d. rBalI Orpington-Ckl, 0. Battler, F. Kachenus; ,hen and put, 0. Battler, F. Koche!ms, 'White Wyaindo'ttes-Ck, C. " Cour- sey, O. Battler; hen, T. C. Wilson; pullet, C. Coursey. (Silver 'Lace' hlryatrdottes-Oh, hen and cockerel, 'L. O'Brien and 2nd, 'Rhode Island Reds-!Ck, hen, F. Koclsems, Letherland & Bentley; ckl, F. Triebn'or, F. Koahems; pul, K. Kochenrs and 2nd. Gahnpintes-Ck, ckl, pul, L. O'Brien, hen, Letherland &'Bentley and 2!nd. LAnconas-4Ck, hen, ckl and pad, L. 01Brien and 2nd, IB'lack 'Spanish-Ck, F. Koche'ms, hen, T. C. Wilson, F. Koc'hems; pul, F. Kochenrs, Silver Grey Dorlc!imgs-Ck, F. Ko-, chems, T. C. Wilson; hen, ckl, pul., F. Kochenrs: tGolden Polish-Ck, hen,. .pul, L. O'Brien and 2nd. Bantams Booted-Ck, L. O'Brien, C. Coursey; hen, C. 'Coursey, L. 'O'- Brien; ckl and put, L 'O'Brien. Bantams, Unbooted-Ck, C. Coursey, H. Clauslfus; hen, N. Campbell, C. Coursey, ckl and pal, N. Campbell. Any other variety, Ck, hen, N. Campbell, T. Wilson; cki, 'Letherland & ,Bentley, N. Camplbell;. pul, N. Campbell. Collection of pigeons, H. Ctausius Dr, MacKinnon. Black Jersey Giants-Ck and p•ui, N. Campbell, C. Coursey; hen and Belt C. Coursey, N. Campbell; Anda - lumens, Ck, hen, ckl, pul, O. Battler & 'Son. ,Pekin China Ducks -Old, T. Snow- den, 0. Battler; young, C. Coursey, 0, Battler; eRouen ducks, old and young, C. Coursey, T. Snowden, Ducks, any variety, C. Coursey, J. Grieve, t e'-•Yottn C. Coursey, N. Gees Y. 8� Campbell; old,C Coursey, R. Geiger; Toulouse geese, old, C. Coursey, 1B. Trtteurner; young, C Coursey, H. Truemner; turkeys, old and young, C. Coursey, N. Campbell. Wild geese, old and young, Haberer Bros. and 2nd; wild ducks, C. Cour- sey, Judge -William Carter. SHEEP Lincolns Ageded nam T. Snowden, Geo. Pen - hale; shearling ram, J. Lindell,T. Snowden; shearling ewe, J. F. ind- en and 2nd; ram lamb, T. Snowden, J. F. Linden; ewe lamb, J. Linden and lid; ewe, J. l itden.+and 2nd, Oxford Downs 'Aged ram, \V. 'Henry; shearling ram, shearling ewe, W. Henry and 2nd; ram 'lamb, W 'Henry; ewe lamb. ewe, W. 'Henry and 2nd, Shropshire Downs Aged ram, shearling ram, shearling ewe, 0. McGowan, R. D. Hinter; ram lamb, O. McGowan; R. D, !Hunter; ewe lamb, R. D. 'Hunter and 2nd; ewe 0. McGowan and 2nd, Leicester Sheep ;Aged ram, W. H'eury, P. Masse & Son; shearling ram, W. Henry and 2nd; shearling ewe, ram lamb, ewe lamb, ewe, W. Henry and 2nd; fat sheep, R. D. Hunter, W. Henry. HOGS Yorkshire Aged sow, .H, Ctausius; aged boar, A. \%Varner, Manson Bros;. spring boar, A. Warner and 2nd; spring saw, H. Clausitis, Manson Bros. Tamworth Aged sow. 'Manson Bros, 3.'Gelinas: aged boar, Manson Bros; spring sow, J. Gelinas, Manson Bros, Judge --Allan Schantz, Waterloo. POULTRY !Black Hantburgs, ,ck, hen and pule 0. Battler. S.P. Hamtburgs-Ck, hen, ckl, L. OiBrien, T. C. Wilson. Utility Barred Rocks-Ck, cki, pui, N. Ce sipbell and 2nd. Utility Wh'i'te Rocks-ck, 'L. O'- Brien, 'Le•eherlen•cl & 'Bentley; hen, H. Truenvset, Letherland & Ben'tley; ekl. C. Coursey; pet, T. Snowden, C. Coursey. ,. rl nil & 'Bent- 13rah Course, ''Chen, T, C. Wilson ley, C. Coursey; and 211.d; ckl, Letherland & Bentley, F. Kochenrs: pui, Letherland & Bent- ley. T. C Wilson. Black llinorcas--Cie, F, K clh 0. Battler hen, Letherland Bent- ley, C. Coursey •ckl, H: Truemner, C. mner, Coursey; pul, F. 'Ko'cheiits, H. True - ,White Minorcas-Clc, L O'Brien. C. Coursey; hen, C. Coursey; ckl, O'Brien. T. C. Wilson, nil, L. O'- Brien and 2as•d, Cochins-C•k, Tr, Campbell. hen and nue N. Campbell, T. C. Wilson; ckl, N. Cxmnbell and 2nd. !Brawn Leghorns-Ckl, C. Coursey Letherland & Bentley; hen, C. Cour- sev. T. C Wilson; nil, T. C. Wllsgn. ;Buff Leg'horn.s'---'Ck, Letherland & 13entlev; hen, (Letherland & Bentley. T, ,O'Brien; cki, Letheriancl & Bent- ley. L. O'Brien; pal, L, O'Brien, Le- therland & !Bentley, • S.C.W. Legions -Cie, C. Coursey. hen, Letherland & Bentley, C. Cour- ail, sty, ckl, T. Wilson, C. Coursey; p T \'Jilson, 1I. Tmner. R CaW. Leghorns-hrueen, T. C. Wil- son. JUNIOR FARMERS' CLASS Pair of market lambs, C. !Gelinas, Mary Snowden, laizabeflt Snowden, J, Gelinas; pair of bacon hogs, R. Gei- ger, Hiaberer Bros., 'C. Gelinas; baby beef, A. Fisher, 0. Battler. SPECIALS Milton Oesch, Webster Bona.; J. W. ileriler M. Finley; R. Simpson Co, 'E Willert; Chester Salmon, J. Metding r J. ;Jacobi; '1. Eaton Co„ Wnt, 'Sparks; 1--I. Yunghlut & Son, Letherland & Bentley; John Kal'b- fletisch,. W. Oestricher; Bank of 'Mon- treal, 0. Battler; Stade & ,Weido, R. Hunter; W. Reith Bakery R. Geiger; C. Fritz & Son, R. Geiger; Dr, :Mac- Kinnon, A, F. Bess; W, H. Huffman & Son, A Clausius; Dr, P. J. ()"Dwy- er, H. 'A. 'Fuss; 0. ,Klopp & Son, Wm. Decker; Laird Bros,'Beauty Shop, for beans, 11. Rader; fur butter, E. 'Hab- erer, TRIALS OF SPEED !Free for ,Ail -Rete McGregor (D. A, Coughlin); September Morn °Len Grigg). Green Race -Myrtle Weeks ('J. F. Linden), Teddy Grattan' (Teddy Wien)! (Continued on :Page Two.) ELI'MVILLE Visitors in this com'rnunity on Sun- day were: Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones and -Hiss May Janes, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry johns; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock of Thames Road and Misses Joy and Evelyn \'Vliitlock of St. Thomas, Mr. John Allison of Springfield, Mrs, Robt. Dennison and Mr. Keith Ford af London, also Mr. Freeman Horne of Winchelsea, with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Ford;' Miss Gladys Webber of Dashwood, with Br. and Mrs. '1Vm. Rotrtly. Messrs. Kenneth, Gilbert and Wal- ter Johns mattered to Ithica,, N.Y. on Friday, where the latter will resume his studies at Cornell Uu'fvets University. Messrs. Kenneth and Gilbert Johns made the return trip on Sunday. Douglas' 'Egyptian ILusimen'e, al- ways quick, ai'w,ays eedtaii, 'Shops bleeding ins'tantly. Cauterizes wounds and prevents blood poisoning. Splen- did for muscular rheumatism.