The Seaforth News, 1933-09-28, Page 3TH•U12'SDAY,; SEPT, 28, 1933,
sem. iT;.:n#iAYc ,t"5 P ""4'.r:, c�I i ;: ira..c c:Jakn,a
Agticuditural.-Broot. 'mare with
'foal, Ales. Wright '(IBrucefield); 'Wm,
S.:Btoadlfoot, Webster Bros. (Varna);
'foal of a'933, William S. Broadfoot,
Webster Bros., Venn'e Dale; 'filly or
gelding, 4 years !or over, A. 'B. Chal-
mers ,,(London), IF. Roney Witcholl),
James IG. Calder ,(Thamesford), filly
or gelding, three years old, Ken M'c-
,Keld'ar '(Cromarty), L. (Butler (Mit-
Filly or ;gelding, 'two years'
F'otheringhaen &'Soli, A, S'nuale
Fred Toll (Blyth).
Filly or gelding, one year old - A. B.
'Chalmers I(Lon'dlon), and 2nd, Stuart
D. M•dEiwan '(Clinton) 3rd,
lSlweepstake A. B. 'Chalmers.
• Heavy Draught.
Brood mare with 'foal ,by her side -
Russel J. 'Sco'tt .(Cromarty), Alex.
Wright ('Brucefield), \Vi11fa'm :Beattie
;(S ealfonth),
'Foal of 11930 - Alex. 'Wright, 'Chas.
Dale, William (Beattie.
Filly or gelding, 4 years or over -
James (Scott, ,Ken McKellar and 3rd.
'Filly or geidin'g, 2 years old -Wm,
Urquhart ('Mitchell), Robert Wright
!Fifty or gelding, 1 year old -Stuart
D. McEwan.
'Sweepstake = William 'Urquhart.
R. Murdoch ISlpecial, best .3 foals
from Favourite Again -Alex. Wright,
Wm. S. Broadfoot, Charles Dale.
Brood mare with foal by her side -
John Powell, E. W. .Fawm.
Foal o'f .1933 - E. W. Fawm, John
(Brood mare with foal by her side-
. G. W. (Nott.
:Foal of 1933.-IIG.. W. .Nott, V.
Agricultural 'Team-tKen McKellar,
F. Roney, A. J3, Chalmers.
Heavy 'Draught Team. -Ken Mc-
Kellar, James :Scott '(Cromarty),
Thos. 10. Scott (Seaforth).
iGeneral IPurpose.'Team-Wm. Dec-
ker (Zurich).
.Roadster Horse -John Sinclair.
'Carriage horse John Vodden (Lc
ndes'boro). •
Lady driver and outfit -E.. \Vil1ert,
John Vodden.
Judge -Kenneth Meadows, RJR..2,
Best cow -H. Armstrong .('Sea -
forth), A. W. Barrett .((Parkhill).
(Heifer, two years -IH,: Armstrong,
Roy F. Pepper & Sons, Oestricher
Bros.. (Crediton).
(Heifer, one year -A, W. 'Barrett,
Oestricher Bros, :and .3rd.
(Heifer calf, under one year -A. W.
Barrett and 2nd,'H.'Arenstrong 3rd.
Bull calf, under .1 year-, Oestricher
Bros. A. 'VV. 'Barrett, Oesttricher
Bull, 1 year --
A,1 W. 'Barrett,
(Bull, '2 years or
rett, Oestricher Br,
(Herd, 4 females
Bros, , (Deleted),
Oestricher Bros.,
over -A. W. Bar -
and 'bull-O'Neld
L. .Ham•sbenger
Petersburg), A. W. 'Barrett,
heifer, 1 year-!''Ianson '.Bros. (Zur
ich), and Gond,
'Heifer calf, calved since last Sep-
tember --Andrew •Park '(I3Ii;taheil) an'd.
Prod, 'Jahn Carter, Jr., 3rd.
Steer calf, calved since last; Selptem
Iter' -Andrew Park.
Butchers' Cattle.
!Steer of heifer over 1 year -,Roy F.
Pepper & Sons,
(Baby Beef, 1 year and under -L.
(Huns:berger, O'Neill Bros., III. (Wright
(Cromarty), Roy F. Pepper & Sons,
Bull, it year, and over -!William
(Sparks (Bay'fieil•(1).
iBes.t cow+-tW,ilIiain Sparks, John
,Carter, Jr.,
Heifer, two years -)William : (Sparks
'I -Soifer, one year -William' Sparks
Heifer calf - William Sparks.
Polled Angus.
'Bull, 1 year or. over-L.IHu:ns'berg-
er ,and 2nd.
Best cots -L. Hunslberger.
Heifer, a years-L.-Huatsberger.
Heifer, one. year -L. !H,unsberger..
!Heifer calf=L. ;Hunsberger.
(Bull ca'l'f -L, IHnuusberger, John
Carter, Jr.
E'atan special -'L. ,Ilunsberger,
to s, sem es* ii'.§ 9i;-+il
5A�:Y n.K':¢^t�4VYW.e1 :.. ,.:+;d;�i"; ,. `:.'R!'.�•�45,•1'.
,,;#• X• !.v 3.•:.1..11. ,+ill
Herefords: Jamas S. Cowan (''Moijlctou),
Boar; littered since Sept. 1932, jia
S. Cowan and 2ncl; Wilbur Lamb,
Sbwi, one year, James S, -'Cawa
Wilbur Turnbull, Thames S. Cowan,
'Sow under one year, James S. Co
an- and '2tnd and .3rd.
Bull, .1, year and over -'H• Wright
(Cromarty), 'O'Neill Bios,, H. Wright
@est cow-j0'Neill IBr`os, H.
Wright. -
(Heifer, two years-lH, Wright.
Heifer, one year -O'Neill Bros. and
'2nd, I1, Wright 3rd.
iHe'i'fed gaff -O'Neill 'Bros., H.
Wright, O'Neill Bros.
JB all calf -P-1) Wright, , O^Neill`
Judge --4H. Noel ,Gibson,
(Bull, one year .old and over, Baden
Powell, Ed. Barnettt,
'Best cow, Baden 'Powell Ed. Bar-
nett and 3rd, -
Heifer, two years -odd, Baden-Pow-
ell and Lind; IEd, ''Barnett 3rd.
Heifer, one year old, Ed. Barnett
and 2nd.
IIleifer calf, 'Baden Po -well and 2;nd,
Ed. Barnett 3rde;',
Still calf, Ed. Barnett and 2nd.
(Ram, L, years or over -R, H. Gibson
(K•onnoka), joint K. Thomson. (IS'trat'
ford), 10. McGowan t('Bilyth).
Ram, 1 year and under two--tF. W
!Gurney ('Paris),- R. H. 'Gibson, John
K. Thomson.
!Ram lamb, under d -year-1F. W.
'Gurney, R. .Gibson, Jahn K, Thom-
Ewe, having lambed in '1933F. W.
Gurney, R. Gibson, John K. Thomson.
,Shearling clue -=F, \V, Gurney, R.
H. Gibson, F. W. Gurney,
Ewe :lamb-iF, W. Gurney, R. H.
'Gibson,F, W. Gurney.
Wether lamlh--John K. Thomson,
J. -E. Gelinas.
Ram, 2 years or over -J. 13. Ken-
nedy (Ildcrton), John 1K. Thomson,
J. B. Kennedy... -
Ram, '1: year and under two -J. B.
Kennedy and 2nd, Charles D'aubro'ok
(Atwood) 13rd. -
Rat latteb, under one year -j, 33,
Ke; Jahn K. 'Thomson, B
y,J J. B.
'Kennedy. -
Ewe, having lambed in 1933-j. B.
Kennedy and 2nd, John K. Thomson
3rd. •
• 'Shearling ewe -J, B. Kennedy,.1 J.
K. Thomson, J. 13. Kennelly. -
Evve lanvb- J,
B. Kennedy, John X.
Thomson, B. Kennedy.
Wether lamb-iW. M. henry (Bel -
grave), J.113, Kennedy, F. \V. Gurney.
Ram, 2 years or over -Ernest Rob-
inson ('Denfield) and 2nd, George
Pen•halc (Exeter) 3rd. •
(Ram, 1 year and under 'Ernest
Robson and 2nd, 'Th:ontas M. Snow-
den (Zurich) 3rd.
Ram lamb, ,under one year -Ernest
Robson, George Pcnhale, Ernest Ro-
Ewe having lambed • in 1113 -Ern-
est Robson .and 2.nd.and -3rd
S:hearling ewe -Ernest Robson and
Lnd, George Pen'hale 3rd.
Ewe lamb-Ernest,Robson and 2nd,
George Penhale 3rd.
Wether'1am,b-Ernest Robson,` J. B.
Kennedy, Ernest Robson. -
Leicester -
Ram, two year's old or over, Eph-
riam Snell, John ,K. •'Thomson, John
S. Co -wan (Atwood).
' Ram, one year. old, 'Ephriam Snell,'
and '2nd, J'o'hn S. Cowan 3rd.
Ram 'la'm'b, under one yeah, E,phriam
'Snell, Jahn IS. Cowan, Ep.hriam Snell.
Ewe having lambed in 1933, 'Elph•ri-
aim. Snell, John S. Cowan, Roy F. Pep-
per & Sons.
Shearling ewe, Ep'hriam Snell, Jahn
S. Cowan, Ep'hriam Snell.
(Ewe .!snip, ,Eph'riavt Snell, John. S.
Cowan, Ephriam Snell. -
:Wether lamb, Roy P. Pepper -&
Son and 2n:d. -
/Ram, two years Old, W. M. Henry
(Belgrave) 'and 2nd; ram,- one year,
W. M. Henry, S. J. Pym & Son..
Ilam lamb, ,,under one year, W. M,.
Henry, and 2nd and'3rd.
!Elute, W. M. Henry, S. J. P -yin &
Son,: W. M,: Henry,
,Shearling ecce, W. M Henry and
2nd, S. J.'P'ytn, 3rcl.
.Ewe lamb, W. 31, Henry and 2nd,
J. Pym, 3rd,
.Wether lamp„ John S. Cowan.
Judge-\Villiani 'Goddard
(Boar, over'1. year, Alfred H. Warn-
er & Son, Wilbur Turnbull (Brussels)`
Flit 411a
'Black Giants -Cock, T. C. `:S'hean,
s, joint Kochems; h en, John Ko•chems,
ull T. C. Shean; ckl., Douglas & Sons,
John Eoclhetrus; pullet, Douglas . &
Sons, Jahn Kochems.
13'antams--+Cock,T. C, Shean, M.
A. Fraser; 'hen, Douglas. & Son, 21.
A, :Fraser; ckl,, Douglas & Son, Jo'lin
Hart; pullet, Douglas & Son, John
Cochin Bantams -Cock, M. A. Fra-
ser, Lldycl 'O'Brien; hen, M. A. Fra-
ser; ckl. and pullet, Lloyd O'Brien,
Black Tailed Jap, Baat'tams'-Cock,
c M A. Fraser, hen, M. A. Fraser and
Pekin Ducks -Old drake, old cluck,
Doug'l'as & Sons, Alfred H. Warner
& Son; young drake and young duck,
Douglas & Sons, John Kochems.
Rouen Macke --All classes, Thomas
M. 'Snowden.
'Muscovy ducks -'Old drake, T. C.
Shean, Douglas & Sons; old duck,
Douglas & Son, T. C. Shean; young
drake and young duck, Douglas &
Sons, jolin (Scott:
Indian Ruatner Ducks -,All classes,
T. C. Siheen and 2nd.
Bremen, Geese -Old gander, old
goose, young . goose, Dou,glae and
!Toulouse Geese --All classes, Doug-
las & Sons, Alfred H. Warner &-Sons
'B'ronze turkeys, Cock, Alfred H.
Warner & Son, 'lion, ckl', and pullet,
Alfred H. Warner '3z 'Son and 2nd.
Utility Pens. -!Wyandotte
Letherland & Bentley, .Lloyd O'Brien.
Ply -mouth Rook, Douglas & Sons, L.
O'Brien; Leghorn, T C. Wilson, T.
C. Shean,
Rhode Island Reds -'John Koch=
ems, Letherland & Bentley; Anconas,
T. C. Shean, Lloyd O'Brien, Minorcan,
John Kochems.
Judge -William, Carter.
w -
Boar, over one year, E, W. Verit'or
(Stratford) and 2nd and 3rd.
Boar, under one year, Jelin S. Co -w-
all, E. W. Vernor and 3rd.
,Sow, one year or over, E. 'W. Vern
or and 2nd and 3rd,
Bole, :littered since Sept, .1932, John
S.' Cowan, E. W. Vern'or 'and Aird..
IB'oar, over one year, D'oiglas &
'San and 2-n.d, Manson Bros. 3'rd.
IB'oac; under one year, Douglas &
Sons and 2nd and 3 -rd.
Sow, one year or over, Douglas &
Son and 2nd, Manlson Bros•, 3rd. .
Sow, tender one year, D•ottglas &
Son's and 2nd, J. Gelinas 3rd.
Bacon Hogs
Blair bacon type hogs, over 1813 lbs,
James S. Cowan, John S. Cowan.
Pen of four shoats, 75-100 lb's.,
Douglas & Sons,- Wilbur -Turnbull.
Jntdge-Wfllfam Goddard, - -.
13rah'mas,-Cock, M. A. Fraser
(Stratford), Letherland & Bentley
(Blyth); hen, T. C. Wilson (Blue -
vale),, Letherland & Bentley; ckl:, ,H.
G. Meir (Seaforth), Letherland &
Bentley; pullet, T. C. Wilson, H. G.
Barred Rocks -Cock, T. C. Shean
(Mitchell), 'Letherland & Bentley;
hen, T. C. Shean, Letherland & Bent-
White Rocks -Cock, Douglas &
Sons, Thomas M. Snowden; .hen,
Douglas & Sons; Letherland & Bent-
ley; ckl,, Douglas & Sons; Thomas M.
Snowden; pullet, Douglas & Sons, M
A. Fraser.
' Buff Cochins, hen, T. C. Wilson.
Any other variety 'Cochins-Hen,
T. C. \Vidson; ckl., T. C. -Wilson a'nd
2nd; pullet, T. C. Wilson,
Silver Grey D'orkings=Cock, M. .A
Fraser, John Kochems '(Zurich); hen,
Al. H. Fraser and 2nd; ckl., John Ko-
chems, M. A. Fraser; pullet, M. A.
Fraser, John Kochems.
Langsha'ns-Cockl'and pullet, M. A.
Spangled Ham!burgs--eCook, M. A.
Fraser, Lloyd O'Brien;hen, M. A.
Fraser, Douglas & Sons; cid„ M. A.
Fraser, Lloyd 'O'Brien; pullet, Lloyd
O'Brien, T. C. Wilson.
Hosclatis-'Cock, M. A. Fraser, T.
C. Wilson; hen, T. C. Wilson, 1M. A.
Fraser; ckl., M. A. Fraser.
Polands=Cock and hen, M. A, Fra-
ser, Letheri<asnd & Bentley; pullet, L.
O'Brien and 2nd.
'Buff Orpingtons-Cock and hen,'''I.
A, Fraser, John Kochems; ckl. and
pullet, M. A. Fraser, Douglas & Sona
Black Spanish -Cock, John Koch -
ems; hen, T. C. Wilson, John Kach-.
ems; pullet, John Kociscnia,
A'ndalustans-Cock, M. A. Fraser;
hen, M. A. Fraser and 2nd; ckl, M. A.
Fraser; pullet, '1. A. Fraser and 20d,
Minorca's -Conk, Douglas & Son,
John' ICoc'henns; hen, Douglas & Son,
Letherland & Bentley; ckl., Douglas
& Son, Lloyd O'Brien; pullet, Johan
Kochems, Lloyd O:'<Bri•en.
W'h'ite' Wyand'ottes--Cock, Douglas
& Sons; hen, Douglas & Sons, T. C.
Shean; ckl, Douglas & Sons, T. C.
Shean; pullet, T. C. Shean, Douglass'
& Sons.
Golden ,L'a'ced' Wyando'ttes-Co'clk-
ere•', ILetherilrand & Bentley, S
Silver Laced Wyandottes-Cock,
M. A. Fraser, Lloyd O'Brien; lien, 1
Lloyd O'Brien, M. A. Fraser; ckl., I
Lloyd O'Brien, and trod; pullet, Lloyd
O'Brien, M.' A. Fraser. \
Buff - Wyando-ttes-Cock, Arnold -d
T-Iugill; hen, Lloyd - O'Brien, Arnold
Hugill; ckl.'and pullet. Lloyd. O'Brien a
Anconas-Cock, Roy Butson ('Strat-
ford), T. C. Shean; hen, ckl, and pul-
let, Roy Butson. and 2nd.. ii
Rhode Island Reds -Cock, M. A. t
Fraser, Letherland & Bentley; heti; \
M. A. Fraser, Douglas & Sons; ckl,
Douglas & Sens, John Kocherns; eel- e
let; Douglas •8r SonsS' and 2nd.
Campines-Cock, 'hen, clel. pullet, J:
T. C Shean, Lloyd O'Brien. P
White Leghorns-Cock, Roy But- ie
E011, T. C:'Shean; hen, Roy Butson.
Douglas & Son; ckl., Douglas & San, di
Roy Butane, - ,Ipull'et, Roy Butson; L
Douglas' & Son, . ,A
iBro'wn. Legih'orns-Cock, T. C..3..
Shean and Binet; 'hen, T. C. Shean,..M. 's
A. Fraser; del., T. - C. Shean, M. A. co
Fraser; pullet, T C. Sheen and Pad. IL•
BlackJavas-(Hen, T. C, \Vibsott.
,Apples -Collection of 112 varieties,
(Geo. (Laithwaite, ,Lloyd (Skilling •.(1St.
George, Ont.); six varieties winter
:apples, Geo. 'Laithwaite, -Lloyd Skil-
lings; loaf- varieties tali apples, Lloyd
Skillings, Geo. 'Laithwaite; 'Bald'wi'n's,
Geo. 'Laithwaite, Lloyd Skillings;
King of T'hompkiits, 'Geo, .Laithwaite,
Mrs. J. J. IIugill; Nort'hern'Spies, G
,Laithwaite, IL. -;Skillings; IFallawater,
L, Skillings; Golden iRussett, Alfred
1-I. !Warner '& 'Son (Bayfield), Geo.
(Laithwaite; •Westfield ;Seek -no -farther,
L. Skillings, G. Laithwaite; 'Wealthy,
L. Skillings, G. Laithwaite; Pawaukee,
,Laithwaite; IOmtario,'G. Laithwaite,
Frank J. Coleman; Wagner, Lloyd
'Skillings, 1 . IH. Warner & ,Son; ,Grav-
enstein, G. 'Laithwaite, L. Skillings;
Duchess of Oldenburg, .L, Skilling;,
'G, Laithwaite; -Cayuga .Red Streak or
Twenty (Ounce, L. Skillings, G. Laith-
waite; ISpitzenburg, L. Skillings, 'Geo.
Laithwaite; Fameuse -or Snow Apple,
G.Laithwaite,'L, Skillings; 'Colvert,
G. 'Laithwaite; .Mann, 1L. Skillings, G.
1Laith,tvaite; 'Blenheim Orange, L.
Skillings; Maiden tBlush, G. Laithwaite
crab apples, red, L. Skillings, NormanL. Carter; 'Wolfe River, John Scott,
A. H. Warner & Son; 'Rhode 'Island'
'Greening, L. Skillings, G. 'Laithwaite;
;Ribston Pippins, G. Laithwaite; 'Blen-
heim Pippin, G. Laithwaite, Mrs. J. J.
!Hugill; Fall ;Pippin- iL. Skillings;
Cratnberry Pippin, !G. -Laithwaite; St.
Lawrence, G. Laithwaite, L. Skillings;
Canadian Red, ;Norman L. Carter, G.
l'lidIntoeh iRed, L. (Skillings, (Geo.
(Laithwaite; Tallman Sweet, L. 'Skil-
lings, J. ;E.:Begin.
Pears-l•Vin'ter pears, L. Skillings,
G. Lai-th'waite; fall 'pears, -G. Laith-
e'aite, !L. - Skillings; Flemish 'Beauty,
L. Skillings; ,Duch:ess of':Agouline,
killings; Beurre Clairgeau, G, Laith-
vaite; Belle 'Lucrative, G. Laithwaite;
Louis IBonnne de ,Jersey, L. ,Skillings,
Norman Carter; Bartlett, G. :Laith-
waite, L. 'Skillings; Seckel, •G. Laith-
vaite, 'Fred -Barker (Goclerich) Beure
'Anjou, IG, Laithwaite, 'Fred Barker,
(Peaches -Crawford, a.,. Skillings,
ny other variety, L. Skillings.
P'lutns-!Golden Drop, 'G. Laithwaite
. Skillings; Washington, +L, Skill-
igs; .Imperial Gage, L. Skillings;
Duane's Purple,' L. Skillings, G. Laith-
waite; Lombards, 'John (Grieve, Fred
Barker; Pond's Seedling, Jaunes ,Riv-
rs, L. Skillings; Grand Duke, L.
killings, G. Laithwaite; Rene Claud
clan Murray, L. 'Skillings; German
rune, 1G.' Laithw•aite; any other. var-
ty, L. !Skillings.
'Grapes -Moore's Early -Ii. Desjar-
ne (Zurich), L. Skillings; Niagara,
. Skillings, Laithwaite; Concord,
rno•ld IHugill, L. Skillings; Delaware,
. Skillings, G. ,Laithwaite; any other
,iriety, 'G. 'Laithwaite, L. :Skillings;.
Ilectiln os grapes, L. Skillings, ,G.
Judge' J:''M. Cardno.
A., vise • .,h r.• uses 'taa.,,.
'Irish Cobbler early potatoes, Norm-
an Carter, ,:1-I. Desjardine; any other
variety early potatoes, Norman Carter,
Green Mountain- late potatoes, . John
'Murray, H. Desjarcline; any other late
variety, H. D'esjardine, Thomas Fer-
guson; winter .cabbage :L. 'Willert
(I-Iensa.11), Mrs, W. J. Dickson; savoy
cabbage, Norman -Carter; red cabbage,
Norman Carter; fall cabbage,' E. Wil-
lert, Norman 'Carter; four 'cauliflower,.
Norman. L. Carter; celery, White,
John Grieve; table parsnips, Fred
'Barker; -stump-rooted table carrots,
(Norman ,Carter, tames 'Rivers; long
table carrots, Norman Carter, Mrs. 'W,
J. 'Dickson; long blood beets, Norman
'Carter, Fred` Barker; turnip blood
beets, John Murray, fames Rivers;
red tomatoes, Mrs, W. J. Dickson,
Norman Carter; pink
tomatoes, Nor-
man Carter; table coni, H.'Desjardvne
E. ,Willer't;. field corn, Alfred H. War-
ner & Song ;Fred Barker; fodder corn,
11-1. Desjardine; onions from -seed, F.
Barker, :John Grieve;; onions from
IDittch sets, H. ,Desjardine, Mrs. W. 3.
Dickson; red onions, .Fred 'Barker;
white or yellow onions,: Fred Barker,
H. Desjardine; -onions; set, Mrs. W. J.
Dickson, -John Grieve; pickling onions,
John Grieve; muskmelons, Fred Bar-
ker, 'J. E. IIugill; watermelons, E.
Willert, „Alfred H. Warner .& Son;
striped citrons, James Rivers, E. Wil-
lert; 'California citrons, E. Willert.
Mrs. W. J. Dickson; vegetable mar-
row-, Alfred H. Warner & Son, Nor-
man Carter; stable squash, ;Norman
Carter, Fred ;Barker; Hubbard squash
1st (no ticket); J. E. Hugill, Fred
(Barker; pumpkins for pies, Mrs. 'Oliv-
er Jervis (Clinton), Neil 'Gillespie;
'winter •radish, James Rivers. 'Largest
squash, Fred Barker; largest pump-
kin, Arnold Hugill, J. E. Hugild; cu-
cumbers, ripe or green, E. Willert, J.
E. Hrgill; pickling cucumbers, -Chas.
Holland; butter beans, Norman Car-
ter, ,Beatrice Harburn (Staffa). white
beans, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, Charles
'holland, sugar mangolds, E, Willert,
;Frank' J. Coleman; long red mang'olds-
John Murray, Prank J. Coleman; in-
termediate anang,alds, J. - W. Beattie,
Norman Carter; .Swede turnips, John
Scott; field carrots, E. •\Villert, Fred
Barker; sweet peppers, John Grieve,
hot peppers, John 'Grieve; collection
of garden products, Norman - Carter,
Fred (Barker,
Judge -F. J. Kerslake,
Canned rhubarb, Mrs. W. J. Dick-
son, A, H. Warner & (San; canned red
raspberries, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, Mrs.
James Carter; canned red cherries,
Mrs, James Carter, 'Irs. J. ,B. Tyer
nam; canned pears, 'Alfred H. War-
ner & Son, Mrs, W. J. Dickson; can-
ned strawberries, Norman ,L, Carter,
Charles Holland; canned plums, Mrs,
W. J. Dickson, II. Desjardine; canned,
peaches, Mrs. James Carter, Norman
L. Carter; three jellies, H. Desjard-
ine, Norman L. Carter; soup mixture,
Charles Holland; .canned chicken, Mrs;
James Carter, Norman 1, Carter.
canned sausage, H. Desjardine, Mrs,
3. B. Tyerman; canned beef, Mrs. Jas.
'Carter, 'Norman L. 'Carter; vinegar
pickles, Mrs. James Carter, Mrs. \\'.
J. Dickson; mustard pickles, Mrs, J.
B. Tyerman, Mrs.W. J. 'Dickson; to-
mato 'catsup, ^M!rs. J: 'B, 'Tyernan, 'H.
Desjardine; cold meat relish, Mrs. J.
Carter, Norman L. Carter; red pepper
jelly, :Mrs. '3, 13. Tyerman; collection
canned vegetables, Norman L. Car-
ter, Mrs. James Carter; jam or marm-
alade, Florence 'Beattie, Norman L.
Carter. -
(Butter, crock, ;110 lbs. Reta Camp-
bell, Mrs, William Taylor (Blyth),
Butter, :110 lb.s in pound prints, Mrs,
Taylor, Rota Campbell; one dozen in-
dividual pats, :Mrs, William Taylor,
Norman L. •Carter; honey iii comb,
Willfant Har -try; hen's eggs, white,
Charles Holland, Mrs. James Carter;
hen's eggs, brawn, firs. iRobert Allen
(Brucefield), Mrs. Oliver Jervis;
dressed chicken (capon), Norman L.
Carter; dressed chicken, Mrs. J. J.
Ilegidl, Mrs, Jas. :Carter; two 5-1b.
crocks 'butter, 'Mrs. \Villiant Taylor,
Mrs. Frank Storey.
Loaf white bread, 'Mrs. Frank Stor-
ey, 'Mrs. D. MacFarlane (Walton).
Brown bread, Mrs. ,James Carter, Mrs
Frank, 'Storey; muffins, Mrs. James
Carter, Charles ,Holland six buns,
Beatrice Harbert), Mrs, Frank Storey,
tea biscuits, 'Mrs, D. MadFarlane-
Mrs, Frank Storey; fancy 'buns, Mrs..
Frank :Storey, 'Beatrice Harbert); six
,cookies, 'Mrs, H. Berry (Mitchell).
Velma Haistt tarts, Mrs. Elizabeth
,Broadfoot (Brucelfield) Miss Jean.
c"na rS
Scott; dropped cookies, Airs. James
Carter, Mrs. Robert ,Allan; angel cake
Miss Jean (Scott, Ml's. j. B. Tyertrrsnp
Parker House rolls, Miss Jean Scott;.
decorated .cake, \lis., .Jean Scoti.:13rs,
12, \laciFarlatte; sponge cake, loire. J.
B. ' Tyerman, 11 is, Jean Scott; trait
cake, Mrs, P7, J. ,Dicksuu, Mrs. James.
Carter; layer cake, Norman L, Carter,.
Mrs. H. :Merry; choco'late cake, Mrs -
D. 1iaoFarlane, 'Mrs .James. Carter.;.
apple pie, Mrs, J, B. Tyerman, Mrs-
Frank Storey; pumpkin pie, (Norman
L. Carter, Mrs, J, B. -Tyerman; remota,
pie, Norman L. Carter, .!Mrs. James '
Carter; :Meat Loaf, Mrs, J. B. Tyer-
man, Norman L. Carter; .candy, Miss
Jean Scott, Florence Beattie; salmon
loaf, Mrs. William Taylor; Mrs. Jas
Carter; salad, Norman Carter, Miss:
Jean Scott; macaroons, Norman la.
Carter, Mrs. Oliver Jervis; cup cake*.
Miss Jean Scott, Mrs, James Carter
fruit cake, Mrs. Janes Carter, Mrs. I9
MadFariane; sand'vic'hes, Mrs, James
drudge -Helen -\Mc'I',ercher.
'Applique quilt, Mrs. Roy Butt; Miss
M. Livingston (Blyth),, bedspread..,
.Mrs. Elizabeth Broadfoot; quilt, Reeaa
Campbell, Miss Addie Tyerman cot --
ton quilt, Helen Tough, Mrs.:'.bT- st ,
MdGavin; crazy patchwork quilt„ .
Mrs. Oliver Jervis, Miss Addle 'Tyer-- -
man-; white bedspread, Miss lc- Lsr
tngston; colored bedspread, Mrs. iiog -
Patrick (f\Valton), Velma Hoist; cry- •
chet or knit Afghan, Miss M. Living-
ston, Mrs. T. OlFlynn, ((Stratford);
apron, Mrs. H. Berry, Mrs. D. Mac-
Farlane; men's pyjamas, Norman 'L...
Carter; house dress, firs. D. 3lacFar=-
lan•e, Miss M. Livingston; rag fiber:
mat, braided, Miss M. ' Livingston,
Mrs. W. J. Dickson; booked floor mat: -
Mrs. J. 13. 'Tyerman, Mrs. E. Dick-
son; hooked yarn floor mat, Frei
Cacbert (iStaffa), crochet mat, wcgoT,.
Mrs. W. J. Dickson; hooked floo'r mat
illustrating scene, Fred Carbert,
Hudson. . .
'Specimen eyelet, Miss M. Living-:-
ston; satin stitch Hiss M. Livingston,
cross stitch, ''Ira. T.-01Flynn; oapes-
try, Miss Livingston; Italian drawn.
work, Hiss Livingston, tatting, Miss
'Livingston, Mrs. 01Flynn; crochet;.
Miss Livingston; knitting, Mrs. Wil-
liam Deem; Mrs. 011lyun..
Dining Room Furnishings -Miss -
Livingston, Mrs. O'Fiynn; hmcheon
set, Mrs. Roy Patrick; -tea cloth, Miss.
(Livingston, \ire, O'F'lynn;. centre-
piece, 'Miss Livingston and 'Mrs_
O'Flynn; tray cloth, Mrs. Roy Pat --
rick; centrepiece; embroidered in cot-
ton, Miss Livingston; colored centre --
piece embroidered in cotton, also.
bridge set, Mrs. O1Flynn; buffet se's;.
Helen Dough; luncheon set, 'Mrs.
Alex, McGavin.
'Bed Room Furnis•hings--Pillow
slip's, embroidered, Mrs. Ray Patrick
'Miss Livingston; colored pillow- slip
Miss Livingston, Mrs. Oliver Jervis;.
-pillow slips, any other hand work.
Miss Addie Tyerman; pair towels,.
embroidered, also crochet and. other'
hand work, Miss Livingston; pair "of
guest towels, Miss Livingston; ,Mrs;-
O^Fly'nn; bath- towel, firs. OTFiyune.
I. Hudson; fancy sheet and p.iITaw-: .
slips, Miss Livingston, Mrs. 'Roy BLitt,.
vanity set, Mrs. 0'Flynn; dresser -
runner, Mrs, Roy Patrick, Mrs,
'Flynn; boudoir cushion, Mrs.:O'Ftynte
Mrs, Alex.- \•'-'Gavin.
Ladies' Wear -Night gown;
,H. Berry, 'Miss Livingston; p'yjatnaa,;,
;\Miss Livingston; bed jacket„ Mrs;.
Berry, Mrs. O',Fl•ynn; slip, hand trim -
meet, Mrs. E. H. .Close, Miss ,Living-
Livingston, sweater, 'Mrs.. 0':Flynn, Mrs. H..
Berry, -
Children's Wear -Child's - fancy
dress, Mrs. H. Berry, Miss Livingsto's.
child's dress matte from old garrzrenttr,
Mrs, H. Bera'y, Mrs. Oliver Jervis;
hamlet, 'Mrs. T. OlI lynnr, 'Mrs
,Berry; wool jacket, Helen Tdn.giaii.
Mfrs. H. Berry; baby's set,'.' Hetet: •.
Tough, \Mrs, H. Berry,
ILiving Room Furnishings -•Table'-
runner, colored, Miss Livingston, :Tilos .
O'Flynn; colored centre piece, Miss -
'Livingston, Reta Campbell;'sofa-sai
love, Mrs, H. Berry, Mrs. O'Flynn„
card table cover, Mrs. O'Filynn; sam-
pler, I, H'udsiin. •
.Miscellaneous -single' piece Farmer ;
work not listed -Mrs. E. H,
:Mrs. H. Berry; article -made from ane -
or more flour sacks, 'Mrs. II, Berry;
article suitable for Christmas, not to
cost more than 25t, Vel" -r. Hoist, Mr_
H. Berry; piece of needle work matin ..
by woman 70 years of age or avwe
Mrs. H. Berry, Mrs. Addle Tyerrnarr.
Judge --Mrs,, D. ,A. Fowler. Dura
•gannon. -
(Continued' on Page Seven'.