The Seaforth News, 1933-09-21, Page 8PAGE EIGH'P.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1933.
Mr, ,ancl Mrs, Lloyd Hudson of
!Rarest spent the week end with
'friends intown.
llis. Peppier of Acton spent a few
days last week visiting friends in Tor-
Misses Lizzie and Margaret Slavin
are visiting this week with their bro-
ther near Chiseltuurst.
Miss Grace-]3rock is spending eav-
,eral weeks with friends in Cromarty.
,Miss Ross of Windsor is visiting
this week at the 'home cf .Mr. and
Mrs• !Wm, Davidson,
1'trs, Jas, Hloggarth is s'pend'ing se-
veral weeks visiting' with her daugh-
ter in St, Hyacinthe, Que.
Mr. Rose of London is visiting for
a few days at the home of the Misses
1D OE wan.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the United Church parsonage, Lon-
don, when Mary ,Elizabeth, only
slaughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. A.
IScarrow of Wiarton, wasunitedin
marriage to Dr, Jars, .S. Trapp, only son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Tapp of Hen-
sel!. The Rev. A. M. !Stuart officiated,
1Dr, and Mrs. Tapp left for Quebec,
sailing on the "Empress of ?Britain"
for ;Europe, where he will attend the
!imperial College of Science in Lon-
don, England. Dr. Tapp is a graduate
,of the University of Western Ontario
receiving his degree of PtJD, from
McGill 'University where he was suc-
cessful in securing the 1i831 London
Exhibition s'c'holarship.
A very pleasant evening was spenit
on Saturday 'last when Mrs. Roy Mc-
Laren entertained the 'Arnold Circle
of Carmel Presbyterian IOhh'urch in
honour of Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of
Forest. Croquinole was indulged in
for a time, after which a very pleasant
address was given by lass. Arnold to
Mrs. Hudson, presenting her . with a
life membership certificate. Miss Hel-
en Smith then presented Mrs. Young
with a beautiful set of embroidered
quilt block made by the Circle. A
dainty lun'c'h was served and a pleas-
ant time was spent by all.
Mr. . David 'Wright, Mr, Geo',
Wright, Miss Mabel Wright and 1'Irs.
3. G. Crich off Clinton and Miss Sadie
Bali of Tuckersmith visited last week
with Mrs. John Murdock and Mrs. J.
lfr. and M'rs. Alex. Sparks and fa-
mily, who have been camping on the
fourth of G'oderich township this
summer, left "for their home in, Lon-
don on Tuesday.
There will be service in Trinity
'Church' Sunday morning at .eleven o'-
clock, when, Rev; R. S. Jones of Gor-
rie will ppre.ach.
lOn Monday afternoon a ;large 'num-
ber of the members of Trinity Church
Guild met at the home of Mrs; H., R.
,2aKay to bid farewell to Mrs. So-
hier, who during her short residence
here has been a valued member, al-
ways willing and anxious to help al-
ong church work. The following ad-
dress was read by Mrs. S. MCEwan
and presentation of a china ice box
set by Mrs, F. Baker: Dear Mrs. So-
hier,-:We have gathered at Mrs. Mc -
Kay's this afternoon to tell you how
sorry we are that your stay with us
has been so short and to have a fare-
well cup of tea .with us before your
departure from our midst. We regret
very much having to say goodbye to
ore who has been such a support and
inspiration in our Society. When you
joined our Guild you brought us new
ideas for the promotion off our work
and materially helped to carry them
out. You will not only be missed by
the Guild but by the choir also where
you and your husband were valued
members. We ask you to accept this
little gift as a slight token of remem-
brance and hope that when you use it
you may think of the members of
Trinity Church Guild, Bayfield, who
have lost in you a staunch supporter.
That you may have every happiness
and success in your new haine is our
earnest wish, Signed on behalf of
Trinity Church Guild, :Florence Ed-
'wards, Pres.; K. McEwan, Secty."
Do not fail to attend Bayfield an-
nual fair next Thursday, September
28th, Already a large number of ent-
dies have been received and the sec-
retary is busy sending out prize lists.
Music will be furnished by Dashwood
brass band. At night the Victoria
;players of Gorlerich are to preent the
three -act comedy drama, "The Wild
Flower of the Hill," which is highly
recommended. A dance will follow the
.play. Music by the variety orchestra,
Died in Saskatchewan. - Relatives
here received the sad 'intelligence last
week that Mr. ,Aroh•ibald D'alrym,ple
had passed away et his 'hose in Ar-
'chidale, Sask, near Moose Jaw, ore
Sept. 112th, following a week's illness,
'Four brothers survive: Robert, of
Moose Jaw, Sask.; James, of Avon -
lea, Sask.; Jdhn, of 13'oissevain, Man.;
George, of Tuckersmith twp.; and
two sisters, Mrs. William Hotrghton,
Miss Mary Dalrym'ple,both ' of Cro-
marty, .De'ceased .went to Saskatche-
wan while a young man and took up
land. He was married to Miss Kate
(Getty, a native of .McKillop township,
'who survives together with a family
of five sons and two daughters. A
.few years ago the railway was built
through Mr. D'alrymple's farm and
the station was aamed in his honor,
,being called Archsdiale after • Ise first
syllables of his name. Interment took
!Place in the West.
Mr. Rufsel Butler and, Mr, Dwight
Fis'h'er left 'last week by motor on a
trip to Regina and the Peace River.
September, .1907,
Seaforth Fall Fair, 1907,
The "Seaforth Agricultural Society
held their annual 'Pall • fair on Thurs-
day and Friday last and was one of
the most successful exhibits ever giv-
en by the Society. The weather on
both days was of the best and a re-
cord crowd marked the 'first year's
attendance at the fair under the aus-
pices of the ISe'aforth Agricultural
,So ety, known •formerly as the Tuck-
ersmith (Branch 'Agricu'ltural lSociety.
The gate receipts amounted 'to over
$7:010 w'hieh with the members' 'fees
will make 'a total olf $11,00 rou'tside of
the ,county 'and government grants.
The officers of the society are: Presi-
dent, M. (Broderick; vice president,
J. IF. Daly; secretary -treasurer, )Thos.
E. 'Hays; directors, 'Jas. 'Evans, rJ,
Carlin, 'John MclDowell, IWm. Chart-
ers, M. °Park, ,Alex. IBroadfo'ot, ID.
Foltheringham, T. •M'cMillan, Charles
M'aclGregor, The judges were: Hea-
vy horses, J. IB. tMurray, lEndbro;
light horses, IW. Mossip, St. 'Marys,
Ed. C.,Christie, . Exeter; ,cattle, Jas.
Crerar, 'Shakespeare; sheep, 'D. M'c-
Laren, Cromarty; ,pigs, las. G. dde-
Michael, Seaforth; poultry, 'W. Mc-
Neil, !London; dairy products, Win,
'S'cott, 'Bruce/field;; 'grain end seeds, IL.
'Reinke, (Seaforth; vegetables and
roots, Jos. Atkinson, Tuckersmith;
fruit, W. (Devereaux, .Tu'okersmlith;
flowers, G. A. K. MdLeod, Exeter;
ladies' work, Mrs. ',S•peare, Miss ?Kill-
oran,(Mis's 'Govenlock, :,Miss .Watson;
+fine arts, IF. ,Hol'mes'ted.
Gets Good Figure
'We understand that Mr. D. T.
Pinkney recently disposed of his trot-
ting mare "Queen of Woodcliff," to .a
gentleman of 'Chicago, the 'price being
Suffering from Shock
bliss Maggie 'Brown is seriously ill
at the home of Mr. j. Moore, IHenveadl,
as the result of a very bad ,fright and
ill-treatment at the 'hands of an 'Ind-
ian who had entered the house du'rin'g
the absence of the members of /the
family. The case is engaging the at-
tention of the crown officers.
Connect Lines.
The :Bell 'Telephone ,Company of.
'Canada has just !completed a connec-
ting .arrangement 'with the 'MdKillop
and Logan Telephone Association,
whose system extends from Dublin
to St, Columban, ,Beechwood, ,Benne-
wies, McCrae and ,MdKillop. The rate
from Dublin to any of these :points
for three minutes conversation will be
Should Not Be Discontinued.
There is a rumor that the mail
route per stage from, 'Brussels ,to 'Sea-
forth may be discontinued when he
maid is carried on the C!P.!R. to 'Wal-
ton. This should .not be as the stage
is 'a great convenience in many ways
and ,can probably carry the mail to
Leadbtury and 'Winthrop as cheaply
as new contracts, minxs the parcels
and light freight business transacted
by the through stage route. The .post-
office department should .gay a reas-
onable figure for -mail carrying on
this route so that the stage will be
continued. The public is .well pleased
with the service.
Collection of Stamps
R. J, Drysdale of Hensall has a fine
collection of postage stamps number -
in,; $;l2,8 -l. including Canadian and
foreign, taken from letters and pap-
ers addressed to the postmaster dur-
ing his term of 32 years in that posi-
tion at Drysdale.
Mr. Thos, !Stinson, who :has been
engaged in the grocery business in
Bayfield for a number of years, has
on account of ill health ,givenup
business. .Accompanied by his son he
left last week for Chicago where he
intends staying for a short -time. (lie
leaves later for Colorado ,where he
will spend the winter.
Mr, Thomas Kenny has disposed of
his property to Mrs. D. Molyneaux of
'Hibbert. 'We understand it is Mr,
penin:y's intention to reside in ,Sarnia.
'Ve are sorry to lose such good citi-
zens but wish him every happiness in
his new home.
Me..'John Dundas, who is giving up
farming owing to ill health, and wdho
'has been very attentive in regard to
church matters, was presented witch a
gold mounted e'bo'ny cane by a num-
ber of his friends at Bethel Church,
Mr. Dundas was a faithful •mem'ber of
`the ,quarterly ,business board •for a
period of nearly_.thirty years.
What might have been a serious ac-
cident happened to 1'fr. ;Saltine! Pol-
lard while -drawing the threshing ma-
chine into the barn of Mr Reynolds
of .Hallett. He was caught between
the mow and the machine, giving
'him such a severe crash as to lay hint
off work for a few days,
Fall Millinery Openings
The annual! fall mi{iinery openings
were held on ,Friday and 'Saturday
and ss usual there was a large atten-
dance of the ladies from the town
and surrounding country. It is im-
possible to pick out any ,one' hat as
the !fashiona'ble hat for the fall and
winter of 19,017, There are a member
of styles, if we are to judge 'fro'rn the
many bepltuned and be'flo'wered mil-
linery patterns which were most en-
ticin'gly displayed during the opening
Mr, and Mrs, 3, !Barber of Oshawa
spent the week end here.
'lir. and .firs. Horner of Zuricch
spent Sunday with lir, and Mrs.
Mrs. Frank Weeks is spending a
few days in Listowel.
Mrs. Grassick of Hensall spent a
few days with Miss Fhame Logan.
Mrs. J. Reid of Clinton, is spending
a few drays with her sister, Mrs.
'Lloyd Keys,
!Rally day will be observed next
ISun'dloy morning in the 'United Oliu•rch
Sunday School.
A number from here attended Hills -
green anniversary services last Sun-
A fowl supper will be 'held in the
community shed on October ,1121h.
The congregation .off the !Un'ited
Church, Varna, have decided to have
a fowl supper on the 1L'th of-Octdber.
Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Beatty motored
to Toronto Tuesday.
Mrs, Dillw'orth of Barrie is spend-
ing a few days with cher sister, Miss
Annie Key.s
Mr. Russell Austin leas purchased
the farm adjacent to the village for-
merly awned by Mr. Wm. Ool'c'lough
for the sum of $3,000, Mr. Austin will
take possession immediately.
Mrs, iStelek, in company with Mr.
and Mrs, !Ings, motored to London
for the week end.
There will be service in St. Jo'hn's
Church Sunday evening at 7 p.m,
Mrs. Beatty and 'daughter 'Ed'y'tb
attended the Western fair.
Miss Francis Mossop spent the
week end in Clinton at the home of
Miss Helen Manning.
The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. met at
the home of Mrs, John Boyd on Wed-
nesday afternoon, September 6. Mrs.
'Patrick presided and opened the meet-
ing with prayer. The roll call was an-
swered by a verse on "Harvest." A
Christian Stewardship reading by br-
eve Bolton and a Temperance reading
by Mrs. \Vni, Boyd were given. Circle
No. 1. had charge of the remainder of
the meeting with Mrs. Allan Ross pre-
siding. Voluntary prayer was given
by Mrs. R. MacFarlane. -firs, Calvin
Killen read the Scripture lesson. The
topic on "Missions" was taken by
three ladles; Mrs. D. MadF'arlanetell-
ing the life story of Dr, Margaret
'Strang, Miss Bessie Millen took Dr.
Hunter as her subject and Miss Bes-
sie -Blanchard to'ld a story entitled
"Hang -Dorcas." A vocal duet by Mrs.
Wm. Boyd and Mrs. Hiller' was much
enjoyed. Sentence prayers were given.
by Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Boyd. The
meeting closed with a hymn and the
Lord's prayer in unison. A dainty
lunch was served by the ladies of
Circle No, 1,
The Helping Hand Mission Band
are holding a concert in the basement
of the church on T'hursd'ay- evening,
]September 28th at 8 o'clock.
A reception was :'held, inthe church
Tuesday evening when Rev, and Mrs,
G. E. Morrow were the guests of
honor, and were presented with a
purse of money by the members of
the congregation. •
Caven 'Church, 'Winthrop, ; -will
'hold anniversary service's on Sunday,
Octo'ber 299th, and there wili he a fowl
su'p'per on Monday, Oct, 30th.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe !Hickey visited on
Sunday with the batter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Mero, Seaforth.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
!Raymond Dillon of St. Marys had the
misfortune to fall from an apple tree,
breaking >a bone in his foot,
'Many people from Dublin attended.
the Eucharistic Congress held in ,Go-
derich on, Tuesday, Sept. 19.
We are glad to hear that Miss Ca-
therine Krauskopf is able to be about
Miss Annie Watters, who has been
visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mc-
Grath, Mr, and Mrs. Pat Williams,
returned to Detroit on Monday, ac-
companied by Miss Mary Williams,
Miss Carrie O''Connior 'left ,on
day to enter 'St, Joseph's Convent,
Several Dwellings
Own your own home. This is
the time to buy and prices
are low.
At the.R'ally Service which: was
!he'll in Burns' Church `last Sunday
Miss May Smith, organist, had a full
choir of boys and girls and Miss Wil-
ma Shep'h'erd gave the reading entitl-
ed"Tru'ly'Broth'e'rs"; James M'dEwing,
the reading, 'What a 'Chap Can Do,"
and Miss Edith Beacom . read .a story
on "Ko-lSen 'Finds the Way to Serge
(His Cou'n'try." The collection was ta-
ken up by Misses Helen McGregor
and Isabella J'amiesonu.
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Rapson and chil-
dren and -Mrs. (Jo'sep'h .Rapson spent
Tuesday afternoon of last week at the
home o8 Mr. and Mrs. I'sa'ac R'aps'on,
Miss Marjorie . Colson returned
home last Tuesday after ,holidayi:n'g
for over a week with 'London friends.
!Burns' Church annlvensary, sergices
will he held this Sunday, Se/pt. 2!41Uh,
with Rev. Mr, ,Lane of Seaforth to
make charge of 'the services at Ill•. in the
morning and 7.30 in the evening. The
choir is preparing special music and a
good atten'da'nce is hoped 'for:
Mr, Charles and ;Miss Almy Parsons
were called to Stratford Saturday
morning owing to Mrs. ,Parsons" con-
dition. Mrs. P'arson's was operated on
on Monday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. and Mr, and
'Mrs. Wm. Knox entertained friend's
on Sunday.
Mr. Syd Lansing visited. Sunday
afternoon at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs
I. 'Rapson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor,
Miss Helen and Master Gordon visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor at
Walkerton on 'Sunday.
The anniversary services in the
Hillsgreen Cdu,rch were attended by
large crowds on 'Sunday. Rev. Mr,
Cumming of Walton delivered fine
sermons at both services. The K'ippen
choir rendered fine anthems and solos
were given by Miss Beatrice Daymond
and Miss !H'alcyon Chandler. A duet
was given by Misses Jean Ivison and
Edna Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Carlisle of Hensel!, assisted in the
choir also.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Stephenson left
for Michigan, owing to the illness of
the former's brother, George.
Mrs. Hugh Love spent a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Percy Camp-
bell, in Hay township.
Miss Jessie Johnston of Clifford
visited relatives in this vicinity during
the week end.
-Miss Ruth Coles of Hensall visited
hiss Jeanette McAllister during the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Huxtable,
bridal couple, returned from their trip
and are getting settled in. 'their home
near Centralia.
,lir, and Mrs. Alf Reichert and son,
Orland, Mrs. 'G. Brown and children
of Zurich, spent the week end with
friends ,in Kitchener,
it was learned in this district with
deep regret of the death of Mr, Adam
Hoegy, who resided on lot '1, conces-
sion 10, McKillop. His death occurred
in Stratford at the hone of Mr. Tames
Thomas, where he had been conval-
escing after being in Stratford Gen-
eral hospital for nine days. For some
little time he had not been enjoying.
the best of health, suffering with
heart and kidney trouble. Surviving
are two daughters and one son, Syd-
ney of the, West and Amanda and'Ed-
na of Stratford. He was married thir-
ty -cue years ago to Miss Caroline
Ische, of, Ellice, who died ten years
ago. Five brothers and four sister
survive, also: 'Louis, Seaforth, Hemel
and George, Grey township; William
on the homestead, McKillop; ;Fred, of
McKillop; Mrs, Wm. Ewald (Her-
Banda) of Elkton, Mich Mrs, Henry
\Veiters,on (Caroline), McKillop; Mrs,
'Wen. Klee (Mary), Mitchell; Mrs.
Herman Kleaber (Louisa), Winrmer,
Sask. Deceased 'was 'born on the 10th
concession, MclKi'llop, a son of the
late William HOegy, who predeceased
himten years ago. His mother, Mrs.
William Hoegy, who is 83 years of
age, is residing with her son 'William,
(Rev. Mr. Gross of 'Rostock will
conduct the funeral services which.
will take place on Friday, September
22nd, at 2 p.m. from the residence of
Mr. William iHbegy, lot 8, con. 8, Mc-
Killop, to the Evangelical church ce-
metery, McKillop. The five brothers
Will act as p'all'bearers and Mr. Fred
,Douglas' Egyptian ';Liniment reliev
es toothache and neuralgia, 'Invalu-
able in cases of croup, sore throat
Want -and tF'or Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c and quinsy. Keep a bottle handy.
Before You Buy!
Investigate Our Shoe
Per pound.....Cash 43 C
Iodized , 9c
7 1b. Bags 13c
'15 lb. Bags 26c
5 lbs. Cash
Pure Lard, 2 lbs 21c
Magic Baking Powder 1 lb. 36c
Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 49c
$2.59 .Cash
W, s e F
1 I N N I G .N
Town -of 'Seaforth
(Notice is hereby ,given that the first
meeting of the Court of Revision for
hearing complaints against the assess-
ment ro'11 for the Town orf Seaforth
for 110313, will be 'held in the Council
Chamber, 'Seaforth, on Monday, Oc-
tober 2nd, ADD. ,10313, at 8 o'clock p.m.
Town Clerk.
Seaforth, 'Sept. 1118, 1191313.
Off House hold Effects. -'The un-
dersigned auctioneer has received :in-
structions to sell iby public auction at
the residence of ,Mr. Robt. Grieve,
'High street, on 'Saturday, September
30th, 11933, at 130„ the following:
Cook stave, coal oil stove, .kitchen
table, extensiontable, falling leaf
table, other small table's, sideboard,
mirrors, dressers, bed springs and
mattress, chest of drawers ,(•walqut)
day bed, cou'c'h, sewing machine,
rugs, congoleum and linoleum, organ,
glass cupboard, ,washing machine,
wringer, ,bolter, tubs, wash board,
pots and pair's, ,dishes, jars, lawn
mower, garden tools. Terms (Cash.
iOLiD DIALIE, Auctioneer.
Required by all ,persons using fire-
arms for hunting. Now on sale at the
Post Office, License tee $1.00. CHAS.
P. SILLS, P.M„ Issuer. 39„
(Small white gold ring, near general
stare at Kipper. Valued of keepsake.
Reward. MRS. E. J. IHOL1LEN-
B'E'CK, Bluevale P.O., Ont.
The funeral of the late Ina Ryan,
who died last Monday at the home of
John Ryan on the 'Baylfield Road, was
conducted by the Rev. Craik of God-
erich on Wednesday afternoon to
'Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers
were Borden Clark, Lloyd Picot, Don-
ald MadKenzie and Alfred..Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hopson r and
fa'mrnily have moved into the neighbor-
hood. They have bought the govern-
ment farm on the 4!th concession,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bell and fam-
ily have moved to Mr. Alex. Young's
farm at Porter's Hill,
Miss Irene Woods and Miss Alva
Elliott have gone back to 'Clinton to
attend school.
Mr, ,Hugh !Melia -min, spent Sunday
visiting relatives on the Bayfield' road.
The community was shocked on
Wednesday to hear of the sudden
death of Mrs, Alf. Sco'tchmer, at the
home of Mr. Bottler on the Bayfield
line. '1'Fr. Scotchmer and family has
just moved 'here from the West, Our
sympathy goes out to the bereaved
Winthrop football team 'held a sac
eessful'.ban'quet in the hall last Friday
night; about ;120 being present. Mr.
Leo Stephen -son presented the Steph-
enson cup -to the captain, Mr, ,Donald
Dale, and gave a complimentary ad-
dress, Toasts were proposed 'by Mr.
Percy !Lit -tin who tins eh -airmen; toast
to the King; John !Buchanan,
ton; John Sauter, !Clinton; Jack 'Hol-
land, St, IColtmirban; and 'Ferg 01.11 -
1 -lard, manager of the 'Winthrop teadi,
and !Neil Montgomery of Win,throrp.
Mr. Jack' Ro,binsionfavoured us with a
couple of songs. The rest eof the even-
ing was spent in dancing, music' by
,Patrick-II-I'itlen ,and Smith -Dodds and
+Neilans. A lunch committee of the
ladies, Mrs. !Hugh-,Alexa'nder, 'Mrs. C.
+Do'Image, Mrs. P. Bullard, Mrs. 'Geo.
Eaton and Mrs. Percy Little ,were 10
'c'harge of the fowl supper.
Winthrop played football lin ani-
stein on Mond -ay alight. The score
was 2-.1 in ,favor of Holstein,
Mr. and Mns. Ge'o'rge 'Eaton and
family ,spent ,Sunday ,with friends in
Mr, and Mrs. Sol. 'Shannon and
Kathleen spent 'Sunday with 'Mr. and
'Mrs, ]Albert 1Hudsoun.,of Egm'o:ndiv'ille.
M•r. 'Melvin 'Merriam ,of ILontlom
spent' a few days with Mr. Tim ,Eaton
this week.
Potatoes and
As the average .crop of potatoes 1»
der 50% production this year it is a
safe gamble that potatoes will see $2
before long. Orders delivered now
will be filled at the following prices:
Extra No. 1 Dooley Potatoes bag $1ST
Regular No. '1 " 13,5
Field, Run " " 128
;These prices are subject to rise, at
any time. Call at our farm or phone
34-616 Clinton.
3 miles west of 'Seaforth on Highway
Clinton, Ont.
Pall term opens 'Sept. Stla. iCouxses:,
Stenographic, 'Conunercial, 'Secretar-
ial, Special .Courses arranged. Corr-
espondence .Courses to those who
cannot attend school. Write or phone.
198. B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal;,
M. A. STONE, Com. !Specialist, Was-
Soft maple body wood $2.50 a cord.
'A'lso ,hard maple body wood $3-55 a
cord. ,In load lots of four cords ear
more, delivered, V'PCTOIR FALCON
ER, Brucefield. Phone 929 r 12, Ofec-
ton central,
!Wanted, girl for housework in See--
ee-forth, Must be able to look after
small children. Apply by letter stating
wage expected to News 'Office. 35
Dark amberhoneyat 30c for tea
pound pail in your own pails. J. C.
LAINIG, Seaforth. 3S
Quantity of soft wood, $2 a cord.
Small quantity of all maple $3 'a cord, ,
Quantity of hardwood $4 a cord. De-
livered anywhere in Seaforth. Cask
with order. Also a quantity of elm
plank,' good for repairing stables, barn
floors, etc. T. J. RICHARiDSOd3:,
phone 148 r 22 Seaforth.
'Expert typing done at very reason,-
able rates. All orders given prompt
attention. Apply to Box 127, The Sea-
forth News. 38
(Fifty White Leghorn pullets, Iled-
to-lay, are now laying. About six
months old. Apply to J'NO. 'D.
E+UGIE, Ki'ppen, or phone 134 r 3L
My wife, Annie Arnold, having left
my bed and board, I will not be res-
ponsible for any debts contracted by,
icer after this date,
Dublin, Sept. 1•, 1i933. 38 -
!Well-bred Yorkshire ]nog, at lot K.
con. 3, Tuckersmith, H,R,S, Tisis is at
choice hog of bacon type, AINIG!USS
K'ENNE'DY, Phone 1111113. r 31.
Wheat, per bus. $5c
;Barley, per bus, ...,... .........- 42o
Oats, new, per bus. , 32e
Inuckwheat, per bus, . 4Se
New potatoes, bus. -... $1 -da
Butter, per lb , 18c
(Hogs, per cwt. ...,..:,_,..._.-..$G$f
:Eggs, per doz. IlOcllticclSo
• p
C5111es ie s
Cleaners & Dyers
Phone19&w.Wecalland deliver
V. J. Gillespie, Pr8',p.