HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-09-21, Page 4'PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros,, Publishers.
Mr, Bert 'Dennison and family of
Preston spent the week -end with Mr.
.R. Bennett and other friends.
Mr. Chas. McDonald of !Windsor
n'isited Mr. Fred ',Innes and other
driends in IWa!'toe over the week -end.
Mrs. C. Underwood and sort (Billy
zare at •present visiting in Walton.
Mr, IBert lJlohnston is convalescing
at the 'home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Silas (Johnston, ',!dint con. (Grey.
Ile was brought !prom iSeeforth hos-
ipitsl Firidaa evening where he under-
went a serious operation a month ago.
'Rabinson 1Hamiil'ton had a narrow
escape from a fatal accident .and suf-
fered painful injury while at hone
over .the week -end from IScaforth
where he is attending IFo.rm tf1I at
the collegiate. The wheels of a wag-
on passed over him, ,'breaking it leg
near the hip and injuring his back
•somewhat. He was fastening the tugs
t -to a wagon when the. team 'bolted,
knocking him to the ground under the
wagon as it ran away, His brother,
''Mark, had 'been hitching another team
-nearby but had gone to the house and
•returned. to (find 'his brother lying on
the ground ina dazed condition. Dr.
McCrea of Brussels was called and
.owing to the nature ofthe injuries
had hini immediately removed to Sea-
farth hospital The accident happened
at his 'hone, 'Bound'ary (East, at noon
on Saturday.
There passed away at her home on
Turn•berry street, Brussels, on Thurs-
day one of the early pioneers in the
person of Mary McArter, widow of
George Kirkby in her 94th year. Born
in 'Glasgow, Scotland, the deceased
came to Canada as a giri of fourteen,
After her marriage she settled in Us -
borne to•wuship, then in Blanshard,
later in Morris where she lived for
.many years before retiring ill Brussels
•eleven years ago. There survive nine
of a .family of ten children: The mem-
bers of the family are: Mrs. John
'Caistor, Cass City, Mich.; Mrs. Peter
McArthur, Morris township; Jonath-
an Kirleby (who died in Brussels in
11928); Miss Ellen Kirkby, at home;
Miss Janet Kirkby, teacher at .Kitch-
ener; Dr. Harry F. Kirkby, VS., of
Belgrave; Mrs. Thos. McCall, Brus-
sels; Mrs. Robert Watt, Blyth; Mrs.
J. W. Shortreed, 'Vanderhoof, B.C.,
and Herbert B. Kirkby, Walton. Mrs.
Kirkby was a woman who was never
too busy with her large family to do
-.kind deed for a neighbor, in the days
of long ago when doctors were few'
and neighbors far apart. The funeral
took place from her late residence on
-Saturday afternoon to Brussels cem-
etery. the services being conducted by
'Rhouse of the United
house Rev.
'Church .of which- deceased was a
-member and formerly of the Method-
ist Church, The pallbearers were six
grandsons, John and George Caistor,
. 'John and George McArthur; George
and Lou Kirkby. The fiowerbearers
were Frank Kirkby, Miller .McArter,
John McArter. Both Mr. and Mrs.
+Kirkby were among the few remain-
ing pioneers of this part of Ontario.
Her 94th birthday would have been on
Friday, September 2+2, a week after her
death, and Mr. Kirkby, who was,in
his Beth year died in 1924' after retir-
ing to Brussels. They moved to this
vicinity sixty-one years ago, corning
to the Frank' Martin farm, Sunshine.
Mrs, Kirkby came on a lumber wagon
with the children, one of whor was
only six 'weeks old, travelling all the
way from Blanshard township and
north from Seaforth to Brussels and
:Sunshine, small places then. Fifty-one
years ago they moved to the 9th con-
cession of Morris. Mrs. Kirkby had
recollections of fishermen in Nova
Scotia where she was for a short tirre
when her people came . from the Old
Country. They lived in Lanark county
near Ottawa and then in Elam/lard. tp.
where the deceased's marriage took
place. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Kirkby
knew what it was to be ill during their
long lives. This summer a general
ieakeniag in health was noticed by
:the family of the deceased.
''Eight of the family attended the
Iuneral,, Mrs. Shortreed being unable
to come from British Columbia. Oth-
ers attending from a distance were:
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kirkby of 'St.
Marys, the former being a nephew of
deceased; Mr. Samuel Kirkby of St.
Marys, a nephew; Mr, and Mrs. John
MdArthur, St, Marys, .Mrs. J. B.
'Nelson of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
'Thomas 'Kern.ick of Blyth, the latter
-being a niece; Mr, and. Mrs. John Vin-
cent of Blyth; Mr. ,and Mrs, Thomas
J, McMichael olf Seaiorth, .Mr. and
Mrs. Garner Nicholson and Mr. Jack
Stewart of Belgrave; Mrs, John A.
Caistor, her daughter Miss ,TJaura
Caistor and her two sons, John and
+George, and the. letter's daughter,
Miss Es'for Caistor, all of Cass City,
Farm Machinery and
Corrie in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
Admission 25c
Ladies 10c
any breed a, \'1oN.ay, P. Dearing, S.
J, Pyni.
Judge-lJlas. Roy,
Apples -Winter apples, Earl Me -
Donald, F. Triebner; fall apple's, E.
MacDonald; any Variety of fall ap-
ples, E. 2daclDlonald F. Triebner; Rh,
Island Greetings, Earl MacDonald,
Cecil Rowe; 'Northern Spies, Mrs.
Clayton Sims, Frank Triebner; Rox-
boro Russets, Der.l C'uamore, Mrs. H.
IDesljardine; golden russets, Jacob
Battler, F. Tmielhnet; Spitzburgs, E.
,M'adDonlald, E. J. *alert; Baldwins,
'Earl Cudtn'ore, F. Triebner; Snow
1Aipples F. Triebner, J. Battler; Col -
vents, 1. MacDonald, H. Truemner;
Pall Pippin's, E. MadDoneld, E. Cud -
more; King' of Tompkins, E. MacDon-
aid, Tadotb Blaittler; Alexanders, Mrs.
1W., Smith, Clifford Heywood; Cana-
dian Red, E. MacDonald, Mrs. H.
DF, Triebner; Maiden's Earl
en'sB ush, E .
'MacDonald, F. Brock and Son; Ben
Davis, Me -s. H. Desjardine, E. M'ac-
iDloavauidl Ontario, E. MacDonald,
Jacob Battler; Wealthy, E, Marpon-
a1'd, F. Triebner, D'a'chas .of Olden-
ibuirg Mrs. Clayton Sims; Blenheim
Pippins, .E . MadDonald; Talmran
!Sweet, F. ,Ellerington, E. Ma'dD'oneid;,
St. Lawrence, E. MtadDonlald, F.
Triebner; Niorth End. Special, Earl
Cuchnore, '
Pears --Duchess of Antjouli'ue, E.
Cudmore; Clapp's Fluvourite, J Bat-
tler,IE. MacDo
na d;oFadi Lucrativ , Fred
.Brock; Sheldon, E. MeeDlonald; East
Beurre, Fred Brock, Earl MacDonald;
Bureau Anjou, J. Battler, !E. . Mac-
Donald; Bartlett, Mrs, M. Young, 'E.
Plums -Golden Drop, H. Truemner,
E. J. Willard; Imperial Gage,
Brock; any variety plums, H. Truem-
ner, F. Triebner; Pond's ,Seedling, H.
Grapes --Moore's Early, J. Battler;
iNiagara, C. Heywood, J. ,Battler; Con-
cord, J. Battler, C. Heywood; any
other variety, Mrs, G. MaoLean.
Peaches --Early Crawford, C. Hey-
Judge --a3 Grieve.
J 0 L] N � L L 0� atvd 2nd,
Dark Brahmas-Hen( T. C. Wilson
VV • i GV
Any variety Cdchins-Cock .and
hen; Mrs Whiting; hen, cockerel and
pullets, T. C. Wilson.
(Silver Grey Dorkings- Cock, hen
'and pullet-M'r:s, Whiting; cockerel,
.. and pullet, Mrs. 'Nhitiag, J hoehems,
cockerel, J. Kochems, 'Mrs Whiting.
Buff Orp'ungtons-Cock Mrs, Whit-
ing, J• Kochems; hen, 7. Kocbe'tns, 0.
* * 'Battler; eockerel, Mrs. Whiting, O.
F� IBattl�er; pullet, 0. Battler, Mrs, What -
Mg. ii 11as ing•
� 'Any otter variety O�ripi�nlgtons'=Cock
'and hen, T. C. Wilson and grid
F Btarred Plymouth Rocks-Cocck,
CiDUd Fair MacDonald, Mee. Whiting; hen,
Baal T. C. Wilson. ,
'Mrs. Wdtlting,
Buff W'yandottes-Hen, L. O'Brien,
amcockerel and pullet, L. OlBrien.
(White Wyandottes--+cock, L. O'-
Brien; hen, T. C. Wilson, anO eisn,
'Any other variety° W'y
+Cock, T. C. Wilson, L. O'Brien; hen,
T. C. Wilson and 2nd; cockerel and
pullet, L. O'Brien arid 2nd.
IS:C. Rhode Island Reds-Cb.ck, J.
Kochems, T. C. Wilson; Then, 3.
.chenus, 0. B!at'tler; cockerel and pullet,
J, Kochems and End.
(Buff Legitorns-Cock and hen, E.
MacDonald cockerel, , E. MadDouald.
IL. O'Brien; pullet, `,1L, O'Brien, E.
'Valhi'te .Le'g'h'orit Cock E M'adD'on-
ald; hen, T. C. Wilsons E. M'adDon-
old; cockerel, 0. Battler, E. MadDon-
Brown ,Leghorns-Cock, T. C. Wil-
son,eidin it year -W. Decker, A. Ford, Mrs. Whiting; hen, airs Whiting,
team- Deker, L, iRowcliffe. T• C. la, ilson; cockerel, lies. Whiting,
T. C. Willson; pullet, Mrs, Whiting:
Agricultural= Brood mare -O. `Mc- 'IAny o'theLegriorns--eHen, T. C.
Gilroy, G. Hepburn. Foal of ,3933-0. Wilton and 2nd. 1 and pullet,
McCurdy, C. l+rayne. Filly or gelding, Slack Spanish - Cockerel
3 years -•K. McKellar, W. Bowden. 3. Kochems; hen, Wilson,
Filly or gelding 2 years -N. Jeffrey, Black M norcas
E. Monteith, Dilly or gelding 1 year- W. Bowden.
,Cecil Rowe, W. D. Snaith. Team- White Minorcas-Co�knand apDonJ
.K. McKellar. +Diploma_for best animal O'Brien, MacDonald, hen, en.
any age -K. McKellar. ' old; cockerel, Wilson,
•Andalusians-�C'ock, hen, cockerel,
!Battler; pullet, Rattler anal `2nd.
Anconas=Cock, O'Brien; hen, Mac-
Donald, O'Brien; cockerel, O'Brien
and 2nd; pullet, O'Brien MedDonald,
(Black Hlanuburgs-Cock, Mrs Whit-
ing, Battler; hen, Mrs. Whiting; ckl.
and pullet, Battler.
,Golden Cantpines-l0' Brien, 4 firsts
'Silver Oativpines-'cock, hen and pul.,
Mrs. Whiting.
Golden Polands--(Cock and hen,
pullet, O'Brien, •
Any other variety
pullet, MadDonald and 2nd,
IBM. Red Game- Cock, heti, ckl,,
pub, MacDonald.
Duclow'ing Game -Cock, Mrs. Whit-
Any other variety Game -Cock,
t +.tin
• V4h
Mrs. g
,Game Bantams -Cock and hen,Mrs
'Golden Sebrights=Cock and hen,
Mrs. Whiting, MacID'onald.
Any other Bantam -All classes, Mrs
iWhiting, MacDonald.
'I -{C'o'ck, M'aciDlonald, Wil-
Sumatra Game -Cock and hen, W.
iBowden and 2nd.
White Rocks -Cock, O'Brien, T.
Snowden; hen, Snowden, Battler; ckl.
and pullet, T. Snowden, Jas. Willis..
Black Giants- Cock, J. hlochetns;
hen, Kochems, Wilson; cockerel and
pullet, Kochems and 2nd.
Geese -Bremen, c and h, F. Brocdk,
and Son. drld gander, Miners and
Toulouse Geese -Old gander and
goose, Jas. E. Willis,, Dan Dew; yaung
Dew, Willis.
Any other variety Geese -young
gander, Brock and 2nd; young goose,
'Brock, MacDonald.
Pekin Ducks -old, Battler, T. Snow-
den; young drake, Battler, Kochems;
young duck, Kochems and 2nd,
(Rouen Ducks -old, Bowden; young.
Bowden and 2nd- _old drake
Any other variety Ducks drake
Brack, old duck, Brock and 2ndduck:
young drake, Brock, young
iKochems' Mac-
Fowl -Cock and :hen,
Donald. T. Snowden,
!Pea Fowl -cock and hen, W. Stan -
lake. +_.',Buck and doe, old
IBeiRian Ltab'blts
W, Stanlake.erabbits-(Odd, W. Star -
hake, Earl Cudmore; young, Earl
'Best Pair --W. Stanlake.
'Pigeons-Shetaott, Sanders.
'Best Bantams, special, Mrs, Whit-
All. Repairs and Labor Cash.
took exception to a stere remark;
probably made by one of the (Walton
boys, thinking he might get a little
sympathy from the 'public, but in-
stead he exposed his poor sportsman -
grip. I think the majority of the
Clubs will agree with the when I say
the Trophy should remain in posses-
sion. of the holding team until a
stronger .competitor wits out. And by.
winning out 1 do not mean by trying
to leave a flaw in the game by short-
ening the scheduled rule of 95 min-
utes, so that in defeat he Wright try
the usual means of protesting on
time, which did not prove to be a
good policy to follow. I think the
committee should not allow the rules
to be tam'pere'd with as was done this
year, by allowing four teams in each
district to play off instead of two, as
per rules. I might here say in clos-
ing that what our friend might con-
sider a square deal, rniglrt scarcely be
a wise prove on the part of any com-
mittee. Thanking you, Mr.'Editor,
for the space taken up in your paper,
Mrs. 'Tao. Tyler of 1St, Marys, Ont.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R.
Stewart at Warton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. MctLeod of
Wroxeter spent Sunday with W. R.
Stewart and family of Walton:
;Showery cold weather ,greeted : Ex-
eter's annual fall' fair an Wednesday
afternoon of. this week, and some'wh'at
lowered the attendance. However, the
exhibits were of the usual high order
and the program of sports were run
off according to schedule.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1933.
General Purpose - Brood mare
C. Frayne, Art Ford. Foal o f 19313 -
Art Ford, J. Gelinas & San, Filly or
gelding 3 years -Luther Rowcliffe, A.
Ford. Filly or gelding 2 years -Wm.
Decker,George Hepburn, Filly or
Mrs. Colin Fingland of Walton vis-
ited her parents, \'1r, and Mrs. Joseph
Johnslton on Sunday,
A meeting of unusual interest was
held by the 'Women's Institute on
Thursday night, Sept. Loth, when they
entertained the Auburn branch, the
visitors having charge of the programa
Meeting opened by singing the Insti-
tute ode 'followed by the Lord's pray-
er in unison, Mrs, Jas. McGill read the
During lesson Dt rut
the b
' tore
'S crtp
period Miss Mary Pate was appointed
delegate to the convention to be 'held
at Kincardine on October 117;144. It
was also decided to have our annual
fowl supper on Thursday, November
9th. The Maple 'Leaf was then sung.
The first number on the program was
a duet by Miss Josephine Weir and
Miss Edith Stoltz; reading, "My Gol-
den Wedding Day," by Mrs. John
(Wilson, followed by a quartette by
Mrs, Howson, Mrs, Robertson, Mrs.
Carter and Mrs. Johnston. Reading,
"Friday Bargain Day," by Mrs. Jas.
Woods. Instrumental by Mrs. Morti-
mer; duet, "They Say," by .Mrs. Al-
len and, Mrs. Craig. Tine numbers were
well given and much appreciated, with
Miss Winnie Howson accompanist
'Refreshments were served and a soc-
ial time spent that was enjoyed bvT
ail. Committee, Mrs. Carr,
(Laidlaw, •Mrs. Colciou;gh, Mrs. Keliv,
Mrs, R. Fear, Mrs, J. W. Mills, Mrs.
H, Phillips.
Now' Playing -"THE GOOD COM-'
PANIONIS"-A cheerful, lilting thea-
trical romance
Mon. -Tues. -Wed. -Double Bill
present an amazing drama of rare
Six Hours to Live
in a humorous and lovable yarn
Too Busy To Work
lThurs. Fri.;Sat: - Esther Ralston and
Conrad Veldt inEngland's ace' picture
Heavy Draught -Brood snare -W.
)Northcott, Ed. Yellow, Foal of 103-
W, Northcott, Ed. Yellow. Filly or
gelding 3 years -Manson B.ros.; 2 -
year -old -M. Thomson; one -year-old
-W, Northcott, E. Yellow. Team -K.
M.oKell'ar, E. J. Willard, Diploma, K.
McKellar. Judge -W. L. MON ip,
St. Marys.
Carriage Horses -+Brno;' mare, E.
Walker, J. Ingram; foal, E. Walker,
'3. Ingram; filly or gelding 2 years, E.
.Walker, Manson Bros„ filly or geld-
ing 1 year, R. Rundle, E. Wal!per
Single carriage horse -IE. J. Willard,
'Pair carriage horses, E J. Willard.
Diploma, E. J. Willard. •
'Brood mac E Z
r W. Fawm S
(Rundle; foal, E. V\ . Fawm,
'Rundle. Filly or gelding,3 years, H.
Truemner, ,Robt. Rundle; 2 years G.
Deters; 1 year -H. Trueman. Pair
roadsters hi harness and buggy, Wes.
Maguire. Single roadster, 3. Sinclair,
Wes. -Maguire.
Lady Driver -,Mrs. Irwin Wilbert,
Mrs. Garnet Deters. Judges -J, Nor-
ris, R. W. Hicks.
Herd-•Stutt Bros., W. Oestricher,
J. Hirtzel.
Shorthorn - Cow, 1Vm. Oestricher
and 2nd; two year old heifer, Wm.
Oestricher and 2nd; one year old heif-
er, Win. Oestricher and 2nd; heifer
calf, Wm. Oestricher, E. Monteith;
hull calf, Win, '•Oestricher and 2nd;
E. liontieth; bull over two years
Mrs, Oestricher; bull over one year,
alis. Oestricher and 2nd. Diploma -
airs. Oestricher.
+Herefords -Cow -,Stott Bros., F, ,FI.
Calvert, J. Hirtzel; two year old heif-
er, Stutt Bros, F. H. Calvert; one year
old heifer, F. H. Calvert, Shutt Bros.,
J• Hirtzel; heifer calf, Stott Bros., F.
H. Calvert, 3. Hirtzel; bull calf, 'Stott
Bros„ F. H. Calvert, J. Hirtzel. Bull
over one year, Stutt Bros.
(Jersey --Cow, T. Brock and and, W.
'Stanlalce; two year' old heifer, A. Eth-
erington; one year old heifer, T.
(Brack, and 2nd; heifer calf, Fred H.
Calvert; bull calf, D, Easton, W.
S!tanlake, Diploma -A. E'therington.'
Traquair and Lindentfield special -
Best calf any bred, Stutt Bros,
Usborne. Tp, Baby Beef-tE. Mon-
teith, Aubert Etherington, C. Godibolt.
Agri. Soc. Baby !Beef spccral--E'th-
Good 'Bulls in Demand
!Lately, a very, definite increase in
the demand for registered Holstein
'bulls, with creditable backing,
became apparent in all parks of On-
The movement in'thia direction has
been particularly noticeable since the
new Premium Policy went into effect
in June. As a result, prices have been erin toes JC T.
llisot , J. Hirto l and
strengthening and even 'higher values and and 3rd; two year old heifer, F.
are likely to prevail this !Fall, accord- Ellerington and 2.nd and 3rd; one yr.
ing to breeders:
International crooks supply a chain
of astounding adventures!
Coining - ,Another double feature,
"The Blue Danube" and "Mischief"
Matinee -Sat. 3 p.m.
Special !Matinee Fair Day -3.30p'•
Money extracted, Mrs. E. Darling,'
Mrs. E. R. Pynt; maple syrup, Mrs.
33. Selves, Mrs. Stone; home made
bread, white, Melvin Smith, lairs. W.
H. Dearing; homemade bread, brown,
Mrs, hornedynolds, Mrs. made rolls, airs. W. Dear-
YDearing, F. Brock & Son; nut bread,
Mrs. M. Young; tea biscuits, Mrs. W.
'H. Dearing, Mrs. E. Darling; tarts,
maple, Mrs. 0. Cunningham, F, Brock
& Son; cookies for afternoon tea, Mrs.
O. Cunningham, J. Battler; angel cake
(Mrs. W. H. Dearing,
ninglram; light cake, Mrs. H. Desjar-
dine, Melvin Smith; dark cake, Mrs.
W. ;Smith, Mrs. L. Reynolds; apple
pie, Mrs. Clayton Sims, Alex. Smith;
.pumpkin pie, F. Triebner, Mrs. 0.
Cunningham; lesion pie, Mrs. George
Jaques, ,llrs, ,O. Cunningham; red cur-
rant jelly, apple jelly and ,berry jelly,
Mrs, H..Desjardine, Mrs. W. H. Dear-
ing; 3 varieties sour pickles, Mrs, 0.
Curininghant, Mrs. E. ,R. Pym; 3 'var-
ieties sweet pickles, Mrs. O. Cunning-
ham; catsup, H. Desjardine, J. Batt-
ler; canned cherries, raspberries and
strawberries, Mrs. W. H. Dearing.
'Mrs. O. Cunningham; canned pears,
ms and
I3. Dear-
ing, ea
ing, 4rs, O.Cunningham;ntuncanned
apples and grapes, Mrs. W. H. Dear-
ing, Mrs. 0. Cunningham; canned
corn, peas and toanatoes, Mrs. Cunn-
ingham, Mrs, W. H. Dearing; two va-
rieties vegetable marmalade, Mrs. W.
fI. Dearing; canned chicken, Mrs, 0.
'Cunningham 3'Irs. W. S3, Dearing::
lunch for two, Mrs. 0. Cunningham;
cured hain, firs. H. A. Fuss, Mrs, C.
Sinus; assortment of cured meats, I3.
A. Fuss; meat loaf, Mrs. George Ja-
ques, Mrs, 0. Cunningham.
Judge -Mrs. Wm. Consitt,
Sanders; Parsnips, E. MadDom'ald,
Warren Saunders; Hubbard Squash,
H. Truemner, C. Rowe; Table squash,
3. Senior, H. Truemner; Flall CJaib-
bage, E, J. Willard; Winter Cab'b'age;
E. J. Willard; Collection of Vege-
tables, Fred Brock, Warren Sanders;
Times4Advocate special for best col-
lection vegetables, F. Brock.
(Judge --and, Coates.
!Fall wheat, white, W. A. Douga
H. Truemner; Fall wheat, red, Milne
(Rader, H. A, Fuss; any variety of
Spring wheat, Mrs. 0.' Cunningham,
Truemner; 6 -rowed barley, Milne
Ratter, H. Truemner; Black oats, H.
Truemner; White oats, W. R. Dou-
.gal1, H. A. Fuss; Timothy seed, Mrs.
O. Cunningham, R. Geiger; Flax
seed, Jas. Cattle; White beans, Milne
Rader, 5. Battler; Clover seed, H.
Truemner, H. A. Fuss; 'Collection of
grain in ear, Mrs. L. Reynolds, R.
Geiger; Ensilage corn stock and ear,
H. Desjardine; Large peas, Mrs. H.
Desjardine, Jas. Cattle; s'mall peas,
Milne .Rader, Jas. Cottle.
Judge -ad, Coates,
Limited Ocean Space
"The volume of livestock export
this year is considerably greater tira•n
that of last year," said Gannet H.
+Duncan, livestock investigator, .On-
tario Marketing iBoard, "and a com-
parison of sales, in Great ,Britain dis-
closes that top prices have been re-
ceived for cattle of 111'50' to 11300,
Mr. Duncan said that Ontario
feeders still have a considerable num-
her' of cattle available for export, and.
laok of ocean space seems to be the
only factor restraining "even greater
For the present, prospective indiv-
idual shippers sh.ould communicate
with livestock agents in Montreal,
with a view to securing any space
whish may be offered 'from time to
To the 'Editor, -1 read a short item
written by a (Brussels fan whose feel-
in,gs seem to have been hurt a little
when he did not get an opportunity
to get 'a .look at the rntuch talked of
Trophy. Probably he thinks that is
the only way he will ever see it. He
old heifer, Manson, Bros. and and; two
year old steer, 1F. Ellerington and 2nd
and 3rd; one year old steer, F. Eller
ingtan and 2nd .and 3rd; calf, C. Front,
F. Ellerington and 3trd. Three butcher
steers under 1000 lb. -F. Ellerington
and 2nd. 3 butcher steers over 1000 lb
-F. Ellerington and 2ttd. Diploma
u. Ellerington. ,Judge -Mein. Charters,
Trot, 1 mile -',Peggy Grattan (ILa•w-
son) list; Colonel Direct ('English)
2nd. The others were John Gratton
'(,Bierling), Ted Grattan Mine), and,
Sitar Patchen ((Hicks). Time 2.27 1-4.
',Horse Relay Race -;1st, Whiting of
Centralia; and Mitchell of Centralia;
Wines, Dashwood; Smith, Wood-
ham; Mdlntosh, Woodham. (insole
!Special running race -Wim.
Woodham; Earl Gilbert, Ailsa Craig;
Earl Whiting, Exeter.,
Bicycle Y
ole Race,
1!7 years rs
under -Harry Frayne, illiam
Gower, Allen Wes'tcott. Time- 1
minute, 115 seconds, - R. Colling-
mile bicycle race
wood, Newston, Stokes, H.
'Frayne. Time -6 thin. 37 seconds.
Exeter -1131 iLucan=l2,
(.Exeter won $10 and Lunn $5.)
Special Prizes
(Harvey Bros. for best loaf of white
bread, Melvin Smith; for best loaf of
brown bread, Mrs. W. H. Dearing;
\Iiddieton's bakery, homemade roils
and tea biscuits, airs, W. H. Dearing;
Miss V, Essery, best plate of cookies,
Mrs. 0. Cunningham; B. Smith,
!Springhurst Dairy, best apple pie, Mrs
C. ;Sims,
'Dorset Horned.-iP Dearing woe 6
!Fasts, 5 seconds and W. W. Taman''s
special in Dorset Horned.
!Oxford Downs. -Ram, J. E Will-
is; shearling ram, S. J. Pym; ram
''amlb and aged. ewe -IS. J. Pynt anal
land; shearling ewe, S. T. Pvm, J. E
'Willis; ewe lamb, J. E. Willis, S. J.
IShnopshire D'o'wns,--•+A'ged ram, R.
Yorkslhsre-',Boar, two years old, G. ID. Hunter; s'hearling ram, Glamis D.
'Miners, Chas. Prout; boar, one year c1,-Pn., R. D. Hunter; ram la b, R.s &
G. Miners, boar, under one year, G. (Hunter and 2nd; meed ewe,
'Miners; so'w, two years and over, G. Son and 2nd: shearling ewe and ewe
Miners, sow. one year, G. Miners, C, lamb, R. D. Hunter and 2n'd, Steeper
!Praia;sow, under one year, G. Min 'Lincolns -+Aged ram, A. D.. ter
ers, Albert Etherin'gton, T. Snowden; she'arli g
Snow -
!Berkshire -Sow, one year, H. Des- den, Geo. Penlhale; aged ewe, A. D.
ironic. (Steeper. Geo. Penlhale; shearling e
r'. Tamworth --,All classes, Manson As. D. Steeper and 2nd; ewe lamb, A,:
(Bros. D. ,S'teelper, G. Penlhale.
3udge-Oh'as. Hwey. oLeicesters=Aged ram, J. McNay,
',Alex. Smith; sheat -ling ram; J. Me -
POULTRY Niay; ram lamb, J. McNay and 2nd•
axed ewe, J. McNay, A. Smita, •
shearling ewe, J..MdNlay and 2nd; ewe
lamb, J. MidNay, A. Smith.
l5weepsliakes, best animal, any class,
A bright feature of the egg market
is that this year promises to be the
heaviest egg -exporting season since
Dairy 'Products
5 lbs. butter, J. Battler, Mrs, L,
Reynolds; 10 lbs, butter, Cecil Rowe,
Roland Geiger, lb. rolls or prints, H.
A. Fuss, Cecil Rowe; most neatly ar-
ranged plate of butter for table use
H. Desjardine, Mrs. Clayton Sims.
Judge -Jas Francis:
American Wonder Potatoes, Milne
'Rader, Mrs. H. Desjardine; Beauty 0.
',Hebron potatoes, Jacob Battler; Red
Elephant .po'tatocs, Jacob Battler; Car-
men No. 1 potatoes, Mrs.H. Desjard-
ine, M. Rader; Rural New Yorkers,.
:E. J, Willard; Irish Cobblers, Fred.
!Brack, W. R. Dougall; Green Moun-
tain, M. Rader, Mrs. H. Desjardine;
Early Rose, Jacob Battler,. Roland
Beiges; any other variety potatoes, J.
!Sutton, W. R. Dougall; three varieties,
H. Desjardine, Win. Northcott; blood
beets, Clifford Heywood; Warred
Slanders; Globe beets, J. Sutton, W.
Sas-ideas; sugar beats, F. Ellerington,
Cecil Rowe; sugar beet marigolds, W,
R Dougall, E. J. Willard; long man -
golds, Roland Geiger, E. J Wiliest;
Globe man,golds, W. H. Dearing, H.
Truemner, C. Heywood; Early Horn
rarrots, Fred Brock; Nantes, Mrs,'
Stone, 3. Sutton; Long .orange or red
carrots, E. MaoDonald; white, Warren
Sanders; intermediates or yellow field
carrots, E. J. Willard, C. Heywood;
ILndian corn, C. Heylwo'od, W. Stan -
lake; ;Bantam .corn, E. J. Willard, Mrs.
H. Desjardine; walter .melons, E. J.
!Willard,' Warren Sanders; pumpkins.
C. Heywood, C. Rowe; squash, C.
Heywood, Warren Slanders; muskme-
lons, Jacob Battler F. Tribner; Swede
turnips, F. Triebner, E. MacDonald;
'turnips, any other variety, R Geiger,
red onions, W. Sanders, E MIaciD'on-
ald; white or yellow onions, E. M'ac-
Donlald, H. Des'jardine; Slpanis'h 'on-
ions, H. Desljardine, C. Birney; To-
matoes, J. Battler, Mrs. J. Selves;
Citrons, round, H. A. Fuss, W. San-
ders; Citron, long, H. Truemner, W.
Light Brah'rnas-C•ock a,nd hen.
!Mrs. Whiting Elarl 32adDonald; .cock-
erel, J. Kolchdms.
Purchase Seed Potatoes Now
As Higher Price is Evident
Reports to the Department indicate
that growers of potatoes for the early
market next season, would the well-
advised to purchase their seed sup-
plies note.
Lack of moisture has resulted in re-
ducing the early crop of Ontario
potatoes by approximately thirty-five
per cent, 'based on last year's 'figures-
Tlte acreage planted as certified
potatoes is reduced by at least twen-
ty-five per cent, .Hea.vy s'hi'pments to
the consumer's market have been
made from this reduced acrealge,
thereby leaving the supply available
for seed purposes much less than
usual at this time of 'the year,
;Under these cincumstances, it is
only reasonable to assume that con-
siderably 'higher prices will prevail
newt spring. T'here'fore, wherever pos-
s'i.bie, it is suggested that growers
procure their seed supplies while
prices ere at present levels.
Ontario Government Tests
Prize -Winning Bacon (Hogs
To detenmine ,the reason for low
prices of Ontar,io hogs in Britain the
Depalrtmen't purchased seven .carloads
of prize-winning .Bogs. These hogs
will be processed and shipped over-
The ani nisliS pture'hased represent
the 'higheslt type of bacon hog: in the
Pnovin'ce. The ,Department will over-
see every stage or the slaughtering,
processing, judging on the rail, sh•ip-
;ping and, finally the smoking process
in England, Further, the Department,
through :Ontario House in London,
will market the finished product..
Send us the names of your visitors.