The Seaforth News, 1933-09-21, Page 3'TH'TPRISDAY, 1SEPT. 21, 1933.
Services We Can Render
In the time of need PtROTECTION
is your best ,friend...
Life Insurance
-To protect your LOVED ONES.
Auto Insurance-
To protect you against L2AI3ILETT,
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Fire Insurance.
To protect your HOME and its
Sickness ancl Accident
Insurance -
To protect your iN COleile
Any of the above lines we can give
you in strong and reliable companies,
Einterested, call or write,
Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont.
Arthur Sept. 26, 27
Atwood Sept. 22, 23
BayfieldSept. Sept. 27, 28
Brussels , . Sept. 28, 29
Chesley ` Sept. 19, 20
Drayton Sept. 21, 22
Durham...:. , Sept. 12, 13
Elmira Sept. 1 - 4
Exeter Sept. 19, 20
Fergus Sept. 15, 16
Forest Sept. 26, 27
•Goderich Sept. 19, 20
Hanover + Sept. 14, 15
Harriston Sept. 28, 29
Kincardine Sept.' 21, 22
Listowel .. . , Sept. 20, 21
Lucknow Sept 28, 29
Sept. 19, 20
Sept. 19, 20
Sept. 26, 27
Sept. 20, 21
Neustadt . Sept. 30
Owen Sotind . Sept. 28 - 30
Paisley Sept. 26, 27
Palmerston Sept. 22, 23
Ripley ..... Sept.. 26, 27
Seaforth ........ .Sept. 21, 22
Stratford Sept. 18 - 20
, Oct. 2, 3
Wingham Oct. 10, 11
Zurich Sept. 25, 26
International Plowing Match,
Derby Tp. Owen Sound, Oct. 10,
11, 12 and 13.
Mildmay '
Milverton .. , .. .
Mitchell .-.
Mount Forest
• * * * * * * * * * *
'' (Furnished by Ontario Depart- *
t' rnent of Agriculture.) *
* * . '* * * *. A_: * * * *
• Dressed :Poultry
The demand for ,dressed poultry,
according to T. A. Bcnsmt, Dominion
Poultry (Branch, has been a little
more active during the past week,
while storage holdings+ are still some-
What heavy, the market holds fairly
Richest Farm Manure ifirm, 1-leavy fowl are scarce, as re-
IPoultry manure, is undoubtedly the ceipts in this class of poultry are less,
richest produced on The farm. Poul- probably owing to the better outlook.
try manure, however, fcrenents very for egg prices.
quickly, losing, it left exposed, a large
proportion of its nitrogen, as am- Ontario Bean Crop.
mania. This feet' emphasizes the de- l?rospects throughout the Ontario
sirability of systematically ; and fre- bean belt, -according to Ontario Mar-
quently cleaning off the boards be- keting Board advices, indicate a short
neath the roosts, a plats that also crop.
conduces to the general good health Kent and :Elgin counties, represent -
and thrift of. the fowl ;In sit:mnier the mg over eighty per cent of the bean
manure, previously mixed with loam acreage, were particularly hard hit by
to destroy stickiness and' facilitate day weather. Conditions in Iluron
dis'tribution, may be applied directly County, however, have been more
to the land and: worked with the sur- favorable. Some crops have benefited,
face soil -its best preservative. In by recent rains, but these are throw -
winter (and at other seasons when ing the beans into second growth,
the manure cannot be used directly) This condition will render the crop
it should be maxed 'with a fair pro- late in maturing, and open great
portion, of loam, dried peat, muck danger from frost, 'The carrying over
plaster or supenphosph'ate to fix the of beans from the 19312 crop is 'less
nitrogen. It should then be packed than .that of a year ago, and July has
tightly in barrels or boxes and stared been the best month in the 'bean
protected from rain until required in business since 1March.
the spring, Lime and wood ashes
should not be used for this purpose
as they .set free nitrogen. Poultry
tnatntire' being essentially nitrogen-
ous is particularly valuable for gar-
den and leafy crops generally, and
the majority of poultry keepers will
no doubt do well to reserve it for this
use. However, if the amount available
permits, it can be prd6'tably employed
for the cereals, grasses, roots end
Field Crop Classes
A greater number of entries than
in 11932 was received in the Field
Crop Competition Class and the qual-
.. Oct. 3, 4 ity of some of the classes was parts
Oct. 3, .4 cularly outstanding: These classes are
Here and There
It is porn roast time in Can-
ada, one of the two, principal out-
door festivals in the Dominion
with which the passing- of the
years does not seem to interfere.
The other is "sugaring off" at
:'maple sugar time in the early
days of spring.
Canadian Pacific Railway ex-
perimental farm at Calgary took
honors in the sheep judging at
the Canadian Pacific Exhibition
held recently at Vancouver with
two firsts in each of the rams,,
ewes and pens classes, five sec-
onds and the grand ohampion Suf-
folk ram and ewe champion.
Keeping well in the forefront of
the golfing world in Canada, rhe
Seignory Club, Montebello, Que-
bec, has recently staged a wo-
men's golf tournament and has
followed this up by the tourna-
ment of the Canadian Senior
Golfers ,Association. Both were
well patronized, the latter draw-
ing a big and prominent entry
from the United States.
The world's valuable deposits
of coal and iron lie with the At-
lantic nations rather than with
those who front on the Pacific,
the discussions of the fifth bien-
nial conference of the Pacific Re-
lations Institute held recently at
the Banff Swings Hotel, revealed.
Tho fact enters largely into the
problems of the Countries of the
Paeirf c.
Figures' from the Dominion
Bureau of Statistics draw atten-
tion to the safety of railway tra-
vel in. Canada. In collisions only
two fatalities occurred among a
total of more than 21 million pas-
sengers. Passengers injured num-
bered only 339. Other fatalities •
bringing the total up to seven
were due to such causes es fall-
ing from trains or in getting on
or off trains, Tlto figures are
for the year to MO1C1 31, 1933.
Striking success of the cent -a-
mile coach travel plan inatugtuat-
ed last May and ,Tune by Cana-
rliaiirailways, providing loll faci-
lities for trans -Canada excursions,
east and west, is the juistification
of its repetition on the sante scale
clueing September, C. P. Riddell,
chairman, Canadian Ptussancer
Association, announces. Two
great tides of travel will again be
set in motion, one from the west
to the east and the other from.
the east to the west.
Starting with the commence -
mm -it of the round trip :from
Southampton at the end of Aug-
ust, the Empress of Britain for
the following twelve weeks will
be :engaged upon what amounts to
a continuous 'voyage or 4,0,320
miles. In the course or this voy-,
age the shill will spend a total of
ei;hty days actually under way,"
was the statement of George
Stephen, vice-president of traffic,
Canadian Pacific Railway, who
was a passenger on an August
open to exhibitors who °had competed
in the {Field Crop Competitions dur-
ing the years 11929 to 19313 inclusive,
!Same wonderful wheat sheaves were
entered from 'Western Ontario and
the bartey class had some remarkable
samples from Eastern Ontario. In
fact with the exception of a few en-
tries'from new exhibitors, quality pre-
vailed throughout.
The Racket of Robber Bees.
IAithoughhoney stealing by bees is
likely to he 'most troublesome in late
summer, the bee -keeper has to keep
in mind that robber bees may start
their racket at any time. In warns
weather When there is little or no
honey to be got from the flowers the
Kees will easily yield to any tempta-
tion .1'0 obtain it anyhow. -After more
or less lighting they will overpower
any very weak colonies, and carry the
,honey to their own hives. Old robber
tees have a shiny appearance, the hair
having became worn off with entering
so many different hives. No colony
should be allowed to grow weak, says
the Dominion Apiarist, and no honey
or syrup should be exposed in the
Weekly Crop Report
Most livestock is reported some-
what on the thin side owing to gen-
eral shortage of pasture. Straw will
be at a premium this winter, says e
report from North Sinicoe. In Water-
loo extremely dry weather has prac-
tically /ruined the turnip crop and
turnip aphids are also doing damage..
Local eatining factories in Brant are
buying tomatoes on grade for the
first time and this appears very satis-
factory. The planting of fall wheat has
been held ftp by lack of rain in most
districts. Lincoln County reports a
tremendous wastage of peaches from
brown Tot. Corn its Middlesex is rip-
ening rather prematurely on account
of dry weather and some fields have
borer infestation. The apple crop
looks promising in Prince Edward.
Acreage of fall wheat there, as in
other districts, will be greatly increas-
ed over last year. Optimistic reports
copse from "Dun d'as County where
livestock eonelitions have improved
with recent rains to freshen the past-
ures, where good yields of various
grain crops have been obtained and
where apples are' ver y promising,.
Rains have also helped late potatoes,
ned seeding, corn, bu.ckeeheat and
pastures in Leeds County. Comple-
tion of the initial T. 13. test in Leeds
showed 3.92 per cent of reactors, a
figure considered extremely low for
an initial test. A very large acreage
'Eggs for market should never be
exposed to direct sunlight, rain, or to
extreme heat. It is a good plan always
to keep the eggs covered with a cloth
or other means to prevent fading or
evaporation, In marketing, or at any
other time, eggs should not be placed
near kerosene, onions, fish or other
strong smelling substances, because
the eggs readily absorb odours.
The 'Bumble Flower -Beetle on Fruit
;At the present tune a considerable
of inquiries are being received from
fruit growers about a .beetle -the
;Bumble Flower -(Beetle -which is • at-
tacking ripening fruit. This insect is
a yellow -brawn beetle, one-half inch
or more in length, with its wing cov-
ers sprinkled all with small ir-
regular black spots. In late summer
it is found every year, in greater or
less numbers, •feeding on the pollen of
flowers, on ripe fruit -peaches, pears,
grapes and apples -and also on corn,
but it is rarely resonsible for serious
damage. 'In fact, declared W. A.
(Ross, Dominion Entomologist at
Vineland, we have never seen the in-
sect cause commercial injury in On-
tario, and consequently we have
never had occasion to advise the
adoption of any control measures.
"So your husband talks in his
sleep, does he? Ohl we'll soon remedy
Wife: "Er -+I suppose, doctor, that
you couldn't do anything to make
him speak more distinctly?"
Far Rheumatic Pains. -Tile pains
and aches of Sciatica and Rheuma-
tism should be treated with Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil. The soothing
and healing properties of this fatuous
POTTING, BULBS FOR placed singly in 5 inch pots; others' went withstood the test of adversity..
WINTER 'BLOSSOM Iehould be grown in group= of three As was stated at the Terano confer
in pot; of suitable .size. Daiforlils also'eace, the Empire retrains the ,sole
should ,be placed three or more to- bulwark of democracy. In a world of
;;ether is a pot, exceeding to' the size dictators, the British stand gloriously.
nili,t' ansI l.u1h, alone a's a free people. The policy ana&
• While' all bulbs should 'be' Pressed the spirit which bind together the far -
down firmly into the soil, hyacinths Bung. units of the-Commouwealth.-of
should •have .their "cr•wn level with Nations are
the very antithesis a$.
the surface, but an oihur bulbs 'should 'Fascism and Communism. Within the
be planted with the crowns from 1 in, ;'Empire; too, there is change tnl tn;
to 3 in.hrli>ia the surface, the 1`arger Place which must have a marked ef-
finds alittle deeper than the smaller, fect upon the future history of than-
Finally, chile it is tic-cessary .to make kiitcL There has been the development
a bulb ,firm in its soil, care should be from a group. of nations dependent
taken that the latter is not left aliso_ upon Great' Britain into a conrmmn-
Intely tight and hard around the tcealthcomposed of autonomous'na-
bulb, tion., equal instatus. united by a
common allegiance to the crown and
by mutual nuliareau 1 fteriv ,siicfat-
THE BRITISH EXPERIMENT c l es equal members. In spite of what
Appropriately enough, it -is -in Tor- may be said by political' demagogues,
onto that the British Commonwealth there is du no nation within the Ein
Relations Conference is being held, pire a suggestion ofgovernmental tile -
The sentiment in Toronto and in On- tatorshipi'The ballot is still _the ,weap-
tario ,generally is as staunchly and as on of the. people, and the .will o.f the
loyally Lnperial as hi anypart of the people as expressed at the polls, is still'
1British *Cotmmonwealth of Notion's, supreme. Our belief in and support of
And it is au''historic conclave that is 1P:arliamentary Government ` remain
now being held in theprovince's capi- unshaken, That is the essence of what
tal city. For one who believes in de- may be termed 'the ,British experi-
mocracy and in the parliamentary eys- meet.
tem of government, it is neither pleas- at has been said that the British
ant nor encouraging to look at the people have a genius for government.
map of the world today and contem- They are the world's best colonizers -
p'lat'e the experiments in government They penetrate. in the far corners of
which are taking place, Except in the earth and impress their own ideas
those sections of the globe indicated of individual liberty of thought and:
in red, there is chaos and turmoil, -speech and of a democratic Govern-
Bolitical, social and economic change 10001 upon others without force. rot
and unrest are manifest everywhere, can readily he seen, therefore, that`
and in some countries the results of the success or failure of the British•
the experiments have been uaifortnn- experiment must have a profound of --
ate, to put it mildly, feet upon 'the welfare and history of'
In troubled Europe there is Hitler- mankind generally. Under ,Commun-
ism in Germany, with dictatorship of ism and Fascism the supreme' law is
the most ruthless and bigoted nature. the survival of the fittest, There .1a
Ancient racial hatreds have been re- rule by force of arms. There le co-
newed, and all that is finest in ancient ercion and oppression. In the Com
civilizations and cultures has been monw•ealth there is rule by law, not
coiefined to the scrap heap. Books force. The weak are protected against
which contained the accumulated wis- the strong. Racial and religious rnin-
dhotn of the ages have been burned in orities are granted full freedom node -
public by young fanatics who do not the constitution.
realize the enormity of their offence. The ,British experiment is now be-
Lt.'Italy there is Mussolini, and what- ing tested in the crucible of a world
ever the benefits Italy has derived depression of a magnitude never
from his regime, it has dealt a body known before. 'We believe it will sur -
blow to parliamentary government. vive and dominate because it is the
In Russia there is - Communism, at best system for the government of
man that has yet been devised by
man. It is not perfect. Contained in
it are inequalities, but it is the hest
that man, in his faltering search for
order and peace, has yet fotirsds
-London Free Pres....
The curring of the bulb catalogues
remind., us how greatly the garden
'beauty of April and May depends on
the work we do in the fall) For it is
'at this time that we should begin
planting- bulbs --in -gots for winter
blossom- and in the open garden for
that'of early spring. !Here I wish to
deal particularly with 'pot culture,
A dozen daffodil varieties which' will
respond well to this method of grow-
ing arc Emperor,. Empress, Glory of
'Leiden, Golden Spur, -liadame de
Graaf, Victoria, W. P. -Milner, Sir
Watkin, Duchess of Westminster,
:Maid of Tthens, Lair Maiden and ']1-
The pots should be cleaned thor-
uughly, and a compost of good l.oaln
and leaf soil, with a little silver,' sand
nixed into it, prepared'. Place cracks
14 bottom of each pot sufficient
to secure thorough drainage, and also
pat a piece or two or charcoal in the
II-Ielpieg The hoots. - When the
potting is finished, water well and
stand the pots outside on a thick bed
of ashes, and bury them in peat fibre,
so that their tops have at least 2 in.
of this material over them, or -cover
thein with about "4 In, of ashes. This
covering is. to induce root growth be-
fore the leaves and stents begin to de-
The potss hould remain covered up
as decrihed as long as the weather is
suitable, when they may be brought
indoors according to the date when
teh 'bulbs were planted, and .their na-
tural time of 'flowering, Their re'adi-
ness to be taken out may 'be told by
the headway made by the top growth.
Pots which are ready should be
removed to a frame or -cool green-
house and kept in a subdued light
for a day or two, (When the green top
has acquired its natural chade(it will
be rather pale on .first removal from
the plunge), gradually inure the
plants to 'beat, if they are to be forc-
ed early, letting the flowering tem-
perature range from about 55 deg. to
a maximum of 70 deg.
an an ordinary unheated or only
slightly greenhouse, providing there
is no risk of frost, the bulbs can be the other extreme, but which also
flowered equally well, but they will means the extermination of Govern-
take a little longer to reach their stent of the people for the people. In
climax, 'France there is a chaotic form of
1t i sadvisable to pot tip several iParllamentary Government, behind
batches of bulbs at intervals of two which the :only cohesive force is a
or three weeks in order to secure a mad preparation for war. In the small -
succession of 'bloom throughout win- er countries the people live under the "When you were a' baby your folks
ter and early spring. :spectre of Fear, and governments hired a maid to push you about in e
'Hyacinths,Too,-One need not con- ,whether Republican or ;Monarchist. carriage."
fine one's efforts to the daffodil fam are unanimously venal. In turbulent "Yes, and 'I've been pushed for
ily. Roman 'hya'cinths as well as the,Asia, Japan is running wild and is ex- money ever since."
splendid :named varieties of hyacinth: tending the hand of the bloody can-
to be found in every catalogue may' be queror .over great areas of China, In Persian Balm is alluringly fragrant.
grawp in this way, as well as crosus-,'the United States the Government has Adds a charming refinement to the
es, snowdrops, chioiiocioxas, and tu-,.gone into private business with both most finished appearance Creates
lips, the smaller bulbs in receptacles' feet, and there is an unmistakable ap-land preserves complexions of surpass
capable of holding• a lumber and thus proach to a dictatorship -voluntary. ingloveliness and texture. Sorteres:
supplying a good show of blossom. possibly, but nevertheless a dictator- noel whitens the hands, Coals and
With regard to tulips, the best' ship in which the elected representa- dispel: all irritation caused by wea-
remedy have beendemonstrated far) rinds to use are the small but hand -,tines of the people have less to say the( nditinns. Swiftly ahsorised frz
fifty years. Use it also for inflam- some Dec van Thol varieties, Smit -i than ever before in the history of the the tissues nearing never a vestige of
ntatory pains, cuts, scratches, bruise toy's giant early scarlet, and a selec- republic, In iSouth America there is atfc''nese. A peerless toilet requisite.
and sprains, either in human beings hon of single and double kinds of var-!revointion and war and rumors of ,Invaluable to all women who care for
or the lower animals, IOUs 'colours listed tinder the heading war. It is a clerk picture. elezence and dietinction,
of early tulips. ) Only within the British Empire has
!Semi us the nasus of your visitors.( Large bulbs of hyacinth should be the system of +Parliamentary Govern- !Semi us the names of coli
Douglas! Egyptif,n ,Liniment reliev-
es toothache sand neuralgia, ' Invalu-
able In cases of croup, sore throat
asisI quinsy, Keep a bottle handy,
tl+lortnue always leaves some door
,open 'i'n disaster whereby to, 'some at
a remedy.
of fall wheat will be sotivic in Lennox
and Addington. A report from Tunis
kerning states that this has been one
of the finest seasons in a number of
wears for carrying on farm operations.,
Potatoes 'will be a very fair crop ,there
and a considerable quantity of fall
wheat eras been sown.
Minimum Car Weights
Canadian railways have reecntly
lowered the minimum 'car weight
from 50,000 to 50,000 lbs. for dry
beans in bags, canned goods and po'w
dered melk products. The reduction
will be of benefit in promoting -iti-
creased -exports le these' lanes.
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e Seforth News