The Seaforth News, 1933-09-07, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
Mr. .'Wm.'Jones ,of London visited
last week at the home of Mr. Levi
M, and Mrs 'William iIcLean of
Hamilton were holiday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. 'Leslie'Knight 'and son
H•o'ward and Mr, and -Mrs. Sidney
IParinter of 'Kitchener spent the week
end with friends in town.
Mr. ICI. C. Petty is visiting this
'week with friends in Toronto,
Mr, and •MrsRoss !Dick of 'Toronto
spent the holiday with 'friends in town.
Dr. and Mrs. Smith of 1St, ''Marys
were holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. IGeo. 'Petty:
Mr. (Laird IJoynt of 'Toronto spent
the holiday with his mother :here.
Mr. IT.' C. Joyn't is 'being visited
this week by 'his 'brother dram 'Detroit,
Miss Mary Stewart of Sea'6orth vis-
ited last week with friends in town.
Dlr. and Mrs. Spellman of Kiteh-
ener spent the holiday with friends
in town.
"Mr. and Mrs, Flank Woods of Ex-
eter visited last week with friends in
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Holmes of
rfilbury, Mr, and Mrs. Forrester of
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Rah. Dayman
and Miss Sarah. Dayman of Kippen
and Mrs, John Murdoch of Hensall
held a re -union at Grand Bend on
Sunday afternoon. A very enjoyable
time was spent,
.lir. and Mrs. Wm. Butt of 'Seaforth
are visiting with the former's• sisters,
Mrs. John Din'sdale, Mrs. Hannah
Taylor and Mrs. Jahn Murdoch
Miss Florence Welsh is visiting this
week with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and -firs. G. Wt White are
spending this week camping at Pike
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Hudson of Chi-
cago are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.
Mr.. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of De-
troit were holicfay visitors with Mr.
Alex. Smith and family.
The largest crowd of the season
'witnessed the ball game' at Stra'throy
on Monday afternoon when the Sar-
nia Red Sox, Middlesex - Lambton
champions defeated the Hensall Black
.Gaps by a score of 12410. Hensall
used 3 pitchers: Welsh, starting, was
relieved in the third by Carrick, who
only lasted one inning and was reliev-
ed by Kerslake. Carrick .was the out-
standing player for Hensall-, hitting
2 triples with 2 men on, and made se-
veral sensational catches in centre.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Moore and
children and Miss Mary Purcell of
Detroit spent Labor day with Mr. and
Mrs. Terrence Flannery.
Mr. George Malone of Detroit spent
the week end at his home here.
lir. and Mrs. Cecil 'O'Connell, of
Detroit visited relatives here over the
week end.
Mr. Thomas McQuaid left for Corn-
wall on Sunday where he has secured
a school.
Mr, James Lane has taken a posi-
tion as 'teacher at Stratton in the
Rainy River District of .New Ontario.
Mrs. Thomas Christopher and fam-
ily of London are visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
The school teachers of the parish
who have been home for vacation,
have returned to their schools.'
'Coming to North Side ^United
Church next Sunday morning, at 711 a.
m. to tell the story of his shepherd
life in ancient' Galilee, and on the fol-
lowing Thursday night, Sept. ,14th, at
8 p.m. he and Madam iHabous'h with
•tlieir two assistantswill present the
all talking musical travelogue enter-
tainment, 'The 'Seven !Wonders of
Jerusalem and Galilee."
A North 'American citizen made, a
pilgrimage to the IH•oly ILand recently,
'but it was .made under different cir-
cumtsances than the usual tour of
!Galilee and 'Palestine, for this (North
America was going 'home, home to
the land :of his birth. 'Ln his boyhood
'he had tended his !father's 'flocks of
Sheep on the hills around the Sea of
'Galilee.. He had come to the West-
ern World, where by dint of his awn
hard work he had his college and uni-
versity education. 'And he returned to
the land of his fathers, the "Holy iLand
of all Ohnistendom.
That man was Stephen tA. Ha
boush, author, 'lecturer, and traveler.
And.; in his pilgrimage back to the
land .of his birth he saw 'Galilee and
Palestine with native eyes and with
` the eyes of a North !American citizen.
He 'brought back to the West, with
him. a marvellous motion picture ,of
Galilean rife and, cus'tom's, thrilling
scenes of the Holy places of antiquity,
!He brought back to the land of his
adoption the real •story df 'Galilee as
it was and is, a true interpretation of
the Bible story in the light of people
and .places 'wnhieh have not changed
these two thousand years.
,Stenhen IA. H'aboush- knows Galilee
and Palestine as most !North.'A'meri-
cans never canknow them. because
they are his native land. He knows
them: too. as a North American, be-
cause he is a Ia\orth American 'himself,
a !North ,American by choice and by
He is the author of ""My Shepherd
ll.ife in :Galilee" and the Boston
ITnanscrip't says, 'He enters into the
feel'no of the most famous bit of the
world's 'devotional literature with in-
sight .and charm
People of Seaforth will be privileged
t-0 hear 'Steplhen A. 1Habous'h next
Sunday morning at ,111 a.m. and again
on the following 'Thursday night,
ausoices YiW„M. Auxiliary.
!He is bringing to Seaforth the true
story of'(aalitke: end 'Palestine, told by
one w''lo kno4fis it best. He brings not
ri only his exceptional and !thrilling •plc-
rres, but also slpeclal 'motion 'pictures.
Com' e of the dramatic scenes that Mr.
IH•abousib will show during his pro-
gram 'appeared in The National 'Geo-
griavhic iM+agazi,ne.• :His travelogues
pumice to he a real treat of the sea-
son. It is something different, the like
•n,f which does not exist. The public is
1 vv A''1'1 r1VL
September, 1907.
air, Alex. Mustard, Brucefield, has
received the contract for furnishing
the lumber for the new hattenbury
!House and for }lie new foundry in
Clinton. Both are large contracts.
Beechwood . Items
Mr. Joseph McKay''s' blacksmith
shop was destroyed by fire one night
last week, -Miss' Annie M'oCardle of
Detroit is visiting at her home here.
--Mr. and Mrs, P. Rowland, spent a
few days last week with Walton.
friends,—Misses Katie and Tessie
!Lynch have returned home after a
pleasant visit in Toronto and St. Ca-
tharines. --Mrs, Hughes has returned
to Seaforth after spend'in'g the sum-
mer at her honie here.
!Geo. :Khmers, who has been clerk-
ing in J, 'W'eism'iller's store for the
past two years, has gone to Alvins'ton
Where he and his brother-in-law have.
purchased a hardware store. George
is a very attentive and, obliging sales-
man, popularr with customers.
Strike for More Wages .
A number of teamsters at work on
the street improvements struck for
higher wages Wednesday morning.
Evaporator Open
The apple evaporator, under the
management of Mr. Merritt, opens for
the season's work next Monday.
Mr. F. L. Willis intends moving his
stock of gent's furnishings to the
itore recently purchased by .Mr. Ro-
bert Willis.
Visitor in Town
Mr. Geo. Finlayson, son of ¥r,. -Jas.
Finlayson, of Paris, and a resident of
Seaforth twenty years ago, was a vis-
itor in town the latter part of the
week. Mr. Finlayson, Sr., was at one
time, a foreman in the Broadfoot &
Box furniture factory and resided in
the •house now occupied by Mr. Wm.
'Ballantyne, He is now engaged in the
furniture and undertaking business in
Keeping Up Record.
"Queen' of Woodcliffe,” the trotting
mare owned by Mr, D. T. Pinkney, is
still keeping up the good record that
it has been making during the sum-
mer. At the races held in Rockport,
'Ohio, on the sil'st of August, Queen
of Woodcliffe won the 224 trot in
straight heats. Also at Detroit on
Friday last she won the 2.22 trot, tak-
ing the last heat in 2017/ and would
have easily won the race in straight
heats but for a break in the second
heat. She clearly outclassed the other
entries in the event and was the first
under the wire each time. She races at
Grand Rapids and goes from there to
Columbus this week.
The following parties left this week
for distant points: Arthur H. Logan,
of Kippen, to Moosejaw, Sask., and
return; John McEwen, of ,H'ensall, to
'Edmonton, Alta.; and return; James
McLaughlin of Beechwood, to 'Ed-
,monton, Alta., and return; Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Robinson, of ,Brucefield,
to Edmonton, :Alta., and return; Wil-
liam Clark, of Kippen, to._ Moosejaw,
!Sask„ and return; George Walker, of
(Brucefield, to Edmonton, Alta., and
Mr. John Thompson, librarian at
the public .library, is laid up. at. his
home, John street, with an attack of
typhoid fever;
Returns to Toronto.
Mrs. T. 0. ,Kemp, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs, D. J. McCal-
tum, for the past six weeks returned
to her home in Toronto on Tuesday.
'Returns from Trip
Mr. P. E. Lennon has returned
from an extended trip to the Pacrfi.c
Coast and has resumed his duties
with the Wm. Pickard & .Son dry -
goods Co,
Building Moved
The building formerly utilized by
Mr. W. H. Willis as a shoe factory,
is being moved to the rear of the new
factory where it will be • used as a
store room,
Attending Model !School.
The following from Seaforth and
vicinity are teachersin training at. the
Clinton Model School: Vera -`Dor-
ranee, Jessie Elliott, Vera. Glenn,
Maggie Smith, Weida :Stevens, Arch.
Campbell, Melvin Dodds, . Wm. 5. "El-
liott;' Ross Mc1Kay, William Morrow,
William Oliver.
Mr. James Scott had a fall recently
which resulted in a broken arm just
above the 'wrist—Miss Jessie Gilles-
pie - has returend to her position in
!Brandon after a .few. week's visit with
her friends in this district.—Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Houghton had the ser-
ious misfortune of having their resi-
dence,'burn't to the ground with most
of its contents.
Ernest A. Sparking. -.The 'Kincard-
ine Tevian-Reporter refers as fol
lows to a native of McKillop town-
ship: Death Friday noon removed
one of the tow'ln's foremost citizens in
'the person of 'Ernest Alexander ISparl-
ing. In his passing the community,
and the United Church, of which he
was a devoted member suffered a
great loss, For the past two years Mr:
ISparling's health had not been the
best but his passing Friday was en-
tirely unexpected and came as a dis
tinct Shock to his host of "friends in
the district. During the morning he
suffered a seizure front which 1te
passed away at ..noon, lIn' lus 157th
year, Ernest Alexander Spading was
born three miles north- of ISeaforth,
where 'his',p'arenits, the late Mr. and
'Mrs. Edward 'Slparling were pioneer
residents. !There he farmed, later con-
ducting a 'black"smf'th shop, and with
the inauguration of: the automobile, a
garage. 'In '11905 he married Margaret
Morrison of ISeaforth.'He was a mem-
ber of ISea'forlth 7. 10. O. IF. lodge. It
was as a garage'man that Mr. ISparl-
ing came to Kincardine in ,1Lryl15, op-
ening the (first garage in. !Kincardine.
!Since that time until two years' ago
he operated it but since his illness
the business has been carried •on 'by
his son Leslie. 'A master mechanic
and an upright .business man, ,Mr.
ISparling was held in high esteem by
people of •Iilincardine and district. In
the Presbyterian, and later United
Church he played a leading part. At
the time of his death he was an elder
in the United .Church, in which the
service was held Monday afternoon
following a private service at his late
residence, Queen Street south. Rev.
(Walter IB, Craw conducted the serv-
ices before a large number who gath-
ered to pay 'their last respects to his
worth as a church member and ,citi-
zen. The remains were borne to their
last resting place in 'Kincardine cem-
etery by six 'fellow elders of . the
church, Joseph Anderson, Joseph
!Fisher, Richard IF. Graham, Frank
'Colwell, 3„13. Finlay and Fred 'Schil-
roth. Four - other members of the ses-
sion, George 'Clark, George McCarty,
Val. Cottrill and !William , Pollock
acted 'as honorary pallbearers. Mem-
bers of the Board of Stewards were
Iflowerbearers carrying a Wealth of
!floral tributes which 'marked the es-
teem in which the deceased man was
held. Mayor H. R, Magwood, W. J.
Johnston, IJ. . J. Anderson, George
Wood, E. A. Henry, 'George Conley
and Thomas Watson were the flower-
bearers, To mourn his passing ,Mr.
ISparling leaves his widow, one dau-
ghter, Miss 'Edna of the staff of ,Sud-
bury Collegiate Institute and three
sons, Allam of Toronto, James of On-
tario Agricultural "College, 'Guelp'h;
and Leslie at home. Three sisters,
Mrs. 'William 'Shade of 'Egmondville,
Mrs, :Robert ,Harrison of Uffington,
'Oat; Mrs. (\Vatter Jamieson, . Cart-
wright, Manitoba, and four brothers,
!Allan of Cleveland, Arthur of Ed-
monton, Albert of Seaforth and
(Alonzo , of Walton, also survive.
Among those from a distance who
attended the services were: Mr .A. G.
Sperling and Miss !Hazel 'Sparlin•g,
and Mrs. tGeorge Martin, of Cleve-
land; Mr. 'Albert S'parling, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Wilmer Scott, Mrs. James
'Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. ,McKercher,
(Seaforth; 'Mrs, [William Shade, iEg-
mondville; Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo
ISparling, Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Hol-
lis Coleridge, Misses Shirley and Enid
Coleridge and Mr, Sidney Elliott,
The August meeting of the W.MS.
and Ladies' Guild of Duff's Church,
lIcKillop, was held in the church on
Wednesday, August 23rd. Mrs. Ches-
ter Henderson presided aver the
meeting, which opened with hymn
212. Prayers were given by Mrs. J.
tiillebreeht and Mrs. Johnston. Leaf-
lets by Mrs. R. Dorrance, also a read-
ing by Mrs. J. Daley. Hymn 475 was
then sung. The business part oaf the
meeting .was then discussed. Itwas
decided to call in the mite boxes for
the September meeting. Hymn 473
was then sung and the meeting closed
with the L'ord's prayer.
'Remember Seaforth Fall Fair dates,
Sept. 21-22. Play Friday night follow-
Miss A. Ryan and Miss Beth Carlin
spent Sunday with friends in London:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan return-
ed to their h'on'e itt Sudbury, accom-
panied by the former's brother, John
Miss Mary O'Connor, R.N., of
Highland Park, spent Monday with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dan 0' -
The following were visitors from
!Detroit in this vicinity on. Labor
Day: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kenny and
family; Mr. Lours Krauskopf; Mr.
(George Malone.
Mr. Frank Jordan is wearing a
smile. Ft's a 'girl!
Miss Theresa Carpenter and M'i,ss
Cathlarine Byrne have returned to.
their schools at St. Joseph. Hamilton, sang "Face to Facet'
Mr. Midhael Walsh left on Saturday "The Busy Bees" Mission Circle
Several Dwellings
• IN
Own your own home. This is•
the time to buy and prices
are low.
with B'rother Joseph for Montreal
join the Presentation Brothers.
Miss An'ele Dalton left on Monda
for Brantford to resume her teachin
The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Jo
Doyle on Fnid'ay, presenting the
with a baby girl.
Mr. Joe Hart and Mr. jackHm1'la
met with an accident while .out dill
ing on Sunday night. The a'ocide
occurred an. the highway a short ditame easti of Mitchell. Mr. Hartlo
control ofthe wheel and as a resu
the car overturned in the ditch. Fo
unattely neither panty was seriously in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan an
family of 'Sudbury have returnedtheir home after spending some hol
days with his parents, Mr. and M
Wm. Jordon.
'Mrs. Jerry Ryan and Mr. Jack R
an left on Mon'd'ay for Detroit to a
tend the funeral of Mr. Matt. Wil
Hams who died very suddenly on Saturday morning last of, is heart a'ttac
Miss Mary Beale'has resumed h•e
pos'i'tion in the telephone office afte
two weeks' vacation.
Miss Nellie .Ryan returned to Tor
onto on Sunday after spending bw
weeks with .her mother, Mrs. F. Ryan
Mr. Charles alloy, who spent th
Past two months at the home of Mr
Charles Carpenter, has returned t
his home in Detroit.
'Miss Minnie Maloney is home afte
spending a week with friends in Buf
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krauskopf open
Sunday at the home of their nephew
Mr. Jos. .Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney, o
!Buffalo, are visiting with his mother
Mrs. Nora Maloney, (Hibbert. . ,
Wedding 'bells are ringing merrily
in this parish and we .believe that they
can be heard in Kinkora,
Miss Kay Byrne has returned to
(Drysdale to teach; Miss (Florence
Coyne, to Preston, .and Veronica Mc-
Connell, to 'St. Clements.
Miss Vera Feeney, Toronto, spent
Sunday. with her mother, Mrs." Kath-
leen Feeney, Dublin.
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Krauskopf, of
!Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and
'Mrs. James Krauskopf, Dublin.
:Miss Isabelle (Jordan, Dublin, has
entered the Ursuline Convent, at
Mr. and Mrs, John Kenny and fam-
ily of Detroit spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny and
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kisteer.
'Mr, Jack Jordan Sr. is visiting his
brother, Frank, in :Seattle.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil •O'Connell, Mr.
and Mrs, Maynard O'Connell and fa-
mily, accompanied by. Miss Ann Wa-
ters, Detroit, are holidaying with
friends here.
Mr. and Mts. Melville Blood, De-
troit, spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs, Patrick Ryan,H'ibbert.
Miss Peggy Byrne, Detroit, visited
over the week end with her mother,
Mrs, 'Wm. Byrne, Sr.
,lir. and Mrs. Tisotn'as Feeney,
(London, spent the holiday with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Feen-
ey, Dublin,
rt -
Remember Seaforth Fall Fair dates,
Sept. 21-22. ;Play Friday night follow-
ed by dance.
tMcGregor-Anderson.--A very quiet
but pretty wedding was solemnized
on Saturday, Se'ptemtber 2nd, at the
United Church 3nanse, Kippen, when
Elva Florence, second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Anderson, was
united in marriage to Alexander Dun-
can MdGregor, only son of Mr, and
Mrs. John A. MdGregor, Kippen,
with Rev. .Chandler officiating. The
bride looked charming in a gown of
pink silk net fashioned on fitted lines
to the knee and continuing to the tips
of white kid shoes in graceful ruffles.
She wore a 'brooch from 'S'cotland, a
gift of an uncle. She wore a pink vel-
vet turban with nose veil. Her gloves
were elbow length of white kid. She
carried a shower bouquet of Rapture
Roses anal Lily of the Valley. Follow-
ing the wedding breakfast the .young
couple left on a .camping' trip to Ros-
seau Lake District, the bride travell-
ing in ,a navy French - %repe suit
trimmed with grey, with all accessor-
ies to match.
!Rev. Bremner'of .Brucefield preach-
ed in St. Andre'w's United Church on
Sunday morning last, taking for his
subject, "'Let us go up and, possess
the land." Mr. William IvfdLean of
Mens' & Boys' Shoes
at Lowest Prices
Cottage Rolls
Pound ,
14 lbs. for
. NNi N
Township of McKillop.
Tenders will 'be received by the un-
deitsigned until Saturday, September
ll®th,,, for the construction of the Bleu-
enmann Drain, MaKi'llo•p. Tenders will
be opened at Carnegie Hall, 'Seaforth,
at 8:30 p.m. on above date. Lowest
or any tender rat necessarily accepted.
Ten per cent of contract to adc•otn-
pany tender. 'Work to be done ac-
cording to plans and specifilcabions' of
engineer, !Tenders to spate whether
dredge or horses to be used. Plans
and specifications- at Lot 35, Con. 3,
MdKillop. Open work 2000 ,cubic
yards. 46 stations 5, 11115 tile 4-1114"..
JNIO. McNlAY, Clerk,
371 " R. R. 2, Seaforth.
Ratepayers in the vicinity of Alex-
an•der's Gtiavel Pit may have the op-
portunity of drawing gravel, with
teams, by communicating with
JOHN EARILLE, Operator of Crusher
Phone 5 on 1413, Seaforth, 36
My wife, Annie Arno!Id, having left
my bed and board, I will not be res-
ponsible for any de'b'ts co'n'tracted by
her after this date.
Dnb1in, S'ep'ta 1, 10313. 316.
have been invited to Egm'andville on
iFrid.ay evening to meet- with the :Mis-
sion Circle of that ,church.
The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church met at the home of Mrs.
Norman Jones on Wednesday after-
noon with'a very good attendance of
.The Gau'Id Mission Band will meet
in the school room on Saturday after-
Mr. and Mrs. ,W. E. Butt and. Thos.
'Butt spent the week end with friends
in Flint, Mich.
!Several front this vicinity attended
the ball game at Strathroy on Labor
Mr. Lloyd Workman. of 'Oshawa
visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Workman, over the week •end.
Master Stewart McLean has return-
ed to his home in Kirkland Lake after
a pleasant visit with Kippen 'friends.
'Mr. W. R. Cooper has been laid off
with a severe attack of blood: poison-
ing but is im'proving,
John. Doig of - Detroit visited with
his mother over the holiday.
Miss Ena,•McGregor and Master
Wilmer, who have been holidiaying
with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and
Mrs. Basil Edwards in Hay, have re-
turned :home.
?Miss Mae ' Doig of :Stratford, who
has been holidaying with her friend,
Miss Janet Doig, returned home.
Mr. Rebt. Gooding, of London, and
Miss Isabelle Moir, of ;Hensall, are
'holidaying at ,the home, of Mr, and.
Mrs. J. D. Stewart.
Mr. john C. Doig of Detroit, ac-
oom'pasied by his mother and sister,
Janet, are leaving Tuesday on a m'obor
trip to Muskoka, Soo, and possibly on
to Montreal and Quebec.
Mrs. Robert McDonald of Thames
(Road, who has been holidaying with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Green, has returned
M'isls Eula McGregor spent the past
week in Toronto, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Petrie and Miss Mae
(Report of hog shipments for month'
ending July 31', ,191113:.
(Hensall—Total hogs 301, select ba-
con 123, bacon 11166, butchers 212, heav-
ies 1^, lights and feeders 4.
IMclNaught—Total hogs 49, select
bacon 116, bacon 29, butchers 4.
Walton—Total hogs 1129, select ba-
con 49, 'bacon 67, butchers 9, heavies
11, lights and feeders h
!Huron County locals -Total hogs
2515i11, select bacon 795', bacoln, °115311,
butchers 11318, hea'vie's 119, extra heavies
Il, lights and 'feeders 24.
Huron iCoun'ty'--ITo'tal hogs 5508,
select bacon 1171319, b!aicon 311108, butch-
ers 443, heavies 45, extra heavies 1,
lights and feeders 155.
Send us tile names of your, visitor;
Clinton, Ont.
Fall term opens (Sept. $th. 'Courses:
Stenographic, 'Commercial, Secretar-
ial, 'Special ,Courses arranged: Corr-
espondence Courses to those who
cannot attend school. Write or phone
198. B. F. WARD, B.A., , Principal;
M. A. ISTONE, Com. !Specialist, Vice-
Township of. Tuekersmitht
By the Council of the Township -of
Tuckersmith,for the position of Col-,
lector of 'Tajces for 1933. Applications
to 'be _ in the 'hands of the Clerk on or
before noon, Sept. 9th, and marked
"Application for Coileotor."
Applicant to supply with applica-
tion a Bond for $2,000.00 with two
sureties. .
D. F. McGII;EGOR, Clerk.
36 IR. R. No. 4, Seaforth
'Expert typing done at very reason-
able rates. All 'orders given prompt
attention. Apply to ,Box 1227, The Sea-
forth News. 38.
112=inoh dry hard maple, $3.60 -
ered for cash antylwhere in town.
'Whitton. 36
Ilio well-bred Leicester ewes, for
sale. Phone 2128 r 115, Seaforth 36'
Ln Dublin, Fru., Sept. 8, Murdochs,
orchestra; tickets 25c and 10c.
Boarders wanted. MR'S.: SAM
CUDMARiE, phone 140 r 3, Seaforth„
Goderieh street 'west. 37
Quantity of soft wood, $2 a 7tw-
Small quantity of all maple $3 a cora.
Quantity of hardwood $4 a cord, De-
livered anywhere in Seaforth. Cash,
with order. Also a quantity of elmn
plank, good for repairing stables, barn'
floors, etc. T. J. RICHARID'SiO,N,
phone 1418 r 22. Seaforth. '
'Brick house with all modern con-
veniences; Newly decorated, Garage.
Seaforth, Phone 416.
Fifty White Leghorn pullets, bred -
to -d'a'y, are now laying. About six
months old. Alpplyl to JINIO,
EIdGIIE, Kippen, orPhone 1134 r 31.
'Scotch Collie pups, six weeks old,
two Shorthorn bull calves ;12 months.
old. Quicic sale at bargain prices. Ap-
ply to GEORIGIE BIEAT'T i7 Sr,
Comfortable nine roomed- house -
anti six lots opposite the. Collegiate.
In's'titute, 'Seaforth, for sale, This pro-
perty must be sold to close up the•
estate of the late 'Charles Edhl•bein,
For particulars apply on the premises:
or to JOIHiN H. BEST, Seaforth,.
Ont. 39.
wheat, per bus, '' ....... 66c:
Barley, per bus 42c -
Oats, new, per bus. ............ . .'32c
(Buckwheat, per bus. 45c:
IN+ew Potatoes,. bus. . .. , .$1.65
Hogs, ' per cwt. . , , $6:40=
Butter, per Ib: ..,... .. , 1Sc
Eggs,.. per don„ ..... hlc'c 115,c l{7c;
C es i
Cleaners -
Phonel96w. We callantl Oehler
V. J. Gilles'pi'e, Ierop..