The Seaforth News, 1933-09-07, Page 5THURSDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
Thousands of young Canadians have started back •toschool.
Proper- foods and correct eating will play an important part in their
success. Start your children with an advantage. Make sure they get
only the best foods—the kind you buy at Superior IStores,whose
slogan is
We Sell The Best For Less
Items for week ending Sept. 13
Large Pkg. 17c
AYLMER PORK & BEANS, large 2/'s
2 tins 23 c
Big Tin
%'s 19c
2 tins 19c
Choice Peas, No. 4 Sieve
Crosse and ,SlackweU's Catsup, large, per bottle 19c
Drummer Brand Pastry Flour 7's 19c
24's 59c
Shaker Salt, Plain or Iodized 2 pkgs. 19c
Superior Stores' Tea ,,., 1 1b. pkg. 39c
Royal York Coffee, l's per lb 39c
Kellogg's All Bran, Large per pkg. 19c
Schneider's lWeiners per
lb. b. 1c5
Schneider's 'Boiled Ham per
Marshmallow Biscuits, Chocolate or Pink & White
2 lbs. ......... .... . 29c
Sultana'Raisins, Fancy quality 2 lbs. 25c
Whiz Insect Killer 8 oz. 33c
16 oz. 57c
.Tomato Juice 2 tins 15c
Lawrason's .Snowflake Ammonia 4 pkgs. .25c
Lawrason's Flusho .... , , ,. per tin 21c
Lawrason's Sinko .. per tin 27c
Interlake Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c
Gillett's Lye 2 tins 25c
Rkovah Health Salts per tin 18c
Mazola •Oil, No. 1 Tin per tin 29c.
MdLaren's Jelly Powders per pkgs.
Marshmallow'seach 10c
Electric Bulbs, Sunbeam 8 cakesec25c
St. Croix Castile Soap 2 pkgs. 25c
Shredded Wheat Biscuits
2 tins 25c
Ross J. Sproat Phone
N. Miss Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
Confidence •
and a
Dependable Reputation
Please u by giving us your cream
patronage and we .will try to please
you by our services and highes••
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded at}d
paid for while you wait.
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Edna Storey has returned af-
ter spending a few days with friends
in Stratford.
'Miss Dor'o'thy Kerslake has return-
ec to Toronto alter. spending her va-
cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
W. E. Kerslake.
Miss Barbara Aberlart is attend-
ing Technical- 'School in London this
tern''. •
(Mrs. Ohebterfield and family of St.
Marys wore guests of Mrs, Frank
Devereaux on Tuesday.
i Richard Brooks tau (vier g
Madeline and sister Annie, and moth-
er Mrs. Eph. Brooks and Mrs. Wm
Alexander, of Ohre, Mich., visited.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Sitod(dart this week,
'Visitors over the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs. A. L, Porteous were:
Mr. W. J. Porteous, wife and son
George, df Sragina'w, Miclh., and Mr,.
and Mrs, J. H. Long and Mr. and
'Mrs. R. Brown of Brantford.
Mrs. F. A. Smith spent the holi-
day in Tlorontto.
Mr. E. C. 'Chamberlain spent bhe'
week with Clifford friends: Mrs.
Chamllierlaitr and Miss Helen return-
ed home with him alter spending a
week in Clifford.
'Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr Of Buf-
falo and Mr. Albert Heron of To-
ronto spent the holiday with Mr, and
Mrs. Jb'hn L. Kerre
Mr. .Will. Faulkner of Brantford
spent ehe Labor day holiday at his
hone on George street.
Miss Doily Carlin spent the week-
end in St, Marys.
Mrs. Arnold C9Jse returned Friday
after spending a month, in Detroit.
Her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Sch'dfeld, and babe, accom-
panied her home and spent the week-
end in town.
IVieitors over the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rintotil were. Mr. and
'Mrs. W. Darkest, Flint, Mich,, Dr.
and Mrs. R. Cassels, Romeo, Minh,,
and Mr. James Cassels, Fllint, Mich.
{Mrs. David Smith of Stratford, and
Mrs. Jason Burchill cif Mitchell were
in tdwn and vicinity calling on old
(friends and acquaintances. They for-
merly lived in Tuckersmlth,'
Mr. and Mrs. Greig of Preston
spent a day or so in town and were
the gudsts of Mr. and Mrs. R. IL
Sproat while here.
'Among those returning to. Nornnal
this year are Messes. William McNay,
IWfllra'rn Pollard, Misses Bessie Hill -
en, Tillie Storey, Jean Brodie, Jean
Mrs. john Sproat dl Stratford and
Miss. Beatrice .Sproat of the Fair-
weather staff of Toronto spent a few
''sours in town With Miss Belle Sproat
and other friends.
Among, the teachers leaving for
their schools were Mr. Frank" Hogg
to Bright; Mr. Thomas Govenlack,
Grand Bend; Mr. Robert Abenhart,
Varna; James Lane, 'Stratton, N.
'Ontte Mr. George Albedhart and Miss
Mae Aberhart, London; Miss Beatrice
.Aberhart, Craighurst, Sfnvcoe Co.;
Miss Margaret ' Ferguson, B'aylfiedd;
Miss Jean Chuff, N(akina, Ilhun'd'er.
'Bay D'ist., ,Miss Annie Brodie, Ar-
Mr, and Mrs Guy Richards, Mr.
and Mrs, roe Robinson and daugh-
ter Betty and Mrs. Fred Robinson of
Detroit, were holiday visitors.
Miss N'orana Balton of London
risited friends over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. John Martling and
soli of Ohicago visited Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Moore.
Miss Donna Mode . has returned
home from Stratford after spending
several days with her friend, -.Miss
Dorothy Traylor.
Miss Elva Jefferson has returned
to Windsor. or for a .few days,
,Miss Ruth Pinkney is speeding a Mr. and Mrs. P. Moffat are mov-
.few clays in Toronto'' this week with ing this .month from Miss Areh'ibaid's
her cousin, Miss Betty Pinkney residence,East Goderich st to Mrs
Mr. P. E. Macklam will conduct
the dining room' and cafe ,of Queen's
Hotel in Wingham, having left for
that place on Monday. Mr. and Mrs..
Frank Gill are taking charge o'f. the
Macklam. lunch in Seaforth,' and, will
be assisted for a few weeks by Mrs.
l left this
Miss Alice M. Knechtel
to resume. her duties on the
staff of the Kitchener P•ulb'1ic School.
;Mrs. Yokes and two daughters Do-
rothy and Barbara of Detroit spent
the holiday at the parerbal home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat over the
'holiday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lyddiatt and
family cif Toronto were guests Labor
day, with Mrs. Lydd:ialtt's father, Mr.
IGdonge Albell, and their uncle, Mr.
LJdhn Albeit.
ecord of
Mr, and. Mrs. G. E. S
Mea -
ford visited with her parents,' Mr,
'and Mrs. .W'ill'iam Klnechted, over
the week -end.
Mrs. Dave Mole and sons Maxwell
of Rochester, N. Y., and Mr's. E.
Mole and daughters Laura and Vera
were Goderich .visitors on Saturday,
Mr, and Mns. Elmer Reid of Strat-
ford, have returned home after visit-
ing the latter's father, Mr. ,Grintoldby,
is M�iieneapolie• They also visited the
Chicago Fair. Their s'on�, Master Bert
Reid,vis'i'ted in Rostock, and their
daughter Shirley, visited in, Toronto.
t r or Horse
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Macklaml Lunch Killed in Motor Accident.--1Word
was received Wednesday morning
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Gill; of from Monroe, Mich., of the death of
Walton, are going to conduct the Mrs. Gresham of Cleveland, who left Taken every Monday
restaurant business in Seaforth lOonsbanoe Tuesday morning, after
for Mr. Macklam, ar y forenoons
Mr. and Mrs. Gill will render visiting relatives here. Mrs. Gresham
the same efficient service as has .was a niece of Mrs. Henry' Taylor. unless otherwise advised. Call us for
been rendered by Mr. ' and Mrs. ,Mr, and Mrs. Gresham and daugh- prices. We are paying Toronto prices
Macklam in the past. ter Jean of Cleveland, had - spent the here, thi week, and you save express
Telephone orders promptly at -and shrinkage. tended to for' Homemade Baking. 'week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EGGS are always wanted, too, at the
[Rani Lawson and with Mrs. Henry highest prices,
Taylor and other relatives at ' Con-
stance, and were returning ,home. rOn
Wednesieday morning Mrs, Lawson
received a telegram from � p ,
Mich„ saying, Mrs. Gresham had been
killed in a, motor accident Much
sympathy is felt for the relatives.
The ladies'guild of St Thomas'
Church intend holding a Thanksgiv-
ing Supper on Sept.26th
Mr. and Mrs, Joe. Eckatt and fam-
ily from Sbayner spent Labor Day
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, C.
Eckert. '
Mrs. 'Idugh Mdln'tyre of Detroit
was the guest of Mrs. R.nechltel last
week. ,
Mr, W. ,R. Reid of New Ontario,
and Mr. Dawson Reid of Guelph ate:
spending a few days with their moth-
er, Mrs. J. F. Reid:
Mrs. Hugh Sproat and family left
Mondaay for their home in Detroit af-
ter spending a week with friends. in.
town and vicinity,
Mr. A. R. Dodds visited in Toron-
to last week, spending Friday at' the
exhibition with his cousin, Controller
Mr. and Mrs,. David 'Mole and son
Maxwell elf Rochester, N. Y., spent
the week -end at the home of Mr. and
'Mrs. E. Mole.
Mr. and Mrs, Richards frons De-
troit "o'ho spent Labor Day in town,
galled on .Mrs. C. Eckart who is at
present improving nicely from her
late illness.
Mr. George Parke was 'home for
the week -end from London,
'Mr. Frank Baxter, has been spend-
ing the week in Toronto.
Mr. J. F. Theisen of Detroit spent
the week -end at the home Mrs. M.
Carbert. Mrs. Theisen and son Don-
ald returned to their hone with him!
Mr. and. Mrs. E. L. Box, Miss
ILeona and Master ,Riehbrd are spend-
ing a week at Niagara Falls and To-
who presented her husband with an-
other baby girl. •
Mrs, Leonard 'Leeming entertained
a number of little girls to a_;te'a party
'Friday afternoon:
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rege1'e' spent
iSunday evening with Mr. and Mrs,.
(George Hoegy of Grey.
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Leeming and
'family spent Wednesday at :Goderich,
Mr. Nelson Howe of Cromarty vis-
ited. with Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Thorn-
ton 'Sund'ay evening.
)Mrs, Elmer Hac'kwell and family
visited her mother at 'Walton ,Scanday,
Miss Bessie Millen spent Sunday
with Miss Edna Reid of Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jtoseph Holmes and
baby were visiting with. Mr. and Mrs.
JJosep'h 'Thornton Sunday Afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Percy 'Wh'aymen and
;Marilyn. of Brantford spenit the holi-
day`wi'th Mr. and ,'Mrs, Aflex;, Munn.
Miss Mary Munn returned hone with
Lois and Marjorie Hackwell spent a
few clays last week with Mr. and Mrs.
:INelson Red. t
Mr. John Dennis, Elmer, Jessie and
Helen Rob.ertson mo-
1 Ms
''Tena also
•''bored to St, Catharines over: the
week -end.
Mr..Tom'rny 'Talbot •oil , (Cha'them
spent the week -end at, the bane of
'John' Dennis,'. ' '°
Miss Edna :Crozier is up at 'Wt?g
stain with' her sister, Mrs. Bent Currie,.
'Sunday visitors at 'the home of Mr..
and Mrs. E. Mole were: Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Sparks and family of
Sou'th'ampton; Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
-Mole and tittle granddaughter Grace.
Cook, of Dungannon; Mr. and Mrs, Miss Hattie Arm'sltrong spent a
Wm. Sparks and family of Kincaid- week in Toronto visiting with her
ine; Mr. and Mrs. Clare' of aunt, Mrs. B'orre:tt.
IListolwel. Mr.. and Mrs. George Coates of
'Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Byrne and son NelwtYork were recent visitors . at the
'Jimmie of Detroit were guests at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. Wren. Clark,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune ;Miss Gouley 4f. Ripley, teacher at
last week, iKitrburn school, returned to her diet -
Mr, and Mrs.' George Seip and fain- ids on Monday. Much praise is due
ily were Galt visitors over the holiday. Miss Gaul -ay for her success with her
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Thomson entrance pupils. There were six that
and famiiy moved to Kitchener this (wrote entrance and one -continuation
week. school and all were successful in pass -
Mrs. (Mr.) Charters and daughter in'g.
and son-in-law and family visited her tMr. Fred Jackson, Mrs. MclGregor.
sister, 'Mrs. William Charters. annd_son Ross and Miss Grace Som -
Mr, Frank Hall and Mr. and Mrs. enwitle spent Thursday at ;Kettle (Point.
Bernard Hall. of Londes!b'oro were ' Mrs. Wynne and sons, George and
guests on Tuesday with Mrs, W. L. 'Hlavard and slaughter Phyllis and
Keys. Miss Stewart, all of Forest, visited
Mr, William Fowler of Leaning- Mr. and Mrs. ,William Britton on Sun-
tan and daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Beaton day. Miss Mildred Britton returned
of California are visiting the former's with then' for a few days' visit.
sister, Mrs. Walter Grassie and Mr. Miss Elva Wheatley returned to
.Grassie of Vancouver, who are renew- Toronto alter spending her vacation
ing acquaintances in town. with her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Mrs. Peter McDonald of Egneond- Wheatley
eille has returned from visiting with 'Mr. Theo. Dexter returned home
friends at Amberley. on Thursday after s pending a week
John Bilge spent Labour Day visiting with relatives in London and.
in Toronto. I1der,ton.
Miss Nofa Hodgins of Toronto is Mr.'and Mrs. James McGill and
spending the week with Mrs. L. T. Miss Helen of Clinton were visitors
DelLacey. on Wednesday last at the home of
Mr. Will Brine is a Toronto visit- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yungblut,
Mr. and Mrs. C. DeGeer of Saska-
toon, Sank., visited at the home of
Mrs. Addie IColclough and sons, for
a few days last week and returned. to
Barton's residence; W. William st. 'W'inds'or on Saturday.. Mrs. Colclough
Mrs, L. C. J'ac'kson and Miss E. will, return with them to ;Saskatoon,
Cress,wett are spending a few days at Mr. DeGeer reports that the grass-
Brtice Beach. hoppers have been bad on the prairies
this year. Nearly all the crops have
been affected by them. ,
Mrs. Henry Taylor spent a week
(with her daughter, Mrs. Will Web-
ster and Mr. Webster at St. 'Helens.
Miss Jean Webster of St. Helens
has been spending a week with rela-
tives here. We congratulate Jean on
winning a scholarship for $$0 cash
two years' ''free tuition at London
university. She attended the Wing -
ham Collegiate Insttitu'te.
'gr. Harvey Taylor, Miss Florence
'Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale
visited Mr. and Mos, Will Webster at
St. Helens on Sunday, Mrs. Henry
Taylor returned with them.
The W.A. met at bhe home of Mr.
and 31ts. William Britton on Thurs-
dayof last week when about forty
were present. Mrs. Hugill was in the
chair, After singing the opening
hymn and prayer. by .Mrs. Rogerson
and Mrs. Britton;' the minutes of the
last meeting were 'read and adopted.
The lad'ie's decided to hold their anni-
versary and fowl supper on October
2'3nd and 24th. The chair was then ta-
ken by Miss Ruth Hugill and the fol-
lowing program was given by the
young ladies. Readings by Margaret
Ylungblut, Isabel' Jlatnieson, Jean And-
erson; a piano duet by Ethel and Ella
Dexter, also Mildred and Helen Brit-
ton, Miss Elva Wheatley favored the
meeting with a solo, "Have Thine
Own. Way, Lord," after which Mrs.
Roy Lawson gave a paper on "God
Created Man in His Own Image."
The program closed with prayer by
Mrs. Gardiner. The last number was
sung by a group, Mrs. George Leitch,
/Mrs. Roy Lawson, Mrs, William Brit-
Phone 8
The Woman's 'Missionary Society
of the United Church will hold their
monthly meeting on Thursday of this
wreck in the civu'nch,
Mr. and Mrs. John Seeley of 'Lon-
London visited with friends in the village
on Sunday last,
'Rev. and :Wks. L. W. Diehl of
Thamesville and son, Louis, of Ham-
ilton, called on friends here last Fri-
Miss Dorothy Keyes, after spending
several weeks in Ontario, has return-
ed to her 'home in Nashville, Tenn.'
Miss Jean Reid is visiting friends in
Hamilton and Toronto.
Mrs. Sparrow has returned home
after spending a few weeks in Kitch-
Mrs. Jenkins .of Rochester, N.Y.,
called on friends in this vicinity.
Mr. George Beatty, Sr., delivered a
fine young bull last week to Mr.• Mc-
Gavin of Lead'•bury.
Mr. and Mrs. McAllister, in comp-
any with Mrs. •'Broadfoot and son
James, spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. John Beatty.
The monthly meeting of the 4V,A.
of St. John's Church was held on
Thursday at the home of Mrs, J.
Several from this district attended
the funeral of •Duncan McKenzie, late
of 2nd concession, which was held on
Tuesday to Baird's cemetery.
Miss Francis Mossop started her
duty in S.S. No. 4, Stanley, and Mr.
IAlberhart began his duties in Varna,
No. 6. We wish these young teachers
every success.
Miss McTaggart Of. Clinton spent
Monday with Miss Francis Hossop.
Mr. and Mrs. Weekes motored to
Listowel last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beatty of Mt.
Brydges called on friends in this
eonnnunity Saturday.
Miss Cleave of S•anble line and '
Miss Brooks and Master Jack Brooks
of London spent the week end with
Mrs. Mossop and daughter:
The Misses Beatty of London spent
the holiday at their home here.
"There will be no service in St.
Oahn's Church next Sunday.
Mr. and.: Mrs. Joe. Eckert paid a
short visit in our bung last Monday
on their return trip to Stayn'er, where
{floe. is engaged with the King Paving
Co., and reports the work will soon
be done ,unless an extension is,
The conitintted dry weather' is caus-
ing a shortage its th'e.,y'egetahle, potato
and root crops.
Eck -
C. E
Purcell t
'Messrs. James
art were in our burg last Tuesday.
Miss Mary Ellen Dempsey has re-
,tlirned ko' resume her duties
as ,teacher:
Wank and For Sale Ads, 3 times' 50c.
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an' Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while, to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances,
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or cal—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
Sutrland e
A. D.
'Mr. Charles Reid and his son Stan-
ley visited friends in Toronto last.
Mrs. Belle McCarron and daughter
'Olive of Toronto spent the week end
with friends in the village. They re-
turned home this week accompanied
by the lady's sister, Mrs. Elder of
Boston, who has been spending the
.past few weeks at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Alex, Ross.
Miss !Jessie Tough spent the week
end with friend's in the village.
Mrs. Wilson MaAsh of London,
was the guest of Mrs. R. McKenzie
last week.
Mrs. 'A'bsalom Cosens of Toronto
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James McQueen last week.
Mr. John Rattenbury and children
of Burlington spent a few days with
friends in the village last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Austin Wheeier and
son Donald. of Detroit ,vis&ted at the
home of the former's parents last
Mr. .and Mrs. Forniwall and son
James and Mr, and Mrs, John Baird
of Detroit visited friends in Stanley
last week.
Mr. Jack Ketchen of Drayton vis-
ited friends n the village and vicinity
last week.
'Thrown from the bank of his barn
as he was attending iris horses at his
home near Henson 'on Tuesday even-.
ing, Henry Strang, 60, clerk of Us -
borne township, fell upon some Stones
and sustained painful lacerations to
his face and head. He was taken to
Victoria hospital, London, where, af-
ter his injuries were dressed, his con-
dition was reported as fainly s'atisdac
tart'. Mr. Strang had gone to the
barn at the supper hour. Apparently',
one of the horses crowded him' from
the barn hank and in his plunge his
head struck sharp stones. It is not
thought he was trampled by the
horse. Able to raise an alarm he was
M. G.
and D
r. C. 'Dose a
oroht t p
the it
'Fletcher was %called. The do'cto'r ,ord-
ered his removal to, the London hos-
pital and with the aid of G. A. Rann-
saythe wounds wefe closed. 'Henry
Strang has been clerk of Usbortie
township for many years...
'Rev.' E. A. Boater took his work
again at Goshen, Blake and Varna
last Sunday after spending the month
of August at,Rondeau ,Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dimunicic and
family of Flint, M•ic'n., called on
Friends on Goshen )Line last :Friday.
'Mr, and Mrs. Fred Greenb'erry of
(Flint, aceompanied by Mr. and 'Hz's.
'rhos. Haman of St. Thomas, stent
Sunday with Mr. Thos. Robinson and
Mr. John Watson of IB'rueeifield was
the guest of friends on the Bronson
line on Sunday last.
Mr. Aired 'Slcotchtmer has purclias-
ed the farm in Goderich township
'formerly occupied by Charlie Bell.
Mr. Thomas- Snowden was *he
one da'
Exeter o 3
friends near
t of
last week.
.dr. 'Ernie Townshend of near Clin
ton called on friends in Stanley ou
Tuesday last.
Mr. Will S:cotchmer was 'in Clin
tan on Saturday.